Titles published by Uhrentube Aschau, Oestereich:
Number of documents found: 11
- Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhr - eine Allegorie der Zeit [Die ...] - Zeitbewu?tsein -- PP-Pr?sentation - slide-01-27
SubTitle: [The Clock - Allegory of Time - Beeing Aware of Time - A Powewrpoint Presentation - Part 1 - Sldes 01-27]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Zeitbewustsein
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 21701 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhr - eine Allegorie der Zeit [Die ...] - Zeitbewu?tsein -- PP-Pr?sentation - slide-01-27
SubTitle: [The Clock - Allegory of Time - Beeing Aware of Time - A Powerpoint Presentation - Part 1 - Sldes 01-27]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 21702 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhr - eine Allegorie der Zeit [Die ...] - Zeitbewusstsein -- PP-Pr?sentation - slide-26-54 - Part 2
SubTitle: [The Clock - Allegory of Time - Beeing Aware of Time - A Powerpoint Presentation - Part 2 - Sldes 26-54]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Zeitbewusstsein
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 21703 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 01 - 2004-02
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2004-02 - No. 1
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21694 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 02 - 2004-11
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2004-11 - No. 2
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21695 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 03 - 2005-12
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2005-12
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21696 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 04 - 2006-10
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2006-10
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21697 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 05 - 2007-12
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2007-12
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21698 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 05 - 2008-12
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2008-12
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21699 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Miteilungen Nr. 09 - 2012-12
Keywords: chronograph clock antique
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2012-02
BHM No: 21700 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Uhrenstube Aschau - Mitteilungen Nr. 15a - Dezember [2017 -11 Variant] newsletter of the towerclock museum in Aschau, Austria 2016-11 edition
SubTitle: [an early incomplete release, focussing only on Chronometrophilia visit in Sept 2017]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Aschau
Edition: 2017-11
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21665
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