Titles published by Bonhams, Montpellier Street, London:
Number of documents found: 2
- Bonhams, John Baddeley
Title: [B-2018-09-19-MontpelierStreetLondon] Instruments of Science and Technology - includes Sundials, Engima CyperMachines, Sundials, Globes, drafting Inst
Other Keywords: Engima
Edition: 2018-09-19
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 22218 - Bonhams
Title: [B-Lon-20019-Sept-10] Watches and Wristwatches-218 lots- Montpelier Street London
SubTitle: [Printout of webdownlod of catalog]
Keywords: UK-London watch
Edition: 2019-09-20
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 23180
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