Titles published by Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuernberg, Germany:
Number of documents found: 2
- Roland Schewe
Title: Gestell des Behaim-Globus [Das...] - An Articler in: Focus Behai, Globus - Austellngskatalog des Germanischenn Nationalmuseums Bd1 - p.279-288 - 1992
SubTitle: [The frame of the Behaim Globe - an article in the book format scholarly museum catalog of 1992]
Other Keywords: Beheim
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 22796 - Thomas Eser[Project-Management]
Title: https://www.uhrenrestaurator.de/de/referenz-forschungsprojekt-im-germanischen-nationalmuseum-nuernberg
SubTitle: Link to the no fee video of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum on the so called Peter Henlein Uhr (status:2021/08)
Keywords: mechanical specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch iron-geared
Other Keywords: Peter Henlein - sogenannte Henleinuhr famous
Edition: 2021-08-08
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24260
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