Titles published by Krause:
Number of documents found: 5
- Dean Judy
Title: 100 years of Vintage Watches
SubTitle: A Collectors Identification & Price Guide
Keywords: basic
Other Keywords: Price
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 4633 - Kyle Husfloen, Mark Moran
Title: Antique Trader Clocks Price Guide
SubTitle: including all types of clocks - 17th through 20th century
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: price
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 276
BHM No: 9629 - Chris Wallace
Title: Make Time for Clocks - 30 unique designs for your home
Keywords: clock how-to
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 13755 - Robert Swedberg, Hariett Swedberg
Title: Price Guide to Antique Clocks
SubTitle: Over 600 photos of antique clocks with current values - Collecting tips and historical information -
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 320
BHM No: 1842 - Hariett Swedberg, Robert Swedberg
Title: Warman's American Clocks - Field Guide
SubTitle: Values and Identification
Other Keywords: identifying
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 512
BHM No: 6272
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