Titles with words containing : Page 11
Number of documents found: 1000
- Radko Kyncl, Jaroslav Guth, Martin [Photography] Tuma
Title: Hodiny a Hodinky - Fotograficky Atlas
Keywords: anthology
Other Keywords: czeck technical museum
Edition: 2001, 1st edition
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 4239 - Enrico Morpurgo, Willet Holthuysen
Title: hoe laat was het? Het nederlandse uurwerk
SubTitle: gemeente musea amsterdam catalog no. 145, willet holthuysen voorjaar 1956
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Citymuseum Amsterdam Gemeentemuseum
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6960 - Heinz Sigmund
Title: Hoehensonnenuhren mit digitaler Anzeige
Parent Document ID: 616 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2001, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 40
Page or pages: 179
BHM No: 13383 - Urban Juergensen, Louis Urban Juergensen
Title: hoehere Uhrmacherkunst [Die?]. Regeln fuer die genaue Abmessung der Zeit durch Uhren
SubTitle: oder Anweisung zur Verfertigung astronomischer, nautischeroder anderer genauen Uhren
Keywords: historic precision advanced theory
Other Keywords: jeweling
Edition: 1980 facsimile edition of 1842
Page or pages: 375
BHM No: 7027 - Schloss-Schoenbrunn-Kultur-und-Betriebs-GmbH
Title: Hofburg Plan - Hofburg Map / Hofburg Kaiserappartments Imperial Appartments
SubTitle: [Fanfold, 6p, bilingual ENG/GER, including Siberkammer {Silver Strongroom]
Keywords: highgrade luxury clock
Other Keywords: Hofburg
Edition: 2003?
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 21856 - Elfriede Iby
Title: Hofburg Wien - The Imperial Apartments
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Hofburg Wien
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 3495 - Stacy B.C. Wood
Title: Hoff Family [The?] : Master Clockmakers of Lancaster Borough
SubTitle: in Vol.81, No. 4 of Jounal of the Lancaster County Historical Society
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Lancaster Hoff
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 2018 - Hoffman Museum
Title: Hoffman Clock Museum, Newark NY
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Hoffman Newark
Edition: 1980s? undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15636 - Hoffman Museum
Title: Hoffmann Clock Museum [The...] - Located in the Newark Public Library, Newar, New York [ca. 2013 flyer]
SubTitle: www.hoffmanclockmuseum.org
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Hoffmann Newark
Edition: 2013 ca.
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19307 - Silke Kiesant
Title: Hofuhrmacher Johann Rudolf Fischer und seine Werke [Der...] - meine Invention (...) von Clavier oder Harffen Uhren...
SubTitle: dergleichen die neue Invention von Floeten Uhren
Keywords: musical clock
Other Keywords: Preussen
Parent Document ID: 20209 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2015, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 9-22
BHM No: 20211 - Henri Marquis
Title: Hohe Schule [Die?] von Form und Zeit - Ein Jahrhundert Uhrendesign von Juvenia
SubTitle: The Art of Dressing Time - A centuryof watch styling from Juvenia
Other Keywords: Juvenia
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 121
BHM No: 2703 - Macy - Jordan Marsh
Title: Holiday Time - Jordan Marsh - Macys - Booklet #749
SubTitle: our best watches, exclusives asavings and bonuses [1995]
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: Macy
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 7413 - Juergen Ermert
Title: Hollaendisches Vanitas Stilleben aus dem 17. Jahrhundert mit Renaissance Wanduhr
SubTitle: [A Dutch 17th century stilllife featuring a Renaissance wall clock]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 16388 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2011, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 091-96
BHM No: 16392 - Cees Peeters
Title: Hollandse Horloges [Dutch Watches]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2012 1st edition
Page or pages: 327
BHM No: 17160 - Pier vanLeeuwen, C.A. Grimbergen, Hans vandenEnde
Title: Hollandse Huisuurwerken van Engelse Signatur (1675-1750)
SubTitle: Dutch Domestic Clocks, the English Way (1675-1750)
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 5770 - Museum-Nederlands-Urwerk, Zanse-Scham-Museum-Village[NL]
Title: Hollandse Huisuurwerken van Enlgese Signatuur (1675-1750) [A temporary exhibit at the Museum van Nederlandse Uuwerk 2004 -
SubTitle: [A six panel b&w fanfold on the temporary exhibit 2004 of dutch made for British makrket clocks ]
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 23060 - Parent Document Title: Collection of 33 Ephemera items relating to the planing of the AHS USA Section Horological Studytour 2005 to the Netherlands and Belgium
Edition: m
Page or pages: 6 panel fanfold
BHM No: 23073 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Holmstrom Journal Article Database [on horological subjects]
SubTitle: By 1st Keyword - by by title - by Author
Keywords: bibliography article theory General
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 79
BHM No: 3515 - Jaap Smelik
Title: Holzraederuhr mit Comtoise aehnlichen Rechen
Parent Document ID: 1758 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 21
Edition: 21
Page or pages: 59
BHM No: 12859 - Berthold Schaaf, Hugo Maier, Klaus Hess, Fridolin Staub
Title: Holzraederuhren
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: wooden gears wood movement
Edition: 1986, 1st edition
Page or pages: 223
BHM No: 7028 - Helmuth Kainer, Richard Muhe
Title: Holzuhren - Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Schwarzwaelder und Schweizer Holzuhren
SubTitle: Furtwanger Beitraege zur Uhrengeschichte - Band 2
Keywords: gear Switzerland
Other Keywords: wooden gearing
Edition: 1981, 1st edition
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 5212 - Paul Lerner, James Stacy
Title: Homage 2 II -- A Collaboration between Laurant Ferrier x Phllips in Association with Bacs & Russo
SubTitle: A Press release dated Wed.Oct-13-2021 | (2&12 pages)
Keywords: mechanical luxury specific watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-21-October
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 24511 - Jean-Marie Nussbaum
Title: Homage a Maurice Favre 1888-1861
SubTitle: Un homme dans la cite
Keywords: biography CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds
Other Keywords: Maurice Favre
Edition: 1962 limited and numbered edition
Page or pages: 138
BHM No: 15452 - Blancpain,
Title: Homage an Jehans-Jaques Blancpain, Wegbereiter und Gr?nder der ?ltesten Uihrenmarke der Welt
SubTitle: Blancpain
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Blancpin
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 2009 - ?,
Title: Homage to Theodor Beyer
SubTitle: Special supplement to Trubune des Arts, Geneve 2004
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Bayer Theodore Teddy Anette Zurich
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 9685 - Shawn Carlson
Title: Home is where the ECG is
Other Keywords: ECG monoitor electroncs
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000 jun
Page or pages: 104 - 107
BHM No: 8419 - Doug Briney
Title: Home Machinist's Handbook [The?]
SubTitle: A complete do-it-yourselfer's guide to machine work ? with projects!
Keywords: lathe practical
Other Keywords: Sherline
Edition: 1983, 1st edition
Page or pages: 275
BHM No: 2928 - Andrew Jackson
Title: Home Mechanics Workshop Companion
Keywords: practical how-to
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 222
BHM No: 15309 - Watch Company, Waltham
Title: Home of the Waltham Watch [The...]
SubTitle: Compliments of Waltham Watch Company, Waltham Mass.
Other Keywords: Waltham
Edition: undated, ev ca 1900
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 10505 - Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1993
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precision Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer hobbyist
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7307 - Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1994
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer hobbyist
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7308 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1995
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Other Keywords: consumer
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 5024 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1996
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Other Keywords: consumer
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 5025 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1997
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Other Keywords: consumer
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 450
BHM No: 5026 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1998
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Other Keywords: consumer
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 450
BHM No: 5027 - Shop Machinist, Home, Wilhelm. [Editor] Schultz
Title: Home Shop Machinist 1999
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer turning milling
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7303 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 2000
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer turning milling
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7304 - Shop Machinist, Home, Joe (Editor) Rice
Title: Home Shop Machinist 2001
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer turning milling
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7305 - Shop Machinist, Home, Neil (Editor) Knopf
Title: Home Shop Machinist 2002
SubTitle: Dedicated to Precison Metalworking
Keywords: machine lathe
Other Keywords: consumer turning milling
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 7306 - Illinois School of Watch Repairing
Title: Home Study Course in Practical Watch Repairing -[ Incomplete - Lessons 1 , 2, 3, 4, 7 & 9] 1946 edition
SubTitle: Illinois School of Watch Repairing
Keywords: textbook watch
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 16485 - F.A. Thomas
Title: Home Study Course of the Wisconsin Institute of Horlogy [Original, second edition1921]
SubTitle: [Mailorder professional training for watch and clockmakers]
Keywords: clock watch practical
Other Keywords: Wisconsin
Edition: 1921, 2nd edition
BHM No: 18190 - F.A. Thomas
Title: Home Study Course of the Wisconsin Institute of Horology - Misc. Original Documents
SubTitle: Prospectus (2 versions, undated,incl.sample plate and tool list), Lessons 1-3, 4-6, 7-9; plates for Les.1-4; Introduction and lesson 1 (2nd ed 1921;
Keywords: clock watch basic
Other Keywords: Wisconsin
Edition: 1918? undated and 1921
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 16118 - Wisconsin Istitute of Horology, F.A.Thomas, Leonard A. Steifert
Title: Home Study Course of the Wisconsin Institute of Horology [An collection of ephemera from the years 1919 to 1927 relating to Leonard A. Steifert ...
SubTitle: of Schenectady NY considering and taking this course of instruction]
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: Wisconsin
Edition: 1919
BHM No: 19429 - Byron Sweazey
Title: Home Study Watch Repairing can be profitable for you
SubTitle: Chicago School of Watchmaking [1956]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Chicago
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14436 - George Schmermund
Title: Homemade Microgram Electrobalances
Other Keywords: microbalance
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 jun
Page or pages: 100 - 101
BHM No: 8415 - Several
Title: Hommage a Conrad Ilg
SubTitle: [Swiss labor leader 1877-1954, including horological workers]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: SMUV Ilg labour union
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 11643 - TheLawyer Hognoul, Hubert Sarton[ClockAndWatchmaker], Richard Watkins[Translator]
Title: Hommage de Hubert Sarton
SubTitle: [Scan of Original French Text published 1822
Keywords: biography clock watch
Other Keywords: Sarton
Edition: 20116 weboffprint of 1822 original
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 20686 - Helga Pohl, Jean R. Weiland[Translator]
Title: homme a la pousuite du temps [L'...]
SubTitle: [Serial:] la collection des decouvertes - d'un monde a l'autre [original: Wenn Dein Schatten 6 Fuss misst Bernenike]
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 358
BHM No: 9722 - Societe Pedagogique de la Suisse Romande
Title: Homme et le Temps [L'...] - Fiches d'imformation d'Horlogerie
SubTitle: editees par la Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie et la Societe Pedagogique de la Suisse Romande
Keywords: textbook juvenile timekeeping time
Other Keywords: worksheets teachers guide
Edition: undated, ca. early 1970s
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 11631 - MIH,
Title: homme et le temps [L'...] - la perception du temps avant sa mesure mechanique
SubTitle: Invitation : l'inauguration d'un nouvelle espace du musee - le jeudi 20 jannvier 2011 a 18h30
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 15567 - Jacques Cornu, Jean-Marie Nussbaum, Pierre Zoelly, Pierre Imhof
Title: Homme et le Temps [L'...] - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie La Chaux-de-Fonds [Septembre 1970]
SubTitle: La Fondation Maurice Favre - La mesure du temps - Le musee actuel - Le musee vu du terroir - Le mussee vue de'etranger - Le project - Les collections
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: MIH
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 19684 - La Chaux-de-Fonds MuseeInternationalD'horlogerie
Title: homme et le temps [L'..]
SubTitle: Musee International d'horlogerie La Chaux de Fonds
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: MIH
Edition: 1977, 10'000 copies
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 29 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: Homme et le Temps: Textes - Vitrines - Haches, Karnack, Stonehenge Dates d'histoire Locale et Mondial - Petite Histoire de la Mesure du Temps [2011 Ed
SubTitle: [French language version of a series of handout/flyers accompaning a 2011 update of the permanent exhibit at Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie, LCdF
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 17177 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: Homme et le Temps: Textes-Vitrines-Haches, Karnack, Stonehenge Dates d'histoire Locale et Mondial - Peti Histoire de la Mesure du Temps [2026 Ed FRE]
SubTitle: [French language version of a series of handout/flyers accompaning a 2016 update of the permanent exhibit at Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie, LCdF
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch time
Other Keywords: MIH
Edition: 2016?
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20638 - Jean-Marie Nussbaum
Title: Homme [Un?] dans la Cite - Hommage a Maurice Favre
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Favre La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 1964, 1st edition
Page or pages: 139
BHM No: 1881 - Sotheby's
Title: Honeyman Collection of Scientific Books and Manuscripts - Part 1-Books A-B - The property of Sotheby Park Bernet
SubTitle: [beeing [S-1978-10-30-3-Lon] Part one, 560 Lots
Keywords: bibliography catalog reference
Other Keywords: Honeyman
Edition: 1978-10-30
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 19881 - Sotheby's Hong-Kong
Title: Hong Kong Spring Auctions 2022: A Recap of the Weeks's Biggest Moments | 28 pages | April 29, 2022 - a recap ....
SubTitle: ....of the Week's Biggest Moments - AN E-MAIL BLAST
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hong Kong
Edition: 8/20/22, 5:47 pm
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 24952 - Horological Asociation of Indiana
Title: Hoosier Horologist - Indiana's Stae Horological Newsletter - Serving Indiana's Clockmakers Since 1933
SubTitle: Published for te Horological Asociation of Indiana [Volume 33 , Issue 3 is July August 1992]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: ndiana
BHM No: 14653 - F. Hope-Jones
Title: Hope Jones Synchronome Miscellany
Keywords: electric
Other Keywords: Synchronome
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 87 - Shirley deVoe
Title: Hopkins and Alfred - Clockmakers of Harwintown, CT
SubTitle: in "Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin" No4, Vol 35 (October 1970)
Keywords: bibliography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Hopkins Alfred Harwintown
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 6295 - Hora(Milano)
Title: HORA - Associazione Italiana Cultori di Orologeria Antica [A partial website offprint 2017 for archival purposes]
SubTitle: [One of the Italian Organisation of Clock and Watch Collectots, based in Milano. Includes contact info, Bylaws, and 20th Anniversary Congrats Statemen
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21925 - No author given
Title: HORA - Gazette Mensuelle - Pour l'Horloger,le Mecanicien, le Bijoutier, l'Orfevre - [Two issues : no.18 Seotember 1917, no.20 Nov. 1917]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Edition: 1917 sep and Nov
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 20899 - Annonymous
Title: hora antiqua 1978 [A picture calendar for 1978, with monthly color phograph of German clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar 1978
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 15844 - Annonymous
Title: hora antiqua 1979 [A picture calendar for 1979, with monthly color phograph of German clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar 1979
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 15845 - Annonymous
Title: hora antiqua 1980 [A picture calendar for 1980, with monthly color phograph of German clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar 1980
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 15846 - Annonymous
Title: hora antiqua 1981 [A picture calendar for 1981, with monthly color phograph of German clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar 1981
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 15847 - Annonymous
Title: hora antiqua 1977 [A picture calendar for 1977, with monthly color phograph of German clocks]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 19650 - unknown
Title: Hora Nocturnus
SubTitle: Rejoj Estelar - Star Clock- Horloge Stellaire - Sternenuhr Relogio Estelar - Notturno
Other Keywords: Nocturnal
Edition: 2011?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 16696 - unknown
Title: hora-aniqua 1986 [A wall calendar for 1986 with monthly images of antique clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14744 - Geoff Horner
Title: Horace Archibald Taylor (1888-1980) and the ' Tayco ' Electric Clock
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. 89 - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Tayco
Edition: 2015 no. 89
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 20236 - des Monts, Le Locle Chateau
Title: Horamatic, montres a remontage automatique de 1770 a 1978
SubTitle: Musee d'horlogerie Chateau des Monts
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: Le Locle Horomatic automatic
Edition: 1978, limited edition
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 1123 - G?nther Knesch
Title: HORAS OMNES COMPLECTOR Sonnenuhren in Oxford
Parent Document ID: 11432 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2007, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 46
Page or pages: 115
BHM No: 13536 - Tracey Steffora
Title: Horas, minutos y segundos [Hours, Minutes and Seconds] - [Series:] Medir el tiempo [Measuring time]
SubTitle: [a primary grades reader on time for spanish speaking 4 to 7 year old children]
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 17225 - Salomon Coster
Title: Horizonatal Tabel Clock ca.1650
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 05
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 8655 - Severijn Oosterwijk
Title: Horizonatal Tabel Clock with alarm ca. 1655
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 07
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 8657 - Dieter Landrock
Title: Horizontale Tischuhren aus der Sammlung Landrock, Zittau in Sachsen
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 3
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 12503 - G?nther Knesch
Title: Horizontalsonnenuhren in Niederbayern
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 13004 - Gabriele Mandel, Luca Lucetti[Photographer]
Title: Horloge [L'...] - Histoire de la mesure du temp | La Targedie de chronos - Le temps, le soleil, la lune - de l'ombre - a l'eau, au sable -
SubTitle: de l'horloge solaire a l'horloge mechanique - De l'horloge mulal a l'horloge de table - De l'horloge de table a la montre de poche - L'horloge d'art
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 22382 - Alphonse Wins, Jean Chalon(Preface)
Title: Horloge a travers des ages [L'...]
SubTitle: Preface de Jean Chalon - 67e Volume de la Collection: Memoires et Publications, Societe des sciences, des arts et des lettres du Hinaut
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: 1781 Belgium royal inventory
Edition: 1924, 1st edition
Page or pages: 343
BHM No: 14538 - Auguste Lucien Verite[clockmaker], Annonymous, P. Bandibas -Gouday, Rene Baillaud
Title: Horloge Astronomique de Besancon [L'...] - par A.-L. Verite - An amalgam of various historic documents | 1. 1945,English lang.postcard,
SubTitle: 2.1860, Annonyme, Jacquin imprimeur, 3.1945 Astronomical clock 16 p.in English, 4.Horloge Astronomique 32 p. Imp. Brandibas 32p., 5.ProcesVerbaux1958
Keywords: cert.chronometer monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Edition: 1958 or later
Page or pages: 69
BHM No: 20173 - Bernard Capo, Antoine Brunet[Illustrator]
Title: Horloge astronomique de Bourges [L'...] - Histoire d'une rehabilitation
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Bourges cathedral
Edition: 1994, 1st edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11952 - des Monument Nationale, Centre
Title: horloge astronomique de la cathedrale de Besancon
SubTitle: [Publicity Flyer French/English/German ca 2005]
Keywords: skeletonised monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18880 - Roger Lehni, R. Beaumont-Craggs[Translator]
Title: Horloge Astronomique de la cathedrale de Strasbourg [English language VIDEO]
Keywords: specific astronomical monumental
Other Keywords: Strasbourg
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 7147 - Alfred Ungerer, A. Danjon, G. Rougier
Title: Horloge astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg [L'...]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Strassburg Strasbourg cathedral Schwilgue Habrecht
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 14291 - Roger Lehni
Title: Horloge Astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg [L'?]
Keywords: catalog astronomical monumental specific
Other Keywords: Strasbourg cathedral Schwilgue
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6824 - Theodore Ungerer
Title: Horloge Astronomique disparue d'Isaac Habrecht (1583)
SubTitle: [An article on p.101-111 of Archives Alsaciennes (1930) describing a manuscript (No.1562) in the Strasbourg regional archives
Keywords: astronomy clock
Other Keywords: Habrecht astrolabe Fugger Babbenhausen Stettenfels
Edition: 1930
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 19265 - de Ploemerel, Freres
Title: Horloge Astronomique du Frere Bernardin
SubTitle: a la Communaute des Freres de Ploemerel
Keywords: specific astro
Other Keywords: Bernardin Plomerel
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 3535 - Daniel Vacey, Jean Moreau[Preface]
Title: Horloge Astronomique fe Daniel Vachey [1971]
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) astronomy clock
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 20160 - Phiippe Legin
Title: Horloge Astronomique par l'image [L'...] [The Astronomical clock of Strassbourg]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Strassbourg
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 15877 - unknown
Title: Horloge astronomique realisee entre 1857 et 1860 par Lucien Verite, horloger a Beauvais, [horloge maintenant a la] Cathedrale Saint Jean de Besancon
SubTitle: [Postcard image of the monumental astronomical clock by Lucier Verite buiult 1857 - 1860, now on view at Besancon cathedral]
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0253
BHM No: 16790 - Combier(Macon)[Photographer]
Title: horloge Astronomique [L'...]. La plus merveilleuse pi?ce de mechanique modern. Don du Cardinal Mathieu Archev?que de Besan?on
SubTitle: Carte Postal (undated, presumably pre 1920s) Con?ue et ex?cut?e? Phot. Combier ? Macon. Not mailed as postcard: unused
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Parent Document ID: 20173 - Parent Document Title: Horloge Astronomique de Besancon [L'...] - par A.-L. Verite - An amalgam of various historic documents | 1. 1945,English lang.postcard,
BHM No: 20182
Title: Horloge Astronomique [L'?] de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg
Keywords: astronomical complication highgrade mechanical monumental specific
Other Keywords: strassbourg cathedral Schwilgue
Edition: 1992
BHM No: 6734- P. Brandibas-Gouday
Title: Horloge Astronomique [L'?] de Saint Jean Besancon
SubTitle: Nouvelle Edition
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Besancon
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1299 - Camille Festraets[clockmaker], Hendrik Prijs
Title: Horloge Astronomiques de Compensation
SubTitle: [a 1930s French monumental 6 meters tall 'astronomicical' clock]
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Edition: 1930's undated
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20162 - Helmut Schramm
Title: Horloge d'Art du Musee Junghans, Schramberg - Arthur Junghans'sche Kunstuhr - The Art clcok in the museum in the city of Schramberg
SubTitle: Exposition Universelle, Paris 1900 [An illustrated information sheet in French and German, accompanied by an English tanslation]
Keywords: catalog astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Junghans kunstuhr schramberg
Edition: ca. 2000 undated
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 12331 - Musee du Temps Besancon
Title: Horloge d'Edifice [Tower clocks] - Collection du Musee du Temps Besancon - du 21 Avril au 16 Septembre 2012
SubTitle: Dossier de presse [Press kit]
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Besancon
Edition: 2012-04
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 17292 - Mecenat technologique et scientifique de EDF
Title: horloge de Bourges [L'...]
SubTitle: 1. Le projet, 2. Un peu d'histoire, 3. La mise en etat de conservation du mechanism ancien, 4. La construction du nouveaux systeme, 5. Comment lire ..
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: Bourges
Edition: 1994 undated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11953 - Geraldine McCaugherean, Steven Lambert
Title: horloge de grand-mere [l'?]
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: picture book
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5696 - Stewart Brand, Gwilym Tonnere[Translator]
Title: Horloge du Long Mainteneant [L'...] - L'ordinateur le plus lent du monde
SubTitle: [French translation of: The Clock f the Long Now]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big precision clock
Other Keywords: longnow
Edition: 2012 1st French edition
Page or pages: 209
BHM No: 18011 - ingenia,
Title: Horloge en Papier
SubTitle: fonctionne, se remonte, se regle comme une veritable horloge
Other Keywords: kit paper
Edition: 1936
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 3003 - Jean Steinauer
Title: horloge fl?trie [L'...]
Keywords: REGIONAL CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: labour unions
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 198
BHM No: 9762 - Ren Schoppig
Title: Horloge Francaise a pois - Sa periode artisanale du XVIe siecleau debut du XIX siecle
SubTitle: [A combbound Photocopyof the Chapter in Tardys book]
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 22872 - Eduoard Duret
Title: Horloge historique de Nyort en Poitou, fabrique en 1570 par Jean Bouhon - [An article in Revue Poitvine et Saitongeaise, VIe annee Nov, 1889, p.432-4]
SubTitle: [based on a manuscript in the Bibliotheque Nationale MS francais No.1744 - clock had oval dial and hand following oval periphery]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: oval
Edition: 1889
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19058 - Theodore Gribi, Hezekiah Conant, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Translator]
Title: Horloge Isochrone de M. H[ezekiah]. Conant
SubTitle: Article on the Conant Four Pendulum Clock [Published in French January 1895 in JHS, plus English translation}
Keywords: precision clock
Other Keywords: Conant Four pendulum
Edition: 2012 translation
BHM No: 17257 - Christophe Roulet[Editor]
Title: horloge la plus precise du monde [L'...] - Point de vue [from Haute Horlogerie (online) 30 aout 2013]
SubTitle: Comparativement aux montres quartz l'horloge atonomique du NIST affiche une precision dix milliard de fois plus elevee
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: NIST
Edition: 2013-09
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18404 - L. Verite, Etienne Musique
Title: Horloge Monumentale - Description et Fonctionnement -
SubTitle: de la cathedrale de Beauvais, et de l'Horloge a Carillion du XIVe siecle
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: monumental carillion Beauvais cathedral
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5348 - Charles Brachet
Title: horloge parlante de l'observatoiore de Paris distribue publiquement l'heure exacte
SubTitle: beeing an article in the June 1932 issue of "La Science et la vie" magazine
Keywords: electromechanical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: talking clock paris observatory
Edition: 1932
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 5511 - Antiquorum,
Title: Horloge pour mesurer le temps en mer - invented by M. Sully
SubTitle: Henry Sully a Versailles Inventit 1721 et Fecit 1722
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Other Keywords: Sully
Edition: 1999?
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 12274 - Robosphere,, MIH,
Title: Horloge Robotique XXI CC [English edition]
SubTitle: [Description of a unique concept robotic clock displayed temporarily in 2012 at the Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie in La Chaux-de-Fonds]
Keywords: electronic specific clock digital
Other Keywords: robot
Edition: 2012 - English
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 17321 - Robosphere,, MIH,
Title: Horloge Robotique XXI CC [French edition]
SubTitle: [Description of a unique concept robotic clock displayed temporarily in 2012 at the Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie in La Chaux-de-Fonds]
Keywords: electronic specific clock digital
Other Keywords: robot
Edition: 2012 - French
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 17323 - Robosphere,, MIH,
Title: Horloge Robotique XXI CC [German edition]
SubTitle: [Description of a unique concept robotic clock displayed temporarily in 2012 at the Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie in La Chaux-de-Fonds]
Keywords: electronic specific clock digital
Other Keywords: robot
Edition: 2012 - German
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 17322 - Nathalie Jaulin, Christine Schaerer, Natacha Vallon
Title: Horloge Solaire du Lycee Stendhal 1673 [L'...]
Keywords: monumental/big specific
Other Keywords: staircase sundial
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 10959 - Francois Branciard, Charles Morat
Title: Horloge [L'..] Astronomique de la Cathedrale Saint Jean de Lyon
SubTitle: Histoire de la plus ancienne horloge astronomique situee a l'interieur d'une eglise et encore en mar
Keywords: specific astro automaton
Other Keywords: lyon
Edition: 1993, 1st edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 725 - Mathieu Planchon
Title: Horloge [l'?]
SubTitle: Son Histoire retrospective, pittoresque et Artostoque
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1923, 2nd edition (Nouvelle Editions
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 853 - Theodore Ungerer
Title: Horloge [L'?] Astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg
SubTitle: Historique - Description - Fonctionnement
Keywords: specific astro automaton
Other Keywords: Strassbourg cathedral
Edition: 1966, 11th edition revue et corrigee
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2524 - Theodore Ungerer
Title: Horloge [L'?] Astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg
Keywords: specific astro
Other Keywords: Strassbourg cathedral
Edition: 1949, unnumbered edition?
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 3605 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: horlogeie a la belle epoque, de l'atelier au Jardin [L'...] - Musee Internationale d'Horlogeie [ MIH, 2005-2006 ]
SubTitle: [A series of flyers and handouts distributed by MIH 2005-2006 during the Belle Epoque/Jugendstil temporary exhibits in La Chaux-de-Fonds]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: Belle Epoque , Jugendstil
BHM No: 18835 - Willhelm Schultz, Charles Gros[Translator]
Title: Horloger a l'etabli [L'...] - Guide pratique du Reparateur et du Repasseur
SubTitle: Traduit de l'Allemand [268 b&w figures in the text]
Keywords: reference textbook historic technical practical
Edition: 1909, 4th French edition
Page or pages: 428
BHM No: 11833 - Sylvie Anne
Title: horloger bien tranquille [Un...]
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 10579 - Louis Meyer
Title: Horloger Bijoutier Amateur [L'...]
SubTitle: ou Les Secrets de l'Horlogerie devoiles - Ouvrage coronne par le "Protectorat Francais des Arts industriels"
Keywords: textbook basic technical practical how-to
Other Keywords: amateur
Edition: 1900? undated
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 11044 - Georges Simenon
Title: horloger d'Everton [L'..]
Other Keywords: detective mystery novel Maigret
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 189
BHM No: 431 - J. Hesse, P. Legendre
Title: Horloger du Roi
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 1406 - Bernard Miclet
Title: Horloger du XIXe siecle - Auguste Lucier Verite 1806-1887
SubTitle: [offprint of two articles publisahed in ANCAHA Bulletins No.18 and 19]
Keywords: clock watch
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 17363 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Horloger Electricien [L'..]
Keywords: textbook electrical advanced theory
Other Keywords: early
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 205
BHM No: 85 - Hans Jendritzki, Marcel Bergeon
Title: horloger et son tour [L'...]
SubTitle: [Original title: Der Uhrmacher an der Drehbank]
Keywords: textbook machinery lathe technical practical
Other Keywords: turning waqtchmakers lathe
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 9656 - F. Tiebaud, E. Jaquet[Preface]
Title: Horloger practicien [L'...] - Horlogerie - Pendulerie [Series: Bibliotheque Horlogere]
SubTitle: [The practical watch and clock maker]
Keywords: textbook clock watch technical practical
Edition: 1931
Page or pages: 89
BHM No: 20571 - Ch. Poncet, Leon Eyrolles[Editor]
Title: Horloger [L'...] -
SubTitle: Le livre de la profession
Keywords: textbook clock watch technical
Edition: Undated, 1920s
Page or pages: 308
BHM No: 11645 - J.B. Livingstone
Title: horloger [L'?] de Buckingham
SubTitle: Les dossier de Scotland Yard
Other Keywords: mustery detective novel
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 249
BHM No: 1994 - Yves Heurte
Title: horloger [L'?] de l'aube
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: novel play
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 1995 - Luc Estang
Title: horloger [L'?] du Cherche-Midi
Other Keywords: novel
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 276
BHM No: 1993 - Estelle Fallet
Title: Horloger [Les?] de la Revolution Neuchateloise
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 1998, 1st edition
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 1530 - Henri Havard, M. [Illustrator] Gouin
Title: Horlogerie
SubTitle: Les Art de l' Ameublement
Other Keywords: style furniture furnishing art
Edition: 1895
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 4021 - Henri Buehler
Title: Horlogerie
SubTitle: Le Pays de Neuchatel - 1948 - Collection publiee a l'occasion du centenaire de la Republique
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 105
BHM No: 2853 - Liliane Bandini
Title: Horlogerie
SubTitle: [1953 classnotes of a Swiss horology stendent]
Keywords: textbook theory
Other Keywords: classnotes
Edition: 1953
BHM No: 9825 - Kalust Zorik, Francois H. Courvoisier, Alain Debenedeti, Kim Claes, Frederic Godart, Nicolas Hansens, Veg-Sala, Julius Kretzer, Jean-Philippe Danglade, Pablo-Brice deDiessbach, Sebastian Loeb, Michel Cugnet, Guillaume Nery, GuillIaume Tetu
Title: Horlogerie et ses ambassadeures [L'..] - 14e Journee Internationale du Marketing Horloger
SubTitle: [Horology and it's ambassaders - The 14th conference of horological marketing]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: maerketing
Edition: 2010=14th edition
Page or pages: 292
BHM No: 21159 - de Geneve, Ville
Title: Horlogerie (Salle 3) - Musee d'art et d'histoire - Ville de Geneve
SubTitle: Guide illustres No. 7
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: Geneva
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5176 - & Cheval, Chayette, Anthony J. Turner
Title: Horlogerie - a l'etude Chayette-Cheval / Horology at Chayette-Cheval
SubTitle: [a flyer ca. 2002]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Edition: 2002 ca
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18851 - Diderot d'Alembert[Publisher], F. Fabrini[Engraver]
Title: Horlogerie - Contenant soixante-quatre Plaches [bound in Velum]
SubTitle: [23 pages of text and 64 ORIGINAL copper engraved plates on Horology from Diderot d'Alembert's encyclopedia ca.1760
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: Diderot
Edition: 1730 ca.
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 19214 - Horlogerie - Demo
Title: Horlogerie - Demo
SubTitle: Developement, conception et realisation de mechanismes horlogers de demonstration
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: demonstration models
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 11608 - Giampiero Negretti, Paolo deVecchi
Title: Horlogerie - Les Collections
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 239
BHM No: 14504 - Patrick Augerau
Title: Horlogerie - Les Montres Ultra Compliquees - Les Rouages Lunaires
SubTitle: Receuil d'articles publies dans Cetehor Informations No. 89, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99 (1989-1994)
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) gearing watch
Other Keywords: CETEHOE lunar
Edition: 1989-1994
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 18056 - V.-A. Pierret
Title: HORLOGERIE - Outillage et Mechanique
SubTitle: [Horology - Tools and Mechanics]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch tools
Edition: 1885 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 19188 - Oscar Beausoleil
Title: Horlogerie - Reparations
SubTitle: Collection Les Livres Jeaunes No. 14
Keywords: howto basic
Edition: 1940s? 3eme edition
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 5441 - ?,
Title: Horlogerie - SS - Demonstration des Engrenages &c - Pl.XIX [19]
SubTitle: Fig. 98 - Fig. 108 [Oversized engraving , plate from unidentified book]
Keywords: gearing movement
Other Keywords: Engrenages
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12320 - Jean-Michel Piguet, Nicole Bosshart, Cl?mence Schmidt
Title: horlogerie ? la Belle Epoque [L'...], de l'atelier au Jardin - L'?cho des temps, 2005-2006, ann?e Art nouveau
SubTitle: Watchmaking during the Belle Epoque from the workshop to the garden - Die Uhrmacherei der Belle Epoque, vom Atelier in den Garten - MIH Exposition2006
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Other Keywords: Art Nouveau La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 9659 - Estelle Fallet, Anne Baetner, Gabrielle Minot-Matot
Title: Horlogerie a Geneve [L...] - Magie des Metiers. Tresors d'or et d'email [Catlogue de l'exposition temporaire au Musee Rath, 15 dec 2011-29 avril 2012]
SubTitle: [Horology in Geneva - The Magic of craftmanship - Treasures in gold and enamel -Catalog of the temporary exhibit Dec2011/Apr2012 Musee Rath Geneva]
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL CH-Geneva clock watch
Other Keywords: Geneve Geneva enamal email
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 16545 - Estelle Fallet
Title: Horlogerie a Geneve [L...] - Magie des Metiers. Tresors d'or et d'email [Catlogue de l'exposition temporaire au Musee Rath, 15 dec 2011-29 avril 2012]
SubTitle: [Horology in Geneva - The Magic of the cafts - Treasures in gold and enamel -Free Catalog Summary of the temporary exhibit..FRENCH]
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL CH-Geneva clock watch
Other Keywords: Geneva enamal
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 16547 - Francois Buffard
Title: Horlogerie a Morbier de 1684 a aujourd'hui
SubTitle: [Clockmaking in Morbier from 1684 to today]
Keywords: F-Comtoise clock
Other Keywords: Morez Morbier
Parent Document ID: 21383 - Parent Document Title: horlogerie, fille du temps [L'..] - Actes du cycle de conferances dans le massif du Jura - Septembre2016-Juin 2017
Page or pages: p.31-38
BHM No: 21443 - chronometrophilia,, La Chaux-de-Fonds MuseeInternationalD'horlogerie
Title: HORLOGERIE Ancienne dans les Collections Privees Suisses
SubTitle: Uhrmacherei frueherer Zeiten in Schweizer Privatsammlungen
Keywords: catalog exhibition collecting
Other Keywords: MIH chronometrophilia
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 1144 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 01-06, 1977-1979
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1977-1979
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3124 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 07-12, 1980-1982
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1980-1982
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 3125 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 13-18, 1983-1985
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1983-1985
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 3126 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 19-24, 1986-1988
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1986-1988
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 3127 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 25-30, 1989-1991
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1989-1991
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 3128 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 31-36, 1992-1994
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1992-1994
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 3129 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 37-42, 1995-1997
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1995-1997
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 3130 - AFAHA,, Yves [Editor] Droz, Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 43-48, 1998-2000
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1998-2000
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 3131 - Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 49-54, 2001-2003
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 2001-2003
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 8931 - Joseph Flores, William Tobin, Yves Cupillard, Paul Schott, Agnes Vannet, Jean L. Martin, Christian Lesguillier, Maurice Rougnon Glasson, Charles-Andre Breguet, Jean G. Laviolette, Marcel Pastor, Gil Baillod, Laure Borel, Vincent Robin
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 55-60, 2004-2006
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 2004-2006
BHM No: 5906 - Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 61-66, 2007-2009
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2007-2009
BHM No: 17774 - Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 67-72, 2010-2012
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2010-2012
BHM No: 17775 - Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne No. 73-78, 2013-2015
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne (AFAHA)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2013-2015, no 73-78
BHM No: 18391 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 001-011 [Juin 1968-Novembre 1973]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Edition: 1968
BHM No: 12204 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 012-020 [Decembre 1973-Mai 1977]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 800
BHM No: 17927 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 021-030 [Mai 1974-Automn 1977]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 17928 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 031-040 [Mai 1978-Printemps 1981]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 17929 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 041-050 [Juin 1981-Ete 1984]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1984
BHM No: 17930 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 051-060 [Automn 1984-Hiver 1987/88]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1988
BHM No: 17931 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 061-070 [Ete 1988-Printemps 1991]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1991
BHM No: 17932 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 071-080 [Ete 1991-Ete 1994]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1994
BHM No: 17933 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 081-090 [Autumn 1994-Autumn 1997]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne et de l'Art ANCAHA
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: ANCAHA
Edition: 1997
BHM No: 17934 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 091-100 [Ete 2001-Ete 2004]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne et de l'Art ANCAHA
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 17935 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 1021-070 [Autonm 2004-Automn 2007]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne et de l'Art ANCAHA
Edition: 2007
BHM No: 17936 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 111-120 [2008 - ]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne et de l'Art ANCAHA
BHM No: 17937 - ANCAHA
Title: HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE [ANCAHA] No. 121-130 [2012 - ]
SubTitle: Bulletin de l' Association nationale des collecioneurs et amateurs d' Horlogerie Ancienne et de l'Art ANCAHA
Edition: 2012
BHM No: 17938 - Edouard Gelis, Raymond [Preface} Badiou
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne [L'?]
SubTitle: Histoire, D?cor et Technique -
Edition: 1949, 1st limited edition
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 3482 - AFAHA,, Marc-Andre Podevin
Title: Horlogerie Ancienne, Index No. 1 - No. 30, 1976-1991
SubTitle: Revue de l'Association Francaise des Amis d' Horlogerie Ancienne
Keywords: Collecting antique advanced
Other Keywords: AFAHA trimestrial
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 1301 - A. H. Rodanet
Title: Horlogerie Astronomique et Civile - Ses Usages - Ses Progres - Son Enseignement a Paris - 1886-1887
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Paris news 1886 1887
Edition: 1887
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 14293 - Michel Simonin
Title: Horlogerie au fil du temps et son evolution en Franche-Montagne sur le Plateau de Maiche
SubTitle: The development of the horological production in the town of Maiche in the French Jura and surrounding villages in the Franche-Montagnes region]
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Maiche
Edition: 2008 undated
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 13753 - Alfred Chapuis, Gaston Rub
Title: Horlogerie au Val-de-Travers [L'...]
SubTitle: [Series:] Collection "Mon Vallon" - Le Val de Trevers Industriel - Tomme 2
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Val-de-Travers
Edition: 1936? ca, undated
Page or pages: 282
BHM No: 16693 - Laurent Poupart
Title: horlogerie dans la region de Maiche et Charquemont [L'...]
SubTitle: [ Watchmaking in the region of Maiche and Charquemont ]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Maiche Charquemont
Parent Document ID: 21383 - Parent Document Title: horlogerie, fille du temps [L'..] - Actes du cycle de conferances dans le massif du Jura - Septembre2016-Juin 2017
Page or pages: p. 87 - p. 94
BHM No: 21451 - Horlogere, Suisse
Title: horlogerie demain [L'...]
SubTitle: Etude prospective de l'industrie horlogere suisse [1967]
Other Keywords: future
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 11648 - H. deGraffigny
Title: Horlogerie des Amateurs [L]
SubTitle: Illustree de nombreuse figures explicaties dessinees par l'auter [also includes alphabetical subject index] - [Paperback edition ca. 1915 undated]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Edition: 1915 ca.
Page or pages: 127
BHM No: 22373 - Natalie Petiteau, Jean-Luc [preface] Mayaud
Title: Horlogerie des Bourgeois Conquerants [L'?]
SubTitle: Histoire des etablissements Bourgois de Damprichard (Doubs) 1780-1939
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Doubs Bourgois
Edition: 1994, 1st edition
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 1672 - R(ene).P. Guye, Max Bossart
Title: Horlogerie Electrique
SubTitle: Ouvrage admis officiellement comme manuel d'enseignement par les directions des ecoles d'horlogerie
Keywords: textbook historic electrical
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 452
BHM No: 11 - Rene Guye, Max Bossart
Title: Horlogerie Electrique
SubTitle: Ouvrage admis officiellement come manuel d'enseignement ecoles d'horlogerie suisse
Keywords: textbook electric
Edition: 1999, Xerox
Page or pages: 452
BHM No: 318 - Ch. Poncet
Title: Horlogerie Electrique - I re Partie; Horloges-M?res et Installations Horaires
SubTitle: [CD-Rom edition]
Keywords: electrical electromechanical
Edition: 2003 CD etion of 1905 text
BHM No: 4243 - Ch. Poncet
Title: Horlogerie Electrique - I re Partie; Horloges-M?res et Installations Horaires
SubTitle: [Facsimile edition]
Keywords: electromechanical electronic
Edition: 2005 facsimile reproduction
Page or pages: 227
BHM No: 7054 - P Decressin
Title: Horlogerie Electrique a l'Exposition Universelle de 1900 [L'..]
SubTitle: Reunion des Articles paru dans la "Revue Chronometrique"
Keywords: historic electric
Other Keywords: 1900
Edition: 1999, Xerox Copy
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 319 - R. Lavest
Title: Horlogerie Electrique [Electrical Horology]
SubTitle: Ecoles Suisse d'Horlogerie
Keywords: textbook electrical electromechanical electronic
Other Keywords: Hipp Brille Short Magneta Ferraris Wagner Favarger Siemens Haslske Perret Campiche
Edition: 1934
Page or pages: 147
BHM No: 11627 - A. Tobler
Title: Horlogerie Electrique [L'...] - Bibliotheque des Actualites Industrielles, No. 44
SubTitle: Edition Francaise revue et augmentee
Keywords: electrical electromechanical technical
Edition: No Date ca. 1890, 1st french edition
Page or pages: 149
BHM No: 11802 - Alfred Pfister
Title: Horlogerie en vallon de Saint-Immier [L'?]
SubTitle: Cette notice est vendue par l'Office du Traveil de St.Imier en faveur des ch?meurs ag
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: St.Imier Saint-Imier
Edition: 1944, 1st edition
Page or pages: 69
BHM No: 9818 - SocieteSuisseDeChronometrie
SubTitle: Programme 26 - 27 Sept 2007 -Colombier [Switzerland] - Societe Suisse de Chronometrie [Invitation and registration form]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 20973 - Jules Andrade, L. Lecornu[Editor]
Title: Horlogerie et Chronometrie - [In Series: Encyclopedie de mechanique applique]
SubTitle: Grandes encyclopedies industrielles - J.B. Bailliere
Keywords: historic advanced
Edition: 1924
Page or pages: 582
BHM No: 1020 - C.-M. Wittwer
Title: Horlogerie et cooperation economique Europeenne
SubTitle: Bulletin de la Chambre Suisse d'horlogerie, Mai 1980
Other Keywords: foreign trade export
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 9823 - Chambre Suisse de l'horlogerie
Title: Horlogerie et Escape Clause - Une episode des relations commerciales entre la Suisse et les Etas-Unis
SubTitle: Ete 1950 - Hiver 1952
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: USA Switzerland import duties
Edition: 1953 Mars
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 15374 - Paul Dupuy, Musee
Title: Horlogerie et Instruments de Mesure du temps passe
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Gelis Paul Depuy Toulouse
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 175
BHM No: 378 - Henri Rieben, Madelaine Urech, Charles Iffland
Title: Horlogerie et l'Europe [L'?]
Edition: 1959, 1st edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 5138 - Virginie Cadot
Title: Horlogerie et les arts decoratifs a Besancon 1880-1930
SubTitle: [Horology and the decorative arts in Besancon 1880-1930]
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 19239 - Parent Document Title: L'Horlo - L'Ecole d'horlogerie de Besancon - Musee du Temps [includes a film on DVD]
BHM No: 19242 - Gianerico Bernasconi
Title: Horlogerie et publicite entre la fin du XIXe et le drbut du XXe siecle
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Advertising
Parent Document ID: 23389 - Parent Document Title: L'heure pour tous, une montre pour chacun - Un siecle de publicite horlogere
BHM No: 23390 - Journee Internationale du Marketing Horloger
Title: horlogerie et ses ambassadeurs [L'...] -14e journee internationale du marketing horlogere - La Chaux-de-Fons, 2 Decembre 2010
SubTitle: invitation [14th international conference of horological marketing 2010]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Edition: 2010, 14th edition
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 15347 - Floret Pholien
Title: horlogerie et ses artistes au Pays de Liege [L'?]
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Liege
Edition: 1975, facsimile edition of 1933, limited to 800 co
Page or pages: 129
BHM No: 4129 - Societe Suisse de Chronometrie
Title: horlogerie et ses artistes [L'...] - 11e journee d'etude - Jeudi 14 septembre 2006 La Chaux-de-Fonds
SubTitle: [Invitation flyer, in French for a 2006 SSC seminar]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: SSC
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 18856 - ?,
Title: Horlogerie Francaise - French Watch and Clock Industry - Relojeria Frncesca - Franzoesische Uhrenindustrie
SubTitle: Selection 1981
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 10683 - ?,
Title: Horlogerie Francaise - French Watch and Clock Industry - Relojeria Frncesca - Franzoesische Uhrenindustrie [1994]
Keywords: watch
Edition: Undated, but 1994
BHM No: 13779 - Bruno Cabanis, Fracois-Paul Journe[Preface]
Title: Horlogerie Francaise - Les artisans du temps
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 264
BHM No: 16691 - Geerd Wijnen[Publisher], d'Alembert,
Title: Horlogerie lerlucht met vier en zestig platen [Dutch facsimile reprint of the horology plates of Diderot/d'Alembert, with translat.of text into Dutch]
SubTitle: Explicatie van uurwerken horloges en hun gereedschappen, uit de encyclopedie van Diderot et d'Ambert Parijs 1751
Keywords: reference facsimile encyclopedia clock watch
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 14987 - A. Bachelin
Title: Horlogerie Neuchateloise [L'?]
SubTitle: publi? a l'occasion de l'ignauration du monument de Daniel Jeanrichard au Locle le 15 juillet 1888
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 1888
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 5143 - Vigniaux
Title: Horlogerie Pratique, a l'usage des Apprentis et des Amateures
SubTitle: [Practical Horology for apprenteces and others]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch technical practical
Edition: 1788, 1st edition 21x13cm
Page or pages: 354
BHM No: 21985 - Narcisse Perrin, Paul [Introductoion by] Guichonnet
Title: horlogerie savoisienne [l'?] et l'Ecole Nationale d'Horlogerie de Cluse
Other Keywords: Savoy Cluse Ecole d'horlogerie
Edition: 2005 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 171
BHM No: 6790 - Chronoswiss, Gerd L. Lang
Title: horlogerie selon Land [L'...] - L'art de loger le temps
SubTitle: Chronoswiss - Faszination der Mechanik
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Chronoswiss
Edition: 2005, 3rd French language edition
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14730 - Horlogere, Suisse
Title: Horlogerie Suisse 2010 [1997]
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 113
BHM No: 11651 - J. Ellenberger[Editor]
Title: Horlogerie Suisse [L'...] [1942]
SubTitle: Numero Speciale de la Revue Romande 'Vie, Art et Cite', Auot 1942
Other Keywords: Vie Art et Cite
Edition: 1942 August
BHM No: 13610 - J. Ellenberger[Editor]
Title: Horlogerie Suisse [L'...] [1943]
SubTitle: 2eme Numero Speciale de la Revue Romande 'Vie, Art et Cite', Avril 1943
Edition: 1943-Avril
BHM No: 13611 - Jul[es]. Grossmann, Hermann Grossmann
Title: Horlogerie Theoretique, Deuxieme Volume
SubTitle: Cours de Mechanique Appliquee a la Chronometrie
Keywords: textbook mechanics
Edition: 1911
Page or pages: 427
BHM No: 365 - Jul[es]. Grossmann, Hermann Grossmann
Title: Horlogerie Theoretique, Premier Volume
SubTitle: Cours de Mechanique Appliquee a la Chronometrie
Keywords: textbook mechanics
Edition: 1911
Page or pages: 408
BHM No: 364 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Horlogerie Une Tradition Helvetique
Edition: 1948 regular edition
Page or pages: 325
BHM No: 76 - Nadia Fustinoni
Title: Horlogerie vous acceuille [L'...]
SubTitle: en savoir plus sur l'industrie horlogere suisse en quelques points essentiels
Other Keywords: employers labor
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 10890 - Jean-Roland Graf[Editor]
Title: Horlogerie [Inter Valles]
SubTitle: [One subject special issue of Inter Valles magazine, No. 36, June 1993]
Keywords: Jura Regional
Other Keywords: Omega Cortebert Biel Bienne
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 5671 - Pierre Vitoux
Title: Horlogerie [L'...] - L'aventue industrielle
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 187
BHM No: 9763 - Cedric Jagger
Title: horlogerie [L'..]
SubTitle: alpha decoration series
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 247 - Estelle Fallet
Title: Horlogerie [L'], une pratique patrimonal... [An article in NIKE bulletin No.1/2018 - Kulturerbe ohne Grenzen]
SubTitle: [Horology, a patrimonial endeavor... - An article in NIKE bulletin No.1/2018 - Kulturerbe ohne Grenzen, p.8-17]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Cultural PAtrimony
Edition: 2018-1
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21996 - Joseph [Editor] Flores
Title: horlogerie, fille du temps [L'..] - Actes du cycle de conferances dans le massif du Jura - Septembre2016-Juin 2017
SubTitle: [Poject collaboratif AFAHA, Le Pays horloger, Region Bourgonne-Franche Comte] [Published summaries of the 19 presentations on horology presented 2016-
Keywords: F-Comtoise clock watch
Other Keywords: Bourgonne Besancon
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 21383 - Bernard[direxit]
Title: Horlogerie, Pl. 11 - Differens Echappemens [engraved image, unklnown source]
SubTitle: Fig. 20 - Fig. 27 [engraved image, unknown source]
Keywords: escapement
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12310 - Bernard[direxit]
Title: Horlogerie, Pl. 12 - Pendules a Quarts et Repetition ordinaire [engraved image, unklnown source]
SubTitle: Fig. 29 - 32 [engraved image, unknown source]
Keywords: clock movement striketrain
Other Keywords: Repeater
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12311 - Bernard[direxit]
Title: Horlogerie, Pl. 14 - Thermometre et cadrature d'une pendule de Julien LeRoy
SubTitle: Fig.36 - Fig. 38 [engraved image, unknown source]
Keywords: temp-compensation pendulum
Other Keywords: Berthoud
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12308 - & Cheval, Chayette, Anthony J. Turner
Title: Horlogerie, Sciences, Techniques, Varia [pdf-file and excell file on CD ROM]
SubTitle: La Bibliotheque de Guiseppe Brusa - Livres provenant de la Bibliotheque de J.H. Leopold (1ere partie) et a divers amateurs
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Brusa, Leopold
Edition: 2009-05-26
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 13877 - Ingrid Ehrensperger, Pietro Scandola
Title: Horlogerie, Trefilerie, Textile - Zur Industriegeschichte Biels
SubTitle: Zur Austellung [Museum Neuhaus, Biel]
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne
Other Keywords: Biel
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 10889 - Diderot,
Title: Horlogerie: Demonstration des Engrenages &c. Fig. 98 - 108
SubTitle: Plate XIX, [printers mark:] SS
Parent Document ID: 11719 - Parent Document Title: Recueil de Planches sur les Sciences, Les Art Liberaux et les Arts Mechaniques avec leur explications, Tomes XVIII - XXVIII & Suite
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 11720 - Jean-Luc Mayaud, Philippe Henry
Title: Horlogeries - Le Temps et l'histoire
SubTitle: Actes du Seminaires du Groupe franco-suisse de recherche en histoire de l'horlogerie et de micro mec
Keywords: France proceedings
Other Keywords: Neuchatel Besancon
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 1748 - Pierre Judet
Title: Horlogeries et horlogers du Facigny (1849-1934) - Les Metamorphoses d'ue identite sociale et politique
SubTitle: [In French] Watchmaking and watchmakers of Faucigny [France] 1849-1934the transformation of a political and social identity
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Faucigny Savoy
Edition: 2004 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 487
BHM No: 20388 - Marie-Agnes Dequidt, Natacha Coquery[Preface]
Title: Horlogers des Lumieres - Temps et societe a Paris aux xviii-e siecle
SubTitle: [ Watchmaker of Lights - Time and Society in Paris in the 18th century ] [Series:] Collection CTHS Histoire No.57 ]
Edition: 2014 1st edition
Page or pages: 33822
BHM No: 20016 - Marie-Agnes Dequidt, Natacha Coquery[Preface]
Title: Horlogers des Lumieres - Temps et societe a Paris aux xviii-e siecle
SubTitle: [ Watchmaker of Lights - Time and Society in Paris in the 18th century ] [Series:] Collection CTHS Histoire No.57 ]
Keywords: F-Paris " clock watch
Edition: 2014 1st edition
Page or pages: 338
BHM No: 20017 - E. Develle
Title: Horlogers Blesois [Les?] au XVIe et au XVIIe siecle
SubTitle: [Facsimile edition of:] 3e edition, illustree de 30 Planches hors texte, suivi de Peintres en email
Keywords: reference luxury Regional case
Other Keywords: Blois Chateaudun enamel
Edition: 1978 Facsime of 3rd edition
Page or pages: 505
BHM No: 6754 - Marie-Camille Girard
Title: Horlogers de la Sagne - Au Temps Jadis
Edition: 2eme edition 1944
Page or pages: 119
BHM No: 5437 - Daniel Aubert
Title: Horlogers et montres exeptionnels de la Vallee de Joux
SubTitle: Volume II
Keywords: regional highgrade
Other Keywords: Vallee de Joux
Edition: 1997, 1st edition
Page or pages: 215
BHM No: 1740 - Daniel Aubert
Title: Horlogers et montres exeptionnels de la Vallee de Joux
SubTitle: Volume I
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Valee de Joux
Edition: 1995, 1st edition
Page or pages: 204
BHM No: 1741 - Eugene Vial, Claudius Cote
Title: Horlogers Lyonais de 1550 a 1650 [Les..]
Keywords: reference regional
Other Keywords: Lyon directory
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 255
BHM No: 328 - Electric-Silentia
Title: Horloges "Electric-Silentia", Besancon
SubTitle: Marchant au moins 900 jours sans qu'on touche
Keywords: catalog electrical electromechanical
Other Keywords: Silentia
Edition: undated, 1920s
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 9778 - Robert Berthoud
Title: Horloges ?lectriques et applications diverses - [Section] J.XI relev? de mon catalogue 1944
SubTitle: 555 exposes d'invention - [ Brevets Suisse 1889 - 1942]
Keywords: directory reference electrical electromechanical electronic
Edition: 1944
Page or pages: 139
BHM No: 9513 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Horloges Astronomiques
SubTitle: Astronomical clocks - book covers tower clocks also
Other Keywords: tower astronomical beauvais bristol liverpool waterclock ball support barometric pressure
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1931
Page or pages: 51-53, 303-305, 317-
BHM No: 8015 - Charles-Henri Eyraud
Title: Horloges astronomiques au tournat du XVIIe siecle: de l'a-peu-pres a la precision - These de Doctorat de histoire de l'Universite de Lyon
SubTitle: (Astronomical clocks at the turn to the 18th century: from "kind off" to precison]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big
Other Keywords: Lyon Levet
Edition: 2004, 1st edition
Page or pages: 383
BHM No: 11460 - Alfred Ungerer, E. [Preface] Escalangon
Title: Horloges Astronomiques [Les?] et monumentales les plus remarquables de l'Antiquite justqu'a nos jours
Keywords: anthology astronomical complication monumental
Edition: 1931
Page or pages: 514
BHM No: 6902 - Maurice Zollinger
Title: Horloges comtoise - Le Coq Chantant
SubTitle: Maurice Zorninger est heureux de vous presenter la nouvelle Collection d'horloges Comtoise, Couthenans France
Keywords: catalog CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: comtoise
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 9753 - Thomas Charenton, Tony Scheidegger
Title: Horloges d' Edifice [Tower Clocks] - Collection du Musee du Temps, Besancon -
SubTitle: [Catalog - Exposition temporaire - Temporary exhibit 2012]
Keywords: mechanical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Besancon
Edition: 2012 June
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 17331 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Horloges d'Edifice [Les?] - Leur Construction, leur Montage, leur Entretien. Guide pratique ?.
SubTitle: ?.a l'usage des personnes qui s'interent aux Horloges monumentales, suivi d'une Nomenclature ?.
Keywords: astronomical monumental advanced practical
Other Keywords: Strassboug cathedral
Edition: 1926, 1st edition
Page or pages: 334
BHM No: 5555 - horlogesDe Beauce
Title: horloges de Beauce Inc. [Les...]: Collection Tempus [2003]
Keywords: catalog popular clock
Other Keywords: Beauce
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 11321 - Estelle Fallet, Maja Kaeser
Title: Horloges de la Revolution Neuchateloises [Les...] - [A spiralbound didactic worksheet for 12 to 18 year old juveniles]
Keywords: catalog CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 19634 - Granvelle, Palais, Claude Blum
Title: Horloges de Parquet - Horloges Comtoises - Collections priv?es de Franche-Comte
SubTitle: [Exhibition at] Palais Granvelle, [Besancon] September 1975
Keywords: catalog exhibition
Other Keywords: Comtoise Besancon Granvelle
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4295 - Catherine Cardinal, Mara Miniatti
Title: Horloges de Table Astrolabique Francaises du XVIe Siecle et Le cadran universel de Tobias Volkmer
SubTitle: Astrolabica No.4
Other Keywords: astrolabe worlddial
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 5624 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: Horloges de Table du XVIe Siecle - Collection J. Fremersdorf - presentee du 20 janvier au 17 mars 1968 - Musse d'horlogerie La Chaux de Fonds
SubTitle: [Exhibit catalog 1968 of temp exhibit of 14 16th century table clocks from the Fremersdorf Collection ; limited to 500 numbered copes]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock
Other Keywords: table clock Fremersdorf
Edition: 1968-03
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 19625 - Company [The?], Magneta, Brille
Title: Horloges Electriques Brillie
SubTitle: Societe Magneta
Keywords: catalog electromechanical electronic F-Paris
Other Keywords: Brillie
Edition: 1930? ca.
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 10023 - C.Spierdijk
Title: Horloges en Horlogemakers
SubTitle: [Watches and Watchmakers]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Holland Dutch
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 20518 - Nationale des Arts et Metiers, Conservatoire
Title: Horloges et Automates - Septembre - Novembre 1954
SubTitle: Musee du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
Keywords: catalog exhibition automaton
Other Keywords: Art et Metier Paris
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 3875 - Simon Fleet, Claude Oudet, Alice Leray[Translator]
Title: Horloges et Pendules
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1963, 1st french edition
Page or pages: 127
BHM No: 9635 - des Monts, Le Locle Chateau
Title: Horloges Gothiques [exhibiton 7 June to 17 August 1969]
SubTitle: Histoire de l'Horlogerie - Fasicule [01] I
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: Le Locle gothic
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1124 - La Chaux-de-Fonds MuseeInternationalD'horlogerie
Title: Horloges Rustiques - Rustikale Holz und Eisenuhren
SubTitle: Exposition 5 juin au 29 auot 1982 au Musee International d'Horlogerie
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds wood rustique
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 881 - Brigitte Vinzenz
Title: Horloges rustiques de la Gruyere - Sonderausstellung der Uhrensammlung Kellenberger
SubTitle: Exposition speciale de la Fondation Kellenberger du 17 septembre 06 au 18 mars
Keywords: REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Simon Doutaz, Francois Nicolas Giraud, CG, Pierre Peyraud, Nicolas Doutaz Gruyere
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 10981 - Brigitte Vinzenz
Title: Horloges rustiques de la Gruyere - Sonderausstellung der Uhrensammlung Kellenberger
SubTitle: [Poster of the temporary exhibit]
Other Keywords: Poster Gruyere Winterthur Kellenberger
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 10984 - Cees Peeters, Johann Selders
Title: Horloges van Franse Uurwerkmakers 1650 - 1920
SubTitle: [Watches by French Watchmakers 1650-1920 - in Dutch]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 206
BHM No: 19727 - John Beringen
Title: Horloges van Nederlandse Uurwerkmakers - 17e vroeg 19e eeuw
SubTitle: [Watches by Dutch watchmakers, 17th to 19th century]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2012
BHM No: 17159 - Chester Johnson, Harry Mcnaught
Title: Horloges [Les..] et les Montres
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 3881 - Gerard Lerouxel
Title: horloges [Les?] de basse normandie
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Normandie
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5177 - de Beauce, Hologes
Title: Horloges [Les?] de Beauce Inc. - The Clock Factory
SubTitle: Canadian Quality Product 2002-2003
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Beauce
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 2730 - Ch. Sandoz
Title: Horloges [Les?] et les Maitres Horlogeurs a Besancan du XVe Siecle a la Revolution Francaise
Keywords: regional directory facsimile
Other Keywords: Besancon
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 5327 - [le p?re] Beuriot, Jean-Claude Sabrier
Title: Horloges [Les?] Lanternes Francaises
SubTitle: Les trois dernieres pareties de l'ouvrage du Pere Beuriot, Horlogeographique pratique reeditee avec
Keywords: historic
Other Keywords: type lantern
Edition: 1988, reprint of 1719 text
Page or pages: 111
BHM No: 721 - Catherine Cardinal, Marie-Marthe Collin
Title: horloges [Les?] marines de M. Berthoud
SubTitle: Monde de poche junior [No. 48 in series]
Keywords: biography juvenile
Other Keywords: Ferdinand Berthoud
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 2577 - Herve Staub
Title: Horloges [Les?] Silencieuses d'Alsace
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Alsace
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 5089 - Eric Bruton, Yvette [Translator] Gogue
Title: Horloges, Montres et Pendules
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 282
BHM No: 5116 - J.E. Persegol, Roret, Encyclopedie
Title: Horlogeur Rhabilleur, Nouveau Manuel Complet du
SubTitle: traitant les divers operations du Rhabillage des montres et des Pendules
Keywords: textbook
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 1106 - Michael Osnato[Archivist]
Title: Horlogical Society of New York - Our 150th Anniversary Archival Book -1866 - 2016
Keywords: REGIONAL watch
Other Keywords: New York
Edition: 2016-03-26
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 20405 - Hans Kocher-Aeschbacher
Title: Hornerbl?tter1991 Vereinigung fuer Heimatpflege B?rem a/A
SubTitle: Geschichte [Die?] der Uhrmacherei in B?hren
Keywords: brand
Other Keywords: Bueren
Edition: 1993, 3rd Corrected edition
Page or pages: 138
BHM No: 4689 - Horniman Public Museum
Title: Horniman Sundial Trail [The...]
SubTitle: [A guide booklet , 1997?, for a sundial trail on the grounds of the Hornimun Museum in Southeatern London 9100 London Road, Forest Hills)]
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: Hornimam
Edition: 1997 ?
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 18353 - unkknown
Title: Horo Videos from Japan 2 Bullet Train videos which include Pocket, wrist and dashboard scenes and Restoring railroad watch video]
SubTitle: [links {youtube URL 's} courtesy of Guenther Oestmann]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Railroad wach
Edition: ca. 2010 ?
BHM No: 22067 - Tim Marshall[Editor]
Title: Horologeon Newsletter {the...] - South Eastern {UK} Section of the Antiquarian Horological Societyy
SubTitle: June 2010 / Issue 10
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2010-JUNE
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 19146 - Domenico Martinelli
Title: Horologi ElementariDivisi ij quattro Parti - 2Fatti con l'Aqua-2 Con la Terra-3Con Airia-4Col Fuco. - [ The Clocks of the Elements in Four Parts ]
SubTitle: 16 plates - Published 1669
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1669 Venice
Page or pages: 159
BHM No: 22836 - Maio Armaldi
Title: Horologi Solari Dipinti nel Chiostro del Convente di San Domenico a Taggia - Supplemento a No.5
SubTitle: [An scholarly article in issue no.5 of 'Gnomonica', 9 Januay 2000 issue, p. 14-19, [Bolletino della Sezione Quadranti Solari dell' U.I.A.]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: sundial
Edition: 2000 January
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23874 - Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, Jeff Weber, Anne Bobrow, Ivy Trent
Title: Horological Disquisitions concerning the Nature of Time - Catalog 287 - Spring 1986 - Zeitlin & Ver Brugge
SubTitle: Featuring rare and fine books from the Libraries of Caroroll Miller Hall, Olin King, Robert Coltman, Paul Chamberlain and others
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Other Keywords: booklist books
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 13659 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Activities, Contacs and Thougts of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki / December 2021-ca.2002 (?) AND SCATERED ENTRIES UP TO 2020
SubTitle: [in Facsimele bronn Leather Hatdbibdibf (Horological image theme] A SCRAPBOOK
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Horological Ephemera Collection
Edition: 2001
BHM No: 24891 - Philip Woodward
Title: horological adventure [A?]: Part 1: The Short Clock Part 2: The mechanical version; Group 1: Expermental Clocks
SubTitle: from Clocks January 1986
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 1-4
Page or pages: 14-28
BHM No: 10714 - Omega(Swatch-Group), Jennifer Livingston(Photography), Haidee Findlay-Levin(Styling-for-NYTimes), Cartier-USA[Advertiser]
Title: Horological Advrtisemrnts in 'The New York Times Style Magazine' Design & Luxury - Sep-26-2021
SubTitle: Front Cover | Omega (No-Time-to-Die-007) | Under Preashure (Waterproof Watches) | Cartier Tannk (Back Cover of the NYT-Styke Mag.)
Keywords: luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: WATEERPROOF
Edition: 2021-September-26
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24371 - R. Crom,Theodore
Title: Horological and other Shop Tools
SubTitle: 1700 to 1900
Keywords: tool
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 389
BHM No: 107 - Jean Louis Roerich
Title: Horological Articles published in the National Jewelers Magazine by Jean Louis Roerich in 1957 and 1958
SubTitle: [A binder with reproductions [offprints] of 44 articles, most illustrated, typically 3 pages long each on a horological subject, as publshed in 1957 /
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: National Jeweler
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 14082 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological book s- Catalogue 29
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1997?
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 3291 - Kurt Goetz
Title: Horological Booklist as per March 8, 2005: Versandbuchhandlung Kurt Goetz, Karlsruhe
SubTitle: {A weboffprint]
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: Goetz
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 6627 - Reprints, Scanlon American
Title: Horological books
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1970s
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 2481 - Reprints, Scanlon American
Title: Horological books - 20th Anniversary 1982
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 2482 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Catalogue 28
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1995?
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 3292 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Catalogue 33
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 3866 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Catalogue 33A - Christmas 2001
SubTitle: includes 8p. Wristwatch section
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 2237 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Catalogue 34
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 3814 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Catalogue 35 & Wristwatch Supplement
SubTitle: [November 2003]
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 5343 - Justice Shepro, Sotheby's
Title: Horological books - Lot 1 of the Justice Warren Shepro Collection
SubTitle: Sale at Sothebeys New York March 2001
Keywords: bibliography reference
Other Keywords: book Shepro
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 6360 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books - Year 2002
SubTitle: Small Selection of Titles from main catalog
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 4003 - Charles K. Aked
Title: Horological Books and Libraries
Other Keywords: books booksellers libraries
Parent Document ID: 2305 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.06, 1968-1970] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1968 dec
Page or pages: 15 - 23
BHM No: 7969 - Emerson W. Hilker, Walter R. Pertuch
Title: Horological books and Pamphlets in the Franklin Institute Library
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Franklin Institute
Edition: 1974, 3rd Edition
Page or pages: 185
BHM No: 1464 - Walter R. Pertuch
Title: Horological books and Pamphlets in the Library of the Franklin Institute
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Franklin Institut
Edition: 1956, 1st edition
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 2383 - Charles K. Aked
Title: Horological books and their care
Other Keywords: books care
Parent Document ID: 2305 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.06, 1968-1970] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1969 mar
Page or pages: 91 - 93
BHM No: 7970 - Jeff Fromby
Title: Horological Books Catalogue 29 - November 2009
SubTitle: Jeffrey Fromby Antiques
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Fromby Booklist
Edition: 2009 - November
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 14813 - Jeff Fromby
Title: Horological Books Catalogue 30 - November 2010
SubTitle: Jeffrey Fromby Antiques
Keywords: bibliography clock
Other Keywords: booklist
Edition: 2010 No. 30
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 15496 - Jeff Fromby
Title: Horological Books Catalogue 31 - November 2011
SubTitle: Jeffrey Fromby Antiques
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: booklist
Edition: 2011-11 no.31
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 16652 - Jeff Fromby
Title: Horological Books Catalogue 32 - November 2012
SubTitle: Jeffrey Fromby Antiques
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: BOOKLIST
Edition: 2012, No.32
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 17684 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books- Catalogue 31
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2000?
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 3293 - Rita Shenton
Title: Horological books- Catalogue 32
Keywords: bibliography retail catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3865
Title: Horological Calculations
Parent Document ID: 7461 - Parent Document Title: Practical Course in Clock Repair [A..]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
Page or pages: 133-166
BHM No: 8922- Herve-Chayette, Francis Maitzner[Consignor]
Title: Horological Collection of Francis Maitzner [The...] - [beeing the auction catalog of Drout-Richeleu, Paris, 21 Juin 1989 -
SubTitle: Herve-Chayette/Habsburg-Feldman Auctineers - 225 horological lots: incl.20 Tool lots-3 sand dials-3 clepsydras,watches,clocks etc
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Francis Maitzner
Edition: 1989 June 21
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 22377 - Cottone Auctions, George Goolsbey, John Davis
Title: Horological Collection of George Goolsby, Texas (partial) and Dr. John Davis, Florida {as sols bay Cottone in March 2018
SubTitle: [Weboffprint]
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 2018-04
Page or pages: 101
BHM No: 21972 - William Barclay Stephens
Title: Horological collection [The ?] of Dr. William Barclay Stephens
SubTitle: Reprint from NAWCC Bulletin Vol V, No. 1, Dec 1951
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Barcley Stevens
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 1164 - Charles K. Aked
Title: Horological Collections in the Museums of Great Britain
SubTitle: A Brief Guide to ?
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: list
Edition: 1960s ?
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 52 - ParmigianiFleurier(Advertiser), HMoser&Cie. Bell&Ross, Jennifer Liingston(Photographer), Todd Knopeke(Prop-Styling), Cartier[Advertiser]
Title: Horological Content in the 'NYT-Style Magazine-IssueMarch 7, 2021
SubTitle: Full page &full Color Ad adParmigiani Fleurier Tondagraph GT | B&W Full page ad for Bell&Ross wristwatch |Color Wheel(advertorial)|2pSant de Carttier]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: NYT Parmigiani Bell&Ross Cartier
Edition: Mans Fashion March 7 2021
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 24029 - W. John Thornton
Title: Horological Cutters - P.P. Thornton (Sucsessors0 Ldt. - Makers since 1947
SubTitle: [Product information sheet and order form , 1993]
Keywords: catalog clock tools
Other Keywords: gear cutter gear cutting
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 16336 - Polytechnic Institute, Bradley
Title: Horological Department, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria IL
Keywords: textbook
Other Keywords: Bradley
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 1447 - William J.H. Andrewes, George C. Kenney, Geerd Wijin, Peter S. Honig
Title: Horological Dialogues
SubTitle: Andrewes (Harrison Early Work) Kenney (Quare Keyhole Clocks) Wijnen (Striking Coster Clock) Honig (Construction of Astrolabe
Other Keywords: Harrison Wood Coster Quare Astrolabe
Parent Document ID: 6123 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology - Section reports
Page or pages: 1 - 58
BHM No: 17750 - Kenneth Johnston, Ernie Mart
Title: Horological Dialogues - Journal for the American Section - Antiquarian Horological Society [2002 premier (and only) issue]
SubTitle: [an initiative that fizzeled out after 1 issue, articles on Fasholdt clock no. 3, and Newarkes House Museum in UK]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20684 - Bruce Chandler[Editor], Clare Vincent[Associate-Editor], Robert Stenard[Business-Manager]
Title: Horological Dialogues - Publication of the American Section of the Antiquarian Horological Society - Volume 2 (1986)
SubTitle: [This is volume 2 of a embriotic periodical of the USA Section,the first volume was 1979(with only 1 issue),and the second Vol.[2was to be a relaunch
Keywords: clock watch antique
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 23873 - Christoph Mauch, Eckart Mauch
Title: Horological Dictionary Volume II English German
SubTitle: Horologisches Lexicon Band I Englisch Deutsch
Other Keywords: German English Language Dictionary
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 342
BHM No: 409 - R.F.S. Snelling
Title: Horological Directory 1988
Keywords: brand
Other Keywords: trade directory
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
Page or pages: 173
BHM No: 386 - R.F.S. Snelling
Title: Horological Directory 1996/97
Other Keywords: list directory suppliers
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 652 - Richard Snelling[Editor]
Title: Horological Directory 2011 [The...]
Keywords: directory clock watch
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 352
BHM No: 15662 - John Smith
Title: Horological Disquisitions concerning the Nature of Time, and the Reasons why all Days, from Noon to Noon, are not alike twenty four hours long
SubTitle: [1962 Facsimile edition of the 1694 original in the collection of the Clockmakers Company at the Guildhall Library in London]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Equation of time
Edition: 1962 facsimile of 1674 edition
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 15083 - M.[ary] L. Booth, Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe, Chauncey Jerome, Joseph G. Horne, William B. Carpenter, Charles Etiennes Louis Camus, Thomas Reid, James Lukin[Editor], Joshua Rose, Charles Holzapffel, John Smith
Title: Horological e-books
SubTitle: [A compilation of 31 historic classic horological textbooks now in the public domain)
Keywords: anthology facsimile
Edition: 2008 CD ROM facsimile edition
BHM No: 11760 - Mr.[Bernard Goldstein] Barny
Title: Horological Exhibition Catalog, containing the clocks, watches and other horological items exhibited
SubTitle: at the 25th Annual convention of the NAWCC in Philadelphia, June 1968
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: NAWCC National Philadelphia
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 1000 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: Horological Fiction in the Library of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki Status Feb. 2012
SubTitle: Juvenile Horological Fiction in the Library of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki Status Feb. 2012
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: fiction
Edition: 2012-02
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 16783 - unsigned,
Title: Horological Greeting Cards from the American Clock and Watch Museum [A series of four folded cards with envelopes]
SubTitle: [1. Alarmclock, 2. Gears, 3. Clockwork, 4. Pocketwatches
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock watch
Other Keywords: Bristol AWCM
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 19439 - Markus Harris[Editor]
Title: Horological Happenings from the NAWCC [2010]
SubTitle: [A periodic online newsletter, distributed by email to NAWCC members]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC newsletter online
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 15202 - Markus Haris[Editor]
Title: Horological Happenings from the NAWCC [2011]
SubTitle: A periodic e-newsletter for NAWCC Members
Keywords: clock watch
BHM No: 16230 - Markus Harris[Editor]
Title: Horological Happenings from the NAWCC [2012]
SubTitle: [A periodic online newsletter, distributed by email to NAWCC members]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: nawcc
Edition: 2012
BHM No: 16877 - F[rederick] W. Britten
Title: Horological Hints and Helps [2nd Edition, 1934]
Keywords: practical
Edition: 1934, 2nd
Page or pages: 364
BHM No: 975 - F[rederick] W. Britten
Title: Horological Hints and Helps [4th Edition 1943, Revised Reprint 1977]
Keywords: textbook clock watch technical practical
Edition: 1977 (Reprint of 1943 4th ed)
Page or pages: 375
BHM No: 15003 - F[rederick] W. Britten
Title: Horological Hints and Helps [Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, Second Impression 1947]
Keywords: reference textbook technical practical
Edition: 1947, 4th edition 2nd Impression
Page or pages: 375
BHM No: 15080 - Anita Auer(Curator)
Title: Horological Holdings of the Municipal Archives of the City of of Villingen Schweningen (Germany)located at the Franzikaner Museum Villingen (Geermany)
SubTitle: (list current as per 2004)
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 23543 - Robert Pennington
Title: Horological Homecoming
SubTitle: [Weboffprint of meeting announcement and meeting report Feb 4 2020]
Edition: 2020 Feb 3
BHM No: 23488 - Robert Pennington
Title: Horological Homecoming -The hidden History of World War II Watches
SubTitle: [A Lecture on Feb.3 2020 at the NYHorological Society]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: WW2 military war
Edition: 2020 Feb
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 23486 - Milwaukee Museum of Art
Title: Horological Items in the Flagg Collection of European Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the Milwaukee Art Museum (isconsin, USA)
SubTitle: [Offprints of the online catalog at the Museum website)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Flagg
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 21515 - Time Museum
Title: Horological Jewelery - Engraving Books / Catalog No.72
SubTitle: The Watch, Clock and Bookshop at the Time Museum, Rockford Illinois
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: booklist tIMEMUSEUM
Edition: undated 1972?
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 7261 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [BHI], Volumes 1 & 2
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 14588 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal - for promoting the Science and Practice of Horology
SubTitle: Volume I, No. 1 , Sept 1858 (facsimile reprint)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1958 ?
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 622 - British Horological Institute
Title: Horological Journal - Yearly Indexes - 1858-1999
Keywords: reference clock watch
Other Keywords: index HJ BHI
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 17469 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal - Yearly Indexes Vol.1 to 141 (1858 - 1999)
Keywords: directory
Other Keywords: index volume
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 5508 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1858-1859] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume I, 1858 - 1859 (June?)
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1858
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 4601 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1859-1860] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume II, 1859 - 1860
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1860
BHM No: 6435 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1860-1861] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume III, 1860 - 1861
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1861
BHM No: 6436 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1861-1862] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume IV, 1861 - 1862
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1862
BHM No: 6437 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1862-1863] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume V, 1862 - 1863
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1863
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 6438 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1863-1864] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume VI, 1863 - 1864
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1864
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 6439 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1864-1865] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume VII, 1864 - 1865
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1865
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 6440 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1865-1866] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume VIII, 1865 - 1866
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1866
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 6441 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1866-1867] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume IX, 1866 - 1867
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1867
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 6442 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1868-1869] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XI, 1868 (Sept) - 1869 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1868
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 618 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1870-1871] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XIII, 1870 (Sept) - 1871 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1870
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 619 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1872-1873] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XV, 1872 (Sept) - 1873 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1873
Page or pages: 158
BHM No: 624 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1873-1876] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XVI - XVIII, 1873(Sept) - 1876 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1876
Page or pages: 450
BHM No: 621 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1877-1878] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XX, 1877 (Sept) - 1878 (Aug)
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: HJ BHI
Edition: 1878
Page or pages: 165
BHM No: 11726 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1878-1879] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXI, 1878 (Sept) - 1879 (Aug)
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: HJ BHI
Edition: 1879
Page or pages: 161
BHM No: 11725 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1879-1881] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXII & XXIII, 1879 (Sept) - 1881 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1881
Page or pages: 330
BHM No: 1415 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1881-1884] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXIV -XXVI, 1881 (Sept) - 1884 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional British Horological Institute craft
Edition: 1884
BHM No: 5981 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1883-1887] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXVI - XXIX, 1883 (Sept) - 1887 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1887
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 620 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1887-1889] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXX -XXXI, 1887 (Sept) - 1889 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1889
Page or pages: 380
BHM No: 623 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1889-1890] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXII, 1889 (Sept) - 1890 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional British Horological Institute craft
Edition: 1890
BHM No: 5979 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1890-1891] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXIII, 1890 (Sept) - 1891 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1891
Page or pages: 178
BHM No: 1989 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1891-1892] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXIV, 1891 (Sept) - 1892 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1892
Page or pages: 186
BHM No: 625 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1892-1893] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXV, 1892 (Sept) - 1893 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional British Horological Institute craft
Edition: 1893
BHM No: 5980 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1894-1895] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXVII, 1894 (Sept) - 1895 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1895
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 5485 - British Horological Institute
Title: Horological Journal [1895-1896] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXVIII, 1895 (Sept) - 1896 (Aug)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1895
Page or pages: 166
BHM No: 18127 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1896-1897] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XXXIX, 1896 (Sept) - 1897 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1897
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 626 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1897-1898] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XL 1897 (Sept) - 1898 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1898 - volume 40
Page or pages: 163
BHM No: 10519 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1898-1899] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XLI 1898 (Sept) - 1899 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1899 - volume 41
Page or pages: 170
BHM No: 10649 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1899-1901] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XLII & XLIII 1899 (Sept) - 1901 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1901
Page or pages: 330
BHM No: 1418 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1900-1901] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XLIII, 1900 (Sept) - 1901 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1901
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 627 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1900-1901] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XLIII, 1900 (Sept) - 1901 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1901
Page or pages: 166
BHM No: 739 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1901-1903] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume XLIV & XLV, 1901 (Sept) - 1903 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1903
Page or pages: 338
BHM No: 1416 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1909-1910] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LII, 1909 (Sept) - 1910 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1910
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 849 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1912-1913] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LV, 1912 (Sept) - 1913 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1913
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 2016 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1913-1914] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LVI, 1913 (Sept) - 1914 (Aug)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1914
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 14157 - British Horological Institute
Title: Horological Journal [1914-1915] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LVII, 1914 (Sept) - 1915 (Aug)
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1915
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 18129 - British Horological Institute
Title: Horological Journal [1916-1917] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LIX, 1916 (Sept) - 1917 (Aug)
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1917
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 18128 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1919-1920] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXII, 1919 (Sept) - 1920 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 194
BHM No: 4494 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1920-1921] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXIII, 1920 (Sept) - 1921 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1921
Page or pages: 210
BHM No: 4495 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1920-1921] - The official Organ of the The British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXII - LXIV partial, 1920 (July, Aug,Oct,Dec), 1921 (Apr-Nov, ex May)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1921
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 628 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1921-1922] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXIV, 1921 (Sept) - 1922 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 4496 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1922-1923] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXV, 1922 (Sept) - 1923 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 4497 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1925-1926] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXVIII, 1925 (Sept) - 1926 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 258
BHM No: 1417 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1926-1927] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXX, 1926 (Sept) - 1927 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 254
BHM No: 738 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1927-1928] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXX, 1927 (Sept) - 1928 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1928
Page or pages: 238
BHM No: 737 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1928-1929] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume LXXI, 1928 (Sept) - 1929 (Aug)
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1929
Page or pages: 298
BHM No: 629 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1937?????] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume LXXXIX, 1937 (Jan - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1947
Page or pages: 704
BHM No: 1084 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1939] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 81, 1939 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 572
BHM No: 2495 - E.W.Birch[Editor], Arthur YTremayne[Editor]
Title: Horological Journal [1940] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, SubTitle:
SubTitle: Volume 82, 1939 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Journal
Keywords: UK-London clock watch theory technical
Other Keywords: BHI HJ
Edition: 1940, vol. 82
Page or pages: 444
BHM No: 19407 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1946] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 88, 1946 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 572
BHM No: 2494 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1947] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 89, 1947 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1947
Page or pages: 704
BHM No: 2493 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1948] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 90 1948 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 784
BHM No: 2492 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1949] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 91 1949 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 808
BHM No: 2491 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1950] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 92, 1950 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 840
BHM No: 2490 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1951] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 93, 1951 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 944
BHM No: 2489 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1952] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 94, 1952 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1952
Page or pages: 840
BHM No: 2488 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1953] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 95, 1953 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 856
BHM No: 2487 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1954] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 96, 1954 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 724
BHM No: 2486 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1955] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 97, 1955 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 724
BHM No: 2485 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1956] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 98, 1956 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 724
BHM No: 2484 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1956] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume XCVIII, 1956 (Jan - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 740 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1957] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume 99, 1957 (Feb - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 810
BHM No: 3380 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1958] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume 100, 1958 (Jan - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 850
BHM No: 3381 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1959] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume 101, 1959 (Jan - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 826
BHM No: 3229 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1960] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 102, 1960 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 724
BHM No: 2483 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1961] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 103, 1961 (Jan-Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 724
BHM No: 2781 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1962] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume 104. 1962 (Jan - Dec), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 789
BHM No: 3230 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1964-1965] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 107, 1964 (Jul) -1965( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 576
BHM No: 2780 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1964] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute, Text only,
SubTitle: Volume 106, 1964 (Jan - Jun), incorporating the Watch and Clock Maker
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 3231 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1965-1968] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 108-110, 1965 (Jul) -1968( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2779 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1968-1971] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 111-113, 1968 (Jul) -1971 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2778 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1971-1973] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 114-115, 1971 (Jul) -1973 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2777 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1973-1975] - The official Organ of the The British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 116-117, 1973 (Jul) -1975 ( Jun), including THE Watch and Clock journal
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2776 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1975-1977] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 118-119, 1975 (Jul) -1977 ( Jun), including THE Watch and Clock journal
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2774 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1977-1978] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 120-121, 1977 (Jul) -1978 ( Nov), including THE Watch and Clock journal
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 2773 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1978-1980] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 121-122, 1978 (Dec) -1980 ( Jun), including THE Watch and Clock journal
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 990
BHM No: 2772 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1980-1982] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 123-124, 1980 (Jul) -1982 ( Jun), including THE Watch and Clock journal
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 960
BHM No: 2771 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1982-1984] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 125-126, 1982 (Jul) -1984 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 844
BHM No: 2770 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1984-1986] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 127-128, 1984 (Jul) -1986 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI professional crafts
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 844
BHM No: 2769 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1986-1988] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 129-130, 1986 (Jul) -1988 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 872
BHM No: 3422 - Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [1988-1990] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 131-132, 1988 (Jul) -1990 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 872
BHM No: 3421 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [1990-1992] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 133-134, 1992 (Jul) -1994 ( Jun),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 872
BHM No: 3420 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [1992-1994] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 135-136, 1992 (Jul) -1994 ( Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 1094
BHM No: 3419 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [1995-1996] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 137-138, 1995 (Jan) -1996 ( Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 864
BHM No: 3418 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [1997-1998] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 139-140, 1997 (Jan) -1998 ( Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 864
BHM No: 3417 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [1999] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 141, 1999 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional craftsBHI
Edition: 1999-Vol 141
Page or pages: 440
BHM No: 3416 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2000] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 142, 2000 (Jan -Dec)
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2000-Vol 142
BHM No: 6392 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2001] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 143, 2000 (Jan -Dec)
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2001-Vol 143
BHM No: 6393 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2002] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 144, 2000 (Jan -Dec)
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2002-Vol 144
BHM No: 6394 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2003] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 145, 2000 (Jan -Dec)
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2003-Vol 145
BHM No: 6395 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2004] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 146, 2000 (Jan -Dec)
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2004-Vol 146
BHM No: 6396 - Horological Institute, British, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2005] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 147, 2005 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2005-Vol 147
Page or pages: 486
BHM No: 15023 - British Horological Institute, Timothy [Editor] Treffry
Title: Horological Journal [2005] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 147-138, 2005 (Jan) -2005 ( Dec)
BHM No: 17758 - Timothy [Editor] Treffry, Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2006] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 148, 2006 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2006-Vol 148
Page or pages: 486
BHM No: 15024 - Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2007] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 149, 2007 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2007-Vol 149
Page or pages: 510
BHM No: 15025 - Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2008] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 150, 2008 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2008-Vol 150
Page or pages: 554
BHM No: 15026 - Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2009] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 151, 2009 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2009-Vol 151
Page or pages: 574
BHM No: 15027 - Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2010] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
SubTitle: Volume 152, 2010 (Jan - Dec),
Other Keywords: BHI HJ professional crafts
Edition: 2010-Vol 152
BHM No: 15028 - Jayne Hall[Editor], Horological Institute, British
Title: Horological Journal [2011] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: Volume 153, 2011 (Jan - Dec),
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 2011, Volume 153
BHM No: 15576 - British Horological Institute
Title: Horological Journal [2012] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
BHM No: 17745 - - Nottingham Branch (No.11), BHI
Title: Horological Journal, Volume 1 and 2, [1858-1860] Facsimile
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 7, disc 1
BHM No: 11767 - Chester Johnson
Title: Horological Library of Chester Johnson [The...]
SubTitle: Clockmaker, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Inventory on Occasion of its Disposition due to old age - January 2014
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock
Other Keywords: booklist
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 18559 - Craig Barfoot, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Assembler]
Title: Horological Library of Craig Barfoot (Catalog 2019)
Other Keywords: Bibliography
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 23087 - David S. Goodman
Title: Horological Library of David Goodman - Various computer generated inventories 1995-2000
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 15646 - ?,
Title: Horological Library of Paul Hackamack, California USA
SubTitle: [A CD Rom with with ca. 1400 jpg images of a private hrological library of ca. 450 titles]
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: library book collection
Edition: 2007
BHM No: 11471 - Ernie Mart, Nancy Mart
Title: Horological Library of the late Ernie Mart - Cleveland Ohio - 2006
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: Earnie Mart
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 10798 - Lukas Stolberg
Title: Horological Library [The?] of Lukas Stolberg
Keywords: library book catalog
Other Keywords: Stolberg
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 5201 - Book Co., Elgin
Title: Horological Literature -- Elgin Book Company
SubTitle: 1973-1974 Catalogue of book
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book Elgin
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 3942 - Betina Ly
Title: Horological Literature and related Subbject 1995
SubTitle: Discount book
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6918 - Tran Duy Lee, Betina Lee
Title: Horological Literature and related Subject - Also serving your BUYING & SELLING needs through advertising - DISCOUNT BOOKS - 1995
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 22449 - NAWCC,
Title: Horological Literature available from the NAWCC Lending Library 1974
SubTitle: Listings of Program Material Available from Several Sources-A supplement to the Bulletin of the NAWC
Keywords: library catalog
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 4630 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-086 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 086
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3411 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-087 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 087
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3412 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-088 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 088
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3413 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-089 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 089
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1966
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 4562 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-090 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 090
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1967?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3402 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-091 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 091
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1967?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3403 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-091A - used, rare and out of print [books on Clocks and Watches]
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: booklist
Edition: 1967?
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 10105 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-092 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 092 1968
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 7068 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-093 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 093 1968
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 4955 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-094 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 094
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1970?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3691 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-095 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 095 1971
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 7069 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-096 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 096
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1972?
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6912 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-097 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 097
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1973?
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 6913 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-098 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 098
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1974?
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 4807 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-099 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 099
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1975?
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 6911 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-100 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 100
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1976?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 4806 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-101 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 101 1977
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 6914 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-102 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 102
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3404 - Adams Brown
Title: Horological Literature-102B - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 102B (undated) - Books on Clocks and Watches
Keywords: bibliography
Other Keywords: Ken Roberts
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 9583 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-103 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 103 1979-80
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 7070 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-104 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 104 1980-81
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 7071 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-105 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 105
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3406 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-106 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 106
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3294 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-106 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 106
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3407 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-107 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 107
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3289 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-108 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 108 1985
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 7072 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-109 1986 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 109
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 4206 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-110 1987 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 110
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 6915 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-111 1988 - book on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 111 1988
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 7073 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-112 1989 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 112 19??
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1989?
BHM No: 6922 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-113 1989 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 113 1989
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3405 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-114 1990 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 114 1990
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 7074 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-115 1991 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 115 1991
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 7075 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-116 1992 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 116 1992
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3408 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-117 1993 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 117 1993
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3409 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-118 1994 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 118 1994
Keywords: catalog bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 3410 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-119 1995 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 119 1995
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 3690 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-120 1996 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 120 1996
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 3271 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-121 1997 - books on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 121 1997
Keywords: catalog retail bibliography
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 3909 - Brown, Adams
Title: Horological Literature-122 1998 - book on Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Catalog 122 1998
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 7076 - Jeff [Editor] Darken, Michael Hurst, Jeremy Lancellotte Evans
Title: Horological Masterworks - English Seventeenth-Century Clocks from Private Collections
SubTitle: An Exhibition to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Antiquarian Horological Society
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: Oxford AHS
Edition: 2003, 1st edition
Page or pages: 251
BHM No: 4465 - Jeff [Editor] Darken, Michael Hurst, Jeremy Lancellotte Evans
Title: Horological Masterworks - English Seventeenth-Century Clocks from Private Collections
SubTitle: An Exhibition to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Antiquarian Horological Society
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: Tompion Knibb Quare
Edition: 2003, luxury edition
Page or pages: 251
BHM No: 4809 - Franz
. Scharinger, Susanne Walther
Title: Horological Museum (Vienna 1, Schulhof 2)
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Wien Vienna
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 597 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Museums - A collection of Postcards. Museum pamphlets and Photographs
SubTitle: Germany Switzerland , Fall 2001
Other Keywords: postcards Germany
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 1423 - Otto Frei, Borel, Jules
Title: Horological Parts and Supplies Catalog January 1998
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: Borel
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 3368 - No-Author-stated-and-undated
Title: Horological Patent List [Country unnamed , USA ]
SubTitle: Reference Book on numbers of Horological Patents
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Referernce Book on US horological Patents Selfpublished
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 24819 - Moritz Grossmann, M. Loeske
Title: Horological Pocket Dictionary, containing the technical terms in use in watch and clockmaking,?
SubTitle: Englsh-German-French and French-German English
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Dictionary
Edition: 1908, 2nd enlarged edition
Page or pages: 330
BHM No: 4316 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Collated-by]
Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Other Keywords: postcards
Edition: 2007 ongoing
BHM No: 11422 - Paul Borel
Title: Horological Products Catalog - JulesBorel & Co. [Cat H)=08]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1914 ca
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 19519 - Borel, Jules
Title: Horological Products Catalog [CAT-H08 $8.00, 2011]
SubTitle: Jules Borel & Co.
Keywords: catalog watch parts
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 15992 - David Penney
Title: Horological Profiles by C - [2019ff]
SubTitle: [A series of booklets published the britisch horological scholar, author and deaker David Penney]
Keywords: UK-London watch antique
Other Keywords: Patent
Edition: 2019ff
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 22997 - David Penney
Title: Horological Profiles by David Penney - [A seies of booklets on Pocket watches - 2019ff]
Keywords: watch antique
Edition: 2019 ff
BHM No: 22998 - Willis I. Milham
Title: Horological Puzzles
Other Keywords: puzzles
Edition: 1950s ?
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 1924 - Jack Goldberg, Terry Brotherton
Title: Horological Rarities of Space City '99
SubTitle: A commemorative Exhibit Catalog, 1999 NAWCC National, Houston TX June 24-27,1999 Houston Astrohall
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Texas Houston NAWCC Goolsby Brotherton Goldberg
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 57
BHM No: 150 - ?,
Title: Horological Review [The?] - Compilations of Selections from Rare Issues of the Horological Review
SubTitle: [selected articles from 1916 to 1918]
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 5860 - Eric Bruton
Title: Horological Review [UK] - Incorporating Watch and Clock Maker
SubTitle: [Vol.1, No. 1, 2, 4, 5, , July to ov 1964, 8 pages per issue, distributed with the first issue of 'Retail Jeweler' every month]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1964, - Vol. 1
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 14659 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Science Archives
Other Keywords: Archive digitizing record storage
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-4
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 9306 - Gordon Uber
Title: Horological Science Archives
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-4
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 9307 - Science Newsletter Horological, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, INDEX, 1992-2001 - Vol. 1-10
SubTitle: Index to Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 4921 - Science Newsletter Horological, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1992, Vol. 1
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1996, Vol.01
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 3063 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1993, Vol.02
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 7207 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1994, Vol.03
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 7208 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1995, Vol.04
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 7209 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1996, Vol. 5
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1996, Vol.05
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 7210 - Science Newsletter Horological, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1997, Vol. 6
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1997, Vol.06
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 4920 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1998, Vol.07
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7211 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 1999, Vol.08
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7212 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2000, Vol.09
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7213 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2001, Vol.10
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7214 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2002, Vol.11
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7215 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2003, Vol. 12
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2003, Vol.12
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7216 - NAWCC-Chapter-161-HorologicalScienceAssociation, Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2004, Vol.13
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7217
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum
Other Keywords: Horological Science Chapter NAWCC
Edition: 2005, Vol.14
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7452- Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2006, Vol. 15
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2006, Vol.15
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17024 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2007, Vol. 16
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2007, Vol.16
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17025 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2008, Vol. 17
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2008, Vol.17
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17026 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2009, Vol. 18
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2009, Vol.18
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17027 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2010, Vol. 19
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2010, Vol.19
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17028 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2011, Vol. 20
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2011, Vol.20
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17029 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2012, Vol. 21
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: advanced precision pendulum clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: HSN horological science
Edition: 2012, Vol.21
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17030 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 22
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Edition: 2013 Volume 22
Page or pages: 350
BHM No: 17863 - Bob Holmstrom[Photography]
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2014, Vol. 23
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: chapter161 Science HorologicalScience
Edition: 2014
BHM No: 19927 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2015, Vol. 24
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Chapter161 161 Science
Edition: 2015
BHM No: 19928 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2016, Vol. 25
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: HSN
Edition: 2016 - Vol. 25
BHM No: 20356 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2017, Vol. 26
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: oscillator performance energy dissapation measurement clock watch
Edition: 2017-Vol.28
BHM No: 21964 - Bob[Editor] Holmstrom
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2018, Vol. 27
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: oscillator performance energy dissapation escapement lubrication/friction gearing measurement sensors data analysis modeling clock watch
Other Keywords: Theory of verge and foliot
Edition: 2018 - Vol. 27
BHM No: 21965 - Bob Holmstrom[Editor]
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2018, Vol. 27
SubTitle: Newsletter of the Horological Science Chapter 161 of NAWCC
Keywords: mechanical precision physics oscillator data analysis modeling clock watch
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 22894 - Bob Holmstrom[Editor&Publisher], Pierre Boucheron
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2019, Vol. 28
SubTitle: The State of HSN -Father O'Leareyy's Clock-Multi-Variant Regression Analysis of Horological Data
Keywords: physics oscillator sensors data analysis modeling clock watch
Edition: 2019 - Vol.28
Page or pages: 1`28
BHM No: 22966 - Malcolm. K. Hobden, Bob Holmstrom[Editor&Publisher], David MacMillan, J. B. Edwards, Pepi Cima, Steve. R. Thackery, Douglas Bateman
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2020, Vol. 29 - Further Historical Performance of Precision Pendulum Clocks
SubTitle: Verge & Foliot Escapement Experiment|An Electrical Engineer Looks at a Watch|Nonlinearity as an essential component in the Modelling|
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Horological Science News
Edition: 2020
BHM No: 24202 - Bob Holmstrom[Editor], Andrew Millington, J.B.Edwards
Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2021,Vol.30-Quarterly-published by the NAWCC-Chapter#16-Horological-Sience
SubTitle: June Issue e.g incl.'How Good is Airy?',A New Method for Modelling Escapment Action by System Engineering Techniques
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: science
Edition: 2021-quarterly
BHM No: 24206 - ?,
Title: Horological Screws [Specifications]
SubTitle: [beeing "Sectiion H", p. 152-158, of an unidentified machinists guidebook(?)}
Keywords: part
Other Keywords: screw threads standards
Edition: 1950s?
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 5357 - R. Crom,Theodore
Title: Horological Shop Tools
SubTitle: 1700 to 1900
Keywords: tool
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 678
BHM No: 108 - Society of New York, Horologocal
Title: Horological Society of New York - 2015 and 2016 Schedule of Meetings and Presentations [Weboffprint Nov 2016]
SubTitle: HSNY
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: HSNY
Edition: 2015-2016
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 20734 - Horological Society of New York
Title: Horological Society of New York - Founded 1866 - 150th Anniversary Gala - Tuesday March 29, 2016 - General Society Library
SubTitle: Programm leaflet 96 page fanfold
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: New York
Edition: 2016-03-29
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20406 - Horological Society of New York
Title: Horological Society of New York Archival Book - 1866-2016 - Softcover Editiion
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 23504 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Robert and Susan Gary[Proofreaders&LayoutTouchup]
Title: Horological Study Tour of Central Germany 2014 - USA Section - Antiquarian Horological Society
SubTitle: [A Photodocumentation of 36 leading Horological Museums and private Collections from the Rhein to the Czeck border
Other Keywords: Travelogue
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 131
BHM No: 21295 - Henry Casson, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Study Tour of France - April 2013 - A Travelogue
SubTitle: [offprint] As published in the September 2013 issue of Antiquarian Horology, Number 3 - Volume 34 - Pages 416-426
Keywords: F-Comtoise F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: AHS travelogue studytour
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 18475 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Study Tour of France 2013 - USA Section - Antiquarian Horological Society
SubTitle: [Large hardcover, bookformat printout of the Powerpoint travelogue]
Keywords: F-Comtoise F-Paris clock watch
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 18599 - Bernard J. Edwards
Title: Horological Time Company, Timetown USA [1980]
SubTitle: [A 1927 Catalog]
Keywords: parts tool
Other Keywords: NAWCC Regional handout
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4625 - Bernard J. Edwards
Title: Horological Time Company, Timetown USA [1981]
SubTitle: [Reprint of 1919 Catalog, produced on occasion of the 1981 9th Midwest Regional]
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 14189 - Times, Horological, Marvin E. Whitney[Editor]
Title: Horological Times - 1977 - Vol. 01
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1977-Vol.01
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3816 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1978 - Vol. 02
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1978-Vol.02
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3817 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1979 - Vol. 03
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1979-Vol.03
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3818 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1980 - Vol. 04
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1980-Vol.04
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3819 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1981 - Vol. 05
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1981-Vol.05
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3820 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1982 - Vol. 06
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1982-Vol.06
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3821 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1983 - Vol. 07
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1983-Vol.07
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3822 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1984 - Vol. 08
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1984-Vol.08
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3823 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1985 - Vol. 09
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1985-Vol.09
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3824 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1986 - Vol. 10
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1986-Vol.10
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3825 - Times, Horological, Harold [Editor] Herman
Title: Horological Times - 1987 - Vol. 11
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1987-Vol.11
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3826 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1988 - Vol. 12
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1988-Vol.12
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3827 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1989 - Vol. 13
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1989-Vol.13
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3828 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1990 - Vol. 14
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1990-Vol.14
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3829 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1991 - Vol. 15
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1991-Vol.15
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3830 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1992 - Vol. 16
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1992-Vol.16
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3831 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1993 - Vol. 17
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1993-Vol.17
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3832 - Times, Horological, John C. Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1994 - Vol. 18
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1994-Vol.18
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3833 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1995 - Vol. 19
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1995-Vol.19
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3834 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1996 - Vol. 20
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1996-Vol.20
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3835 - Times, Horological, Milton [Editor] Stevens
Title: Horological Times - 1997 - Vol. 21
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1997-Vol.21
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3836 - Times, Horological, Bill {Editor} Ewbank
Title: Horological Times - 1998 - Vol. 22
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1998-Vol.22
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3837 - Times, Horological, Bill {Editor} Ewbank
Title: Horological Times - 1999 - Vol. 23
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 1999-Vol.23
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3838 - Times, Horological, Bill {Editor} Ewbank
Title: Horological Times - 2000 - Vol. 24
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2000-Vol.24
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3839 - Times, Horological, Donna [Editor] Baas
Title: Horological Times - 2001 - Vol. 25
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2001-Vol.25
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 3470 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2002 - Vol. 26
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2002-Vol.26
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 13825 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2003 - Vol. 27
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2003-Vol.27
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 13826 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2004 - Vol. 28
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2004-Vol.28
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 13827 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2005 - Vol. 29
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2005-Vol29
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 13828 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2006 - Vol. 30
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2006-Vol.30
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 13829 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2007 - Vol. 31
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2007-Vol.31
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 13830 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2008 - Vol. 32
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2008-Vol.32
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 13831 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2009 - Vol. 33
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Other Keywords: AWI trade
Edition: 2009-Vol.33
Page or pages: 480
BHM No: 13832 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2010 - Vol. 34
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch practical how-to
Other Keywords: AWCI
Edition: 2010, Vol. 35
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 18553 - Hardy[Editor], Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2011 - Vol. 35
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: AWI AWCI
Edition: 2011, Vol. 36
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 18554 - Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2012 - Vol. 36
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: AWI AWCI
Edition: 2012, Vol. 36
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 18555 - Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2013 - Vol. 37 - Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: AWI AWCI
Edition: 2013, Vol.37
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 18556 - Donna Bass, Horological Times
Title: Horological Times - 2014 - Vol. 38 - Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: AWI AWCI
Edition: 2014, Vol.38
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 18557 - Donna Bass[Editor]
Title: Horological Times - 2015- Vol. 39 - Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institut
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Other Keywords: awi awci
Edition: 2015 - Vol.39
Page or pages: 720
BHM No: 20887 - Donna Hardy[Editor]
Title: Horological Times - 2016- Vol. 40 -?Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: Volume 40
Page or pages: 620
BHM No: 21143 - Donna Hardy[Managing Editor}
Title: Horological Times - 2017- Vol. 41 - Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology SubTitle:
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AWCI
Edition: 2017 - vol. 41
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 22058 - Donna Hardy[Managing Editor}
Title: Horological Times - 2018- Vol. 42 - Advancing the Art, Science and Business of Horology :
SubTitle: Offical Publication of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: WWCI
Edition: Vol. 42 - 2018
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 22059 - Donna Hardy[Managing Editor], KathyOrtt[Editor], Janett Toress-Gomez[GrapicDesign]
Title: Horological Times - 2019- Vol. 43 - American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute--Setting Service Standards and educating the Horological Community
SubTitle: [monthly magazine, subscription only with membership in the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 23163 - James W. Gibbs
Title: Horological Tour of Philadelphia
SubTitle: Silver Jubilee Convention June 1968
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Philadelphia tour guide
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 1496 - James W. Gibbs
Title: Horological Tour of Philadelphia
SubTitle: Fortieth Anniversary Convention June 1983
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Phuiladelphia
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 1497 - Eugene Lidner
Title: Horological Tour to Europe including Oberammergau Passion Play - For NAWCC Members and their Friends - September 1970
SubTitle: [Solicitation brochure]
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 15640 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: horological travelogue based on the 2006 Study Tour of the USA Section of the Antiquarian Horological Society to Sothern Germany
SubTitle: [DVD Format, 70 minutes]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest D-Augsburg/N?rnberg
Other Keywords: AHS trip travelogue
Edition: 2006
BHM No: 11338 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Treasures of Central Germany [The...] - Flyer for the lecture at the 2015 National convention
Other Keywords: AHS USA Section
Edition: 2015-06-19
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20009 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Treasures of the Northeastern USA - Study Tour 2009 Antiquarian Horological Society USA Section
SubTitle: A Travelogue presentation in Powerpoint format
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AHS study tour USA
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 15060 - Lynn Paladino
Title: Horological tree
Other Keywords: poetry
Edition: 1960s ?
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 275 - R. Crom,Theodore
Title: Horological Wheel Cutting Engines
SubTitle: 1700 to 1900
Keywords: tools machinery collection advanced
Other Keywords: wheelcutting
Edition: 1982, 3rd Imprint
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 105 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horological Workbook of Johann Louis Gropengiesser - A preliminary report on a unique original document of German American Horological History
SubTitle: [Daft 1, Status as of August 2016]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Gropemgieser Philadelphia
Edition: 2016 - draft 1
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 20661 - Charles Allix, Dreweatts
Title: horological working library of Charles Allix
SubTitle: [Catalog 2012 on occasion of its sale by Auction, including illustrations and prices realized]
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: library Allix
Edition: 2012-02-22
Page or pages: 149
BHM No: 16780 - Fortunat F.Mueller-Maerki[Tour-Leader]
Title: Horological-Study-Tour-France-USA Section-Ant.Hor.Soc.-Shedule&misc.Ephemera-2013-18-28Apr-
SubTitle: incl:SabrierColl-CNAM-Arrras-SenecaColl-StNidAl-Kugel-Ecouan-Louvre-Turner-DepotCNAM-Versaille-Besanc-Mort-Vill-Droz-Fontloup-Campagnaire-Dupuy-
Keywords: F-Comtoise F-Paris clock watch antique
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 22805 - John S. Grow
Title: Horologicaly Continued Education - [by] John S. Grow, ISA-AM (Montral, Canada)
SubTitle: [Fall 2019 Handout/Flyer of Horological continued education classes of interest to watch and clock collectors]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2016 Fall
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20698
Title: Horologicqal Review [The?] - Collectors Edition
SubTitle: Compilation of Selections from Rare Issues of The Horological Review
Keywords: historic periodical
Other Keywords: Horological Review
Edition: 1917
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 5253- NAWCC-Symposium-Staff-and-Fortunat-F.Mueller-Maerki
SubTitle: The original 'penciled in' registration form of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki as submitted to the Symposium organizers
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: First-NAWCC-Symposium-ever-held-in-New-York-City,held at the HSNY---2020
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24978 - Paul Jacob Marpergers
Title: Horologiographia oder Beschreibung der Eintheilung und Abmessung der Zeith, sonderlich des Tages und
SubTitle: der Nachtstunden, und zwar jener bey hellen Sonnen-Schein durch die Sonnenzeiger, dieser durch die..
Keywords: historic
Other Keywords: law
Edition: 1977 facsimile reprint of 1723 edition
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 1971 - Christoph Mauch, Eckart Mauch
Title: Horologisches Lexicon Band I Deutsch Englisch
SubTitle: Horological Dictionary Volume I German English
Other Keywords: German English Language Dictionary
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 359
BHM No: 408 - Laura Chester
Title: Horologist and inventor Dr John C Taylor honoured with stamp series
SubTitle: [Newsstory Sept 18 2017]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2017-09-18
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21328 - Catherine Yang
Title: Horologist Jim Michaels Is Keeping Time, History Alive (A feature article in Japanese Wesite NTD, posted also in the English language feed)
SubTitle: (Weboffprint 7p, )
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2019 Aug 2
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23158 - Benjamin Matz[Editor]
Title: Horologist's Loupe [The...] - published by the Horological Society of New York, Inc. - Vol. XXXIV 1955 [missing June July Aug]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: New York
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 19512 - Maev Kennedy
Title: Horologists ponder mystery of how 19th century chronometer survived fatal Arctic expedition
SubTitle: Timepiece [Arnold No. 294] linked to Sir John Franklin's fatal Artic expedition returns to Britain disguised as a carriage clock
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Arnold 294 Franklin northwest passage
Edition: 2009-05-20
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 14095 - Christiaan Huygens, Ernest L. Edwardes
Title: Horologium
SubTitle: An English Translation together with the original Latin text in Facsimile
Keywords: pendulum physics
Other Keywords: cheeks cycloidal science
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 5497 - Michael Neureiter
Title: horologium - Newsletter August 2020 - Uhrenlinks
SubTitle: Liechti Replika - Schmiedeisenuhr Seekirchen - Literatur - Bildergalerien - etc
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2020 August
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23719 - Michael Neureiter
Title: Horologium - Newsletter No.01 - 2014 Oktober - Michael Neureiter
SubTitle: [Periodic Nesletter by an Austrian restorer of towerclocks]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2014- No.1
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20064 - Christiaan Huygens
Title: Horologium - [Extremly rare - in Latin - a transcription in Dutch is in 1903 in 'Tijdschrift', a French translationn first in 'L'Horloger' 1922
SubTitle: [Titepage reads: Christiani Hugenii a Zulichem, Const. F. Horologium. Hagae Comitum. Ex officine Adriani Vlaq. M.DC.LVIII - 1 Illustration
Keywords: historic clock
Edition: 1658
BHM No: 22499 - Julius F. Sachse
Title: Horologium Achaz - Christopherus Schissler, Artifex
SubTitle: A Paper read before the American Philosphical Society, February 1 1895 , Vol.XXXIV, March 12, 1895
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Achaz Schissler
Edition: 1895 original offpint
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 4499 - Emmanuel Poulle, dall'orologio, Giovanni deDondi
Title: Horologium Amicorum - Emmanuel Poulle: L'Astrarium de Giovanni Dondi
SubTitle: [Facsiline du manuscrit " Tractatus Astrarium " de Padoue, Bigliotheque capitulaire, ms D.39]
Keywords: facsimile astronomical specific
Other Keywords: astrarium planetarium orrery Dondi
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11555 - Mario Bettino, Francesco Eschinardi
Title: Horologium hydraulicum ex Aeario P. Marii Bettini ... cum appendice P. Francesci Eschinardi ... secunda Editio [1648]
SubTitle: Pater Francesco Echinardi's Water Clock, from the Treasury of Pater Mario Bettino with appendix [small quarto book of 9 pages][in the Bibl.Nat.Paris]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: waterclock
Edition: 1648 or 1650
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 20817 - Mario Bettino, Francesco Eschinardi
Title: Horologium Hydraulicum ex Aerario P. Marli Bettini .... cumappendice P. Francesci ... secunda editio
SubTitle: This small quatro book of 9 pages without date or publicationplace is in the bibliotheqque Nationale in Paris.
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: waterclock
Edition: 1650 probably
BHM No: 22494 - Theodor Wahlin
Title: Horologium Mirabile Lundense - det Astronomiska Uret I Lunds Domkyrka
SubTitle: [The woderfull astronomical clock in the Cathedral of Lund [Sweden]]
Keywords: astronomical complication monumental specific clock
Other Keywords: Lund Sweden
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 217
BHM No: 7046 - Theodor Walin
Title: Horologium Mirabile Lundense - det Astronomiska Uret I Lunds Domkyrka - Luxury edition - Undated, Artisinal Binding-3/4 Leather, artisanal Boards
SubTitle: [mit Deutscher Zusammenfassung/Resume en Francais] - [The woderfull astronomical clock in the Cathedral of Lund [Sweden]]
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Lund
Edition: 1923 Artisanal Luxury Edition
BHM No: 23313 - Michael Neureiter, horologium.at
Title: horologium Newsletter 07 09 2021 4 | Revitalisierung des turmwerks 1780 der Stiftkitche St.Peter in Salzburg {Austria}
SubTitle: Zoom-Meeting'Tower-Clock-Talk' | Obituary: ? Bernhard Schmitt | horologium Newsletter | Turmuhren Datenbank at: www.turmuhrenaustria.at |
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Austrian historicn Towerclocks
Edition: 2021-Sept-07
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24319 - Michael Neureiter, Wolffgang Auer, Wolffgang Komzak
Title: horologium Newsletter 2021-May-23 | Zoom Meeting "Uhren an Tuermen, Ihren in Tuermen" 28 May 2021 | Restoration of the tower clock in Armsdorf (A)|
SubTitle: .. - Turmuhr 1693 by Jeremias Sauter [now at Rupertswinkel auf der Burg (A)- https.:kurzelinks.de/xose]-- Jahrsdorf [A]-
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Burg Tittmoning
Edition: 2021-May-23
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24132 - Michael Neureiter
Title: horologium Newsletter 22 12 2021 4 | an Austrian Tower Clock Website | December 2021 Edition
SubTitle: with download links of several towerclock articles 2021
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Towerclock Austria
BHM No: 24483 - Michael Neureiter
Title: horologium newsletter 9austria) - Oktober 2016: Neustes von Turmuhren
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2016-10
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 20704 - Michael Neureiter, horologium.at
Title: horologium Newsletter Dezember 2020 No.3 [ev.4], [dated: Dec.2020.plus 2 full page size illustration blow ups]
SubTitle: [An Austrian quarterly Towerclock Newsletter, in German]
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Michaelstor Salzburg - Zeugwartstoekel - Tittmoning - Pfarrkirche - Tirol - Glockendorf - Turmuhren Datenbank
Edition: 2020 - No.3
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23911 - Michael Neureiter, horologium.at
Title: horologium Newsletter Dezember 2020 No.4, [dated: Dec.2020.plus 2 full page size illustration blow ups]
SubTitle: [An Austrian quarterly Towerclock Newsletter, in German]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Vignaun, Schlosskapele Timoring[Bayern]- Pfarrkirche Waldrug[Tyrol]
Edition: 2020-No.4 Dezember
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23910 - Michael Neureiter, horologium.at
Title: horologium Newsletter Februar 2021 4, [dated: Feb 23.2021]
SubTitle: [incl.annoucement of availability of scan of Amnanus manuscript/17880 towerclock atPfarrkirche Weidring/Johan Berteke Towerclock @ St.Peter Salzburg
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Horologium.at
Edition: 2021 Feb 23
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 23997 - Michael Neureiter
Title: horologium newsletter J?nner 2018: Neuestes von Turmuhren
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: StilleNacht Stille Nacht
Edition: 2018-01
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21884 - Christiaan Huygens
Title: Horologium Oscilatorium siue de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricae
SubTitle: Christiani Hugeninii, Zulichemii, Const. F.
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: Huygens
Edition: 1966, facsimile of Paris 1673 edition
Page or pages: 162
BHM No: 4044 - Christiaan Huygens, Christiani Hugenii
Title: Horologium [1658]
SubTitle: [One of the rarer books by Huygens}
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1658
BHM No: 21818 - Wikipedia
Title: Horologium [Entry in the Latin language version of Wikipedia for the latin word for timekeeper}
SubTitle: [Weboffprint]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20612 - Abraham Rees
Title: Horology
SubTitle: Plates [47 originals] from Plates Volume 2 of Cyclopedia 1819-1820 edition
Other Keywords: encyclopedia
Edition: 1819
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 4342 - Luke Herbert
Title: Horology
SubTitle: An Entry in "The Engineer's & Mechanic's Encyclopedia of 1849"
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: encyclopedia
Edition: 2003 xerographic reprint 0f 1849
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 4924 - Anonymous,
Title: Horology
SubTitle: [Manuscript Notebook of a student/apprentice watchmaker, ca.1920?]
Other Keywords: student notebook
Edition: 1920s?
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 1525 - J.Eric Haswell
Title: Horology
SubTitle: The Science of Time Meashurement and the construction of Clocks, Watches and Chronometers
Keywords: historic
Edition: 1951 reprint
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 1583 - Donald deCarle
Title: Horology
SubTitle: Teach yourself book
Keywords: basic practical
Edition: 1965, 1st edition
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 1592 - Seminar, NAWCC, Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Horology & Science - 25th Ward Francillion Time Symposium - Portland OR, October 2004
SubTitle: Programm Booklet and various handouts
Other Keywords: Syposium Seminar NAWCC
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 6280 - Arts&CollectionsInternational
Title: Horology - A brief history -
SubTitle: [An article published in June 2018 on the Website of 'Arts & Collections International' [A collectors magazine)
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2028 June
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 22106 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [01], 1934-1935
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1934
BHM No: 3864 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [02] II, 1935-1936
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1935
Page or pages: 480
BHM No: 5290 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [03] III, 1936-1937
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1936
Page or pages: 480
BHM No: 5257 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [04] IV, 1937-1938
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1937
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 5317 - Bonhams,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [05], 1938-1939
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 5530 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [06], 1939-1940
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 5523 - Horology,, Samuel [Editor] Levin
Title: Horology - A Magazine for the Advancement of Watch and Clockmaking, Volume [07], 1940-1941
SubTitle: Official Organ of the Horological Association of California
Keywords: commercial technical repair
Other Keywords: monthly
Edition: 1940
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 5735 - I. Taylor[engraver]
Title: Horology - Clepsydra - Clockwork - Fig.1 - Fig.7
SubTitle: [Plate from an unidenfied book]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: clepsydra inclined plane clock
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12319 - Richard S. Wormser
Title: Horology - Longitude - Precious Stones & Jewelery - Catalogue 254
SubTitle: Richard S. Wormser Books, Bethel CT
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: booklist books
Edition: 1960 ca.
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 13661 - W. Haines
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate CCCII [from an unidentified Encyclopedia]
SubTitle: Fig.1 - Fig. 9
Keywords: clock
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12287 - H. Anderson[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate CCCII [from an unidentified Encyclopedia]
Keywords: clock movement
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12288 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [05] V - Chime Works in the Clock Room of St.Margrets Church Westminster
SubTitle: loose single sheet original engraving, as p.7 of Tuttle Facsimile of Horology section of Rees's Cyclopedia]
Keywords: musical specific
Other Keywords: St.Margrets Westminster
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 5 [V]
BHM No: 12289 - G. Forman(?)[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [10] X - Calipering (Art Clock)
SubTitle: [loose single sheet original engraving, but different engravers signature, as p.127 of Tuttle Facsimile of Horology section of Rees's Cyclopedia]
Keywords: clock movement
Other Keywords: Callipering
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 10 (X)
BHM No: 12283 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [11] XI - Portable eight days clock
SubTitle: Fig. 1 - Fig.3
Keywords: clock movement
Other Keywords: chiming
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 11 [XI]
BHM No: 12290 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [13] XIII - Mr. Mudges TIME KEEPER
SubTitle: Fig. 1 - Fig. 7
Keywords: movement watch
Other Keywords: Mudge
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 13 [XIII]
BHM No: 12309 - C. Tiebout[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [14] XIV - Arnold's and Earnshaw's Chronometers
SubTitle: [loose single sheet original engraving, but different engravers signature, as p.49 of Tuttle Facsimile of Horology section of Rees's Cyclopedia]
Keywords: escapement detached/free clock
Other Keywords: Arnold Earnshaw
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 14 [ XIV]
BHM No: 12284 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [16] XI - Clock with Chimes
Keywords: clock movement
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 16 [XVI]
BHM No: 12291 - B. Tanner[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [17] XVII - Clock with Chimes
SubTitle: [loose single sheet original engraving, but different engravers signature, as p.131 of Tuttle Facsimile of Horology section of Rees's Cyclopedia]
Keywords: musical gravity wave detector clock
Other Keywords: chimes
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 17 [XVII]
BHM No: 12285 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [22] XXII - Astronomical Clock by Reid
SubTitle: Fig.1 - Fig.4
Keywords: clock movement
Other Keywords: astronomical
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 22 [Xxii}
BHM No: 12292 - Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [24] XXIV - Equation Clock by Enderlin
SubTitle: Fig.1 - Fig.2
Keywords: clock movement
Other Keywords: equation
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 24 [XXIV]
BHM No: 12293 - Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [25] XXV - Clock Work Striking Part with one wheel and one Pinion
SubTitle: Strike or silent - Endless Cord of Huygens - Forcing Spring - French Forcin spring - Bolt & Shutter
Keywords: clock movement striketrain
Other Keywords: striketrain
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 25 [XXV]
BHM No: 12294 - Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [28] XXVIII - Compensation Curbs
SubTitle: Fig.1 - Fig.7
Keywords: temp-compensation watch movement balancewheel adjusting
Other Keywords: grid-iron bimetalic
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 28 [XXVIII]
BHM No: 12295 - H. Anderson[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [29] XXIX - Compensation Balances
SubTitle: Fig. 1 - Fig.10
Keywords: temp-compensation balancewheel
Other Keywords: compensating balance wheel
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 29 [XXIX]
BHM No: 12296 - R. Fairman[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [30] XXX - Compensation Curbs and Balances
SubTitle: Mr.Scott's, Side View, Mr. Cumming's, Mr. Hardy's Balance, Mr. Hardy's Isochronal compensation, Berthoud's
Keywords: temp-compensation balancewheel
Other Keywords: Scott, Cumming, Balance, Hardy Isochronal compensation, Berthoud
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 30 [XXX]
BHM No: 12297 - ?,
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [31] XXX [actualy XXXI, mislabeled] - Escapements
SubTitle: Mr. Atwoods Theory of Balance, Crown Wheel, Huygens's, Dr.Hook's & Du Tertre's
Keywords: escapement verge
Other Keywords: Hook DuTetres
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 31 [XXXI]
BHM No: 12298 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [32] XXXII - Escapements
SubTitle: Sully's Graham's Horizontal Anchor Escapement Bennet 's Dead Beat Graham's Dead Beat Grignon's Dead Beat Thiout's
Keywords: escapement anchor/lever
Other Keywords: Sully Graham Bennet Grignon Thiout
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 32 [XXXII]
BHM No: 12299 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [33] XXXIII - Escapements
SubTitle: Berthoud's Smeaton's de Bethune's Amant's Harrison's Cumming's Mudge's Peter LeRoy's
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: Berthoud Smeaton deBethune Amant Harrison Cummings Mudge LeRoy
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 33 {XXXIII]
BHM No: 12300 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [35] XXXV - Escapements
SubTitle: Mudge's Magrett's Duplex Robin's Escpement a Virgule Tompion's Free for a Pendulum
Keywords: escapement detached/free
Other Keywords: Mudge Magrett Duplex Robin Virgulke Tompion free
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 35 [XXXV]
BHM No: 12301 - H. Anderson[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [36] XXXVI - Escapements &c
SubTitle: Berthoud's Nicholson's Mafsey's Goodriche's Theory of the Fusee
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: Berthod Nicholson Mafsey Goodriche Fusee
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 36 XXXVI]
BHM No: 12302 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [37] XXVII [actualy XXXVII, mislabeled] - Troughton's Pendulum
SubTitle: Fig. 1 - Fig.9
Keywords: knife-edge pendulum
Other Keywords: Troughton
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 37 [XXXVII]
BHM No: 12303 - H. Anderson[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [39] XXXIX - Compensating Pendulums
SubTitle: Graham's Mercurial, Regnauld's, Deparcieux's, J[ulien] LeRoy's
Keywords: temp-compensation pendulum
Other Keywords: Graham Mercurial, Regnauld, Deparcieux, LeRoy
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 39 [XXXIX]
BHM No: 12305 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [40] XL - Compensating Pendulums
SubTitle: Ellicott's, Troughton's Rhomboidal, Berthoud's, Troughton's Mercurial, Fordyee's, Ritchie's, Ward's, Reid's, Doughty's, Nicholson's
Keywords: temp-compensation pendulum
Other Keywords: Ellicott, Troughton, Rhomboidal, Berthoud, Troughton Mercurial, Fordyee, Ritchie Ward Reid Doughty Nicholson
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 40 [XL]
BHM No: 12304 - J. FareyJr[Illustrator], Wilson Lowry[Engraver]
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [41] XLI - Remontair Escapements
SubTitle: Haley's, Hardy's, Hardy's in a different position, Breguet's
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: Haley's Hardy's Breguet's remontoire
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 41 {XLI]
BHM No: 12306 - ?,
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [42] XLII - Remontoire Escapements
SubTitle: de Lafon's, Mafssey's, Mendham's, Prior's
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: deLafons Massey Mendham Prior remontoire
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 42 [XLII]
BHM No: 12307 - ?,
Title: HOROLOGY - Plate [44] XLIV - Common Watch - Alarum - Rolling Watch
SubTitle: [loose single sheet original engraving, but different engravers signature, as p.284 of Tuttle Facsimile of Horology section of Rees's Cyclopedia]
Keywords: watch movement
Other Keywords: rolling watch
Parent Document ID: 4342 - Parent Document Title: Horology
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 44 [XLIV]
BHM No: 12286 - Malcom Gardner
Title: Horology -Short List of book on Horology and allied Subjects offered for Sale by Malcolm Gardner - No.5 - Jan 1948
SubTitle: Catalog No.5 [Price:6d] ; 'Heavy Parcels up to 22 pounds may be posted to the USA for a cost of ca. $2'
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Gardner
Edition: 1948 January
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 24288 - Malcolm Gardner
Title: Horology -Short List of book on Horology and allied Subjects offered for Sale by Malcolm Gardner [Catalog 4a]
Keywords: book catalog
Other Keywords: Gardner
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 5298 - Fortunat&Ruth Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horology 1776 - NAWCC SYMPOSIUM- Misc. printed Ephemera of the event collected by Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
SubTitle: includes nametags, schedules , handouts, Maps etc.
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: EPHEMERA Symposium 2021 Philadelphia
Edition: 2021-10-10
BHM No: 24364 - Lester Dworetsky, Robert Dickstein
Title: Horology Americana
Keywords: antique
Edition: 1972, 1st edition
Page or pages: 212
BHM No: 1905 - Malcolm Gardner, D.S. Torrens
Title: Horology and allied Subjects - Catalogue XVI
SubTitle: beeing the remarkable Library formed by Prof.D S Torrens
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book library Prof.Thorens
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 138
BHM No: 381 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horology at the Harvard Collection of Historic Scientific Instruments | Not-forOnly-ONE-existing copy | produced by&for Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
SubTitle: A 'one-of'-book', 2009 self published late 2009, as a trial in self-publishing, by and for Fortunat Mueller-Maerki - 2009
Keywords: clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Harvard unique-copy(only-one-printed)
Edition: 2009-single-copy-print
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 24721 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: Horology at the Harvard Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments
SubTitle: A 2009 Documentation and Study Guide for use in horological Research Libraries compiled from their website
Keywords: astronomical precision clock
Other Keywords: Harvard HCSI Thompion, Ellicot, Simond Willard, BJ Willard, Bond, Ballou, Riefler, Howard, and Short/Synchronome
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 14638 - Richard Chavigny, Fortunat Mueller Maerki[Mapping & Translation]
Title: Horology at the Louvre (2015) - A finding aide based on a article in 'Horlogerie Ancienne' (AFAHA) by Richard Chavigny
Keywords: directory F-Paris clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Louvre Map Finding Aid
Edition: 2015 November
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20384 - Bob Frischman
Title: Horology in Art - 2917 Ward Francillion Time Symposium - National Association of Watch and Clock COllectors
SubTitle: Museum of Fine Arts Boston - October 26-28 2017 [Sept 20116 fanfold flyer and preliminary list of Presenters and topics]
Edition: 2016-10
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 20804 - Bob Frischman
Title: Horology in Art - Anual Educational Symposium - NAWCC - October 26-28, Boston Museum of Fine Arts [First Flyer-2015]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2015-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 20312 - Bob Frishman
Title: Horology in Art - [Temporary] Exhibit at the HOROLOGICAL SOCIETY of New York - Fall 2021-Spring 2022 [16p. Exhibit Catalog}
SubTitle: Temporary Exhibit Catalog: Part 1:Original Artwork Nr.1-6, Part2 Fine&VintagePrints:7>28,Viny.MagCvr:29-31,Fine&VinPhoto:32-52,Sculp.53Stamps,54Clk
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Horologgy in Art
Edition: Fall 2021 > Spring 2020
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 24432 - Bob Frishman
Title: Horology in Art, an Illustrated Lecture - Sunday April3, 2016 - 2 pm, Lawrence Heritage State Park
SubTitle: Advertising Flyer
Edition: 2016-04-03
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20409 - Bob Frishman
Title: Horology in Photography: Timekeeping and Timekeepers in Photographs |
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Antique Photographs Horological scenes l Draguerrian
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 24413 - John C. Stevens, Charles K. Aked
Title: Horology in Provincial and Rural Museums
SubTitle: Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph Nr. 7
Other Keywords: list
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 599 - Bob Frischman
Title: Horology meets the "Makers" - Sept 2027 (article forNAWCC Bulletin)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Makers
Edition: 2017-09
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21337 - Peter Belin, Jim Warring[Photography]
Title: Horology on the Halfshell
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1978, 1st edition
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 1522 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horology on the Internet [A relatively early{9June1988}article on using the net to find horological information}][incl.list of of the earlyest...
SubTitle: ...horological websites: Horrology-The Index,later known as:Bibliographia Horologiae Mundi,AWI,BHI,Clocks&Time{Gorden Uber},Mike Murry,NAWCC,Timezone]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Internet as Research tool
Edition: 1998 June issue
BHM No: 23730 - Malcolm Gardner, Charles Allix
Title: Horology [01,02 & 04]
SubTitle: Catalogues I, II & IV
Keywords: bibliography retail
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 4949 - Malcolm Gardner, Charles Allix
Title: Horology [08,09,12&18]
SubTitle: Catalogues VIII, IX,X!!, XVIII
Keywords: bibliography retail
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 2453 - Malcolm Gardner, Charles Allix
Title: Horology [14]
SubTitle: Catalogue XIV
Keywords: bibliography retail
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 2454 - Malcolm Gardner, Charles Allix
Title: Horology [15-19]
SubTitle: Catalogues XV,XVI,XVII,XVIII & XIX
Keywords: bibliography retail
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 4941 - Malcolm Gardner, Charles Allix
Title: Horology [20-24]
SubTitle: Catalogues XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV
Keywords: bibliography retail
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 3315 - NoAuthor/CompilerGiven
Title: Horology [A DVD with scanned images of 184 out of print public domain horological publications] - [incl.Hourglasses Clepsydras Sundials]
Keywords: facsimile clock watch
Edition: 2017
BHM No: 21203 - Beat Haldimann, Volker Vyscocil
Title: Horology [English]
SubTitle: The central tourbillion, Flying; The double regulator, Resonnance; Der Seconds Regulator, Classic
Keywords: pendulum escapement catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: tourbillion double Haldimann
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 3442 - Beat Haldimann, Volker Vyscocil
Title: Horology [German]
SubTitle: Das Zentraltourbillion, Fliegend; Der Doppelregulator, Resonanz; Der Sekundenregulaor, Klassisch
Keywords: pendulum escapement catalog
Other Keywords: tourbillion double pendulum
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 3441 - Bob Frishman
Title: Horology's Great Collectors - Symposium - New York City - 30 Sept/02 Oct 2021 (Defered to ca.year later due to Covid-19
SubTitle: [An early flyer for the planed 2021 symposium, issued in early 2020 , (All symposiums were later actually pushed back one year)]]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2020 Spring
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23629 - Peter Fux
Title: Horology's Great Collectors | Registration form for Symposium Registration of Dr.Peter Fux, representing the Swiss Jost Buergi Society
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: Ephemersa Jost Buergi Society of Switzerland
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24993 - Dominique Flechon, Georgy Gardinetti
Title: Horology, a child of Astronomy - Horlogerie, fille de l'astronomie
SubTitle: [bilingual edition English/French]
Keywords: astronomical astronomy clock
Edition: 2013 Novewmber, 1st edition
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 18607 - information4all
Title: Horology, Clocks & Watches [A 2019 CD-ROM with a compilation of 93 historic horological documents in Chrome HTML format]
Keywords: clock watch
BHM No: 22699 - Jonathan Betts
Title: Horology: The Obsession
SubTitle: [Chapter 7 of Rupert T.Goulds Biography]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Gould
Parent Document ID: 10399 - Parent Document Title: Time restored
Edition: 07
Page or pages: 127-134
BHM No: 10435 - Bob Frishman
Title: HOROLOGY?S GREAT COLLECTORS - SYMPOSIUM - New York City October 2022 Sponsor Co-Host - HSNY
SubTitle: [The first DRAFT of flyer, dated 2021-Feb 13]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Symposium 2022 NYC
Edition: 2021-Feb-13
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23977 - Borel, Jules
Title: Horolological Products - Catalog ref.H96 - October '95
SubTitle: J Borel - Suppliers of Quality Products to Watchmakers and Jewelers since 1920
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: Borel
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 10591 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horololovar 400-Day Clock Suspension Spring Guide [The?]
Keywords: practical how-to parts
Other Keywords: torsion suspension spring
Edition: 2003, facsimile edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5494 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Horoloogical Actitivities, Contacts ,and Thougts of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki | A soon abandoned SRAPBOOK, Dec,2001>2002?
SubTitle: with a few scattered later pieces, ending around 1919 | Unpaginated
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Scrapbook
Edition: 2000-2001
BHM No: 24890 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [02nd Edition 1954]
SubTitle: Second Edition
Keywords: movement adjusting basic practical
Other Keywords: torsion 400 Day
Edition: 1954, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 11244 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [03rd Edition 1956]
SubTitle: Third Edition Completely Revised and Enlarged
Keywords: practical how-to
Other Keywords: torsion 400day anniversary clock
Edition: 3rd edition completely revised and enlarged 1956
Page or pages: 127
BHM No: 5725 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [04th Edition 1962]
SubTitle: Forth edition
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: Horolovar torsion anniversar 400day
Edition: 1962 Forth edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 989 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [05th Edition 1967]
SubTitle: Fifth Edition Revised Enlarged
Keywords: practical how-to
Other Keywords: torsion 400day anniversary clock
Edition: 5th edition revised enlarged 1967
Page or pages: 167
BHM No: 5727 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [06th Edition 1972]
SubTitle: Sixth Edition Revised Enlarged
Keywords: practical how-to
Other Keywords: torsion 400day anniversary clock
Edition: 6th edition revised enlarged 1972
Page or pages: 176
BHM No: 5726 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [07th Edition 1974]
SubTitle: Seventh edition, second printing 1977
Keywords: clock practical how-to
Other Keywords: torsion 400day
Edition: 1977, 7th edition, 2nd printing
Page or pages: 183
BHM No: 13764 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [08th Edition 1965]
SubTitle: Eigth Edition
Keywords: reference textbook practical
Other Keywords: 400 day anniversary torsion clocks
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 6955 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [09th Edition 1984]
SubTitle: Ninth Edition Revised and Updated
Keywords: practical how-to
Other Keywords: torsion 400day anniversary clock
Edition: 9th edition revised and updatded
Page or pages: 227
BHM No: 5724 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger, H.W. Ellison
Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [10th Edition 1991]
SubTitle: Tenth updated edition
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: anniversary torsion 400deay Horolovar
Edition: 1991, 10th updated edition
Page or pages: 237
BHM No: 990 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Horolovar Collection [The?]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Terwiliger
Edition: 1962, 1st edition,
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 791 - des Monts, Le Locle Chateau
Title: Horomatic - montre ? remomtage automatique de 1770 ? 1978
SubTitle: Histoire de l'Horlogerie - Fasicule [04] IV
Keywords: catalog exhibitition
Other Keywords: selfwinding automatic LeLocle
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 5184 - Horotec
Title: Horotec-Swiss L'Outil Horloger 2009
SubTitle: [Main Catalogue 2009]
Keywords: catalog watch tools
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 14845 - Horotec
Title: Horotec-Swiss Tools 2010 [CD-ROM edition]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch tools
Edition: 2010
BHM No: 14847 - Horton,
Title: Horton's Antique Clocks- Year 2000 Silent Auctions [An horological auction advertising Flyer]
SubTitle: [We publish silent auction catalogs each year, generally in February and August. Each Catalog contains 300-500 lots]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23662 - Joseph Sternfeld
Title: Hour Glasses
SubTitle: beeing Supplement C? to the Bulletin of the NAWCC
Other Keywords: hourglas sandglas sandclock sand
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2617 - Claude Pascal
Title: Hour striking Hague clock ca. 1659
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 09
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 8647 - Salomon Coster
Title: Hour striking Hague Clock ca. 1659
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 10
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 8648 - Severijn Oosterwijk
Title: Hour striking Hague Clock ca. 1660
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 11
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 8649 - Roland Carrera
Title: Hours of Love - Stunden [Die?] der Liebe, Volume I
SubTitle: Les heures de l'amour
Keywords: automaton
Other Keywords: erotioc
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 1650 - Daniel Zalewski, Chtistian Marclay
Title: Hours [The...] - Christian Marclay's around-the-clock art
SubTitle: An article in the March 12 issue of "The New Yorker" magazine, pages 50-63
Keywords: clock watch time
Edition: 2012-03-12
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 16822 - John Lloyd Bellairs, Edward [Illustrator] Gorey
Title: House [The..] with a Clock on the Wall
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 4190 - Duchess of Devonshire
Title: House, The - A Portrait of Chatsworth
SubTitle: [Chatswortis a stately mansion in Devonshire UK and its public touts include a significant number of important clocks mostly British]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Chatsworth Devonshire
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 21249 - Watch Co., Hamilton
Title: How a fine Watch Works & What makes a fine Watch fine
Other Keywords: Hamilton
Edition: 1950s?
BHM No: 6498 - Deb Olin Unferth
Title: How Analog Clocks Can Give Us More by Giving Us Less
SubTitle: [An article in the New York Times Magazine - Issue May 5 2020]
Keywords: analog digital timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Analog vs. Digital
Edition: May 5 2020
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23563 - Chris Walton, Ray Pioch[Illustrations]
Title: How and Why of Mechanical Movements [The...]
SubTitle: Exactly how machines work: Engines, Turbines, Transmissions, Brakes, Clutches, Atomic Generators, Gyroscopes etc
Keywords: basic practical
Other Keywords: machines
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 297
BHM No: 12433 - Bend, South
Title: How and Why Own a South Bend Watch
SubTitle: Told in this most interesting Catalog of Watches - Greatest Value at any Price 1914
Keywords: lathe catalog
Other Keywords: South Bend
Edition: 1960s ? Reprint
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 1373 - Gene Liberty, Jo [Illustrator] Kotula
Title: How and Why Wonder book of TIME [The]
Keywords: juvenile time
Edition: 1963
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 1184 - Robert E. Wells
Title: How do you know what time it is?
Keywords: juvenile how-to
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 11704 - Martin Burgess
Title: How Greenwich Observatory Lost the Harrison Regulators
Other Keywords: Harrison
Parent Document ID: 2774 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1975-1977] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1976 nov
Page or pages: 3 - 6
BHM No: 8051 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: How I almost discovered the first ever image of a watch
SubTitle: [Albrecht Durer, Peter Henlein, Hourglasses and Clockboards]
Other Keywords: clockboards hourglass
Parent Document ID: 14827 - Parent Document Title: Watch and Clock Bulletin - 2010, Vol.52, No. 384-389 [Sucessor to: Bulletin of the NAWCC]
Edition: 2009, no.1
Page or pages: 19-24
BHM No: 14828 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: How I almost discovered the first ever Image of a Watch
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: sanddial
Parent Document ID: 14826 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 2009, No. 380-385, Vol. LI
BHM No: 15753 - July Lasky(The-NewYorkTimes)
Title: How Many Books Does It Take to Make a Place Feel Like Home? | An illustrates article on Home Libraries | NY-Times - 2/9/22,9:45 AM
SubTitle: Doc: [ https:/nytimes.com/2021/12/24/realestate/why-do-people-keeo-books.html?ResultPosition=1 ]
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: Library
Edition: 2021-Dec-21
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 24590 - Bend, South
Title: How o run a Lathe
SubTitle: The Care and Operation of a Screw Cutting Lathe - No. 26 Revised Edition
Keywords: lathe
Edition: 1940s?
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 2477 - Oris,
Title: How ORIS Turns its Hands to the Future
SubTitle: The High Mech Booklet
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Oris
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 6003 - Eric R. Dietz
Title: How sharp does a "knife-edge" have to be?
Keywords: knife edge
Other Keywords: roller suspension
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1994 32 1 jan
Page or pages: 46 - 47
BHM No: 8533 - P. Arun
Title: How simple is simple pendulum?
Parent Document ID: 6231 - Parent Document Title: arXiv - online documents repository at Cornell University
BHM No: 15216 - W.E. May
Title: How the chronometer went to sea
Other Keywords: chronometer history
Parent Document ID: 6124 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology - reprints
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1976 mar
Page or pages: 638 - 663
BHM No: 7983 - W.E. May
Title: How the Chronometer went to Sea
Other Keywords: navigation
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 6685 - Roger Rueger, Grand-PrixD?HorlogerieDeGen?ve[Switzerland], Kari Voutilainen
Title: How the Grand Prix d?Horlogerie de Gen?ve Became the Industry?s Gold Standard-[a webdownload from watchtime.com on 2020-09-26]
SubTitle: [10 color images] Audemars Piguet, Greubel Forsey,Bulgari,F.P.Journe,Ming[Kuala-Lumpur]winner of Horological Revelation Award]
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Voutilainen
Edition: 2020-09-26
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 23757 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Hans-Heinrich Schmid
Title: How the local Newspaper in the Black Forest reported in 1856 on Connecticut Clockmaking
SubTitle: from Gewerbeblatt fuer den Schwarzwald, issue 4 May 1856
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18586
Title: How the rate of a pendulum clock will change with altitude
Other Keywords: error source pendulum altitude
Parent Document ID: 2307 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.08, 1972-1974] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1973 jun
Page or pages: 305 - 307
BHM No: 7950- Sam Hines
Title: How the Rolex Daytona Became a Collector Favorite
SubTitle: [A Fall 2020 Printed download from the Sothebey Website]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex Daytona
Edition: 2020 Fall
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23621 - Genevieve Cummins
Title: How the Watch was Worn - A Fashion for 500 Years
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: watchchain fob chatelaine
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 15162 - Genevieve Cummins
Title: How the Watch was Worn - A Fashion for 500 Years [Prepublication Mockup in Ringbinder]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: watchchain fob chatelaine
Edition: 2010 unpubished mockup
Page or pages: 276
BHM No: 15163 - Peter Hood
Title: How Time is measured
Keywords: timekeeping basic
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 252 - Joseph Daniele
Title: How to build 35 great clocks
SubTitle: complete with working plans drawings and instructions
Keywords: case
Other Keywords: wood
Edition: 1984, 1st edition
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 1307 - Carla Schwartz
Title: How to build a clock or controlling an oscillation in a nonlinear system using MATLAB, SIMULINK and the Control System Toolbox
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11201 - J.M. Huckabee
Title: How to build a Regulator Clock
SubTitle: Shop Drawings with critical construction notes
Keywords: practical movement
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 784 - Bryon G. Wels
Title: How to build Clocks and Watches
Keywords: basic novelty
Edition: 1971, 1st edition
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 1306 - unknown
Title: How to Construct a Quarter Chiming Clock' a series of articles inf 'English Mechanic and the World of Science"
SubTitle: [ Part 1 of 14 starting in the Nov 20 1891 issue of 'English Mechanic and the World of Science" as reproduced from the Google books copy]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1891-11-20
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 14220 - John Wilding
Title: How to Construct a SCISSORS CLOCK
SubTitle: and a hand operated grooving tool
Keywords: how-to
Other Keywords: scissors
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 229 - Charles Cleves
Title: How to date your Gruen Watch - [A two page Article, published on page32/33 of the ' issue May 1989 of 'Horological Times'
SubTitle: [includes a portrait photo of the Author/Columnist]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1989 May
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23740 - J.M. Paros, L. Weisbord
Title: How to design Flexure Hinges
Other Keywords: flexure
Parent Document ID: 6166 - Parent Document Title: Machine Design
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1965 nov 15
Page or pages: 151-56
BHM No: 8200 - David S. Goodman
Title: How to examine and adjust the recoil escapement
SubTitle: Video of presentation at NAWCC Syracuse Regional 1997
Keywords: adjust escapement
Other Keywords: recoil
Edition: 1997
BHM No: 1032 - Cassie Mogliner[Interviewee]
Title: How to feel less busy - You'll feel Less Rushed if you Give Time Away
SubTitle: [An article in the Winter 2018 issue of Harvard Business Review, p.88-95]]
Other Keywords: Time Management
Parent Document ID: 22281 - Parent Document Title: Detroit - visit Detroit.com
Edition: Winter 2018
Page or pages: p.88-95
BHM No: 22591 - Richard Hansen
Title: How to fix your own clock
Keywords: clock basic practical how-to
Edition: 2011, First edition
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 16060 - Thomas Warner
Title: How to keep the Clock Right by observation of the fixed stars with a small fixed telescope - Improved edition
SubTitle: Together with Tabels of Stars, arranged to show, by the use of a little arithmetic, the mean solar time of the appearent transits to the end of the ce
Edition: 2007 facsiile reprint of 1876
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 12005 - John Wilding
Title: How to Make a Battery Driven Electric Clock
Keywords: clock practical how-to
Edition: 1978, 1st 3dition
Page or pages: 53
BHM No: 12245 - Dylan Tweeney
Title: How to make a clock run for 10000 years [weboffprint]
SubTitle: [An article on the Gadget Labs website on the Clock of the Longmow] www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/06/10000-year-clock/
Keywords: monumental/big precision specific clock
Other Keywords: longnow
Edition: 2011-06-24
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 16061 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a Congrave Clock
SubTitle: (book edition)
Keywords: how-to
Other Keywords: Congreve rolling-ball
Edition: 3rd Edition
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 233 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a Congreve Clock
SubTitle: [Firtst Edition, Hardcover]
Keywords: clock advanced practical how-to
Other Keywords: rolling ball Congrave
Edition: 1976, 1st edition, numbered
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 11278 - Steve Conover
Title: How to make a Foliot Clock
Keywords: howto
Other Keywords: foliot
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 577 - Robert Porter
Title: How to make a form tool Grinding Attachment for the Watchmakers Lathe
Keywords: tools lathe practical how-to
Other Keywords: formtool
Edition: 2009, 1st edition
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 16090 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a gearless gravity arm clock
Keywords: detached/free clock practical how-to
Other Keywords: gravity escapement gearless
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 12061 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a Grasshopper Skeleton Clock
Keywords: how-to advanced practical
Other Keywords: skeleton grashopper plans
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 238 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a Grasshopper Skeleton Clock (2014 edition)
SubTitle: [Practical step by sep illustrated instructions with dimensions]
Keywords: clock practical how-to
Other Keywords: grasshopper
Edition: 2014 reeditgion
Page or pages: 105
BHM No: 20251 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a Lyre Skeleton Clock
Keywords: skeletonised practical how-to
Other Keywords: Lyre
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 85
BHM No: 9851 - Robert Porter
Title: How to make a Pivot Polisher and Micro Drilling attachement for the small lathe
Keywords: tools lathe practical how-to
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 16094 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a replica of an 18th century 30Hour weight driven Alarm Clock
SubTitle: (book edition)
Keywords: how-to alarm
Edition: 1975?
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 3362 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a simple 16th Century Style Clock
Keywords: how-to escapement
Other Keywords: foliot
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 63
BHM No: 228 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a Skeleton Wall Clock
Keywords: how-to practical
Other Keywords: skeleton
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 239 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: How to make a Strutt Epicyclic Train Clock
Keywords: how-to specific
Other Keywords: epicyclic skeleton
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 123
BHM No: 4624 - Robert Porter
Title: How to make a super sensitive Micro Drill Press
Keywords: tools practical how-to
Other Keywords: drillpress
Edition: 2007, First edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 16089 - Ferdinand Berthoud, Jakob Auch, Richard Watkins[Translator]
Title: How to Make a Verge Watch
SubTitle: Translations from "Essai sur lHorlogerie" and from "Handbuch fuer Landuhrmacher"
Keywords: practical how-to
Other Keywords: verge
Edition: 2005. 1st edition 80 copies
Page or pages: 158
BHM No: 6797 - Richard Watkins[Translator], Ferdinand Berthoud, Jakob Auch
Title: How to Make a Verge Watch [CD-ROM and Webdownload Edition]
SubTitle: Translations from "Essai sur lHorlogerie" and from "Handbuch fuer Landuhrmacher"
Keywords: escapement watch how-to
Other Keywords: Verge
Edition: 2003
BHM No: 19167 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a weight driven 8 Day Wall Clock (1973 Book edition)
SubTitle: (book edition)
Keywords: how-to
Edition: 1973, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 3363 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a weight driven 8-Day Wall Clock (Original Version) [1990 reprint]
Keywords: clock basic practical how-to
Edition: 1990 reprint of original version
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 16872 - John Wilding
Title: How to make a weight driven 8-Day Wall Clock (updated)
SubTitle: with optional striking - datework -perpetual datework
Keywords: how-to
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 223 - E.J[ohn]. Tyler, T.D. Walshaw
Title: How to Make a Wooden Wheeled Clock
SubTitle: [incl. Wood for Wooden Wheels, an article by T.D. Walshaw]
Keywords: movement practical how-to
Other Keywords: wood wooden
Edition: 1982 1st edition
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 9900 - E.J[ohn]. Tyler, T.D. Walshaw
Title: How to make a Wooden Wheeled Clock. [AND]
SubTitle: Wood for Wooden Wheels
Other Keywords: wood
Edition: 1982, 1st edition
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 3359 - R. Barnard Way
Title: How to make an ELECTRIC CLOCK
Keywords: how-to practical electrical
Edition: 1930s ?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 102 - R. Barnard Way
Title: How to make an ELECTRIC CLOCK
Keywords: electric practical
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 256 - R. Barnard Way
Title: How to make an ELECTRIC CLOCK
Keywords: electric practical
Edition: 1990s? Reedition
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 345 - C. Spierdijk
Title: How to make an ELECTRIC CLOCK
Keywords: reference
Edition: ?
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 2556 - E.J[ohn]. Tyler
Title: How to make an English Style Bracket Clock
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: bracket clock
Edition: 1978, 1st edition
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 1288 - John Wilding
Title: How to make Galileo's Escapement
Keywords: how-to escapment
Other Keywords: Galileo
Edition: 1980s, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 3361 - John Wilding
Title: How to make Galileo's Escapement
Keywords: escapement clock practical how-to
Other Keywords: Galileo
Edition: 1970s undated
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 15597 - John G Wright
Title: How to make Joseph Merlin's Band Clock
Keywords: how-to advanced
Other Keywords: Merlin Band-Clock
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 236 - Harvard-Business-Review-Editorial-Staff
Title: How to make Time when there is No Time [Reprints of various recent articles on Time Management]
SubTitle: [The Winter 2018 issue of 'ON POINT' - Selected articles from Harvard Business Review] [ISSN 1558-4879]
Other Keywords: Time management
Edition: 2018 Winter
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 22581 - Robert Porter
Title: How to Make Tiny Drills quickly, easily and acuratly
Keywords: tool
Other Keywords: drill
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 4802 - Robert Porter
Title: How to make Tiny Drills quickly, easily.and accurately
Keywords: tools practical how-to
Other Keywords: drill tiny
Edition: 1996 1st edition
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 16091 - Ferdinand Berthoud, Paul Middents, Lawrence Allen Seymour
Title: How to Manage and Regulate Clocks and Watches, for the use of those who have no Knowledge of Horolog
SubTitle: L'art de conduire et de regler les pendules et les Montres
Keywords: historic basic
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 81
BHM No: 406 - William R. Smith
Title: How to Mmake a Gearless Gravity Arm Clock
SubTitle: [Practical step by sep illustrated instructions with dimensions]
Keywords: clock practical how-to
Other Keywords: gravity arm escapement
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 20252 - Steven G. Conover
Title: How to Repair 20 American Clocks
SubTitle: Learn to repair 20 American Movements used in hundreds of clocks
Keywords: practical how-to
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 140
BHM No: 10502 - Longines,
Title: How to Repair a Longines Automatic Watch
SubTitle: Time Measurement Series
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: Longines automatic
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 3661 - Longines-Wittnauer,
Title: How to repair a Longines Watch
SubTitle: Practical Advice for Watch Repairers with Fifty Illustrated Drawings made at the Factory
Other Keywords: Longines
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 4216 - John Wilding
Title: How to repair Antique Clocks Volume 1
SubTitle: (Revised and Updated)
Keywords: practical how-to
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 218 - John Wilding
Title: How to repair Antique Clocks Volume 2
SubTitle: (Revised and Updated)
Keywords: practical how-to
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 219 - John Wilding
Title: How to repair Antique Clocks Volume 2 (small size)
SubTitle: (Revised and Updated)
Keywords: how-to practical
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 221 - John Wilding
Title: How to repair Antique Clocks Volume 3
Keywords: how-to practical
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 220 - John Wilding
Title: How to repair Antique Clocks Volume 3 (small size)
Keywords: how-to practical
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 222 - Eric P. Smith
Title: How to repair clocks
SubTitle: A complete guide to repair any clock - mechanical or electric - modern or antique
Keywords: electrical electromechanical basic practical clock antique contemporary movement
Edition: 1979, 1st edition, fifth printing
Page or pages: 167
BHM No: 7101 - Steve Conover
Title: How to repair Herschede Tubular Bell Clocks
SubTitle: [AWI edition]
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: Herschede
Edition: 1986, 1st edition
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 1696 - Steve Conover
Title: How to repair Herschede Tubular Bell Clocks
Keywords: practical howto
Other Keywords: Herschede tubular
Edition: 1999, 2nd expanded Edition
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 575 - C.H. Jacot
Title: How to repair Musical Boxes
SubTitle: Practical Instructions to Watchmakers with complete Catalog of Material
Keywords: facsimile part catalog
Edition: 1966 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 2938 - J.C. Jacot
Title: How to Repair Musical Boxes - Practical Instruction to Watchmakers withy Complete Illustrated Catalogue of Materials
SubTitle: [1966 facsimile reprint of the 1890(?) 3rd edition]
Keywords: catalog musical parts basic practical how-to
Other Keywords: music box
Edition: 1966 facsimile reedition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11073 - Benrus,
Title: How to Repair the Benrus Endurable Shock-Resisting Device [undated 1960s or 1970s?]
Keywords: watch technical practical
Other Keywords: Benrus Endurable
Edition: 1960s or 1970s? undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18195 - Bend, South
Title: How to run a Lathe
SubTitle: The Care and Operation of a Screw Cutting Lathe
Keywords: lathe
Other Keywords: South Bend
Edition: 1993 reprint of 1942 original
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 2945 - South-Bend-LatheWorks
Title: How to Run a Lathe - The Care and Operation of a Screw Cutting Lathe
SubTitle: [1942 original Edition]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: lathe
Edition: 1942
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 23150 - Matt Haig
Title: How to Stop Time
Edition: 2017 1st edition
Page or pages: 325
BHM No: 23096 - Jane Werner Watson, Eleonaor (Illustrator) Dart
Title: How to Tell Time
SubTitle: A little golden Activity Book
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: telltime
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 301 - Deborah Apy, Linda Kenagy[Illustrations]
Title: How to tell time book [The...]
Keywords: juvenile clock watch time
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 16086 - & Strong, Hoover
Title: How to Test Old Gold
SubTitle: written out of an experience of 22 years
Other Keywords: gold testing
Edition: 1947, 5th printing
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 773 - Malcolm C. Gerschler
Title: How to Train a Cuckoo (Clock) without flying over the nest
SubTitle: The Wag on the Wall
Other Keywords: cuckoo
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 1091 - J. Jackson, V. Bush
Title: How two distinguished amateurs set about refining the accuracy of a pendulum clock
Other Keywords: Ischronous pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1960 203 jul aug
Page or pages: 165-76 158-68
BHM No: 8428 - Elizabeth Dias, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki(Webofprint-for-archival-Purpuses), Houston Cofield(Photos)
Title: How We Make Sense of Time | [ The Clock of the Long NOW ] Printout of a 13p. web-of-print of the Jan-20-2021 article in the NY-Times
SubTitle: Richly illustated article in the NY-Times, mentions other sources in the Clock of the Long Now |
Keywords: precision specific clock contemporary movement
Other Keywords: Longnow Foundation
Edition: 2022-January-01
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 24566 - Elizabeth Dias, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[CreatorOfPhotocopiesForResearchPurpouses]
Title: How We Make Sense of Time |[ The clock of the Long NOW ]Printout of a 13p. web-of-print of a Jan-20-2021 article-in the New York Times, large clock...
SubTitle: ...9 large color photographic illustrations-Item relates to the monumental precision,selfwinding, undergr 'Clock-of-the-LONG-NOW' in the southwestern
Keywords: mechanical highgrade precision specific clock contemporary iron-geared
Other Keywords: Long-Now monumental
Edition: 2022-January
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 24517 - Charlie Plumb
Title: How you can make battery operated clock
SubTitle: The mystery of making clocks is gone ? forever
Keywords: how-to basic
Other Keywords: battery fitups
Edition: 1983, (second edition)
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 310 - 149-EarlyAmericanWatchClub NAWCC-Chapter
Title: Howard and Co Club [The?]
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 5765 - Vince Angel[President], Sylvan E. Bluestein[Contributor]], Denis Sagvogel[[Contributor], Bob Schug[C, C Johnson[Contributor]
Title: Howard Banta Alarm Clock Chapter 178 of the NAWCC
SubTitle: [Nine misc issues{typlically 8 pages] spanning Sept 2016-December 2018]
Keywords: alarm clock
Edition: 2016-2018
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 22937 - NAWCC-Chapter-178-AlarmClockChapter
Title: Howard Banta Alarm Clock Chapter [Newsletter]
SubTitle: Chapter 178 of the NAWCC
Keywords: alarm
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 6949 - Clock Products Inc. Howard
Title: Howard Clock Products Incorporated
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: components Howard
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 3452 - Howard Clock Sales & Service Company
Title: Howard Clock Sales & Service Company New York
SubTitle: [Facsimile of undated (ca 1930s?) Sales brochure for tower aand other public clocks]
Keywords: catalog monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Howard streetclocks
Edition: 1930s? undated
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 14184 - Howard Clock Sales & Service Corporation, New York
Title: Howard Clock Sales & Service Corporation | 132 West Broadway, New York 13 N.Y. | [Telephone:] WOrth 13 [undated catalog]
SubTitle: THE NATIONS TIMEKEEPERS SINCE 1841 | Tower Clocks/Street Clocks/Watchman Clocks/Marine Clocks/Bank Vault Clocks/Electic Clock Systems/Astronomical Reg
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: Undated ca,1920s-1930s?
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 24287 - Bob's Coins of Manchester
Title: Howard Highlights - Summer 1985 issue of 'Bob's Coins of Manchester' - Edwar Howerd, Father of the US Watchmking Industry
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 1985 summer
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21305 - Miller, Howard
Title: Howard Miller 1996-97 Catalog
SubTitle: America's Largest Clock Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Howard Miller
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 4217 - Miller, Howard
Title: Howard Miller Clock Company - More tha n Clocks, a lifestyle
SubTitle: Form C-188 (1988 Catalog)
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Howard Miller
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 6556 - Robert H. Barkel(Customer-Sevivce-Manager), Howard Miller
Title: Howard Miller Clocks - A blue ringbinder with 1980s with Service Manuals, Parts List etc.[Mimeographed distributed to"All authorized service stations]
SubTitle: includes parts list and movement diagrams
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1982 (date of cover letter)
Page or pages: 57
BHM No: 17009 - Miller, Howard
Title: Howard Miller [1977 Catalog, Form B3-77]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Miller
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 3043 - E., Watch Co. Howard
Title: Howard Movement and Material Catalog (including CROWN and NEW YORK Standard Movements and Materials)
SubTitle: with Original Prices of Materials - Reproduced by Manfred Trauring [1/1/19]
Keywords: catalog parts-list movement parts
Other Keywords: Waltham Crown New York Standard
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 11418 - E., Watch Co. Howard
Title: Howard Watch [The..] 1893
SubTitle: Reprint of 1893 Trade Catalogue
Keywords: catalog historic facsimile
Other Keywords: howard
Edition: 1960sReprint
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 1370 - E., Watch Co. Howard
Title: Howard Watches
SubTitle: Beeing a concise Summary o Howard Watch Movements and Cases for the Information of the Howard Jewele
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 1969 Reprint
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 1368 - E., Watch Co. Howard
Title: Howard Watches, Catalog No. 7, 1918
SubTitle: 1918 Catalog
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 1988 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 2605 - Howard,
Title: Howard [Parts Catalog] Cover missing
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 1919?
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 1680 - Joseph M. Urich[Editor]
Title: hr: Watches [A watch centric luxury lifestyle Magazine] -- Volume 9 /Issue 4 (July/August 2006),
SubTitle: [English language version of Heel (Germany) Armbanduhren MAgazine];
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2006-07
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 19793 - Hans Peter Jeschke[Editor]
Title: hr: Watches & Luxury [A watch centric luxury lifestyle Magazine]
SubTitle: [Volume 11 /Issue 1 (Feburary 2008), Volume 11 /Issue 3 (June 20080]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2008 (Volume 11, No. 1 &3)
Page or pages: 196
BHM No: 18435 - Muzeum, Mestske
Title: Hracie Hodiny zo zbierok Mestskeho muzea v Bratislave
SubTitle: Music Clocks from the collection of the City Museum Bratislava
Keywords: musical
Other Keywords: Bratislava Slovakia
Edition: 2000
BHM No: 2708 - Henry Fried[Reviewer], Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Hrolovar Collection [The...] - A comprehensive history and catlogue of 400-Day clocks 1880 to 1912 [A bookreview]
SubTitle: [The book this review refersto is BHM # 00'791
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: torsionpendulum Horolovar
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21110 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: HSN Archive Project
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-3
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 9257 - Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: HSN now on CD
Other Keywords: HSN Index
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-4
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9427 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: HSN Roster
Other Keywords: roster
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-4
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 9428 - John Teifert
Title: HSNY Celebrates Its 155th Anniversary Today [2021-March-26]
SubTitle: 2 page e-mail blast letter to all members by it's President]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2021-March-26
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24040 - HSNY-Staff
Title: HSNY Member Exclusive: A special in person viewing of the 'Kodo Constant-force Tourbillon by Grand Seiko" - (17June 17-2020)
SubTitle: Stricktly limited to HSNY members event at the Chambers of HSNY in NY-City | E-Mail Blast to MEMBERS ONLY |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: HSNY
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24778 - John Teifert
Title: HSNY President's Holiday Letter, 2020 Mon. Dec 21,2020 [by e-mail]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: NYHS
Edition: 2020-12-21
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23901 - unknown
Title: HSNY-Job Discription ADDENDUM | Solo Librarian Job Discription | [DRAFT?-ca.2020?]
SubTitle: (undated)
Other Keywords: HSNY
Edition: 2020 ca.?
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24940 - Thomas Eser[Project-Management]
Title: https://www.uhrenrestaurator.de/de/referenz-forschungsprojekt-im-germanischen-nationalmuseum-nuernberg
SubTitle: Link to the no fee video of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum on the so called Peter Henlein Uhr (status:2021/08)
Keywords: mechanical specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch iron-geared
Other Keywords: Peter Henlein - sogenannte Henleinuhr famous
Edition: 2021-08-08
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24260 - Hublot,
Title: HUBLOT - A philosophy of Life
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Hublot
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 6383
Title: Hublot - Beauty is on the Dial of the beholder
Other Keywords: Hublot
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 6382- Hublot
Title: Hublot - Big Bang Unico - Vibrantly couloured and yellow ceramic case | Inhouse UNICO chronograph movement
SubTitle: Limited to 250 Pieces | a 14x27 cm full colored ad in THE NEW YORK TIMES of Saturday; August 7 2021 | p.A5 N
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Hublot ceramic yellow
Edition: 2021-08-07-Saturday
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24297 - Hublot-[the Brand]
Title: Hublot - Big Bang Unico Summer - Turquoise anodized aluminum case. In-house UNICO Chronograph Movement
SubTitle: Limited to 200 pieces | [A quarter page color advertisement, in the New York Times editions of Saturday July 24 & 31 20, both times on page A-5]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Hublot Big Bang UNICO SUMMER
Edition: 2021-July-24&31
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24274 - Hublot[In-colaboration-with-the Artist:DJ-SNAKE
Title: HUBLOT - BIG BANG | DJ SNAKE | Indescent titanium case in-house UNICO chronograph movement | Limited to 100 pieces
SubTitle: A quarter page, full-color advertisement, published in the NY-Times - Saturday 04-Sept-2021 | Page N - A5
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Hublot DJ SNAKE
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24334 - Hublot,
Title: Hublot - The Art of Fusion
SubTitle: [2008 Brand line catalog]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Hublot
Edition: 2007?
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11825 - Hublot,
Title: HUBLOT - The Art of Fusion - Seen on the Wrist of 2013 [A brand line catalog - Spiralbound]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hublot
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 19666 - Hublot,
Title: Hublot in Crans [DVD]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hublot
Edition: 2004 ENG NTSC
BHM No: 18703 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Huellas de Augustin Betancourt en los archivos Breguet
Keywords: F-Paris watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Parent Document ID: 14326 - Parent Document Title: En Busca de Betancourt y Lanz
Edition: 1975
BHM No: 14327 - Fabian Kern, Heiner H.Schmitt[Photography]
Title: Hueter der Zeit - Markus Marty the 'Zytrichter' of Bern.
SubTitle: A richhly color illstrated articcle one one of the oldest surviving clock in Bern Switzerland and its custodian Markus Marty, Zytrichter
Keywords: monumental/big clock antique pendulum
Other Keywords: Zytglogge Bern
Parent Document ID: 23205 - Parent Document Title: Warum wir Zeit Haben - [Sondernummer der der COOP Zeitung Nr. 38 -17 September 2017]
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: p 18-21
BHM No: 23206 - Albert Dessay
Title: Huiles d'Horlogerie [Les...]
SubTitle: Extrait de la Revue "Production Horlogere Francais"
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: oil oils
Edition: 1960s? undated
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 11938 - Moebius
Title: Huiles pour instruments de precision [Les...]
SubTitle: Synth---Lube Moebius
Other Keywords: Moebius synt-a-lube
Edition: 1960s?, Undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 11939 - G.-P. Arcay, M.L. Defossez
Title: Huiles [Les..] en Horlogerie
SubTitle: Le probleme des lubrifiants
Keywords: lubrication
Edition: 1930, 1st edition
Page or pages: 306
BHM No: 4051 - J.E.S. Walker
Title: Hull and East Riding Clocks and Watches and their London origins
SubTitle: including a Directory of their Makersa before 1900
Keywords: regional reference catalog
Other Keywords: Hull East Riding
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 517 - Allen C. Bluedorn
Title: Human Organization of Time [The...]
SubTitle: Temporal Realities and Experience
Other Keywords: philosophy antropology psychology of time
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 367
BHM No: 10619 - Annonymous, Powell
Title: Humane Industry:or,a history of most Manual Arts,... - [A 1661, annonymous authornbook published in London]
SubTitle: [ Chapter 1 {pages 1-13 } is titled: The Invention of Dyals, Clocks, Watches, and other Time-tellers ]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1661
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 21839 - Alan W. Heldman
Title: Humility
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-3
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 9295 - Peter W. Frey
Title: Huter der Zeit in der siebten Generation - Im Untergeschoss ein Traum fur jeden Sammler [Uhrenmuseum Beyer]
SubTitle: [in:] SPEZIAL: Luxus in Zurich [Beilage zum Tagesanzeiger, Zurich -Samstag 9. November 2008
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Renee Beyer Zurich
Edition: 2008-11-09
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 13704 - C.A. [Kees] Grimbergen
Title: Huygens and the advancement of time measurements - 2004
SubTitle: [Huygens and the advancement of time measurements 2004, in SP-1278 - Titan-From Discovery to Encounter
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Huygens
BHM No: 23440 - Rob H. vanGent, Anne C. vanHelden
Title: Huygens Collection [The?]
SubTitle: Museum Boerhave
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: huygens museum boerhave leiden
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5919 - Mathew Bennett, Michael Schatz, Heidi Rockwood, Kurt Wiesenfeld
Title: Huygens' Clock
SubTitle: Christiaan Huygens and the Sychronisation of Two Pendulums (3 websites with new research, to be published Royal SOciety)
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: coupled resonance double
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 3002 - Hans vandenEnde, Frits vanKersen, M.F. vanKersen-Halbertsma, John C. Taylor, Neil R. Taylor, Hans Jr. vandenEnde[Photography], Tom [Photography] Haartsen, Christiaan Huygens
Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Het Loo AHS Huygens Coster Fromanteel Osterwijck Pascal Saude Gilbert Hanet East Hilderson Stantpon Knibb Visbagh Martinot Thuret Thompion Jones Leuwaerden van Ceulen Huygens Lachez Quare
Edition: 1st
Page or pages: 301
BHM No: 6236 - C.A. Crommelin
Title: Huygens' Pendulum Experiments - (Successful and Unsuccessful) - December 5 1956
SubTitle: Lecture given to a joint meeting of the Antiquarian Horological Society and the Bitish Horological I
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: Huygens
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 4706 - Mathew Bennett, Schatz,, E.C. Middleton
Title: Huygens's clocks
Other Keywords: dual pendulum synchronization Huygens nonlinear drag
Parent Document ID: 6205 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2002 458
Page or pages: 563 - 579
BHM No: 8353 - Mathew Bennett, Michael Schatz, Heidi Rockwood, Kurt Wiesenfeld
Title: Huygens's Clocks - The 336-year-old synchronisation observations of Christiaan Huygens are re-examined in modern experiments.
SubTitle: A simple model of synchchronization is proposed [Weboffprint from Proceedings Royal Society London A, 2002, Vol.458, p.563-579)
Keywords: facsimile pendulum
Other Keywords: synchronisation
Edition: 2006 weboffprint RSL
Page or pages: 563-579
BHM No: 10414 - Longines,
Title: Hydro Conquest - The Longines Sport Collection [2007]
SubTitle: Catalog 2007
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Longines hydro conquest
Edition: 2007-07
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13799 - Collins-Watch-Company
Title: HYPERION - Coming soon
SubTitle: collinswatch.com - Sellita SW200 Swiss Movement - Brushed 316 Stainless steel -Saphire case back - 100m water res. - USA assembled [A 2016 handbill]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Collins
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC*01'1039
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22359 - Mike Huynh
Title: HYT is defining the Future of Watchmaking [Dec 2016 press release, weboffprint]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: HYT
Edition: 2016-12-22
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 20845 - swatch
Title: I allways want more looks -SWATCH the eyes
SubTitle: Catalog of SWATCH brand sunglases 2016
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 20647 - swatch
Title: I always want more - swatch - FALL/WINTER 2016 WS1216FWCAT
SubTitle: (Brandline catalog)
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Swatch
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 20621 - swatch
Title: I always want more flowers - swatch [Spring 2016] - Join Swatch Club
SubTitle: [signup card]
Keywords: notes/handbill popular watch
BHM No: 20547 - Marisa Addomine
Title: I Battocletti, una dinastia di orologiai trentini
SubTitle: An article in 'La Vocce di HORA, Issue December 2014 - issue 37
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Battocletti
Edition: 2014 Dec - No.37
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21956 - Linsey Course(Opiniion-Writer&Producer)
Title: I Ditched My Smart Watch, and I Don't Regrett it | An opinion essay in the New York Times, dated January 28 2022
SubTitle: [This weboffprint printout on 3 pages lacks the illustrations, but includes readers feeedback |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Smart Watch
Edition: 2022-January-28
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 24641 - Linsey Course(Opiniion-Writer&Producer), Kimberly Salt(Illusrations)
Title: I ditched my Smartwatch, and I Don't Regret It | [A web-of-print of the ? New York Times Article of Jan.28, 2022]
SubTitle: [A web-off-print from the New York Times]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Opinon
Edition: 2022-Jan-28
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24574 - Henry Casson
Title: I Have Spoked!
Parent Document ID: 7215 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
Edition: 2002-1
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 9361
Title: I. Theorie
Keywords: textbook theory
Other Keywords: classnotes Solothurn
Edition: 1940s?
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 5418- Ian Burton
Title: Ian Burton Antique Clocks (Scotland) - Latest Stock [Weboffprint]
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 2012-02
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 16781 - David A. King
Title: Ibn Yunus and the Pendulum: A History of Errors
SubTitle: Article in Vol. 29/1979 in Archives International History of Science
Keywords: clock pendulum
Parent Document ID: 14263 - Parent Document Title: Archives International History of Science
Edition: 29
Page or pages: 34-52
BHM No: 14264 - Lukas Stolberg
Title: Ich trage wo ich gehe, stets eine Uhr bei mir?
SubTitle: Die Taschenuhr im Wandel der Zeit
Edition: 1980, 1st edition
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 2144 - H.P. Kuban
Title: Ich, der Bunker - Mein Leben! - BW 122 Kolpingstrasse 90, Stuttgart Steinhaldenfeld [Now a horological Museum]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bunker
Edition: 2005 ca.
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 18842 - Megan Hendry
Title: Iconic hand-wound tower clock keeps time turning in Rockhampton
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Rockhampton
Edition: 2016-12
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20808 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Ideal Pendulum Drive
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-3
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 9019 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Ideal Pendulum Drive
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-4
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9032 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Ideal Pendulum Drive
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-1
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 9050 - Annonymous-Author-for-Worshipfull-Company-of-Clockmakers-London
Title: Ideas for Kids - [Worksheet for juvenile visitors to the Museum of the Worshipfull Company of Clockmakers, London]
Keywords: juvenile UK-London clock watch
Other Keywords: WCC
Edition: 2020 ca.
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22660 - Timothy Barns[Clockmaker], Eli Terry[clockmaker], Ward Francillon[Symposium-Chair]
Title: Identification Features of TIMOTHY BARNES Tall case clock movements // Principal local Competitorsof Ely Terry in making wooden clock movements
SubTitle: [A handout at the NAWCCC Symposium 1997 in Bristol Connecticut regarding the talks by Timothy Barns]
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22514
Title: Identification Guide
Other Keywords: identifying
Parent Document ID: 5563 - Parent Document Title: Illinois Watch [the?]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
Page or pages: 148
BHM No: 7682- Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Identifying Mortal Remains by Horology? A practice in Germany during World War I
Other Keywords: war forensic horology
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 6673 - unknown
Title: Ideologie - utopies et innovations [museum events 2010 Neuchatel - La chaux de Fonds - Le Locle region]
SubTitle: Invitation, le 15 mai 2010 a 16 heures, parc des musees, La Chaux de Fonds
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: mih
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 14967 - ?,
Title: IEEE
BHM No: 6145 - ?,
Title: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
BHM No: 6153 - ?,
Title: IEEE Control Systems Magazine
BHM No: 6146 - ?,
Title: IEEE Frequency Control Symposium
BHM No: 6147 - ?,
Title: IEEE Spectrum
BHM No: 6148 - ?,
Title: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
BHM No: 6150 - ?,
Title: IEEE Transactions on Education
BHM No: 6151 - ?,
Title: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electonics
BHM No: 6149 - ?,
Title: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation &
BHM No: 6152 - Howard A. Lewis, Wm. H. Barton
Title: If you ever doubted that Time is Money (Star Clocks) - Read this remarkable story ...
SubTitle: [from the September 1937 issue of Drama of the Skies, Bulletin of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, New York]
Keywords: astronomical complication(s) highgrade specific watch
Other Keywords: repeating tourbillion Plasyer Benson
Edition: 1937-Sept
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 12356 - NAWCC,
Title: If you've been looking for a career, or a career cyhange, it could be time
SubTitle: School of horology - Now accepting applications
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: school NAWCC
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 15389 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: Ignatz - The craziest Clock in the World
SubTitle: The Story behind the Horolovar Flying Pendulum Clock
Other Keywords: Ignatz flying pendulum
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 2573 - Herbert Juettemann, Wolfram Metzger
Title: Ignaz Blasius Bruder
SubTitle: Schwarzwaelder Drehorgelbau seit 1806
Keywords: musical CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Bruder Waldkirch
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 10163 - Verlag-am-Klosterhof
Title: Ignore rogue record
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
BHM No: 23027 - Hans-Martin Buerki-Spycher
Title: Ihr Uhrenmuseum - Klingende Schaetze aud Vergangenen Zeiten [ MUMM Oberhofen Sept 2017 ]
SubTitle: [Weboffprint of an article in the September issue of 'Schweizer Familie' in German]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Mumm Oberhofen travelog
Edition: 2017-09
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21336 - Uhrenmuseum Beyer, IWC Schaffhausen
Title: Ikonen der Zeit - 150 Years - 2''7'- 21.9.2018 - Beyer Uhrenmuseum - IWC Schaffhausen
SubTitle: [Temporary exhibit at Uhremuseum Beyer - 2027 on IWC Watches - Flyer]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Beyer Zuerich IWC
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22209 - Siegfried Bergmann
Title: Ikonographische Motive der Comtoise Uhren
Parent Document ID: 9774 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2004, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 43
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 13448 - Patricia Lo deFreitas
Title: Il etait une fois le temps
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: Geneva
Edition: 1997, 1st edition
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 2006 - Marisa Addomine
Title: Il Journeyman Clock - Un Segnatempo per gli Astronomi [from La Voce di HORA Magazine, Issue 2017, p. 22-30]
SubTitle: [ The Journeyman Clock - A Timepiece for Astronomers ]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21923 - Canite Nicola Anito
Title: Il Planisferologiio di Parma, construtto dal celebre matematico Bernardo Francinio in Piazenza nel MDCCXXV
SubTitle: [Manuscript and portfolio of drawings in the Vatican Library [Cod.Vat.Lat.1246] - Planisphere of Parma - also reproduced in HorJour 1941/42]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1796
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 22549 - Allesandro Gunella
Title: Il quadrante verticale descritto da Andrea Schoener - [A scholarly essay on the sundial described by Andrea Schoener in Nuernberg in 1562]
SubTitle: [Part of BHM 23837, 7 illustrations, includes a full translation of Schoeners text into Italian by Allesandro Gunello, as published in - 2020 ]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundial Translation
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: Beeing a weboffprint from : n.22, August 2020 of
Page or pages: p.31-39
BHM No: 23846 - Nicola Severino
Other Keywords: sundial
Edition: not formally published, pages unnumberd
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24814 - Nicola Severino
Title: IL RITORNO DEGLI OROLOGI SOLSRI VENETI | (Dated March 2008 ), but No stated Publisher, (presumably-not-fomally published),
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundials Italy Severino
BHM No: 24816 - Roberto Tombetta, Claudio Pedrazzini[Preface]
Title: Il Tempo Nei Treni - Orologi Ferroviari Italiani - Collezione Fotographica degli Orologi da Tasca e da Polso
SubTitle: [Time for Trains - Italian Railroad Watches - A photographic catalog og of Pocket and Wristwatches of Italian Railroads in the 19th and 20th century
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: Railroad watch
Edition: 2018 first edition
Page or pages: 229
BHM No: 22853 - Percey G. Dawson, Humphrey Quill, Michael Hurst, Cecil Clutton
Title: Illbert Collection Commemorative Issue - Antiquarian Horology Vol.2, Number 9, December 1958
Other Keywords: Ilbert
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 6400 - Roy Ehrhardt
Title: Illinois Watch Company Springfield, Identification and Price Guide Book 1
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 2472 - Watch, Illinois
Title: Illinois - Greater Value Watches - Made in America 1933
SubTitle: Springfield, Illinois, USA
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1933
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15140 - Andrew Hayes Miller, Dalia Maria Miller
Title: Illinois Horology
SubTitle: a brief view into the land of Lincolm
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1977, 1st edition
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1942 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Illinois Watch and its Hamilton Years - [Vol. 1-5] - by Frederic Friedberg - Bookreview for NAWCC Bulletin 2012
Keywords: textbook watch
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 22563 - Doug Pokorski
Title: Illinois Watch Company
SubTitle: Programm presented the Sagamo County Historical Society, October 21, 2003
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 12392 - Frederick J. Freedberg
Title: Illinois Watch Company and its Hamilton Years [The...] - The Finale of a Great American Watch Company - Volume 1 -
SubTitle: History of the Illinois Watch Company: Currents and Crosscurrents in the American Watch Industry - [Vol.1 of 5]
Keywords: reference watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 2018 - first edition, in Slipcase
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 22076 - Frederick J. Freedberg
Title: Illinois Watch Company and its Hamilton Years [The...] - The Finale of a Great American Watch Company - Volume 4 -
SubTitle: The Identification Guides: Illinois Ladies' Wristwatches - Hamilton Illinois Wristwatches
Keywords: reference watch
Edition: 2018-05 1st edition
Page or pages: 381
BHM No: 22079 - Fredric J. Friedberg
Title: Illinois Watch Company and its Hamilton Years [The...] - The Finale of a Great American Watch Company - Volume 2 -
SubTitle: The Illionis Watch - - [Vol.2 of 5]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 2018 - first edition, in Slipcase
Page or pages: 349
BHM No: 22077 - Fredric J. Friedberg
Title: Illinois Watch Company and its Hamilton Years [The...] - The Finale of a Great American Watch Company - Volume 3
SubTitle: The Identification Guides: Illinois Mens's Wristwatches
Keywords: catalog reference watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 2018-March, 1st edition
Page or pages: 380
BHM No: 22078 - Fredrick J. Freedberg
Title: Illinois Watch Company and its Hamilton Years [The...] - The Finale of a Great American Watch Company - Volume 5 - Chapters 12-14 & App.1-7
SubTitle: Collecting Illinois
Keywords: reference watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 2018-05 1st edition vol 5
Page or pages: 259
BHM No: 22080 - Russell W. Snyder
Title: Illinois Watch Company Databas: Serial Lookup, Grade lookup, Reports
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Illinois serialnumber grade lookup Cd-rom
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 5886 - Watch, Illinois
Title: Illinois Watch [The..] - 1930 Catalogue 1931 - A Great American Watch since 1870
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1930
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15139 - Frederic J. Friedberg
Title: Illinois Watch [the?]
SubTitle: The Life and Times of a Great American Watch Company
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 5563 - Illinois
Title: ILLINOIS Watches and their makers
SubTitle: Materials from the factory paper
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Illinois Springfield
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 58 - Frederic J. Friedberg
Title: Illinous Watch and its Hamilton Years [Pre Publication Annoncement of a 5 Volume Boxset, 1600 p - Announced 2017]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Illinois Hamilton
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21940 - Radko Kyncl, Anna Zatoukalova[Translator], Jaroslav Guth, Martin [Photography] Tuma
Title: Illiustriertes Lexikon der Uhren
SubTitle: [originally in Czech]
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Praha Sternberg types
Edition: Translation undated ca. 2004
Page or pages: 258
BHM No: 7202 - Ingraham,
Title: Illusatrated Catalogue and Pricelist of Clocks manufactured by the E.Ingraham & Co.
SubTitle: .... Bristol Conn. 1881
Other Keywords: Ingraham 1881
Edition: 1965 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 5196 - & Lunds, Barrauld
Title: Illustarted Price List
SubTitle: ca.1910
Keywords: London historic
Other Keywords: chronometers Barrauld Lund reprint
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 206 - Ingraham.,
Title: Illustrated Catalog and Price List of Clocks manufactured by E. Ingraham & Co. Bristol Ct
SubTitle: 1880 Catalog
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Ingraham
Edition: 1972 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 2602 - New Haven Clock Company
Title: Illustrated Catalog and price list of the New Haven Clock Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in ...
SubTitle: ... Electrical Supplies of every Description 1889-1890
Other Keywords: New Haven
Edition: 1889
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 11257 - Howard Watch and Clock Company, E. Howard
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Clocks manufactured by Howard Watch and Clock C0. [facsimile of R.B. Carrs 1879 copy]
SubTitle: E. Howard & Co. Agents Boston
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Howard
Edition: 1950s photographic facsimile of 1879 edi
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 11212 - Clock Co., Atkins, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Clocks manufactured by the Atkins Clock Company
SubTitle: Bristol Conn. 1873
Keywords: catalog facsimile clock
Other Keywords: Atkins Bristol
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5739 - Clock Co., Atkins
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Clocks manufactured by the Atkins Clock Company, Brsitol Conn.
SubTitle: 1873 Catalog
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Atkins
Edition: 1999 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2614 - New Haven Clock Company
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Clocks manufactured by The New Haven Clock Company [1974 Facsimile of 1886] - Factories at New Haven, Connecticut
SubTitle: General Offices and Salesrooms: Nos. 16 & 18 Park Place, New York - [including] Revised Pricelist for 1887 with Illustrations of latest Novelties
Keywords: catalog facsimile US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: New Haven 1886
Edition: 1974 facsimile of 1886
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 16994 - Clock Co., Waterbury
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Clocks, Regulators and Calendars, Manufactured and sold by the Waterbury ?
SubTitle: ? Clock Co, 1867
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Waterbury
Edition: 1966
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 3644 - A.H. Pomeroy
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Scroll Saws, Lathes, Fancy Woods, Clock Movements, Pocket Cutlery
SubTitle: November 1888
Keywords: catalog movement
Other Keywords: Pemeroy Connecticut
Edition: 1990s
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 3400 - Seth Thomas
Title: Illustrated Catalog of Seth Thomas Clocks, manfactured by Seth Thomas Clock Co.,Thomaston, Conn.[1879]
SubTitle: Offices and Salesrooms in New York, London, Chicago, San Francisco - 1879
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 2010 CD-ROM facsimile of 1879
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 15156 - Lovell wholesale Clock Dealer, G.S.
Title: Illustrated Catalog of the most salable Styles of AMERICAN CLOCKS of reliable Manufacture, sold by?
SubTitle: G.S. Lowell, Wholesale Clock Dealers, 627 Market Street, Philadelphia 1874
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: pricelist Seth Thomas, Welch, New Haven, Terry, Ithaca, Welch, Seth Thomas, Ingraham, Ansonia Gilbert
Edition: 1970s? Facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 6595 - Clock Co., Gilbert, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Illustrated Catalogue - Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co.
SubTitle: [1881]
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Gilbert
Edition: 1980 reprint
Page or pages: 193
BHM No: 1707 - G.S. Lovell
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of American Clocks -Clocks of every reliable Manufacturere
SubTitle: October 1874 - Philadelphia
Keywords: historic
Other Keywords: Lowell Philadelphia
Edition: 1960s reprint
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 1050 - American Clock Co
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Black Walnut Visible Pendulum Clocks - August 1877 [American Clock Co.]
SubTitle: includes price list for August 1877
Keywords: catalog clock
BHM No: 15180 - Kroeber,
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks Manufactured by F. Kroeber [1880], Office and Salesroom, No. 8 Cortland Street, New York
SubTitle: Factories at New Haven and Forestville Conn., To the Trade
Keywords: catalog US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Kroeber
Edition: 1880, presumably, undated
Page or pages: 115
BHM No: 14355 - Clock Co., Gilbert
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks manufactured by the WM. L. GILBERT Clock Co. Winstead Conn. USA 1875
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Gilbert
Edition: 1967 facsimile
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 5342 - E., Clock Co. Howard
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of CLOCKS manufacturer by the Howard Watch and Clock Co. also manufacturers of fine Watches only.
SubTitle: 1874 Boston Mass.
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Howard Boston
Edition: 1874 in an undated facsimile reissue
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 11093 - & Co., Owen, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Geo.B.Owen & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Clocks
SubTitle: 6 Murray Street, New York, 1878
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Owen
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2448 - Thomas Clock Company, Seth, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Seth Thomas Clocks, Regulators and Time Pieces, manufactured and sold by th
SubTitle: Seth Thomas Clock Company, Plymouth Hallow, Conn. 1863 [with additions 1864-1872 and 1874 Tower Clk]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1973 reprint
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 3447 - American Clock Company
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of Seth Thomas, New HAven, E.N. Welch and Welch, Spring & Co. Clocks (No.166)
SubTitle: sold by American Clock Company, New York, Chicago, San Francisco [1878], [plus 4 page 1878 wholesale pricelist]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1970s? undated facsimile
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 11247 - Clock Co., Waterbury
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of the Clocks, Regulators, and Calendars, manufactured and sold by the
SubTitle: Waterbury Clock Co. 1867
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Waterbury
Edition: 1966 facsimile repri nt
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 6591 - G.S. Lovell
Title: Illustrated Catalogue of the Most Salable Styles of American Clocks of reliable Manufacture sold by G.S. Lovell
SubTitle: Wholesale Clock Dealer, 627 Market Street, Philadelphia, October 1874 [Facsimile, in Supplement of the San Fernando Valley Regulator]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Lovell Philasdelphia 1874
Edition: 1970s? undated facsimile
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 11085 - James Wilson
Title: Illustrated Directory of Watches [The...] - A CollectorsGuideto over 1100 Wrstwatches, from Classic Designs to Fashionware
SubTitle: Oris-JulesJurgensen-Lomgines-Omega-Panerai-Blancpin-Eterna-Seiko-Patek Philippe-JaegarLecoultre-Wittnauer-Baume&Mercier-Bulova-Hamilton-Swatch-Piaget-
Keywords: directory reference watch
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 512
BHM No: 19521 - Dava Sobel, William J.H. Andrewes
Title: Illustrated Longitude
SubTitle: The true story of a lone Genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of his time
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Harrison longitude
Edition: 1998, 1st illustrated edition
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 292 - Swigart,
Title: Illustrated Manual; of American Watch Movements
SubTitle: The E. & J. Swigart Co. Cinncinati Ohio [1952 Catalog]
Keywords: catalog movement part
Other Keywords: Swigard
Edition: 1952
Page or pages: 209
BHM No: 1835 - & Co., Benjamin Allen
Title: Illustrated Price L:ist of Watch Materials, Tools and Jewelers' Supplies 1900 volume 2
SubTitle: Supplement to our Jewelery Cataligue
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: Allen
Edition: reprint
Page or pages: 318
BHM No: 1714 - Clock Co., Waterbury
Title: Illustrations of Clocks, Manufactured by the Waterbury Clock Co.
SubTitle: No. 92 1881
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Waterbury
Edition: 1960s ? Reprint
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 1639 - Uhren, Beyer, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: Illustrations of New Aquisitions 2011- 2013 by the Beyer Watch and Clock Museum Zuerich
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Beyer Zuerich
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 19366 - Ricordi -- Officini Grafiche - Editore - Stampatri, Milano - Italy
Title: Illustrazione dal volume Collezione Della Piane [A 11 x 17 cm advertising card advettising the book 'COLLEZIONE della Piane' ...
SubTitle: ... by Bruno Parisi [BHM 22'383]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22385 - Stephen Hawking, Heiner Kober[Translator]
Title: Illustrierte Kurze Geschichte der Zeit [Die...] - Aktualisierte und Erweiterte Ausgabe
Keywords: time
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 248
BHM No: 18671 - Rudolf Kaftan
Title: Illustrierter F?hrer durch das Uhrenmuseum der Stadt Wien
SubTitle: zugleich eine kurze Darstellung der im Uhrenmuseum ersichtlichen Geschichte der R?deruhr
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Wien Vienna Uhrenmuseum
Edition: 1929, 1st edition
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 2100 - Bernhard Huber[EditorOfFacsimileEdition], Junghans,
Title: Illustrierter Preis courant des Amerikan. Uhren Magazins STUTTGART [1878] - Niederlage de Uhrenfabrik nach amerikanischen System von Gebr
SubTitle: ...Junghans in Schramberg, Wuerttenberg.
Other Keywords: Junghans Schramberg
Edition: 2016 facsimile edition of 1878
Page or pages: 65
BHM No: 21107 - Clemens Riefler, Sigmund Riefler, Anthony J. Turner, John H. Leopold
Title: Illustriertes Preisverzeichnis ?ber Astronomische Uhren von Clemens Riefler
SubTitle: Fabrik mathematischer Instrumente in Nesselwang (Bayern) und Muenchen (Karlspl.)
Keywords: catalog precision highgrade
Other Keywords: Riefrer 1900
Edition: undated facsime edition of 1900 original
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 7238 - Junghans,, Victor Tang[Editor]
Title: Illustrirter Preiscourant der Uhren nach amerikan. System der Gebr. Junghans in Schramberg, [1878] [hardcopy printout CD-ROM Facsimile edition 2008]
SubTitle: [Illustrated pricelist of clocks made by the american sytem by Junghans in Schramberg 1878]
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Junghans 1878
Edition: 2009 printout of facsimile on CD Rom edition
Page or pages: 81
BHM No: 14271 - Victor Tang[Editor], Junghans,
Title: Illustrirter Preiscourant der Uhren nach amerikan. System der Gebr. Junghans in Schramberg, Wurttemberg [1878] [CD-ROM Facsimile Reedition 2008]
Keywords: catalog facsimile D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Junghans 1878
Edition: 2009 facsimile on CD Rom
BHM No: 14013 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im BIickpunkt: Peter Henlein 1979; Der Meister aus der Sankt Katharinengasse in Nuernberg
Parent Document ID: 1210 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 18
Edition: 18
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 12772 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im Blickfeld: Das Restaurieren
Parent Document ID: 482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 15
Edition: 15
Page or pages: 83
BHM No: 12687 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im Blickfeld: Das Uhrensammein
Parent Document ID: 481 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 14
Edition: 14
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 12656 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im Blickfeld: Mit der Wertsteigerung blueht der Handel mit heisser Ware
Parent Document ID: 2733 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 17
Edition: 17
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 12741 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im Blickfeld: Uhrenfaelschungen? Gefaelschte und umgearbeitete Antikuhren
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 12700 - Georg Schindler
Title: Im Blickpunkt: Die Welt als Uhr Uhren und Automaten 1550 1650 im Bayer. Nationalmuseum Muenchen
Parent Document ID: 1454 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 19
Edition: 19
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 12790 - G?nther Glaser
Title: Im Dienst der Wissenschaft: Nachruf fuer Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Keil
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 212
BHM No: 12739 - Schloss Raesfeld
Title: Im Rittersaal Schloss Raesfeld - 14. Messe fur historische Uhren - 29.-30.9.2012
SubTitle: [Flyer]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Raesfeld
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 16927 - Urs Hafner, Maurio Zanal[Interview with]
Title: Im Uhrenladen ohne Uhren - "Horlogerie Herrli" in Biel [NZZ 23-10-1016, 4 illustrations]
SubTitle: [an Oct 2016article in German on a dealer [ Maurio Zanal ] in Biel (Switzerland) specialising in spare parts for watches of mostly defunct brands
Keywords: biography CH-Biel/Bienne watch antique contemporary case dial/hands analog digital movement iron-geared wood-geared foliot pendulum balancewheel striketrain tools machinery lathe parts adjusting testing jeweling-jewels basic advanced
Edition: 2016-10-23
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20699 - Frodsham&Co.
Title: IMAGE OF THE REPLICA OF Harrisons H4 Longitude Clock with Plexiglass plates - made by Frodsham & Co. Lonbdon ca.2016
SubTitle: [Exhibited at at the Ships, Clocks and Stars exhibit at RGO 2016, and later touring elsewhere (Mystic Seaport etc)
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: H4
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22573 - Jim West
Title: Images from the National - Houston Texas 1999
SubTitle: [BMP-files on CD-ROM of mart, people, banquet, scenes, timekeepers etc]
Other Keywords: Houston National NAWCC
Edition: 1999
BHM No: 6651 - Leonardo daVinchi
Title: Images of Spring driven mechanisms - as drawn by Leonardo da Vinci
Other Keywords: daVinci
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23526 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: Images of the Early German Drum Watch owned by Mr. Clay Learneed (on Matthes List) (Dosenuhr)
BHM No: 22840 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: Images of the Early German DrumWatchowned by Mr. Clay Learnered
Keywords: specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock
Other Keywords: Dosenuhr
Edition: 2019-03
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 22839 - Robin LePoidevin
Title: images of Time [The...]
SubTitle: An Essay on Temporal Representation
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: image of time
Edition: 2007, 1st edition
Page or pages: 193
BHM No: 14573 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: Images relating to the Sully Escapement - Also called the "Double Disc Escapement"
SubTitle: [A National Watch and Clock Library Research note 2014]
Keywords: escapement clock watch
Other Keywords: Sully doubledisc
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 19559 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Imitation - Industrialization - Innovation / Americas' Contribution to Horology [Proposal for a possible temporary exhibition MIH]
SubTitle: [November 2004 initial proposal for what became the exhibit 'Philadelphoa 1876 - Le Defie Americaine']
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: MIH
Edition: 2004-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19962 - Ekkehard Koch, Volker Sebastian Ruprecht[Photography]
Title: Immerwaehrender Kalender - Fachkreis Turmuhren - seit 1990 [2016 Edition]
SubTitle: Mit uns durch das Jahr und immer eine gute Zeit
Other Keywords: FTK
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 20761
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