Titles with words containing : Page 16
Number of documents found: 1000
- J.P. Blaser, C. Wyser
Title: nouveaux signeaux horaires de l'observaoire de Neuchatel et leur utitisation [Les..]
SubTitle: [The new time signals from the Neuchatel observatory and their use - A Reprint (in French) of an undated (late 1950s) article from an unnamed article]
Keywords: electronic CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock time
Other Keywords: HBB HBN radio
Edition: 1958? undated
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 16644 - Denis Roege[Builder of the 3-D-Virtual Models]
Title: Nouvelle application Android pour: L'horloge de Notre-Dame-de-Paris et mod?le 3D !
SubTitle: includes links to the three dimentional 3D-Models
Keywords: historic F-Paris clock
Other Keywords: Links to Virtual Replicas in 3D
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24270 - George Biddell Airy, Verrier, ? le
Title: Nouvelle Determination de la Difference de Longitude entre les Observatiores de Paris et de Greewich
SubTitle: Extrait des comptes rendues des seances de lAcademie des Science Tome 39, s?ance du 25.Sept 1854
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: longitude Greenwich Paris
Edition: 1854
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 6684 - musee-horlogerie-alierement@news.animanet.eu
Title: Nouvelle exposition au Musee de l'horlogerie - Alierememt(FRANCE)
SubTitle: The monthly newsletter for the French Horological Museum in Normandy (Issue May 2022)
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2022-May-dated May 3
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24710
Title: Nouvelle Lamp a souder
Keywords: tools
Other Keywords: soldering
Parent Document ID: 6030 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin Mensuel de l'Almanach des Horlogers-Bijoutier, No. 199 - 1902 Septembre
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 7815- Jean-Marc Corset
Title: Nouvelle Marque - L'horlogerie traditionelle se reinvente a Rennes [Article in "24Heures" Lausanne 24 Feb 2016
SubTitle: Dominique Renauld a concu une mouvement revolutionaire [Dominique Renauld has concived a new type of watch movement]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Renauld
Edition: 2016-02-14
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20400 - M. L. Moinet
Title: Nouvelle Trait? G?n?rale ?l?mentaire,Pratique&Th?orique d Horlogerie pour les Usages Civils&Astronomique ATLAS
SubTitle: suivant les Principes des Meilleur Auteurs et les Progr?s R?cent de la Science & de l Art
Other Keywords: historic
Edition: 1978 Facsimile Edition of 500cc of 1860 edition
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 5478 - M. L. Moinet
Title: Nouvelle Trait? G?n?rale ?l?mentaire,Pratique&Th?orique d Horlogerie pour les Usages Civils&Astronomique Vol.1
SubTitle: suivant les Principes des Meilleur Auteurs et les Progr?s R?cent de la Science & de l Art
Other Keywords: historic
Edition: 1978 Facsimile Edition of 500cc of 1860 edition
Page or pages: 448
BHM No: 5476 - M. L. Moinet
Title: Nouvelle Trait? G?n?rale ?l?mentaire,Pratique&Th?orique d Horlogerie pour les Usages Civils&Astronomique Vol.2
SubTitle: suivant les Principes des Meilleur Auteurs et les Progr?s R?cent de la Science & de l Art
Other Keywords: historic
Edition: 1978 Facsimile Edition of 500cc of 1860 edition
Page or pages: 551
BHM No: 5477
Title: Nouvelles contributions ? l??tude du pendule partiellement ?quilibr? de l?Universit? de G?ttingen
SubTitle: New contributions to the study of the invariable pendulum of the University of G?ttingen.
Parent Document ID: 959 - Parent Document Title: Annales Francaises de Chronometrie [1935-38] Organe Trimestrielle de l'observoitoire National de Besancon
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1938 8 4
Page or pages: 23 - 42
BHM No: 7894- Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Nouvelles Entrennes Neuchateloise 1923 [a cultural yearbook, issue has two horological articles by Chapuis]
SubTitle: Le Centenaire de Abraham Louis Breguet (p 95-133) - Le moine dormeur de la Part-Dieu (p 134--152)
Keywords: REGIONAL CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet Dom.J.Herman
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 16070 - Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Nouvelles Etrennes Neuchateloises 1923
SubTitle: [A cultural/humanities yearbook, containing a 19 page article on Breguet]
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 16677 - Jason Minick[Photographer]
Title: Nov 2015 at NAWCC - Photoshoot for HBS [Alumni Bulletin} by Jason Minick
SubTitle: [10 professional Color Photographs of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki at the National Watch and Clock Library and Natinal Watch and Clock Museum]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Fortunat
Edition: 2015 November
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20373 - Jan VanDerStraet[Stradanus], Ph. Galle[Engraver]
Title: Nova Reperta [A copy is in the Bitish Museum Library, on sheet V is a 6x9 inch engraving of a ckockmakers workshop ca. 1600]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1600 ca.
BHM No: 20715 - A. H. Rodanet
Title: Novel compensated pendulum of steel and zinc
Other Keywords: pendulum temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 849 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1909-1910] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1907 jul
Page or pages: 173-174
BHM No: 8122 - Hezekiah Conant, & Co., Tiffany
Title: Novel [Astronomical] Clock [A...] by H. Conant of Pawtucket RI [Scientifc American, Building Edition]
SubTitle: [Two pendulum astronomical clock built by Tiffany, an 1886-02-01 article in Scientific American,BUILDING EDTION, p.38ff]
Keywords: precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Conant Tiffanys
Edition: 1886-02-01
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 17271 - Hezekiah Conant, Scientific American
Title: Novel [Astronomical] Clock [A...] by H. Conant of Pawtucket RI [Scientifc American]
SubTitle: [Two pendulum astronomical clock built by Tiffany, an 1886-01-16 article in Scientific American, p.38ff]
Keywords: precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Conant Tiffanys
Edition: 1886-01-16
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 17270 - Kroeber,
Title: Novelties and New Designs [ca. 1870]
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Kroeber
Edition: 1987, reprint
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1478 - Don Nicholson, Alice Nicholson
Title: Novelty and Animated Wall Pendulette Clocks
SubTitle: made by Lux Clock Mfg.Co.Inc., Auguste C. Keebler Company, Westclock, Columbia Time Products
Keywords: identifying novelty
Other Keywords: lux
Edition: 1977, 1st edition
Page or pages: 177
BHM No: 1442 - Raymond Haigh
Title: Novelty Clocks for Woodworkers
SubTitle: Over 20 creative clock designs to brighten up the home
Keywords: novelty basic practical how-to clock case
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 6909 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: November 2011 viasit with John Kirk and David Walter in Califorenia
SubTitle: [documentary snapshots]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Walters Kirk
Edition: 2011-11
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 16383 - Christ Uhren und Schmuck
Title: NOW Collection 2015/2016 - Gueltig bisEnde April 2016
SubTitle: www.christ-swiss.ch
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Christ
Edition: 20
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 20344 - Jim McMullen
Title: NOW is the the Time - 301 Inspiring Quotes on Living in the Moment
SubTitle: [This book is only purchasable as a novelty cock&book giftset, and is here cataloged as a book with with its integrated working clock]
Keywords: time
Edition: 2012 ca
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 17770 - Todd Porter
Title: Now taking offers! | Antique American Clocks | August 7, 2022 | Now taking offers | An e-mail blast August 7, 2022
SubTitle: Deliveries get underway Aug 16 2022
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: A merican Clock dealer (servicing eastern half of the USA)
Edition: Sun, August 07, 2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24876 - Hans Jendritzki
Title: Nowoczensny Zegarmistrz
SubTitle: Wydane za zgoda Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie
Keywords: watch technical
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 15935 - Hans Jendritzki, Alfons Luniak[Translator]
Title: NOWOCZESNY ZEGARMISTRZ - Wydane za zgoda "Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie" Edition Scriptar SA -
SubTitle: [2014 facsimile of the 1958 pollish language edition of the German language horological textbook 'Der moderne Uhrmacher"]
Keywords: textbook watch practical
Edition: 2014 polish facsimile edition
Page or pages: 194
BHM No: 19427 - Hans R. Mackenstein
Title: Nuernberg Horological Ephemera
Other Keywords: DGC Neuernberg
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 6087 - Paul Melchger
Title: Nuernberg und seine Uhrmacher vor dem 17. Jahrhundert
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 8
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 12563 - Ralph Puchta, Hans Gaab, Marco Nelkenbrecher
Title: Nuernberger Astronomieweg - Erfahren Siew Interessntes zur Astronomiegeschichte und lernen Sier Nuernberg aus einem neuen Blickwinkel kennen
SubTitle: [Fanfold flier on the the Nuernberg Astronomy Path] [2nd edition 2010] [includes downloadable audioguide]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg practical
Other Keywords: Nuernberg , Astronomische Gesellschaft
Edition: 2010, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 20938 - Nachrichten, Nuernberger, Michael Matejka[Photography]
Title: Nuernberger Forscher nehmen Henlein-Uhr unter die Lupe [Nuernberger Nachrichten (Front page, with color image) Freitag 14. Februar 2014]
SubTitle: [Nuernberg scholars plan to examine the Henlein watch (suposedly earliest known pocket watch) Newsarticle in local Nuernberg paper 14.Feb.2014
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Henlein Nuernberg
Edition: 2014-02-14
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18722 - Ludwig Engelhard, Hans Gaab, Hans Gaab[Photograpy]
Title: Nuernberger Sonnenuhrenwegweg - Erfahren Sie Interessntes zu Sonnenuhren und lernen Sier Nuernberg aus einem neuen Blickwinkel kennen
SubTitle: [Fanfold flier on the the Nuernberg Sundialy Path] [2nd edition 2010] [includes downloadable audioguide]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg antique contemporary
Other Keywords: sonnenuhr
Edition: 2010, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 20939 - Philipp Matthaeus Hahn
Title: Nuernberger Weltmaschine, Nuernberg, 1790
SubTitle: Standort: Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuernberg, Inv. Nr. WI 1029
Keywords: astronomical highgrade specific
Other Keywords: planetarium orrery
Parent Document ID: 452 - Parent Document Title: Astronomische Uhren und Weltmodelle der Priestermechaniker im 18.Jahrhundert
Edition: II-08-02
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 10392 - Reinhold Kriegler
Title: NULLA HORA SINE LINEA Keine Stunde ohne Linie
Parent Document ID: 11432 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2007, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 46
Page or pages: 153
BHM No: 13541 - ?,, Watch Company, Waltham
Title: Numbers and Descriptions of Waltham Watch Movements
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: serial number
Edition: 1946?
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 6430 - D.W. Hering
Title: Numerals on Clock and Watch Dials
SubTitle: Pages 311 to 324 in the 1939. The October Scientific Monthly
Keywords: dial
Other Keywords: numerals
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 1794 - Rafael Santos Torboella
Title: Numeros del Tiempo [Los...] - Antologio del reloj y las horas en la poesia Catellana - con cuatro Horarios y un Reloj Poetico
SubTitle: Biblioteca Literaria del Relojero I
Keywords: anthology timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Poetry Catalan Spain
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 163
BHM No: 14390 - Archangelo Maria Radi
Title: Nuova Scienzia di Horologi a Polvere che mostrano, e suonano distamente tutte l'hore - [Roma 1665 ] [Bailies Bibliography year 1665]
SubTitle: [ The new science of sand clocks which indicate and strike all the hours ] [3 plates ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: striking sundial 1665
Edition: 1665
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 21890 - Enzo Turicchia, Silvana Bissoli[con-la-collaborazione-di...], Massimo Martelli[Foreword]
Title: Nuovo Dizonario degli Orologiai Italiani - includes 2 appedeces: 'Bibliografia' & 'Musei di Orologeria in Italia'
SubTitle: [New Dictionary of Italian Clockmakers-Published 2018?-not dated-Print on Demand]
Keywords: reference clock watch
Other Keywords: Directory
Edition: 2018 ?
Page or pages: 309
BHM No: 22625 - William Manley, T.B.D.M{Translator]
Title: Nutzlicher Unterricht von Sack-Uhren [1751 edition]
SubTitle: [William Manley?s useful instructions on Pocket Watches. For all those who have Pocket Watches, in an excellent translation from English to German...
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1751, 4th edition Vienna
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 16999 - Sal Cabibo[ChapterPresident]
Title: NWCC - New Jersey Chapter 25 [Membership solicitation Letter dated Oct 11,1999 and Invitation to the Fall meeting 1999 at Hackensack Meadowlands
SubTitle: [Speaker: Steve Petrucelli (on: Perspectives in identifying & Collecting American Banjo Clocks) - at Richard W. deKorte Parkorte}
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: New Jersey
Edition: Sunday Nov 4 1999
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23695 - Nataya Culler(Librarian-NYHS)
Title: NYHS - Six Month Library Progress Report 2021-March-23
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: NYHS
Edition: 2021-March
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24051 - Christion Selmoni[Speaker}, Roger Michel
Title: NYHS Meeting Recap: 2021-Jan -06 | Journey Through the Secrets of Vacheron Constantin
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Vacheron
Edition: 2021-Jan-06
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23970 - Ralph Minder
Title: NYTimes: THE SATURDAY PROFILE After 600 Years, Swiss City at Last Has a Woman on Night Watch
SubTitle: Weboffprint of featured,7 page, color illustrated article first published in the NY-Times-2022-January-28-Saturday-Profile
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: Municipal (audio) Time-Criers
Edition: 2022-Jan-22
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 24577 - Juan R. Sanmartin
Title: O Botafumeiro: Parametric pumping in the Middle Ages
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: parametric drive
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1984 52 10 Oct
Page or pages: 937 - 944
BHM No: 8577 - Friederich Nietzsche
Title: O Mensch gieb Acht
Keywords: time philosophy
Other Keywords: poetry songtext
Parent Document ID: 7309 - Parent Document Title: Time Cycle - Four Songs for Soprano and Orchestra [text of the 4 poems]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 4
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 8906 - Dimas deMeloPimento
Title: o relogio ... sua historia
SubTitle: [limited edition of 1000 copies, numbered and signed by the author]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 19662 - Fernando CorreiadeOliveira
Title: O Relogio da Republica
SubTitle: [Series:] Coleccao Caminos da Historia
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Portugal
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 105
BHM No: 15484 - Fernando CorrieiaDeOlivveira
Title: O Relogio da republica (describing a new portugese language clock book)
SubTitle: [Excerpts from a Portugese watch blog - June 12, 2009
Edition: 2010-06-12
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 15467 - Pierre Arizzoli-Clementel[Preface], Catherine Cardinal, Agathe Mazur, Maria-Anne Privat-Savigny, Paul Real
Title: O Temps Suspends ton vol - Catalogue des Pendules et horloges du Musee des Arts Decoratifs de Lyon
SubTitle: [Series:] Des objects qui racontent l'Histoire [Catalogue of the 49 Clocks at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Lyon France]
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Lyon Musee des Arts Decratifs
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 14301 - MG Obart
Title: Obart SA - Works of Art in Metal and Wood - Obras de Arte en Madera y Metal
SubTitle: [Catalog of spanish? Maker of highgrade reproduction clocks(clockcases) in the antique English style
Keywords: catalog clock contemporary case
Other Keywords: Obart reproduction english style
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 7445 - David Roentgen, Metropolitan Museum New York
Title: Obelisk clock with 'Benjamin Franklin' dial, by David Roentgen ca 1785-1790
SubTitle: Accession Nr. 2015.504a-d 4 images
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Franklin Dial
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 20655 - David Roentgen, Wolfram Koeppe, Kinzig
Title: Obelisk Clock with Franklin movement - Catalog Nr. 58 - ca. 1785-1790 - Private Collection Germany
SubTitle: 190x54x19cm
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Roentgen Kinzig
Parent Document ID: 18015 - Parent Document Title: Extravagant Inventions - The Princeley Furniture of the Roentgens - [Catalog of the Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, Oct 30, 2012-Jan 27,2013]
Edition: 58
Page or pages: 190-191
BHM No: 18023 - Frauke vanderWall, Gerhard G. Wagner
Title: Obelisksonnenuhr mit mechanischem Windrichtungsanzeiger fur das Mainfrankische Museum Wurzburg
SubTitle: An obelisc sundial with mechanical wind direction indicator for the Mainfrankisches Museum in Wurzburg
Other Keywords: sundial weathervane obelisc
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: Band 49
Page or pages: 141-150
BHM No: 15504 - Theodor Koerner
Title: Ober die Datumslinien vertikaler Sonnenuhren
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 13003 - Heinz Schilt
Title: Ober einen Sonnenchronometer
Parent Document ID: 12482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 33
Edition: 33
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 13236 - Oskar Bucher
Title: Oberturm Uhr in Aarau wird 460 Jahre alt
Parent Document ID: 1131 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 31
Edition: 31
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 13167 - Syibille Gluch, Peter Plassmeyer, Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon
Title: OBIEKT LISTE -- Einfach - Vollkommen / Sachsens Weg in die internationaleUhrenwelt
Keywords: catalog D-Glash?tte-Saxonia clock watch
Other Keywords: Lange Glashutte Glashuette
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 20013 - Annonymous
Title: Obituary - George Daniels - The Economist Novemner 26th, 2011 [page 106]
SubTitle: George Daniels, master watchmaker, died on October 21st, aged 85
Keywords: biography UK-London watch
Other Keywords: George Daniels
Edition: 2011-11-26
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 16656 - Helmut Crott
Title: Obituary Derek Pratt
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Pratt Juegrnsen
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 14507 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: Obituary: Matthias Schramm (1928?2005) - German Clockmaker
SubTitle: [as published in German in Acta Historica Astronomieae, Vol. 28, 2002]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2002 Vol.28
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23552 - Humphrey Quill
Title: Obiturary - Laycock, W.S.
Other Keywords: Harrison Laycock
Page or pages: 196
BHM No: 7931 - Kevin K. Birth
Title: Objects of Time - How Things shape Temporality
SubTitle: [Series:] Culture, Mind and Society
Keywords: clock watch timekeeping time
Edition: 2012, september 1st edition
Page or pages: 211
BHM No: 18359 - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Sessions Clock Company, Sessions Clocks
Title: Objekt des Monats deutsches Uhrenmuseum - Furtwangen - 'The Lady' [DUM Inv.#2005-095]
SubTitle: [2006{ca.} Object of the month(3text flyers GER ENG FRE) on a 1955 mechanical desk top, with added 'Menstrual cycle scale, red and black days)
Other Keywords: Fertility Menstural cycle
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21089 - Harry Wiliams Reynolds
Title: Objektst?nder
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: stand watchstand
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 2224 - General Derrecagaix
Title: Observations du Pendule - Tomme XV, 1er fascicule
SubTitle: Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre (service geographique)
Keywords: precision measurement gravity measurement pendulum
Other Keywords: gravity
Edition: 1894
Page or pages: 196
BHM No: 11580 - unknown
Title: Observatoire Cantonal Neuchateloise [L'....] - 1858 - 1912 - Souvenir de son Cinquantenaire et de l'inauguration du Pavillion Hirsch
SubTitle: [2012 Facsimile reprint of the 1912 original]
Keywords: precision CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch timekeeping time
Other Keywords: observatory
Edition: 2012 Facsimile of 1912 ed
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 17374 - Francois Vernotte
Title: Observatoire de Besancon et la Mesure du Temps [L'...]
Keywords: timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Besancon
Edition: 2007?
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 17762 - Jean Davoigneau, Francoise LeGuet Tully, Laurent Poupart, Francois Vernotte, J. Mongreville[Photo]
Title: Observatoire de Besancon [L'...] - Les etoiles au service du temps - Parcours du patrimony
SubTitle: [In French: The Besancon Observatory-Stars in the service of time]
Keywords: astronomical cert.chronometer
Other Keywords: Besancon observatory
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 17329 - Raoul Gauthier, G. Tiercy
Title: Observatoire de Geneve [L'...] - 1772 - 1830 - 1930
SubTitle: Publications de l'Observatoire, Serie A: Volume II, 1930
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Geneva Geneve Genf Observatoire
Edition: 1930, 1st edition
Page or pages: 172
BHM No: 14298 - Lucien F. Trueb, Pierre Favre[Collaborateur]
Title: Observatoire de Neuchatel [L'...] - Son histoire de 1858 a 2007
SubTitle: [The Observatory of Neuchatel (Switzerland) - Its history from 1858 to 2007 - in French]
Keywords: astronomical cert.chronometer precision CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Other Keywords: observatory Neuchatel
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 17313 - Annonymous
Title: Observatoire Royal Greewich - Presentation [French edition]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch time
Other Keywords: Greenwich Observatory Harrison
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15668
Title: Observatories in Washington and Princeton
SubTitle: [in Harpers Weekly, May 15, 1869]
Other Keywords: astronomy observatory Naval Wahington
Edition: 1869
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 7053- Various
Title: Observatory [The]
SubTitle: Founded at the world-famous Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1877 by William Christie
BHM No: 17742 - MarineTechno
Title: Ocean Addict - Techno Marine Geneve - Fall 2010/Summer 2011 [Catalogue]
SubTitle: [includes 2011 pricelist in US Dollars]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: TechnoMarine
Edition: 2010/2011
BHM No: 18187 - Oceanus
Title: Oceanus - Atomic Solar Timekeeping
SubTitle: [007 US catalog of brand of radio controlled solar poweredwrw
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: solar powered radio controlled
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 11007
Title: Ochsenfurt Ratshaus
Parent Document ID: 6836 - Parent Document Title: Turm- und Kunstuhren
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 11
BHM No: 8842- Francois-Paul Journe
Title: Octa Sport - F.P.Journe Inventit et Fecit
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 17284 - Musee-de-L'horlogerie-Saint-Nicolas-d'Alieremont (FRANCE)
Title: Octobre [2021] au musee de l'horlogerie-Alierement(France) - Toutes les actualites du Musee de l'horlogerie(Saint Nicolas d'Alierement{Normandy,France
SubTitle: [The monthly newsletter of the Musee de l'horlogerie Saint Nicolas d'Alieremont]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Normandie FRANCE
Edition: Sept-27-2021
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24354 - Krystyna Toczynska-Ruddysz, Krystyna Oniszczuk-Awizen, Rainer Sachs
Title: Oczy Czasu - Muzeum Ziemi Klodzkiej w Klodzku [Glatz, Poland]
SubTitle: Katalog kolekcij zegarow [Eyes on Time, Clocks from the collection of the Klozko Museum]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Poland Klooddzko Muzeum
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 13958 - Orville R. Hagans
Title: Odd but True
SubTitle: Facts, Not Fiction, About Time ?
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2503 - Ruppert T. (Lt.Cmdr. RN) Gould
Title: Oddities - A book of Unexplained Facts
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 228
BHM No: 10555 - Jonathan Betts
Title: Oddities and Enigmas 1928-1929
SubTitle: [Chapter 11 of Rupert T.Goulds Biography]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Gould Enigmas
Parent Document ID: 10399 - Parent Document Title: Time restored
Edition: 11
Page or pages: 186-200
BHM No: 10440 - Nicola Severino
Title: ODIO MUZIO | GNOMONISTA CORAGGI OSO | A scholarly sundial article in Italian, as published in the newsletter (in Ialian) of...
SubTitle: ...Instituto e Museo di Storia delle Szienze di Firenze | http://.ims.fi.it//indice.html | 15 pages/25 illustrations
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundial Italy
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 24915 - Jaeger-LeCoultre,
Title: Odysseus - Les nouveaux Classiques - Jaeger-LeCoultre [1988, French language edition, of catalog for the Odysseus line of wristwatches]
SubTitle: Jaeger-LeCoultre
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Odysseus Jaeger-LeCoultre
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 14946
Title: Oeil de Boef ca 1775
Other Keywords: wallclock Frizon
Parent Document ID: 7405 - Parent Document Title: [A-2005-11-13-Gva] Important Collectors' Wristwatches, Pocket Watches & Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 168
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 8914- Paul Melchger
Title: Oel- und Kerzenuhren
SubTitle: [In "Der Museumsfreund, aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden-W?rttemberg, Heft 2"]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Oilclock candleclock Oeluhren Kerzenuhren
Parent Document ID: 10155 - Parent Document Title: Museumsfreund [Der] , aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden/Wuerttenberg - - Heft 2 [1962]
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 45-46
BHM No: 10243 - [Editor], A. Kames, H Bock
Title: Oel- und Reiningungsfragen bei Uhren und Feingeraeten
SubTitle: Band 13: Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft fuer Zeitmesskunde
Keywords: textbook
Other Keywords: oils
Edition: 1943
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 10070 - Luuk Goldhoorn
Title: Oesterreichische Spielwerkmanufaktur im 19. Jahrhundert
SubTitle: Ein fast ergessener Zweig des Kunsthandwerkes
Other Keywords: music boxes
Edition: 1990s? Limited to 800 copies
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 6802 - Hans vonBertele
Title: oesterreichische Uhren
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 9-37
BHM No: 12495 - David Grace
Title: Oestmans book [an unpublished 2012 typescript book review of BHM 16313]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Oestmann Kessels
Edition: 2012-05
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 17031 - La Chaux-de-Fonds MuseeInternationalD'horlogerie
Title: Oeuvre d'Abraham-Louis Breguet, L'
SubTitle: Exposition 15 mai au 20 sept 1976 au Musee International d'Horlogerie
Keywords: catalog exhibition
Other Keywords: MIH Breguet La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 1119
Title: oeuvre horlog?re d?Antide Janvier
SubTitle: in: Annales Fran?aises de Chronom?trie,
BHM No: 7913- George vonHoltey, Peter Widmer
Title: Oeuvres des maitres horlogers suisse alemaniques
SubTitle: Catalogue de l'exposition temporaire [2007] du Musee des automates a musique der Seewen SO [Suisse]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Seewen MMA SLM
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 10911 - Adolphe Chapiro
Title: Oevre de Jean-Antoine Lepine [L'...] - Horloger (1720-1814)
SubTitle: [The Oevre of Jean-Antoine Lepine, Clockmaker (1720-1814) [France] ]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: Lepine
Edition: 2001 Hors Serie
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 21562 - F. Faessler, Samuel Guye, Edmond Droz
Title: Oevres [Les?] de Pierre Jaquet-Droz , Montres, Pendules et Automates (Musees et collections privees)
SubTitle: Edite par le Comite des Fetes du 250e anniversaire de la naissance de Pierre Jaquet-Droz (1721-1790)
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Jaquet Droz
Edition: 1971, 1st edition
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1510 - Pierre Boucheron
Title: Of Earthquakes and Clocks
Other Keywords: g earthquakes vibration accuracy limit
Parent Document ID: 3420 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1990-1992] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1992 jul
Page or pages: 26 -28
BHM No: 8094 - Werner Stehr, Klaus Dobler, Hans Schiefele[Translator]
Title: Of fried Sausages and Bearings Deamage
SubTitle: A light hearted yet serious explanation of Tribology [Tribology is lubrication Science]
Keywords: lubrication/friction technical practical
Other Keywords: tribology lubrications oils
Edition: 2008, 1st English Edition
Page or pages: 227
BHM No: 14386 - Robert A. Selig
Title: Of Sundials and Atomic Clocks: A Brief History of Time - a 2 1/2 page , superficial article , as published on the website 'German Life'
SubTitle: p.48- issue Oct/Nov 2015 --- FMM's Note NOT MUCH FACTUAL or RELEVANT information.
Other Keywords: German Life
Edition: Oct/Nov 2015
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24531 - Robert A. Selig
Title: Of Sundials and Atomic Clocks: A Brief History of Time | a 3 page article in 'German Life' Oct/November 2015 issue
Keywords: watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2015-October/?Nov.issue
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24472 - John Ellicott
Title: Of the influence which two pendulum clocks were observed to have on each other
Other Keywords: two pendulums interference Ellicott
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1739 41 abridged
Page or pages: 320-324
BHM No: 8301 - Anthony J. Turner
Title: Of Time and Measurement
SubTitle: Studies inn the History of Hporology and Fine Technology
Keywords: mechanical advanced antique sundial acientific instrument
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 321
BHM No: 5571 - Rolex,
Title: Of Time and Style
SubTitle: Rolex is delighted to present this catalogue of fine womns wqatches...]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1990s? undated
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 9552 - J. Stewart Johnson
Title: Of Time and Taste
SubTitle: European Clocks in the Bliss Collection
Other Keywords: Bliss
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 2690 - Elisabeth Achelis
Title: Of time and the Calendar
SubTitle: Of time and the sun and the seasons, and of Man's attempts to Make a scientific.
Other Keywords: calendar system
Edition: 1st edition 1955
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 7372 - Julian T. [sometime Julius] Fraser
Title: Of Time, Passion and Knowlwdge - Reflections on the Strategy of Existence
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: chronosophy
Edition: 1975, 1st edition
Page or pages: 529
BHM No: 6387 - Henry Still
Title: Of Time, Tides and Inner Clocks
SubTitle: taking advantage of the natural rhythms of life to be in tune emotionally and ph
Other Keywords: periodicity biological clock rhythm
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 218
BHM No: 7368 - Henry Still
Title: Of times, tides & inner clocks [Paprback edition]
SubTitle: Take advantage of the natural rhythms of time
Keywords: time how-to practical
Other Keywords: biological clock biorhythms rhythm
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 7374 - Kimberly Olsen Fakih
Title: Off the Clock - A Lexicon of Time Words and Expressions
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: dictionary
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 573 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen], Deutsches
Title: Offer to donate five clocks plus three additional movements to National Watch and Clock Museum from Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Furtwangen
SubTitle: [translation of a e-mail June 14, 2010, received by Fortunt Mueller-Maerki]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Edition: 2010-06-14
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 15062 - Otto Mayer
Title: offering of Renaissance clockwork masterpieces [An?] [An article on occasion of "Clockwork Universe" exhibit]
SubTitle: in "Smithsonian", Volume 11, No. 9 (December 1980), page 44-54
Other Keywords: Smithsonian CLOCKWORK UNIVERSE exhibit
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 6614 - Otto Mayer
Title: Offering [An..] of Renaissance clockwork Masterpieces
SubTitle: [in Smithsonian, the Magazine December 1980, p. 44 ff]
Keywords: exhibition
Other Keywords: clockwork universe Smithsonian renaissance
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 1808 - Roy Ehrhardt
Title: Officail Price Guide to Antique Clocks [The...]- Third edition
SubTitle: The Ultimate HAndbook for Buyers and Sellers
Keywords: reference
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 8927 - of Switzerland, Watchmakers
Title: Official Catalogue of Swiss Watch Repair Parts
SubTitle: Part ONE
Keywords: part catalog identifying movement
Edition: 1948
BHM No: 669 - of Switzerland, Watchmakers
Title: Official Catalogue of Swiss Watch Repair Parts
SubTitle: Part TWO
Keywords: part catalog identifying movement
Edition: 1948
BHM No: 670 - of Switzerland, Watchmakers
Title: Official Dictionary of Watch Parts
SubTitle: A new Standard Technological Dictionary of Watch Parts in English, French, German and Spanish
Keywords: part
Other Keywords: dictionary german french english spanish
Edition: 1948 1st
Page or pages: 167
BHM No: 664 - Elgin Customer Service
Title: Official Elgin Service Buletin (Spetember 1962 update shipment)
SubTitle: [28 sheets plus dated cover letter in original elvelope]
Keywords: watch technical practical
Other Keywords: Elgin service
Edition: 1962 Sept
Page or pages: 57
BHM No: 12430 - Bulova,
Title: Official Interchangeability Catalog of Genuine Bulova Hands
SubTitle: [1954 issue]
Keywords: catalog watch dial/hands
Other Keywords: Bulova hands
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 17220 - Frederick W. Kortz
Title: Official Price Guide to Collecting Clocks
SubTitle: The Ultimate Preference to Ameican and European Clocks
Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 424
BHM No: 5454 - Cooksey Shugart, Tom Engle, Walter Presswood[Editor]
Title: Official Price Guide to Watches - No. 8, 1988
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1988, 8th edition
Page or pages: 550
BHM No: 17440 - Cooksey Shugart, Tom Engle, Walter Presswood[Editor]
Title: Official Price Guide to Watches - No.10, 1989
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1990, 10th edition
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 17441 - AWCI
Title: Official Standards and Practices for the Preparation, Education and Certification 0f Twenty First Century Watchmakers
SubTitle: Standards and Practices / Suggested Tool List / Core Beliefs
Other Keywords: certifying Certification AWCOI
Edition: 2008 weboffprint
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 12067 - Roy Ehrhardt, Thomas E. Hudgeons
Title: Official [The?] 1983 Priceguide to Antique clocks
Edition: 1982, 1st edition
Page or pages: 568
BHM No: 1783 - Sonja L. Spittler
Title: Ohio Clockmakers and Watchmakers by Place
SubTitle: [An Offprint from Tom Spittlers forthcoming nationwide directory book issued on occasion of the 2011 NAWCC Symposium in Cincinatti]]
Keywords: directory reference REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: Ohio
Edition: 2011-11
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 16308 - Victoria Visintainer, Sylvia Heffner
Title: Ohio Cloclk Exhibit, 1810 - 1850
SubTitle: Guide to the Collection
Keywords: regional catalog
Other Keywords: Ohio NAWCC
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 149 - Kurt Langmantl
Title: Oignon mit Halbstundenschlag mittels Schlossscheibe von Cogniet a Paris um 1700
SubTitle: [A pocketwatch with halfourstriking and countwheel by Cogniot Paris around 1700]
Keywords: F-Paris watch
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 29-30
BHM No: 15303 - Homer A. Barkus, Jura - Trois Lacs - Drei-Seenland
Title: Oiling the Watch
SubTitle: A comprehensive treatise on the practical oiling of the watch, together with information on various oilers
Keywords: lubrication/friction practical
Other Keywords: oiling oil
Edition: 1948, ist edition
Page or pages: 49
BHM No: 11066 - Laurie Penman
Title: Oiling your Clock
Keywords: practical
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 3117 - Ted Wale
Title: Old Atmos clock repair
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-1
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 9233 - G[ranville] H[ugh] Baillie, Jacob Cuno(clockmaker)
Title: Old Book about an Elaborate Clock [An ...] - Review of a Book published 1581
SubTitle: [An article in the October 1939 issue of 'The Watch and Clock Maker (UK)'
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: JACOB c\CUNO
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19076 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Old brass mainsprings?
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-1
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 9232 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Old but still interesting articles from the Horological Journal
Parent Document ID: 4902 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 24 - 2001
Edition: 1997-1
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 9168 - N. Hudson Moore
Title: Old Clock Book [The?]
Edition: 1911, 1st edition
Page or pages: 339
BHM No: 2508 - N. V. Dinsdale
Title: Old Clockmaker [The?] of Yorkshire
Keywords: directory regional
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 5439 - H. Alan Lloyd
Title: Old Clocks
SubTitle: Practical Handbook for Collectors
Edition: 1972 4th revised edition, 2nd impression
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 2338 - J. Otto Scherer
Title: Old Clocks
SubTitle: Orbis Pictus Series No. 11
Keywords: anthology basic
Edition: 1964, 1st english edition
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 2517 - H. Alan Lloyd
Title: Old Clocks
SubTitle: Practical Handbook for Collectors
Edition: 1958 2nd revised edition
Page or pages: 176
BHM No: 1379 - Edward Wenham
Title: Old Clocks for modern use with a guide to their mechanism
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1964. American edition
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 1439 - Edward Wenham
Title: Old Clocks for modern use with a guide to their mechanism
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1951, 1st edition
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 1441 - Edward Wenham
Title: Old Clocks for modern use with a guide to their mechanism
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 2352 - H.E. [Rev.] Miller
Title: Old Clocks - Paper read March 18, 1926 at Lebanon County Historical Society
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 1935 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [1st edition, 1899]
SubTitle: An historical & descriptive account of the diferent styles of Clocks of the past in England & abroad
Keywords: reference
Edition: 1899 1st edition
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 6931 - Brirren
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [3st edition, 1911] - Beeing an Historical & Descriptive Account of the diferent Styles of Clocks...
SubTitle: ... and Watches of the past, in England and Abroad. To which is added a List of eleven thousand Makers.
Keywords: directory clock watch
Edition: 1911
Page or pages: 790
BHM No: 18141 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [4th edition, 1919]
SubTitle: An historical & descriptive account of the diferent styles of Clocks of the past in England & abroad
Keywords: reference historic
Edition: 1919 4th edition
Page or pages: 597
BHM No: 6628 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [5thEdition, much enlarged, 1922]
SubTitle: Beeing an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Different Styles of Clocks and Watches of the Past, in England and Abroad
Keywords: directory reference
Edition: 1922, 5th edition
Page or pages: 822
BHM No: 11209 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [6th edition, 1932, 1971 reprint]
SubTitle: Republished from the sixth edition (1932)
Keywords: directory facsimile
Other Keywords: clockmakers watchmakers
Edition: 1971 reprint of 1932 sixth edition
Page or pages: 891
BHM No: 5570 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten, Cecil Clutton, G[ranville] H[ugh] Baillie
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [7th edition, 1956]
SubTitle: [7th edition]
Other Keywords: clockmakers watchmakers
Edition: 1956, 7th edition
Page or pages: 518
BHM No: 374 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten, G[ranville] H[ugh] Baillie, Cecil Clutton, C.A. Ilbert
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [8th edition, 1973]
SubTitle: Revised and enlarged Eigth Edition
Keywords: directory reference clock watch
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 531
BHM No: 14397 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten, G[ranville] H[ugh] Baillie, Cecil Clutton
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers [9th edition, 1990]
SubTitle: Revised Ninth Edition
Other Keywords: clockmakers watchmakers
Edition: 1990, 9th edition
Page or pages: 700
BHM No: 375 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten, N. Hudson Moore
Title: Old Clocks and Watches and their makers/ The Old Clock Book
SubTitle: The Clock Collectors Library Vol.1 [CD-ROM]
Keywords: directory
Edition: 2002
BHM No: 3619 - Mitchell Kennerley
Title: Old English and French Clocks from the Collection of Mr. F.H. Green & Count Maurice de Crissey
SubTitle: to be sold at auction Oct 23, 1926, New York, The Anderson Galleries
Keywords: catalog auction
Other Keywords: Green Crissy
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 3624 - Herbert Cescinsky
Title: Old English Clockmakers [The?] and their Clocks 1670-1820
Edition: 1975, USA reprint
Page or pages: 182
BHM No: 2421 - F.H. Green
Title: Old English Clocks
SubTitle: beeing a collectors observations on some seventeens century clocks
Other Keywords: 17th century
Edition: 1931, first edition,
Page or pages: 89
BHM No: 122 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: Old English Clocks - The Weatherfield Collection
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Weatherfield
Edition: 1907, 1st edition, limited edition
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 120 - Herbert Cescinsky
Title: Old English Master Clockmakers
SubTitle: and their Clocks
Keywords: person
Other Keywords: diectory list clockmaker
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 657 - Freniere, E.P. [Composer] La, Harry {Lyricist} Pyle
Title: Old Fashioned Clock
SubTitle: [Sheet music]
Other Keywords: music song
Edition: 1941
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 6530 - Maritime Museum, National
Title: Old Royal Observatory Greenwich
SubTitle: A Guide to the Collections
Keywords: catalog history
Other Keywords: guide RGO greenwich meridien
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 265 - John Smith
Title: Old Scottish Clockmakers - From 1453 to 1850
SubTitle: compiled from original sources with Notes
Other Keywords: list directory scottland scottish clockmaker
Edition: 1975 repint of 1921 2nd edition revised and enlarg
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 4556 - John Smith
Title: Old Scottish Clockmakers - From 1453 to 1850
SubTitle: compiled from original sources with Notes
Keywords: directory regional
Other Keywords: scotland scotish
Edition: 1921, 2nd edition revised and enlarged
Page or pages: 436
BHM No: 1931 - John Smith
Title: Old Scottish Clockmakers - From 1453 to 1850
SubTitle: compiled from original sources with Notes
Keywords: directory facsimile
Other Keywords: scottland
Edition: 1903 facsimile copy of 1st edition
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 3858 - John Smith
Title: Old Scottish Clockmakers from 1453 to 1850
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Other Keywords: Scottland
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 14607 - John Smith
Title: Old Scottish Clockmakers from 1453 to 1850 [1821]
Keywords: CH/F-Jura
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 26, disc 2
BHM No: 11786 - Charles Allen
Title: Old Stirling Clockmakers
SubTitle: (including those in St.Ninians) up to 1900
Keywords: directory reference REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Sterling St.Ninians Sterlingshire
Edition: 1990, 1st limited edition
Page or pages: 111
BHM No: 9918 - J.R. Oakley
Title: Old Time Shop - J.R. Oakley, Poland 14, Ohio [1962 Catalog]
SubTitle: [dials, hands ,other clock materials]
Keywords: catalog clock parts
Other Keywords: Oakley
Edition: 1962 1st edition of 1500
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 11294 - NAWCC-Chapter-22-Oldtimers, Janette Oeschle
Title: Old Timers & Fellows Chapter 22 - Status Report 2014
SubTitle: 200 lowest membership #s (to#9744) - Deceeased members / Secretary&Treasurers Report
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 19229 - NAWCC Convention Committee
Title: Old Timers & Fellows Luncheon - Admitt ONE
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22157 - Janet Oechsle
Title: Old Timers and Fellows - Report 2012 - Secretary's Report - Deceased Fellows [List], Deceased Old Timers [List], All [current] Old Timers List
Other Keywords: oldtimers NAWCC
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 17231 - Janet Oechsle
Title: Old Timers and Fellows Chapter 22 - Handouts National 2018 - York PA
SubTitle: IncludesMinutes of 2017 Meeting (Arlington TX), List of deceased Fellows , List of Deceased Old Timers, List of all Old Timers, Treas.Rpt.
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Olttimers Fellows
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22169 - Horological Times
Title: Old Times - We are your source - Clock Dials From One Through Eleven Inches - 1997-200 Catalog - $4.95
SubTitle: 156 Rosewell Street, Marietta GA 30060 [USA]
Keywords: catalog clock dial/hands
Edition: 1997-2000
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 16329 - NAWCC-Chapter84-MidHudson[NewYorkState]
Title: Old Wine in New Bottles
SubTitle: The 2004 Restoration of a Stevens Tower Clock in Ossening NY by NAWCC Chapter 84
Other Keywords: Ossening
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 9922 - Oskar Kilian
Title: Oldenw?lder Uhrmacher des 18. Jahrhunderts [Ein..] - [Franz Jakob Braun (1735-1813) ]
SubTitle: [In "Der Museumsfreund, aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden-W?rttemberg, Heft 2"]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Odenwald Franz Jakob Braun
Parent Document ID: 10155 - Parent Document Title: Museumsfreund [Der] , aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden/Wuerttenberg - - Heft 2 [1962]
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 51-53
BHM No: 10245 - Uhren Hemmer
Title: Oldie - Der erste Katalog zur Reparatur von alten und antiken Uhren [3.Ausgabe Jan. [19]84] - Uhren Hemmer, D 2814 Bruchhausen-Vilen
SubTitle: [A published pricelist of clock and watch repair services with brices, illustrated]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Edition: 1984 3rd edition
Page or pages: 135
BHM No: 20495 - Poul Darnell, Frank Nielsen
Title: Ole Roemer's eclipsareon and planetarium
SubTitle: www.oleroemer.dk
Keywords: astronomy
Other Keywords: Roemer
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 19406 - F.X. Parsch
Title: Olmuetzer Astronomische Kunst-Uhr
SubTitle: Eine genaue Beschreibung des Kunstwerkes, mit einem geschichtlichen Anhang
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Olmuenz
Edition: 1900, 1st edition
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 13879 - Carl Borree
Title: Olmutzer Kunstuhr [Die...] - Festschrift zur funften Wiederherstellung im Jahre 1898
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Olmuetz Olmutz
Edition: 1898 1st edition
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 14751 - Jan Dabek
Title: Olomoucky Orloy [The clock of Olomuz
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Olomutz
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 20163 - Olomouk Information Cultural & Tourist Center
Title: Olomouk - a guide for everyone {English and French language tourist guidebook on the chek city of Olommouk
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 21873 - C.D. Olson
Title: Olson School of Watchmaking, Engraving, Jewelery, Chicago [undated, possibly 1930s}
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Olson School Chicago
Edition: 1930? undated
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 14211 - Specht K. Heidrich
Title: Olymias Uhren gingen falsch
SubTitle: Die revidierte Geschichte der griechisch archan Zeit
Other Keywords: chronology greece history
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 7203 - Jaeger-LeCoultre,
Title: Olysseus. Die neuen Klassiker [Ausgabe 1988, Catalog, plus loose pricelist dated 10 April 1989 in DM]
SubTitle: Jaeger-LeCoultre
Keywords: catalog CH/F-Jura watch
Other Keywords: Olysseus Jaeger-LeCoultre
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 15888 - A.B. Tarbox, R.A. Gordon
Title: Omaha Watch Repairing, Engraving, and Optical Institute (Incorporated) - New Brandeis Building, Omaha Nebraska
SubTitle: Dr. A.B. Tarbox, President & Prof. R.A. Gordon, Secretary & Treasurer (ca. 1910?)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: school institute Omaha Nebraska
Edition: 1910? undated
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 14208 - Omega,
Title: Omega
SubTitle: ca. 1981 Swiss Trade Cataloge
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1054 - OMEGA Group&their-adversing-agencies
Title: OMEGA | Two, Full page, Color, Advertisements, as published in the New York Times in the issues of Saturdays, Aug 27 & Sept 10 2022
SubTitle: ... for Omega Sea-master Professional Ultradeep 5 000 meters/20 000,feet | (and Bioceramic MOON SWATCH Collections | Mission to Mars
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Bioceramic MOON SWATCH Collection | Mission to Mars OMEGA Biel Omega Sea-master Professional Ultradeep 5 000 meters/20 000,feet Bioceramic MOON SWATCH Collection Mission to Mars
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24935 - Omega-Group[of-Swatch-Corporation]
Title: Omega - Seamaster Aqua Terra [Green dial] - Coaxial Master Chronometer [A full page color advertisement in the New York Times. Sunday May 9. 2021]
SubTitle: [page 34 - N] [Tear-out]
Keywords: luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Omega Seamaster
Edition: Sunday May 9. 2021
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24139 - Omega-Group[of-Swatch-Corporation]
Title: Omega - Seamaster Aqua Terra] - Coaxial Master Chronometer [A full page b&w advertisement in the New York Times. Sunday May 28. 2021]
SubTitle: Part one of 2 b&w full page ads advertss --(Saturday and Sunday on the SAME weekend ---May 28 & May 29-2021)
Keywords: clock watch analog
Other Keywords: Dimond Lead Official Spnsor
Edition: 2022
BHM No: 24765 - Omega,
Title: Omega - 2008 Collection
SubTitle: Olympic Games - Museum - DeVille - Constellation - Seamaster - Speedmaster
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 13791 - Marco Richon
Title: Omega - A Journey through Time
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2007, 1st edition
Page or pages: 831
BHM No: 11168 - Omega,
Title: Omega - DeVille Co-Axial Escapement
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: omega coaxial escapemnt
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 5948 - Omega,
Title: Omega - DeVille- Co-Axial
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: omega coaxial escapemnt
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 5951 - Omega,
Title: Omega - DeVille- Die OMEGA Co-Axial Hemmung
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: omega coaxial escapemnt
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 5950 - Omega,
Title: Omega - DeVille- Echappement Co-Axial
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: omega coaxial escapemnt
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 5949 - Omega,
Title: Omega - DeVille- Die OMEGA Co-Axial Hemmung [2001 Edition, with:] Preisliste 200 De-Ville Co-Axial [in DM and Euro for Germany]
SubTitle: [2001 - 65000/0101-3336971 AL]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 19700 - Omega,
Title: OMEGA - Die Geschichte einer grossen Marke
Other Keywords: OMEGA
Edition: 1994 4500copies
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 5953 - Omega-Group[of-Swatch-Corporation]
Title: OMEGA - DISCOVER NEW DEPTH - Our world record dive to the deepest place on Earth, led to a ground breaking OMEGA Divewatch.
SubTitle: Every timepiece in the Seamaster Plamet Ocean Ultradeep collection is water resistant to 6 000 meters,including this model,made in our own MEGASTEEL..
Keywords: watch contemporary
BHM No: 24889 - Omega,
Title: OMEGA - EIne grosse Marke in der Welt von Heute
SubTitle: Auswahl aus der Omega Kollektion [Switzerland, with prices in SwFrancs]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: OMEGA
Edition: 1977? (undated, but ref to 1976 olympics
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 15011 - Omega,
Title: Omega - GF 620-1 (Section 1) [1954]
SubTitle: Catalogue des Pieces de Rechange -Spare Parts Catalogue - Catalogo de las Piezas de Recambio - Ersatzteiltkatalog - Catalogo per piezi di ricambio
Keywords: catalog watch parts
Other Keywords: Omega 1954
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 17005 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Guide technique - Cahier 1510 / 1320/1325 1611 1615/1620 1310 [White ringbinder , undated technical manual for quartz calibers, in French]
Keywords: electronic technical practical
Other Keywords: omega quartz caliber manual
Edition: 1970s undated
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 19663 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Guide technique - Cahier 1510 / 1320/1325 1611 1615/1620 1310 [White ringbinder , undated technical manual for quartz calibers, in French]
Keywords: electronic technical practical
Other Keywords: omega quartz caliber manual
Edition: 1970s undated
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 19664 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Histoire d'une grande marque
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2834 - Omega,
Title: Omega - La Collection [2001]
Keywords: highgrade
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 7475 - Omega,
Title: OMEGA - Livret d'accueil [Octobre 1963, pour des noueaux collaborateurs]
SubTitle: [ringbinder booklet handed to new Omega watch factory employees, covering procedures, work rules, medical plan, comapny athletic teams etc]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: labor benefits
Edition: 1963
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 19636 - Museum, Omega
Title: Omega - musee
SubTitle: [2014 quatrolingual fanfold flyer for the Omega brand museum in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega Biel Bienne
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19172 - Omega-USA-and-their-Advertising-Agencies
Title: OMEGA - NICOLE KIDMANS's CHOICE The de Ville Mini Tresor 18K Moonshine Gold |
SubTitle: A full page b&w ad in the New York Times Saturday edition, July 2 2022
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega deVille mini Tresor in 18carat Moonshine Gold
Edition: July 02 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24869 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Planet Ocean
SubTitle: The history of your Omega watch - Die Geschichte ihrer Omega Ur
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 17487 - Omega
Title: Omega - Seamaster 300 - A full page color advertisement in the New York Times of June 19 2021 {Saturday}
SubTitle: Page A24 N
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Seamaster
Edition: 2021-June-19
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24192 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Speedmaster - Aqua Terra [ 2002]
SubTitle: [Model catalog, hardcover 13250/0702/3336974 FR]]
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Omega Aquaterra
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 19629 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Speedmaster Broadarrow
SubTitle: [2001: 26000/0601/3336972AL]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Omega speedmaster broadarrow
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 10899 - Ignaz Miller, Marco Richon, Michael [Translator] Johnson
Title: Omega - Speedmaster Professional
SubTitle: The first watch on the moon - the unusual story of the Omega Speedmaster
Keywords: highgrade precision specific
Other Keywords: moon NASA Omega Speedmaster
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 157
BHM No: 5912 - Omega,
Title: Omega - The sign of excellence - Omega , une marque historique
SubTitle: [A 1992 Swiss market, consumer brand line catalog in French]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 12155 - Omega,
Title: Omega - The sign of excellence - Omega hat Geschichte
SubTitle: [A 1992 Swiss market, consumer brand line cataloh in German]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1992 German edition
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 12154 - Omega,
Title: Omega - Tout est possible
SubTitle: [Omega brand line catalog, 2005: 43500/1005/3330510FR]
Keywords: catalog highgrade CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 10898 - Omeaga
Title: Omega -Speedmaster Broad Arrow [French hardcover product brochure]
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega broadarrow speedmaster
Edition: 2010 ca. undated
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 19628 - Omega,
Title: Omega 2007 Collection
SubTitle: [incl.] Omega Pricelist May 2007
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne
Other Keywords: Omega pricelist 2007
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 223
BHM No: 11597 - Heinz Hampel
Title: Omega 30mm - authentisch? - Eine Anleitung fuer Uhrensammler
SubTitle: [Omeg 30mm -authentic?]
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Edition: 2018 first edition
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 22722 - Omega,
Title: Omega Collection [1996-USA edition] [Cat.Omega1996/75000/.0496/3336918USA]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1996 USA Edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 17185 - Omega,
Title: Omega Collection [2007 Cat.Omega2007.-60900/0207/33306100US/AUS]
SubTitle: [in presentation box]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 17157 - Omega,
Title: Omega Collection [2009-2010 Cat.58000/082009/33305UK-Omega2009/2010]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 17155 - Omega,
Title: Omega Collection [2010 Cat.Omega2010.1]
SubTitle: [includes cover letter to a California based retail customer]
Keywords: catalog antique
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 17156 - Omega,
Title: Omega Collection [2012]
SubTitle: [accopanied by] Pricelist Omega {Switzerland, in CHF, dated 2012/1]
Keywords: catalog CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2012-01
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 17392 - Anton Kreuzer, Gertraut [Transalator] Hechel
Title: Omega Designs
SubTitle: Feast for the Eyes
Keywords: case
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1996. 1st english edition
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 2638 - Omega,
Title: Omega ELECTRONIC Technical Guide
SubTitle: Calibres 1255, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1342, 1350, 1510, 1611,
Keywords: technical practical
Other Keywords: Omega manual maintainance caliber calire
Edition: unstated
BHM No: 10669 - Henning Mutzlitz
Title: Omega Highlights
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2009, 1st edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 15173 - Henning Muetzlitz, Elizabeth Doerr[Translator]
Title: Omega Highlights [English edition]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2009 1st German edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 20790 - Andreas Peter Mejer Design
Title: Omega LIFETIME - Issue 9, 2012 - The London 2012 Edition
SubTitle: Olympic Games Edition
Keywords: chronograph UK-London watch
Other Keywords: sports timing
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 202
BHM No: 19513 - Omega,
Title: Omega Lifetime - The Olympic Games Edition [2008]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega olympics
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 14957 - Nadia Ehrlich[Online-Editor-of-Watchtime.net]
Title: Omega Moon Watch 321 - die Legende im Hands-on [Newsletter in German-Fry-May 28 2021 06h01]
SubTitle: [The ledgendary 'Moonwatch 321]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: MOONWATCH
Edition: 2021-May-2021-6/01 am
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24144 - Marco Richon
Title: Omega Museum - Catalogue
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: omega Biel Bienne
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 185
BHM No: 5869 - Marco Richon
Title: Omega Saga
Keywords: advanced
Other Keywords: Omega caliber serial numbers
Edition: 1998, 1st edition
Page or pages: 487
BHM No: 2401 - Robert-Jan Broer
Title: Omega Seamaster300M Diver - www.fratellowatches.com - Fratellowatches
SubTitle: [Single subject glossy magazine issued late 2018 on the Omega Seamaster 300m Diver watch]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Diverwatch Omega Seamaster
Edition: 2018-09
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 22298 - Omega,
Title: Omega snd the Century of Significant Moments
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 2528 - Omega,
Title: Omega Speedmaster Professional - der Beginn einer neuen Epoche [1985]
Keywords: chronograph watch
Other Keywords: Omega Speedmaster
Edition: 1985 undated
BHM No: 16681 - Omega,
Title: Omega Technical Guide No. 9 to No, 31, 1957 to 1963
SubTitle: Caliber 510, 540,520, 551, 570, 580, 561, 610, 245, 483, 620, 690, 269, 660, 670, 680, 640, 650
Keywords: advanced practical
Other Keywords: Omega caliber 510, 540,520, 551, 570, 580, 561, 610, 245, 483, 620, 690, 269, 660, 670, 680, 640, 650
Edition: 1963
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 6366 - Omega,
Title: Omega Technical Guide No.36,40,43,45,46,60,61 & 63, 1967 to 1976
SubTitle: Cal.830, Cal.730,The Motor Organ,Cal. 920 with calendar, Cal. 100-1001-1002, Sanfil, Cal. 662-663, Replacement of pushers
Keywords: watch technical practical how-to
Other Keywords: Omega Calibers
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 10606 - Omega,
Title: OMEGA Technical guides No. 7 (Caliber 503) & 8 (Oiling) and Info Omega No. 29 (O-ring)
Other Keywords: OMEGA Oiling CAliber503 O;Ring
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 5992 - Omega,
Title: Omega und das Jahrhundert der grossen Ereignisse
SubTitle: [Omega publication 1989-2500/1289/6908 D]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 15351 - Miscallaneous Authors
Title: Omega Watch collectors Guide [2016]- All Color Forth Edition 2016
SubTitle: An essential short guide for Omega collectors and investors
Keywords: reference CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Edition: 2016 4th ED
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 21268 - Jack Goldberg
Title: Omega Watches
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 11035 - Omega,
Title: Omega World Wide Service Organization - Caliber Specifications
SubTitle: Dimensions, Parts
Keywords: parts-list specifications watch movement parts
Other Keywords: calibers omega
Edition: 1980s
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10293 - Omega,
Title: Omega [caliber] 1455 Operating Instructions - International Warranty [1967]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 14976 - Brandon Thomas
Title: Omega, 60 Years and the silver screen
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 12-17
BHM No: 10801 - Anton Kreuzer
Title: Omega-Uhren - Kaleidoskop einer bekannten Schweizer Marke
SubTitle: [Omega Watches - Caleidoscope of a famous Swiss brand]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 353
BHM No: 20517 - Augusto Veroni, Oswaldo Patrizzi
Title: Omegamania - An Interview between Osvaldo Patrizzi and AUgusto Veroni
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Other Keywords: Omega
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 58-61
BHM No: 10804 - Antiquorum,, Osvaldo Patrizzi
Title: Omegamania - Invitation - Antiquorum Auctioneers [2007]
SubTitle: Invitation to the pre-auction reception Friday April 13 - Auction April 14-15, 2007
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 2007-04-13
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19088 - Antiquorum,
Title: Omegamania - Pess Kit 2
SubTitle: Thematic Auction - Important Omega Collector's Timepieces - Antiquorum - Geneva April 14/15, 2007
Keywords: CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Omega Omegamania Antiquorum
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 10672 - George Biddell Airy
Title: On a correction applied to the length of a pendulum consisting of a ball suspended by a wire
Other Keywords: Airy pendulum theory ball on wire
Parent Document ID: 6130 - Parent Document Title: BHI dissertations & pamphlets
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1829 nov 16
Page or pages: 355 - 360
BHM No: 7993 - Charles K. Aked
Title: On a knife edge
Other Keywords: knife edge suspension references
Parent Document ID: 6144 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 26 - 2003
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: ?
Page or pages: 27 - 32
BHM No: 8030 - Sir William Thomson
Title: On a New Astronomical Clock, and a Pendulum Governor for Uniform Motion
SubTitle: [Weboffprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Vol.17, 1869, p.468-470]
Keywords: astronomical theory
Edition: 2006 Weboffprint
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 10510 - Jean-Claude Biver, Frederico Camponovo
Title: On a oublier que les montres a 4000 francs sont cher - An interview with Jean-Claude Biver of TAG Heuer - 17 december 2014
SubTitle: [published in '24 heures' Lausanne, Switzerland . 17 decembre 2014]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: TAG Heuer Biver
Edition: 2014-12-17
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 19554 - Frederico Camponovo, Jean-Claude Biver
Title: On a oublier que les montres a 4000 francs sont cheres
SubTitle: [A news story and interview with TAG Heuer CEO Jean-Claude Biver in the 17 decembre 2014 issue of the Lausanne newspaper 24 heures]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: Tag Heuer Biver
Edition: 2014-12-17
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 19593 - E.C. Atkinson
Title: On Airy's disturbance integrals and knife-edge supports fo rpendulums
Parent Document ID: 6203 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Physical Society London
Page or pages: 618-625
BHM No: 8344 - Ned Bigelow
Title: On Casting Lead Alloy Weights
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-1
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 9056 - William Duncan MacMillan
Title: On Foucault's Pendulum
Keywords: theory Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6230 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Mathematiics
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1915 37 1 jan
Page or pages: 95 - 106
BHM No: 8570 - L.M. Gorbonov
Title: On Isochronous Suspension of Clock Pendula
Other Keywords: Fedchenko Isochronous spring
Parent Document ID: 6156 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1960 24 5
Page or pages: 1247 - 56
BHM No: 8170 - Shane V. Hong
Title: On material selection for ultra-high accuracy and high-speed machine table for applicaton such as e-
Other Keywords: stable materials properties
Parent Document ID: 6200 - Parent Document Title: Precision Engineering
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1993 15 apr
Page or pages: 115 - 120
BHM No: 8338 - Gaulke, Michael Beck
Title: On Minutes and seconds: The Significance of Timepieces for determining the Positions of Celestial Bodies at the Observatory of WillhelmIV in Kassel
SubTitle: [1560 to1589 -
Keywords: astronomy performance clock antique
Other Keywords: Kassel Buergi observatory
Parent Document ID: 23212 - Parent Document Title: Time Made in Germany - Ward Francillon Time Symposium 2019 - 700 Years of German Horology [Proceedings of the Symposium-ENGLISH]
Edition: 2019: 47 ft,notes
Page or pages: p110-131,22p,13il,47
BHM No: 23416 - Christopher Kelty
Title: On movement and time in biology
Parent Document ID: 5858 - Parent Document Title: Experimental Arcades: The Materiality of Time Relations in Life Sciences, Art and Technology (1830-1930)
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 11
BHM No: 7741 - Rolex [USA]
Title: ON OUR WATCH -Hope can now be spotted across all our planet's oceans ... | a full color 2-page Ad - in NYTimes 'T Stile Magazine Dec 5, 2021
SubTitle: with image o oceans | #Perpetual | Sea-Dweller OYSTER PERPETUAL SEADWELLER
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Omega Seamaster
Edition: 2021-Dec-05
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24484 - Rolex(USA)
Title: ON OUR WATCH -Hope can now be spotted across all our planet's oceans... | a full color 1-full page Ad -inside front Cover in the 'NEW YORKER' ....
SubTitle: ... issue dated December 13, 2021 Edition
Keywords: mechanical highgrade luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: ROLEX Missionblue
Edition: Dec.13.2021
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24555 - Benjamin Gomprez
Title: On Pendulums vibrating between Cheeks [beeing Art.II (pages 13-33) in Vol. III, No.5 1818 ?]
SubTitle: The Journal of Science and the Arts of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, New York
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: Cycloidal Cheeks
Edition: 2003 xerographic reprint
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4747 - Alan Emmerson
Title: On Randomness
Other Keywords: random error
Parent Document ID: 7452 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
Edition: 2005-3
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 9446 - Edmund Becket [Lord Grinthrope Denison
Title: On some recent Improvements in Clock-Escapments
Other Keywords: Grimthorpe escapements
Parent Document ID: 6224 - Parent Document Title: Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1856 9 part II
Page or pages: 417-430
BHM No: 8474 - Alain Connes, Michael Heller, Shahn Majid[Editor], Roger Penrose, John Polkinghome, Andrew Taylor
Title: On Space and Time
Keywords: advanced theory time
Other Keywords: cosmology astrophysics
Edition: 978 0 521 88926 1
Page or pages: 287
BHM No: 13717 - Alain Connes, Michael Heller, Shahn Majid, Roger Penrose, John Polkinghome, Andrew Taylor
Title: On Space and Time
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: time space
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 287
BHM No: 15570 - Ned Bigelow
Title: On Suspension Springs
Parent Document ID: 7209 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
Edition: 1995-1
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 9084
Title: On sympathetic influence between clocks
Other Keywords: pendulum clock interaction
Parent Document ID: 624 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1872-1873] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1873 oct
Page or pages: 20 - 22
BHM No: 8058- Harold Jeffreys
Title: On the absolute measurement of gravity
Other Keywords: g measurement pendulum errors bending stretching
Parent Document ID: 6178 - Parent Document Title: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Geophysical
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1949 5 9 oct
Page or pages: 398-408
BHM No: 8237 - P.H. Hansen
Title: On the Chronometer which Mr. Kessels manufactured ... and a price list of Kessels' Timekeepers
SubTitle: [informal working translation of the original, as quoted in the appendix of Oestmanns 2011 book on Kessels]
Keywords: cert.chronometer clock
Other Keywords: Kessels
Edition: 2012 translation of the 1836 original
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 17034 - Benjamin Louis Vulliamy
Title: On the Construction and Theory of the Dead Escapement for Clocks
Keywords: escapement clock
Other Keywords: deadbeat dead beat
Edition: 2011 facsimile (no plates) of 1846
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 16438 - Benjamin Louis Vuilliamy, John Oliver[Printer/PublisherLondon]
Title: On the Construction of the Dead Escapement for Clocks
SubTitle: [Published in London 1846, 36 pages plus plates]
Keywords: escapement clock theory technical
Other Keywords: Deadbeat
Parent Document ID: 22699 - Parent Document Title: Horology, Clocks & Watches [A 2019 CD-ROM with a compilation of 93 historic horological documents in Chrome HTML format]
Page or pages: 36pages&plates
BHM No: 22709 - fi'amal al-binkamat, Kitab Arshimidas, D.R. [Translator] Hill
Title: On the Construction of Water Clocks
SubTitle: Turner and Devereux Occasional Paper No. 4
Other Keywords: water arabian
Edition: 1976, 1st edition
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2899 - D.R. [Translator] Hill
Title: On the construction of water-clocks
Other Keywords: water clocks ancient history
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1976 paper #4
Page or pages: 1 - 46
BHM No: 8478 - Chris H. Bailey
Title: On the correction of a pendulum for the reduction to a vacuum :
SubTitle: together with remarks on some anomalies observed in pendulum experiments
Other Keywords: pendulum drag suspension knife edge experiment
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1832 122
Page or pages: 399-492
BHM No: 8306 - Maurice L. Rasmussen
Title: On the Damping Decrement for Non-Linear Oscillations
Keywords: oscillator
Parent Document ID: 11671 - Parent Document Title: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Edition: vol 12
Page or pages: 81 - 90
BHM No: 11672 - George Biddell Airy
Title: On the Disturbances of Pendulums and Balances and on the Theory of Escapements
Other Keywords: escapement pendulum impulse
Parent Document ID: 6224 - Parent Document Title: Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1827 3
Page or pages: 105-128
BHM No: 8473 - George Biddell Airy
Title: On the Disturbances of Pendulums and Balances and on the Theory of Escapments
SubTitle: Read at the Royal Society November 26, 1826
Keywords: pendulum escapement
Other Keywords: Royal Society
Edition: 1998, fotocopy
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1312 - George Biddell Airy
Title: On the Disturbances of Pendulums and Balances and on the Theory of Escapments [2006 pdf-edition], Read Nov. 26, 1826
SubTitle: [downloadable from http://www.loria.fr/~roegel/articles/airy1827annotated.pdf]
Keywords: performance circular-error escapement pendulum balancewheel advanced theory technical
Edition: 2006 - pdf-edition
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 10217 - Fred Powell
Title: On the dynamics, geometry and Energy flow of the verge escapement
Other Keywords: verge escapement analysis theory model
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1981
Page or pages: 63
BHM No: 8430 - Fred Powell
Title: On the Dynamics, Geometry and Energy Flow of the Verge Escapement
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: verge
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1603 - [Sir], George Gabriel Stokes
Title: On the Effect of the internal friction of Fluids on the Motion of pendulums
SubTitle: Read Dec.9, 1850 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Other Keywords: Philosophical Society
Edition: 1999, scanned reprint
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 1330 - [Sir], George Gabriel Stokes
Title: On the Effect of the Internal Friction of Fluids on the Motion of Pendulums
Other Keywords: pendulum air resistance
Parent Document ID: 6224 - Parent Document Title: Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1856 9 part II
Page or pages: 8-105
BHM No: 8475 - A. A. Korobitsin
Title: On the effect of the rounded edge of a prism on the oscillations of a pendulum
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: knife edge
Page or pages: 126-129
BHM No: 11403 - George Fisher
Title: On the Errors in Longitude as determined by Chronometers at Sea, arrising from the action of the ?
SubTitle: iron in the ships upon the Chronometers. Read June 8, 1820 [at the Royal Society?] comm.by J. Barrow
Other Keywords: longitude magnetism Royal Society
Edition: 1820
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 4536 - George Biddell Airy, Denis Roegel[Editor]
Title: On the forms of the Teeth of Wheels
Keywords: facsimile gearing movement theory technical
Other Keywords: geometry teeth
Edition: 2006 Weboffprint
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 10425 - David Rittenhouse
Title: On the improvement of Timekeepers
SubTitle: [Article in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.4, p.26/28 & 1 plate]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: escapement
Edition: 1799
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 20856 - Samuel Varley
Title: On the Irregularity in the Going Rate of Time-pieces occasioned by the Influence of Magnetism [1798, in The Philosophical Magazin, No.1, p.16-21,Londo
SubTitle: ... The author found that the steel balance wheel of his watch had definitive polarity {as per Brittens Bibliography, Volume 1]]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Magnetism
Edition: 1798
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23177 - Samuel Varley
Title: On the Irregularity of Going of Time-pieces occasioned by the Influence of Magnetism [1798]
SubTitle: [An article in 'Philosophical Magazine No. 1, London 1798 p. 16-21]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: magnetism
Edition: 1798
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 20876 - A. C. Longden
Title: On the irregularties of motion of the foucault pendulum
Other Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6192 - Parent Document Title: Physical Review
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1919 13 4 apr
Page or pages: 241 - 258
BHM No: 8587 - Sir Howard Grubb
Title: On the latest improvements in the clock-driving apparatus of astronomical telescopes
Parent Document ID: 10374 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the (British) Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Edition: 1888 07
Page or pages: 303 - 331
BHM No: 10375 - Harlow Shapely
Title: On the Lifetime of a Galaxy
Other Keywords: astronomy
Parent Document ID: 5738 - Parent Document Title: Time and its Mysteries - Eight Lectures given on the James Arthur Foundation, New York University
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
BHM No: 7697 - William Nicholson
Title: On the Maintaining Power of Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: [ An article in 'A Jounal in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry ...' Vol.1[1797] p.429-430, Vol.2[1799] p.49-60 - {A description of various escapements} ]
Keywords: UK-London escapement
Edition: 1796
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 21837 - James Mackenzie Bloxam
Title: On the Mathematical Theory and Practical Defects of Clock Escapements
SubTitle: with a description of a new escapement; and some observations connected with the same subjects, on the construction of other parts of clocks for astro
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: Bloxam escapement
Parent Document ID: 15248 - Parent Document Title: Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society
Edition: vol XXII
Page or pages: 103 - 150
BHM No: 15249 - M Kesteven
Title: On the mathematical theory of clock escapements
Keywords: theory math escapement
Other Keywords: dead beat gravity
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1978 46 2 Feb
Page or pages: 125 - 129
BHM No: 8517 - Lorenzo Iorio
Title: On the possibility of measuring the Earth's gravitomagnetic force in a new laboratory experiment
Keywords: gravity measurement
Other Keywords: bravais
Parent Document ID: 6136 - Parent Document Title: Classical and Quantum Gravity
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2003 20
Page or pages: L5 - L9
BHM No: 8575 - Edward Sabine
Title: On the Reduction to a Vacuum of the Vibrations of an Invariable Pendulum / On the Reduction to a Vacuum of Captain Caters convertible Pendulum /
SubTitle: Experiments on the Length of the seconds Pendulum at the Royal Observatory of Greenwich (from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London,)
Keywords: barom.compensation pendulum
Other Keywords: Greenwich
Edition: 2006 weboffprint
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 10512 - C.G. Shao
Title: On the significance of the period fitting method
Keywords: measurement data analysis
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 2003 74 5 may
Page or pages: 2849 - 2852
BHM No: 8550 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: On the Springing and Adjusting of Watches
SubTitle: beeing a description of the Balance Spring and the Compensation Balance with Directions for applying the Spring and Adjusting for Isochronism and Temp
Keywords: balancewheel adjusting practical how-to
Edition: 1898, 1st edition
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 9903 - F[rederick].J[ames]. Britten
Title: On the Springing and Adjusting of Watches
SubTitle: beeing a description of the Balance Spring and the Compensation Balance, with Directions for appl?
Keywords: Balance Hairspring practical
Edition: 1898, 1st edition
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 5332 - Thomas Buckney
Title: On the superiority of Zinc and Steel Pendulums
Keywords: temp-compensation
Parent Document ID: 6178 - Parent Document Title: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Geophysical
BHM No: 11684 - George Biddell Airy
Title: On the Vibrations of a Free Pendulum in an Oval differing little from a Straight Line
SubTitle: Paper read at the Royal Society London May 9, 1851
Keywords: facsimile detached/free pendulum advanced theory
Other Keywords: oval
Edition: 2006 weboffprint
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 10415 - Carlene E. Stephens
Title: On Time
SubTitle: How America has learned to live by the Clock
Keywords: time timekeeping
Edition: 2002, 1st edition
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 3770 - National Museum of American History Smithsonian
Title: On Time
Other Keywords: smithsonian guide
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 579 - Timm Delfs, Norbert Wild
Title: On Time - Museum fuer Gestaltung Zurich, Designsammlung
SubTitle: [Series:] Design Collection - [Catalog for the exhibition in the Museum fuer Gestaltung Zurich 23.5.2007 - 2.9.2007]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: visula design zuerich Kunstgewerbemuseum designmuseum
Edition: 2007 1st edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11157 - Antiquarian-Horological-Society
Title: On Time - The Antiquarian Horological Society [A 4p advertising Flyer, found inserted in the FMM's bound Winter 1976 issue of Antiquarian Horology]
SubTitle: [includes list of officers and member of Council and a description of AHS activities and Services]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1976 presumed
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23136 - Bruce Bradley
Title: On Time - The Quest for Precision [6p. fanfod advertising flyer for the Exhibit of rare books on timekeeping held FAll 2016 at the Grolier Club, NYC
Keywords: clock watch time
Other Keywords: Grolier
Edition: 2016-09
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20688 - Bruce Bradley[Curator], Jennifer Shehan[ExhibitManagement], Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Lender-of-Horological-Objects], Linda-Hall-Library[LenderOfExhibitedBooks]
Title: On Time - The Quest for Precision - A Photodocumentation of the Exhibit of Rare Books from the Linda Hall Library
SubTitle: Held at the Grollier Club, New York
Other Keywords: Grolier
Edition: 2017 not formally published
Page or pages: 149
BHM No: 23005 - see Parent Document, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Curator of Objects]
Title: On Time - The Quest for Precision - An Exhibition of rare books from the Linda Hall Library at the Grolier Club, New York
SubTitle: [A CD containing both a powerpoint and Chrome HTLM format file with each138 slides documenting the exhibit]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Grolier
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 138
BHM No: 21485 - Bruce Bradley, Burce Bradley[Curator], Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[ObjectsExhibitor], Jennifer Shehan[ExhibitManagement]
Title: ON TIME - The quest for Precision - An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Linda Hall Library, held at the Grolier Club, 14 September - 19 November 2016
SubTitle: [Illustrated Exhibit Catalog]
Keywords: bibliography catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Grolier catalog
Edition: 2016 1st Edition
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 20676 - Bruce Bradley, Burce Bradley[Curator], Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[ObjectsExhibitor], Jennifer Shehan[ExhibitManagement]
Title: ON TIME - The quest for Precision - An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Linda Hall Library, held at the Grolier Club,2 Presentions on CD
SubTitle: 14 September - 19 November 2016
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Other Keywords: Powerpoint grolier exhibit
Edition: 2016
BHM No: 20946 - see Parent Document
Title: ON TIME - The Quest for Precision - [Printout of the 26 wallpanels and 6 book captions from the ca.2013 temporary exhibit at the Linda Hall Library in
SubTitle: ... Kansas City Misouri, later (in 2916) adapted for show at the Grolier Club in NYC]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Edition: 2013 ca
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 21550 - Bob Frishman, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[ObjectsExhibitor]
Title: On Time: The Quest for Precison Timekeeping [Review in NAWCC Bulletin March 2017]
SubTitle: [An exhibit review of the horological book exhibit, Fall of 2016 at the Grolier Club in New York City]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Grolier
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21904 - Bily Clock Museum, Frank L.Bily[Clockmaker], Joseph C. Bily[Clockmaker]
Title: On tne Lookout Clock - This Clock was designed and carved by the Bily brother 1936/37. It is carved in Burrernut wood. It stands 7 feet high
SubTitle: [A picture postcard]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 199s ca
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22540 - The British Watch and Clockmakers Guild
Title: Once in a Lifetime Exhibition voted a huge Success - Innovation and Collaboration at Bonhams London 2028
SubTitle: [Internet printout]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 2018 7 November
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 22575 - Cinqantenaire Museum
Title: Once Upon a time - Cinqantenaire Museum (Royal Museum of Art and History) Brussels
SubTitle: Misc webofprint concerning the 2017 temporary exhibiy on time
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 21242 - P.J. Kaiser
Title: Onderzoek tot Aankoop van Tijdmeters
SubTitle: ten Behoeve der Nederlandsche Marine in het Jaar 1881
Keywords: precision performance
Other Keywords: Rijks Zeeinstrumenten, Dutch Royal Navy
Edition: First
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 10479 - Tom Gentile[Interviewee}
Title: One CEO's Approach to Managing his Calendar
SubTitle: [An articlel in the Winter 2018 issue of 'On-Point' - Selected Articles from the Harvard Business Review]
Other Keywords: Time Management
Parent Document ID: 22581 - Parent Document Title: How to make Time when there is No Time [Reprints of various recent articles on Time Management]
Edition: Winter 2018 issue of ON-Point
Page or pages: p.78-87
BHM No: 22590 - Reuters
Title: One country loses Time - literally
SubTitle: [A Reuters news story, 28 February 2003 (weboffprint) on time lost in Venezuela due to slow AC frequecy of the grid
Keywords: time
Edition: 2003-02-28
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 17580 - Pennington Pendleton
Title: One day Timekeeper No. 17, made 1793, Pendletons' copy of Mudge green and blue
SubTitle: made for Thomas Mudge Junior, with spring detent escapement
Keywords: cert.chronometer highgrade specific escapement detached/free
Other Keywords: Mudge
Parent Document ID: 7558 - Parent Document Title: [S-1968-04-29-Lon] The S.E. Prestige Collection - Catalogue of an Important Collectio of Watches and Clocks
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 7560 - Susanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-of-Worldtempus.com]
Title: One For The Records - Does the race for horological superlatives still hold any relevance? [An editorial article in World-Tempus Newsletter Aug2021]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: World-Tempus-Newsletter
Edition: 2021-August-09
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24281 - Witold Rybczynski
Title: One Good Turn
SubTitle: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw
Keywords: tool
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 173
BHM No: 3684 - Philip Woodward
Title: One second in 100 days
Other Keywords: error harrison rate accuracy
Parent Document ID: 3422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1986-1988] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1987 nov
Page or pages: 20-22
BHM No: 8133 - Philip Woodward
Title: One second in 100 days; Group 3: Error Analysis
SubTitle: from Horological Journal November 1987
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 3-1
Page or pages: 127-132
BHM No: 10726 - Ian R. Bartky
Title: One Time Fits All
SubTitle: The Campaigns for Global Uniformity
Keywords: timekeeping time
Other Keywords: standards timezones dayligh saving global timesystems
Edition: 2007-!st edition
Page or pages: 292
BHM No: 11539 - Mike Disher
Title: One Time Zone for All
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Other Keywords: Timezone
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 114-115
BHM No: 10803 - Susanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-of-Worldtempus.com]
Title: One World, One Time - The Road to universal time |
SubTitle: http://en.worldtempus.com/article/events/arts-and-culture/editorial-one-world-one-time-30952.html?utm_campaign=utm_content=One World%2C O...
Other Keywords: One Timezone World
Edition: 2022-10-Jan-2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24533 - Suzanne Wong
Title: One World, One Time - The Road to universal time | printout of an online editorial on the World Tempus website
Other Keywords: Global Timesystems
Edition: 2022-JAN-10
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24534 - William Prevost
Title: One year going and striking longcase ca. 1695
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: yeargoing
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 84
Page or pages: 246
BHM No: 8734 - Bernie Tekippe
Title: One year precision regulator with Tekippe Escapement
Other Keywords: year regulator off shelf parts
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1998 may
BHM No: 8431 - Bernie Tekippe
Title: One Year Precision Regulator with Tekippe Escapement
Keywords: precision highgrade
Other Keywords: Tekippe
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 786 - Praticia Thomas, John [Ilustrator] O'Brien
Title: One-and-only [The?] Super-duper golly-whopper jim-dany really-handy Clock-Tock-Stopper
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 1401 - unsigned,
Title: Oneism Dumas - St. Nicolas d'Aliermont a pres Dieppe - [Working notes and copies of images]
SubTitle: [presumably for an horologicalarticle to be written, unsigned]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Saint Nicholas
Edition: undated, presumed 1980-2010s
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 20523 - Bob Frishman
Title: Only Known Rufus Porter Tall Clock Acquired by Museum
SubTitle: An Article in the July 2021 issue of Maine Antiques Digest (p.61) one color illustration
Keywords: clock antique
Edition: 2021-July
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24179 - Susanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-of-Worldtempus.com], Only-Watch[Charity-Auction-2021-Ed.]
Title: Only Watch 2021 - The World's most beloved biannual charity auction is back - Press Release 1 July 2021
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-July
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24255 - Jessica Michault
Title: Only Way to Put Time in Reverse[The...]
SubTitle: [An article in the Sunday Styles section of the New York Times on The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Watch, December 4, 2011]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Reverseo
Edition: 2011-12-04
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 16363 - C.A. [Kees] Grimbergen
Title: ontwikkeling [De..] van het Nederlandse uurwerk - The evolution of the Dutch clock
SubTitle: Zaans Uurwerkenmuseum
Other Keywords: Netherlands
Edition: 1991, 1st edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 4576 - Wilhelm Schultz, G.H. Philips[Translator]
Title: Onze Tijdmeters en hoe wij daarmee moeten omgan. Met 26 afbeeldingen
SubTitle: Vertaald uit den vierden druck von 'Unsere Zeitmesser und ihre Behandlung"
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1906
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 15594 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Open letter to the analysts and mathematicians in the Horological Science Chapter
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-4
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 9216 - Tissot,
Title: Open the Tissot Safe - Collection 2004
SubTitle: Tissot Swiss Watches since 1853
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Tissot
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 9664 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPERA - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: highgrade clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
BHM No: 23228 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPERA TOURBILLON - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 4p., 4 illus.
BHM No: 23229 - Time Products Inc, American
Title: Operating Instructions for the Watch Master Watch-Rate Recorder
SubTitle: [for Model G-7]
Other Keywords: watch master watchmaster watch-master
Edition: 1943
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 11150 - Time Products Inc, American
Title: Operating Instructions for Watch Master Series G-7 - Issue#1 4/7/[19]39 - 7 numbered pages, plus 1 p.schematics
SubTitle: {includes 2 sample test-strips}
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Watch-Master
Edition: 1939-1st edition
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 23339 - Seiko,
Title: Operational Guide - Fall 1996
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 6723 - John Nicholson
Title: Operative Mechanic and British Machinist beeing a Practical Display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts
SubTitle: CD ROM Edition
Edition: 2010 CD ROM edition
BHM No: 16819 - John Nicholson
Title: Operative Mechanic and British Machinist beeing a Practical Display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts o
SubTitle: [Facsimile of the text and plates of the section on HOROLOGY, in the second edition 1825]
Keywords: historic escapement
Other Keywords: escapements
Edition: 2005 partial facsimile edition
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 7568 - John Nicholson
Title: Operative Mechanic and British Machinist beeing a Practical Display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts... Vol.II
SubTitle: [First American {1826} from the second London Edition, Vol II includes Horology on p.48 to 90 incl. plates 72 to 77
Keywords: reference clock watch
Edition: 1826 First American Edition
Page or pages: 362
BHM No: 16068 - Oronce Fine
Title: Opere di Orontio FIneo del delfinato: Diuse in cinque parti; Aritmetica, Geometria, Cosmographia Oriuoli, ...
SubTitle: [Italian translation of Orence Fine's book first published Paris 1531 - British Museum has a copy] [Baillie 1587: incl. waterclock part 3 p 73/74]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: waterclock 1531
Edition: 1587
BHM No: 19266 - Watchmakers College, Elgin
Title: Oportunities in Watchmaking - Elgin Watchmakers College
Other Keywords: Elgin
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 5296 - NAWCC,
Title: Opportunities in Clock and Watchmaking, Repair, and Restoration - Student Catalog
SubTitle: School of Horology [NAWCC] www.horology.edu
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC School
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 12421 - Watchmakers College, Elgin
Title: Opportunities in Watchmaking
Other Keywords: Elgin
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 3897 - ?,
Title: Optical Engineering
BHM No: 6186 - R.C. Barrett
Title: Optical scan-correction system applied to atomic force microscopy
Other Keywords: Optical sesors atomic force microscope
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 1991 62 jun
Page or pages: 1393 - 1399
BHM No: 8376 - dall'orologio, Giovanni deDondi
Title: Opus Planetarium
Keywords: astronomical complication specific
Other Keywords: Planetarium Dondi astrarium
Edition: 1397
Page or pages: 85
BHM No: 7015 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPUS PMD 70 - Erwin Sattler Muenchen
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Edition: 5 images
Page or pages: 4p.
BHM No: 23227 - Jeremiah Horrox, Ruppert T. (Lt.Cmdr. RN) Gould
Title: Opusculum lxxv - 1923
SubTitle: A paper read before Ye Settee of Odd Volumes on November 28th, 1922 by Lt.-Com. R.-T. Gould
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: Sette Odd Volumes Gould
Edition: 1923
BHM No: 14685 - Frits vanKersen, Hans vandenEnde, Molen, J.R. [Introduction] ter, John C. [Photography] Taylor, Hans Jr. vandenEnde[Photography], Tom [Photography] Haartsen, Stuart [Illustrations] Hardy
Title: Opwindende Klokken, De Gouden Eeuw van het Slingeruhrwerk - 12. September-28. November 2004 - Paleis Het Loo
Keywords: catalog pendulum escapement
Other Keywords: museum Het Loo Huygens Appeldoorn Coster Hanet Fromanteel Knibb Thompion invention
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 6062 - Temps, Or
Title: Or Temps - No. 8
SubTitle: Die Schweizer Zeitschrift f?r Uhren, Scmuck und Tischkultur
Other Keywords: commercial retailing jewelery
Edition: 2000?
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2203 - V?lyi Oedoen
Title: Or?s Szakmai Ismeretrk
Keywords: theory-general
Other Keywords: Hungarian Hungary
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 527
BHM No: 4948 - Magyar Lazlo
Title: Orasok Es Oragy?jt
SubTitle: Kis Enciklopediaja
Keywords: textbook
Other Keywords: hungary hungarian
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 5120 - Orbita
Title: Orbita - Advanced Watchwinder Technology [2006 Catalog, edition USA#6]
SubTitle: [includes price list Summer 2006 in USDollars]
Keywords: catalog self-wind/autom.
Other Keywords: acessories watchwinder watchwinding
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 9943 - Ormsby Macknight Michell
Title: Orbs of Heaven [The...]: Or the planetary and stellar worlds.
SubTitle: A popular exposition of the great discoveries and theories of modern astronomy. - New Edition with numerous illustrations.
Keywords: basic
Other Keywords: planets
Edition: 1865
Page or pages: 318
BHM No: 11527 - Department, War
Title: Ordanance Maintenance: Wrist Watches, Pocket Watches, Stop Watches, and Clocks
SubTitle: War Department Technical Manual TM 9-1575
Other Keywords: military
Edition: 1989, reprint
Page or pages: 222
BHM No: 1064 - City of London
Title: Order of the Recorder of London to compell persons carrying on the trade of Watch and C to become free of the Clockmakers Company [1641]
SubTitle: [A 1641 manuscript in the Clockmakers Company Library]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Other Keywords: Clockmaker4s Company
Edition: 1641
BHM No: 20776 - Arno Borst, Andrew Winnard[Translator]
Title: Ordering of Time [The...] - From the Ancient Computus to the Modern Computer
SubTitle: [Original German Title: Computus: Zeit und Zahl in der Geschichte Europas, 1990 Wagenbach Verlag]
Other Keywords: computus
Edition: 1993 First english edition
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 10526 - unknown
Title: Ordnung der Innung der Gesellen und Juenger des Schlosser-,Uhr-, Buechsen-, Winden und Sporerhandweres, 1605 Annaberg [Sachsen]
SubTitle: [Statutes of the Guild of craftsman and apprenteces of Lock- ,Clock, Gun-.. Smiths of Annaberg [Saxonia, Germany] 1605
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Guild Annaberg
Edition: 1605
BHM No: 20727 - Etat de Geneve
Title: Ordonences et Reglement sur l'Estat des Orlogiers,revue et approuvez en Conseil le 19eme Janvier 1601 [Manuscript Archives Etat de Geneve, ed7, p365]
SubTitle: [Statutes and regulations of the corporation[guild] of clockmakers of Geneva] [transcribed also in Babel 1916: Histoire cooperative de l'horlogerie..]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 1601
BHM No: 20723 - Giampiero Negretti, Franco Nencini, Piero Casadei[Photography]
Title: Ore d'Oro
SubTitle: Orologi da polso: passione e Investimento - Wrist watches: investment and passion
Keywords: yearbook
Edition: 1984, 1st edition
Page or pages: 199
BHM No: 12026 - Mario Arnaldi
Title: Ore Di Pietra - Orologi Solari Medievali Italiani - Le Origini & La Storia
SubTitle: (Only Table of Contents: 4 parts | 1 La Misura de Tempo | 2 Descrizione Degli Orologi Solari Medievali | 3 La Difusione degli Orologi Solari Fissi |
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: sundials antiquity
Page or pages: 350
BHM No: 24431 - Gian Carlo Rigassio
Title: ore e le ombre [Le...] - Meridiane e orologi solari
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
BHM No: 9725 - Davide Dutto, Lucio Maria Morra
Title: ore serene [Le..] di Bellino - Les heures serene de Bellino - The serene hors of Bellino
Keywords: anthology catalog
Other Keywords: Bellino Cuena
Edition: 1st edition 2002
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 5805 - Raymonde Stilmant
Title: Orfevres, joaillers et horlogers en Hainault au 19e siecle
SubTitle: [Goldsmiths, jewelers and walch and clockmakers in the Hainault region of Belgium in the 19th century]
Keywords: directory reference
Other Keywords: Hainault Mons
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 191
BHM No: 14463 - Stanley Mayes
Title: Organ for the Sultan [An...]
Keywords: musical luxury specific
Other Keywords: organ clock Turkey sultan Dallam
Edition: 1956, 1st edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 9904 - Willy Roemer[Photography]
Title: Organ Grinders in Berlin 1912-1932 / A Photo Essay of the Bacigalupos and Others
SubTitle: Leierkaesten in Berlin 1912-1932 - Edition Photothek I
Keywords: musical
Other Keywords: streetorgan beggarorgan Berlin
Edition: 1998 MBSI edition
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 9560 - Jules Andrade
Title: Organes [Les?] Reglant des Chronometres
Keywords: theoretical
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 146
BHM No: 1337 - Dr. Hirsch, Andre Donat[Preface]
Title: Organisation Professionelle d'industrie horlogere en France et en Suisse [L'...]
Other Keywords: Switzerland France comparative
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 11650 - Henning Benecke
Title: Organische Uhrsachen - Kunst Uhren aus Dornach {Lemniskate, Zwei Schleifen Uhr, Antroposopisch]
SubTitle: [Antroposophic clocks and watches]
Other Keywords: anroposophic
Edition: 2016, First edition
Page or pages: 234
BHM No: 21386 - Karl Bormann
Title: Orgel und Spieluhrenbau - Aufzeichnungen des Orgel und Musikwerkmachers Ignaz Bruder von 1829 und der Entwicklung der Walzenorgeln
SubTitle: [Making Organ- and Musical Clocks. The Notes of Ignaz Bruder,organ maker, of 1829 and the development of the drum controlled organ]
Keywords: musical D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Bruder Waldkirch
Edition: 1968, 1st edition
Page or pages: 332
BHM No: 18715 - Karl Bormann
Title: Orgel- und Spieluhrenbau
Other Keywords: organ music box Ignaz Bruder
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 332
BHM No: 5925 - Bernhard Schmidt
Title: Orgeln mit Uhr in Deutschland und Oesterreich
SubTitle: [Church Organs with clocks in Germany and Austria]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Orgeln organs
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 10980 - Valesca Heizmann
Title: Orgenlauerfamilie Bruder [Die?]
Keywords: biography Black Forest
Other Keywords: Bruder Waldkirch fairground organs
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 6803 - Christoph E. Haenggi, Heinrich Weiss, Georg Hofmeier, David Rumsey, Wolfgang Rehn, Dieter Utz
Title: Orgue Britannic de Seewen
Keywords: musical monumental/big oscillator
Other Keywords: Seewen Britanic Britanik
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 15913
Title: Oriental Concepts of Time
Parent Document ID: 6387 - Parent Document Title: Of Time, Passion and Knowlwdge - Reflections on the Strategy of Existence
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: One - I - 2
BHM No: 8603- Heinz Sigmund
Title: Orientierung und Navigation mit (Sonnen-) Uhren
SubTitle: [Orienting and Navigation with Sundials]
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: Band 49
BHM No: 15508 - Mark V. Headrick
Title: Origin and Evolution of the Anchor Clock Escapement
Other Keywords: escapement history
Parent Document ID: 6146 - Parent Document Title: IEEE Control Systems Magazine
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2002 apr
Page or pages: 41 - 52
BHM No: 8159 - John Robey
Title: Origin of the English lantern Clock [The...] - Part 1: Comparison with European Gothic clocks
SubTitle: [An Article in the December 2016 issue of Antiquarian Horology (Volume 37, No. 4 (December 2016, pp 511-521)]
Keywords: UK-London clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Gothic chamber clock
Edition: 2016 no. 4
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 20812 - Lockwood Barr
Title: Origin [The?] of the Clock Label
SubTitle: Offprint of Article from NAWCC Bulletin December 1955, Vol.7 No.1, No.61
Other Keywords: label clocklabel
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 2249 - Hans vonBertele
Title: Origin [The?] of the differential gear and its connection with Equation Clocks
SubTitle: read at a joint meeting of the AHS and the Newcomen Society at the Science Museum, 10th Oct. 1956
Keywords: astro complication
Other Keywords: equation
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 3911 - Jaquet-Droz
Title: Origina;l ink writing and pencil drawings by the Jaquet-Droz Anderoids
SubTitle: Produced on April 24, 2008 on occasion of the AHS USA Section visit
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Other Keywords: Jaquet-Droz automaton scribe dessinateur
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 11922 - Adolf Klein, Bruno Gratz, Karl Reichard, Friedrich Stoehr, Franz Wittmer, C.F. Labhardt, Rudolf Wiebel
Title: Original professional Testimonials for Friedrich Hatzfeld, Watch and Clockmaker from Weilmuenster (Germany) 1902-1909 [in German]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1909
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 16665 - Travel Ldt. Prague
Title: Original Walking Tours of Prague [A 2003 flyer]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21871 - Charles Fevrier, Lesquereux
Title: Origine de la Fabrique d'Ebauches d'Arogno
SubTitle: suivi du J0urnal de M. Lesquereux
Keywords: measurement watch movement
Other Keywords: Alessandro Manzoti Arogno Voyeboeuf Challet
Edition: 1980s? undated
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 12232 - Enrico Morpurgo
Title: Origine dell'orologio tascabile
SubTitle: Der Ursprung der Taschenuhr [The roots of the packet watch]
Other Keywords: Henlein
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 9777 - Luitze Tasma
Title: Originele Friese Klokken& prijslijst
SubTitle: Luizen Tasma Norddwolde
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: Tasma Friesland
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 6843 - Gudrum Hetinger
Title: Originelle Zeitzeichen
SubTitle: Moosgummi Uhren und -Pendeluhren, Schritt fuer Schritt erklaeert, mit Vorlagen in Originalgroesse
Keywords: how-to novelty
Other Keywords: foam-rubber
Edition: 1994, 1st Edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 244 - Guenther Oestmann, Cristiano ZANETTI[Editor]
Title: Origins and Diffusion of Watches in the Renaissance: Germany, [Article in : "Janello Torriani: A Renaissance Genius" Cremona,2016]
SubTitle: [published p.141ff in the Catalog of the Exhibit on Janello Tprriani, at the Museo del Violino, Cremona, Sept. 10 2016 - Jan 29 2017]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2016 first edition
BHM No: 21133 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: Origins of Diffusion of Watches in the Renaissance : Germany, France and Italy [12p.]
SubTitle: [an essay in: Janello Torriani, Catalog of the 2016/2017 exhibit at the museo del Violino in Cremona]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 141-152
BHM No: 21324 - Richard Watkins
Title: Origins of Self-Winding Watches [The...] 1773-1779
SubTitle: [First hardcover edition, 2013, limited to 100 copies]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Perrelet Sarton automatic self-winding
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 274
BHM No: 18660 - Richard Watkins
Title: Origins of Self-Winding Watches [The...] 1773-1779 - Second [Enlarged and Corrected] Edition [2016 Limited to 125 copies]
SubTitle: [Privatly Publlished
Keywords: self-wind/autom. CH-LeLocle watch
Other Keywords: automatic selfwinding Perrelet
Edition: 2016, 2nd [Enlarged & corrected Edition
Page or pages: 387
BHM No: 20662 - Richard Watkins
Title: Origins of Self-Winding Watches [The...] 1773-1779 - [CD-ROM and webdownload edition 2014]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Edition: 2014 webdownload edition
BHM No: 19170 - Ron Price
Title: Origins of the Waltham Model 57 - Special Order Supplement No.7 of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
SubTitle: Evolution of the First Successful Industrialized Watch
Keywords: watch movement
Other Keywords: Waltham Model 57
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 7529 - Oris,
Title: ORIS - Catalogue de Fournitures Interchangables / Catalogue of Interchangable watch materials / ...
SubTitle: ... Catalogo de Fornituras Intercambiables (including Price List No. 6 [undated])
Keywords: parts-list
Other Keywords: Oris calibres
Edition: 1960s undated
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 11159 - Oris,
Title: ORIS - Swiss made watches sincew 1904
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Oris
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 6312 - Oris,
Title: ORIS - Swiss Made Watches since 1904 [2008/2009]
SubTitle: [Publication 78 2112 000 08/08]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: ORIS
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 13795 - Watchtime.net, Nadia Ehrlich
Title: Oris x Chronos: Countdown f?rs limitierte Sondermodell | Newsletter Watchtime.net | Tuesday , Feb. 15 2020, 07h01
SubTitle: Hamilton:Die neue PS1 | OrisxChronos: Countdoen furlimitierte Sondermodell|Test Hublot Big Bang|Titoni Airmaster| Czapek:Antartique|RIVA in 34 Farben
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: wachtime.net
Edition: 2022-Tue-Feb.15 at 07h01
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 24604 - Jean Froissant
Title: Orloge Amoureus [Li...] - (Love's Clock)
Keywords: foliot
Other Keywords: poem
Edition: 1369
BHM No: 7354 - of St.Pauls Cathedral, Dean
Title: Orloge of St. Paul's Cathedral [The..]
SubTitle: Indenture between the dean and chapter of St.Paul and Walter the Orgoner of Southwark
Other Keywords: St. Paul cathedral
Edition: 1344
BHM No: 7013 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Orloj in Praha
SubTitle: [Enlargement of a 2002 photograph]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Praha Prague orloj
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 16128 - Achille Leani
Title: Orlologio Astronomico del Torrazzo di Cremolo
Keywords: specific astro
Other Keywords: Cremola Torazzo
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 2539 - Julien LeRoy
Title: Ormolu mounted marble mantel clock with Chevalier de Bethume escapement, by Julien Le Roy, Paris ca. 1775, ca 46 cm high
SubTitle: 5 3/4 inch dial signed "Jlien Le Roy A Paris" with well pierced gilt hands, the simalrly signed movement with circular flat bottomed plates
Keywords: luxury specific F-Paris
Other Keywords: Bethume escapement
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 63
Page or pages: 233
BHM No: 9477 - Anthony Daly
Title: Ormskirk Clockmakers and Watchmakers
Keywords: directory REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: Ormskirk
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 143
BHM No: 13666 - S.G. Abell
Title: Ornamental Turning
SubTitle: A Lecture given at the society of Ornamental Turners
Keywords: lathe
Other Keywords: ornamental turning
Edition: 1960s? undated guess
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 11282 - Hausmann
Title: Oroloai da 160 Anni [Watchmakers for 160 years]
SubTitle: [Commemorative booklet on the 160th anniversary (1954) of Hausmann & C., Retail seller of Vacheron and Patek Watches in Rome and Naples]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hausmann
Edition: 1954, 1st edition
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 14985 - Luigi Pellegrini
Title: Orologeria Antica - Laboratorio Luigi Pellegrini - CH 6817 Maoggia TI
SubTitle: Dal 1979 (2004 Advertisng flyer, 6 p fanfold, for Antique clock repair workshop in Ticino region of Switzerland]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19106 - Egidio Garuffa
Title: Orologeria Moderna [Series: Manuali Hoepli]
SubTitle: Terza Edizione [1920] completamente rifatta ed aumentata con 523 incisione
Keywords: textbook historic technical
Edition: 1920, 3rd augmented edition
Page or pages: 540
BHM No: 11972 - Giorgio Montadori
Title: Orologgi - Storia Costume Collezionismo dell'Orologio da Polsa
Keywords: highgrade
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 6689 - Farida Simonetti, Tullio Poian
Title: Orologi
SubTitle: Le Collezioni della Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg di Gorizia
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Gorizia Palace
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 107
BHM No: 1981 - Augusto Veroni, Timex-Group[InCollaborazioneCon]
Title: Orologi - Breva Storia del Tempo
SubTitle: [Horology -a brief history of time {in italian}]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2017, first edition
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 21999 - Maria Teresa Balboni Brizza
Title: Orologi - Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano
SubTitle: Le guide del Museo
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Milano Poldi Pezzoli
Edition: 1990 1st edition
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 10929 - Corriere della Sera
Title: Orologi - [Supplement to:] Corriere della Serra [Italian Newspaper of] Venerdi, 23 Novembre 2007
SubTitle: Mode & Modi
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Corriere della Sera
Edition: 2007-11-23
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 14955 - Gian Casalengo
Title: Orologi a riflessione: un aggiornamento [An article in the August 2020 issue[No.22] of : Horologi Solari
SubTitle: [Reflection Sundialss: An Update - A 10 page, 12 illustrations scholarly article in the May issue of Orologi Solari
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
BHM No: 23841 - Anonymous,
Title: orologi antichi [Gli...]
SubTitle: Le Gemme ?Antique clocks]
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 10935 - ?,
Title: Orologi Antichi [Gli..]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 6068 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Orologi d'altenzza dal tacciuno di Daniele Barbaro [An article in Orologi Solari , Vol.16 - April 2018]
SubTitle: [Vertical sundial from the Tacciuno of Daniele Barbaro -18 Endnotes -7 images]
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 23821 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.16 - aprile 2018 - [The Magazine of the GGI, the Italian Solardial Society (Coordinamento Gnomonico Italoano)
Page or pages: p.79-87,
BHM No: 23834 - Fred Sawyer
Title: Orologi d'atezza declinanti - [Declining height sundials]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: vertical sundial
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020 August, issue no.22
Page or pages: p.52-63
BHM No: 23850 - Fred Sawyer
Title: Orologi d'atezza declinanti - [Declining height sundials]
SubTitle: A scholarly article by a Britush author on vertical sundials
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: vertical sundial
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020 August
Page or pages: p.52-63
BHM No: 23851 - Eugenio Ziglioti[Editor]
Title: Orologi da Polso - 2008 Anno XXII, No. 133, Giugno [Italian Wristwatch magazine]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2008-no.133
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 15359 - Eugenio Ziglioti[Editor]
Title: Orologi da Polso - 2009 Anno XXIII, No. 141, Settembre [Italian Wristwatch magazine]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2009-No.141
BHM No: 14951 - Paolo deVecchi, Alberto Uglietti
Title: Orologi da Polso - Guide Compact DeAgostini
SubTitle: Conoscere e collezionare il meglio dell'orologeria da polso del ventesimo secolo
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 320
BHM No: 11465 - Anonymous,
Title: Orologi da Polso [Gli...]
SubTitle: Le Gemme [Wristwatches]
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 10934 - Claudio Ghidoni, Gabriele Ribolini
Title: Orologi da Tavolo - Tabel clocks
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 138
BHM No: 5923 - Marisa Addomine, Daniele Pons
Title: Orologi da torre - MAT - Museo Arte Tempo di Clusone
SubTitle: [Catalog of the tower clockcollection [58 pieces] of the museum 'the Art of Time' in Clusone, Italy]
Keywords: catalog monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Clusone
Edition: 2008, 1st editon
Page or pages: 139
BHM No: 14866 - Luigi Pippa, Guiseppe Brusa
Title: Orologi della Collezione Ruscitti - Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SubTitle: [Series:] Cataloghi di Raccolte Scientifiche - No. 3
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Florence rustic
Edition: 1998 1st edition
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 10939 - Roberto Panacali
Title: Orologi e Orologiai del Rinascimento Italiano la Scuola Urbinate
SubTitle: L'Horlogerie d'interieur Italienne au XVIe sciecle et l'ecole de Duche d'Urbino - Sixteenth Century Italian Chamber Clocks and the Urbino School
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Barocci Urbino
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
BHM No: 15184 - Paolo Brenni, Mara Miniatti, Luigi Pippa, Anthony J. Turner
Title: Orologi e strumenti della Collezione Beltrame
SubTitle: Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza [Firenze]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Florence Firenze Beltrame
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 176
BHM No: 9896 - Maria Barbera Azzarello, Giorgia Fodera Serio
Title: Orologi ed orologiai a Palermo
SubTitle: [Series:] Biblioteca sciciliano di storia e letteraturra , [No.:] 66 - [Clocks and clockmakers in Palermo, Italy]
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: Palermo Scicily
Edition: 1992, 1st edition
Page or pages: 182
BHM No: 16038 - Antonio Simoni
Title: Orologi Italiani dal ciquecento all' ottocento
SubTitle: [Italian Timekeepers of the 1500's to the 1800's
Other Keywords: Italy
Edition: 1965, 1st edition
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 10487 - Guiseppe Brusa, Andreina Griseri, Sandra Pinto
Title: Orologi negli arredi del Palazzo Reale di Torino e della residenze sabaude
SubTitle: [Clocks of the Royal Palace in Torino (Italy) ]
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Torino Palazzo Reale Sabaude
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
BHM No: 14466 - Luigi Pipa,Lamberto Vitali[Introduction]
Title: Orologi Nel Tempo - da una Raccolta [Ed. 1966] [Clocks for Time - from a collection ]
SubTitle: [Being the scarce Italian language edition of:BHM # 2718,ie.:The"presumably"Tieger Collection]-Also beeing,Le Grande Colezioni a cura Renato Schubert
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Tieger in Italian
BHM No: 24008 - Luigi Pippa, Lamberto Vitali
Title: Orologi net tempo da una racolta
Keywords: anthology highgrade mechanical clock watch antique
Edition: 1st edition limited to 1000
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 5617 - Enrico Morpurgo
Title: Orologi Preziosi dal XVI al XIX secolo
SubTitle: con un profilo storico dell'orologeria italiana
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1980s? undated
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 15431 - Elisa Camporeale
Title: Orologi pubblici in Italia: dalle torri alle tarsie (original Italian Title of Essay) | Public clocks in Italy: from towers to inlays
SubTitle: One of 16 scholarly essays [within the bigger Publication]: Forme del legno Intagli e tarsiefra Gotico e Rinascimento
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Public Clock
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 23765 - Marisa Addomine
Title: Orologi Publici Pneumatici a Parigi [The Public Network of Pneumatic Clocks in Paris]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: pneumatic
Edition: 2015?
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 21924 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Orologi rari e preziosi
SubTitle: consoscere l'antiquariato Vol. 5
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 2627 - Ghiia Luigi(Editor)
Title: Orologi Solari - No.16 - aprile 2018 - [The Magazine of the GGI, the Italian Solardial Society (Coordinamento Gnomonico Italoano)
SubTitle: Editorial-Abstacts-Obituary(Luciano Agnes)-Una Linea meridiane Napoleone-Un Orologio soare 'a capella scompraso'...]and numerous other gnomonic essays
Keywords: antique contemporary
Edition: 2028 April 2018
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 23821 - Gianpiero Casalegno[Member-of-the-Editorial Board], Gianpiero Casalengo[Member-of-the-Editorial Board], Francesco Caviglia[Member-of-the-Editorial Board], Massimo Chia-Luigi[Member-of-the-Editorial Board], Alberto Nicelli[Member-of-the-Editorial Board], Elsa Stocco[Member-of-the-Editorial Board]
Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020-August
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 23837 - LuigiMassimo Ghia[Editor], Paolo Alberti, Ricardo Anselmi, Renati Devetak, Paul Gagnaire, A Giorgi, Allessandro Gunella
Title: Orologi Solari - No.1 - aprile 2013 - [The Magazine of the GGI, the Italian Solardial Society (Coordinamento Gnomonico Italoano)
Keywords: antique contemporary
Other Keywords: sundial
Edition: 2013-April-
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 23928 - Alberi-Auber Paolo, Casalengo Gianpiero, Francesco Caviglia, Clara Francesc, Esteban Martinez Almiron, F Giovanni
Title: OROLOGI SOLARI - no.16 - revista di gnomonico.e dintorni | April 2018 - 120 pages - 10 gnomonic scholarly articles in itakian
SubTitle: Issue number 16 [April 2018] of the scholarly magazine of the Italian Sundial Society (in Italian} |
Keywords: antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Sundials Italy
Edition: n.16 April 2018
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 24685 - Luigi Ghia[Editor], Paolo-Alberi Auber, Ricardo Anselmi, Luigi Caccia, Guiseppe deDona, Leonardo diEmanuele, Gianni Ferrari, Allesandro Gunella, Govanni Paltrinie
Title: Orologi Solari - no.2 - agosto 2013 - [The Magazine of the GGI, the Italian Solardial Society (Coordinamento Gnomonico Italoano)
SubTitle: 8 scholarly papers on sundials and sun-dialing, and misc.sundial news[in Italian]
Keywords: antique contemporary
Other Keywords: sundials Italy
Edition: 2013-no.2-agosto
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 23929 - Mario Arnaldi
Title: Orologi solari azimutali medievali in due manoscritti inediti: Darmstadt 1020 e Karlsruhe 504 (prima parte)
SubTitle: [Medieval azimuth sundials in two unpublished manuscripts: Darmstadt 1020 and Karlsruhe 504 (first part)as pulished in Gnomica Italiana Anno.V- no.14]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: sundial
Edition: 2008-februario-No.14
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 24276 - Mario Arnaldi
Title: Orologi solari azimutali medievali in due manoscritti inediti: Darmstadt 1020 e Karlsruhe 504 (prima parte)
SubTitle: [A 12 page scholarly paper on Italian sundials in Italy] | on pages 51-63, of the magazine Gnomonica Italiana, Annp V, no.4 - Februario 2008
Other Keywords: sundial
Edition: 2008, no.14 - februario 2008
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 24306 - Mario Arnaldi[Ravenna,Italy]
Title: Orologi solari azimutali medievali in due manoscritti inediti: Darmstadt 1020 e Karlsruhe 504 (secondo parte)
SubTitle: [Medival Azimuth Subdial-Part 2-pages 31-49 of the magazine Gnomica Italiana-Anno V-n15-jgiuno-2008]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundials Italy
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 24458 - Mario Arnaldi-[Ravenna-Italy]
Title: Orologi solari medievali in provincia di Bari (Italy) | Medival Sundials in the italian province of Bari
SubTitle: A schoarly paper by Mario Arnaldi; published in GNOMONICA ITALIANA, the italian Sundial Society |
Keywords: antique
Edition: Anno-1, no.4 -febbrario 2003
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 24926 - L.E. Gemme
Title: Orologi [Gli..] da Polso
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 3137 - Richard Dawkins
Title: Orologiaio cieco [L'...]
SubTitle: [The Blind Watchmaker - Novel which als became an Oscar rated movie]
BHM No: 22020 - Dominique Flechon
Title: Orologiaio [L'...] - Mestiere d'arte
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1999, 1st edition
Page or pages: 123
BHM No: 14777 - Roger Lehni
Title: Orologio Astronomico della Cattedrale di Strasburgo {L'?]
Keywords: catalog astronomical monumental specific
Other Keywords: Strasbourg cathedral Schwilgue
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6826 - Marisa Addomine
Title: Orologio astronomico di Pietro Tanzago [1583, Clusone, Itialy]
SubTitle: [The astronomical tower clpock of 1583 by Pietro Fanzago in Clusone, Italy]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Clusone Fanzago
Parent Document ID: 14866 - Parent Document Title: Orologi da torre - MAT - Museo Arte Tempo di Clusone
Page or pages: 61-69
BHM No: 14870 - Pomella Fuldigo
Title: Orologio da portare addosso [l'?]
SubTitle: Arte et Tecnica nell'orologio tascabile dalle origini al 1820-30 ad uso di amatori e collezionisti
Keywords: collecting anthology
Edition: 1978, 1st edition
Page or pages: 292
BHM No: 5434 - Leonardo Leonardi, Gabriele Ribolini
Title: Orologio da Tasca [L'..]
SubTitle: Pocket Watches
Edition: 1994, 3rd Edition
Page or pages: 143
BHM No: 434 - Simon Goodman
Title: Orologio di Orfeo [L'...] - Romanza - Una grande famiglia - Una collezione rubata dai nazisti - Un uomo che nan si arrende
SubTitle: [The Clock of Orpheus - A Novel] [Series: ElektaStorie] [Translated from English]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: fiction
Edition: 2015 First Italian Editon
Page or pages: 355
BHM No: 22024 - Francest Clara, Ricardo Anselmi[Translator]
Title: Orologio equatoriale o orologio polare cilindtrico ? [Equatorial sundial or cylindrical polar sundial?
SubTitle: [An article in issue no.6 [2018] of 'Orologi Solari', the journal of the Italian Sundial Society]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: desk sundial
Parent Document ID: 23821 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.16 - aprile 2018 - [The Magazine of the GGI, the Italian Solardial Society (Coordinamento Gnomonico Italoano)
Edition: April 2018
Page or pages: p.28-30
BHM No: 23825 - Pietro Sangiiuseppe
Title: Orologio modello "Trittico" - [ A "Triptych" model sundial - an article in Italian , published Aug 2020 in [in Italian ]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: contemporary sundial
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: August 2020 bo.22
Page or pages: p.49-51
BHM No: 23849 - David S. Landes
Title: Orologio nella storia [L'...] - Gli instrumenti di misurazione del tempo e la nascita del mondo moderno
SubTitle: [Italian translation of Revolution in Time, 1983, BHM 524]
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 476
BHM No: 16036 - Maria Teresa Balboni Brizza
Title: orologio non e il tempo [L'...]
SubTitle: [Series:] Fare scuola al Museo Poldi Pezzoli - 4
Keywords: catalog textbook juvenile
Other Keywords: Poldi Pezoli Milano
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11480 - Pierre Huguenin
Title: Orologio Svizero attraverso i secoli [L'....] [Swiss watchmaking over the centuries]
Keywords: juvenile clock watch
Edition: 1960s undated
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 14498 - Carlo Levi, Nattia Acetoso[Introduction}
Title: Orologio [L'...]
SubTitle: [The Clockmaker, a Novel, in Italian]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2015 Edition
Page or pages: 356
BHM No: 22019 - Catherine Cardinal
Title: Orologio [L'..] e la Moda dal '600 ai giorni nostri
SubTitle: Expozizione al Salone Internazionale dell'Orologeria della Fiera di Vicenza 1994
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Viscenza
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 3608 - Enrico Morpurgo
Title: Orologio [L'?] Tascabile
Other Keywords: portable
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 4297 - D[enise]. Hillard, Emmanuel Poulle
Title: Oronce Fine et l'Horloge Planetaire de la Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve
SubTitle: [from} Bibliotheque Humanism et Renaissance, Traveaux et Documents, Tomme XXXIII, 1971
Keywords: specific complication astro
Other Keywords: Oronce Fine
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 4716 - P[hilip] G. Coole, Erwin Neumann
Title: Orpheus Clocks [The?]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Orpheus Fremersdorf
Edition: 1972, 1st edition
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 2060 - Tony Buick
Title: Orrery - A Story of Mechanical Solar Systems, Clocks and English Nobility
Keywords: astronomical clock
BHM No: 19675 - Collection, Heritage
Title: Orrery Clock [The?]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: orrery
Edition: 1995?
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 1823 - unknown
Title: Orrery {Clock] Fortunat Mueller-Maerki (made mid 20th century UK by Monk]
SubTitle: [Gearing diagram and toothcounts, and revolution times]
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: orrerey
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 16146 - Joanne Baptista VanHelmont
Title: Ortus Medicune [The GaArden of Medicine] [1648] - [in Part 3, page 639 there is a chapter on time, with three articles ...]
SubTitle: [..: 48. Horologia, 49. Error Horologium, 50 Mesuren ab Autore excogitata - but according to Baillie they contain nothing of interest or value]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1648
BHM No: 20825 - Hoshimi Uchida
Title: Osaka Watch Company Incorporated 1889-1902
SubTitle: Volume 1 of History of the Japanese Clock and Watch Industry
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Osaka
Edition: 1986, 1st edition
Page or pages: 73
BHM No: 16834 - Funnies, Fawcett
Title: Oscar and Fridays's Comic Clock
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: activity
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 1398 - Xiao-jun Wang, Chris Schmitt, Marvin Payne
Title: Oscillations with three damping effects
Other Keywords: oscillation damping measurement sliding friction magnetic resistance air sensor sonic rangefinder
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics
Edition: 2002 vol 23
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2002 23
Page or pages: 153 - 164
BHM No: 8045 - J. Haag, Reinhardt M. (translator) Rosenberg
Title: Oscillatory Motions
SubTitle: Les Mouvements Vibratoires
Keywords: theory oscillator
Edition: 1st English
Page or pages: 393
BHM No: 5799 - Jules Haag
Title: Oscillatory Motions - Volumes I and II
SubTitle: Wadsworth International Series in Engineering [Translations from the French editions of 1952 {vol 1} and 1955 {vol 2}
Keywords: math oscillator isochronism clock watch foliot pendulum balancewheel advanced theory technical
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 201
BHM No: 17920 - Giovanni diPasquale
Title: Osservazoni sul Funzionamento di Machine e Meccanismi nel Teatro Antico [in Italian, no known translation]
SubTitle: [ Observations on the functioning of machines and mechanisms in the Ancient Theater ]
BHM No: 23620 - Jochen Motschmann[Chapter-Chair], Betina Motschmann[Chapter-Cochair]
Title: Ostergruss [2021] des DGC-Fachkreises TURMUHREN
SubTitle: [Easter greetings 2021 from the leadership of the Tower Clock section of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometre
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Towerclock DGC
Edition: 2021-April-03
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24057 - Osvaldo Patrizzi
Title: Osvaldo Patizzi
Other Keywords: Antiquprum Patrizzi
Parent Document ID: 5901 - Parent Document Title: Antiquorum Anniversary Issue of "SWISS STYLE" The Swiss Magazine for Leaders, Vol.11 No.2, 2004
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 7776 - Derek Roberts, Peter Kinzing, Johann Heinrich Seyffert, Friedrich Gutkaes, C. Reichel, Jacob Klug, F. Wolf, Theodor Knoblich, A.G. Franken, E. Kutter, H. Felten, F. Denker
Title: Other German Makers[Dolol, Kinzig, Seyffert,Gutkaes,Reichel, Klug, Wolf, Knoblich, Franken, Kutter, Felten, Denker, Bosch, Ammann, Lange, Stuebner]
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: highgrade precision oeuvre clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Dolol, Kinzig, Seyffert,Gutkaes,Reichel, Klug, Wolf, Knoblich, Franken, Kutter, Felten, Denker, Bosch, Ammann, Lange, Stuebner
Parent Document ID: 5567 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - France, Germany, America, and Recent Developments
Edition: 12
Page or pages: 178-202
BHM No: 10341 - Francois Georgeon, Frederic Hitzel
Title: Ottomans et le temps [Les...] -
SubTitle: Volume 49 in [Series: The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage - Politics, Society and Economy]
Keywords: timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Ottoman muslim
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 387
BHM No: 19154 - (City of), Antwerpen
Title: Oudheidkundige Musea Vleeshuis: Catalogus
SubTitle: VII: Edelsmeedwerk,Edelstenen, Juwelen, Horloges
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Antwerp Vleeshuis
Edition: 1980s?
Page or pages: 121
BHM No: 422 - Jean-Claude Sabrier
Title: Oudin - A horological dynasty closely linked to Breguet
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Keywords: F-Paris
Other Keywords: Oudin
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 116-125
BHM No: 10805 - Horological Society of New York
Title: Our 150th year Archival Book - Horological Society of New York - 2016 - Hardcover edition
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: HSNY
Edition: 2016
BHM No: 23503 - George Nichols Parker
Title: Our Calendar - The Julian Calendar and Its Errors - How corrected by the Gregorian
SubTitle: Rules for finding the dominical letter - Hebrew Calendar
Keywords: calendar
Other Keywords: Easter julian gregorian Sundayletter
Edition: 1893
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 4952 - Kate Murphy, Irene Suosalo[Illustrator]
Title: Our GPS System is Too Vulnerable - An article in the New York Times - Jan 24, 2021 - Op Ed - Opinion Section - p 45
Other Keywords: GPS
Edition: 2021-Jan-24
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23985 - of Quality, House
Title: Our Salesman Wholesale Catalog No. 42 of QuickSellers in Watches, ?,Clocks etc
SubTitle: Thje House of Quality, Chicagoi [1911]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1911
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 6574 - Ingersoll
Title: Our Silent Salesman - Ingersoll
SubTitle: Our Salesman to the wide awake merchant
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Dollar watch dollarwatch
Edition: 1902?
BHM No: 11395 - Omega,
Title: Our time with Cindy - Omega [Publicity brochure: 1997-21200/0197/3336922 US]
SubTitle: Shanghai - Milano- Tokyo -Dubai - Paris - Bienne
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: omega cindy
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 17357 - Richard (Capt.) Meyrick
Title: Ousden Hall Clock
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Ousden Hall Bury St.Edmunds
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 197 - James Dowling
Title: Out of the Deep - The previousky unknown history of Britains's WWII Panerai
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Other Keywords: Panerai diver watch
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 132-137
BHM No: 10807
Title: Out of the Depth
Parent Document ID: 6387 - Parent Document Title: Of Time, Passion and Knowlwdge - Reflections on the Strategy of Existence
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: Three - VIII - 1-5
BHM No: 8615- V.-A. Pierret
Title: Outillage et mechanique: Horlogerie (Ed.1891) -
SubTitle: [2014 Facsimile print on demand reprint] [[Horology: Tools and mechanica] [ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btp6k54007701 ]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2014 Print on demand edition
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 18665 - V.-A. Pierret
Title: Outillage et mechanique: horlogerie (ed.1891) [Facsimile print on demand edition]
SubTitle: [Tools and mechanics: Horology]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2014 print on demand facsimile edition
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 18658 - Westchester-Auction-Gallery-Yorktown-NY-USA
Title: Outstanding Auction - July 10 1982 - over 35 antique clocks - Westchester-Auction-Gallery-Yorktown-NY-USA
SubTitle: ca. 30 clocks illustrated [B&W]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Westchester
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23646 - Boerhaave, Museum
Title: over Museum Boerhaave
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Coster Leiden Boerhaave
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 6862 - Boerhaave, Museum
Title: over Museum Boerhave
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Boerhave Leiden
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 5920 - Hans vandeKamp, R. Crom,Theodore
Title: Over Raderen & Rondsels - Uurwerkmakersgereedschap in Nederland
SubTitle: Leizing Theodore Crom 12 mei 2002
Keywords: tools machinery parts
Other Keywords: wheelcutting
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 5940 - Evan Edwards
Title: Overview of Q relative to pendulum clocks
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-1
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 9010 - Patek Philippe Museum
Title: Own a piece of the Patek Philippe Story
SubTitle: [2016 Advertising Flyer for the volumes I, II, III, IV and Index, of the scholarly Patek Museum Catalog]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: museum Patek
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 20452 - British Sundial Society
Title: Oxford Sundial Walk from Keble College
SubTitle: [A one sheet flyer/guide to a 1 hour six sundial walking tour through Oxford University, UK]
Other Keywords: Oxford
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17476 - Margaret Stainer
Title: Oxford Sundials
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: sundial Oxford
Edition: Second Edition 2003
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 7317 - Rolex,
Title: Oyster Perpetual - Rolex
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex oyster
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 5897 - Rolex,
Title: Oyster Perpetual - Rolex
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex Oyster Perpetual
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 6818 - Rolex,
Title: Oyster Perpetual - Rolex [Publ. 300.6 US - 1.2006]
SubTitle: [Small pocket catalog 2006 edition, English]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Rolex Oyster
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 17203 - Charles Goad[Chapter-President]
Title: Ozark News - Chapter 57 NAWCC - March 2011
SubTitle: Next Meeting Sunday April 3 2011 Election of new Chapter officers - Mart - Minutes Feb.13 Meeting - New Member Drive-Shedule of Events
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 22903 - Parent Document Title: A Sampling of 22 diffferent Chapter News Letters of the NAWCC in the era frrom 2007-2016
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 22917 - W. Ellis & Co. P.
Title: P. W. Ellis & Co. Limited - The Jewelery Headqurters of Cannada - 1915-1916 Illustrated Catalog {Reproduced Scan of original]
SubTitle: Importing and Manufacturing Gold and Silversmiths - Makers of Ellis Watch Cases
Keywords: catalog facsimile watch
Edition: 1915-1916
Page or pages: 140
BHM No: 21289 - G. Albert Berner, E. Audetat
Title: P.F. Ingold 1787-1878, A.Guyer-Zeller 1839-1899, Rudolf Zurlinden 1851-1932
SubTitle: Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik, Heft 13
Keywords: biography watch
Other Keywords: Ingold
Edition: 1962 1st edition
Page or pages: 95
BHM No: 12460 - Joann Loviglio
Title: Pa. museum automaton has link to Scorsese's Hugo [An article in 'The Miami Herald' Feb.22, 2012 - weboffprint]
SubTitle: Movies Wires
Keywords: Automaton
Other Keywords: Hugo
Edition: 2012 02-22
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 16837 - Hans Krebs, Christine Kowalski
Title: Pacht fuer die Hoefe Europas - Gespraech mit Museumsleiter Christof Emmendoerfler und Christine Kowalski
SubTitle: [Newsarticle 1 December 2011 on Heinrich Eichlers, cabinett with clock at the Maxilillianmuseum in Augsburg]
Keywords: luxury specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock
Other Keywords: Eichler Maximilansmuseum
Edition: 2011-12-01
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 17721 - Webb C. Ball Company
Title: Packard Watch Collection [The...], Owned by the Horological Institute of America
SubTitle: presented as a complete Exhibit at the fourth Annual Jewelery Show, August Fifth to Ninth, 1929 at Chicago Illinois
Keywords: highgrade
Other Keywords: Packard HIA
Edition: 1929
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 10053 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Assembler], Kaladex Shippers[Annotations}
Title: Packing list of the second shipment of the FMM library to NYHS - July 2020
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NYHS
Edition: 2020-07-15
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23597
Title: Padua Coemndantura
Parent Document ID: 6836 - Parent Document Title: Turm- und Kunstuhren
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 6
BHM No: 8837- J. Muma
Title: Page from the Horological Manuscript Notebook of J.Muma - (possibly I.Muma) a clockmaker in Britain or the USA,from a three volume set
SubTitle: with many illustrations, on hundreds of pages. [Original in the possession of a British collector]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Muma
Edition: unknown
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19545 - Wendy A. Cooper, Lisa Minardi
Title: Paint, Pattern and People - Furniture [including clocks] of Southestern Pennsylvania 1725-1850
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania Dutch Fraktur
Edition: 2015 - 2nd edition paperback ed
Page or pages: 277
BHM No: 20035 - Brian Loomes
Title: Painted Dial Clocks
SubTitle: 1770-1870
Keywords: dial
Other Keywords: painted
Edition: 1997 reprint
Page or pages: 280
BHM No: 2794 - John Nobel Wilford
Title: Painted Maya Walls Reveal Calendar Writting
SubTitle: [An illustrated article in the May 10, 2012 issue of the New York Time]
Other Keywords: calendar Maya
Edition: 2012-05-10
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 16991
Title: Paixao Relojoeia [2003]
SubTitle: [A special supplement devoted to timekeeping distributed with Diario Economico, Lisbon, issue October 24 2003]
Other Keywords: Portugal supplement Diario Economico
Edition: 2007 - with issue 24 October
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 11121- Fernando CorreiadeOliveira
Title: Paixao Relojoeia [2004]
SubTitle: [A special supplement devoted to timekeeping distributed with Diario Economico, Lisbon, issue 3487, 15 October 2004]
Other Keywords: Portugal supplement Diario Economico
Edition: 2004 - with issue 3687
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 11118 - Fernando CorreiadeOliveira
Title: Paixao Relojoeia [2005]
SubTitle: [A special supplement devoted to timekeeping distributed with Diario Economico, Lisbon, issue 3751, 4 November 2005]
Other Keywords: Portugal supplement Diario Economico
Edition: 2005 - with issue 3751
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11119 - Fernando CorreiadeOliveira
Title: Paixao Relojoeia [2006]
SubTitle: [A special supplement devoted to timekeeping distributed with Diario Economico, Lisbon, issue 3997, October 20 2006]
Other Keywords: Portugal supplement Diario Economico
Edition: 2005 - with issue 3996
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 11120 - Raketa,
Title: Pakema Raketa
SubTitle: Wrist and Pocket Watches
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2000?
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 6578 - Sotheby's
Title: Palace Collection of Egypt, [The?]
SubTitle: Auction Cairo 10 March 1954
Keywords: catalog auction
Other Keywords: Egypt palace royal Faruk
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 275
BHM No: 1161 - ?,
Title: Palacio de Pedralbes - Barcelona 1965
SubTitle: Relojes del Patrimonio Nacional
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Barcelona Pedralbes Palace
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 9905 - Micchel Parmigiani
Title: PAMIGIANI Flleurier | An undated brand line Catalog | 60 pages | in Color | ca.2010-2022
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Parmigiami-Fleurier
Edition: ??-undated-2010-2022?
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 24645 - PANERAI [panerai.com]and-their-advertisment-agency
Title: PANERAI - LABORATORIO DI IDEE | a full page color advertisement in the New York Times issue of May 15 2022
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: PANERAI
Edition: 2022-May-15
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24729 - Panerai(Italy)
Title: PANERAI | LABORATORIO DI IDEE | LUMINOR DUE | LUNA | Italian creativity & Swiss Watchmaking Expertise |
SubTitle: Extend your international limited warranty for up to 8 years on PANERAI.COM |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: LUNA
Edition: Sunday, Oct.16-2020
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24991 - PANERAI [panerai.com]and-their-advertisment-agency
SubTitle: a 17 by 9 cm color(bueish) Avertisment in the New York Times, Sunday October 30 2022 - page 2 MB
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: PANEREI
Edition: 2022-Oct-30
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 25012 - National Maritime Museums Greenwich
Title: Panorama Guide - Royal Observatory Greenwich [2018] - [8 page fanfold]
Keywords: UK-London astronomy clock watch
Other Keywords: ROG Greewwich
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 22233 - Neubert Jones
Title: Panoramakarte Schwarzwald - vom Sud- bis zum Nordschwarzwald
SubTitle: [Faltprospekt]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: map
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 15836 - The-Staff-of-Sothebey's-NewYorkHorological-Section
Title: Papers and Certificates associated with the Sotyebey's New York Sales of Wristwatches December 2021
SubTitle: Daryl Shniper[Project-Manager]
Keywords: luxury watch
Other Keywords: Sothebey's NYC 2021`-December
Edition: 2021-December
Page or pages: 200 ca.
BHM No: 24450 - The-Staff-of-Sothebey's-NewYorkHorological-Section
Title: Papers and Certificates associated with the Sotyebey's New York Sales of Wristwatches December 2021 - Lots 3-148
SubTitle: Daryl Shniper[Project-Manager] An internal Sothebey's Document available only by direct demand to the presale exhibition staff - VERY RARERARE
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Sothebey's NYC 2021`-December
Edition: 2021-Dec-Working-document
Page or pages: 200 ca.
BHM No: 24449 - William Christie, Cambridge University Library
Title: Papers of William Christie - Preserved at the Royal Greenwich Observatory Archives
SubTitle: Narrative Description of the 301 archivals series making up the material [Weboffprint]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Greenwich atroner Royal William Christie
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 11742 - House of Lords
Title: Papers relating to the Great Clock at Westmisnster
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: Westminster Big Ben London
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 14582 - House of Lords
Title: Papers relating to the great clock at westmisnster [1848] Disk 1, file 1
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 1, disc 1
BHM No: 11761 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Papillions autour du Quinquet
SubTitle: Contes, recits, croquis, ornes de 53 desins
Keywords: Jura Regional
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 222
BHM No: 6023 - Theobald Weyers
Title: Parallaxen von 8 Fixsternen, abgeleitet aus Durchgangsbeobachtungen mit dem unpersoenlichen Uhrwerkmikrometer ?
SubTitle: ...am kleinen Meridiankreis der Sternwarte zu Heidelberg. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwuerde der Hohen nat-math Fak. Heidelberg
Keywords: advanced
Edition: 1914
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 9582 - John W. Dooley
Title: parametric drive foucault pendulum
Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6232 - Parent Document Title: Web Documents
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: Millersville University
BHM No: 8576 - F L Curzon
Title: Parametric instbility of a pendulum
Keywords: theory measurement
Other Keywords: parametric drive non linear
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1995 63 2 feb
BHM No: 8521 - John W. Dooley
Title: parametrically driven foucault pendulum
Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6232 - Parent Document Title: Web Documents
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: Society of Amateur Scientists
BHM No: 8589 - MIH-Musee-Internationale-d'Horlogerie(LaChaux-de-Fonds-Switzerland)
Title: PARC DES MUSEES | LA-CAUX-DE-FONDS | MIH | MUSEE INTERNATIONALE D'HORLOGERIE [Tarif reduit 12.50, Sam 16 02 22 | 1 jour/1 Musee / 1 Visite
SubTitle: [Used ticket stub of Fortunat Mueeller-Maerrki, on Saturday 16 April.2022]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: ephrmera
Edition: Saturday 16 April 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 25015 - Paul Ditisheim, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Editor/ProjectManager]
Title: Parfums et les Montres - Influences de Certaines Emanations sur l'Alterabilite des Lubricants -[Facsimile Edition 2004 by NAWCC]
SubTitle: [Facsimile Edition 2004 for Hrological Research Libraries by NAWCC Feb. 2004 - 10 copies]
Keywords: cert.chronometer clock
Other Keywords: Perfume
Edition: 2004 Feb
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 23479 - Paul Ditisheim
Title: Parfums [Les...] et les Montres
SubTitle: Influences de Certaines Emanations sur l'Alterabilite des Lubricants
Keywords: advanced
Other Keywords: perfume oil lubricant stability
Edition: 1937
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 7395 - Bily Clock Museum, Frank L.Bily[Clockmaker], Joseph C. Bily[Clockmaker]
Title: Paridise Clock - Carved in 1934-36. Carved in butternut, oak and white ash woods, the ventral tableau shows te temptation of Adem and Eve
SubTitle: ... in Paradise. The Paradise Clock is an example of the Bily bbrothers later work in lifelike scenes. Located in Spilville Iowa, home of Anton Dvorak
Keywords: clock
Edition: 19909 ca
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22541 - T.D. Wright, J. Bray
Title: Paris Exhibition Reports 1889 - Clockmaking by T.D. Wright ?..
SubTitle: and Watchmaking by J. Bray
Other Keywords: report Paris
Edition: 1889
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 4550 - Sarah Womak, Thomas Harding
Title: Parliament turns down free clocks on principle / When asked the time, few gave Big Ben a second glance
SubTitle: [2 clock related articles in 'The Daily Telegraph' [London], Oct 25 2000, p.12
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 2000-10-25
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17477 - Parmigiani,
Title: Parmigani - Haute Horlogerie Authentique [2007]
Keywords: highgrade
Other Keywords: Parmigani
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 11411 - Parmigiani,
Title: Parmigiani - Mesure et Art du Temps
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 1661 - Parmigiani,, Veronique Moulin[Editor]
Title: Parmigiani Fleurier - No.08 - 2014 Summer-Fall issue - ENGLISH | FRANCAIS
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Parmigiani
Edition: 2014
BHM No: 20198 - Parmigiani,, Veronique Moulin[Editor]
Title: Parmigiani Fleurier - No.09 - 2014 Winter - Spring issue - ENGLISH | FRANCAIS
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Parmigiani
Edition: 2014 no.09
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 20199 - Parmigiani,, Veronique Moulin[Editor]
Title: Parmigiani Fleurier - No.7 - 2014 Winter Spring issue - ENGLISH | FRANCAIS
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Fkeurier
Edition: 2014 Winter Spring
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 19651 - Parmigiani-Fleurier, Jennifer Liingston(Photographer)
Title: PARMIGIANI FLEURIER | Swittzerland | LA ROSE CARREE | Product Technical Specifications [Undated ca.2022]
SubTitle: Functions: hours, minutes, small seconds, grand sonnerie, minute repeater | Calibber:PF992 |
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: LA ROSE CARRE
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24669 - Claude-Alain Kuenzi, Jean-Bernard Vuilleme
Title: Paroles d'Objets [Objects talk]
SubTitle: Quelques histoires remarquables et ordinaires autour de la collection
Keywords: catalog museum
Other Keywords: MIH story La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 7244 - - Viller-de-Lac Parrenin
Title: Parrenin S.A. Fabrique d'Ebauches, 25 Villers-le-Lac France
SubTitle: [ Specification sheets for various calibers, 1970s-1980 ]
Keywords: reference parts-list watch movement parts
Other Keywords: caliber ebauches
Edition: 1970s
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 10264 - Mollie Hardwick
Title: Parson's Pleasure
Other Keywords: novel
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 2407 - SA, Ebauches
Title: Part 19 - A.Schild SA Grenchen, Cal. 1902, 1903, 1862, 1876, 1882, 1895 (11 1/2''')
SubTitle: Part of Ebauches SA: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher
Keywords: parts-list specifications watch movement parts technical
Other Keywords: Schild AS caliber
Parent Document ID: 10296 - Parent Document Title: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher - Ebauches SA
Edition: 19
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 10297 - SA, Ebauches
Title: Part 20 - ETA AG, Ebauches Fabrik Grenchen, Cal. 2550, 2551 (7 3/4''')
SubTitle: Part of Ebauches SA: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher
Keywords: parts-list specifications watch movement parts technical
Other Keywords: ETA caliber
Parent Document ID: 10296 - Parent Document Title: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher - Ebauches SA
Edition: 20
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 10298 - SA, Ebauches
Title: Part 22a - ESA, Cal. 9154 (28mm)
SubTitle: Part of Ebauches SA: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher
Keywords: parts-list specifications watch movement parts technical
Other Keywords: ESA caliber
Parent Document ID: 10296 - Parent Document Title: Technische und praktische Anleitung fuer Uhrmacher - Ebauches SA
Edition: 22a
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10299 - Juergen Ermert
Title: Partial First Draft for 'Erermets Praezisionspendeluhren Band 3 (Teiletwurf-Early Dra)(
Keywords: precision clock
Other Keywords: Draft
Edition: Draft
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 24404 - Revere Clock Company
Title: Parts Catalog - The Revere Clock Company, Cincinnati, Ohio [1949]
SubTitle: Parts Price List [dated April 1, 1949] - Dimensions of Case necessary to contain movement
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Revere
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 14164 - Company, Helbein-Stone
Title: Parts and Materials for 9 3/4 Ligne Hebros Watches - Order according to stock number
SubTitle: Helbein-Stone Company. Inc, New York City
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rowale Schussler, Helbein-STone Helbro
Edition: undated, ev. 1920s
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 17207 - Forest Imports, Black
Title: Parts Catalog 2000
SubTitle: Your reliable Clocks, Movements and Parts Source since 1981
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: Black-Forest
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 4740 - Forest Imports, Black
Title: Parts Catalog 2002
SubTitle: Your reliable Clocks, Movements and Parts Source since 1981
Keywords: catalog movement parts
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 4278 - Estelle Fallet
Title: Parure au cotidien - Bijoux anciennes et bibelots precieux du Musee de l'horlogerie et de l'emailerie de Geneve
SubTitle: [Catalog of temporary exhibit 2008, at the Geneva Museum of Horology and Enameling]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: enamaling jewelery
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 131
BHM No: 16552 - Horological Society, Antiquarian, Jeff [Editor] Darken
Title: Passage of Time
SubTitle: An Exhibition of Timekeeping Through the Ages
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: AHS Olympia
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 41
BHM No: 257 - Horological Society, Antiquarian
Title: Passage of Time [The?]- An Exhibition of Timekeeping Through the Ages
SubTitle: at the Olympia Fine Art and Antiques Fair
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: AHS Olympia
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 41
BHM No: 144 - G?nther Knesch
Title: Passau Dorfen Regensburg, ungewoehnliche Sonnenuhren in Bayern
Parent Document ID: 11432 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2007, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 46
Page or pages: 109
BHM No: 13535 - Philip Woodward
Title: passing chime [A..]; Group 1: Expermental Clocks
SubTitle: from Horological Journal January 1991
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 1-1
Page or pages: 1-3
BHM No: 10711 - Uhren, Beyer
Title: Passion 99/2000
SubTitle: Beyer - Home of Passion f?r Uhren und Juwelen
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Beyer
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 2192
Title: Passion de l"Heure
SubTitle: Le magazin des amoureux du temps
BHM No: 6332- Jean Perini[Editor]
Title: Passion des Montres - Supplement gratit au journal LE SOIR du 10 mai 2007 [Bruxelles]
SubTitle: www.passionmontres.de
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2007-05-10
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 15358 - Philippe Museum, Patek
Title: Passion for Time - Patek Philippe Museum
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe Museum Geneva
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 9651 - Patek-Philippe-SA
Title: Passion for TIME - PATEK PHILIPPE MUSEUM - A 8 page folded illusrated glossy cardboard guide to the newly reopend (2001) Patek Museum in Geneve
SubTitle: Includes timeline of horological history 1500 - 2000 | The Pateck Brand Collection & Antiques(16th-19th Century) - Museum Map
Keywords: CH-Geneva clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Patek Museum Geneve 2001
BHM No: 24299 - Watch Co. Ldt., Citizen
Title: Passion SOARS PROMASTER | CITIZEN - Eco Drive / Purpusfull Power | 1500 BROADWAY | 212-658-1518 - citizenwatch.com
SubTitle: A blac&white display ad in the Sunday NYTimes of-Sunday, Nov 28 2021 | page N 3
Keywords: mechanical highgrade watch contemporary
Other Keywords: CITIZEN
Edition: 2021-2021-28-Nov
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24498 - Constantin, Vacheron
Title: Passion [La?] des Complications - Vacheron Constantin
Keywords: brand complication history
Other Keywords: Vacheron Constantin
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 5077 - DeWitt
Title: Passionn? - Fall 2005
SubTitle: de Witt - Passionn? d' exeception
Keywords: highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: DeWitt de Witt
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 7595 - Siegfried Bergmann
Title: Passionskrippenuhr
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 12987 - Noma A Robertson
Title: Passive and active seismic isolation for gravitational radiation detectors and other instruments
Other Keywords: active vibration isolation seismic
Parent Document ID: 6160 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Physics E - Scintific Instruments
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1982 15
Page or pages: 1101 - 1105
BHM No: 8178 - F. Garoi, John Winterflood, Li Ju, David Blair
Title: Passive vibration isolation using a Roberts linkage
Other Keywords: gravitational waves vibration isolation roberts linkage
Page or pages: 1 - 11
BHM No: 8505 - F. Garoi
Title: Passive vibration isolation using a Roberts linkage
Other Keywords: vibration isolation
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 2003 74 5 may
Page or pages: 3847- 3491
BHM No: 8551 - Elisabeth Doerr, LouisNardin, Angus Davis, Miracle Gum, Keith W. Standberg, Sally Jaeggin, M. Li, J.Yang
Title: Passport to Swiss Made Watches - Watchmaking - Watchbrands - Museum [Chinese Ed.2015]
SubTitle: [An advertisment sponsored booklet on buying a swiss watch]
Keywords: position-error watch
Edition: 2015 Chinese Edition
Page or pages: 194
BHM No: 21174 - Elisabeth Doerr, LouisNardin, Angus Davis, Miracle Gum, Keith W. Standberg, Sally Jaeggin, M. Li, J.Yang
Title: Passport to Swiss Made Watches - Watchmaking - Watchbrands - Museum [English Ed.2017]
SubTitle: [An advertisment sponsored booklet on buying a swiss watch]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2027 Engl Edition
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 21173 - Sherri Williams-Pantieri
Title: Passport to Swiss made Watches 2014 [In Chinese]
SubTitle: [A free, 'information' magazine in Chinese on Swiss watches 2014 edition]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 194
BHM No: 19623 - Philip Collins
Title: Pastime
SubTitle: Telling Time from 1879 to 1969
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1993, 1st edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 2518 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Phiippe - Collezione 2008-2009
SubTitle: [hardcover brand catalog 2008-2009 of Patek Philippe, Italian edition] with a preface by Philippe Stern
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 14940 - Philippe Museum, Patek
Title: Patek Philip Museum - [Press Kit for 2001 Opening]
SubTitle: [includes 2 CD Roms describing the collectioon, Passport for Time Brochure, and 5 Press Releases]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Patek Geneva
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 3133 - Patek Philippe
Title: PATEK PHILIP NEW YORK 2017 - [A serries of 7 designs to be used on special timepieces created in conjunction with the 'Art of Watches Exhibit']
SubTitle: [Here as 7 coloring book type ofworksheets for the childrens corner of the New York Exhibit at the Cipriani]
Other Keywords: New York
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21287 - H. Stern Agency
Title: Patek Philip Newsletter [1950s-1960s, 12 issues]
SubTitle: [An irregularly published newsletter by the H.Stern Agency to the authorized Patek Retailers in the USA]
Keywords: highgrade watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe USA Stern Agency
Edition: 1960s
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 13715 - Alex Williams
Title: Patek Philip to [temporarily] a Pop-Up Museum in New York
SubTitle: [An article in the Men's Style section of the ew York Times, 11 July 2017]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2017-07-11
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 21311 - Giampiero Negretti, Paolo deVecchi
Title: Patek Philippe
SubTitle: Complicated Wristwatches - Komplizierte Armbanduhren - Montres-bracelets compliquees
Keywords: complication
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 1999, 1st K?neman trilingual edition
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 1978 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe - Geneve - Collection 2010-2011 [Catalog 9.10/45405/P705.E]
SubTitle: [English language hardcover brandline catalog for 2010-2011]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 235
BHM No: 19196 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe - Collection 2001
SubTitle: [A large sheet fanfolded]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 15104 - Tierry Stern
Title: Patek Philippe - Geneve - Begin your own tradition | ONLY HUMAN - A STRORY ABOUT SKILL | A full page (Backcover) Advertisement on the Backcover of..
SubTitle: .. 'The NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE' , dated Nov 6, 2022 |with full color ad | Patek Philippe | PATEK.COM/PHILSOPHIEES
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: PATEK PHILIPPE
Edition: Nov 6 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 25018 - Wempe-Rolex-Boutique-NYC[USA]
Title: Patek Philippe - Geneve - Begin your own tradition | You never actually own a PATEK PHILIPPE - You merely take care of it for the next Generation
SubTitle: A 26x15cm b&w advertisment | in the NY-Time Sunday Nov 28 2021 | p.2 BU
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Wempe Patek NYC
Edition: 2021-
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24481 - Patek Philippe Museum-Geneva (Switzerland)
Title: Patek Philippe - Geneve - MUSEUM ENTRY TIKET DATED 21.04.2022 |as issued and used by Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Patek Museum Ticket
Edition: 21.04.2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 25023 - Thiery Stern
Title: Patek Philippe - Geneve | Seasons Greetings Newsletter - Dec 2021 to Patek Watch Owners
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-Geneva watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-Dec
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24468 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe - Naviquartz
Other Keywords: Patek Naviquarz ca. 1970
Parent Document ID: 7405 - Parent Document Title: [A-2005-11-13-Gva] Important Collectors' Wristwatches, Pocket Watches & Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 88
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 8910 - Roy Ehrhardt, Joe DeMesy
Title: Patek Philippe - Price Guide Book 92
Other Keywords: priceguide Patek
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 2387 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe - Sevice de Presse [Undated Press Kit, in German, black and white photographs, ev. 1970s]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 1975?
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 17356 - Nicolas Foukes
Title: Patek Philippe - The Authorized Biography
Keywords: CH-Geneva lathe parts
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2016 first edition
Page or pages: 544
BHM No: 20907 - Nicholas Foulkes
Title: Patek Philippe - The Authorized Biography
SubTitle: [Identical edition at same time published by:Pinguin ISBN 978-1-848-09462-8]
Keywords: biography CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2016 - 1st Patek Phillippe Edition
Page or pages: 542
BHM No: 20978 - Sotheby's
Title: Patek Philippe - The Henry Graves Jr. SUPERCOMPLICATION - As offered for sale at auction by Sothebey's Geneva (Switzerland)
SubTitle: November 11, 2014 [S-2014-11-11-Gva]
Other Keywords: Graves Patek Supercomplication
Edition: 2014-11-11
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20003 - Casey Jones[Editor-in-Chief, Lucy Coles[Editorial-Dir]
Title: Patek Philippe - The International Magazine [ENGLISH EDITION] Volume 04 -
SubTitle: [Customer-Magaizne of Patek]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: Volume 4 (ca.2018?-2020?)
BHM No: 23623 - Roy Ehrhardt, Joe DeMesy
Title: Patek Philippe - Wristwatches Pocketwatches Clocks
SubTitle: Identification and Price Guide - Retail; and Vintage Prices - Book 1
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 1991, 1ST EDITION
Page or pages: 446
BHM No: 3345 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe - [Undated, ca. 1990 Presskit]
Keywords: highgrade
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 1990 ca. undated
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 10139 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe appoints a new Director and Curator for the Patek Philippe Museum [Peter Friess]
SubTitle: [Press release September 2012]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe Museum Peter Friess
Edition: 2012-09
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17834 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe et Co. 1839 - 1939
SubTitle: Un Centenaire Dans l'Industrie Horlogere
Other Keywords: Patek Philip
Edition: 1939 limited to 1500 numb. Copied
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 6650 - Martin Huber, Alan Banbery
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve
Keywords: advanced
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 1982, 1st edition
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 2680 - Martin Huber, Alan Banbery, Gisbert L. Brunner
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve - Montres-bracelets - Armbanduhren - Orlogi da Polso - Wristwatches
Keywords: reference CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe serial numbers calibers
Edition: 1998, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 364
BHM No: 9646 - Tourneau,
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve - Tourneau Since 1900 - [A Summer 2018 - cardbold bi-fold & 1p. cover letter]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Tourneau
Edition: 2018-07-07
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22139 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve - [1987 pocket catalog and pricelist-English- $] [32&2p]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 21308 - Patek Philippe, Thierry Stern[Preface]
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve - [2004 Brand line Catalog]
SubTitle: [Paperback short edition]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 18686 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve [1985, brand line catalog and pricelist in SwFrancs]
Keywords: catalog brand highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: Patek pricelist
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7241 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe Geneve [1993 brand catalog and pricelist in SwFrancs]
Keywords: catalog highgrade luxury brand
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe 1993
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 7240 - Tourneau|Bucherer - New York [Madison Ave&57th Street]
Title: PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE | Begin your own Tradition | You never actually own a Patek Philippe, you merely take care of it for the next Generation |
SubTitle: A b&w ad, 14x27cm | jn the NYTimes Sunday Dec 12 2021 | page 2 BU N
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Patek World Time Ref. 7130G
Edition: 2021-Dec-12
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24493 - Thomas Lips, Erich Brandenbeger[Translator], Jean-Daniel Meyer?Photographer]
Title: Patek Philippe Grand Master Chime - 175 Years Patek Philippe
SubTitle: [English language Edition]
Keywords: complication(s) musical CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Grandmaster Grand Sonnerie
Edition: 2014-10
Page or pages: 199
BHM No: 19619 - Herbert James
Title: Patek Philippe Highlights
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 15485 - Herbert James, Elizabeth Doerr[Translator]
Title: Patek Philippe Highlights [ENG Edition]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 2010 first ENG Editionm
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 20789 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe is moving forward: An update for our esteemed clients , dated June 18, 2020
SubTitle: [A mass e-mail to its customer base]
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2020-June-18
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23570 - Daniel Hug
Title: Patek Philippe kuerzt die Produktion - Patek Philippe reduces Production volume - [A newsstorry 7.Aug 2916 in Neue Zuercher Zeitung]
SubTitle: [A newsclipping]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: PAtek
Edition: 2016-08-07
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20627 - des Arts, Tribune
Title: Patek Philippe Museum
SubTitle: Supplement to the Tribune de Geneve
Other Keywords: supplement Patek museum opening Geneva
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 3155 - des Arts, Tribune
Title: Patek Philippe Museum
SubTitle: Supplement to the Tribune de Geneve
Other Keywords: supplement Patek museum opening Geneva
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 3156 - Philippe Museum, Patek
Title: Patek Philippe Museum - 500 ans d'histoire de la montre
SubTitle: 500 years of watchmaking history
Keywords: CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe Museum Geneva
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 11748 - Patek Philippe Museum
Title: Patek Philippe Museum - Own a piece of the Patek Philippe Story - Catalog, Volumes I, II, III, IV, and Index
SubTitle: [Advertising Flyer {10 page fanfold} for ordering the 5 volume set, list price CHF 1320 incl. shipping]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 21033 - Patek Philippe, Peter Fries
Title: Patek Philippe Museum - Own a piece of the Patek Philippe story - [Publicity brochure for the two 2015 scholarly museum catalog sets
SubTitle: (each set retails for 600 dollars plus postage)
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 20557 - Peter Friess, Hans Boeckh[Scientific Editing], David Penney{Scientific Editing], Christian Pfeifer-BeliScientific Editing], Veronique Aubert[Photography], W Jentsch[Photography], Frederic Paley[Photography], Guy Romagnoli[Photography]
Title: Patek Philippe Museum - The Emergence of the Portable Watch - Three Volume Set in decorated Slipcase
SubTitle: {[Beeing] Vol. III, IV and Index of 'Catalog of the Patek Philippe Museum}
Keywords: catalog reference CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2015 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 1391
BHM No: 20451 - Philippe Museum, Patek, Tim Willis[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe Museum [English edition]
Keywords: catalog highgrade CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Patek Philip Museum
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 9650 - Philippe Museum, Patek, Tim Willis[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe Museum [German edition]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe Museum
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 9649 - Patek Philippe Museum, Tim Willis[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe Museum [Italian edition]
Keywords: juvenile CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 19646 - Patek Philippe Museum, Tim Willis[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe Museum [Spanish edition]
SubTitle: [English version of this publication is BHM 09650]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 19647 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe Presents - WATCH ART Grand Exhibition - at Saatchi Gallery, London - May 27-June 7 2015
SubTitle: Announcement card
Keywords: luxury UK-London watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 19549 - Patek Philippe Museum, Annonymous, Philippe Stern[Preface], Alan Banbery[Curator Emeritus], Arnauld Tellier[Curator]
Title: Patek Philippe Watches - Volume 1
SubTitle: [Beeing] Vol. I [of 4] Catalog of the Patek Philippe Museum [In brown slipcase with Vol.2]
Keywords: catalog directory reference complication(s) highgrade luxury oeuvre CH-Geneva clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: First Edition 2015
Page or pages: 473
BHM No: 20947 - Patek Philippe Museum, Annonymous, Philippe Stern[Preface], Alan Banbery[Curator Emeritus], Arnauld Tellier[Curator]
Title: Patek Philippe Watches - Volume 2
SubTitle: [Beeing] Vol. II [of 4] Catalog of the Patek Philippe Museum [In brown slipcase with Vol.2]
Keywords: catalog directory reference highgrade luxury oeuvre CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Geneva
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 456
BHM No: 20948 - Fabrice Eschmann
Title: Patek Philippe well feted for its 175th anniversary
SubTitle: [Article in "Haute Hrlogerie" on the 2014 fall watch auctions in Geneva] 19th November 2014
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Graves Patek Supercomplication
Edition: 2014-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19543 - Patek Philippe, Lucy Naylor[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe [The International Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 03 [2010-2015]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1-12 ]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2009
BHM No: 15000 - Patek Philippe, Casey Jones[Editor], Lucy Coles[Editorial Director]
Title: Patek Philippe [The International Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 04 [2016-2021]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1, Spring 2016, No. 2 Fall 2016, No3, Spring 2017, No. 4 Fall 2017, No.5 Spring 2018, ... ]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe
Edition: 2016-2021
BHM No: 20556 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe [The Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 01 [199?--200?]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1-11]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe magazine
Edition: 2003?
BHM No: 14140 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe [The Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 02 [2003-2009]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1,3-12]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe magazine
Edition: 2009
BHM No: 14141 - Casey Jones[Editor]
Title: Patek Philippe [The Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 04 [201?-201?] Publisher: Patek Ph
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1--//]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2017?-
BHM No: 22420 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe [The Magazine; GERMAN Edition] Volume 01 [199?--200?]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1-11]
Keywords: highgrade CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe USA Stern Agency
Edition: 1997?
BHM No: 14139 - Patek-Philippe-SA-Geneva-Switzerland and their USA & their global advertising agencies
SubTitle: ... THE LANDMARK |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: Sunday Sept. 17 2023
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 25049 - Patek Philippe
Title: Patek Philippe. Geneve - Collectiom 2010-2011
SubTitle: [Hardbbound, English language brand line catalog 2010]
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2010-2011
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 18183 - Watchtime.net
Title: Patek Philippe: Nautilus Travel Time Chronograph in Ros?gold | Watches & Wonders 2021 Inbox Newsletter Watchtime.net <newsletter@watchtime.net>
SubTitle: Tue April 27 2021 | Muehle-Glashuette: Die Neue S.A.R Rescue Timer | Patek Philippr: Nautilus Travel Time Chronograph Rosegold | Oris Aquadate Cal.400
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2021-April-27
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 24188 - Watchtime.net
Title: Patek Philippe:Die Gr?nde f?r das Ende der Nautilus Ref.5711[The periodic newsletter of the German website:'Watctime.net]
SubTitle: Featurung: 5 Fakten ueber Rolex | Letzte Chance:Watchtime Spotlight:Highlights 2021 | Certina Action Diver 83mm | Jean Marcel Neuheiten | Tachyskalen
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-March-23
BHM No: 24038 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: Patek Phillippe - T3 Elecronic Master Clock System ca. 1975
Other Keywords: master Patek
Parent Document ID: 7405 - Parent Document Title: [A-2005-11-13-Gva] Important Collectors' Wristwatches, Pocket Watches & Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 86
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 8908 - Frederic Japy, Richard Watkins[Translator]
Title: Patent for Five Years - March 17, 1799 [France]
SubTitle: The following machines produce the principle parts of a watch ... employing only not very skilful workmen, and can even be operated by children
Keywords: machinery
Other Keywords: industrial watchmaking
Edition: 2006 electronic edition
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9489 - ATO, Kundo
Title: Patent GB 746465 App: Sept.17, 1953, Granted March 14, 1956 - ATO [electromagnetic pendulum clock]
SubTitle: Patent GB 85023 App: Dec.21, 1956, Granted Oct 5, 1960 Kundo [electromagnetic pendulum clock]
Keywords: electromechanical clock pendulum
Other Keywords: ATO Kundo patent
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 14416 - Salomon Coster, Christiaan Huygens
Title: Patent Granted to Salomon Coster for making the new invention of Clocks by the States General of Holland [1657]
SubTitle: [Original is a manuscripy Archives de l'etat in The Hague (NL), transcribed in Oevre Complet de Chrisdtian Hugens Vol.II, 1877, No. 525
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1657
BHM No: 20883 - Samuel Coster [Clockmaker], Christiaan Huygens
Title: Patent Granted to Salomon Coster for making the new inventionof clocks - Manuscript in the Archives de l'Etat, The Hahue, NL
SubTitle: [As transcribed in 'Oeuvres Complet de Christian Huygens' Vol.II 1887, No.525]
Other Keywords: Huygens
Edition: 1657
BHM No: 22498 - Douglas K. Stevenson
Title: Patent Nachrichten - Band 1 1877-1910
SubTitle: Patent Listings in the Deutsche Uhrmacher Zeitung
Keywords: patent
Edition: 2003, 1st edition
Page or pages: 382
BHM No: 1899 - Douglas K. Stevenson
Title: Patent Nachrichten - Band 2 1910-1932
SubTitle: Patent Listings in the Deutsche Uhrmacher Zeitung
Keywords: patent
Edition: 2003, 1st edition
Page or pages: 376
BHM No: 5001 - Douglas K. Stevenson[Compiler], Deutsche-Uhrmacher-Zeitung[Info-Source]
Title: Patent Nachrichten [German Horological Patent News] as as published in 'Deutsche Uhrmacher Zeitung [1877-1932] 2 CDs-InHardcas
SubTitle: [see also the three part article 'German Patent Letter Clues' by the author in the Magazine 'Clocks'[UK] and the NAWCC Bulletin Oct. 2000]
Other Keywords: German Patents
Edition: 2003 August-CD-Rom Edition
BHM No: 22995 - NA
Title: Patent- und Gebrauchsmuster Nachrichten aus dem Deutschen Uhrmacher Kalender 1894-1895-1896
SubTitle: [Patent news on horology, extracted from the 1894 to 1896 issues of DUK]
Other Keywords: patents
Edition: 1894
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 12281 - Iwan Kahn
Title: Patente ueber Sonnenuhren
Parent Document ID: 1210 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 18
Edition: 18
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 12783 - Matthew Clark
Title: Patents and Horology
SubTitle: A Concise Guide to Horological Patent Research in the USA
Keywords: patent
Edition: 2002,
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 3114 - ?,
Title: Patents Austria
BHM No: 6198 - Patent Office, UK
Title: Patents for Innventions, Abridgements of Specifications, Class 139, Watches Clocks and other Timepie
SubTitle: Volume 1: 1855 -1900, Vol.2 1901-1930
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1970 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 278 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1855-1866
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1905
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 4012 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1867-1876
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1905
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 1548 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1877-1883
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1893
Page or pages: 105
BHM No: 1545 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1889-1892
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1898
Page or pages: 85
BHM No: 1544 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1889-1892
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1898
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 1547 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1893-1896
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1900
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 1961 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1897-1900
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1903
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 1546 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1909-1915
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: reference patent
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 4789 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1916-1920
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: reference patent
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 4319 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1921-1925
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: reference patent
Edition: 1929
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 4320 - Majesty's Stationary Office, Her
Title: Patents for Inventions - Class 139 - Watches, Clocks and other Timekeepers - Period AD 1926-1930
SubTitle: Abridgements of Specifications
Keywords: reference patent
Edition: 1934
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 4321 - Albert L. (Publisher) Odmark
Title: Patents for Inventions, Abridgements of Specifications, Class 139 Watches, Clocks and other Timepiec
SubTitle: Vol 1, Facsimile reprint of the 1855 to 1900 listing of His Majesty's Stationary Office
Keywords: patent
Other Keywords: directory
Edition: 1979 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 620
BHM No: 402 - Albert L. (Publisher) Odmark
Title: Patents for Inventions, Abridgements of Specifications, Class 139 Watches, Clocks and other Timepiec
SubTitle: Vol 2, Facsimile reprint of the 1855 to 1900 listing of His Majesty's Stationary Office
Keywords: Patent
Other Keywords: Directory
Edition: 1979 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 620
BHM No: 403 - ?,
Title: Patents France
BHM No: 6189 - ?,
Title: Patents UK
BHM No: 6187 - ?,
Title: Patents USA
BHM No: 6188 - A. LangeSohne
Title: Patentschrift - 1879 - No. 9349 - Klasse 83 - Deutsches Reich - A. Lange Sohne in Glashutte (Sachsen) 18. Mai.1879
SubTitle: Vorichtung an Taschenuhren ...zu erkennen .. wie lange dieselben gehen [Windung reserve indicator for pocket watch]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Patent winding indicator
Edition: 1879-05-18
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18547 - Paul Petersen, Andreas Juhl, Paaske Paaskensen
Title: Patentschrift Nr. 42986 - KLASSE 74d - Signaluhr - Kaiserliches Patentamt - Ausgegeben den 30. Juli 1903 an Paul Petersen, Andreas Juhl & ...
SubTitle: ... Paaske Paaskensen. [German Patent for Signaling Clock and Factory Timer} , 2 pages text plus one Drawing
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: patent
Edition: 1902-07-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 20508 - Gebrueder Levi
Title: Patentschrift Nr.102453 Klasse 83: Uhren - Gebr. Levi in Stuttgart - 9.August 1898
SubTitle: Weckereinstellvorichtung mit Vorkehrung zur Unschaedlichmachung des Rueckweaertsdrehens
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: alarm
Edition: 1898
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21139 - Werner Schmid
Title: Patentuebersicht Kontrolluhren Deutsches Reich
Keywords: patent
Other Keywords: list
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1760 - Werner Schmid
Title: Patentuebersicht Kontrolluhren England bis zum Jahr 1945
SubTitle: English Time Recorder Patents up to 1945
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 5594 - Werner Schmid
Title: Patentuebersicht Kontrolluhren USA bis zum Jahr 1945
SubTitle: USA Time Recorder Patents up to 1945
Keywords: patent
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5595 - www.patreetfils.com
Title: Pater&fils - Artistiques horlogeres - Musee d' Hhorlogerie - Atelierde fine mechabique horlogere - www.patretfis.com [France]
SubTitle: A full color business card with an image of a superb [unidentified] ORRREY on the verso |
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Businesscard Longeville France Clockrepair
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24568 - Samuel L. Macey
Title: Patriarchs of Time
SubTitle: Dualism in Saturn-Cronus, Father-Time, the Watchmaker God, and Father Christmas
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: mythology
Edition: 1987, 1st edition
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 5300 - Volker Wollmann
Title: Patrimoniu preindustrial si industrial in Romania [Volumn V]
Keywords: clock watch
Page or pages: 401
BHM No: 22393 - Vacheron Constantin
Title: Patrimony - Vacheron Constantin [catalog ca 2008)
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Vacheron
Edition: 2008 ca
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 18154 - Osvaldo Patrizzi
Title: Patrizzi & Co. Auctioneers - BIDDING at Patrizzi & Co. Auctions
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 12437 - Osvaldo Patrizzi
Title: Patrizzi & Co. Auctioneers - NEWS LETTER Fall 2008
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2008 Fall
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 12436 - R. Newton Mayall
Title: Patrons Horlogers de La Chaux-de-Fonds [Les...]
SubTitle: Dynamique Sociale d'une Elite Industrielle (1840-1920)
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds
Other Keywords: history industrialists economy
Edition: 2007, 1st edition
Page or pages: 234
BHM No: 11622 - Andy Dervan
Title: Patti Clocks - A Video Prensentation on CD [in English] - 30 minutes
SubTitle: Eastern States Regional NAWCC 2011 - Syracuse NY
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Patti
Edition: 2011 August
BHM No: 20056 - Fritz vonOsterhausen
Title: Paul Ditisheim
SubTitle: Chronometrier
Keywords: oeuvre biography escapement metallurgy
Other Keywords: Ditisheim Guillaume
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 4681 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Fritz vonOsterhausen, Paul Ditisheim
Title: Paul Ditisheim, Chronometrier - A synopsis with translated extracts
SubTitle: based on a recent book by Fritz von Osterhausen (from NAWCC Bulletin August 2004)
Keywords: biography precision
Other Keywords: Ditisheim Solvil
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 5905 - Paul Ditisheim
Title: Paul Ditisheim, La Chaux de Fonds No. 16639, 1903-13; a gold, hunter cased minute tourbillion
SubTitle: diameter 56mm
Keywords: tourbillion specific
Other Keywords: Disheim
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 15
Page or pages: 094-95
BHM No: 8941 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: PAUL DITTISHEIN | Scientist - Horologist - Writer | A small poster for the 'NAWCC Mart Talble of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
SubTitle: ...undated ca, 2000-2010 at some NAWCC Events]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Paul Dittisheim
Edition: 2000-2010ca
BHM No: 24648 - Lionel Gaudefroy
Title: Paul Massyre, Sculpteurs d'horloges "Saint-Nicolas"
SubTitle: [An article in "Le Pucheux , Histoire et Traditions de normandie", no. 94. 2008, in French, pages 5-11]
Keywords: clock case
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 17339 - Anonymous,
Title: Paul Melcher 80 Jahre
Parent Document ID: 1756 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 13
Edition: 13
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 12638 - Allen Purcell
Title: Paul Philip Barauld 1753-1820 - An ?Update? on the first Baraud Chronometers (2019)
SubTitle: [ As downloaded from Academia.edu in December 2019 - Numerous color illustrations]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Baraud
Edition: 2019 Update
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 23407 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Paul Philip Barraud - 1750-1929
SubTitle: A Study of a Fine Chronometer Maker. And of his Relatives, Associates and Successors in the Fam.Bus
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Barraud
Edition: 1968, 1st edition
Page or pages: 177
BHM No: 797 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Paul Philip Barraud - The Supplement
SubTitle: AHS Monograph No. 19
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Barraud
Edition: 1978, 1st edition
Page or pages: 283
BHM No: 1671 - Allen Purcell
Title: Paul Philip Barraud 1753-1820 - A (probably) undated unpublished illustrated typescript of 31 pages
SubTitle: [includes 54 images mostly in color]
Keywords: cert.chronometer clock
Edition: 2018?
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 23431 - Annonymous
Title: Paul Rvere & Sons Bell to the Clock Tower at Old South Street Meeting House
SubTitle: Invitation to [re]rising of the bell, Oct 16, 2011
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Pauk Revere bell Old south street meeting house
Edition: 2011-10-16
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 16254 - Joseph H. Schroer
Title: Paul Vortmann, Recklinghausen - Turmuhren und Glockenspiele
Keywords: musical clock
Other Keywords: carillion
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 19395 - Joseph H. Schr?er
Title: Paul Vortmann: Fabrik fuer Turmuhren und Glockenspiele (Fortsetzung)
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 13278 - D.S. Torrens
Title: Pauld Ditisheim - A Tribute to s great Horologist
SubTitle: Reprinted from the Hoological Journal, December 1945
Other Keywords: Ditisheim
Edition: 1945
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 12044 - Valley, Watch
Title: Pays de Neuchatel - Guide touristique
SubTitle: Touristische Attraktionen - Tourist Guide
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: tourist guide Neuchatel
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 2457 - Jacques Bujard, Laurent Tissot, Nicole Bosshard[Iconography], Bernard Muller[Iconography], Marlyse Schmid[Iconography]
Title: pays de Neuchatel et son patrimoine Horloger
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 390
BHM No: 12452 - Jean-Pierre Viennet, Noel Barbe[Preface], Joseph Flores, Jaques Donze, Noel Barbe
Title: Pays des Horloges [Le...] -Trois siecles d'histoire Franco-Suisse
SubTitle: [Watchmaking Country - Three centuties of Franco-Suisse History {along the river Doubs, at the French Swiss border}]
Keywords: F-Comtoise clock watch
Other Keywords: Doubs
Edition: 2015 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 20448 - Robert Pinot, Jaques Hainard
Title: Paysans et Horlogers Jurassiens
SubTitle: preface de Jaques Hainard
Keywords: Jura Regional history
Other Keywords: labor homeworker economics
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 352
BHM No: 5679 - M.V. Brewington, Peabody Museum
Title: Peabody Museum Collection of Navigating Instruments with Notes on their Makers [The...]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: navigation compass sextant Peabody Salem
Edition: 1963, 1st edition of 1000
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 11211 - Ron Brown
Title: Peak fitting and FFTs compensate for instrument-response functions
Other Keywords: Data analysis FFT non-linear peak detection
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 dec
Page or pages: 48 - 52
BHM No: 8297 - Ken Friedenthal
Title: Peeling an Onion ( A Framework for Time keeping Quality)
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-1
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9197 - unknown
Title: Pegged Chiming Barrel Tower Clock of 1672, formerly in the town hall of Tholen (The Netherlands)
SubTitle: [A Photograph] [The clock is now at the Nationaal Beiaardmuseum in Asten, NL]
Keywords: musical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Asten Tholen programmable carillion
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 13664 - Philip Pattenden
Title: Pelican Sundial [The?]
SubTitle: Description of the Tables
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Oxford pelican
Edition: 1980, 1st edition
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 2218 - E.A.Russel Westwood[Photographer]
Title: Penang in dry dock - [historic photpgraph by E.A.Russel Westwood, dated 1923,
Other Keywords: London
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC*01021
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22238 - C. Jeanenne Bell
Title: Pendant and Pocket Watches 1500-1950 - [Collectors Encyclopedia of?] VALUES UPDATED [2007]
SubTitle: Identification and Values
Other Keywords: pendant watch
Edition: 2007, values updated edition
Page or pages: 365
BHM No: 10584 - Carl Satori
Title: Pendel mit Quarzatange & " Ein neues kompensationspendel"
Other Keywords: Satori quartz pendulum rod austria
Parent Document ID: 6198 - Parent Document Title: Patents Austria
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1913 mar
BHM No: 8291 - K[arl] Giebel
Title: Pendel [Das?]
Keywords: advanced
Edition: 1982, Callwey reprint edition of 1951 edition
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 1039 - Reinhard Jackle
Title: Pendelschlage - Uber die Geschichte des Schwarzwalder Unternehmens Gebr. Staiger in St. Georgen und die dort stattgefundene Entwicklung der Quartz-Uhr
SubTitle: [The history of the Staiger enterprise in St.Georgen (Black Forest) and the development there of the quartz clock in the second half of the 20th cent.
Keywords: electronic D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: quartz St.Georgen Staiger
Edition: 2009 undated
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 13998 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Stephan Andreewitch, Paul Archad
Title: Pendeluhren der Donaumonarchie aus der ersten HAelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
SubTitle: [Pendulum clocks from the Habsburg empire in the first half of the 19th century]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 18577 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2013, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 115-124
BHM No: 18589 - C. Jeanenne Bell
Title: Pendent and Pocket Watches 1500-1950 - [Collectors Encyclopedia of?]
SubTitle: Identification and Values
Keywords: basic
Other Keywords: priceguide pendent watch
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 5840 - Claudio Ghidoni, Gabriele Ribolini
Title: Pendoletta Fantasia
SubTitle: '900, Technologia e Curiosita
Other Keywords: fanatasy
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 206
BHM No: 5913 - H. Bouasse
Title: Pendule - Spiral - Diaposon, Vol. II, Mesure des Forces et Chronometrie Appliquation a l'Horlogerie
SubTitle: [Series:] Bibliotheque Scientifique de l'ingineur et du pysicien
Keywords: textbook clock foliot pendulum theory technical
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 518
BHM No: 13913 - H. Bouasse
Title: Pendule - Spiral - Diaposon, Vol.1, Mesure des Forces et Chronometrie Appliquation a l'Horlogerie
SubTitle: [Series:] Bibliotheque Scientifique de l'ingineur et du pysicien
Keywords: textbook escapement gearing clock watch pendulum balancewheel advanced theory technical
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 475
BHM No: 14292 - Claude Grivolas
Title: Pendule 400 Jours - Fabrication Fran?aise 1910
SubTitle: [Facsimile reprint of 1910 Catalog]
Other Keywords: Grivolas 400day torsion anniversary
Edition: 2001 facsimile reprint of 1910
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2678 - Guy Blazy, Bernard Seneca, Claude Thierez[Photography]
Title: pendule a sujet au Directoire a Louis-Philippe [La...]
SubTitle: Saint Omer, Musee Sandelin, du 26 juin au 12 septembre 1993
Keywords: catalog case
Other Keywords: bronze figural
Edition: 1993, 1st edition
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 11717 - J. Haag
Title: Pendule Conique Isochrone
SubTitle: Isochronous Conical Pendulum
Parent Document ID: 2809 - Parent Document Title: Annales Francaises de Chronometrie [1939] Organe Trimestrielle de l'observoitoire National de Besancon
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1951 5, 2nd series
Page or pages: 101-111
BHM No: 7915 - Hubert Sarton
Title: Pendule de Compagnie
Keywords: specific clock
Edition: 1790 ca.
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 16378 - Didier Convard, Eric Adam, Fred Vignaux[Illustarations]
Title: Pendule de Foucault [Le...] - Les chroniques se platterre
SubTitle: [A French language graphic novel on proving that the earth is not flat and foucults pendulum]
Keywords: pendulum
Other Keywords: Foucault
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 49
BHM No: 17325 - L. Gagnant
Title: Pendule de Morez [La...] - avec 75 Figures dans le text
SubTitle: [The Morez Clock, with 75 illustrations in the text]
Keywords: F-Comtoise clock
Other Keywords: Morez Morbier Burgundy
Edition: Undated, presumably late 19th century
Page or pages: 81
BHM No: 21502 - Mathieu Planchon
Title: Pendule de Paris [La..]
SubTitle: Son evolution decorative, avec 176 gravures
Other Keywords: pendule Paris
Edition: 1921
Page or pages: 190
BHM No: 6778 - Richard Chavigny, Cyrille Boulay
Title: Pendule de Paris [LA..]
SubTitle: sa description, sa datation, sa reparation
Other Keywords: Paris pendule type
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 7089 - Richard Chavigny
Title: pendule de Paris [La?] et sa cadette la pendulette de voyage
SubTitle: ANCAHA Publications hors Series
Keywords: Regional
Other Keywords: Paris Pendule Carriage clock
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 5677 - Richard Chavigny, Elois Fievez
Title: Pendule de Paris [La?] et sa cadette la pendulette de voyage
SubTitle: ANCAHA Publications hors Series - Reedition 2ieme Trimestre 2012
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Edition: 2012 Reedition 2ieme Trimestre 2012
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 21561 - Jean-Michel Piguet
Title: Pendule des Chomeurs (1914-1916) [La...]
SubTitle: [ Pendulum clocks of the Unemployed (1914-1916) ]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Other Keywords: neuchatel neuchateloise
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p. 193 - p. 198
BHM No: 21429 - Thierry Amstutz
Title: Pendule du souvenir [La...]
SubTitle: Roman [a novel]
Keywords: historic CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Other Keywords: novel
BHM No: 17311 - Thierry Amstutz
Title: Pendule du Souvenir [La...] - Roman [A novel Horological fiction, Switzerland, in FRENCH]
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 20140 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La...] - 1ere Partie: Des origines au Louis XV - 2eme Partie: Du Louis XVI a nos jours - ...
SubTitle: 3eme Partie: Les Provinces Francaises / Horloges et pendules etrangers [all bound into one volume]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1974/1969/1974
Page or pages: 893
BHM No: 20186 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La..] I
SubTitle: 1er Partie: De l'Horloge Gothique a la Pendule Louis XV, [No. 129]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1974 No. 129
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 116 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La..] I & II
SubTitle: 1er Partie:De l'Horloge Gothique a la Pendule LouisXV, [No104], 2me Partie:Du Louis XVI a nos jours [No.106]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1961/1962 No, 104 & 106
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 114 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La..] II
SubTitle: 2me Partie: Du Louis XVI a nos jours, [No.119]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1969 No. 119
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 117 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La..] III
SubTitle: 3me Partie: Provinces et Etranger, [No.110]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1964 no 110
Page or pages: 226
BHM No: 115 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy
Title: Pendule Francaise [La..] III
SubTitle: 3me Partie: Les Provinces francaises Horloges et Oendules etrangeres, [No. 130]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1974 No. 130
Page or pages: 386
BHM No: 118 - Piere Kjellberg
Title: Pendule Francaise [La?] du moyen age au Xxe sciecle
Keywords: history case
Edition: 1997, 1st edition
Page or pages: 526
BHM No: 723 - Musee du temps
Title: Pendule Ostensoir du Cardinal Antoine de Granville - Fichier detaillees
SubTitle: [Museum file record Besancon on a renaissance monstrance clock, Augsburg 1564, modifiedand restored by ANtide Janvier
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Janvier Besancon Granville monstrance
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15058 - Johann Georg Krampe[clockmaker], Johan Georg Krampe, Joseph-de-St.Germim(Casemaker-Paris), Joseph-de-St.Germin(Casemaker-Paris), MauriceBarbey(Photography)
Title: Pendule Transition Louis XV-XVI | Case by Joseph de St.Gernain, Paris, Movement by Johann Georg Krampe, Basel ca,1770
Keywords: gravity measurement
Other Keywords: Kirschgarten-Museum-Basel(Greeting-Card)
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24717 - J.C. Nicolet, R. [Translator] Wyss
Title: Pendulerie
Keywords: textbook
Edition: 1984, 1st German edition
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 973 - Estelle Fallet
Title: pendulerie dans les collections du Musee de l'horlogerie ...[La...]
SubTitle: et de l'emaillerie de Geneve
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Geneve Geneva exhibition
Edition: 1st edition 2005 of 1000 copies
Page or pages: 93
BHM No: 7188 - J.C. Nicolet
Title: Pendulerie [La...]
SubTitle: [French language Edition, 2nd edition 2011, facsimile reprint of the 1st edition of 1980]
Keywords: textbook clock basic technical practical
Edition: 2011, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 202
BHM No: 16674 - Pascal Landwerlin
Title: pendulerie, specialite horlogere qui se pert [La...]
SubTitle: [ Pendulum clock making, a dieing craft ]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p. 221 - p. 224
BHM No: 21431 - J. Otto Scherer
Title: Pendules
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 22949 - Olivier Dacade
Title: Pendules
SubTitle: Musee des Arts decoratifs de Lyon
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Lyon
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 13963 - J. Otto Scherer
Title: Pendules
SubTitle: [Orbis pictus series, Volume 23]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1980s
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5753 - Beatrice Mura
Title: Pendules au negre
SubTitle: [In:] L'Estampille L'Object d'Art - No. 242, Novembre 1990
Other Keywords: Negre
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 4989 - Marie-France Dupuy-Baylet
Title: Pendules des premieres annees du XIXe siecle et leur cortege d'object mobiliers
SubTitle: [Weboffprint of an aricle from " L'estampille", June1997]
Keywords: highgrade luxury type REGIONAL F-Paris
Other Keywords: empire bronzier sculptural
Edition: 1997 June issue
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 10533 - Marie-France Dupuy-Baylet
Title: Pendules du Mobilier National 1800-1870
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: mobilier national
Edition: 2006, 1st Edition
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 10578 - J Granier
Title: Pendules Elecriques
Keywords: electric historic
Edition: 1999, Xerox
Page or pages: 171
BHM No: 317 - J Granier
Title: Pendules Electriques A l'usage de l'Enseignement techniquw superieur
SubTitle: [Electrical Clocks, {a textbook] for the use in teaching at higher technichal schools]
Keywords: textbook electrical electromechanical electronic
Edition: 1935
Page or pages: 171
BHM No: 11641 - Alfred P. Zeller
Title: Pendules et Horloges
SubTitle: L'Art des Choses
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1976, 1st french edition
Page or pages: 155
BHM No: 4399 - Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
Title: Pendules et Horloges d' Antide Janvier
SubTitle: 12 juin - 12 juillet 1951 [the bicentanary of his birth] - Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
Keywords: oeuvre
Other Keywords: Janvier CNAM 1951
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 11254 - Alain Jacob, Jean Merchadou(Photography)
Title: Pendules Louis XV: triomphe du rocaille
SubTitle: [article in "abc - antiquit?s, beaux-arts, curiosit?s" No. 165-166, Juillet/Aout 1978]
Keywords: REGIONAL F-Paris case
Other Keywords: Louis XV
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 9758 - Alfred Chapuis, Charles Kehrli
Title: Pendules Nechateloises Documents Nouveaux
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Neuchatel makers
Edition: 1987, facsimile
Page or pages: 273
BHM No: 425 - J.P. Matthey
Title: Pendulier [Le ?] Neuchatelois
Keywords: regional advanced
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 1426 - Roger Smith
Title: Penduliers neuchatelois et connexion anglo-suisse a fin du XVII siecle
SubTitle: [ Neuchatel Pendulum Clock MAkers mand their London connections ]
Keywords: historic CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region UK-London clock
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p. 175 - p. 192
BHM No: 21428 - Gregory L. Baker, James A. Blackburn
Title: Pendulum - a case stydy in physics [The..]
Keywords: advanced theory pendulum pendulum measurement data analysis modeling
Other Keywords: physics
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 288
BHM No: 7083 - John Saby
Title: Pendulum Adjustment Nomogram (reprint)
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-5
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9045 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Pendulum Air Movement
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-1
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9282 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Pendulum Air Movement: A Failed Experiment
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-4
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9260 - George Feinstein
Title: Pendulum bob configuration and thermal compensation
Other Keywords: thermal compensation bob shape
Parent Document ID: 3006 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 1997, No. 306-311, Vol. XXXIX
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1997 apr
Page or pages: 181 - 186
BHM No: 8265 - George Feinstein
Title: Pendulum Bob Configuration and Thermal Compensation
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-2
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9058 - Dallas Cain
Title: Pendulum circular error correction for a nickel
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-1
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 9006 - Woodsmith
Title: Pendulum Clock
SubTitle: [An article in:] Woodsmith - Notes from the Shop, No.89, Vol.15 [1993]
Keywords: case basic practical how-to
Other Keywords: blueprints plans case
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 7489 - Isaac Thuret
Title: Pendulum Clock
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Huygens
Parent Document ID: 5919 - Parent Document Title: Huygens Collection [The?]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 14-15
BHM No: 7807 - Salomon Coster
Title: Pendulum Clock by Salomon Coster 1657
Keywords: historic specific pendulum
Other Keywords: Huygens
Parent Document ID: 5907 - Parent Document Title: Museum Boerhave Leiden
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 5
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 7805 - A.D. Stewart
Title: Pendulum Clock Precison 1750-1960
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: precision measurement data analysis pendulum
Other Keywords: performance
Parent Document ID: 4398 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - The Quest for acurate Timekeeping
Edition: 08
Page or pages: 163-167
BHM No: 10307 - Robert J. Hoey
Title: Pendulum Clock Repair and Service Manual
Keywords: practical pendulum
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 1174 - Christiaan Huygens, Richard J. [Translator] Blackwell
Title: Pendulum Clock [The?] or Geometrical Demostration concerning the motion of Pendula as applied to c
Keywords: pendulum historic
Edition: 1986, 1st ed of this translation
Page or pages: 182
BHM No: 1468 - H.R.A. Mallock
Title: Pendulum Clocks and their Errors
Other Keywords: pendulum errors springs knife edge escapements temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 6205 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1911
Page or pages: 505 - 526
BHM No: 8355 - H.R.A. Mallock
Title: Pendulum Clocks and their Errors
SubTitle: [Weboffprint from Proceedings A of the Royal Society London, Vol.85, no. 581, p 505-526]
Keywords: pendulum
Edition: 2006 weboffprint
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 10513 - Patrick T. Squire
Title: Pendulum damping
Other Keywords: pendulum damping theory experiment resistance angle sensor
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1986 54 nov
Page or pages: 984 - 991
BHM No: 7883 - Jerry Walker
Title: Pendulum Error An Important Cause of - sliding friction between the pendulum rod and bob
Parent Document ID: 4902 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 24 - 2001
Edition: 1997-2
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 9173 - Sigmund Riefler
Title: Pendulum escapement with perfectly free pendulum
Other Keywords: Riefler escapement
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: none
Page or pages: 5 pages
BHM No: 8288 - J.A. Duerksen
Title: Pendulum Gravity Data in the United States - Special Publication no. 244
Keywords: gravity measurement
BHM No: 6234 - Clarence H. Swick
Title: Pendulum Gravity Measurements and Isostatic Reductions
Keywords: knife edge gravity measurement
BHM No: 6235 - Pierre Boucheron
Title: Pendulum losses as a function of semiarc
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-2
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 9017 - Ronald B. Horstmann
Title: Pendulum magnetic escapement: A winner in the 1985 competition
Other Keywords: escapement magnetic
Parent Document ID: 3422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1986-1988] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1986 jun sep
Page or pages: 18-19
BHM No: 8092 - Bonhams,, Ahasuerus Fromanteel
Title: Pendulum Party - A reception to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Ahasuerus Fromanteel's first advertisement introducing the pendulum to Great Bri..
SubTitle: [Invitation card, including a facsimile of the advertisement of 27th October 1658 in Mercurius Politicus, London]
Keywords: UK-London clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Fromanteel
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 12374 - Pierre Boucheron
Title: Pendulum period versus pressure
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-5
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9039 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Pendulum Rods
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-5
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 9042 - Randall Peters, Sheng-Chiang Lee
Title: Pendulum Sensor using an Optical Mouse
Keywords: sensors
Other Keywords: optical mouse
BHM No: 15051 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Pendulum spring / circular error references
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-5
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9353 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Pendulum Support Reaction and Support Drives
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-3
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9065 - Pierre Boucheron
Title: Pendulum Suspension
Other Keywords: pendulum suspension spring
Parent Document ID: 3421 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1988-1990] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1988 130 jan
Page or pages: 16-19
BHM No: 8113 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Pendulum Suspension Springs
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-4
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 9036 - Pierre Boucheron
Title: Pendulum Suspensions
Other Keywords: spring suspension knife edge
Parent Document ID: 2684 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 1987, No. 246-251, Vol. XXIX
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1987 apr
Page or pages: 98-104
BHM No: 8249 - Horological Institute, British, Clockmakers, Company
Title: Pendulum to Atom - A Centenary Exhibition at Goldsmith Hall, from Oct. 14 - 25th, 1958
SubTitle: incl. Pieces from the Royal collection and from the Ilbert Collection
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Ilbert BHI
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 953 - William Nicholson
Title: Pendulum [ An article in: A Journal of natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts...] - Vol. 1 , p. 56-66] [ An article in: A Journal of natural...]
SubTitle: [ ...Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts...] [Describes Mercury and gridiron pendulum, and a new bimetalic suspension for temperature compensation]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 1797 - Vol. 1 , p. 56-66
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 21874 - Michael R. Matthews, Colin F. Gauld, Arthur Stinner
Title: Pendulum [The...]
SubTitle: Scientific Historical, Philosophical & Educational Perspectives
Keywords: pendulum physics
Other Keywords: teaching IPP education philosophy science
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 542
BHM No: 7417 - Robert A. Nelson, M.G. Olsson
Title: Pendulum [The?] - Rich Physics from a Simple System
SubTitle: Article in American Journal of Physiscs, 54 (2) February 1986
Keywords: pendululum advanced
Other Keywords: experiment gravity
Edition: 1998, fotocopy
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 1367 - J. Eric Haswell
Title: Pendulums
SubTitle: Horological Technology Series (Reprint)
Keywords: pendulum
Edition: 1999?
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 708 - Norman Fritz
Title: Pendulums driven off resonant frequency
Parent Document ID: 7210 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1996, Vol. 5
Edition: 1996-1
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 9121 - Evan Edwards
Title: Pendulums Factors Card
Parent Document ID: 3063 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1992, Vol. 1
Edition: 1992-2
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 8999 - Philip Woodward
Title: Pendulums in a Noisy Environment 1, 2 & 3
Other Keywords: pendulum vibration accuracy error
Parent Document ID: 3418 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1995-1996] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 aug sep oct
Page or pages: 273-275, 300-302, 34
BHM No: 8108 - Philip Woodward
Title: Pendulums in a noisy environment: 1:The BAteman Effect, 2. Noise power, 3. Timekeeping errors,; Group 3: Error Analysis
SubTitle: from Horological Journal August 1996
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 3-3
Page or pages: 146-161
BHM No: 10728 - Alan Emmerson
Title: Pendulums Revisited
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-2
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9238 - Douglas Bateman
Title: Pendulums swinging with very small amplitudes
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-4
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 9037 - Chris Smeenk, Zvi Biener
Title: Pendulums, Pedagogy, and Matter: Lessons from the Editing of Newton's Principia
Keywords: physics
Parent Document ID: 7417 - Parent Document Title: Pendulum [The...]
Edition: 10
Page or pages: 127 - 138
BHM No: 8982 - Robert Pennington
Title: Pennington, London, no. 117/511, 1808; a large gold pair cased five minute repeating a toc pocket chronometers. diameter 65mm
SubTitle: 18 carat gold, gilt full plate movement, spring detent escapement, withy Pennington's bi-metallic compensation balance
Keywords: highgrade specific UK-London temp-compensation escapement detached/free
Other Keywords: chronometer escapement
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 09
Page or pages: 082-83
BHM No: 9485 - James Biser Whisker, Steven P. Petrucelli
Title: Pennsylvania Clockmakers, Watchmakers and Allied Crafts
SubTitle: with a study of Pennsylvania Clocks by Steven Petrucelli
Keywords: regional directory
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 246
BHM No: 1550 - Carter Harris
Title: Pennsylvania Clocks 1750-1850
SubTitle: A Special Exhibit at the National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia PA
Keywords: exhibition catalog regional
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania NWCM NAWCC
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 3765 - Carter Harris
Title: Pennsylvania Clocks 1750-1850
SubTitle: A Special Exhibit at the National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia PA
Keywords: floorclock catalog regional
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 3766 - George H. Eckhardt
Title: Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers
SubTitle: An Epic of Early American Science, Industry and Craftsmanship
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 1955, 3rd printing
Page or pages: 229
BHM No: 1939 - James W. Gibbs
Title: Pennsylvania Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Antique Timepieces and their Makers
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 1984, 1st edition
Page or pages: 312
BHM No: 1936 - Edward F. LaFondJr, Carter Harris
Title: Pennsylvania Shelf and Bracket Clocks 1750-1850
Keywords: REGIONAL clock antique
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 12095 - Christiane Villain-Gandossi, Jaqueline Lorenz
Title: Penser le temps ... - Actes du 129e congres national des societes historiques et scientifiques
SubTitle: [Thinking about time - Proceedings of the 129th national convention of historic and scientific societies]
Keywords: time
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 198
BHM No: 14453 - Albin Schaeder
Title: Peoletarian Watch [The...]
SubTitle: A Celebretation of Georges Frederic Roskopf and his idea to produce a reliable and affordable watch for the great masses in the ninteenth century.
Keywords: popular
Other Keywords: Roskopf dollar watch
Edition: 2007-1st edition
Page or pages: 215
BHM No: 11540 - Webo
Title: Pep und Hemmung - zu seinem vierten Schnapszahl Geburtstag am 27. April 2002
SubTitle: [Limited Edition of 25 copies]
Keywords: escapement watch
Edition: 2002-04-27
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 20081 - Roberto Franciulli
Title: Per acculturarsi (Per la vostro bibliotheka) - Approxiamatly 60 short 'Bookreviews' (anywhere from a couple of lines to a few paragraphs, of ...
SubTitle: ... horological books published in various languages between 2000 and 2012 in the Magazine 'La Voce di Hora' (Weboffprint HORA 2017)
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 21929 - Thomas McIntyre
Title: Percursors to Industrialization
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Stevens Peatling Cairns Embree Goddard Pitkin preindustrial
Parent Document ID: 8932 - Parent Document Title: Boston - Cradle of Industrial Watchmaking - EXHIBITION CATALOG
Page or pages: 004-12
BHM No: 8933 - Philip Poniz
Title: Perelet or Sarton - The War over the Inventionnof the Self-Winding Watch
SubTitle: [2013 Draftt Paper]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: selfwinding Sarton Perrelet
Edition: 2013 Draft
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 18401 - Watch Company, Waltham
Title: Perfect American Watch [The...]
SubTitle: American Waltham Watch Co.
Keywords: catalog facsimile watch
Other Keywords: waltham
Edition: 2011 Facsimile of 1900 original
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 16099 - Stefan Muser, Auktionen Dr. Crott
Title: Perfect Marine Balance Longitute Clock [The...] - BMP2, ca 1685 - A documentation [on occasion of its offer at auction]
SubTitle: [attributed to Christiaan Huygens[Inventor] , includes English and German language Aution Catalog Entries with many pictures, and an annonymous essay]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Longitude clock, Perfect Marine Balance, Balance Marine Perfait,
Edition: 2013-11-16
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 18427 - Alexander Koksharov[Photographer]
Title: Perfect Timimg - Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Clocks in the Hermitage
SubTitle: [A Photoessay]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: St.Petersberg, Hermitage
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 20960 - Tourneau,
Title: Perfect Timing
SubTitle: Tourneau since 1900 [November 2005]
Keywords: catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: Tourneau
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 7407 - Jewler, Modern, Jeff [Editor] Prine
Title: Perfect Timing - A Consumer Guide to fine Watch Styling
SubTitle: Hot Watch Trends for Fall/Winter 2001/2002
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 862 - Olga Grigoryevna Kostiuk, Olga Grigoryevna Kostiuk[Curator], Leonid Raigorodsky[IntroductoryText], Alexander Kokssharov[Photography], Olga Lokalova[ObjectDescriptions], Grigory Yastrebinsky[ObjectDescriptions]
Title: Perfect Timing[Text-And-Titel-In-CyrillicLetters] - Sixteenth- and seventeenth Century Clocks in the Hermitage
Other Keywords: Hermitage Russia St.Petersburg
Edition: 2016 1st edition
Page or pages: 280
BHM No: 21022 - David Heskin
Title: Perfecting the Harrison Single Pivot Grasshopper Escapement [CD-ROM edition]
SubTitle: [An edited extract from 'Perfecting the Harrison Grasshoppen Escapement, ISBN 978-0-9555875-4-2]
Keywords: escapement clock technical
Other Keywords: Grasshopper Harrison
Edition: 2009, CD ROM edition
BHM No: 15719 - David Heskin
Title: Perfecting the Harrison Single Pivot Grasshopper Escapement [Weboffprint edition]
SubTitle: [An edited extract from 'Perfecting the Harrison Grasshoppen Escapement, ISBN 978-0-9555875-4-2]
Keywords: escapement clock advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: grasshopper Harrison
Edition: 2009, 1st edition-weboffprint
BHM No: 15718 - J. Rambal
Title: Perfectionnement a la methode courante de verification de la grosseur des ignons et application du procede au choix d'une fraise Ingold
SubTitle: Improvemnts to the current method to measure the size of pinions und use of the results to choose a Ingold Fraise
Keywords: gearing measurement watch
Other Keywords: pinions Ingold fraise
Edition: 1916, 3rd edition
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 13880
Title: Perfectionnements aux horloges magn?to?lectriques
SubTitle: Improvements to magnetoelectric clocks
Parent Document ID: 2807 - Parent Document Title: Annales Francaises de Chronometrie [1955] Organe trimestriel de l'observoitoire National de Besancon
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1955 9, 2nd series
Page or pages: 217 - 225
BHM No: 7904- Philip Woodward
Title: performance of a 19th century regulator by William Hardy [The...]; Group 3: Error Analysis
SubTitle: from Horological Journal March 1993
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 3-2
Page or pages: 133-145
BHM No: 10727 - David Blair, Li Ju, E.F. Moghaddam, Li Ju
Title: Performance of an ultra low-frequency folded pendulum
Other Keywords: gravitational waves folded pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6196 - Parent Document Title: Physics Letters A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1994 193 10 oct 3
Page or pages: 223-226
BHM No: 8319 - Philip Woodward
Title: Performance of the Daniels coaxial escapement; Group 4: Timekeeping Stability
SubTitle: from Horological Journal August 2004
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 4-3
Page or pages: 191-196
BHM No: 10732 - Robert Katsma
Title: Period of a Cycloidal Pendulum with Rotation Proportional to Displacement
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-5
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 9274 - K A Stroud
Title: Period of a rigid pendulum pivoting on flattened knife edges
Keywords: theory knife edge measurement
Parent Document ID: 6195 - Parent Document Title: Physics Education
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1987
Page or pages: 170 - 173
BHM No: 8520 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Period of a Simple Pendulum is Not 2*pi*(L/g)^0.5
Parent Document ID: 7216 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2003, Vol. 12
Edition: 2003-5
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 9397 - Regine Abegg, Francois deCapitani, Leza Dosh, Martin Illi, Felicitas Meile, Gaby Petrak, Bebu Schubiger, Roger Seiler, Christina Sonderegger, Andreas Spillmann
Title: Period Rooms - Die Historischen Zimmer im Landesmuseum Zuerich - [The Period rooms at the Swiss National Musem in Zuerich
SubTitle: Publisher:Christina Sonderegger
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Catalog ex-Landesmusem
BHM No: 24751 - Robert L. Belleville
Title: Period Variation in an Electronically Maintained Clock
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-4
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9259 - Yavor Kostov
Title: Period-speed analysis of a pendulum
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: air friction drag
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 2008 vol 76 no 10 oct
Page or pages: 956 - 962
BHM No: 14234 - Henri Michel
Title: Periode archaique et antiquites
SubTitle: Collections du Musee International d'Horlogerie
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: gothic MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds astrolabes
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 880 - Library and Research Center, NAWCC
Title: Periodical Holdings
SubTitle: ca. 1997
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: NWCM NAWCC
Edition: 1997?
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 928 - Joseph Flores
Title: Perp?tuelles ? roue de rencontre - Montres automatiques, und page d'histoire [2eme Edition]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: Sarton selfwinding automatic
Edition: 2009, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 14732 - Joseph Flores
Title: Perp?tuelles ? roue de rencontre - Montres automatiques, und page d'histoire [Edition originalle]
SubTitle: Analyse d'un document de l'Academie Francaise de 1778 et de ses consequances historiques
Keywords: automatic
Other Keywords: Breguet Berthoud
Edition: 2001, 1st edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 3145 - Jelani Eddington[Performer], David Harris[Performer]
Title: Perpetual Motion featuring the 4 manual 73 rank Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ and Boesendorfer Imperial Grand Piano at San Sylmar
SubTitle: [Audio CD 15 selections, 1 h 09 minutes - recorded Nov 14/19 2004]
Keywords: musical
Other Keywords: Nethercut Sylmar orchestrion Wurlitzer
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 16423 - Silvio A. Bedini
Title: Perpetuum Mobile - the invention of rolling ball clocks in the seventeenth century
Other Keywords: rolling ball clocks history
Parent Document ID: 3080 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 1953-57, No. 51-70, Vol. VI&VII-Reprint
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1956 7 feb
Page or pages: 74 - 87
BHM No: 8246 - C.F.C. Beeson
Title: Perpignan 1356
SubTitle: The Making of a Tower Clock and Bell for the King's Castle
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Perpignan King Pere
Edition: 1982, 1st edition
Page or pages: 460
BHM No: 9 - Perrelet
Title: Perrelet 1777 - Inventor of the Automatic Watch - Press Kit - Novelties 2009
SubTitle: [Flyers and CD ROM]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Perrelet
Edition: 2009
BHM No: 13992 - Earl Stanley Gardner
Title: Perry Mason solves the case of the Buried Clock
Edition: 1950, 4th printing, 1st Pocketbook editi
Page or pages: 233
BHM No: 10052 - Gerth Herold, J?rgen Emmert
Title: Personal Library Catalog [A?] of horological book
SubTitle: focused on German Language Publications, 1. Author Listing, 2. Subject Listing
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Herold
Edition: 2002 weboffprint
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 3623 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki, Bob Holmstrom[for-mission-statement-of-BHI]
Title: Personal Profile of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki - for WCC [as submitted July 25 2020 to the Master of the WCC London at her request]
SubTitle: [16 pages, including her invite to submit, a 576 word article draft, 5 posible images, and background info on the mission of the BHM Database]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHM
Edition: 2020-07-25
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 23613 - Watch Co., Hamilton
Title: Persuit of Accuracy
SubTitle: The Story behind Amerca's Fine Watch
Other Keywords: Hamilton
Edition: 1940
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 2558 - George Feinstein
Title: Pertinent quotes from early letters by Rawlings and Shortt via
Parent Document ID: 7210 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1996, Vol. 5
Edition: 1996-5
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 9161 - Salvador Gil, Daniel E. Di Gregorio
Title: Perturbation of a classical oscillator: A variation on a theme of Huygens
Keywords: oscillator isochronism
Other Keywords: Huygens
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 2006 vol.74 no. 1
Page or pages: 60-67
BHM No: 10075 - Wolfgang Komzak
Title: Pessariis [A travelvideo on a clockcentric Italian Village]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Pessaiis
Edition: 2010, CD-ROM edition
BHM No: 14874 - Hans-Jochen Kummer
Title: Peter Andreas Hansen (1795 1874) vom Uhrmacher zum Astronomen
Parent Document ID: 616 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2001, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 40
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 13365 - Karl Roettel[Editor], Brigitte Riese, Siegfried Hofmann, Reinard Wzilau, Ilse Ernst, Christoph Schoener, Guenther Koch, Karl Roetel, Edmund Hausfelder, Willhelm Fuessl, Werner Eberweier, Kurt Scheurer
Title: Peter Apian Astronomi, Kosmograohie und Mathematik am Beginn der Neuzeit - mit Austellungskatalog [72 Seiten, 438 Objekte]]
SubTitle: [Peter Apian, Astronomer - Cosmography and Math after the middle ages - with Exhibit Catalog {72 p. 438 objects]
Other Keywords: Apian
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 360
BHM No: 22376 - Dietrich Wattenberg
Title: Peter Apianus und sein Astronomicum Caesareum
SubTitle: [Peter Apian and his Astronomicum Caesareum]
Other Keywords: Apianus Apian
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 12068 - Deutsche Reichspost
Title: Peter Henlein + 1542 - Erfinder der Taschenuhr [Briefmarke/Postage Stamp Michel Nr. 819 1942] Deutsches Reich 6+24
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein postagestamp
Edition: 1942
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19873 - Albert Gumbel
Title: Peter Henlein - Der Erfinder der Taschenuhren
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Peter Henlein
Edition: 2008 facsimile edition of 1921 original
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11919 - Albert Gumbel
Title: Peter Henlein - Der Erfinder der Taschenuhren [CD-ROM edition der DGC]
Keywords: facsimile D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein
Edition: 2008 CD Rom facsimile edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 20589 - No-stated-author
Title: Peter Henlein Taschenuhr Anno 1505
SubTitle: [An annonymous 56 page illustrated brochure Feb 2008, with FALSE claims about a Bisam Sphere watch by Henlein dated 1505]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein Bisam
Edition: 2008 1st edition
Page or pages: 57
BHM No: 21348 - Gustav Speckert
Title: Peter Henlein, der Erfinder der Taschenuhr - Fachgeschichtliche Abhandlung
SubTitle: [Peter Henlein the inventor of the pocket watch]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Helein Nuernberg Nurnberg
Edition: 1890
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 16672 - Margret Rettich
Title: Peter lernt die Uhr
SubTitle: RiRaRutsch - Mit Bildern lesen und lernen
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: telltime
Edition: 1998, 1st edition
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 3140 - R.P. Howgrave-Graham
Title: Peter Lightfoot, Monk of Glastonbury and the Old Clock at Wells
SubTitle: A poem with an illustrated account of the clock
Other Keywords: Wells cathedral
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 272 - Dieter Landrock
Title: Peter Paulson (1739 1776) Uhrmacher der Herrnhuter Bruedergemeine
Parent Document ID: 616 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2001, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 40
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 13366 - Doris Unitt, Peter Unitt
Title: Peter's Clock Book
SubTitle: illustrated step-by-step guide to cleaning spring or weight driven clocks, together with recepie for
Other Keywords: cleaning
Edition: 1975, 4th printing
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2748 - Jean-Marc Barrelet
Title: Petit Guide pour Servir a l'Histoire de l'Horlogerie
SubTitle: Inventaires et documents publies par les archives de l'etat Neuchatel
Keywords: bibliography catalog reference CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Other Keywords: Neuchatel archives
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11844 - Francois Buffard
Title: Petite histoire de l'horloge comptoise
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: morbier morez comtoise
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 15342 - Sylvie Baussier, May Angeli
Title: Petite histoire du temps
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 5592 - TheClockmakerCitizensOf London
Title: Petition by the Clockmakers of London by the Blacksmiths Company 1627
SubTitle: [Records of the Court of Aldermen, Archives of the Corporation of London, Repetry 41, fol. 180 and 182b, in the Guidhall Library
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 1627
BHM No: 20756 - Records of the Court of Aldermen-Archives of the Corporation of LONDON
Title: Petition by the Clockmakers of London for Incorporation 1630
SubTitle: Repetory 44, fol.146 b and 242b in the Guildhall library
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: Guild
Edition: 1630
BHM No: 20757 - Clockmaker,
Title: Petition for the clockmakers of London for incororation [A 1630 manuscript in Records of the court of Aldermen-Archives of the corporation of London]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1630
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21816 - Ronald Janssen-Timmen, Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Title: Petrus Hele me f.[ecit] in Noimb.[ra] 1510 - [The German can watch which for much of the 20th century was believed to be the first pocket watch]
SubTitle: The "Henlein Uhr" at the Germanisches Museum -[printout of 9 official GNM images ca. 2013]
Keywords: specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg lathe
Other Keywords: Henlein 1510 Nuernberg
Edition: 2013 ca.
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 19643 - S. Roesch
Title: Pfarrer Nathanael Gottlieb Renz (1758 1841) als Uhrmacher
Parent Document ID: 482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 15
Edition: 15
Page or pages: 41
BHM No: 12681 - Douglas K. Stevenson, H.W. Ellison, John Hubby, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Stephen R. Nelson
Title: PFC Zelenak's Anniversary Clock
SubTitle: [An offprint of the article in the June 2007 issue of the NAWCC Bulletin, produced for sale at the specual torsion pendulum exhibit "Timely Memories"]
Other Keywords: torsion pendulum 400 day anniversary emotional value
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 11330 - Douglas K.Stevenson, H.W. Ellison, John Hubby, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki, Steven Nelson
Title: PFC. Zelenack's Anniversary Clock
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock antique
Other Keywords: Torsion pendulum clock
Edition: A serialized-weboffprint from NAWCC text
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 24918 - Erich Maschke
Title: Pforzheimer Schmuck- und Uhrenindustrie [Die?]
SubTitle: Beitraege zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Stadt Pforzheim
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Pforzheim
Edition: 1968 [nd]
Page or pages: 344
BHM No: 3016 - Alfred Leiter
Title: Pforzheimer Uhrenmanufaktur [Die?] vom 1767-1790
SubTitle: Neue Erkenntnisse durch Publikationen ?ber Philipp Matthaus Hahn 1739-1790
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Pforzheim Hahn
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 230
BHM No: 2415 - Deutsch, Fondation
Title: Ph?nom?ne SWATCH - La Collection Blum 21 Jamvier - 27 mars 1994
SubTitle: Fondation Deutsch - Mus?e d'art moderne
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Other Keywords: swatch Blum Deutsch
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 5173 - Spektrum,
Title: Ph?nomen Zeit - Spektrum der Wissenschaften Spezial
SubTitle: Spektrum Specials 1/2003
Keywords: issue
Other Keywords: time
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 4936 - Harald Fetzer
Title: Phanomen Zeit - Geschichte und Technik der Uhr - www.phaenomen.de
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: technology cd-rom
Edition: 1997
BHM No: 775 - Elisabeth Sturm-Bednarczyk
Title: Phantasie-Uhren Fantasy Watches
SubTitle: Kostbarkeiten des Kunsthandwerks aus der Sammlung Therese Blocj-Bauer
Keywords: collection catalog
Other Keywords: fantasy Therese Bloch-Bauer
Edition: 2002, 1st edition
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 4691 - Larry N. Stewart
Title: Pharaos of Atlantis [The...]
Other Keywords: fiction
Edition: 2010, First edition
Page or pages: 248
BHM No: 15560 - Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Phase diagram for quartz
Parent Document ID: 7210 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1996, Vol. 5
Edition: 1996-5
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 9156 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Phase Shifts in a Single-Coil Sinusoidal Pendulum Drive Circuit
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-4
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 9261 - Guiseppe Maria Sesti, A.T. Mann, Mary Flanegan
Title: Phenomenon Book [The?] of Calendars
SubTitle: Chinese Gregorian Western Civil Hindu Hebrew Islamic Astec Mayan ?
Other Keywords: calendar systems
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 95
BHM No: 2056 - Philipps-in-Association-with-Bac&Rousso, Paul Lerner
Title: Phiillpps in Association with with Bacs & Russo Realizes CHF 61.2 Million During the Whhite Glove Watch Auction in Geneva |
SubTitle: e-mail blast - Monday, May 9, 2022 {as reciveved by FMM} - includes highligt-Ressults
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Ref 1518 Pink-on-Pink CHF 3.2 Million Pink on Pink
Edition: Monday, May 09-2022
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24768 - David Seyffer, Laurence Bodenmann, Ludwig Oechslin, Hans-Rudolf Hoesli, Nadege Sougy, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Donald Robert Hoke, Gisela Lixfeld, Hans-Heinrich Schmid, Antoine Simonin
Title: Philadelphia 1876 - Le defi americain en horlogerie - Catalogue d'exposition / De l'unique a la serie - L'interchangabilite - Actes du colloque
SubTitle: [Philadelphia 1876 - The american challange in horology - Exhibit catalog / From the 'one-of' to mass production - Interchangeability - Papers read]
Keywords: catalog CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: Philadelphia 1876 interchangability mass manufacturing
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 352
BHM No: 16455 - Ludwig Oechslin, Laurence Bodenmann
Title: Philadelphia 1876, Le Defi Americain en Horlogerie - Text of Wall Panels and Showcases - Temporary Exhibit 2011 at Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie,
SubTitle: [Philadelphia 1876, the American challange in Horology]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: interchageability
Edition: 2011-05-05
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 15906 - NAWCC Chapter 1 - Philadelphia, David Gorel[WorkshopLeader], Ashley King[BanquetLecturer]
Title: Philadelphia Chapter 1 - NAWCC - [Newsletter re:] Chapter One Meeting will be held May 4th 2014 at the Holiday Inn Philadelphia Nort/Fort Washington .
SubTitle: Workshop Presenter: David Gorell on making Click Springs, Luncheon speaker:Ashley King: Evaluating Clocks and Watches.
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Philadelphia
Parent Document ID: 22903 - Parent Document Title: A Sampling of 22 diffferent Chapter News Letters of the NAWCC in the era frrom 2007-2016
Edition: May 4, 2014
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 22904 - Ed. Favre-Perret, Richard Watkins[Translator]
Title: Philadelphia Exhibition 1876 - Report presented to the Federal High Counsel on the Horological Industry
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 6103 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Philadelphia Museum of Art - 24 Horological Objects in the Public Galleries - Fall 2009
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 14537 - MIH,
Title: Philadelphia, 1876. Le Defi Americain en Horlogerie - [Postcard:] Invitation [to the exhibit opening reception] jeudi 5 mai 2011 a 18h30
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: MIH Philadelphia 1876
Edition: 2011-05-05
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 15965 - Welte, Ingeborg Lehmann[Photographer]
Title: Philharmone-Orgel, Fa. Welte, Freiburg 1912, gebaut fuer die 1912 untergegangene Titanic
SubTitle: Museum Mechanischer Musikinstrumente, Bruchsaal Schloss
Keywords: musical mechanical antique
Other Keywords: Welte Titanic Bruchsaal
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No.4
BHM No: 21529 - Phillips-Bacs&Russo-Geneva-Switzerland[Auctioneers]
Title: Phililps - Bacs & Russo Press Release - January 2021 - Incl.Full Set of 5 Patek Ref.2499 - and Elusive Patek Ref.3974 to come to ...
SubTitle: ... their Hong Kong Watch Auction XII
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2021-January
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23978 - Max Engelmann
Title: Philip Mathaeus Hahn
SubTitle: (pdf file on CD ROM of a scan of the 1923 first edition of a Hahn biograohy in German)
Keywords: biography clock
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 2016 pdf on CD ROm ed
BHM No: 20580 - (Editor), Christian Vaeterlein
Title: Philip Matth?us Hahn 1739-1790 Pfarrer Astronom Ingenieru Unternehmer
SubTitle: Band 1, Katalog
Keywords: catalog astro clock biography
Other Keywords: Hahn Stuttgart
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 574
BHM No: 815 - (Editor), Christian Vaeterlein
Title: Philip Matth?us Hahn 1739-1790 Pfarrer Astronom Ingenieru Unternehmer
SubTitle: Band 2, Aufs?tze
Keywords: catalog astro clock
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 574
BHM No: 816 - Gustav Sauter
Title: Philip Matthaus Hahn "der Uhrmacher- und Mechanikerpfarrer"
SubTitle: Ein Gang durch Alt-Onstmettingen mit 20 Abbildungen [imcludes reprint of bookreview of Nov 4, 1934 in "Schwarzwaelder Bote"]
Keywords: biography clock
Edition: 1934, 3rd edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 18713 - Alfred Munz
Title: Philipp Matth?us Hahn
SubTitle: Pfarrer, Erfinder und Erbauer von Himmels- und Rechenmaschinen, Wagen und Uhren
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Hahn orrerys
Edition: 1977, 1st
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 504 - Helmuth Kainer
Title: Philipp Matth?us Hahn
SubTitle: Der Versuch, ihn aus seiner Zeit zu verstehen
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 1990, 1st edition
Page or pages: 226
BHM No: 3532 - Ernst Schieron
Title: Philipp Matthaeus Hahn zur 225. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 5
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 12533 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: Philipp Matthaeus Hahn (1739-1790) und die EnNglische Uhrmacherei
SubTitle: [Philipp Mathaeus Hahn and British Horology - Offprint of an article in 'Acta Historica Astronomiae #59, Leibzigf 2016, p. 91-110]
Keywords: astronomy clock watch
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 20849 - Paul Schmid
Title: Philipp Matthaeus Hahn 1739 1790)
Parent Document ID: 1134 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 28
Edition: 28
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 13066 - ?,
Title: Philipp Matthaeus Hahn 1739-1790 Begegnungen im Wuertenbergischen Landesmuseum
Keywords: astronomical complication oeuvre
Other Keywords: Hahn Landesmuseum
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 6837 - Max Engelmann
Title: Philipp Matthaus Hahn [Facsimile edition]
Keywords: catalog astronomical clock
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 2010, facsimile edition for scholarly pu
Page or pages: 273
BHM No: 15344 - Michel Cahier
Title: Philippe Charriol - L'horloger aux semelles de vent
SubTitle: [In French: Philippe Chariolle, the quick footed watchmaker]
Keywords: biography F-Paris watch
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 17347 - Philippe Dufour
Title: Philippe Dufour - Grande et Petite Sonnerie Repetition MInutes
SubTitle: [ca.2000 fanfold flyer for artisanlly handcradted repeater wristwatches]
Other Keywords: Dufour repeater
BHM No: 17264 - Philippe Dufour, A. Lange und Soehne
Title: Philippe Dufour - Horlogerie Compliquee
SubTitle: Duality - Double escapement wristwatch / Grande and Petite Sonnerie wristwatch
Keywords: catalog complication(s) highgrade
Other Keywords: sonnerie dual escapement Dufour
Edition: 2000 ?
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10128 - Philips-in-Association-with-Bacs&Russo
Title: Philips Releases Full Catalog for The New York Watch Auction: SIX | 11-12 June 2020 to feature "El Limonico" a stunningPaul Newmam Daytona Lemon ...
SubTitle: ...ref. 6264 & exedingly rare Rolex Cosmograph Daytona"Rainbow",a highly complicated Patek Phiippe5016R&a Extremly early F.P.Journe Souverain Nr.035
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: SIX Daytona Rolex Journe Tourbilliom Souverain
Edition: 2022-10 May
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 24709 - glopenworkenfabriken sp?, Philips
Title: Philips Technical Review
BHM No: 6226 - Otto-Max Herbstritt
Title: Phillipp Herbstreit, 1787 1837, aus Rudenberg
Parent Document ID: 9774 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2004, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 43
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 13451 - Philippe Charriol
Title: Phillippe Charriol [ 1990 Information package ]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Carriol
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 11125 - Philips-in-Association-with-Bacs&Russo
Title: Phillips Achieves The Highest Ever Total for a Watch Auction |
Keywords: highgrade luxury specific watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: PIHILLIPS
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 24504 - Paul Lerner, optimistconsulting.com
Title: Phillips Achieves The Highst Ever Total for a Watch Auction Staged by Phillips in Asia | 6 June 2021 - Hong Kong
SubTitle: 100% Sell-Through - 17 000 online bidders -
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2021-06-06
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24227 - Paul Lerner
Title: Phillips Announces Early Highlights from The New York Watch Auction: SIX | 11-12 June 20 at 432 Park Avenue [NYC]
SubTitle: A 7 page Press Release
Keywords: watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Bacs & Russo
Edition: Thursday,07-March-2022
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 24664 - Paul Lerner
Title: PHILLIPS Asia Presents the Online-Only Watches and Jewelery July Sales | PRESS RELEASE | Hong Kong: Watches Online Auction I, 21-27 July 2022
SubTitle: Jewels: Onlone Auctioin, 22-28 July 2022
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Formerly: BACKS&RUSSO
Edition: 2022-July-11
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24841 - Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo
Title: Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo Achieves Over CHF 38 million in The Geneva Watch Auction: XIII, the Most Successful Watch Auction Ever Held
SubTitle: 11 May 2021 - release
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2021-May
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24107 - Paul Lerner[optimistconsulting.com]
Title: Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo Announces Highlights ahead of The Geneva Watch Auction: XV on 7 & 8 May { |
SubTitle: [Press Release dated Tue.Mar.22-2022] |
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Auction Phillips in Association with BACS & RUSSO New York
Edition: Tuesday,March 22 at 9:01 AM
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24667 - Paul Lerner
Title: Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo Announces the Earliest Made and Previously Unknown Patek Philippe Reference 2523 with Eurasian Dial ...
SubTitle: ... to be Auctioned in The Geneva Watch Auction: XIII | One of Only 3 Examples of the Reference 2523 with Cloisonn? Enamel Dial EURASIAN Landmass
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Eurasian Landmass Patek unique
Edition: 2021-04-19
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24089 - PhilippsBacs&RussoAuctioneers
Title: Phillips in Association with Bacs & Russo Announces:Further Highlights from Geneva Watch Auction: XII &Retrospective:2000-2020 & Retrospective:...]
SubTitle: [..2000-2020,a Themed Auction by Phillips x Blackbird |Three-Day Live Auction Series Runs from 6to8 November incl.PatekRef 2499 2nd Series YellowGold]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Patek Ref 2499 Yellow Gold
Edition: 2020-10-01
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23764 - Philipps- Auctioneers-NewYork
Title: Phillips Raises Over $80'000 For the Horological Society of New York [ HSNY ] in Online-Only Charity Auction (7 Lot Aucion)
SubTitle: Lots include Timepieces by: Arnold&Son | Rolex | Grand Seiko | Greubel Forsey | Patek Philippe | Ulisse Nardin
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: HSNY Charity Auction
Edition: 2021-June-14
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24181 - Uhrmacherschule Solothurn
Title: Phillips-Endkurven
Keywords: watch adjusting
Other Keywords: hsirspring balance spring Phillips endcurve
Edition: 1960s? 9guess) undated
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 14842 - Paul Lerner
Title: PHILLIS annouces additional highlights from the Geneva Watch Auction: XIV | Thursday Sept.23, 2021
SubTitle: Including previously Unknown and Fresh to the Market Patek Philippe Ref.. 2499 first Series Retailed by Serpico y Laino
Keywords: watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Serpico y Laino
Edition: 2021-Sept-23
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24550 - ?,
Title: Philosophical Magazine A
BHM No: 6190 - ?,
Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
BHM No: 6191 - Paul Hopkins
Title: Philosophical Treatise on HSN Issue 1999-1
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-2
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 9245 - Hans Reichenbach
Title: Philosophy of Space and Time
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: space
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 295
BHM No: 494 - Robin LePoidevin[Editor], Murray MacBeath[Editor]
Title: Philosophy of Time [The...]
SubTitle: Oxford Readings in Philosophy
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 230
BHM No: 11559 - Herbert Juettemann
Title: Phonographen und Grammophone
Other Keywords: Phograph Grammophone Recordplayer
Edition: 2007, 4th edition
Page or pages: 298
BHM No: 11861 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Photoelectronics for Pendulums
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-5
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9310 - R Zeschperl
Title: Photoelectronische Messmethoden in der Uhrentechnik
Keywords: machinery measuring
Other Keywords: photocells
Parent Document ID: 6714 - Parent Document Title: Veroeffentlichungen 1967 des Forschungsinstituts fuer Uhren- und Feingeraetetechnik Stuttgart
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 10
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 8821 - Eugene P. Mosca
Title: Photogates: An instrument evaluation
Keywords: measurement sensors
Other Keywords: photogate optical sensor
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 840 - 844
BHM No: 8525 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: Photos of the Jan 2015 exhibit at Christies NYC uf the Guggenheim Collection
SubTitle: 191 color photographs on CD-ROM
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2015
BHM No: 19604 - ?,
Title: Physical Review
BHM No: 6192 - ?,
Title: Physical Review Letters
BHM No: 6193 - ?,
Title: Physics Education
BHM No: 6195 - ?,
Title: Physics Letters A
BHM No: 6196 - ?,
Title: Physics Teacher [The]
BHM No: 6218 - James Glanz
Title: Physics' Big Puzzle Has Big Question - What is Time? - [An article in the New York Time - Tuesday June 19, 2001] - in Science Times Section
SubTitle: [Text only article] about a confrerence 'The Seven Pines Symposium' in NYC for philosophers,physicysts and historians.]
Edition: June 19 2001
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23739 - Henning Schmidgen
Title: Physics, Ballistics, and Psychology: A History of the CHRONOSCOPE in/as Context, 1845-1890
SubTitle: [An article in History of Psychology Magazine 2005 Vol.8, No.1 p.46-78] [Note the Chronoscope was the first time measuring device for short durations]
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: stopwatch
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 23376 - Georg Hoffmann
Title: Physik am Werktisch des Uhrmachers
SubTitle: Mit zahlreichen instruktiven Abbildungen
Edition: 1956, 1st edition
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 1870 - Georg Hoffmann
Title: Physik am Werktisch des Uhrmachers mit zahlreichen instruktiven Abbildungen [2013 Facsimile reprint of the 1956 original]
SubTitle: [Physics for the bench of the watch and clockmaker]
Keywords: textbook clock watch theory technical
Edition: 2012 Facsimile ed. of 1956 original
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 17995 - Piaget,
Title: Piaget
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Piaget
BHM No: 6109 - Piaget,, RouxSeguelaCayzac&Goudard[Designer]
Title: Piaget - Collection Montres - [Catlogue 90.07.75, no prices, 105 numberd pieces shown, key to numbers missing]
SubTitle: [Retailers Sticker : BIJOX STADELMANN,Markgasse 29,Bern{Switzerland}]
Keywords: catalog watch
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 21610 - Piaget,
Title: Piaget - collection montres [includes:] Prices in Swiss Francs/Prix en Francs suises 01/92
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Piaget
Edition: 1992 undated
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 15116 - Piaget,, Atelier ABC, Guido Mocafico[Photography], Nick Welsh Photographer]
Title: Piaget - Protocole XL [A advertising brochure issed 2000]
SubTitle: Catalog No: 02/2000/24.5 [wide format]
Other Keywords: Piaget
Edition: 2000-02
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 22439 - Franco Cologni, Giampiero Negretti, Franco Nencini
Title: Piaget - Watches and Wonders
Keywords: luxury watch
Other Keywords: Piaget
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 263
BHM No: 15063 - Piaget,
Title: Piaget - [Brandline catalog - may 2013 - # PGGP503434]
SubTitle: [in French]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Piaget
Edition: 2013-05
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 20155 - Piaget,
Title: Piaget 1874-1974
Other Keywords: Piaget
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 3135 - Paul Lerner/PIAGET/ Phillips in association with BACKS & RUSSO|
Title: PIAGET Partners with Phillips in association with BACKS & RUSSO to PRESENT Alpiplano Origin China Special Limited Edition|
SubTitle: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - (FM-M's-Personal copy of the otiginal e-mail blast from Paul Lerner: Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 9:00 AM |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Press release dated Oct 10. 2022 at 9:00 AM
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24975 - Piaget,
Title: Piaget Polo
SubTitle: [2002 advertisingset of postcards]
Other Keywords: postcards Piaget Polo
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 4490 - Tomaso Garzoni
Title: Piazza Universale di Tutte le Professione del Mondo [La...] - [Venezia 1585]
SubTitle: [The Universal Exhibition of all the Professions of the World]
Keywords: clock watch
BHM No: 20713 - unknown
Title: Picture Calendar with 2 images per month from the Beyer Collection (ca 1990, no date given) issued by Cilag Chemie
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1990?
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15838 - John A. Robey
Title: Picture Gallery - 30-hour iron wall cock dated 1748 - [in Antiquarian Horology June 2013 (AHS Londdon, 7 pages, 11 illustrations)
SubTitle: [Germanic Europe, Germany, Austria,Switzerland?)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: 1748
Edition: 2013 June isse of Antipqarian Horology
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23192 - Gulf Industrial Lubrication
Title: Picture Story of Clocks and their Manufacture [A...]
SubTitle: [A publicity piece by Glf Oil on how the Seth Thomas clock factory 1939 profits from good lubricants]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1939 undated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 16836 - Industrial Lubrication, Gulf
Title: Picture Story [A?] of Clocks and their Manufacture
Keywords: history
Other Keywords: Gulf Seth Thomas
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 3120 - Wiliam Ernest [Publisher] McGregor
Title: Picturesque Elgin 1903
Keywords: Regional
Other Keywords: Elgin
Edition: 1903
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 6662 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks -Spring 1988- [No Number]
SubTitle: Spring 1988
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1988 Spring (No No)
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 18629 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 09
SubTitle: 1988
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 2014-02-07
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 18630 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 10
SubTitle: 1988 December
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1988-12 No. 10
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 18631 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 11
SubTitle: 1989 March
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1989-03 No. 11
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 18632 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 12
SubTitle: 1989 December
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1989-12 No. 12
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 18633 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 13
SubTitle: 1989-October
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1989-03 No. 13
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 18634 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 14
SubTitle: 1990-04
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1990-05 No. 14
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 18635 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 15
SubTitle: 1990-11
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1990-11 No. 15
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 18642 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 16
SubTitle: 1991-02
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1991-02 No. 16
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 18636 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 22
SubTitle: 1992-07
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1992-07 No. 22
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 18637 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 23
SubTitle: 1992-09
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1992-09 No. 23
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 18638 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 24
SubTitle: 1992-11
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1992-11 No. 24
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 18639 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 25
SubTitle: 1993-02
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1993-02 No. 25
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 18640 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 26
SubTitle: 1993-05
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1993-05 No. 25
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 18641 - Johnny Wachsmann
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 27
SubTitle: JULY 1993
Keywords: catalog watch
Edition: 1993-07
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 13978 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 50
SubTitle: Spring 1999
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1999, No.50
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 10089 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 51
SubTitle: Summer 1999
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1999, No 51
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 10091 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 52
SubTitle: Autumn 1999
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1999, No.52
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 10092 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 53
SubTitle: Winter 1999
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1999, No.53
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 10093 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 55
SubTitle: Summer 2000
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2000, No.55
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 10094 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 56
SubTitle: Autumn 2000
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2000, No.56
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 10095 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 57
SubTitle: Winter 2000
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2000, No.57
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 10096 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 59
SubTitle: Summer 2001
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2001, No.59
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 10097 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 60
SubTitle: Autumn 2001
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2001, No.60
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 10098 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 61
SubTitle: Winter 2001
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2001, No.61
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 10099 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 64
SubTitle: Autumn 2002
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2002, No.64
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 10100 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 65
SubTitle: Winter 2002
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2002, No.65
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 10101 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 66
SubTitle: 2003 Spring
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2003, No.66
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 10102 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No. 67
SubTitle: Summer 2003
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2003, No.67
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 10103 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No.32
SubTitle: Summer 1994
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1994, No.32
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 10090 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No.49
SubTitle: Winter 1998
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1998, No.49
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 10088 - Johnny Wachsmann, Alan Grant
Title: Pieces of Time - Antique and Precision Watches and Clocks No.63
SubTitle: Watches Summer 2002
Keywords: antique
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 4603 - Joseph Flores
Title: pieds dans le plat [Les...], ou : Histoire de l 'histoire
SubTitle: [Article in French concerning the controversy on who invented the center-rotor selfwinding watch, published June 2007 in No, 61, p 109-121 by AFAHA]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: Perrelet
Edition: 2007-06, no 61
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 18570 - Pierre -Yves Donze
Title: Piere-Ives Donze - Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University - Publications list [2016)
SubTitle: [8 Books authored, 4 books edited, 15 peer reviewed articles, 40 book chapters or other articles, 57 general public articles, 13 book revies],
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 20774 - Jean Horton Berg, Anthony [Illustrator] D'Adamo
Title: Pierre the young Watchmaker
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 191
BHM No: 866 - Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Pierre Boucheron A dedication to
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-2
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9057 - G. Albert Berner, E. Audeat
Title: Pierre Frederic Ingold 1787-1878
SubTitle: [Translation from Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik, No. 13, 1962]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Ingold
Edition: 2008,
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11700 - David Penney
Title: Pierre Frederick Ingold 91787-1878): His Impact on Watchmaking both in Europe and America
SubTitle: [A paper given at the 2002 annual Seminar of the NAWCC]
Keywords: biography CH/F-Jura machinery
Parent Document ID: 7527 - Parent Document Title: Boston - Cradle of American Watchmaking - Special Order Supplement No. 5 of the National Ass. of Watch and Cloc
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 7531 - F. Faessler, Samuel Guye, Edmond Droz
Title: Pierre Jaquet-Droz et son temps
SubTitle: Edite par le Comite des Fetes du 250e anniversaire de la naissance de Pierre Jaquet-Droz (1721-1790)
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Jaquet Droz
Edition: 1971, 1st edition of 8000
Page or pages: 173
BHM No: 1509 - Leopold Reverchon
Title: Pierre Le Roy
Parent Document ID: 959 - Parent Document Title: Annales Francaises de Chronometrie [1935-38] Organe Trimestrielle de l'observoitoire National de Besancon
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1936 6
Page or pages: 55 - 64
BHM No: 7901 - Paul Ditisheim, Roger Lallier, L. Reverchon, Le Commandant Vivelle
Title: Pierre Le Roy et la Chronometrie [Super Velin Edition 1940]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: navigation longitude marine chronometer LeRoy Le Roy
Edition: 1940, 1st edition, Super Velin print
Page or pages: 214
BHM No: 14277 - Paul Ditisheim, Roger Lallier, L. Reverchon, Le Commandant Vivelle
Title: Pierre Le Roy et la Chronometrie [Facsimile]
SubTitle: [2008 Facsmile Edition]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: marine chronometer LeRoy Le Roy
Edition: 2008 private facsiile edition
Page or pages: 214
BHM No: 11917 - Jean LeBot
Title: Pierre LeRoy et les horloges marines
Other Keywords: LeRoy Le Roy Marine chronometer
Parent Document ID: 9637 - Parent Document Title: Dynastie des Le Roy - Horlogers du Roi
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 43-50
BHM No: 9670 - Uhrensteine, Seitz
Title: Pierre Seitz - Manufacturer of Watch Jewels and Watchmakers' Tools - Les Brenets (Switzerland)
SubTitle: General Representatives for all countries: Bergeon & Cie, Le Locle (Switzerland)
Keywords: catalog tools parts jeweling-jewels
Other Keywords: Seitz
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 10567
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