Titles with words containing : Page 18
Number of documents found: 1000
- Roamer,
Title: Roamer Watch Co. S.A. 1888 - 1963
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: ROAMER
Edition: 1963, 1st edition
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 11920 - Willard House and Museum
Title: Robert C.Chaney, Executive Director & Curator
SubTitle: Business Card of Robert Channey (illustrated with image of Willards Woekshop)
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22180 - Robert Crowder
Title: Robert Crowder Clockery Handcrafts Co. Ltd. - Cincinnati, Ohio [USA]
SubTitle: [A 8 panels color illustrated fan-fold capabilities brochure of a company selling primarily overpriced replicas of historic timepieces]
Edition: 1995 ca undated
Page or pages: 6 p fanfold
BHM No: 23659 - Albert Kuntzenmuller
Title: Robert Gerwig - Ein Pionier der Technik
SubTitle: mit Lichtbildern, Zeitgemaessen Stichen und Lageplaenen
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Robert Gerwig
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 287
BHM No: 6471 - A.R. Hall
Title: Robert Hooke and Horology
SubTitle: [weboffprint from:Notes and Records of the Royal Society, Vol. 8, Nr.2, 1951, p. 167-177]
Keywords: facsimile escapement anchor/lever
Other Keywords: Hooke
Edition: 2006 weboffprint
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 10416 - Germain Rousseaux
Title: Robert Hooke's conical pendulum from the modern viewpoint of amplitude equations and its optical analogues
Other Keywords: conical pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6205 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A
Edition: v 462 Dec 9
Page or pages: 531-540
BHM No: 10478 - Allan Chapman
Title: Robert Hooke: of spring, vibration and horology
Keywords: TheoryGeneral
Parent Document ID: 5271 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Fitieth Anniversary Convention - Antiquarian Hrological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 75
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 7630 - Georg Schindler
Title: Robert Houdin, der Uhrmacher und Magier von Blois
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 6
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 12544 - Robert Lighton
Title: Robert Lighton - New York - Watches
SubTitle: 2002 Catalog
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Lighton
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 3936 - Mathew Brown
Title: Robert Loomes, owner of Stamford's Loomes and Co, is the chairman of the British Horological Society
SubTitle: [Webofprint from the 'Rockland and Stanford Mercury' local UK newspaper March 8 2020]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI British Horological Institute
Edition: 2020-3-08
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23510 - Derek Roberts
Title: Robert Molyneux, The Condliff's, Thomas Leyland, Henry Walsh, and Thomas Cooke
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: highgrade precision oeuvre
Other Keywords: Robert Molyneux, The Condliff's, Thomas Leyland, Henry Walsh,Thomas Cooke
Parent Document ID: 5566 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - English Precision Pendulum Clocks
Edition: 08
Page or pages: 117-139
BHM No: 10317 - Sotheby's
Title: Robert O. Schmitt Collection [The...]
SubTitle: Sothebey's New York 17th June 2005
Keywords: catalog auction
Other Keywords: mystery skeleton Schmitt Sotheby
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 7361 - Robert Pleisser
Title: Robert Pleisser Collection [The..] - ca.1910
SubTitle: Dresden, Rosmaringasse 2 [Germany]
Keywords: catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: Pleisser collection Dresden
Edition: Undated ca. 1910
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 7389 - Derek Roberts
Title: Robert Robin 1752-1799
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: highgrade precision oeuvre clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Lepaute
Parent Document ID: 5567 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - France, Germany, America, and Recent Developments
Edition: 03
Page or pages: 29-38
BHM No: 10330 - Anonymous,
Title: Roberto's Magical Clocks - a book about telling time
SubTitle: Time Life for early learning programm for Children series
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: telltime
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5473 - Robin
Title: Robin; an ormolu, mean and solar month-going mantel regulator with remontoire, Paris, dated 1778
SubTitle: height 41cm, enamel dial signed Coteau Ft. gilt hand for solor, blued hands for mean time, calendar
Keywords: complication(s) highgrade precision specific F-Paris
Other Keywords: Robin equation Coteau
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 63
Page or pages: 234-238
BHM No: 8947 - Bruce Chandler, Clare Vincent
Title: Rock Crystal Watch with a Cross-Beat Escapement
SubTitle: [An article reprinted from the Metroplitain Museum Journal 15 - Metropolitan Museum of Art 1981, p.193ff]
Keywords: precision specific escapement clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Buergi Burgi Buergi Bergkristalluhr crossbeat escapement Kreuzschlag Crystalclock
Edition: 1981, No. 15
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19276 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Rock the boat
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-3
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 9297 - Alan W. Heldman
Title: Rock the boat
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-3
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 9298 - Dallas Cain
Title: Rock the boat
Parent Document ID: 7215 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
Edition: 2002-2
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9367 - Carl Rozycki
Title: Rock the boat
Parent Document ID: 7215 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
Edition: 2002-2
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9369 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Rock the Boat - Can Experiments Add Some Useful Facts to the Q Debate
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-2
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 9247 - Les P Pook
Title: Rock the boat - Drag and inertia effects on pendulums
Other Keywords: drag
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-3
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 9419 - Richard Whitehead
Title: Rock the boat - Gravity Compensation?
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-4
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9351 - Alan Emmerson
Title: Rock the boat - Humidity
Parent Document ID: 7215 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
Edition: 2002-4
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9379 - Les P Pook
Title: Rock the boat - Meccano Clocks
Other Keywords: meccano
Parent Document ID: 7452 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
Edition: 2005-4
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 9456 - Philip Woodward
Title: Rock the boat - The Shortt clock and a question of interference
Other Keywords: Shortt
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-2
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 9410 - Henry Casson
Title: Rock the Boat - Thoughts on Bob Shape
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-2
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 9335 - Ed O'Brian
Title: Rock the Boat - Two items
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-2
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 9334 - Carlo G. Croce
Title: Rock the Boat - Why Cross Out Wheels?
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-1
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 9403 - Dallas Cain
Title: Rock the Boat Again
Parent Document ID: 7215 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2002, Vol. 11
Edition: 2002-1
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9362 - Anonymous,
Title: Rockford Watch Comapny - Numbers and Grades of Movements since 1907 Price List - Tis list ends with 1911 production
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rockford
Edition: undated
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 15145 - Watch Company Rockford
Title: Rockford Watch Company's MATERIALS
Keywords: catalog facsimile parts
Other Keywords: Rockford
Edition: 2001 facsimile Reprint
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 5758 - Markus Cetius Faventius, Kai Borderson[Translator], Christiane Bordersen[Translator]
Title: Roemische Eigenheim [Das...] - De Artchitectura Privata [A bilingual latin/german text on how to build a perfect residence ...
SubTitle: .... including [CHAPTER XXI, p.109-115] instructions where and how to ADD SUN DIALS ]
Keywords: astronomy practical
Other Keywords: roman sundials
Edition: 2015, 1st edition
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 20391 - Karlheinz Schaldach
Title: Roemische Sonnenuhren
SubTitle: Eine Einfuehrung in die antke Gnomonik
Keywords: advanced antique
Other Keywords: roman antiquity
Edition: 3rd revised edition
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 5598 - T deRoo
Title: Roentgen atlas of old dutch clocks
Other Keywords: x-ray radiology authenticate imaging roentgen
Edition: 1st edition 1974
Page or pages: 165
BHM No: 5691 - Bernd Willscheid
Title: Roentgen Museum Neuwied - 90 Jahre - Einladung Sonntag 21.Oktober 2018 - Jubilaeumsfest
SubTitle: [Invitation to the 90th anniversary reception of the Roentgen Museum Neuwied [highgrade German tallcase clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Roentgen Museum
Edition: 2018-10-28
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 22399 - Juergen Ermert
Title: Roentgen Uhren der David Collection in Kopenhagen [Die...]
SubTitle: [The Roentgen Clocks in the David Collection in Copenhagen]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Roentgen Neuwies David Collection Copenhagen
Parent Document ID: 16388 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2011, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 145-168
BHM No: 16397 - Rogers Turner Books(UK)
Title: Roger Turner Books (U.K.) Spring 2022 Edition | 100s of original horological auction catalogs, of mainly European horological auctions,
SubTitle: but lacking price information(Resultslist) [sorted first by Auctionhouse, then date of auction }
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: misc.horolofical Auction cataloges
Edition: 2022-Spring
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 24722 - Anthony J. Turner
Title: Roger Turner Books - Catalogue 170 - Time and Horology - mechanical Music and Bells, Jewelery, Gold & Silverwork
SubTitle: [February 2015]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: booklist
Edition: 2015-02
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 19729 - Rogers Turner Books
Title: Rogers Turner Books - Interim List 2014 - Time and Horology
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Edition: 2014-08
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 19269 - Anthony J. Turner
Title: ROGERS TURNERS BOOKS | HOROLOGY printed works - General Catalogue - 2022 (Spring)
SubTitle: Incl. primary a huge number of rare, out of print horological auction catalogs (but exludes quoted prices)
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Anthony Turner
Edition: 2022 Spring
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 24714 - Anthony J. Turner
Title: ROGERS TURNERS BOOKS | HOROLOGY printed works General Catalogue - 2022 -
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Rogers Turner Rare Books
Edition: 2022 Edition (published March]
BHM No: 24707 - F.F. Feilner
Title: Rohwerkkatalog F.F.Feilner, Munchen - Unser Helfer zu Ihrer Bedienung [Facsimile edition of 1959 original]
SubTitle: [Movement Catalog of Munich Germany based wholesaler, listing 7000 different watch and clock replacement movements]]
Keywords: catalog clock watch movement
Edition: 2011 facsimile of 1959 original
Page or pages: 201
BHM No: 15894 - Jean-Louis Fousseret
Title: Roi, l'empereur et la pendule [Le...] - livret pour tous
SubTitle: [Catalog of the temporary exhibit 2006 at the Besancon France Time Museum] featuring clocks from the reservesof the Mobilier Nationale
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: mobilier nationale
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 17333 - Pascal Brunet, Joelle Mauerhan, Agnese Vanet
Title: Roi, l'empereur et la pendule [Exposition des pendules du Mobilier Nationale]
SubTitle: Musee du Temps Besancon 2006
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Mobilier National pendule
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13968 - unknown
Title: Rokusho Vol.2 [in Japanese]
SubTitle: [Scan of what apears to be an undated japanese magazine devoted antiquarian horology]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Japan magazine Rokusho
Edition: 2010?
BHM No: 19597 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Rolamite Suspension (comment)
Parent Document ID: 7209 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
Edition: 1995-1
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9079 - Brian Luzum
Title: Role of the Earth Rotation Service in the Leap Second
SubTitle: (Article to apear in ITU News Magazine)
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: IERS
BHM No: 18216 - Victor Perez Alverez
Title: Role of the mechanical clock in medival science
SubTitle: [a scolarly article in "Endevor Magazine, Vol.39, No.1, p 63-65"]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21813 - George Gordon
Title: Rolex
SubTitle: Timeless elegance
Keywords: highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 341
BHM No: 7094 - Wempe-Rolex-Boutique-NYC[USA]
SubTitle: A color advertisement in the New York Sunday Times [18.5 cm high & 28 cm wide] - published Sunday, October 24-2021
Keywords: highgrade watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex Boutique Wempe NY |
Edition: 2021-Oct-24
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24399 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA], Wempe-Rolex-Boutique-666-Fifth-Avenue NYC-USA
Title: ROLEX - OYSTER PERPETUAL DATEJUST 31 | WEMPE New York - wempe.com | 1/3 of page color ad in the NY-Times
SubTitle: Sunday - New York Times - | page ST 11 | WEMPE.COM |
Keywords: luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Tearout, 1/3p. color ad Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31
Edition: Sunday, Sept-06-2021
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24357 - Rolex-Corporate-Advertising-Department-USA
Title: ROLEX - OYSTER PERPETUAL SEA-DWELLER | WEMPE New York - wempe.com | 1/3 page color ad in the NY-Times
SubTitle: Sunday, Sept 10 2019 | New York Times | page 9 - ST |
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller Wempe
Edition: 2021-September-19
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24349 - Wempe-Rolex-Boutique-NYC[USA]
Title: ROLEX - OYSTER PERPETUAL SEA-DWELLER | WEMPE New York - wempe.com | 1/3 page color ad in the NY-Times - Sunday Sept 12 2021 (ev.2nd co)
SubTitle: as published in NY-Times Sunday Dec 12-2021 (possibly a dupicat copy)
Keywords: mechanical highgrade luxury watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 2021-12-Dec
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24495 - Wempe-Rolex-Boutique-NYC[USA]
Title: ROLEX - Oyster Perpetual Datejust 36 |
SubTitle: A 30x18 full color advertisment (AS RUN) in the NY-Times Sunday Sept 19 2021
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: ROLEX
Edition: 2021-19-SEPT
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24491 - Wempe.com
Title: ROLEX | Oyster Perpetual Datejust 41 | [A Color Advertisement in the New York Time (Dated Sunday Nov.7.21-2021 - 28x18cm)
SubTitle: presumably placed [and payed] by WEMPE-ROLEX-BOUTIQE - 665 Fifth Avenue New York
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex Boutique Wempe NY | Advertisement
Edition: 2021-NOV-07
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24441 - Rolex-Corporate-Advertising-Dept.
Title: ROLEX - "CLASSIC?" | OYSTER PERPETUAL LASDY_DATEJUST | "A classic timepiece, designed for a lady" - #Perpetual |
SubTitle: A 2-page full color advertisement in the March 28, 2022 issue of 'THE NEW YORKER' [facing the Front Cover}
Keywords: watch contemporary analog
Other Keywords: Rolex Oyster Perpetual Lady-DATEJUST
Edition: 2022-March-28
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24653 - Kesaharu Imai, Emiko Ito[Translator], Norbert Eder
Title: Rolex - 2421 Uhren
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1998 ist german edition
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 10149 - Kesaharu Imai
Title: Rolex - 3621 Uhren
SubTitle: [German language Edition 2007]
Keywords: catalog reference
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 2007, 2nd (enlarged)German edition
Page or pages: 215
BHM No: 11427 - Osvaldo Patrizzi, Mara Cappelletti
Title: Rolex - History, Icons and Record Breaking Models
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Roled
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 19945 - Lucien Bellini
Title: Rolex - I modelli prestigiosi e la storia di un marchio leggendario
SubTitle: Le guide illustrate
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 2007, 1st edition
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 11478 - Rolex,
Title: Rolex - Technical and Service Information
Keywords: service
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1985, 5th edition
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 5319 - Rolex,
Title: ROLEX - Technical Info - Parts Numbers by Caliber [An amalgam of loose leaf data from 1976 and 1989]
SubTitle: [Various mimeographed sheets with case and movement parts numbers]
Keywords: watch parts
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1976 and 1989
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 16371 - Rolex,
Title: Rolex - Welcome to the World of Rolex
SubTitle: [2017-2018 hardcover catalog for the USA market, no prices]
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 91
BHM No: 21597 - Kate vanRiper, Rolex,
Title: Rolex 1030 - 25 jewels - explpded view
SubTitle: [Explpded view of the movement of the Rolex1030 - as reproduced by NAWCC as a postcard 2019]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rolex 1030
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC# 1168
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23460 - Guido Mondani
Title: Rolex 2011 Upated
SubTitle: [Brochure/flyer for new 2011 edition of Italiam/English priceguide to Rolex watches, with updated priceskeyed to earlier editi of the book]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rolex
BHM No: 19743 - Elisabeth Eckert, Marc Badertscher
Title: Rolex Buyback from Dealers
SubTitle: 2009 Press Reports from Switzerland
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rolex dumping buyback
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 14214 - No-stated-author
Title: ROLEX Collection of Antique exceptional watches [and some pre Rolex-Corporation's watches, from the ...
SubTitle: ... personal collection of Hand Wilsdorf, the Founder of Rolex Corporation. [Swade-Leather-soft-Cover-Leather-Binding]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1988 Edition
Page or pages: un-paginated
BHM No: 24313 - Rolex,
Title: Rolex Collection [The?] of Antique Watches
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex Geneva
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 3878 - Atsushi Otsuki[Editor], Hisae Sekine[Editor]
Title: Rolex fan - Vol. 3
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: ? 1990s?
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 8970 - Herbert James
Title: Rolex Highlights
SubTitle: [English language translation of Rolex Highlights{Heel}]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 95
BHM No: 20788 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum I Step by Step
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1613 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum II The Evolution of the Wristwatch Chronometer
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 4533 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum III How the Waterproof Watch came into beeing
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 1614 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum IV The Story of the Selfwinding Watch
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 1615 - Rolex,
Title: Rolex Oyster [The?]
SubTitle: incl, inserted price list 1973
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex Oyster
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1617 - Rolex,
Title: Rolex Oyster [The]
SubTitle: [1992 USA edition , catalog 122.06]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Rolex oyster
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 10684
Title: Rolex Parts & Casing
SubTitle: Case identification, Cryustal , Casing Parts, Gasket Guide for Rolex Watches [CD ROM]
Keywords: catalog reference case movement parts
Other Keywords: Rolex calibers
BHM No: 6327- John E. Brozek
Title: Rolex Report [The?]
SubTitle: An unauthorized refernce book for the Rolex enthusiast
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 6930 - Nadia Ehrlich[Online-Editor-of-Watchtime.net], Watchtime.net
Title: Rolex vs. Tudor: Kampf der Geschwister | [Newsletter in German] on the subject on the difference between the Rolex and the (Rolex owned Tudor brand)
SubTitle: plus misc. articles (advertorials) on various watchbrands
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Tudor Rolex
Edition: 2022-Fri- March-25
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24643 - Watch USA Inc. Rolex
Title: Rolex Watches [Hardcover, 216 page USA Market Catalog , Publication Nr. 226 06 0318]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 22942 - Wempe.com
Title: Rolex | Oyster Perpetual Submariner Date | WEMPE - Rolex BOUITIQUE -Rolex Building - 6675 Fifth Avenue at 53d Street - New York
SubTitle: [A 1/3rd page color adbertisment published on Subday, August 15, 2021 | page 3 - ST]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Wempe Rolex
Edition: 2021-08-15
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24290 - Oliver Hoffmann
Title: Rolle von innovativen Materialien im Uhrenbau [Die...]
SubTitle: The use of innovative materils in desigbning new watches]
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 17408 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2012, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie SubTitle:
Edition: 2012, Vol. 51
Page or pages: 185 - 194
BHM No: 17422 - Philip Woodward
Title: Roller Suspension
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-5
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9073 - Philip Woodward
Title: Roller Suspension, a Tangled Tale, 1,& 2
Other Keywords: Suspension roller spring error
Parent Document ID: 3419 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1992-1994] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1994 aug sep
Page or pages: 483-486 & 516-517
BHM No: 8110 - Philip Woodward
Title: Roller suspension, a tangled tale: 1: Kater, Young and Laplace, 2. The extended cycloid,; Group 5: Pendulums and their suspensions
SubTitle: from Horological Journal August 1994ff
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 5-4
Page or pages: 222-237
BHM No: 10739 - E.G. Pariss
Title: Rolling ball free pendulum impulsing device
Other Keywords: rolling ball parris free pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6187 - Parent Document Title: Patents UK
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1947
Page or pages: 8 pages
BHM No: 8293 - Sir William Congreve
Title: Rolling Ball Patent no. 3164
Other Keywords: congreve rolling ball patent
Parent Document ID: 6187 - Parent Document Title: Patents UK
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1808
Page or pages: 14 pagesw
BHM No: 8290 - Anonymous,
Title: Rollo's Experiments
SubTitle: [Chapter "Horology"]
Keywords: juvenile historic
Other Keywords: hourglass sundial
Edition: 1841
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 6517 - Gabriel Nica
Title: Rolls-Royc unveils ' Horology Phantom ' honoring Watchmakers
SubTitle: [Press release Oct 24,2019, weboffprint,4 images]
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23293 - Joshua Munchow
Title: Romain Gauthier - 'Watchmaker of Historical Significance- (A series of models)- An Illustrated rticle (Webdownload from "Quill and Scroll" May 2018
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2018-05
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 22083 - Roy Rutherford Bailey
Title: Romance and History of Time - Volume One
SubTitle: A Series of Worldwide Adventures on the road from long ago to now
Keywords: time
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 4214 - Roy Rutherford Bailey
Title: Romance and History of Time - Volume Two
SubTitle: A Series of Worldwide Adventures on the road from long ago to now
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: stories
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 59
BHM No: 644 - Brooks Palmer
Title: Romance of Time [The?]
SubTitle: A story of the art of telling time from earliest days, including the first useful application of ?
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1954, 1st edition
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1282 - Gottfried Beutel
Title: Ronald A. Lee, London [Antquarian]
SubTitle: [Quare, Knibb, Breguet, Tompion, Cummings, Ellicott]
Keywords: Antique catalog
Other Keywords: Quare, Knibb, Breguet, Tompion, Cummings, Ellicott
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 4033 - Ronda,
Title: RONDA - Time for you
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Ronda
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 6311 - Clock Company Ronell
Title: Ronell Clock Company - Grants Pass Oregon 97527 USA [Vol.3 -1993]
SubTitle: More lower prices - 73 New Items
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 22615 - Clock Company Ronell
Title: Ronell Clock Company - Volume 08 - Over 300 New Items!!! New Lower Prices!!!
SubTitle: [Undated catalog, ev late 1990s]
Keywords: catalog clock parts
Edition: 1996?
Page or pages: 111
BHM No: 16328 - Clock Company Ronell
Title: Ronell Clock Company - Volume 10
SubTitle: Catalog [ca. 2002]
Keywords: catalog movement parts
Other Keywords: Ronell
Edition: 2002? undated
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 8929 - Clock Company Ronell
Title: Ronell Clock Company - Volume 10 - Over 300 New Items!!! New Lower Prices!!!
SubTitle: [Undated catalog, ev late 1990s]
Keywords: catalog clock parts
Edition: 1996?
Page or pages: 111
BHM No: 14616 - Nicolas [Text] Peter, Omega,, Juerg [Photograper] Donatsch, Jean Pierre Moser
Title: Rose [La..] des Temps
SubTitle: [Dominique Loiseau's unique masteriece]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Omega Rode des Temps
Edition: 1984, 1st edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 3134 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Roster
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-2
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9336 - Earl [Editor] Strickler
Title: Roster of Members March 1, 1953 - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
Keywords: directory clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 15994 - Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Roster of members thru 1997
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-1
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 9200 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: ROTALIS 3 - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: watchwinder Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 4p, 3 ill.
BHM No: 23230
Title: rotation of the earth with reference to foucault and Bravais
Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Other Keywords: Bravais
Parent Document ID: 6232 - Parent Document Title: Web Documents
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: Catholic Encyclopedia
BHM No: 8591
Title: Rothenburg Rastrinkstube
Parent Document ID: 6836 - Parent Document Title: Turm- und Kunstuhren
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
BHM No: 8838- Fridolin Wiget
Title: Rouages et Engrenages
SubTitle: Cours d' Horlogerie
Keywords: gear textbook
Other Keywords: wheelwork
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 107
BHM No: 5148 - Isabelle Letteron, Dominique Charlet
Title: Rouen - Le Gros Horloge
SubTitle: lSeries:] Parcours du Patrimoine - Seine-Maritime
Keywords: monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Roen Gros Horloge
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 17316 - Isabelle Letteron, Dominique Charlet
Title: Rouen - The Gros Horloge
SubTitle: Parcours du Patrimoine - Seine Maritime [Guidebook in English to the 1385 historic town clock of Rouen, France]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Gross Horloge Rouen
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 17310 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Roues hydraulique en pierre au Pays Basque [Les...] - Avec une introduction en espagnol
SubTitle: Separata del Boletin - Ano XL - Cuadernos 1 y 2 - 1570 - Real Sociedad Bascongada de los amigos del pais
Keywords: wood-geared
Other Keywords: waterwheel mill
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 14332 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: Rough English translation of Oesmann's Kessel Biography
SubTitle: [Annonymous, nonpublished, working translation of key portiona of BHM 16313]
Keywords: biography clock watch
Other Keywords: Oestman
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 17258 - Virginia Brody, George [Illustrator] Kanelous
Title: Round the Clock Book
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: preschool
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2124 - jurasien tourism, arc
Title: Route de l'horlogerie - Die Strasse der Uhrmacherkunst - The Watchmaking Route
Other Keywords: travel guide
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1242 - Watch Valley
Title: Route de l'Horlogerie [La ..]- Die Strasse der Uhrmacherkunst - The Watchmaking Route [2006 septembre edition]
SubTitle: Watch Valley - le pays de la precision - Suisse-Schweiz-Svizzera-Switzerland
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Watch Valley Watchmaking route
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 14033 - Robert C. Cheney, David Wood
Title: Roxbury Eight-Day Movements and the English Connection - Concord, Massachusetts, Clockmakers 1789-1817 / 1811-1831
SubTitle: [ Reprint of 3 articles from The Magazine Antiques, April 2000, May 2000 and May 2001 ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Willard, clockkits, Concord
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 14547 - William Bell Robertson, Frederick Walker
Title: Royal Clocks
SubTitle: in Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, St. James Palace and Hampton Court
Keywords: collection catalog
Other Keywords: Royal Windson Buckingham St.James Hampton Court
Edition: 1904
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 4724 - ?,
Title: Royal Institution Proceedings
BHM No: 6227 - RoyalMuseumsGreenwich
Title: Royal Museums Greenwich - Research Newsletter 2013
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: RGO
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 18469 - Jan Jaap L. Haspels
Title: Royal Music Machines
Keywords: catalog musical highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: musical clock utrecht
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 286
BHM No: 9939 - Jan Jaap L. Haspels
Title: Royal Music Machines - The Press Photos
SubTitle: In DVD Format
Other Keywords: utrecht speelklock
Edition: 200
BHM No: 9699 - Jan Jaap L. Haspels
Title: Royal Music Machines - Vijf eeuwen vorstelijk vermaark
Keywords: catalog musical highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: musical clocks royal utrecht
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 287
BHM No: 9940 - Jan Jaap L. Haspels
Title: Royal Music Machines - Vijf eeuwen vorstelijk vermaark [VIDEO}
Keywords: directory musical highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: Utrecht musical clock exhibit royal
Edition: 2006
BHM No: 9942 - Martin Wehrli, Heinz Heiman[Designer]
Title: Royal Oak - Audemars Piguet
SubTitle: [German language edition of the glossy 2012 40th anniversary coffee table book on the classic luxury watch model]
Keywords: CH/F-Jura watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Royal Oak
Edition: 2012 - 1st edition, German edition
Page or pages: 302
BHM No: 19660 - Audemars Piguet
Title: Royal Oak by Audemars Piget
SubTitle: [Edition 04/91]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Royal Oak Audemars Piguet
Edition: 1991 - April
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11124 - Audemar Piguet
Title: ROYAL OAK: FROM ICONOCLAST TO ICON | A novel cultural take on the "ROYAL OAK''s heritage"
SubTitle: A e-mail blast early Sept from Audemart headquarterw in Switzerland to global horological press corps |
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch contemporary
Other Keywords: ROYAL OAK
Edition: 2022 September
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24969 - Jonathan Betts, Richard Dunn, Rebekah Hiigitt, Rory McIvoy, Gillian Hutchinson, Marek Kukula, Lara Maiklem[Project Manager]
Title: Royal Observatory Greenwich - Souvenir Guide [2012 edition]
SubTitle: Introduction - Astronomy at Greenwich - Navigation - Time - The Prime Meridian - Astronomy and Observing - Find out More
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: ROG Greewwich
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 22230 - Gloria Clifton
Title: Royal Observatory Greenwich - Souvenir Guide [2010 edition]
Keywords: UK-London astronomy clock watch
Other Keywords: longitude Royal Observatory Greenwich
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 15675 - Annonymous
Title: Royal Observatory Greenwich - Una introduccion [Spanish Edition]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch time
Other Keywords: Greenwich Observatory Harrison
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15667 - Lara Maiklem (Project Manager), Jonathan Betts, Richard Dunn, Rebekah Higgitt, Tina Warner(Photograhy)
Title: Royal Observatory Greenwich Souvenir Guide (2012 edition, ISBN 978 1 906367 51 0 , amended 2nd printing)
Keywords: UK-London astronomy clock watch
Other Keywords: longitude greenwich
Edition: 2012 2nd amended printing
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 19355 - George Biddell Airy, Elicot, George Graham[Clockmaker], Lubock, H.R.A. Mallock, Edward Sabine, Stewart, Thompson, Unknown-Amalgamator
Title: Royal Society London - A selected Amagam of 19 horological papers from the Proceedings as Chrome HTML documents [on a CD-ROM]
SubTitle: published 1740-1929
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
BHM No: 22987 - Denys Vaughan[Editor]
Title: Royal Society [The?] and the fourth dimension - The History of Timekeeping - AHS Monograph No. 27
SubTitle: A Joint Meeting of the Royal Society and the AHS - An Exhibition held at the Library of the Roy.So
Keywords: catalog timekeeping
Other Keywords: proceedings AHS Royal Society
Edition: 1993, 1st edition
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 1869 - Tschantre Inc., Royal
Title: Royal Tschantre Inc. Catalog 1972-1973
Other Keywords: Royal Tschantre
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 6519 - Denision
Title: Rudementary Treatise On Clocks, Watches and Bells For Public Purposes
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Parent Document ID: 14841 - Parent Document Title: Med haender som en smed og hoved som en laerd
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 14585 - Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe
Title: Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches & Bells for Public Purposes [1903] Disk 1, file 4
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 4, disc 1
BHM No: 11763 - EdmundBeckett Denison, Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe
Title: Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells
Keywords: historic pendulum escapement
Other Keywords: Big-Ben gravity-escapment
Edition: 1883
Page or pages: 404
BHM No: 4790 - EdmundBeckett Denison, Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe
Title: Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells for Public Purposes
SubTitle: 1975 facsimile reprint
Other Keywords: BigBen Grimthorpe
Edition: 1975 reprint
Page or pages: 404
BHM No: 17 - EdmundBeckett Denison, Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe
Title: Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells for Public Purposes
SubTitle: [Project Gutenberg online edition - ebook # 17 576 - January 2006 - http://www.gutenberg.org/1/7/5/7/17576/17576-pdf.pdf ]]
Keywords: UK-London escapement
Other Keywords: Grimthorpe gravity escapement Big Ben Westminster ebook
Edition: 2006 Electronic edition
Page or pages: 322
BHM No: 9484 - EdmundBeckett Denison, Lord(aka Edmund Beckett Denison) Grimthorpe
Title: Rudimentary Treatsie on Clock and Watch Making: With a Chapter on CHurch Clocks;
SubTitle: and an account of the proceedings respecting the great Westminster clock - With numerous drawings
Keywords: textbook historic
Edition: 1850, 1st edition
Page or pages: 279
BHM No: 10493 - Peter Vogt, Ulrich Luder, Charles Studer
Title: Rudolf C. Schild - 1908-1973 [CEO of Watch manufacturer Schild AG in Grenchen Switzerland]
SubTitle: ?Obituaries and Funeral speeches 1973]
Keywords: biography watch
Other Keywords: Schild
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 39
BHM No: 13902 - Clare Vincent, Bruce Chandler, Gerhard Emmoser[Clockmaker]
Title: Rudolf II's Celestial Globe on the Wings of Pegasus
SubTitle: [An essay on the celestial mechanised globe by Emmoser bat the Metropoliatn Museum of Art in New York, Inv. No. 17.190.636]
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: celestial mechanized globe Emmoser Metropolitan
Parent Document ID: 18385 - Parent Document Title: Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien - Band 12/14 (2013)
BHM No: 18386 - Clare Vincent, Bruce Chandler, Helmut Kovar
Title: Rudolf II's Celestial Globe on the Wings of Pegasus - Wir machen Musik - Trompetenautomat, Schiff und Bachuswagen des Hans Schlottheim [CD ROM edition
SubTitle: [CD Rom with scans of BHM 18386 amd BHM 18413]
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 18416 - Stacy B.C. Wood
Title: Rudy Stoner, 1728-1769, Early Lancaster Clockmaker
SubTitle: in Vol.80, No. 2 of Jounal of the Lancaster County Historical Society
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Rudy Stoner Lancaster
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 4171 - Wolf Brueggemann
Title: Ruhende und rueckfuehrende Hemmungen (ohne Anker) bei Taschenuhren - Vortrag vor dem Regionalkreis Muenchen ..
SubTitle: ? der DGC am 11. November 2001
Keywords: advanced escapement
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 5816 - Uhrenmuseum, Ruhlaer
Title: Ruhlaer Uhrenmuseum [Besucher Instruktionen und Plan(verso)]
SubTitle: Guarde Uhren und Feinmechanik Ruhla
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Ruhla
Edition: 2013 ca. undated
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 18728 - Pacific, Time Service Union
Title: Rules and Instructions Governing ? Watches, Standard Clocks, Station Clocks, Station tower clocks ?
SubTitle: Revised June 1 1949 - Eastern and South Central Distric(East of Huntington)
Keywords: performance measuring
Other Keywords: Railroad Union Pacific standards
Edition: 2004 facsimile copy
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 5977 - Walter J. Kleinlein
Title: Rules and Practice for Adjusting Watches [1940 Edition]
Edition: 1940 edition
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 4509 - Walter J. Kleinlein
Title: Rules and Practice for Adjusting Watches [1st Edition, 1920]
Keywords: textbook watch adjusting practical how-to
Edition: 1920, 1st edition
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 15103 - NAWCC Convention Committee
Title: Rules for the Mart Room
SubTitle: [2018 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Convention York PA]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Mart room rules
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22168 - Fe, Santa
Title: Rules Governing Time Service Operating Department
SubTitle: December 6, 1959
Other Keywords: railroad timeservice Santa Fe
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 2389 - Susanne Loacker, Sabine Bobst[Photography]
Title: Rund um die Uhr (article from the Zuritip section of Tahesanzeiger, June 15.-21. 2006 edition, No.24)
SubTitle: Neu in Zurich - Uhrenmuseum zum Rosli
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Zurich Rosli
Edition: 2006-06-15
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 12328 - Heinz-Guenther Vosgerau
Title: rund um die uhr - Die Kunst des Uhrmachers in Stadt und Land zwischen ...
SubTitle: Weser und Ems - Heft 26/27 Materialien und Studien zur Alltages...Niedersachsens
Keywords: regional catalog
Other Keywords: Niedersachsen Clopenburg
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 167
BHM No: 7142 - Heinrich Lunardi
Title: Rundgang durch das Uhrenmuseum der Stadt Wien
SubTitle: Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Wien Vienna
Edition: 1st ed 1973
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 6569 - Heinrich Lunardi
Title: Rundgang durch das Uhrenmuseum der Stadt Wien [Text only abreviated edition]
SubTitle: Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Wien Vienna
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 18716 - Uhrenmuseum Glashuette, Deutsches
Title: Rundgang durch die Spuren der Zeit [Ein...] - Uhrenstadt Glashuette
SubTitle: [A horological Walking Tour of horological history - The Watchmaking town of Glashuette {Germany}]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia
Other Keywords: Glashuette
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 18612 - Rudolf Flume
Title: Rundglas Sonderformen Ultra-D im Flume System (Oktober 1974)
SubTitle: incl. Uhrglaeser Ultra-D KLEINUHR, und Uhrglaeser Ultra-D Grossuhr (Sept. 1974) und FLUME Uhrglas Katalog Kleinuhr Ultra-D Nachtrag 1967
Keywords: parts
Other Keywords: watchglass clockglass Ultra-D
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 10178 - Len Collis, Jan Davis[Illustrator]
Title: Rupert and the trouble with Big Ben
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: Big Ben
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11994 - Len Collis, Jan Davis[Illustrator]
Title: Rupert and the trouble with Big Ben
Keywords: juvenile UK-London watch
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 15672 - Chris H. Bailey
Title: Russell & Jones Clock Company
SubTitle: Illustrated Catalogue 1890
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Russell Jones
Edition: 1988, reprint
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 1727 - Richard Muhe, Klaus Seide
Title: Russenuhren faszinieren Sammler
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 12992 - Steve Humphrey
Title: Russian Bell - A monumental clock created for and by James Arthir (1842-1930) [2 images ]
SubTitle: [beeing the 2010 holiday card of Stephen Humphrey and the Staff of the NAWCC heauarters, Museum , Library and School of Horology]
Keywords: monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: James Arthur Russian Bell
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15479 - Juri Levenberg
Title: Russian Wristwatches
SubTitle: Pocket Watches, Stop Watches, Deck Watches & Marine Chronometers
Other Keywords: Russia
Edition: 1995, 1st english language edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 2213 - Johannes Altmeppen
Title: Russische Uhren (Russian Watches) - Printed for Archival Purposes at Horological Research Libraries
SubTitle: [Printout of the Massive Dockumentation on Russian made pocket watches found on the website of the DGC]
Keywords: reference watch
Edition: 2017 (website text dates toto ca 2010)
Page or pages: 755
BHM No: 21267 - Johannes Altmeppen
Title: Russische Uhren fuer Flugzzeuge
SubTitle: {The Clocks and watches of Russian Aviation]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Avaiation
Parent Document ID: 22358 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2018, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Band 57
Edition: 20 pages
Page or pages: p.121-140
BHM No: 22414 - Johannes Altmeppen
Title: Russische Uhren fuer Schiffe
SubTitle: [Russian Clocks for Ships]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: russian marine
Parent Document ID: 21361 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2017, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Band 38
Page or pages: 145-164
BHM No: 21410 - Johannes Altmetten
Title: Russland und die Anfaenge seiner Armbanduhren
SubTitle: [Russia and the origins of itys wrist watch industry]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Russia
Parent Document ID: 20209 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2015, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 195-218
BHM No: 20224 - David Rooney
Title: Ruth Belville - The Greewich Time Lady
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Belville Greenwich
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 12384 - E.J[ohn]. Tyler
Title: Rye Church Clock
SubTitle: Reprinted from Antiquarian Horology, Winter 976
Keywords: specific
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 5175 - Geoff Bagley, xxx
Title: Rye Church Clock - The Clock of St. Mary the Virgin / Rye
SubTitle: A Rye Museum Miniature
Keywords: monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Rye tower
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14831 - Rhythm,
Title: Rythm - Small World - Real Time, Real Magic, Real Rythm [Catalog flyer 6/2004, 8 pages, 22 Models, no prices]
SubTitle: [Catalog flyer 6/2004, 8 pages, 22 Models, no prices]
Keywords: musical clock
Edition: 2004-04
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19104 - Stephanie Lahrtz
Title: Rythmus der inneren Uhr folgt dem Lauf des Lebens [Der...]
SubTitle: Aenderungen im Schlafverhalten vonm Ungeborenen bis zum Senior [Artikel in NZZ, Mittwoch 2. April 2008]
Other Keywords: circadian clock biological clock sleep
Edition: 2008-04-02
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 11808 - Joseph Knibb
Title: S Fine early Walnut Marquetry Longcase clock, 9 1/2 inch dial
Parent Document ID: 7067 - Parent Document Title: [S-1969-07-29-Lon] Important Scientific Instruments and Watches and Clocks,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 132
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 8854 - S. LaRose
Title: S. LA Rose Inc: Worldwide Distributors to Horologists
SubTitle: Catalog 217
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 7082 - S. Oliver
Title: S. Oliver Time
Keywords: popular watch
Other Keywords: Oliver
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12087 - & Co, S.F. Myers
Title: S.F. Meyers & Co, No. 22 - Illustrated Catalogue and Wholesale Price List (For the Trade only) [1884]
SubTitle: Manufacturing Jewelers, New York
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Myers
Edition: 1970s facsimile edition
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 6421 - Myers and Co. S.F.
Title: S.F. Myers & Co, Manufacturing Jewelers ,Catalog No. 22 [1884] Illustrated Catalog & Wholesale Price List - For the Trade Only [CD-ROM edition]
SubTitle: Makers and Jobbers of Fine Gold an Plated Jewelery - Importer of Swiss Watches - Manufacturers, Agents and Wholesale Dealers in all American Watch Mov
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Myers
Edition: 2020 Facsimile on CD-ROM of 1884
BHM No: 15157 - & Co, S.F. Myers
Title: S.F. Myers & Co, Manufacturing Jewelers Catalog No. 22 [1884]
SubTitle: and Clapp & Davies 1886 Watches, Jewelery Clocks Trade Price List Chicago, plus AC Becken Chic. 1896
Keywords: catalog facsimile movement case historic
Edition: 1970s ? Reprint of 1884-1896
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 1664 - S .LaRose
Title: S.LaRose - Summer Flyer 2001 - Catalog #275
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Edition: 2001
BHM No: 21616 - S. LaRose
Title: S.LaRose Collection (1984) - [The..]
SubTitle: first published as an auction Auction Catalog, Sept 7, 1984 - the Day on which Mr.S.Larose sold of his whole 'Museum' collection of 771 clocks
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Greensboro Clock Museum LaRose collection
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 6402 - Uhrenmuseum, Saarlaendisches
Title: Saarlaendisches Uhrenmuseum [An assembly of brochures, flyers etc]
SubTitle: Uhrmachers Haus, Puettingen, Saarland
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 18706 - Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen], Deutsches
Title: Saarlandisches Uhrenmuseum - Engelfager Strasse 3, 66346 Puettlingen [Germany]
SubTitle: [fanfold flyer ca. 2010]
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: Saarland Saar Puttllingen Puettlingen
Edition: 2010 ? undated
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 17442 - Swatch Group (Corprate Communications Dept.), Swatch Group - Corporate Communications - Biel Switzerland
Title: SAATCH GROUP PRESS RELEASE - Retirement of Mr. Mugahed Darwish , Member of the Executive Management Board f SWATCH GROUP
SubTitle: 1 page EMAIL BLAST | dated Mon March 28, 2022 at 11:45 |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: SWATCH GROUP
Edition: 2022-28-March
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24671 - Hermann Paschen
Title: Sack Uhren von Heinrich Sully
Parent Document ID: 1138 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 24
Edition: 24
Page or pages: 51
BHM No: 12933 - Lothar Hasselmeyer
Title: Saechsische Meisterwerke der Uhrmacher- und Instrumentenbaukunst - Die mechanischen Werkstaetten im Schloss Reinharz, die Meister & ihre Werke
SubTitle: [Saxonian Masterpieces of Horological Crafts, the mechanical shopsof Reinharz Castle, the mastersand their oevre]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia clock watch
Other Keywords: Reinharx
Parent Document ID: 21361 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2017, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Band 38
Page or pages: 119-132
BHM No: 21408 - Stacey Cowley
Title: Safe Deposit Boxes arem't safe [NYTimes Jul19,2029]
SubTitle: [Story of rare watches disapearing from Bank Safe Deposit Boxes]
Keywords: watch antique
Other Keywords: safe deposit box
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 23128 - Stacy Cowlwy, Andrew White[Phptography]
Title: Safe Deposit Boxes aren't safe - [An Article in the Sunday NYTimes of July 21, 1991, about the disapearance of a valuable pocket watch collection]
SubTitle: In Business Section Front Page , continued on p.5 of NYTimes Busines section, 1 Photographic illustrations\re Philip Ponitx Collection]
Keywords: watch antique
Edition: 2019-07-21
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23143 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: Sag Harbor (Long Island), NY Local Historical Museum- Clocks on display 2003
SubTitle: [5clocks, 10 images]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Sag Harbour
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 19595 - Sagamo Electric Company
Title: Sagamo Clocks - Wound from your Light Socket
SubTitle: [1928 Catalog and Pricelist A3 dated January 1 1929, reprinted 2008 for NAWCC Symposium]
Keywords: catalog electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Sagamo
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 12390 - Nicolas Serverino
Title: Saggi di Storia dells Gnomonico - Vol. 2 | This volume collects many of the numerous aticles that the Author haspresented on his website ...
SubTitle: ... over the years 2005 to 2010 - Published 2011
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundials Italy
Edition: Webdownload
Page or pages: 511
BHM No: 24108 - Products, Craft
Title: Saint Charles Clocks
SubTitle: [1982 Catalog]
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: kit
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 4277 - Products, Craft
Title: Saint Charles Collection [The..] of Heirloom Clocks
SubTitle: Fall-Winter 1982 [Catalog]
Keywords: catalog case
Other Keywords: wood kit Craft
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 4224 - Memoires d'ici
Title: Sainte-Imier - Itineraires Imeriens - Energies horlogeres [Deutsch]
SubTitle: [Map and walking guide fora 13 stop horological walking tour of the village of Saint-Imier, JU (Switzerland), Home of Longines Watch Comanay.]
Keywords: REGIONAL watch
Other Keywords: Saint-Imier
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 16653 - Meritt's,
Title: Sale extended ... Bergeon Bushing Tool System [Catalog Flyer #473... 05/2011
Keywords: catalog clock parts
Other Keywords: Meritt
Edition: 2011-05
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15957 - Salomon Coster, John Fromanteel, John C. Taylor[CriticalTextualAnalysis&Interpretation]
Title: Salomon Coster - John Fromanteel Contract - 3 September 1657 - Changes made during drafting
SubTitle: [A scholarly textual analysis of a key document in the history of the pendulum clock]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia pendulum
Other Keywords: Pendulum Coster Huygens Fromanteel
Edition: 2018-August-27
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 22217 - Marco Cattaneo(Editor)
Title: Salon horlogers - Tribune des Arts / 24 heures
SubTitle: Special issue of Tribune des Arts - Avril 2007 No. 350 Supplement to Tribune de Geneve)
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Edition: 2007 Avril - No 350
Page or pages: 122
BHM No: 15355 - Sam Goyen
Title: Sam Goyen - Tel 602-843 0536 - 25 American Clocks for sale -25 IMAGES WITH DISCRIPTION AND PRICE
SubTitle: [A ca. 1998 list]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1998 ca
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 22465 - Suzanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-World-Tempus-Newsletter]
Title: Same But Different - Making Proress can be a slow process... | Worldtempus Nesletter | 07 March 2022 - 4 Pages | 3 illustrations
SubTitle: [an editorial lamenting he gap between serious male and female watch collectors/enthusiasts] |
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Gender Equity
Edition: 2022-07-March
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24630 - Rubens A. Siegelmann, Stephen Gagneux
Title: Sammeln - Collection [A Swiss -non-horological- bi-lingual {German/French} collector magazine] Year 18 - Nr. 118 - April/Mai 2016
SubTitle: [Includes 2 horological articles: p.12-19 on tuning fork watches [from NAWCC Bulletin]; p.30-36 Watches on display at the Gebeva and Basel Fairs]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2016, Vol.16 nr118
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 20980 - Sammeln-Collection
Title: Sammeln - Collection [A Swiss -non-horologicasl- bi-lingual collectorr magszine] Nr. 108 - August 2014
SubTitle: [With article: Chronographs sans compteur sur base Ebasuches SA - p.26-34, reprinted from 'chronometrophilia' no.60 ]
Keywords: chronograph watch
Edition: 2014 - no. 108
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 20196 - Horst Landrock
Title: Sammeln von Sanduhren und derenBewertung
Other Keywords: collecting valuating hourglases
Parent Document ID: 7205 - Parent Document Title: Vortraege des 2. Treffens der Sanduhrenfreunde
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 10
Page or pages: 57-64
BHM No: 8893 - Wolf Brueggemann
Title: Sammlerglueck: Eine Taschenuhr von Antoine Demole
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 13018 - Hans Christoph Ackermann, Maurice [Photography] Babey
Title: Sammlung Carl und Lini Nathan-Rupp - Die Kutschenuhren
SubTitle: HistorischesMuseum Basel
Keywords: collection catalog
Other Keywords: Basel Rupp Kirschgarten
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 2411 - Gerhard G. Wagner, Ian D. Fowler
Title: Sammlung Ehrensberger - Uhren aus vier Jahrunderten
SubTitle: Augustinermuseum Freiburg
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Emil EhrensbergerAugustinermuseum Freiburg sundial
BHM No: 6794 - Anonymous,
Title: Sammlung Hellmuth Lemm
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 55-57
BHM No: 12499 - Gustav Speckhart, Carl Marfels
Title: Sammlung Marfels
SubTitle: Beschrieben von Hofuhrmacher Gustav Speckhart
Keywords: catalog highgrade luxury watch case
Other Keywords: Marfgels Morgan
Edition: 1912? nodate
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 10920 - Anonymous,
Title: Sammlung Phillip Weber
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 58-
BHM No: 12500 - Ernst Attlmeyer
Title: Sammlung [Die?] historischer Uhren im Tiroler Landeskundlichen Museum
SubTitle: in Beitr?ge zur Technikgeschichte Tirols, Heft 6, 1975
Keywords: catalog regional
Other Keywords: Tirol
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 2207 - Sharon Gordon(NAWCC-Librarian), National Watch and Clock Library
Title: Sample of three 'NAWCC - Library & Research Center monthly reports' - 2003(August)/2004(December)/2005(January)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: LARC
Edition: 2003-2006(3Samples)
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22969 - Nicola Severino[www.nicolaseverino.it]
Title: Samuel Forster: l'Horologiographia in tutte le salse ! [UNDATED Sundial article: FMM presumes this to be one of Severino's first published articles]
SubTitle: [UNPAGINATED and UNDATED ] article, includes a bibliography, possibly one of the very first articles by Severino on sundials (?) |
Other Keywords: Severino Sundial Sundials
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 24859 - John A. Robey, Thomas Boulton Harlow
Title: Samuel Harlow of Ashborne and his Longcase Movements
SubTitle: [Printed out Webdownload from Academia.edu - 18 pages]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Ashbourne
Edition: 2002-March
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 23179 - Christie's,
Title: Samuel Messer Collection [The..] of English Furniture, Clocks and Barometers
SubTitle: Auction, London Thursday 5.December 1991 at 10.30 am
Keywords: catalog auction
Other Keywords: Samuel Messer
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 181
BHM No: 1158 - Christie's,
Title: Samuel Messer Collection [The?] of English Furniture, Barometers and Clocks
SubTitle: London, Thursday 5 December 1991
Keywords: collection catalog
Other Keywords: Samuel Messer
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 190
BHM No: 5012 - W.T.R. Pryce, T. Alun Davies
Title: Samuel Roberts - Clockmaker
SubTitle: An eithteenth-century craftsman in a Welsh rural community
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Samuel Robert Wales
Edition: 1985, 1st edition
Page or pages: 450
BHM No: 1253 - Jim Chamberlain[ChapterPresident]
Title: San Fernando Valley Regulator [Newsletter of the] Chapter 75 of the NAWCC - Misc.Issues 2019-2012
SubTitle: Issues 2009: Augst / 2010: April , Sept. / 2011: January, April, July, Aug. Sept. / 2012 March
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: California
Edition: 2009-2012
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 22936 - Jim Chamberlain[Newsletter-Editor]
Title: San Fernando Valley Regulator [Newsletter of NAECC Cgapter 75] - [3 scattered issues: February 200, September 2001, January 2002]
SubTitle: [Typically 12 0r 26 pajes oer issue]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2000-2003
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 23467 - San Fernando Valley , NAWCC-Chapter-75
Title: San Fernando Valley Regulator [The...] - NAWCC Chapter 75 San Fernando Valley [Chapter Newslewtter]
SubTitle: 2000 Feb, 2001 Sep, 2002 Sept,
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 19153 - NAWCC-Chapter05-SanFranciscoDrBarkleyStevensMemorialChapter, Bruce A. Kock
Title: San Francisco - NAWCC [1967]
SubTitle: [Exhibit Catalog of National Convention]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 4513 - NAWCC-Chapter05-SanFranciscoDrBarkleyStevensMemorialChapter, Bruce A. Kock
Title: San Francisco 1967 NAWCC
SubTitle: Exhibition Catalog of 33rd National of NAWCC held 1967 in San Francisco
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: NAWCC San Francisco
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2679 - San Francisco Clock Company
Title: San Francisco Clock Company - USA - Quality in Time
SubTitle: [Catalog,12 models, dated January 1981
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21624 - Lyn Larsen
Title: San Sylmar - The Music Tour [An Audio CD]
SubTitle: Lyn Larsen plays the newly enlarged and restored 4 Manual 73 Rank Wurlitzer Theatre Organ in Nethercutt Collection at San Sylmar
Keywords: musical
Edition: 1996
BHM No: 16422 - Bernhard Moeller
Title: Sand aus Eierschalen
Other Keywords: hourglass
Parent Document ID: 7205 - Parent Document Title: Vortraege des 2. Treffens der Sanduhrenfreunde
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 4
Page or pages: 29-32
BHM No: 8888 - Antiquorum,
Title: Sandburg Watch Collection
SubTitle: Auction Catalog for 31 March and April 1 2001
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Sandberg enameled form watches
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 501
BHM No: 498 - Antiquorum,, Michael Sandberg
Title: Sandburg Watch Collection [The...]
SubTitle: - [also beeing [ A-2001-03-31-Gva] [A 423 item,one consigner Antiquorum Auctioneers - Saturday March 31/Sunday April 1 2001 - Hotel Richmont Geneva
Keywords: catalog highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Sandburg
Edition: 2001-03-31
Page or pages: 505
BHM No: 18520 - Michael Hoeye
Title: Sands [The?] of Time
SubTitle: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure
Other Keywords: mystery novel
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 277
BHM No: 4638 - Crosscurved Mainsprings, Sandsteel
Title: Sandsteel Mainspring Manual - Catalog No. 25
SubTitle: handy information for the watchmaker and descriptions of mainsprings for practically all types of wa
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: spring sandsteel
Edition: 1950s?
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 5341 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Andreas Zick
Title: Sanduhr - Johannes Andreas Zick, Nuernberg 164
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U118
Other Keywords: sandglass hourglass
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0486
BHM No: 17817 - Unknown-NoneGiven,
Other Keywords: Sanduhr
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17711 - Ernst Juenger
Title: Sanduhrbuch, Das
Other Keywords: sandclocks sandglasses
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 263
BHM No: 484 - Knut Deutschle
Title: Sanduhren - Von Zeiten und Uhren Teil 1
SubTitle: Uhren der Pfalz (Band 4, Teil 1)
Other Keywords: sandglass hourglass
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 4283 - Lothar Hasselmeyer
Title: Sanduhren aus Nurnberg
SubTitle: [Sanddials from Nuernberg]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: sanddial hourglass
Parent Document ID: 17408 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2012, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie SubTitle:
Edition: 2012, Vol. 51
Page or pages: 51 - 82
BHM No: 17413 - Lothar Hasselmeyer
Title: Sanduhren eine Studioausstellung im Mathmeatisch-Physikalischen Salon
SubTitle: vom 27. Oktober 2000 bis 4. Februar 2001 - DOkumentation
Keywords: catalog museum
Other Keywords: Dresden Sanduhr hourglass sandclock
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 7204 - Lothar Hasselmeyer
Title: Sanduhren zur Messung der Uhrzeit
SubTitle: [Danddials to tell the time]
Other Keywords: Uhrenbrett sanddial hourglass
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: Band 49
Page or pages: 123-132
BHM No: 15501 - Omega,
Title: SANFIL - New Waterproofing Sytem for non-threaded backs of waterproof watches
SubTitle: Omega Technical Guide Nr. 60, 1974
Keywords: basic technical practical
Other Keywords: Omega waterproof
Parent Document ID: 10606 - Parent Document Title: Omega Technical Guide No.36,40,43,45,46,60,61 & 63, 1967 to 1976
Edition: 60
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10663 - Robert C. Lanphimer, Benjamn P. Thomas
Title: Sangamo - A History of 50 Years
SubTitle: Forty Years of Sangamo - Sangamo in Peace and War
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Sangamo
Edition: 1949 1st edition
Page or pages: 145
BHM No: 19514 - R. Schild
Title: Sanierungsbestrebungen in der Schweizerischen Uhrenindustrie seit 1928 und deren Auswirkungen
Keywords: history
Edition: 1936
Page or pages: 254
BHM No: 3147 - Sandra Reichmuth[Photographer]
Title: sankt gallen - klosterplatz [A picture postcard] faszinierend
Parent Document ID: 23010 - Parent Document Title: Erd- und Himmelsglobus um 1570 - Original im Landesmuseum Zurich und Replik (2009) in der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
Edition: e
BHM No: 23016 - David M. Nicholson
Title: Santa Fe: How It Governed Its Timepieces Throughout The System
Other Keywords: railroad timeservice Santa Fe
Edition: 1985, first edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 10496 - Cartier.com(and-their-USA-advertising-agencies)
Title: Santos de Carier - partial, full page- advertisement in the New York Times of C | withh verso advertisement for SANTOS DW Cartier
SubTitle: pages 16 ST& 15 ST of the NY-Times of Sunday Septemer 18, 2022
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Santos Cartier
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24947 - Louis-Vuiton
Title: Santos de Cartier - Shop the Collection at cartier.com - A full page color advertisement in the New York Times Issue of June 27 2021 - page 18 ST
SubTitle: Manual-winding skeletonmechanical movement - Titanium and Carbon Stratum Case | Pagespread advrttisment in New York Times Sunday June 27 2021-p.10 ST
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Cartier Santos
Edition: 2021-June 27
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24201 - Cartier.com(and-their-advertising-agency)
Title: Santos de Cartier- Shop the Collection at cartier.com| A full page color advertisement(Back Cvr.)New York Times Travel Mag.)
SubTitle: issue May 15 2022(Sunday) |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Cartier de Santos
Edition: 2022-May-15-May
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24730 - Holger Christman[Editor-inChief]
Title: Saphire - Der Shopping Guide fuer Uhrenfans - Nov/Dez 2018 - Eine Beilage von Chronos
SubTitle: An Advertising Supplement to Chronos
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2018-11
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 22423 - David Blair
Title: Sapphire beamsplitters and test masses for advanced laser interferometer gravitational wave detector
Other Keywords: niobium springs foil pendulum supports high Q
Parent Document ID: 6196 - Parent Document Title: Physics Letters A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 218 aug 5
Page or pages: 197 - 206
BHM No: 8329 - David Christianson
Title: Sargent & Greenleaf Timelock Movements
SubTitle: An article in May 1991 Issue of Horological Times
Other Keywords: Sargent & Greenleaf bank ault timers
Parent Document ID: 3830 - Parent Document Title: Horological Times - 1991 - Vol. 15
Edition: 1991-02
Page or pages: 36-52
BHM No: 11734 - Erwin Satler
Title: Satler - Columna Temporis - Opus Troja Temporis - ROTALIS 30
SubTitle: [three pages from a ca. 2013 catalog and specification sheet)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Satler
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 18952 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Satori Electric Clock Description
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-1
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 9329 - James Cipra
Title: Satori Quartz Pendulum Brochure Translation
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-1
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9328 - James Cipra
Title: Satori Quartz Pendulum Patent - Translation + photos + drawing
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-1
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 9327 - Sattler,
Title: Sattler Clocks
SubTitle: [Translation into English of Reprint of Article in "Uhren Magazin" April 1993]
Keywords: brand catalog
Other Keywords: Sattler
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 3066 - Juergen Haux
Title: Sattler Handwerk - Sonderdruck Firmenportraet Erwin Sattler, Muenchen
SubTitle: aus Chronos 5/99
Other Keywords: Sattler
BHM No: 6349 - Sattler,
Title: Sattler Uhrenfabrik
SubTitle: [Promotional Video, 2006, 17min on CD]
Keywords: mechanical luxury precision
Other Keywords: Sattler
BHM No: 10483 - Niek deKort
Title: Saturn and its moons rediscovered through space exploration
Other Keywords: Saturn moons
Parent Document ID: 5933 - Parent Document Title: Christian Huygens - Facets of a Genius
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 5
Page or pages: 24-31
BHM No: 7813 - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Title: Satzung - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie - Stand 20 Maerz 1997
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 22440 - Uhrmacher-Innung Hannover
Title: Satzungen der Uhrmacher-Innung Hannover - 15. Mai 1954
SubTitle: [Bylaws of the Watch and Clockmakers Guild of Hannover, Germany, 1954]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Innung Guild
Edition: 1954-05-15
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 15799 - Alain Tillier
Title: Sauvetage et Restauratio des Cadrans Solaires
Parent Document ID: 6692 - Parent Document Title: Restauration de Cadran Solaires - Club du Vieux Manoir
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 7-9
BHM No: 8745 - Leopold Defossez, Adrien Jaquerod
Title: Savants du XVIIe Siecle et la Mesure du Temps [Les...] - [ Scholars of the 17th Century and Timekeeping]
SubTitle: Ouvrage Couronne par la Societe Suisse de Chronometrie - 44 Planches Hors Texte et 120 Figures
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 341
BHM No: 18048 - Leopold Defossez
Title: Savants [Les?] du XVIIe Siecle et la mesure du temps
SubTitle: Ouvrage courronne par la societe suisse de chronometrie
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1946 1st edition
Page or pages: 342
BHM No: 974 - www.clockd.org
Title: Save American Clocks [The T-Shirt] undated ca.2000
SubTitle: Time to preserve Americas Past
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: T-Shirt USA
Edition: 2000 ca.undated
BHM No: 24383 - CincinnatiTimeRecorderCompany
Title: Save Lost Time Costs the Cincnnati Way - A time recorder to meet every need
SubTitle: [Undated product literature (Flyers amd/or Brochures, many in color) presumably 1950s to 1980s]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Cincinnati timerecorder Stechuhr
Edition: 1950s1970s undated
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 18158 - Erwin Dietrich
Title: Saving Clocks Swiss Insurances
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: piggybank savingsbank
Edition: 1985, 1st English edition
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 15861 - David Prerau
Title: Saving the Daylight
SubTitle: Why we put the Clocks Forward
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: Daylight Savings
Edition: 2006 UK Edition
Page or pages: 258
BHM No: 15665 - Bernhard Huber[Editor], Saxonia
Title: Saxonia Band V, Hefte Nr. 45 - 50 der Sch?lervereinigung "Saxonia" + Berichte Nr. 1 -5 ?Bund ehemaliger Sch?ler der Uhrmacherschule Glash?tte? ...
SubTitle: ... + Berichte 1 ? 2 ?Bund ehemaliger Sch?ler der Meisterschule des Uhrmacherhandwerks (Sept. 1933 ? Dezember 1941)
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Saxonia Glashutte
Edition: 2013 facsimile edition of 1933 to 1942
Page or pages: 494
BHM No: 18229 - Kurt Herkner
Title: Saxonia sei's Panier Wie die Spannung so die Kraft! Der Bericht einer nostalgischen Erinnerung
Parent Document ID: 485 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 20
Edition: 20
Page or pages: 233
BHM No: 12848 - Saxonia
Title: Saxonia [Band 1] - Bericht fur die Alten Herren der Schulervereinigung Saxonia an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule zu Glashutte i.S.
SubTitle: Heft Nr. 1 (1904) bis Heft Nr. 12 (1914) - Kommentierte Facsimile Edition
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia clock watch
Other Keywords: Saxonia Glashutte Alumni newsletter
Edition: 2008 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 13559 - Bernhard Huber[Editor]
Title: Saxonia [Band 2/CD ROM]Bericht fur die Alten Herren der Schulervereinigung Saxonia an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule zu Glashutte i.S. [CD-ROM Ausgabe]
SubTitle: Hefte Nr. 14 (1916), 20/21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 (1925) - Kommentierte Facsimile Edition
Keywords: facsimile D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Saxonia Glashutte
Edition: 2010 [CD-Rom facsimile edition]
BHM No: 14889 - Bernhard Huber[Editor]
Title: Saxonia [Band 2] - Bericht fur die Alten Herren der Schulervereinigung Saxonia an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule zu Glashutte i.S. [Buch Ausgabe]
SubTitle: Hefte Nr. 14 (1916), 20/21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 (1925) - Kommentierte Facsimile Edition [Buchausgabe]
Keywords: facsimile D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Saxonia
Edition: 2010 [Hardcopy facsimile edition]
Page or pages: 412
BHM No: 14888 - Bernhard Huber[Editor], Saxonia
Title: Saxonia [Band 3-Buch] - Bericht fur die Alten Herren der Schulervereinigung Saxonia an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule zu Glashutte i.S. [Buch Ausgabe]
SubTitle: Hefte Nr. 30 (1926) - Nr.35 (1928) sowie Mitgliederverzeichniss Juli 1928- Kommentierte Facsimile Edition [Buchausgabe]
Keywords: facsimile D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Edition: 2011, facsimile reprint of 1926-28
Page or pages: 330
BHM No: 17280 - Bernhard Huber[Editor]
Title: Saxonia [Band 4-Buch] - Bericht fur die Alten Herren der Schulervereinigung Saxonia an der Deutschen Uhrmacherschule zu Glashutte i.S. [Buch Ausgabe]
SubTitle: Hefte Nr. 36 (1929) - Nr.44 (1932) - Kommentierte Facsimile Edition [Buchausgabe]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Glashuiette Glashutte Saxonia
Edition: 2012 Facsimile edition
Page or pages: 410
BHM No: 16904
Title: Scaling the size of a pendulum
Parent Document ID: 5561 - Parent Document Title: Accurate clock Pendulums
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
BHM No: 7666- Robert J. Matthys
Title: Scaling the Size of a Pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7209 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
Edition: 1995-1
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9082 - Roger Irving
Title: Scaling the size of a pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7209 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
Edition: 1995-2
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 9091 - American Reprints Co. Scalon
Title: Scalon American Reprints Co. - Modesto CA - [A ca 1998 catalog of horological books (mostly reprints) for sale. 6p.
Keywords: clock watch antique
Edition: 1998 ca.
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22462 - Ferdinand Berthoud
Title: Scanned Image of tite page of : Traite des Horloges Marines, contenant la Theorie, la Construction, la Main-d'Oevre de ces Machines, ...
SubTitle: et la Maniere de les eprouver, pour parvenir, par leur moyen, a la rectification des Carte de Marines, et la Determination des Longitudes en mer
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2017 scan of 1773 original
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21605 - Silvio A. Bedini
Title: Scent of Time [The?]
SubTitle: A Study of the use of Fire and Incense for the Time Measurement in Oriental Countries
Other Keywords: fire incense
Edition: 1963
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 1436 - E.J[ohn]. Tyler
Title: Sch?ne alte Uhren
SubTitle: Die ?ber 600 j?hrige Geschichte der Uhr mit 100 Abbildungen der sch?nsten Exemplare aus England, Am.
Keywords: basic anthology
Edition: 1976, 1st German edition
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 1564 - Simon Fleet
Title: Sch?ne Uhren
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 21 - Reinhold [Editor] Ludwig
Title: sch?nsten Uhren [Die?] - Edition 1996
SubTitle: Chronos
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: multibrand
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 246
BHM No: 5083 - Dominique Flechon
Title: Schaetze aus dem Uhrenmuseum Beyer Zurich - Treasurers from the Beyer Zurich Clock and Watch Museum
SubTitle: Genf, vom 17.-21. Januar 2011 - Geneva, from Januay 17th to 21st 2011
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva clock watch
Other Keywords: Beyer SIHH
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 16554 - Uhren, Beyer
Title: Schaetze aus dem Uhrenmuseum Beyer Zurich - Tresors from the Beyer Zurich Clock and Watch Museum [2010]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Beyer Zuerich
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 19362 - Johannes WIllers, Karin Holzamer
Title: Schaetze der Astronomie - Treasures of Astronomy - [Titel in arabic]
SubTitle: Arabische unb deutsche Instrumente aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum - Arabic and German Instruments of the German NAtional Museum - {Text in arabic
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: GNM germanisches nationalmuseum nuernberg astrolabes
Edition: 1958, 1st edition
Page or pages: 140
BHM No: 9727 - Heinrich Weiss, Bernd Bunke
Title: Schaffen, Bauen und Erfinden
SubTitle: Vom Mechaniker zum gr?ssten Musikautomaten-Sammler der Welt
Keywords: biograqphy
Other Keywords: Weiss
Edition: 1990, 1st edition
Page or pages: 261
BHM No: 2932 - [Editor], A. Kames, H. Bock[Editor]
Title: Schaltwerk-Uhren und Zeitwaagen
SubTitle: Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft fuer Zeitmesskunde - 12. Band
Keywords: measurement technical
Other Keywords: fimers
Edition: 1943
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 11350 - Ortwin Feustel
Title: Schattenwinkelmesser und vertikale Spinnensonnenuhr: ein reizvoller Vergleich
Parent Document ID: 10123 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2006, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 45
Page or pages: 251
BHM No: 13520 - Aug.Schattz & Soehne[Germany]
Title: Schatz - 100 Jahresuhren-Fabrik GmbH - Aug.Schatz und Soehne - A history of he firm 1881-1981
SubTitle: [Reprint 2018 by l 400-Day Clock Chapter #168 - NAWCC, USA] - This Text was given in approriate language to all clock purchasers in the centenial year
Keywords: torsionpendulum clock
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 22618 - & Soehne, August Schatz
Title: Schatz Jahrenuhren Fabrik GmbH - Tempus Fugit
SubTitle: [75th anniversary brochure 1956]
Keywords: catalog Black Forest
Other Keywords: Schatz Jahresuhrenfabrik
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 6660 - Rafael Beuing
Title: Schatzkammer des Deutschen Ordens [Die...] - Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens (AUSZUEGE betr. Uhren und Wiss.Instr.)
SubTitle: [ The Treasury of the Tutonic Orden - EXCERPTS regarding timekeepers and Sientific Instruments]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Deutscher Orden Wien
Edition: 2015, 1st edition
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 20365 - Rafael Beuing
Title: Schatzkammer des Deutschen Ordens [Die...] - Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens (AUSZUEGE betr. Uhren und Wiss.Instr.)
SubTitle: [ The Treasury of the Tutonic Orden - EXCERPTS regarding timekeepers and Sientific Instruments]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Deutscher Orden Wien
Edition: 2015, 1st edition
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 20366 - Rafael Beuing
Title: Schatzkammer des Deutschen Ordens [Die...] - Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens
SubTitle: [ The Treasury of the Tutonic Orden ]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Deutscher Orden Wien
Edition: 2015, 1st edition
Page or pages: 360
BHM No: 20367 - Wolfgang Krones
Title: Schatzkammer [Die?] des Deutschen Ordens
SubTitle: Kurzfuehrer durch die Austellungsraueme des Museums
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Deutscher Orden Tutonic Wien
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 3494 - Joseph H. Schr?er
Title: Schauer Turmuhren
Parent Document ID: 1129 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 34
Edition: 34
Page or pages: 71
BHM No: 13253 - Winding Clock Co., Self
Title: Schedule of Parts - Style "F" Minute and Style "F" (h-Seconds) Synchronised Movements
SubTitle: Self Winding Clock Company, 2050211 Willouby Avenue, Brooklyn NY
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: SelfWinding
Edition: 1979 reprint
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 3694 - Self Winding Clock Company
Title: Schedule of Parts - Style 'F" Minute and Style "F" (H-Seconds) Synchronized Movements
SubTitle: Self Winding Clock Company
Keywords: electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: SWCC selfwinding
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 12391 - Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk, Stichting Boon-Time, A.R. Willemse[Photographer]
Title: Scheepschronometer (1896) serienr .6059 / signatur: Victor Kulberg, Maker to the Admirality ? London, op wijzerplaat, 20x18x18cm / /collectie MNU
SubTitle: [Photographic postcard A 9136: Marine chronometer (1896) serial no. 6059, signed Victor Kullber, ? London, on the dial]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Zaanse Schans MNU
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0231
BHM No: 16755 - [The], Farmer
Title: Schemes for the Discovery of the Longgitude
SubTitle: An Article in the February 1737 Issue of The Gentleman's Magazine, London
Other Keywords: longitude
Edition: 1737
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1801 - Heinrich Pavel
Title: Schichtungskompensationspendel von Siegmund Riefler {Die...] - [The precision compensating pendulums of Siegmund Riefler]
SubTitle: Article in the 2014 yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Keywords: precision temp-compensation clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Riefler
Parent Document ID: 19457 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2014, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 157-172
BHM No: 19484 - Guenther Oestmann, Elly Dekker, Peter Schiller
Title: Schicksalsdeutung und Astronomie - Der Himmelsglobus des Johannes Stoeffler von 1493
SubTitle: Austellungskatalog WLM Stuttgart 1993
Other Keywords: astrology globe Stoeffler Stuttgart WLM
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 71
BHM No: 10234 - Walter Jahn
Title: Schildpatt, ein begehrtes Material fuer Pariser Pendulen
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 13276 - John Huguenin
Title: Schlagwerke und Repetition - Hilfsbuch fur Praktiker [CD ROM edition]
SubTitle: Einrichtung, Pepassage und Reparatur der Taschen-Repetieruhren
Keywords: watch striketrain basic technical practical
Other Keywords: repeater
Edition: 2009 reedition on CD-ROM
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 14686 - John Huguenin, Loeske[Uebersetzer]
Title: Schlagwerke und Repetitionen - Hilfsbuch fuer Praktiker. Zweites Heft: Einrichtung, Repassage und Reparatur der Taschen-Repetieruren
SubTitle: Facsimile reprint der Uebersetzung der 2. Auflagew des Franzoes9schen Originals. Mit 12 Abbildungen
Keywords: complication(s) watch
Other Keywords: Repeater
Edition: 1903
Page or pages: 82
BHM No: 20610 - Louis Hugenin
Title: Schlagwerke und Repetitionen. Hilfsbuch fur Praktiker. Zweites Heft: Einrichtung, Repassage und Reparatur der Taschen-Repetieruhren
SubTitle: [Setting up, adjusting and repairing Repeater Pocket Watches] CD ROM edition with jpg.scans of all pages by DGC 2008]
Keywords: complication(s) watch adjusting advanced technical practical
Other Keywords: repeater repeating
Edition: 2008 facsimile jpg files on CD ROM
BHM No: 14030 - Timm Delfs
Title: Schlaraffenland fuer Uhrenfreunde - Buecher ueber Uhren [A Heaven for Horologists - Horological Bookstores]
SubTitle: [Download of an article in:] Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 19.12.2014
Keywords: bibliography CH/F-Jura clock watch
Other Keywords: Simonin watchprint bookstore bookstores
Edition: 2014-12-19
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19558 - Friedrich Joseph
Title: Schleifen und Polieren der Edelmetalle [2012 Facsimile reprint of the Leigzig 1926 original edition]
SubTitle: [Grinding and polishing precious metals]
Keywords: textbook clock watch practical
Other Keywords: polishing grinding
Edition: 2012 Facsimuile edition of 1929 3rd ed.
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 17991 - Friedrich Joseph
Title: Schleifen und Polieren der Edelmetalle [Facsimile reprint 2008]
SubTitle: [The grinding and polishing of precious metals]
Keywords: textbook watch practical
Other Keywords: polishing grinding
Edition: 2008 (undated) facsimile reprint of 1929
Page or pages: 109
BHM No: 13564
Title: Schlenker & Kienzle, Schwenningen
Keywords: brand maker
Other Keywords: Kienzle
Parent Document ID: 7121 - Parent Document Title: Deutsche Uhrenindustrie [Die...], Kapitel XIX aus "Die Deutsche Industrie",
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
Page or pages: 07-8
BHM No: 8867- Stadt Bruchsaal
Title: Schloss Bruchsaal - 48 page fanfold and Map -
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: 1
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 21525 - StaatlichesHochbauamt[Photography], Balthasar Neumann[MuralPainter]
Title: Schloss Bruchsaal, Gesamtansicht, erbaut 1720 Postcard Nr.511(Kunstverlag Joseph Fink) - A picture postcard
Keywords: musical antique
Other Keywords: Bruchsaal
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No. 5
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21530 - Johan Joachim Guenther(Sculpturer), Ingeborg F.Lehmann
Title: Schloss Bruchsaal, Hellebardier im Schlossgarten,Turm der Schlosskirche (Postcard)
Keywords: musical antique
Parent Document ID: 21124 - Parent Document Title: Gebrueder Thiel GmbH, Ruhla - Tachenuhren - Armbanduhren [1926] [Katalog - Facsimile Reprint der DGC KA 957]
BHM No: 21528 - Hans Huth, Angelika [Photography] Westerman
Title: Schloss Bruchsal - Die ehemalige Residenz der F?rstbischoffe von Speyer
SubTitle: [houses also a mechanical music museum]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Bruchsal
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 3457 - Peter Fassbender
Title: Schloss Falkenlust in Bruehl, das Uhrwerk von Heinrich Poletnik
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Poletnich Bruehl Augustusburg
Parent Document ID: 14540 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2009, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 131-134
BHM No: 14623 - schlossoberhofen.ch |
Title: Schloss Oberhofen - Oberhofen Castel - Museum & Castle | schlossoberhofen.ch |
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Schlosspark Wichterheergut
Edition: 2022-fanfold flyer
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24716 - Florian Schlumpf[ArtistAndInventor], Andreas Schlumpf[Sales]
Title: SCHLUMPF - Become Timeless --[ 2018 edition corporate Catalog] Herawisweg 13, CH 7203 Trimis GR (Switzerland)
SubTitle: TM3 (4 models,brass or alu - wall or floor) - TM4 (wall mount, Black grey gold) - TM5 (Kinetic art) - Special Projects - Mosk0w Detski Mir
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 22093 - Schmeckenbecher
Title: Schmeckenbecher 1993
SubTitle: [Katalog]
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: Schmeckenbecher
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 10132 - Alfred Chapuis, Walter (Translator) Ritter
Title: Schmetterlinge ?ber dem Werktisch
SubTitle: Geschichten von Uhren und Uhrmachern
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 159
BHM No: 4965 - Danial Horan
SubTitle: [A 2023 business card, as used by him during the NAWCC National Convention 2023]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: A businescared of the aucionhouse
Edition: 2023
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 25045 - Daniel Horan, Schmitt-Horan&Co.
Title: Schmitt Horan & Co. - Consigning Your Collection - The Country's Leading Horological Auctioner
SubTitle: [A 2019 6p. fanfold flyer]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23110 - Schmitt/Horan & Co.(NH)
Title: Schmitt Horan & Co. | a Rare Ambroyana and Gilt Bronze Orrery Clock with Music Box signed Raingo Frere Ca.1830
SubTitle: Provenance Maj.Paul Chabmerlain Collection at the American Clock and Watch Museum (Bristol-CT)-estim.$100,000-$150,000
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: ephemera Schmitt Horan Auction
Edition: June 11&12
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24621 - Ebner Verlag
Title: Schmuck & Uhren Wirtschaft - Die Fachzeiting der Branche - [Issue Mar 1993]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1993-03
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 22438 - Paul Dolt[Editor]
Title: Schmuck & Uhren Wirtschaft - Die Fachzeiting der Branche - [Issue Nov/Dec 1989]
SubTitle: [German trade Magazine for Jewelers and Watchmakers]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1989-11/12
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 22437 - W [Editor] Frieden, Schweizer Juwelen- und Edelmetallbranc, Vereinigung
Title: Schmuck - Edelsteine - Uhren
SubTitle: Fachbuch fuer die Schmuck und Uhrenbranche
Keywords: textbook
Edition: 2nd revised edition 1983
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 6796 - Alfred Leiter
Title: Schmuck Uhr [Die...] - Austellung des Schmuckmuseums Pforzheim vom 20. Oktober 1961 bis 17. Dexember 1961
SubTitle: anlesslich der Eroeffnung des Reuchlinhauses
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: jewelery
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 18214 - Erhanrd Brepohl, Rudi Koch
Title: Schmuck und Uhren
Keywords: retail textbook
Edition: 1981, 4th edition
Page or pages: 287
BHM No: 1044 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1988, 41.Jahrgang
Keywords: retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 334 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1989, 42.Jahrgang
Keywords: rretail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 335 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1990, 43.Jahrgang, missing 5/90
Keywords: retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 600 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1991, 44.Jahrgang
Keywords: retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 601 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1992, 45.Jahrgang
Keywords: rretail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 602 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1993, 46.Jahrgang
Keywords: rretail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 603 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1994, 47.Jahrgang
Keywords: retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 604 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Fachzeitschrift fuer Industrie und Handel der Uhrenbranche
SubTitle: 1995, 48.Jahrgang
Keywords: retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 3154 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Neue Uhrmacher Zeitung - Fachzeitschrift fuer das Uhrmachergewerbe
SubTitle: 1974, 28.Jahrgang
Keywords: repair retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 332 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Neue Uhrmacher Zeitung - Fachzeitschrift fuer das Uhrmachergewerbe
SubTitle: 1975, 29.Jahrgang
Keywords: repair retail
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 1200
BHM No: 333 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Neue Uhrmacher Zeitung - Fachzeitschrift fuer das Uhrmachergewerbe
SubTitle: 1982, 35.Jahrgang teilweise 1,2,4,5,6,,7,21,22
Keywords: retail comercial
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1982
BHM No: 4676 - Uhrmacher Zeitung, Neue
Title: Schmuck und Uhren - Neue Uhrmacher Zeitung - Fachzeitschrift fuer das Uhrmachergewerbe
SubTitle: 1980, 33.Jahrgang teilweise 1,5,6,8,9/10,11,13/14,15,16,19,20
Keywords: retail comercial
Other Keywords: periodical technical commercial professional semimonthly
Edition: 1980
BHM No: 4923 - Oskar Bentner[Editor]
Title: Schmuck und Uhren Wirtschaft - Die Fachzeitung der Branche - [Nr. 1/90] -
SubTitle: Ein Supplement des Magazins 'Schmuck & Uhren' [Possibly only {trial} issue published for the 'inhorgenta muenchen 1990]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1990 February
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 21006 - ncw[NZZ], Peter Linden, ica[NZZ], GB[NZZ], W.E.[NNZ], Hm.[NZZ], T.Delfs, nz.[NZZ], Ri[NZZ].ElisSchirmer-Masset
Title: Schmuckuhren - kostbare Zeitmesser von bleibendem Wert [A special 16 page Section of 27 April 1999 Edition of Neue Zurcher Zeitung ]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: NZZ
Edition: 1999-April-27
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 23647 - Osvaldo Patrizzi, Fabienne-Xaviere Sturm
Title: Schmuckuhren 1790 - 1850
SubTitle: Handwerkliche Fatasie in Vollendung [Original in French: Montres de fantasie Watches of fantasy, Genva 1979]
Keywords: luxury type CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: fantasy bejeweled form watches
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 9855 - Alfred Helwig
Title: Schnecke bei Seechronometern [Die...] - [ein Aufsatz in der 12/1985 Ausgabe der Deutschen Uhrmacher Zeitschrift]
SubTitle: [The fusee in marine Chronometers, an article Nr.12/1985 deutsche uhrmacher zeitschrift]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Fusee
Edition: 1985-12
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 20922 - Arnold Reinhard
Title: Schnelles Schenkeln neuer Raeder
Parent Document ID: 1134 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 28
Edition: 28
Page or pages: 111
BHM No: 13077 - Paul Melchger
Title: Schoen sind alte Uhren
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 3
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 12506 - Paul Melchger
Title: Schoen sind alte Uhren
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 4
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 12519 - Paul Melchger
Title: Schoen sind alte Uhren
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 5
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 12538 - Paul Melchger
Title: Schoen sind alte Uhren
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 6
Page or pages: 41
BHM No: 12549 - Georg Schindler
Title: Schoene alte Uhren im Louvre
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 5
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 12537 - Carl [Editor] Naumann
Title: Schoene alte Uhren in Stuttgart
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 4
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 12524 - AG, Schild
Title: schoene Assa [Die?]: Assa ELEKTRO
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Assa Schild
Edition: 1930s
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 3463 - Dieter Danner
Title: Schoene Taschenuhren
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22
Edition: 22
Page or pages: 113
BHM No: 12893 - Kaspar von Schoeneich, Thomas Eser, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Translator], Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Editor]
Title: Schoeneich Briefe [1532/1542] Manuscript letters to Henlein concerning watch orders - [incl. CD with Tiff Images]
SubTitle: [Series: Documentation of Historic Documents for Horological Research Libraries - Research aids and facsimile historic source materials]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein first watch
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19781 - Adolf L. Benz
Title: Schoenheit der Technik
Parent Document ID: 1139 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 23
Edition: 23
Page or pages: 115
BHM No: 12918 - Reinhold Ludwig[Editor-in-Chief], Alf Cremers[Editor}, Paul Dolt{Editor], Gisbert L. Brunner[Editor]
Title: Schoensten Uhren - Edition 1994 [Die...] -
SubTitle: [The most beautifull watches of 1994]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 22854 - Reinhold Ludwig[Editor-in-Chief], Alf Cremers[Editor}, Paul Dolt[Editor], Gisbert L. Brunner[Editor]
Title: Schoensten Uhren - Edition 1995 [Die...] -
SubTitle: [The most beautifull watches of 1995]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 196
BHM No: 22855 - Reinhold Ludwig[Editor-in-Chief], Alf Cremers[Editor}, Paul Dolt{Editor], Gisbert L. Brunner[Editor]
Title: Schoensten Uhren - Edition 1996 [Die...] -
SubTitle: [The most beautifull watches of 1996]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 22856 - Reinhold Ludwig[Editor-in-Chief], Alf Cremers[Editor}, Frank Hidien[Editor], Juergen Haux[Editor], Christian Eberhard[Editor]
Title: Schoensten Uhren - Edition 1997 [Die...] -
SubTitle: [The most beautifull watches of 1997]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 218
BHM No: 22857 - Gisela Lixfeld, Barbara Olowinsky
Title: Schramberg - Frauenraeume - Frauentraeme - Frauenalltag - Die Reihe Archivbilder
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Schramberg Junghans
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 15777
Title: Schramberger Uhrfedernfabrik
Parent Document ID: 7121 - Parent Document Title: Deutsche Uhrenindustrie [Die...], Kapitel XIX aus "Die Deutsche Industrie",
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 6
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 8871- HueginJohann
Title: Schreibende und zeichnende Automaten (Androiden)
Parent Document ID: 1140 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22
Edition: 22
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 12883 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
SubTitle: Band 01 - 10, 1960 - 1970
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1970, reprints 1984
Page or pages: 600
BHM No: 1351 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Richard [Editor] Muhe
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 11
SubTitle: Band 11 [ Vol.11-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 125
BHM No: 1611 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Richard Muhe
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 12
SubTitle: Band 12 [ Vol.11-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 483 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Richard [Editor] Muhe
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 13
SubTitle: Band 13 [ Vol.11-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 1756 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Klaus Schlaefer
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 14
SubTitle: Band 14 [ Vol.11-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 481 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Georg Schindler
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 15
SubTitle: Band 15 [ Vol.15-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 482 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Georg Schindler
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
SubTitle: Band 16 [ Vol.15-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 1209 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Georg [Editor] Schindler
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 17
SubTitle: Band 17 [ Vol.15-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 219
BHM No: 2733 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Georg Schindler
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 18
SubTitle: Band 18 [ Vol.15-14 bound into one book]
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 172
BHM No: 1210 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Richard [Editor] Muhe
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 19
SubTitle: Band 19 [Vol.19-20 bound into 1 Vol.]_
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 1454 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Richard Muhe
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 20
SubTitle: Band 20 [Vol.19-20 bound into 1 Vol.]_
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 485 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 21
SubTitle: Band 21 (1982)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 1758 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 22
SubTitle: Band 22 (1983)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 206
BHM No: 1140 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 23
SubTitle: Band 23 (1984)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 190
BHM No: 1139 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 24
SubTitle: Band 24 (1985)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: Dondi DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 1138 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin, Henri Bach
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 24-B
SubTitle: Band 24-B (1985)-Das Astrarium des Giovanni Dondi
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 1137 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 25
SubTitle: Band 25 (1986)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 1136 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26
SubTitle: Band 26 (1987)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 1757 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 27
SubTitle: Band 27 (1988)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 1135 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 28
SubTitle: Band 28 (1989)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1134 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 29
SubTitle: Band 29 (1990)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1133 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 30
SubTitle: Band 30 (1991)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 1132 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 31
SubTitle: Band 31 (1992)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 1131 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 32
SubTitle: Band 32 (1993)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1130 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 33
SubTitle: Band 33 (1994)
Other Keywords: DGC
Edition: 1994, volume 33
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 12482 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 34
SubTitle: Band 34 (1995)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1129 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 35
SubTitle: Band 35 (1996)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 1127 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
SubTitle: Band 36 (1997)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 1126 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Johann H?gin
Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
SubTitle: Band 37 (1998)
Keywords: collecting antique yearbook
Other Keywords: DGfC Freunde alter Uhren
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 886 - Herbert Dittrich[Editor], Alfred Helwig
Title: Schriften von Alfred Helwig zur Uhrmacherkunst
SubTitle: Anlaesslich seines 125 Geburtstages recherchiert, bearbeitet und zusamengestellt von Prof. Dr. Herbert Dittrich
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Helwig Glashutte Glashuette
Edition: 2011, 1st Edition
Page or pages: 479
BHM No: 16689 - Herbert Dittrich[Editor], Alfred Helwig
Title: Schriften von Alfred Helwig zur Uhrmacherkunst - Kompendium - Anlasslich seines 125 Geburtstages ausgewahlkt, zusammengestellt und mit eioner Einleiti
SubTitle: [The Horological Writings of Alfred Helwig, published on the 125 Anniversary of his birth, in GERMAN]
Keywords: escapement watch theory technical
Other Keywords: flying tourbillion drehganguhren
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 479
BHM No: 16550 - T. Saito
Title: Schrittmotor fuer Analogquatzuhr
Keywords: electrical electronic
Other Keywords: stepping motor quartz analog
Parent Document ID: 6057 - Parent Document Title: Sonderausgabe zum Chronometriecongress Brussel 1978
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 03c
BHM No: 7820 - Layer M., D. Regnier, Hubert Effenberger, Claude Oudet
Title: SCHRITTMOTOREN [4 Technical papers on stepping motors in Horology given in 1978] 1. Reflexions sur les moteurs pas a pas {Leyer),
SubTitle: 2, Schrittmotoren fur technische Uhren (Regnier), 3. Mikromotoren mit digitaler Phasen- nd Drehzahlregelung (Effenb.), 4. Schrittmot.in Klein&Grossuhr
Keywords: electromechanical clock technical
Other Keywords: stepping motor schrittmotor
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 14067 - Thomas Schraven
Title: Schroeder Apparate
SubTitle: Article in the 2014 yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Article in the 2014 yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Parent Document ID: 19457 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2014, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 29-52
BHM No: 19474 - Bernhard Moeller
Title: Schuettgutsorten
Other Keywords: sand material hourglas
Parent Document ID: 7205 - Parent Document Title: Vortraege des 2. Treffens der Sanduhrenfreunde
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
Page or pages: 25-28
BHM No: 8887 - Jean L. Martin
Title: Schuetzenuhren der Schweiz - Swiss Schooting Watches [for sale 2014 - Pricelist]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 19185 - Museumsverwaltung&Kuturramt-Mindelheim
Title: SchwaebischesTurmuhrenmuseum - Geschichte -Technik - Kunstwerk Mindelheimer Museen - [10 panel Fanfold , 2016]
Keywords: monumental/big clock antique
Other Keywords: Mindelheim
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 23239 - Liselotte Sauer-Kalbach
Title: Schwanengesang eines Tueftlers und Erfinders - Peter IV. Kinzing, Uhrmacher der Koenigin: Unermuedlich taetig Nachfolger nicht mehr erfolgreich
SubTitle: Local newspaper article, Neuwieed, illustrated, on the Apollo clock at the Neuwied Museum by Kinzing 1785
Keywords: musical highgrade clock
Other Keywords: Kinzing Roentgen Neuwied
Edition: 2016-02-10
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20669 - E. Blender
Title: Schwarwalduhren - Black Forest Clocks - 1981
SubTitle: A calendar
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 9740 - Herbert Juettemann
Title: Schwarzwaelder Floetenuhren
SubTitle: Kostbarkeiten aus der fruehen Uhrenindustrie des Schwarzwaldes in historischer und volkskundlicher S
Keywords: regional BlackForest
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald musical organ Floetenuhren
Edition: 1991, 1st edition
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 1485 - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
Title: Schwarzwaelder Lackschilduhren aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Uhrenmuseums Furtwangen 2016
SubTitle: [A monthly desccalendar for 2016 with illustrations of a dozen Black forest 'painted shield dial clocks)
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 20347 - Adolf Kistner
Title: Schwarzwaelder Uhr [Die..]
SubTitle: Heimatblaetter "Vom Bodensee zum Main" Nummer 31, mit 113 Abbildungen im Text
Keywords: regional Blackforest Schwarzwald
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 7195 - Hans Jendritzki
Title: Schwarzwald Exkursion
Parent Document ID: 1136 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 25
Edition: 25
Page or pages: 153
BHM No: 12958 - Gordian Hettich
Title: Schwarzwalder Uhren - Horloges de la Foret-noir - Black Forest Clocks / Uhrenfabrik Gordian Hettich Sohn - Inhaber Max Roder - Furtwangen
SubTitle: Grosste Spezial-Fabrik fur Schwarzwalder Uhren aller Art insbesondere Kuckucks-Uhren in anerkannten Qualitatsware
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Gorian Hettich Furtwangen
Edition: 1910 ca. undated
Page or pages: 51
BHM No: 14025 - Richard Muhe
Title: Schwarzwalder Uhrenausstellung , vom 19. September bis 24. Oktober [1980]
SubTitle: Einrichtungshaus Schildknecht [Stuttgart]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Schildknecht
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 15439 - Paul Gehring
Title: Schwarzwalder Uhrmacherei in wirtschaftlichem Ueberblick
SubTitle: [In "Der Museumsfreund, aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden-W?rttemberg, Heft 2"]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest
Parent Document ID: 10155 - Parent Document Title: Museumsfreund [Der] , aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden/Wuerttenberg - - Heft 2 [1962]
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 29-35
BHM No: 10240 - Herbert Juettemann
Title: Schwarzwalduhr [Die..]
Keywords: regional BlackForest
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald
Edition: 1990, 3rd revised edition
Page or pages: 278
BHM No: 1483 - Berthold Schaaf
Title: Schwarzwalduhren
SubTitle: Geschichte und Technik - Alltag der Uhrmacher - Holzraederuhren - Komplikationen - Musik und Figuren
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest " clock
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald Blackforest Black forest
Edition: 1995, 3rd edition
Page or pages: 332
BHM No: 1482 - Heinrich Engelmann
Title: Schwarzwalduhren - Sammeln, Restaurieren, Bewahren [includes CD-ROM]
SubTitle: [Black Forest Clocks - Collecting, restoring and preserving]
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 350
BHM No: 17389 - Johannes Graf, Eduard Saluz
Title: Schwarzwalduhren gut und billig - deutsches uhrenmuseum
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: DUM Schwarzwald
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 18600 - Herbert Juettemann, Rainer Kern
Title: Schwarzwalduhren mit gepragten Messingblechschildern
SubTitle: [Black Forest Clocks with embossed brass dial surrounds]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock dial/hands
Other Keywords: brass shields
Edition: 2008, 1st edition
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 12069 - Rainer Kern, Herbert Juttemann
Title: Schwarzwalduhren mit Porzellanschildernaus Zell a.H. und Schramberg
SubTitle: [Black Forest clocks with porcelain dials made in Zell and Schramberg]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock dial/hands
Other Keywords: Porzellan porcelain Zell Schramberg
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 83
BHM No: 13909 - Berthold Schaaf
Title: Schwarzwalduhren [1st edition, 1983]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald Black Forest blackforest black forest black-forest
Edition: 1983, 1st edition
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 13568 - Berthold Schaaf
Title: Schwarzwalduhren [2. Stark erweiterte Auflage, 1988 ]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald Foret Noir Blackforest black forest
Edition: 1988, 2nd enlarged ed
Page or pages: 213
BHM No: 13569 - Berthold Schaaf, Douglas K. Stevenson[Contributor]
Title: Schwarzwalduhren [Expanded and revised edition 2008]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Black Forest Schwarzwald
Edition: 2008, 4th revised and expanded edition
Page or pages: 432
BHM No: 12400 - Daniel Hug
Title: Schweizer Luxusuhren sind jetzt in China weniger begehrt
SubTitle: [Article in Neue Zuercher Zeitung,Sonday 28 April 2013 about diminishe chinese market for QAwiss luxury watches]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2013-04-28
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 18105 - Anton Kreuzer
Title: Schweizer Marken - Augenweide Armbanduhren
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 6795 - Heinrich Weiss-Stauffacher
Title: Schweizer Spieldosen Mechanische Musikinstrumente und Musikautomaten
SubTitle: Zur Er?ffunung der Spieldosen und Musikautomaten Austellung im Schloss Blumenstein Solothurn
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Blumenstein
Edition: 1980, 1st edition
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 2142 - Hans-Heinrich Schmid
Title: Schweizer Taschenuhren fur Deutschland, auf den Spuren der Uhrenindustrie im Elsass
Keywords: REGIONAL watch
Other Keywords: Alsace Elsass
Parent Document ID: 15293 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2010, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 15-28
BHM No: 15302 - B. Humbert
Title: Schweizer Uhr mit automatischem Aufzug [Die...]
SubTitle: Funktion - Reparatur - Beschreibung der modernen Kaliber
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch technical practical how-to
Other Keywords: automatic selfwinding self-winding
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 10932 - Esther Woerdehoff[Editor]
Title: Schweizer Uhr [Die...] - La montre suisse
SubTitle: [special issue of:] REVUE Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland, No. 12, 1990
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 9776 - Peter Schmitz-Dedert
Title: Schweizer Uhreb-Editionen - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert - Pforzheim - Germany - Grand Date Chronographen mit Jahreskalender
SubTitle: [A Germany based Watch Mailorder Retaier] [Ca.1999 solicitation for buying 'Ph.Du Bois & Fils, Aelteste Schweizer Uhrwnfabrik' watces]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest watch
Other Keywords: Ph.Du Bois & Fils
Edition: 1999 ca.
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 22459 - Alfred Chapuis, A. Amez-Droz
Title: Schweizer Uhren
SubTitle: herausgegeben von der Schweiz.Zentrale f?r Handelsf?rderung unter Mitwirkung der Sachweizerischen?
Edition: 1935
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5179 - Wilfried Juers-Muehlerz, Hans-Peter-Schmitz-Dedert-Gmbh
Title: Schweizer Uhren Editionen - Ph.Du.Bois (Aelteste Schweizer Uhrenfabrik)
SubTitle: [A series of advertising flyers (late 1990's) of Germany based comp. offering cheap Swissmade linited run (99p) lookalike REPLICAS]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: cheap Replica watches
Edition: late 1990s
BHM No: 23668 - Catherine Cardinal[Editor]
Title: Schweizer Uhren vom 16. Bis 20.Jahrhundert
SubTitle: (Auszug aus L'homme et le temps en suise 1291-1991
Keywords: exhibition catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 1991
BHM No: 1742 - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert
Title: Schweizer Uhren-Editionen - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert - Pforzheim - Germany - Die Faszination der Kalenderuhr
SubTitle: oder das ewige Bestreben des Menschen Zeitablaeufe sichtbar zu machen - Nur 399 Exemplare [A mid 1990s adv mailer]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996 ca.
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 22478 - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert
Title: Schweizer Uhren-Editionen - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert - Pforzheim - Germany - Horlogerie Suisse - Augewaehlte mechanische Meisterwerke von bleibendem
SubTitle: ... Wert - Zenth - El Primero - No.1
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996 ca.
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 22479 - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert
Title: Schweizer Uhren-Editionen - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert - Pforzheim - Germany - Vorbild warder erste Armband Chronograph
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996 ca
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22481 - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert
Title: Schweizer Uhren-Editionen - Hans-Peter Schmitz-Dedert - Pforzheim - Germany / Regular 1 Classique & Sportif - DuBois 1785
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 22480 - Heinrich Gaa
Title: Schweizerische Uhrenidustire [Die?] unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Konkurenzverhaeltnisse in Deutschl
SubTitle: Inaugural Dissertation Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universitaet Innsbruck
Other Keywords: dissertation germany
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 6466 - A. Pfleghart
Title: schweizerische Uhrenindustrie [Die...], ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und Organisation [Series:] Heft 133,Staats und ozialwisenschaftliche Forschung
SubTitle: [The Swiss Watch Industry, ist hoistory and organisation]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: insurance labor employment
Edition: 1990 facsimile reidition
Page or pages: 203
BHM No: 12063 - Henri Marquis
Title: Schweizerische Uhrmacher Zeitung - Sondernummer 100 Jahre Zentralverband Schweizerischer Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschaaefte
SubTitle: Nr.11, November 1992
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: retailing trade association ZVSGU
Edition: 1992 No. 11
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 14499 - Poehlmann Klaus
Title: Schweizerische Uhrmacherschulen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts [Swiss Watchmaking Schools of the 19thth and 20]
SubTitle: Vortrag vor dem Regionalkreis Muenchen der DGC, am 17.Okt 2004
Other Keywords: clock ecole d'horlogerie uhrmacherschule
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 7128 - Landesmuseum-Zuerich-Switzerland(Photography-Department)
Title: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zuerich (Switzerland) | 2 Picture postcards of scientfic instruments: The Jost Buergi Celestial Globe...
SubTitle: ...and an astronomical divider (unnamed maker) from Schloss Gottlieben (Thurgau-Switzweland)
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Landesmuseum Zuerich Scietific Instrument Switzerland
Edition: undated, presumably 2020's
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24779 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zurich - Musee Suisse - Timekeeping Devices on Public Display 2015
SubTitle: A photodocumentation produced for scholarly documentation purposes at Horological Research Libraries
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Zurich, Zuerich, Landesmuseum, Buergi globe
Edition: 2015, 1st edition
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 20336 - Schweizerisches Landesmuseum(Zurich)
Title: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum(Zurich).Musee National Suisse.Museum National Svizzero.Museum National Svizzer
SubTitle: Ticeketstub of FMMs visit to the to SWISS NATIONAL MUSEUM in Zuerich(Switzerland),Spring2022 to revisit after the 3 year pandemic break
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Buergi Globe Landesmuseum Zuerich
Edition: 30.04.2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24690 - Regine Abegg, Francois deCapitani, Leza Dosch, Martin lli, Felicitas Meile, Gaby Petrak, Beno Schubiger, Roger Seiler, Christiane Sondereger, Andreas Spillmann, Noemi Albert(Imagerights-Management), Dabiela Schwab(Image-Rights-Management), Andreas Kunz(Immage-Management), Fabian Mueller(Immage-Management), Christina Sonderegger(Fact-Sheets), Heidi Amrein(Factsheets), Johannes Haenggi(Photography), Donat Stupan(Photography)
Title: Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum | Period Rooms | Die Historischen Zimmer im Landesmuseum Zurich | [2019 Ed.]
SubTitle: Christina Sonderegger(Publisher&Project-Manager)
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Zuerich Zurich Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum formerly Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zuerich
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 279
BHM No: 24752
Title: Schweizerisches Uhrmacher - Journal [1900, 13. Jahrgang]
SubTitle: Offizielles Publikationsorgan des Zentralverbandes Schweizerischer Uhrmacher - Erscheint monatlich
Edition: 1900, 13. Jahrgang
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 11376
Title: Schweizerisches Uhrmacher - Journal [1901, 14. Jahrgang]
SubTitle: Offizielles Publikationsorgan des Zentralverbandes Schweizerischer Uhrmacher - Erscheint monatlich
Edition: 1901, 14th volume
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 11377
Title: Schweizerisches Uhrmacher - Journal [1902, 15. Jahrgang]
SubTitle: Offizielles Publikationsorgan des Zentralverbandes Schweizerischer Uhrmacher - Erscheint monatlich
Edition: 1902, 15 Jahrgang
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 11378- Rudolf Str?bel
Title: Schwenninger Schildermalerei
SubTitle: [In "Der Museumsfreund, aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden-W?rttemberg, Heft 2"]
Keywords: REGIONAL D-Black-Forest dial/hands
Other Keywords: Schwenningen Schildmahlerei Lackschild
Parent Document ID: 10155 - Parent Document Title: Museumsfreund [Der] , aus Heimatmuseen und Sammlungen in Baden/Wuerttenberg - - Heft 2 [1962]
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 36-43
BHM No: 10241 - Richard Buerk
Title: Schwenninger Uhrmacher bis um's Jahr 1850
Keywords: directory REGIONAL D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Schwenningen
Edition: 1904
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 15882 - Richard Burk
Title: Schwenninger Uhrmacher bis um's Jahr 1929, Die
SubTitle: Ein Beitragzur Geschichte der Schwarzwaelder Uhrenindustrie
Keywords: regional BlackForest
Other Keywords: Schwenningen list directory clockmaker watchmaker
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 61
BHM No: 654 - Wolfgang Lympius
Title: Schwierigkeiten mit dem Pendelweiser
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 13303 - Kurt Magnus
Title: Schwingungen - Eine Einf?hrung in die theoretische Behandlung von Schwingungsproblemen
SubTitle: Band 3 von Leitfaeden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik
Keywords: theory-general
Other Keywords: oscillation-science
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 252
BHM No: 5164 - ?,
Title: Science
BHM No: 6209 - Joseph Needham
Title: Science and civilisation in China - Clepsydra
Other Keywords: water clocks clepsydra
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1970 3
Page or pages: 315 - 329
BHM No: 7999 - Sales, F&W
Title: Science and Technology Collector [The?]
SubTitle: Quaterly [No Date, presumably premier (and only?) issue]
Edition: 1980s?
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 2053 - J.A. Bennett
Title: Science at the Great Exhibition [of the Works of Industry of all Nations 1851]
SubTitle: published to accompany a spoecial exhibition at the Whipple Museum of the History of Science
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Whipple Great Exhibition 1851
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 9893 - Jaueline, Hillard, Denise; Poulle, Emanu Linet
Title: Science et Astrologie au XVIe Siecle - Oronce Fine et son Horloge Planetaire
SubTitle: 22 Nov - 22 Dec 1971 Bibilotheque Sainte-Genevieve Paris
Keywords: specific complication astro
Other Keywords: Oronce Fine
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 4717 - lan Q. Morton
Title: Science in the 18th Century - The King George III Collection
SubTitle: Science Museum London
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 4580 - Caroline Turney
Title: Science Museum Guide
SubTitle: Search >
Keywords: exhibition catalog
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 4581 - Science Museum London, UK
Title: Science Museum [London} - Map 2018 - Highjlights 004[2028]
Keywords: reference UK-London clock watch
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 22216 - Miscalleaneous,
Title: Science Museum, London: Timekeepers, Clocks and Watches, Early Machine Tools, Telescopes, Microscopes,?
SubTitle: ?Physics for Princes, Lighting, Making Fire [An Amalgam of cobound mini-guides]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: science museum
Edition: 1960s
Page or pages: 360
BHM No: 5865 - A.L. Rawlings, Timothy Treffry
Title: Science of Clocks and Watches [The?]
Edition: 1993, 3rd enlarged and revised edition
Page or pages: 393
BHM No: 1584 - A.L. Rawlings
Title: Science of Clocks and Watches [The?]
SubTitle: [2nd edition 1948, London Imprint]
Keywords: historic
Other Keywords: classic
Edition: 1948 2nd edition, London imprint
Page or pages: 303
BHM No: 1585 - A.L. Rawlings
Title: Science of Clocks and Watches [The?]
SubTitle: [1st edition, New York and Chicago Imprint]
Keywords: theoretical
Edition: 1944 1st edition NYC and Chicago
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 1586 - A.L. Rawlings
Title: Science of Clocks and Watches [The?]
SubTitle: [2nd edition, New York (and London) imprint]
Keywords: reference textbook clock watch advanced theory technical
Other Keywords: horological science
Edition: 1948 2nd edition, New York
Page or pages: 303
BHM No: 11325 - A.L. Rawlings
Title: Science of Clocks and Watches [The?]
SubTitle: [2nd edition {London 1948} in the EP-Publishing facsimile reprint published 1974, reprinted 1977]
Keywords: clock watch advanced theory
Edition: 1977 reprint of 1948 2nd edition
Page or pages: 303
BHM No: 20563 - HarvardUniversityDeptOfHistoryOfScience
Title: Science of Time [The...] - 5-9 June 0216 - Harvard University - An academic Conference - Tenative Schedule
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: History of Time
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 20659 - A. Gideon Thisell
Title: Science of Watch Repairing Simplified
SubTitle: A Treatsie on the Lever Escapement and Watch Repairing
Keywords: escapement
Other Keywords: lever
Edition: 1942, 2nd Edition
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 1077 - David W. Allan, Neil Ashbey, Clifford C. Hodge
Title: Science [The?] of Timekeeping
SubTitle: Hewlett Packard Application Note 1289
Keywords: theoretical timekeeping
Other Keywords: standards
Edition: 1997, weboffprint 2002
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 4157 - Etienne Klein, Jochen Gerner, Jean-Michel Besnier, Marc Lachieze-Rey, Pascal Richet, Pascal Tassy
Title: Sciences - C'est l'an 2000, il fait vraiment un tempt de temps
SubTitle: Le Temps, vite
Keywords: time
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13907 - ?,
Title: Scientific American
BHM No: 6210 - ?,
Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
BHM No: 6211 - Donald J. Unwin, David W. Durst
Title: Scientific Anchorite [The...] - Johnson Jex - The Norfolk Clockmaker: The Story of his Unique Lathe
SubTitle: [Article in March 2009 issueof Antiquarian Horology, No.3/Vol.31]
Keywords: clock tools lathe
Other Keywords: Jex Norwich Bridewell museum lathe whelcutting engine
Parent Document ID: 13729 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.31, 2008-2009] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
Edition: 2009-March
Page or pages: 320-330
BHM No: 13835 - Harriet Wynter, Anthony J. Turner
Title: Scientific Instruments
Keywords: advanced history
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 701 - Gerald L'E. Turner
Title: Scientific Instruments 1500-1900 An Introduction
Other Keywords: overview scientific instruments history
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 143
BHM No: 5557 - Christie's,
Title: Scientific Instruments Department 1989 Calendar
SubTitle: Chrsities South Kensington
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 11248 - Maurice Daumas, Mary Holbrook[Translator]
Title: Scientific Instruments of the 17th & 18th Centuries and their Makers
SubTitle: [original: Les Instruments Scientifiques aux xvii et xviii siecles, by Presses Universitaires de France]
Keywords: astronomical
Other Keywords: instruments
Edition: 1972 First English edition
Page or pages: 361
BHM No: 11271 - Gene C. deBaud
Title: Scientific School of Watchmaking, Glendale CA [undated, 1950s?]
SubTitle: Dedicated to the Training of Skilled Watchmakers
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: School Glendale California
Edition: 1950s? Undated
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 14210 - Charles Purdom, Orville R. Hagans
Title: Scientific Timing
Keywords: theory practical how-to performance
Other Keywords: watchmaster
Edition: 1947
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 5500 - H.R. Calvert
Title: Scientific Trade Cards in the Science Museum Collection
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: trade card
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 11287 - Mariapia Carloni[Editor], Laura Marozzi[Curator], Marco Maovaz[Catalogue], Luca Trauzola[Photography
Title: Scienzia e Scienziati a Perugia - Le collezioni scientifiche dell'Universita del Studi di Perugia/2Aprile-2guigno 2008 - Centro Espositivo Rocca Paol
SubTitle: [Science and Scientist in Perugia{Italy} - The Scientific Instrument collection of the University of Perugia]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Perugia
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 237
BHM No: 18563 - Ingeborg F. Lehman[Photographer)
Title: Scloss Bruchsaal, Ansicht vom Garten
SubTitle: (Postcard) Museum houses a major collection of Mechanical Music - Gardenview of the castle, built 1720
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Bruchsaal,
Parent Document ID: 21124 - Parent Document Title: Gebrueder Thiel GmbH, Ruhla - Tachenuhren - Armbanduhren [1926] [Katalog - Facsimile Reprint der DGC KA 957]
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 1p
BHM No: 21526 - Ingeborg F. Lehman[Photographer)
Title: Scloss Bruchsaal, Helbardier von Johann Joachim Guenther (Sculpturer)
SubTitle: (Postcard) Museum houses a major collection of Mechanical Music - View of Fountain with warrior, Church in background
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Bruchsal
Parent Document ID: 21124 - Parent Document Title: Gebrueder Thiel GmbH, Ruhla - Tachenuhren - Armbanduhren [1926] [Katalog - Facsimile Reprint der DGC KA 957]
Edition: No.3
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21527 - Garland Greever
Title: Scotland Yard Invades Medival Astronomy - Could this Astrolabium have been Chauncers instrument?
SubTitle: An article in the Sept 1955 Issue of "The Griffith Observer"
Parent Document ID: 18355 - Parent Document Title: Griffith Observer [The...] - Vol. XIX, No. 9, September 1955
Edition: Sept 1955
Page or pages: 102ff
BHM No: 18357 - Donald Whyte
Title: Scottish Clock & Watchmakers 1453-1900
SubTitle: A listing of 5'500 craftsman
Keywords: regional directory
Other Keywords: Scottland
Edition: 1996, 1st edition, 2nd printing
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 2787 - American Clock and Watch Museum, Mary-Jane Dapkus
Title: Scoundrels and Scandals - an event at the American Clock & Watch Museum Bristol CT - 2028-07-24 Flyer [Weboffprint]
SubTitle: Scandals and Scoundrals
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Edition: 2018-06
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22117 - unknown
Title: Scrapbook on American Clocks
SubTitle: [Cut and paste scrapebook of various articles and illustrations on antique american clocks, appearently mostly from the magazines Antiques and Hobbies
Other Keywords: scrapbook
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 11166 - Dom Ethelbert Horne
Title: Scratch Dials
SubTitle: Their Descripotion and History
Other Keywords: scratchdials
Edition: 1929
Page or pages: 63
BHM No: 5247 - Martin Cleve
Title: Screwcutting in the Lathe
SubTitle: Workshop Practice Series 3
Keywords: lathe
Other Keywords: screwcutting
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 3091 - Johannes Regiomontan
Title: Scripta Clarissimi Mathematici M.Johannis Regomontani, de Torqueto, Astrolabio armilari ..
SubTitle: [The writings of the renown mathematician Johannes Regiomontanus, on the torquetum, the armillary As
Other Keywords: astrolabe astronomical observations
Edition: 1544
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 7432 - Louise Borden, Erik [Illustrator] Blegvad
Title: Sea Clocks
SubTitle: The Story of Longitude
Keywords: biography juvenile
Other Keywords: Harrison longitude
Edition: 2004, 1st edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6632 - Omega-Group[of-Swatch-AG]
Title: SEAMASTER AQUA TERRA | OMEGA | a full page advertisement for the OMEGA Seamaster Co-Axial Master Chronometer
SubTitle: published in full color on page 30-N of the Neww York Times of Snday August 29, 2020
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Omega Seamaster
Edition: 2020-August-29
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24326 - omegawatches.com
Title: SEAMASTER AQUA TERRA | OMEGA | a full page advertisement for the OMEGA Seamaster Co-Axial Master Chronometer
SubTitle: (Backcover of the 'New Yorjer[ (Magazin-Dec21-2021 issue) As its name sugests,the Aquaterra crosses many bounderies. Developped from a long line of..
Keywords: mechanical luxury precision watch contemporary analog
Other Keywords: OMEGA AQUA TERRA
Edition: 2021-Dec-20
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24500 - Richard Watkins
Title: Searching for Tlusios - Automatic Watches and the Earliest Important Document?
SubTitle: [A contribution to the search for documentary evidence of early self winding: Tlusios / Thustas / Tlustos / Gallmeyer / ]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: automatic Tlusios Thustas Tlustos/ Gallmeyer
Edition: 2013-07-28
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 18287 - Nucolas Manousos[Executive Director], Lucy Coles[Editorial Director]
Title: Seasons Greetings | Horological Society of New York | 2021
SubTitle: 'During this holiday season, our thoughts...' - [A seasonal greeting card]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: HSNY Newsletter
Edition: 2021
BHM No: 24457 - IWC,
Title: Seasons Greetings- from Schaffhausen
SubTitle: [2012 holiday card from the staff of the IWC watch Museum in Switzerland]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: IWC Schaffhausen
Edition: 2012-12
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 17707 - Friedrich-Georg Weyer
Title: Sechseckige Danziger Tischuhr mit Zylinderhemmung und Wiener Schlag
Parent Document ID: 1133 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 29
Edition: 29
Page or pages: 89
BHM No: 13103 - Helmut Krieg
Title: Sechseckige Tisch und Reiseuhren des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
Parent Document ID: 1136 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 25
Edition: 25
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 12945 - Kurt Herkner
Title: Sechseckige Tischuhr um 1680 gefertigt von Jeremias Pfaff der Juengere, Augsburg
Parent Document ID: 1757 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26
Edition: 26
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 12966 - Franz Kafka
Title: Sechzehnter Januar
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: poem songtext
Parent Document ID: 7309 - Parent Document Title: Time Cycle - Four Songs for Soprano and Orchestra [text of the 4 poems]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 8905 - Bernard J. Edwards
Title: Second Annual Midwest Regional
SubTitle: Rockford 1973
Other Keywords: NAWCC Midwest Regional Rockford Programm
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 5760 - Campbell Antique Clocks, Gerald
Title: Second Exhibition of Early Vienese Regulators
SubTitle: 20 to 28 April 1985 Gerald Campbell Antique Clocks, Lechlade, Glos.
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Vienna
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 9910 - C. Michel-Hozieres
Title: Second Millennium Babylonian Water Clocks: a physical study
Other Keywords: water clocks babylonian
Parent Document ID: 6135 - Parent Document Title: Centaurus 2000
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 42
Page or pages: 180 - 209
BHM No: 8021 - Bob Frishman
Title: Second to Isaac Newton, First at Christie's - An article in Maine Antique Digest [ 2014?] on the sale f a copy of Huygens Horologium Oscilatorium
Keywords: UK-London
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21971 - Bob Frischman
Title: Second to Isaac Newton,First at Christie's
SubTitle: [An Article in Antique Digest January 2015 on Christies December 4, 2014 NYC sale of Huygens' copy of Horologium Oscilatorum for nearly 1 mio $]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2014-12
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19601 - F.M. Fedchenko
Title: Secondary clocks for modern time-recording units
Other Keywords: Fedchenko
Parent Document ID: 6172 - Parent Document Title: Measurement Techniques - USSR
Edition: February
Page or pages: 197-199
BHM No: 18380 - Carolyn Keen
Title: Secret of the Old Clock
SubTitle: Nancy Drew Mystery Series Nr. 1
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: Nancy Drew
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 313 - Crolyn Keene
Title: Secret of the Old Clock [The...] - Nancy Drew Mystery Stories
SubTitle: [ca, 1950s hardcover edition of the juvenile fiction classic with a 'horological theme (first published in 1934) 100-150 ]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1950's
Page or pages: 210
BHM No: 19609 - Louis Brandt
Title: Secret [The?] of Switzerland
SubTitle: [100 years OMEGA]
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1534 - Musee d'Horlogerie du Locle, Chateau des Monts
Title: Secrets du temps, magie du lieu
SubTitle: [Secrets of Time - the magic of place] [Solicitation Flyer for 'Amis du Musee - Chateau dees Monts, Le Locle]
Other Keywords: Le Locle
Edition: 2015?
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21263 - Pierre Beguin
Title: Secrets of Self-Winding Watches {The...]
SubTitle: How to avoid excessive tension on the mainsppring [Reprinted from 'Swiss Watch and Jewelery Journal' No. 2 7 3 1967 and No. 2 , 1968]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: self-winding
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 14161 - Suzanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-World-Tempus-Newsletter]
Title: See You In Dubai ! | The 2021 edition of Dubai Watch Week takes place in just a few days... | 22.Nov-2021
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Dubai Watch Week
Edition: 2021-22-November
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24551
Title: See- und Laengeuhren
Parent Document ID: 6718 - Parent Document Title: Uhrmacher[Der.]oder Lehrbegrif der Uhrmacherkunst V.7&8, aus den besten englischen, franzoesischen und anderen
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7.2
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 8771- P. Harvey
Title: Seeking the longitude 300BC-AD1675
Keywords: history
Parent Document ID: 5326 - Parent Document Title: Greenwich Time and the Longitude
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 1-18
BHM No: 7614 - Annonymous
Title: Seele von Ulysse Nardin ist nicht mehr [ Rolf Schnyder obituray in NZZ am Sonntag 17 April 2011]
Keywords: biography watch
Edition: 2011-04-17
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 15985 - Christoph E. Haenggi, Heinrich Weiss, Georg Hofmeier, David Rumsey, Wolfgang Rehn, Dieter Utz
Title: Seewen Britannic Organ [The...]
Keywords: musical monumental/big
Other Keywords: Britannic Seewen
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 15914 - Christoph E. Haenggi
Title: Seewener Britannic Orgel [Die...]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: organ Britanic Seewen
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 11860 - SEFEA
Title: SEFEA Societe Europeenne de Fabrication d'Ebauches Annemasse
SubTitle: Technical Specifications for various calibers
Keywords: reference watch movement parts
Other Keywords: ebauches calibers
Edition: 1980-82 and similar years
BHM No: 10249 - Lucio Maria Morra, Davide Dutto
Title: Segnali di tempo - Meridiane in Provinciaz di Cuena
SubTitle: [Sundials in Cuena Provionce, Italy]
Keywords: anthology catalog
Other Keywords: Cuena
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 5806 - Chronoswiss, Gerd L. Lang
Title: Segni del Tempo, il libro con il tic
SubTitle: Chronoswiss - Faszination der Mechanik
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Chronoswiss
Edition: 2005, 1st italian edition
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14729 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko
SubTitle: [2002 brand advertising prochure]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 4489 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko & the Olympics
SubTitle: (offprint of February 2002 issue of WatchTime)
Keywords: chronograph
Other Keywords: Seiko sportstiming
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 3168 - Time Corporation[USA] Seiko
Title: Seiko - Instructional Booklet by Watch Model Reference
SubTitle: For sales personnel involved in selling a Seiko Timepiece
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1970? undated
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 17498 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko - ME - The Seiko 2008 Elite Collection. Is it you?
SubTitle: seikoUSA.com
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 12348 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko - watch Parts Interchangeability List - ADITIONAL ISSUE
SubTitle: Hatori Trading Ldt.
Other Keywords: Seiko Hatori
Edition: 1980s [? undated]
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 17901 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO ; - The Seiko Diamond Collection. Is it you? [2007]
SubTitle: [publication 2966514614 - SDB07]
Keywords: catalog luxury watch
Other Keywords: Seiko diamonds
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 13804 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO Battery Replacement Manual
SubTitle: [Publication SP-803, June 1980]
Keywords: electronic basic technical practical how-to
Other Keywords: SEIKO battery replacement
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 10688 - Time Corporation[USA] Seiko
Title: SEIKO Case Servicing Guide [April 1982]
Keywords: case practical how-to
Other Keywords: Seiko watchcase
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 10755 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Casing Parts icluding Case, Winding crown, dial, glass etc. 1969
SubTitle: [Technical spare parts list]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 17851 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Casing Parts icluding Case, Winding crown, dial, glass etc. 1972
Keywords: case part catalog
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 237
BHM No: 2027 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO Coutura - SEIKO Elite Collections
SubTitle: It's your watch that tells most about who you are
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: seiko
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 6429 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko operational Guide - 2003 [Battery replacement - Bracelet sizing - After Sales Service Prodedures - Model Specifications]
SubTitle: [A manual for retail sales staff describing the functions and operating procedures of Seiko wristwatches, USA edition, 2003]
Keywords: watch basic practical
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 17501 - Time Corporation[USA] Seiko
Title: SEIKO Parts-Pak System
SubTitle: [Screws-Gaskets]
Keywords: parts-list parts
Other Keywords: Seiko service
Edition: undated 1980s
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 10759 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Quartz - Cal.0903A - Technical Guide
Keywords: electronic quartz
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1978?
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 7415 - Seiko Time Corporation USA
Title: SEIKO Quartz Battery Specification Chart
SubTitle: [June 1984]
Keywords: electronic
Other Keywords: SEIKO battery replacement
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 10707 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Quartz Clocks - Catalog SP-2026 6/86
Keywords: catalog electronic
Other Keywords: quatz Seiko
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 6557 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Quartz Designer Clocks
SubTitle: Retail Price list effective June 1982 (plus supplement January 1983)
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: Seiko Alarm
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 6554 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Quartz Information Manual
Keywords: electronic movement
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1970s?
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 6979 - Time Corporation[USA] Seiko
Title: Seiko Quartz Wacth - Technical Guides and Parts Lists [as issued by Seiko USA, undated ca 1970s, unpaginated, unindexed, ca. 500 pages]
Keywords: watch technical practical
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1970s ca.
Page or pages: 500
BHM No: 17181 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO Quarz - Cal. A259 [Specification and Instruction sheet]
SubTitle: Alarm Chronograph (Ref GC Series) [Document DC004]
Other Keywords: Seiko A259 Alarm
Edition: 1970s? undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10709 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO Quarz - Cal. A358 [Specification and Instruction sheet]
SubTitle: Alarm World Timer [Document DC005]
Other Keywords: Seiko A358 Alarm
Edition: 1970s? Undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 10710 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Spare Parts [undated]
SubTitle: Seiko
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1970s?
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 2696 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO WATCH - Parts Catalog - Volume 1
SubTitle: Catalog 10-00-1 to 39-99-9
Keywords: parts-list
Other Keywords: Seiko partscatalog Hattori technical manual service
Edition: undated ca 1980
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 10757 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO WATCH - Parts Catalog - Volume 2
SubTitle: Catalog 40-00-1 to 99-99-9
Keywords: parts-list
Other Keywords: Seiko partscatalog Hattori technical manual service
Edition: undated ca 1980
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 10758 - Seiko,
Title: SEIKO WATCH - Technical Guide
Keywords: specifications practical how-to
Other Keywords: Seiko caliber Hatori technical manual service
Edition: undated ca 1980
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 10756 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Watch Parts Catalog [1972]
SubTitle: Seiko
Keywords: part atalog
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 2694 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Watch Parts Interchangeability List 1972
SubTitle: Seiko
Keywords: parts catalog
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 350
BHM No: 2026 - Seiko,
Title: Seiko Watch Technical Guide [1972?]
SubTitle: Seiko
Keywords: technical
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 2695 - Ernst Roth
Title: Sein Herz schlaegt fuer alte Uhren - A series of newspaperarticles published in local newspapers by clock affionado Ernst Roth from Pegnitz Bavaria
SubTitle: mostly illustrated and published in Nordbayrischer Kurrier
Other Keywords: Pegnitz
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 20527 - Franziska Zaugg, Uli Wyler
Title: Sein Polizistenherz schaegt fuer Parkuhren
SubTitle: [News feature from Thuner Tagblatt 5 Januar 2013]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: timer partking meter
Edition: 2013-01-05
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 18097 - Bob Barnes
Title: Seismometer Calibrator
Other Keywords: seismometer calibrator
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000 aug 22
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 8508 - Luis Duerwanger
Title: Seit 1841 Riefler - Aus der Ortschronik - Nesselwang in Kultur und Geschichte - Clemens Riefler, Fabrik mathematischer Instrumente
SubTitle: [presumably an extract from a larger publication on the Village History of Nesselwang]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Riefler
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 18717 - Uhrensteine, Seitz
Title: Seitz
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: jewels bearing Seitz
Edition: 1944
Page or pages: 42
Title: SEIZAIKEN - Silver Oxide Battery - Watch Batteries made in Japan by Seiko Instruments Inc. - Dimensions and voltage chart
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 21067 - David Prerau
Title: Seize the Daylight
SubTitle: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylights Saving Time
Other Keywords: daylight savings time
Edition: 2005, 1st edition
Page or pages: 223
BHM No: 6676 - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
Title: Sekundenrausch - Sport und Zeitmessung - Sports and Timekeeping - Sport et chronometrage - 26.03-27.10.2002
SubTitle: deutsches uhrenmuseum
Keywords: D-Black-Forest watch
Other Keywords: Spoerts sportstimimg
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No.15
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 21542 - Georg Andrich
Title: Selbstanfertigung einer Einfachen Pendeluhr
SubTitle: Lehrmeister Buecherei No. 580
Keywords: clock practical how-to
Edition: 1921
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 10962 - Kurt Herkner
Title: Selbstschlagende Viertelrepetition A. Lange & Soehne
Parent Document ID: 10122 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2002, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 41
Page or pages: 109
BHM No: 13399 - James Ferguson
Title: Select mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different Clocks, Orreries, and Sun Dials, on Plain and Easy Priciples. With several ...
SubTitle: ... Miscellaneous Articles, and New Tabels, I. For expeditiously computing the Time of any NEW or FULL MOON within ...6000 Yeras ... II. For graduat..
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2008 facdimile of 1773 edition
Page or pages: 281
BHM No: 13688 - James Ferguson
Title: Select Mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different Clocks, Orreries, and Sundials, on plain and easy principles, ...
SubTitle: with several miscellaneous articles; and new Tables, Illustrated withcopper plates. To which is prefixed, A short account of the Life of the Author
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1773
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 18137 - David J. Bryden
Title: Selected Exhibits in the Whipple Museum of the History of Sience
SubTitle: University of Cambridge
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Whipple Cambridge
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 340 - Claudius Saunier
Title: Selected Plates from 'Treatsie on Modern Horology' explaining escapement action, and depthing
SubTitle: (Visuals from David Goodman's classes)
Keywords: escapement clock
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 15647
Title: Selected Regularities: Predictable Features
Parent Document ID: 6387 - Parent Document Title: Of Time, Passion and Knowlwdge - Reflections on the Strategy of Existence
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: One - II - 1
BHM No: 8605- HueginJohann
Title: Selection of Technical Articles from Schweizer Uhren und Schmuckjournal 1967-1976
SubTitle: Compiled by J. Huegin
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 300
BHM No: 10039 - Longines,
Title: Self Winding Calibers 340, 341, 350, 351
SubTitle: The World's most advanced Automatic Watch Movement
Other Keywords: Longines
Edition: 1960s?
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 4221 - Self Winding Clock Company
Title: Self Winding Clock Co., Inc. Engineering Department Brooklyn, N.Y. Instructions Model F (17 May 1945) [Facsimile]
SubTitle: [10 pages of technical drawings and instructions]
Keywords: clock technical practical
Other Keywords: self winding
Edition: 2017 facsimile Ed.
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 21204 - Winding Clock Co., Self
Title: Self Winding Clocks
SubTitle: [reprint of 1908 catalog]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Selfwinding
Edition: 1979, reprint
Page or pages: 146
BHM No: 1819 - Dana J. Blackwell, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Self Winding Clocks - Under Pond Patents - American Mfg. & Supply Co. Ldt.
SubTitle: Illustrated Catalogue [1887]
Keywords: catalog reprint
Other Keywords: self winding
Edition: 1986, reprint
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 1726 - Self Winding Clock Company
Title: Self Winding Clocks [1908 Catalogue]
SubTitle: as manufactured by The Self-Winding Clock Company, Brooklyn NY
Keywords: self-wind/autom. clock
Other Keywords: self winding selfwinding
Edition: 1908, undated
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 14363 - Bulova,
Title: Self Winding Watches Models 10CMC and 10CSC
Keywords: practical technical
Other Keywords: Bulova
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 1692 - Bulova,
Title: Self Wining Watches
Keywords: howto practical
Other Keywords: Bulova
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 685 - of Switzerland, Watchmakers
Title: Self-Winding Swiss Watch
SubTitle: The timerkeeper of the future
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: automatic transparancy
Edition: 1954
BHM No: 663 - Jean-Claude Sabrier, Sharon Kerman[Translator]
Title: Self-Winding Watch [The...] - 18th - 21st century
SubTitle: [Titlle of the French original: Les montres automatiques]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: Perrelet, Sarton, Recordon Breguet
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 307
BHM No: 16990 - Skolnik
Title: Sellier Patent Double Pendulum High Precision [Desk-top, Electrical] Clock
Keywords: electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Sellier Doublependulum
Edition: 1980s?
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 20678 - Paul Sulivan
Title: Selling Luxury With the Parties Over | The Pandemic has forced brands to reimagine their marketing, even venturing to the world of Marvel
SubTitle: [An article on page B6 of the New York Times of April 10, 2021 | Wealth Matters | 1/2 p.long | [Marketing Lxury gooeds in
Edition: 2021-April-10
BHM No: 24118 - Paul Sulivan
Title: Selling Luxury With the Parties Over | The Pandemic has forced brands to reimagine their marketing, even venturing to the world of Marvel
SubTitle: [An article on page B6 of the New York Times of April 10, 2021 | Wealth Matters | 1/2 p.long | [Marketing Lxury gooeds in
Edition: 2021-April-10
BHM No: 24119 - Paul Sulivan
Title: Selling Luxury With the Parties Over | The Pandemic has forced brands to reimagine their marketing, even venturing to the world of Marvel
SubTitle: [An article on page B6 of the New York Times of April 10, 2021 | Wealth Matters | 1/2 p.long |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-April-10
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24120 - Paul Sulivan[For-the-NYTimes], Celest Soloman[Photogapher-for-the-NY-Times], Francois-Henry Bennahamis[CEO-Audemars]
Title: Selling Luxury With the Parties Over | The Pandemic has forced brands to reimagine their marketing, even venturing to the world of Marvel
SubTitle: [An article in the New York Times-2021-April-10 issue, page B6
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Audemars
Edition: 2021-April-10
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24122 - Ian R. Bartky
Title: Selling the true time
SubTitle: 19th Century Timekeepinhg in America
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: timestandards railroad time
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 310
BHM No: 283 - Anonymous,
Title: Seltene Astronomische Strassburger Tuermchen Uhr mit Uhrmacher Stadtpunze und Signatur CG = Carl Gutbub (ca. 1570)
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 10
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 12586 - Hans R. Mackenstein
Title: Seltene Renaissanceuhren der Ester?zyschen Sammlung
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 99
BHM No: 13309 - Helga & Henry Meyer
Title: Seltsame Sekundenpendeluhr
Parent Document ID: 9774 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2004, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 43
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 13455 - Selva Technik - Uhrenbau und Hobby, Selva
Title: Selva '97 - Jahreskatalog Uhrenbau und Hobby - Alles zum Uhrenbauen -Faszinazion Uhreb - Edles fuer Sammler - Bastelideen fuer die ganze Familie
SubTitle: [Anual mailorder catalog 1997 for horological components and tools - German edition]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1997-German edition
Page or pages: 228
BHM No: 22605 - Selva,
Title: SELVA - seit 20 JAHREN in Marly [SWITZSERLAND] [a ca. 1999 8 p clock and Watch Catalog]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1999 ca.
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 22458 - Selva
Title: Selva - Uhrenbau + Hobby - Gesammtkatalog 95/96 [Germany Edition 228p.]
Keywords: clock
BHM No: 22616 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1978/79 Hauptkatalog
SubTitle: Selva Uhrenbauteile
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 2971 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1978/79 Katalog
SubTitle: Das grosse Baselprogramm
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 2973 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1997 Catalogue English Translation - The Complete SELVA Programme for Craftsmen and Hobbyists
SubTitle: Selva Technik [no images, no prices just English language text]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 16274 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1997/1998 [97-98] Katalog Uhrenbau und Hobby
SubTitle: Alles zum Uhrenbauen, Faszination Uhren, Edles fur Sammler, Bastelideen fuer die ganze Familie [Swiss Edition, ie. different back cover]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1997/1998
Page or pages: 228
BHM No: 16272 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1998 Catalogue English Translation - The Complete SELVA Programme for Craftsmen and Hobbyists
SubTitle: Selva Technik [no images, no prices just English language text]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 16273 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1998 ['98] Jahreskatalog Uhrenbau + Hobby
SubTitle: [Germany Edition]
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 228
BHM No: 16271 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1999 '99 Clocks and Hobbies
SubTitle: The Selva Anual Catalog
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1999 English language edition
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 16266 - Selva,
Title: Selva 1999 '99 Uhren und Hobby - CH
SubTitle: Der Selva Jahreskatalog [Swiss Edition in German, prices in Swiss Francs]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 16265 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2000 - clocks and Hobbies
SubTitle: Selva anual catalog 2000
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 2225 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2000 - Uhren + Hobby CH [Swiss edition with prices in Swiss Francs]
SubTitle: Selva Jahreskatalog 2000
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2000 Swiss Edition
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 16264 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2000 - Uihren + Hobby
SubTitle: Selva Jahrescatalog 2000
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 3976 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2001 - ... keeping time - Annual Catalog [D, English language edition]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 16267 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2001 - Technik die Spass macht - Jahreskatalog 2001 CH [Switzerland]
SubTitle: Uhren & Mehr - Werrkstatt - Kreativ-Workshop - Alle Presie in Ch-Franken
Keywords: catalog clock tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2001, Switzerland edition
Page or pages: 244
BHM No: 16304 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2002 Uhren Welt - Technik die Spass macht
SubTitle: [Selva Schweiz 2002]
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 4312 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2002 - Technik die Spass macht
SubTitle: Selva Jahreskatalog 2002
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 260
BHM No: 1850 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2002 - Technik die Spass macht - Uhrenbau und Hobby
SubTitle: Gueltig bis Ende August 2003
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 146
BHM No: 3603 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2003 Uhrenbau & Hobby (g?ltig bis Ende August 2004)
SubTitle: Selva - Technik die Spass macht
Keywords: catalog part tool
Other Keywords: Selva mailorder
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 5085 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2004 Technik die Spass macht UHRENBAU & HOBBY
SubTitle: gueltig bis Ende August 2005
Other Keywords: SELVA
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 145
BHM No: 6008 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2004 Fruehjahr/Sommer - Uhrentrends ++Werkzeug++Uhrwerke zu Sparpreisen++
SubTitle: [incl.Uhren + Geschenke, 36p]
Keywords: catalog movement tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva Switzerland
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 6384 - Benelux, Selva
Title: Selva 2004 Gereedschap - Hobby Klok - Selva Benelux
SubTitle: Techniek waar je plezier in hebt!
Keywords: catalog tools machinery
Other Keywords: SELVA
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 5965 - Benelux, Selva
Title: Selva 2004 Hobby Klok
SubTitle: Uurwerken & Hobby
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: mailorder SELVA
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 148
BHM No: 5964 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2005 - Fruehjahr/Sommer Uhrentrends - Werkzeug - Uhrwerke - Outdoor - Wetter - Fliegeruhren - attraktive
SubTitle: Sammlermodelle
Keywords: catalog movement tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva Switzerland
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 6842 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2005 - Technik die Spass macht - Uhren & Geschenke -
SubTitle: gueltig bis Ende Maerz 2006
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: selva
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 9674 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2005 - Uhrenbau & Hobby- Technik die Spass macht- SELVA CH - Herbst 2005
Keywords: catalog parts tools
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 7253 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2005 Uhren + Geschenke
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 6433 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2006 - Technik die Spass macht - Zeit Design und mehr
SubTitle: Aktuelle Uhrentrends, Ideen zum Schenken, Sammeln, Selbermachen
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 9675 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2011 ... Technik die Spass macht - Jububilaumskatalog 50 Jahre Selva
SubTitle: Gultig bis Ende 2011 [Schweizer Ausgabe, HK11/IX,10/CH]
Keywords: catalog clock watch tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 162
BHM No: 15426 - Selva,
Title: Selva 2012 - Uhr und Zeit - Jahreskatalog - Technik die Spass macht
Keywords: clock tools parts
Other Keywords: Selva
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 162
BHM No: 16260 - Selva Technik - Uhrenbau und Hobby
Title: SELVA 95/96 - - Ergaenzung "Spezial-Schweiz" -- Complement "Speciale Suisse"(p.501-532)
SubTitle: Preisliste Uhren + Hobby [Schweiz Mai 1996] -{ [Preiesliste] Katalog 1995/96 [CH orange] & Shipping Lable, Order form,}
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1995/1996
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 22617 - Watch Company, Hamilton
Title: Semi Friction Balance Jeweling - TD 103
SubTitle: Technical Data - Hamilton Watch Company
Keywords: lubrication/friction jeweling-jewels
Other Keywords: jewels jeweling Hamilton
Parent Document ID: 7494 - Parent Document Title: Educational Bulletins of the Horological Institute of America
Edition: 1941
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 7498 - Patty Philipon[Director]
Title: Sending you Wishes for a BRIGHT NEW YEAR | Happy New Year from the American Clock & Watch Museum [2022]
SubTitle: A seasons greeting Card - 2021/2022
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Bristpl
Edition: 2021/2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24474 - Savoy Art & Auction Galeries, H.M.G. Riberio
Title: Senor H. M. G. Ribeiro Watch Collection (1962) [The ...]
SubTitle: [Savoy-1962-12-15-NYC] Important Horological Collection European XVII, XIII, XIX Centuries and some earlier Specimens / Public Auction New York Dec196
Other Keywords: Ribeiro
Edition: 1962-12-15
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 19509 - Marie-Jeanne Liengme
Title: Sens [Le..] de la mesure - L'emergence d'un cours historique centre sur l'industrie ?
SubTitle: ...horlogere Neuchateloise - [beeing: No.2, Cahier de l'Insitut d'histoire, Universite de Neuchatel
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: curriculum
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 5160 - Jean-Pierre Bovey
Title: Sens [le..] du Temps
SubTitle: Time Photography and Perspective - Photographie et Perspective du Temps - Zeitphotographie und -Pers
Keywords: chronograph
Other Keywords: sporttsiming
Edition: 1988, 1st edition of 3000
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 2828 - Sentimental Reflections
Title: Sentimental Reflections - Americas Heritage in Story, Scenery and Song - Autumn edition 2007
SubTitle: Cover Story: The Story of Time
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2007-Fall
BHM No: 11731 - Jonathan Betts
Title: Separation 1925-1927
SubTitle: [Chapter 10 of Rupert T.Goulds Biography]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Gould
Parent Document ID: 10399 - Parent Document Title: Time restored
Edition: 10
Page or pages: 164-185
BHM No: 10439 - Terry,, Chris H. Bailey
Title: September 1875 - The Terry Clock Co's Catalogue and Price List of Terry's Patent Clocks, Waterbury C
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Terry
Edition: 1981, reprint
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 1715 - Paul Lerner
SubTitle: A Press release by Audemars Piguet | Wed, Sept 14 2022 | https://audemarsspiguet.picturepark.com/Go/xOITBPVY |
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch contemporary
Other Keywords: ROYAL OAK AUDEMARS PIGUET Pressrelease
Edition: Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 10:24 PM
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24934 - R.J. Ziebell
Title: Serial List: New York Watch Company,Springfield Mass.
SubTitle: From the original inventories 1872 thru 1875
Keywords: brand
Other Keywords: Serialnumbers New-York-Watch
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4623 - National Watch Company, Elgin, Manfred Trauring
Title: Serial Number and Grade Identification
SubTitle: with Classification and Description as originally made, with Illustrations of 51 Different Elgin Mov
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: Elgin serial number
Edition: 1960s? Facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 51
BHM No: 3112 - Greg R. Frauenhoff
Title: Serial Numbers and Descriptions of Fedonia and Peoria Watch Co. Movements
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: Fedonia Peoria railroad watch
Edition: 2nd Edition 2003
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 5747 - Watch Company, Waltham
Title: Serial Numbers with Desription of Waltham Watch Movements
Keywords: movement
Other Keywords: Waltham serial number caliber list
Edition: 1954
Page or pages: 215
BHM No: 2363 - Hans-Heinrich Schmid
Title: Serienherstellung von Uhren und der Einfluss der Amerikanischen Uhrenindustrie auf die Fertigung von Uhren in Deutschland [Die...]
SubTitle: [The mass production of clocks and the American influence on German clock manufacturing practices]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 16388 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2011, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 199-214
BHM No: 16400 - Rudolf Flume
Title: Serienreparatur, Die
Other Keywords: productivity methods
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 686 - Willis R. Michael
Title: Series of Stories [The?] on Clocks from the Collection of Willis R. Michael
Keywords: collection collecting
Other Keywords: Hahn
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4301 - Hamilton,
Title: Service and Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch
Keywords: electric practical
Other Keywords: Hamilton service manual
Edition: 1959, 1st edition
Page or pages: 107
BHM No: 800 - Watch Co., Hamilton
Title: Service and Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch
Other Keywords: Hamilton electric
Edition: 1960 revised edition
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 3087 - Hamilton Watch Company
Title: Service and Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Keywords: electrical
Other Keywords: Hamilton electric
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 14612 - Watch Company, Hamilton
Title: Service and Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch [1959]
Other Keywords: tech manual hamilton
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 31, disc 2
BHM No: 11791 - Girard Perregaux
Title: Service Bulletin #715 - Girard Perregaux QUARTZ
SubTitle: Electronic Quartz Movement GP350
Keywords: electronic
Other Keywords: Girard Perregaux
Edition: 1970s? undated
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 11102 - Raoul Gauthier
Title: Service Chronometrique a l Observatoire de Geneve et les Concours de Reglage de la Classe Industrie et de Commerce de la Societe des Arts de Geneve
SubTitle: avec une etude des epreuves instituees dans d'autres observatoires pour les chronometre de poche
Keywords: performance measurement clock timekeeping
Other Keywords: competition Geneve Geneva Gend observatoie reglage
Edition: 1894, 1st edition
Page or pages: 171
BHM No: 14299 - Revere-Company-Cincinnati Ohio-USA
Title: Service Manual -Revere Clocks - Telechrome Motered - [undated ca. 1970s??] - saddlestapled, yellowish cover - 24 pages - 11 illustrations
SubTitle: [aquired by FMM at the NAWCC Convention 2021 - Hampton Virginia-for the HSNY account
Edition: 1977 ca.
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 24233 - John Howell
Title: Servicing Procedures and Catalogue Details for the TMC "SPB" Half Second Pendulum Master Clock
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. 75 - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Keywords: specifications electrical electromechanical
Other Keywords: TMC Telephone Manufacturing Company SPB
Edition: 2008-Paper 75
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 12404 - Sessions Clock Company
Title: Sessions Clock - Wake to the trill of a Lifetime - 'CATNAPPER' Alarm [Adverisment ca 1950s]
SubTitle: No. 6 of 8, series of 8 postcard sized reproduction of historical watch advertisments to promote the services of the NAWCC Library {2017 Ed}
Keywords: alarm clock
Other Keywords: Sessions
Parent Document ID: 21565 - Parent Document Title: Have Questions? - Ask a Librarian! NAWCC Library & Research Center - Build your horological library while helping support ours!
Edition: 7 of 8
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21571 - Tran Duy Ly, Chris H. Bailey, Thomas J. Spittler
Title: Sessions Clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Sessions priceguide
Edition: 2001, 1st edition
Page or pages: 520
BHM No: 1571 - Chris H. Bailey
Title: Sessions Clocks - Catalog No.65 1915
SubTitle: anufacturers of Superior Clocks, Forestville Connecticut, U.S.A.
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Sessions
Edition: 1977 Reprint
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 1728 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: Set of 24 Label Texts describing the Horological Objects From the collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki used to further illustrate ....
SubTitle: the 2016 Exhibit at the GROLIER CLUB New York ON TIME An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Linda Hall Library Curated by Bruce Bradley
Keywords: catalog directory clock watch
Other Keywords: Grolier
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 21517 - No-stated-author
Title: Set of 5 small tourists advertising cards for venues with horological holdings, offering discouns at Museums, stores & tours
Keywords: clock watch antique
Parent Document ID: 23060 - Parent Document Title: Collection of 33 Ephemera items relating to the planing of the AHS USA Section Horological Studytour 2005 to the Netherlands and Belgium
Edition: u
Page or pages: 5 cards
BHM No: 23081 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Set of Brass Springs
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-5
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 9317 - Swiss-Postal-Service, Beat Bruesch[artist], CourvoisierSA[Printer]
Title: Set of Philateleletic First Days Covers - Switzerland 1996-Sept.10 - Helvetia - 4 envelopes with blocks of 4 stamps
SubTitle: [Subject of series: Automates a musique-Musikautomaten-Apparecchi musicali mechanici | FDC PTT 1996 |
Keywords: musical antique
Other Keywords: musicbox
BHM No: 22671 - Christie's,, Daryl Shnipper[Project-Manager}, Kevin Tierney, John Baddley, Michael Turner, Seth Atwood[Preface]
Title: Seth Atwood Collection of Watches, Clocks & Scientific Instruments [The...] - 1999 Dec Deacsessioning wave in anticipation of the closure of..
SubTitle: the privatly owned, mayor museum] - Here cataloged as a 'single owner collection Catalog - but also beeing the [C-1999-12-02 NYC-Atwood] auction
Other Keywords: Atwood Time-Museum
Edition: 1999-12-02
Page or pages: 315
BHM No: 23983 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Collated-by]
Title: Seth G. Atwood, Horolological Collector Extraordinaire, June 2, 1917 - February 21, 2010
SubTitle: [An obituary, 2 images, and related documents]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Atwood Rockford Timemuseum Time Museum
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 14821 - Seth Thomas Clocks
Title: Seth Thomas [ Catalog 818-6-60 {1960?} ]
SubTitle: Seth Thomas Decorator Wall Clocks - Seth Thomas Travel Clocks with Bell Alarms - Seth Thomas Strikes/Chimes - Marine - Occasionals
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1960? ubdated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 21621 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas - For one-hundred seventy years
SubTitle: Catalog C-84-0100
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 2760 - Talley Industries, Seth Thomas
Title: Seth Thomas - since 1813 - Seth Thomas by Talley Industries - Catalog No. 840 - 6-1-82
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 21615 - General Time
Title: Seth Thomas - The Ultimate in Fine Swiss Watches -
SubTitle: Sunset Collection -After Five Collection - Technical Watches - Elecronic Wtches - Self winding Day Date Series -Date Series - Boutiqye Collection
Keywords: catalog watch
Edition: undated ca.1990?
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 21608 - H.W. Ellison, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Seth Thomas 2 Regulator Identification Guide
Keywords: US-Connecticut
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas 2 regulator
Edition: 1980s? undated
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 11089 - Owen H. Burt
Title: Seth Thomas 9 '' Cottage Clocks - 1852-1898 -
SubTitle: [Booklet format re-edition of seriers of articles Feb/Mzy/Jun 1998 of NAWCC Bulletin]
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Cottage Cloccks
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 23336 - Owen H. Burt
Title: Seth Thomas 9 inch Cottage Clocks 1852-1898
SubTitle: [Offprint of articles series from NAWCC Bulletin 1998]
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas cottage
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 2019 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Clock Co. - Catalogue 1909-1910 - Catalog No. 675
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1990s? Reprint
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 1705 - Seth Thomas
Title: Seth Thomas Clock Company - Catalog No. 797, issued May1934
SubTitle: includes retail price list 797R-2 Aug20-1934
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1934-05
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 16212 - Seth Thomas Clock Company
Title: Seth Thomas Clock Company - Catalog of CAbinet, Desk, Boudoir, Automobile and Electric Clocks No.780 - 1813-1928
Keywords: catalog US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1928, no. 780
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 16809 - Seth Thomas Clock Company
Title: Seth Thomas Clock Company - Catalog of Mantel Clocks No.777 - 1813-1926 - Clocks for every need
Keywords: catalog US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1926 No. 777
Page or pages: 39
BHM No: 16808 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Clock Company's Catalog 1879
SubTitle: Pricelist
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1970s? Reprint
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 2082 - Thomas Clock Company, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks [Catalog ] No. 531 [1892-1893]
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1975 reprint
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 5272 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks 1884-1885 Catalog
SubTitle: bound xerographic reprint
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1970 reprint of 1884
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 1612 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements
SubTitle: Third Edition Volume 1
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 3rd Edition, revised and expanded
Page or pages: 576
BHM No: 5564 - Tran Duy Ly, Chris H. Bailey, Thomas J. Spittler, Paul Heffner
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide seth thomas
Edition: 1996, revised edition
Page or pages: 496
BHM No: 178 - Seth Thomas
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks for 1939 - Catalog 801 - issued August 1938 [Facsimile edition 1995]
SubTitle: self starting electricand key wound
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1995 Facsimile Edition
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 15592 - Seth Thomas
Title: Seth Thomas Clocks [Catalog] No. 66 , 1904-1905
SubTitle: [Facsimile reprint]
Keywords: catalog US-Connecticut
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1990s? undated facsimile edition
Page or pages: 144
BHM No: 12041 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Decorator Kitchen- Decorator Wall Clock Fashions 1971
SubTitle: Catalog 700-6-71
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 1362 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Division of General Time - Clock Catalogs 1971
SubTitle: [Spiralbound annual collection, with Price list]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 2106 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Division of General Time - Clock Catalogs 1972
SubTitle: [Spiralbound annual collection, with Price list]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 2107 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Division of General Time - Clock Catalogs 1973
SubTitle: [Spiralbound annual collection, with Price list]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 2108 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Division of General Time - Clock Catalogs 1974
SubTitle: [Spiralbound annual collection, with Price list]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 2109 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Division of General Time - Clock Catalogs 1975
SubTitle: [Spiralbound annual collection, with Price list]
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 2110 - Thomas Clock Company, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Claocks since 1813 - Catalog 300-6-76
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 6545 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Decorator Wall Fashions 1971
SubTitle: Catalog 508-6-71
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 2114 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Decorator Wall Fashions 1973
SubTitle: Catalog 510-6-73
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2119 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1973
SubTitle: Catalog 831-6-73
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2117 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1974
SubTitle: Catalog 832-6-74
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2120 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1975
SubTitle: Catalog 833-6-75
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2118 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1977
SubTitle: Catalog 835-6-1-77
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2111 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1978
SubTitle: Catalog 836-6-1-78
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2112 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - General Catalog 1979
SubTitle: Catalog 837-6-1-79
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2113 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Jewlery Retail Catalog [1977]
SubTitle: Catalog 301-6-1-77
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 2196 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Quarzmatic [a 1971 catalog]
SubTitle: Catalog 829-6-71
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 2116 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Wall Clock Catalog 1974
SubTitle: Catalog 511-6-74
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1358 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - Wall Clock Catalog 1975
SubTitle: Catalog 512-6-74
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1359 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Fine Clocks since 1813 - [a 1972 catalog]
SubTitle: Catalog 830-6-72
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 2115 - SethThomas
Title: Seth Thomas Fine CLocks since 1813 [ An Amalgam of 1972 catalogs and price lists]
SubTitle: [consists of catalogs 830-6-72, 101-6-72, 509-6-72, 701-6-722, all with pricelist (Dealer prices per 15 May 1972]
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas pricelist 1972
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 11103 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Heirloom Furniture Collection, Longcase Clock Catalog 1974
SubTitle: Catalog 838-6-74
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 1360 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Heirloom Furniture Collection, Longcase Clock Catalog 1977
SubTitle: Catalog 841-6-77
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 1361 - D.J. Graenger
Title: Seth Thomas in Florida - The 1995 NAWCC Florida Regional Seth Thomas Watch Exhibit
SubTitle: Models and Grades
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15596 - Thomas, Seth
Title: Seth Thomas Quarzmatic 1974
SubTitle: Catalog 103-6-74
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 1363 - Steve Conover
Title: Seth Thomas Times Four
SubTitle: How to repair four old Seth Thomas Striking Clocks
Keywords: practical
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1992 edition for NAWCC Chapter 28
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 297 - Thomas, Seth, Chris H. Bailey
Title: Seth Thomas Watches 1885 - 1915
Keywords: catalog wholesale
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 1374 - John R. Sangster
Title: Seth Thomas, A Yankee Clockmaker, 1785 - 1895
SubTitle: Reprint of three 1968 articles in NAWCC Bulletin
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1627 - Thomas Clock Company, Seth
Title: Seth-Thomas Mini Wals For any Room In the House
SubTitle: Catalog 705-6-76
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 6544 - Ruppert T. (Lt.Cmdr. RN) Gould
Title: Sette of Odd Volumes XLIX 1924-1925
SubTitle: Lieut.-Commander Rupert Gould RN, President
Edition: 1924
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 10553 - Jonathan Betts
Title: Sette of Odd Volumes [The...]
SubTitle: [Chapter 9 of Rupert T.Goulds Biography]
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Gould Sette Odd Volumes
Parent Document ID: 10399 - Parent Document Title: Time restored
Edition: 09
Page or pages: 147-183
BHM No: 10438 - Pier vanLeeuwen
Title: Seven centuries of timekeeping in the Netherlands
SubTitle: Museum of the Dutch Clock
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 12084 - Hublot,, Rolex[2page.spred], Breitling, HMoser&Cie. Bell&Ross, Lindsay Talbot, Linda Heist[Stylist], Greubel Forsey
Title: Seven December 2020 tearouts of Horological Advertisements from 'T'-The New York Times STYLE Magazine [Dec 6 2020 Edition]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Christmas advertising 2020
Edition: 2020-Dec-06
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 23922 - Chris H. Bailey
Title: Seven major Clockmakers of the 19th Century: Ansonia, Gilbert. Ingraham. New Haven, Seth Thomas, Waterbury, Welch
SubTitle: [produced for the Connecticut open house June 10 2006]
Keywords: US-Connecticut
Other Keywords: Ansonia, Gilbert. Ingraham. New Haven, Seth Thomas, Waterbury, Welch
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11384 - Gregory L. Baker
Title: Seven tales of the pendulum
Keywords: clock pendulum
Other Keywords: pendulum
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 227
BHM No: 15781 - Brandon Thomas
Title: Seven Wonders of the World
SubTitle: A comparison of the Seven most Complicated Wristwatches Made today
Keywords: complication(s)
Other Keywords: Grand complication
Parent Document ID: 11872 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2008 Spring
Page or pages: 18-27
BHM No: 11875 - NAWCC-Chapter04-SouthernCalifornia
Title: Seventeenth Annual Convention, NAWCC Inc. July 6, 7, 8, 1961
SubTitle: Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, California
Other Keywords: NAWCC concention 1961
Edition: 1961-17th edition
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 14439 - Christopher Fowler
Title: Seventy-Seven Clocks
SubTitle: [A mystery novel]
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 496
BHM No: 7588 - R.O.Schmitt
Title: Several American firms produced GLOBE CLOCKS, here we discuss 2
SubTitle: [Printout of Dec 24 2018 e-mail blast] Timby Juvet
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Globe clock
Edition: 2018 Dec
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22610 - Severin Wunderman, Bonhams,
Title: Severin Wunderman Collectiion [The ?]
SubTitle: [B-2009-05-06-NYC] Single consignor sale [horological excepts][The former owner of Corum Watch and Belgian philantropist]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Severin Wunderman
Edition: 2009-05-06
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 14655 - Sewills,
Title: Sewills Definitive Collection
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Sewills
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 3683 - Bruce Bauer
Title: Sextant Handbook [The...] - Adjustment, Repair, Use and History
Keywords: astronomy how-to
Other Keywords: sextant
Edition: 1995, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 18255 - Syibille Gluch
Title: Seyfert Pocket Watch at Henry Ford Museum. Dearborn MI (incl. Dial Image)
SubTitle: (excerpt from the Article by Sybille Gluch in March 2018 isssue of Antiquatian horology)
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Henry Ford Museum
Edition: 2018-03
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21973 - Antonio Simoni
Title: Sfera dei Pineti [La...] -Sfere italiane
SubTitle: Estratto da "la Cleysydra" anno 1971, numero 7
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: spheres
Edition: 1971-7
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 14288 - Christian Heeb[Photographer]
Title: SG 026 - Baroksaal Stiftsbibliothek [St.Gallen, Switzerland] A color picture postcard
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 23010 - Parent Document Title: Erd- und Himmelsglobus um 1570 - Original im Landesmuseum Zurich und Replik (2009) in der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
Edition: m
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23024 - Christian Heeb[Photographer]
Title: SG 027 - Baroksaal, Stiftsbibliothek [St.Gallen] [A picture Postcard] of the Library Stacks]
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 23010 - Parent Document Title: Erd- und Himmelsglobus um 1570 - Original im Landesmuseum Zurich und Replik (2009) in der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
Edition: n
Page or pages: SG 027, 1page
BHM No: 23025 - Thomas Strode, Gilbert Clerke, William Emerson, Samuel Foster, Frederick W. SawyerIII[Editor]
Title: Shadow Catchers
SubTitle: A Series of Digital Facsimile Reprints of Rare Works on Dialing
Keywords: historic facsimile
Other Keywords: dialing rare
Edition: 2005
BHM No: 8983 - Dava Sobel
Title: Shadow Knows (The)
Parent Document ID: 847 - Parent Document Title: Micromegas MCMLXXI Anno 71
Page or pages: 88 - 95
BHM No: 11675 - Dava Sobel
Title: Shadow Knows [The...] - In Smithosinan - January 2007 issue
SubTitle: Why a leading expert on the history of timekeeping set out to create a sundial unlike anything the world has ever seen
Other Keywords: Will Andrewes gnomonic projection
Edition: 2007, january issue
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 10624 - James W. Gibbs, Robert W. Maeder
Title: Shaker Clock Makers
Other Keywords: shaker
Edition: 1970s?
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1919 - James W. Gibbs
Title: Shaker Clockmakers
SubTitle: beeing Supplement No. 7 to NAWCC Bulletin
Other Keywords: shaker
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 2615 - Cal Industries
Title: Shanghai 2000 - Shanghai Watch Industry Co., Ldt. - Since 1955
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: China Shanghai
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 15135 - Constantin, Vacheron
Title: Shape of Harmony [The...} - Vacheron-Constantin - Harmony Chorograph
SubTitle: Printout of a July 2015 advertorial ib the NYTimes online
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Harmony
Edition: 2015 July
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 20010 - Jack O'Brien, Derin Bray
Title: Shaped by the Sea: Cabinetmaking in Southeastern MAssachusetts
Keywords: case
Other Keywords: clockcases cabinetry
Parent Document ID: 13846 - Parent Document Title: Harbor and Home - Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts 1710-1850
Page or pages: 27-38
BHM No: 13848 - Paul Glennie, Nigel Thrift
Title: Shaping the Day
SubTitle: A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: sociology time in society England Wales
Edition: 2009 1st edition
Page or pages: 456
BHM No: 13738 - William Linnard
Title: Shaping the day in Wales: indications of awareness of clock time in Wales before 1800 Antiquarian Horology,publisged AHS London
SubTitle: [ Volume 34, No. 4 (December 2013), pp.526-538 , 30 Footnotes, 7 illustrations]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Wales
Edition: 2013, Dec. Vol.34, No.4 -
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 23190 - Ian Bradley
Title: Sharpening Small Tools
Keywords: tool
Other Keywords: sharpen sharpening
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 114
BHM No: 2430 - Nathelie Stoddard
Title: Shawenon Studio, North Egremont Mass 01252
SubTitle: [Reverse painted glasses for clocks, a 1976 catalog]
Keywords: catalog clock case dial/hands parts
Other Keywords: glass eglomerize
Edition: 1976 Rev.1
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 16491 - Shentonbooks
Title: Shentonbooks - Catalogue 2006
SubTitle: [Weboffprint December 2006 from www.shentonbooks.com/acatalog/]
Keywords: bibliography catalog reference
Other Keywords: booklist catalog 2006
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 10544 - William R. Smith
Title: Sherline in the workshop
SubTitle: [A practical selfstudy texdbook for horologists]
Keywords: clock tools lathe basic practical
Other Keywords: Sherline
Edition: 2012 First editioonm
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 20250 - Bob Frishman, Photographs-Courtesey-of-Adler-Planatarium-Chicago-USA
Title: Shining Light on Sundials - A Book Review on: Alice Mome Earley: Time of our lives:Sundials of the Adler Planatarium [Chicago]
SubTitle: [as published in the Maine Antuques Digest, Februaru 20220 issuwe]
Keywords: catalog reference antique
Other Keywords: Chicago
Edition: 2020 February
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23482 - Catherine M. Rae
Title: Ship's Clock
SubTitle: A Novel
Other Keywords: novel
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 198
BHM No: 191 - Marvin E. Whitney
Title: Ships Chronometer
Keywords: navigation advanced
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 499
BHM No: 326 - National Maritime Museum
Title: Ships, clocks and stars - The quest for Longitude - EXHIBITION PLAN - 11 July 2014 - 4 January 2015
Other Keywords: NMM Greewich LONGITUDE
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19358 - Charles Barbosa
Title: Shipwreck of Antikythera [The...] - the worl din Flames at 88 b.c.
SubTitle: [Historic fiction surounding the Antikythera mechanism]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Antikythera
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 365
BHM No: 19758 - James Herbert Cooke
Title: shipwreck of the Sir Cloudesley Shovell on the Scilly Islands in 1707 [The?]
Other Keywords: longitude Scilly Islands shipwreck
Edition: 1990 Facsimile reprist
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 5510 - Sothebey's New York
Title: Shop New Arrivals From Rolex, Audemars Liguuet, Patek Philippe and more | emaii blast by Sotebye 's dated Mon Aug 22, 2022
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Rolex , Audemars Piguet,Patek Philippe
Edition: Mon 22 Aug 2022 at 6:52 AM
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24937 - Penrose R. Hoopes
Title: Shop Records of Daniel Burnap Clockmaker
Keywords: biography ouevre
Other Keywords: shoprecords Burnap
Edition: 1958, Limited edition of 1000cc
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 633 - DeutschesUhrenmuseum
Title: Shoppingbag [paper], Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
SubTitle: [Horological ephemera]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 21005 - Douglas J. Elliott
Title: Shopshire Clock and Watchmakers
Keywords: directory regional
Other Keywords: Shopshire
Edition: 1979, 1st edition
Page or pages: 172
BHM No: 2784 - J. Jackson, W. Bowyer
Title: Short clocks and the earth's rotation
Other Keywords: Shortt
Parent Document ID: 6178 - Parent Document Title: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Geophysical
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1929 39 jan
Page or pages: 239-279
BHM No: 8393 - Reinhard A. Schumacher, Brandon Tarbet
Title: Short Foucault Pendulum Free of Ellipsoidal Precession [A]
Other Keywords: foucault pendulum error correction
Parent Document ID: 6231 - Parent Document Title: arXiv - online documents repository at Cornell University
Edition: Feb 11
BHM No: 15481 - H. Richard Crane
Title: Short Foucault pendulum: A way t eliminate the precession due to ellipticity
Keywords: theory pendulum
Other Keywords: foucault
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1981 49 11 nov
Page or pages: 1004 - 1006
BHM No: 8563 - Clockmakers, Company
Title: Short Guide to the Collection of Clocks and Watches owned by the Worshipfull Company of Clockmakers
SubTitle: dispalyed at the Guildhall Museum of the City of London
Keywords: catalog London
Other Keywords: guilhall clockmakers company
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 135 - Katie Knaub[Editor]
Title: Short Hand -( Vol 1, No.1-4, 2007 / Vol 2, No.1-4, 2008 / Vol 3, No.1-4, 2009 / Vol 4, No.1-4, 2010 )
SubTitle: Newsletter of the NAWCC Junior Horologist Club
Keywords: juvenile clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC NWCM
BHM No: 15751 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Short History of Pendulum Temperature Compensation
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-3
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9289 - Reverend David Birt
Title: Short History of the Clock in the Bell Tower with historical Notes on the Bells
SubTitle: The Parish Church of Christ the Saviour, Ealing
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Ealing
Edition: 2010 second Edition
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 15247 - Malcolm Gardner
Title: Short List of book on Horology and allied Subjects
SubTitle: Catalogue No. 5
Keywords: bibliography
Other Keywords: book Gardner
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 4991 - Rogers Turner
Title: Short List of Horological books now offered for sale by
SubTitle: Rogers Turner , 217 Algernon Rd, London SE 13, England - Catalogue 5-79 [May 1979] - Spring 1979
Keywords: bibliography catalog watch
Other Keywords: booklist Rogers Turner 1979
Edition: 1979-05
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 13663
Title: Short No. 84
Parent Document ID: 5828 - Parent Document Title: [C-2004-09-15-Lon] Magnificent Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 7724- Co. Ldt., Synchronome
Title: Shortt Clock master & slave details
Other Keywords: Shortt Synchronome details
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1985 oct
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 8444 - Michael Adler
Title: Shortt Hit and Miss Synchronometer
SubTitle: Meccano Model Plans 130
Other Keywords: mecanno shortt hit and miss theory model
Parent Document ID: 6225 - Parent Document Title: Meccanoman's Club [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2001 5 may
Page or pages: 50+
BHM No: 8446 - George Feinstein
Title: Should a pendulum rod be rigid of flexible?
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-5
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9220 - Noble H. Stibolt
Title: Should Measure, Time and Calendar be modernized?
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: timesystem metric
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 6403 - Allen Ward
Title: Should more girls learn watchmaking
SubTitle: Offprint of an Article in Jewelers Circular Keystone, May 1968
Other Keywords: women female
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 9618 - H?ctor A. Muner
Title: Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered?
SubTitle: The Scientific Legacy of Maurice Allais
Other Keywords: foucault pendlum
BHM No: 16865 - Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen], Deutsches, Ines Leidler[ExhibitCurator]
Title: Show Time - Deutsche Uhrenwerbung im Schaufenster der Zeit - Einladung zur Eroeffnung der Ausstellung am 11.April 2014
SubTitle: [Inite to opening of temp exhibit 2014 on Watch and Clock advertisements over time)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: advertising marketing
Edition: 2014-04-11
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 19054 - Lee Davis
Title: Showcase Exhibit of Small Metal Case Clocks
SubTitle: A temporary Showcase at the National Watch and Clock Library, Columbia Pa. 2008
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: LARC metalcase
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 12385 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Shrink Fit Attachment To Quartz Rods
Parent Document ID: 4902 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 24 - 2001
Edition: 1997-1
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 9164 - Arlette deAlba
Title: Si la hora con Tedy
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: telltime
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 5471 - Rene Salles
Title: Si le temps m'etait compte?.
SubTitle: Mesure et instruments
Keywords: timekeeping time history sociology
Edition: 1st edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 5620 - ?,
Title: SIAM Review
BHM No: 6212 - Anton Kreuzer
Title: Sichbar gemachte Zeit
SubTitle: Hamilton, Seth Thomas, Amerikanische Taschenuhren Band 4
Other Keywords: Hamilton Seth Thomas
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
Page or pages: 198
BHM No: 3959 - John Fromanteel
Title: Side regulation dial longcase ca. 1675
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: penulum adjustment
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 55
Page or pages: 151
BHM No: 8705 - Derek Roberts
Title: Sideral, Solar, Mean Solar and the Equation of Time, Local and Grewich Mean Time
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: precision time
Other Keywords: Sideral Solar Mean Local Zone Equation of time observatory
Parent Document ID: 4398 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - The Quest for acurate Timekeeping
Edition: 03
Page or pages: 24-50
BHM No: 10302 - Sidewalk Ad Service
Title: Sidewalk Ad Service - Let Light tell your story
SubTitle: [A Storefront clock with sidewalk advertising projector]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: advertising sidewalk projector
Edition: 1950s? Undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 14399 - Jay Griffiths
Title: Sideways Look at Time [A...]
Edition: 2004, first paperback edition
Page or pages: 404
BHM No: 10621 - Horace J. Elias
Title: Sidney the Elephant Tells Time
SubTitle: See through series
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: telltime elephant
Edition: 1977
BHM No: 472 - Lothar Hasselmeyer
Title: Sieben vorbei Acht verweht Sanduhren in der Seefahrt
Parent Document ID: 11432 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2007, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 46
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 13533 - Siegl,
Title: Siegl's Katalog 91 - Buecher ueber Uhren
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: book list Siegl
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5547 - Siegl,
Title: Siegl's Katalog 93: B?cher ?ber Uhren
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book Siegel
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 3200 - Siegl,
Title: Siegl's Katalog 94: B?cher ?ber Uhren
SubTitle: Books on Clocks and Watches
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: books
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 9783 - Walter Schoenenberger
Title: Sieh an die Uhr und sag mir an .... - Das Museum fur Uhren und mechanische Musikinstrumente in Oberhofen
SubTitle: [Article in:] Der Bund, Nr. 111, 13. Mai 1995 [Bern, Switzerland]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: MUMM
Edition: 1995-05-13
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17944 - Thomas Schraven, James Nye
Title: Siemens & Halske Electrical Clocks 1847-1945
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. 61 - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Siemens Halske
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 14565 - Max Schuetze, Thomas Schraven[Editor], Reinhard Helsper{Editor]
Title: Siemens - Historische Sammlung - Teil II: Uhren
SubTitle: [Neuausgabe 2006 des Originaltextes der spaeten 1950er Jahre, mit meist neuem Bildmaterial]
Keywords: electrical clock
Other Keywords: Siemens Halse
Edition: 2006, Neuauflage mit neuen Bikdern
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 16901 - AG, Siemens
Title: Siemens Uhren Technik - Signalschaltwerk S1 fuer einen Signalstromkreis
SubTitle: Beschreibung - Bedioenungsanleitung - Einbau und Inbetriebname - Wartunsvorschrift
Keywords: electrical electromechanical practical how-to
Other Keywords: Siemens
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 5524 - Siemens Uhrentechnik Berlin, Siemens Uhrentechnik
Title: Siemens Uhren Technik - U hptu 46 ,U hptu 48, und hptu 51--Bilder und Nummernverzeichnis - Ausgabe 1942
SubTitle: Bid 1-57
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Timesystems Mastercklocks
Edition: 1942
Page or pages: 57
BHM No: 22880 - Derek J de Sola Price
Title: Sience since Babylon
SubTitle: [A history of the history of Science]
BHM No: 20335 - Carl Herrimann[Regional-Chair]
Title: Siera Nevada Western Regional 1986 [Oct 16-19] of the NAWCC - [Held at the John-Ascuga's Nuget Hotel in Reno Nevada]
SubTitle: [A post event illustrated report of 66 Pages, countless b&w photos -]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Reno
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 23354 - Bruno Kehrli
Title: Sightseeing in Bienne and a visit to Switzerlands largest and most modern watch factory: Omega
SubTitle: Tresors de mon pays: Cahier 99
Other Keywords: Omega
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 2854 - Chronoswiss, Gerd L. Lang
Title: Signs of the Times - Tick-Talk. A Timely Book
SubTitle: Chronoswiss - Faszination der Mechanik
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Chronoswiss
Edition: 2007, 4th expanded edition
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14728 - Marius B. Peladeau, Richard Saunders
Title: Silas Hoadley, Connecticut Clockmaker AND The Clockmaking Willard's homestead in Grafton, Mass.
SubTitle: [beeing 2 articles in the July 1972 issue of "ANTIQUES" magazine]
Keywords: article biography
Other Keywords: Willard Hoadley
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 5043 - Georg Schindler
Title: Silberberg und seine Uhren
Parent Document ID: 481 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 14
Edition: 14
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 12666 - Ray Springer
Title: Sileas Hoadley Movement - Typically used in Twiss Tall Case Clocks
SubTitle: [ A dimensioned complete parts list based on building a replica ]
Keywords: facsimile clock movement parts practical
Other Keywords: Hoadley replica Dimmensions
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19981 - Tom Grinshaw
Title: Silent Auction - Antique Clocks - over 25 years of serving collectors - [Closing Date Feb 28, 1997] - Tom Grinshaw
SubTitle: Catalog $5.00 - First Class [103 lots, all illustrated b&w]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 22451 - Electric Clock Co., Silent
Title: Silent Electric Clocks [1919 Catalog]
SubTitle: and "Notes upon the Installation & Maintenance of Silectock Ewlecktric Clocks"
Keywords: brand electric
Other Keywords: Silent
Edition: 2000 xerographic eprint
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 4072 - Q. S. Pete
Title: Silent Electric Survey - Electrical Horology Group AHS - 2015
SubTitle: (A working paper on an ongoing research projec)
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Silent Electric
Edition: 2015 November
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 20238 - Q. S. Pete
Title: Silent Electric Survey - Electrical Horology Group AHS - 2015
SubTitle: (A working paper on an ongoing research projec)
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Silent Electric
Edition: 2015 November
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 20239 - Chapters 66 (Central-Ilinois) and Chapter 47 (Menomony Valley)
Title: Silent Salesman - Ingersoll | A facsimile reprint of the 1902 original Booklet | Courtesy of the Bernie J. Edwards Horological Library (& President ..
SubTitle: ... of its currently President: Bernard J.EDWARDS)
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: ' Chicago Area Joint Regional of NAWCC Chapters47 & 66'
Edition: 1975
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 24827 - Anton Luebke
Title: Silhouetten der Wunderschoenen von der Jahresexkursion 1994 nach Frankreich
Parent Document ID: 481 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 14
Edition: 14
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 12672 - Roger Irving
Title: Silica Rod for a Seconds Pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7213 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2000, Vol. 9
Edition: 2000-4
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 9300 - Kurt E. Peterson
Title: Silicon as a Mechanical Material
Other Keywords: silicon mechanical properties materials
Parent Document ID: 6145 - Parent Document Title: IEEE
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1982 70 may
Page or pages: 420 - 457
BHM No: 8158 - Ashareus Fromanteel
Title: Silver and gilt cubic Tabel Clock ca.1650
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 04
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 8654 - John Russell
Title: Silver coach watch with pirouette escapement and sweep seconds, John Russell, Falkirk, no.1, 1796, diameter 122 mm
SubTitle: Time Museum Inventory No. 1006, gilt full plate movement, the balance cock pierced and engraved
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: pirouette escapement
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 17
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 9492 - Carl M. Williams
Title: Silversmiths of New Jersey 1700 - 1825
SubTitle: With some Notice of Clockmakers Who Were also Silveresmiths
Keywords: directory reference REGIONAL
Other Keywords: New Jersey
Edition: 1949, 1st edition
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 11665 - George Barton Cutten
Title: Silversmiths [The?] of Georgia, together with Watchmakers and Jewelers
SubTitle: with a companion article: Early Silversmiths and the Silver Trade in Georgia [1971]
Keywords: directory regional
Other Keywords: Georgia
Edition: 1998, reprint
Page or pages: 165
BHM No: 1260 - Marquis Boultinghouse
Title: Silversmiths, Jewelers, Clock and Watchmakers of Kentucky 1785-1900
Keywords: regional directory
Other Keywords: Kentucky
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 368
BHM No: 1985 - Chronoswiss, Gerd L. Lang
Title: Simbolos del tiempo - El libro que describe mi obsession
SubTitle: Chronoswiss - Faszination der Mechanik
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Chronoswiss
Edition: 2007, 4th spanish edition
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14731 - Michael Neureiter
Title: Simon Stampfer - Der Mathematiker, Geod?t und Physiker und seine zwei Turmuhren in Lemberg und Salzburg
SubTitle: [Simon Stampfer - The Mathematician, Geodeist and Physicist and his two Tower Clocks for Lemberg and Salzburg]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Towerclock Lemberg Salzburg
Edition: 2020-Vol.59
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 23789 - Neureiter Michael,Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Compiler -of-this-Study-Aide]
Title: Simon Stampfer - Der Mathematiker, Geod?t und Physiker und seine zwei Turmuhren in Lemberg und Salzburg
SubTitle: [Series: Documentation on Rare or Historic Documents for Horolgical Research Libraries, Compiled 2020 as a Research Aid by Fortunat Mueller-Maerki]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Studyaid
Edition: 2020-September
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 23790 - Michael Neureiter, Christian Mehne{YearbookEdtorDGC]
Title: Simon Stampfer-Der Mathematiker,Geodaet und Physiker und seine zwei Turmuhren Lemberg und Salzburg [An illustrated essay in the 2020 yeabook of DGC]
SubTitle: [Simon Stampfer - The Mathematician, Geodeist and Physicist and his two Tower Clocks for Lemberg and Salzburg]
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Lemberg Salzburg
Parent Document ID: 23803 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2020, Band 59 - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Band 59 - [11 Scholerly Essays in German] -
Edition: Yeatbook Vol.59 2020
Page or pages: p.148-169
BHM No: 23813 - John Ware Willard
Title: Simon Willard and his Clocks
SubTitle: A History of Simon Willard Inventor and Clockmaker
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Simon Willard Grafton
Edition: 1968 Dover reedition of 911 Limited edition
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 1654 - John Ware Willard
Title: Simon Willard and his Clocks
SubTitle: A History of Simon Willard Inventor and Clockmaker
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Simon Willard Grafton Massachusetts
Edition: 1962, New and corrected edition
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 1963 - John Ware Willard
Title: Simon Willard and his Clocks
SubTitle: A History of Simon Willard Inventor and Clockmaker
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Willard Grafton Roxbury
Edition: 1911, 1st edition
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 801 - John Ware Willard
Title: Simon Willard and his Clocks - Formerly titled" A History of Simon Willard, Inventor and Clockmaker"
SubTitle: Together with some account of his sons-his apprentices-and the workman asscociated with him, with..
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Simon Willard
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 7107 - Robert C. Chaney
Title: Simon Willard Eight-day Clocks: In Search of the Finely-Divided Trade, 1785-1825
SubTitle: [An online Seminar of the Willard House Museum-Wedensday July 22 2020]
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: Simond Willard Grafton
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23600 - Annonymous
Title: Simond Willard
SubTitle: [Illustration, in the style of an engraving]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Simon WIllard
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 15637 - Richard E. Crandall
Title: Simple and vivid demonstrations of advanced concepts in physics
Other Keywords: gravitational constant measurement cavendish
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
Page or pages: 133 - 137
BHM No: 8417 - Ron Stork
Title: Simple Mission [A...] - Brief History of the Nonitor Clock Company
SubTitle: [Video, VCR format, 25 minutes]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Monitor clock
Edition: 2004
BHM No: 14412
Title: Simple pendulum approximation
Other Keywords: pendulum theory
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1985 53 jan
Page or pages: 73 - 76
BHM No: 7862- John Robey
Title: Simple Rack Striking - A German Longcase movement with Iron Plates
SubTitle: [A weboffprint of an article published in the June 2011 issue of the Horological Journal (BHI) - pages 10-13]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2011-June
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 22108 - Ben Szapiro
Title: Simple-pendulum lab with a twist
Other Keywords: pendulum experiment vernier
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2002 40 mar
Page or pages: 158 - 163
BHM No: 8448 - Christopher Tennant
Title: Simpler Time [A...] - [ Article in the Wall Street Journal, Saturday July 26 - Off Duty Section, p D1/d2 ]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014-07-26
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 19263 - Dallas Cain
Title: Simplifying the drive circuit! (of HSN 1999-3
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-4
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9266 - Hermann Albert deBoer
Title: Simulierung von Unruhschwingsystemen mit Hilfe eines Analogrechners mit Untersuchung des Einflusses von ?
SubTitle: ?Tragebewegungen auf den Gang von Uhren mit Unruhe.
Keywords: advanced theory balance wheel oscillator modeling
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 5647 - Harding, Sinclair
Title: Sinclair Harding & Company
SubTitle: [Advertising Materials 1993]
Other Keywords: reproduction Sincali Harding
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 2758 - Ernie [Editor] Mart
Title: Singer Joe - Obituary
Parent Document ID: 7208 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1994, Vol. 3
Edition: 1994-5
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9071 - Musee-Baud
Title: Singer, un siecle de Cadrans - Communique de Presse - Exposition aux MIH (Temp Exhibit on the 100th Anniversary of the SINGER dial making firm)
SubTitle: [Press release on temp exhibit,2029-2020, 3p.)
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: dial
Edition: 2019-2020
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23380 - Charles Choi
Title: Single Atom tells time [Weboffprint of article from technewsdaily]
SubTitle: Jan 11, 2013 - Nanotechnology
Edition: 2012-01-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 17815 - Simon Bartram
Title: Single hand tabel clock, ca.1659
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: striking
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 20
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 8665 - John Fromanteel
Title: Single hour hand longcase ca. 1675
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: pendulum adjustment
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 56
Page or pages: 155
BHM No: 8706 - Sinn
Title: Sinn - Spezialuhren zu Frankfurt am Main - Das Katalogbuch 2012/2013
SubTitle: [incl, reprint aus Arbanduhren International, 2 Sparatabzuege von Artikeln, Begleitbrief, scwarze Mappe, Hardcover Katalogbuch 2012/2013 [240 seiten]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Sinn
Edition: 2012 ca undated
Page or pages: 250
BHM No: 20465 - Sinn Uhren - Germany
Title: Sinnn x Chronos: Countdown fuer's limitierte Sondermodell 2021 | Tuesday Oct 19 2021 | Watchtime.net
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Sinn
Edition: Oct 19 2021
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24374 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Sinusoidal Drive of a Pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-1
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 9235 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Sinusoidal Drive of a Pendulum A Note on
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-3
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 9254 - Societe Genevvoise d'Instrument Physique
Title: SIP - Machines a Mesurer Universelles et de Modele simple
SubTitle: Societe Genevvoise d'Instrument Physique, Geneve (Suisse)
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva physics advanced technical
Other Keywords: SIP measuring instruments
Edition: 1950s?
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 11842 - ?,
Title: Sir John Sloane's Museum
SubTitle: A short Discription
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Sloan London Raingo
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 6316 - Cecil Clutton
Title: Sir William Congreve's Free Pendulum Clocl
Other Keywords: free pendulum congreve
Parent Document ID: 3298 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.02, 1956-1959] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1958 jun
Page or pages: 125 - 126
BHM No: 7963 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto
Other Keywords: Sundials
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: p.64-72 - 8 pages
BHM No: 23852 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto [A scholarly/theoretical article in the Italian Magazine OROLOGI SOLARI, p.64-72] numerous illustrations
SubTitle: [A scholarly article in issue no.22, August 2020 of 'Horologi Solary' published by the italian Sundial Society.]
Other Keywords: sundial
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020 ,Issue no.22, 8 pages
Page or pages: p.64-72 - 8 pages
BHM No: 23854 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto [A scholarly/theoretical article in the Italian Magazine OROLOGI SOLARI, p.64-72] numerous illustrations
SubTitle: [A scholarly article in issue no.22, August 2020 of 'Horologi Solary' published by the italian Sundial Society.]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: Italy sundials
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: no.22 August 2020
Page or pages: p.64-72
BHM No: 23855 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto [A scholarly/theoretical article in the Italian Magazine OROLOGI SOLARI, p.64-72] numerous illustrations
SubTitle: [A scholarly article in issue no.22, August 2020 of 'Horologi Solary' published by the italian Sundial Society.]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: sundials Italy
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: August 2020, no.22
Page or pages: p.64-72 - 8 pages
BHM No: 23856 - Elsa Stoco
Title: Sistemi orari a confrronto [Comparison of time systems]
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: Sundials
Parent Document ID: 23837 - Parent Document Title: Orologi Solari - No.22 - agosto 2020 - [The Magazine of the CGI, the Italian Solar-dial society (Coordimento Gnomonico Italiano)]
Edition: 2020-08, issue n.22
BHM No: 23853 - Museo Leonardino
Title: Sites and Heritage of Leonardo in his home town; Vinchi
SubTitle: [accompanied by;] Vinchi, Leonardo's city - The Museo Leonardino
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Vinchi leonardino Leonardo
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 11521 - Hodinkee-Shop[online-at: shopnewa@hodinke.coim
Title: Six Dressy OMEGA Watches To Upgrade Your Fall Wardrobe [Online Sale Advertisment] Tue.Sept.15 2020]
SubTitle: Omega de Ville Prestige Co-axial/Omega Globemaster cal.8922 Anual Calender/Speedmaster Moonphase cal.9904/
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hodinkee Omega Sale Advertisement
Edition: 2020-09-15
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23723 - Bernie Levine
Title: Six historically significant Watches
SubTitle: 1870 - 1931
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Illinois
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 60 - Edward E. Chandlee
Title: Six Quaker Clockmakers
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: quaker Nottingham Pennsylvania Chandlee
Edition: 1975, reprint edition
Page or pages: 260
BHM No: 1917 - Anonymus-No-stated-Author-of-this-Article
Title: Six Watches with Estimates Below CHF 15 000 | From the Geneva PHILIPPS SALE
SubTitle: A feature article within the Auction Catalog of: PHILIPS Geneva Watch Auction XIV |
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Geneva High end auction PHILLIPS Aurel Bach
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: unpaginated
BHM No: 24510 - H. Alan Lloyd
Title: Sixteenth Century Mechanical Globe {A?]
SubTitle: [in: Connoisseur Year Book 1957"]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: celestial globe Baldewin Kassel
Edition: 1957
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 3260 - Sixteenth-Century-Society[a-USA based-scholarly/academic-organisation]
Title: Sixteenth Century Soicety Conference | Thursday16 October to Sunday 19 October 2014 {New Orleans,Luiisana-USA]
SubTitle: [The programm book and schedule of a 2014 of the USA based 'Sixteenth Century Society' , a scholarly/academic organisation]
Other Keywords: 16th century
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 24589 - Edward Heaton
Title: Sixty Questions and Answers on Watchmaking
SubTitle: Soixcente questions et Reponses sur l' Horlogerie
Keywords: dictionary(forgnLang)
Edition: 1936
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 11653 - Henry Decker
Title: Sizing up metal belts
Other Keywords: metal belts
Parent Document ID: 6166 - Parent Document Title: Machine Design
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 may 9
Page or pages: 80 - 84
BHM No: 8202 - Pieter Visbagh
Title: Skeleton chapter ring Hague clock ca. 1682
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: skeleton dial
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 35
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 8685 - F.B. Royer-Collard
Title: Skeleton Clocks
Other Keywords: skelton
Edition: 1969, 1st edition
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 1278 - F.B. Royer-Collard
Title: Skeleton Clocks
Other Keywords: skeleton
Edition: 1981 reprint of 1977 enlarged edition, 1st edition
Page or pages: 170
BHM No: 1279 - David E. Murphy
Title: Skeleton Clocks -Collection for sale (42 items) ca 1998 - David E. Murphy - DEnver Colorado
SubTitle: (17 p. documentaion including b&w and color pictures)
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1998 ca
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 23170 - David E. Murphy
Title: Skeleton Clocks Collection for Sale - David E. Murphy, DEnver Colorado
SubTitle: [An undated listing of a 59 skeleton clocks collection offered for sale]
Keywords: catalog skeletonised clock antique
Other Keywords: skel;eton clock
Edition: 1980s? guess, undated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11148 - Mike Dempsy
Title: Skelton Clock Plans - NAWCC EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Message Board online project
Keywords: clock basic practical
Other Keywords: plans skelton blueprints
Edition: 2007-03-13
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 14388 - Henry Jones
Title: Skeltonised chapter ring longcase ca. 1675
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 54
Page or pages: 149
BHM No: 8704 - Hiram Camp
Title: Sketch of the Clockmaking Business 1792-1892 [A?]
Other Keywords: New Haven
Edition: 1930s?
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 2250 - Swatch,
Title: Skin Collection 2001/2002 Swatch
Keywords: brand catalog popular
Other Keywords: swatch
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 3014 - Swatch,
Title: Skin Collection 2002 Swatch
Keywords: brand catalog popular
Other Keywords: swatch
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 3440 - Swatch,
Title: Skin Collection of Swatch
Keywords: brand catalog popular
Other Keywords: swatch skin
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 1059 - swatch
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: SKIN IRONY
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 22229 - Jonathan Downing[Head-of-Clocks-Watches-Sci-Instruments]
Title: Skinner - Clocks, Watches & Scientific Instrumens [A Bookmank] | Skinner- For buyers, consignors, and the pasionately curious [a 2019 bookmark]
SubTitle: with a Foreword by Dr. James Nye (Chaiman AHS), an introduction by Sara J.Schecner(Harvard-Sience-Instrument-Curator)
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Skinner
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23118 - Johannes Altmeppen
Title: Skizzen zur Geschichte der Zeitmessung in Russland - Vom "Hampton Model 5" zur TYP -1 - "Kirowka"
SubTitle: [Notes on the History of Timekeeping in Russia - From Hampden 'Model 5 to 'TYP-"Kirowka"]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Russia Hapden Model-5 Kirowka
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 182
BHM No: 24112 - David Heskin
Title: Sleeping in Oblivion - John "Longitude" Harrison's Forgotten Masterpiece
SubTitle: [An account of building a replica of Harrisons' "Last Regulator" (made 1775-1776), known as the 'Royal Astronomical Society' Longcase clock]
Keywords: precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Harrison RAS
Edition: 2008, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 13687 - Sligh
Title: Sligh - Clock Collection - 1988-1989 - Sligh. For people who know the difference
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Sligh
Edition: 1988-1989
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 21582 - Sligh
Title: Sligh - Clock Index and Pricing - for people who know the difference
SubTitle: floor clocks - styletrends - Charles R. Sligh - wall clocks - mantel clocks
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Sligh
Edition: 1990s? undated
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 11412 - Sligh
Title: Sligh Clocks 1985-86
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Sligh
Edition: 1985-1986
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 21584 - Sligh
Title: Sligh Clocks 1987-88
SubTitle: [Yearly main catalog]
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1987-1988
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 21583 - R.D. Dobson
Title: slinger als tijdmester [De?] -Een niewe visie of de entwikkeling van slinger als tijdmeter in periode1602-1660
SubTitle: [The pendulum as a timekeeper-a new view of the developments of the pendulum, 1602-1660] ]
Keywords: advanced theory pendulum
Other Keywords: Galileo Fromanteel Huygens
Edition: ca. 1985
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 5927 - Franciszka Czapka
Title: Slov kilka o Zegarmistrzowstwie ku uzytku zegarmistrow i publicznosci
SubTitle: Czapek i Spolka
Other Keywords: Poland Czapek Patek
Edition: 1850
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 9501 - Jiri Lenfeld
Title: Slunecni Hodiny ze sbirek UPM v Praha [Sundials in the collection of the UPM Museum of Decorative Arts in Praha]
SubTitle: Acta UPM XVI - D 4, Supplementa
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Praha Prague UPM
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 174
BHM No: 18142 - Jiri Lenfeld
Title: Slunecni Hodiny ze sbirek UPM v Praze [Sundials in the collection of UPM Prague]
SubTitle: Acta UPM XVI, D.supplementa 4
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: UPM Praha
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 175
BHM No: 6695 - R. J. Gleiser
Title: Small amplitude oscillations of a quasi-ideal pendulum
Keywords: theory pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1979 47 7 Jul
Page or pages: 640 - 643
BHM No: 8553 - Louise Dworatschek
Title: Small Clock Tickertape
SubTitle: On collecting miniature and novelty clocks, with price guidelines
Keywords: valuating novelty
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 1211 - Joseph Knibb
Title: Small ebony Quarter Repeating Tabel Clock, Joseph Knibb, London ca. 1685
SubTitle: with considerable later restoration
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 9578 - Parent Document Title: [S-2006-04-10-Lon] Important Clocks, Watches, Wristwatches and Mechanical Music
Edition: 66
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 9597 - Small Parts
Title: Small Parts Inc. - Catalog No. 18 W [undated ca 1995]
Keywords: catalog clock parts
Edition: 1995 ca.
Page or pages: 416
BHM No: 16343 - John Wilding
Title: Small Weight Driven Tower Clock Movement
Keywords: how-to
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 230 - Smith of Dirby
Title: Smith of Derby (UK)
SubTitle: [Weboffprint Product information 2008]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 12010 - Barrie Smith
Title: Smiths Domestic Clocks
SubTitle: Smiths English CLocks Ldt., Smiths Clocks & Watches Ldt., Smiths Industries, Smiths Industries Clock Co. Ldt.
Keywords: reference popular clock
Other Keywords: Smiths
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 189
BHM No: 10585 - Maxwell Craven
Title: Smiths of Derby - A Journey through time [The]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: sMITH
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 278
BHM No: 17151 - ?,
Title: Smithsonian
BHM No: 6213 - Alan W. Heldman
Title: Smooth Electromagnetic Impulse Without Electronics
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-4
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 9263 - David L. Platus
Title: Smoothing out bad vibes
Other Keywords: vibration isolation minus k low frequency
Parent Document ID: 6166 - Parent Document Title: Machine Design
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1993 feb 26
Page or pages: 123 - 130
BHM No: 8207 - Adrian Sulc
Title: So richtig gestritten haben wir nur als Kinder [An Interview with Nayla Hayek on her first year as Chairperson of the Swatch group]
SubTitle: Nayla Hayek... sagt wie sie mit ihrem Konzernchef und Bruder Nick zusammenarbeitet und was sie von ihrem Vater Nicholas gelernt hat - 24. Juni 2011
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne watch
Other Keywords: Nayla Hayek
Edition: 2011-06-24
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 16058 - J Stucker
Title: So wohnte man im Alten Bern - Unsere Wohnkultur ?ber 500 Jahre (1350-1850), aufgezeichnet anhand ?
SubTitle: originaler Objekte einer Privatsammlung, in Berner Jahrbuch 1985
Keywords: yearbook
Other Keywords: Bern Funk Sumiswald
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 145
BHM No: 4779 - Malcolm K. Hobden
Title: So you want to make a better clock - The advantages of John Harrisions Aproach
SubTitle: [Set of powerpoint slides of presentation by the author in Bradford UK 2014]
Keywords: UK-London escapement clock advanced theory technical practical
Other Keywords: Harrison grashopper escapement
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 19749 - Frederic Baumann
Title: Societe generale de l'horlogerie Suisse SA - ASUAG 1931-1951
SubTitle: Historique publie a l'occasion de son 25eme Anniversaire
Edition: 1956, 1st edition
Page or pages: 148
BHM No: 837 - Societe Horlogere de Porrentruy
Title: Societe Horlogere de Porrentruy, Suisse - Ancres de precision
SubTitle: Diplome d'honneur Bruxelles 1897, Medaille d'or Paris 1900 [Catalogue ca. 1905]
Keywords: catalog parts-list specifications CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Porrentruy
Edition: 1905 approx
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 10943 - Albert Jung
Title: Societe Suisse des Fabricants de Boites de Montre en Or 1905-1955
SubTitle: Rapport presente a l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de sa fondation a l'Hotel de Paris a La Chaux-de..
Keywords: case
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 4843 - William Bricker[Editor]
Title: Society of Military Horologists Newsletter - Dedicated to the Research and Preservation of Military Timepieces [quarterly newsletter published by ....
SubTitle: ... ]-[An incomplete set, to be completed by photo-copies of the presumably complete set of the NAWCC Lirbary]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: military
BHM No: 16430 - National Watch Company, Elgin
Title: Society, Sporting & Fancy Dials - Elgin National Watch Company, Chicago
SubTitle: My Elgin's All Right [1981 Facsimile edition of a 1898 catalog]
Keywords: catalog dial/hands
Other Keywords: special fancy dial
Edition: 1981 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 10687 - Heinz Sigmund
Title: Solarstrombetriebener Sonnenuhrwecker
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 13284 - Branislav Popkonstantinovic, Marija Obradovic, B. Malesevicorona, Zorona Jelli
SubTitle: A scholarly paper published in "Tomul LVII (LX1)-Fasc,5-2011"
Other Keywords: Chronometer Escapement
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 24724 - Branislav Popkonstantinovic, Marija Obradovic, B. Malesevicorona, Zorana Jeli
SubTitle: as published in: BuletnulInstitutlui Politehnic din Isai(Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc.5, 2011,Sectiq CONSTRUCTIIDE MASINI
Other Keywords: Chronometer Detent Escapment
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 24728 - Marija Obradovic, B. Malesevicorona, Zorona Jelli
Title: Solid Modeling and Motion Study of Chronometer Detent Escapement Mechanism [Analysis of Earnshaws Escapement through 3d modelling]
SubTitle: [Published in: Buletinul Instituliu Plolitehniv din Iasi, Tomul LVII (LXI), Fasc.5, 2011, Sectia Constructii de Masini]
Keywords: cert.chronometer watch
Other Keywords: Rumania
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 23446 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Solid One-Piece Suspension Springs
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-2
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9240 - AWI,
Title: Solid State Directory for General Repairs, Parts and Service Information
SubTitle: [An undated (possibly late 1970s) compilation of data refering to maintanance and repair of electronic (digital) watches by AWI]
Keywords: electronic
Edition: undated, 1970s?
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 10752 - Jaap Zeeman
Title: Sollen met Salomon - Verslag von gebeurtnissen met een Haagse klok, toegeschreeven aan Saomon Coster (voor 1623-1659)
SubTitle: [Messing around with Salomon - An account of the the course of events regarding a Hague clock, atributed to Salomon Coster (before 1623-1659)]
Keywords: clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Coster
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 18294 - Thomas G. Myers
Title: Solliday/Sallad? Family of Bucks County, PA
SubTitle: Clockmakers' Edition
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Solliday Salade Pennsylvania
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 3357 - S. Fluckiger[Photography]
Title: Solothurner Uhr
SubTitle: [Card with image and text 'The Solothurn Clock, a public clock in the city of Solothurn where the number 11 is considerd sacred has only 11 numerals]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: novelty eleven 11 Solothurn
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 13719 - Francis X. Hart
Title: solvering the physical pendulum
Keywords: data analysis
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2004 42 3 mar
BHM No: 8539 - Clare Vincent
Title: Some 17th Century French Painted Enamel Watches
SubTitle: from Metropolitanm Museum Journal No. 37, 2002, pages 89-105
Other Keywords: enamel
Parent Document ID: 11688 - Parent Document Title: The Enameled Pocket Watches of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Edition: 4
BHM No: 11692 - Samuel Elliot Atkins, William Henry Overall
Title: Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London. Compiled pricipally from their own records
SubTitle: [{Print on demand Facsimile edition of the 1881 edition in the British Library (BilblioLife Network) , History of Europe Series]
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: WCC guild clockmakers London
Edition: 2012 facsimile on demand of 1881
Page or pages: 346
BHM No: 16873 - Samuel Eliot Atkins, William Henry Overall
Title: Some Account of the Worshipfull Company of Clockmakers of the City of London
Keywords: London
Other Keywords: Clockmakers Company
Edition: 1881
Page or pages: 345
BHM No: 392 - G.T. Gilles
Title: Some background on the measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant, G
Other Keywords: G history Cavendish
Parent Document ID: 6171 - Parent Document Title: Measurement Science & Technology
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1999 10 jun
Page or pages: 421-425
BHM No: 8221 - Benjamin Louis Vulliamy
Title: Some Considerations on the subject of Public Clocks particularly Church Clocks with hints for their.
SubTitle: ?improvement, dedicated by permission, to theright-honourable and right reverend The Lord Bishop of.
Other Keywords: church clocks
Edition: 1828
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 4537 - Harrold E. Gillingham
Title: Some Early Philadelphia Instrument Makers
SubTitle: Reprint from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, October 1927
Keywords: REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Pennsylvania
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 10504 - W.H. Shortt
Title: Some experimental mechanisms, mechanical and otherwise, for the maintenance of vibration of a pendul
Other Keywords: Shortt escapement below pendulm
Parent Document ID: 629 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1928-1929] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1929 may
Page or pages: 224-247
BHM No: 8131 - T.D. Wright
Title: Some experiments with a seconds pendulum
Other Keywords: pendulum temperature compensation invar instability suspension spring isochronism hole barometric RH
Parent Document ID: 1416 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1901-1903] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1906 apr
Page or pages: 116-122
BHM No: 8139 - Jeanne Shinto
Title: Some Horological Geniuses, Some Old and New Brand Names: The 26th Annual Ward Francillon Time Symposium
SubTitle: Houston Texas - Feature Article in Maine Antique Digest - Fe bruar 2006
Edition: 2006=-2
Page or pages: 26-28
BHM No: 12323 - Hans Boeckh
Title: Some Literary Subjects as Decorations on French Enamel Painted Watches from the Middle of the Seventeenth Century : Part 1
SubTitle: [Article in March 2009 issueof Antiquarian Horology, No.3/Vol.31]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: iconography enamel
Parent Document ID: 13729 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.31, 2008-2009] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
Edition: 2009-March
Page or pages: 331-352
BHM No: 13836 - Alan Emmerson
Title: Some mathematics of the cantilever pendulum
Other Keywords: spring pendulum motion center of rotation theory
Parent Document ID: 3063 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1992, Vol. 1
BHM No: 8153 - Alan Emmerson
Title: Some Mathematics of the Cantilever Pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7212 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1999, Vol. 8
Edition: 1999-3
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 9250 - Lee Davis
Title: Some Notes Concerning Reverse Painting on Glass
Keywords: clock case practical how-to
Other Keywords: glass painting reverse Eglomerizing
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 15649 - G. Albert Berner, Richard Watkins[Translator]
Title: Some Notes on Pierre Frederic Ingold and the work of E. Haudenschild
SubTitle: published by the SSC on occasion of the eigth General Assemblyin Bern at Buergerhaus, June 4, 1932
Other Keywords: Ingold Haudenschild SSC
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 6615 - William R. (Bill) Smith
Title: Some Notes On The Strutt Epicyclic Train Clock
Parent Document ID: 7216 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2003, Vol. 12
Edition: 2003-4
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9393
Title: Some obersavations made in London, by Mr. George Graham; and at Black River Jamaica, by Mr. Colin Ca
Other Keywords: pendulum error at different locations
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 38 vol 7 abridged version
Page or pages: 649
BHM No: 8305- Martin Swetsky
Title: Some Observations About Scientific Research & Discoveries
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-3
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 9340 - Kenneth D. Roberts
Title: Some Observations Concerning Connecticut Clockmaking, 1790-1850
SubTitle: beeing Supplement No. 6 to NAWCc Bulletin, Summer 1970
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Connecticut
Edition: 1970, 1st edition
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 1952 - Kenneth D. Roberts
Title: Some Observations Concerning Connecticut Clockmaking, 1790-1850
SubTitle: beeing Supplement No. 6 to NAWCc Bulletin, Summer 1970
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Connecticut
Edition: 1970, 1st edition
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 4468 - Philip Woodward
Title: Some observations on countwheels; Group 1: Expermental Clocks
SubTitle: from Horological Journal August 1991
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 1-5
Page or pages: 29-34
BHM No: 10715 - WPHI,, William O. Smith
Title: Some of the Hundreds of Items which can cause a Watch to Stop
Edition: 1940s?
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 3118 - H. Alan Lloyd
Title: Some outstanding clocks over seven hundred years 1250 - 1950
SubTitle: 1958, 1st edition
Edition: 1958, 1st edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 2134 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Some Practical Properties of Quartz
Parent Document ID: 4902 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 24 - 2001
Edition: 1997-2
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 9175 - Magor C.B. Prince
Title: Some Recent Developments in Electrical Clocks
Other Keywords: electric clocks
Parent Document ID: 1417 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1925-1926] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1924 dec
Page or pages: 57-64
BHM No: 8136 - Edmund Becket [Lord Grinthrope Denison
Title: Some recent improvements in clock escapements
Other Keywords: Grimthorpe Denison Escapement Gravity
Parent Document ID: 6134 - Parent Document Title: Cambridge Philosophical Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1853 IX part 3 feb 7
Page or pages: 2 - 16
BHM No: 8020 - Philip Woodward
Title: Some Replies to Robert Matthys s Questions
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-5
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 9225 - City of London Corporation
Title: Some rules for the conduct of life to which are added a few cautions for the use of such freeman as take appretices
SubTitle: [A high quality modern reprint of a late 18th century text, given to every Freeman of the City of London by the Lord Chamb upon achieving such status]
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: WCC guild clockmakers London
Edition: 1990 ca. reprint, undated, late 20th century
Page or pages: 43
BHM No: 16862 - Clare Vincent
Title: Some Seventeenth Century Limoges Painted Enamel Watch-Cases and their Movements
SubTitle: from Antiquarian Horology, Volume 30, No. 3 , September 2007, pages 17-346
Keywords: watch case
Other Keywords: Limoges enamel
Parent Document ID: 11688 - Parent Document Title: The Enameled Pocket Watches of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Edition: 6
BHM No: 11694 - Vincent Flannery, L.A.Prade, Vincent Flannery[Cartoon-Drawings], Bill Marly[BookDedicatee]
Title: Some Thoughts on Grandfather Clocks: Large Format Edition (Over 600 illustations of clocks from around the world)
SubTitle: [a somewhat amusing (tounge in cheek style) Book on 'Grandfather clocks' published 'print on demand]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Tallcase clocks
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 349
BHM No: 23772 - Philip Woodward
Title: Some Thoughts on Suspension Springs
Parent Document ID: 7211 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1998, Vol. 7
Edition: 1998-5
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 9222 - Philip Woodward
Title: Some thoughts on suspension springs; Group 5: Pendulums and their suspensions
SubTitle: from Horological Science Newsletter, 1998-5
Parent Document ID: 10657 - Parent Document Title: Woodward on Time
Edition: 5-2
Page or pages: 212-216
BHM No: 10737 - Brian Mumford
Title: Some thoughts on the Littlemore clock
Other Keywords: Littlemore
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-5
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 9438 - J.K. Bellchamber
Title: Somerset Clockmakers
Keywords: regional reference
Other Keywords: Somerset
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 79
BHM No: 44 - J.K. Bellchamber
Title: Somerset Clockmakers
SubTitle: AHS Monograph No.4
Keywords: regional reference
Other Keywords: Somerset
Edition: 1968, 1st edition
Page or pages: 79
BHM No: 45 - Samuel Jaros
Title: Something about Time Measurement
SubTitle: An Article from the September issue, 1893, pages 1467 to 1473 of Home and Country Magazine
Keywords: historic timekeeping
Edition: 1893
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 2410 - Frank delGrecco
Title: Something for Everyone - NAWCC British Horology Chapter 159 Tour of Italy, 2012
SubTitle: [A horological travelogue]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 18135 - Nadia Ehrlich[Online-Editor-of-Watchtime.net]
Title: Sonder-Newsletter: Sinn Spezialuhren | Newsletter Watchtime.net | Sept-11-2021 - in GERMAN
SubTitle: Sinn Spezialuhren stands for highly functional mechanical watches.Our pilot watches, diving watches, chronographs and Mission Timers
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Sinn
Edition: 2021-Sep-19
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24348 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, A. Prouteau, C. Ferrandes, R. Hatschek, J.F. Darces, T. Saito, J. Renaud, Jean Jouannic, G. Liebaux, C. Viescom, F. Jouffroy, S. Morozumi
Title: Sonderausgabe zum Chronometriecongress Brussel 1978
SubTitle: [German translations of papers presented at the 1978 chronometrie congress in French]
Keywords: electronic advanced theory
Other Keywords: papers
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 6057 - Joachim Zorn
Title: Sonderaustellung altfrraenkischer Uhren bei Uhren Zorn [Wuerzburg] 15.- 21 Oktober 1998
SubTitle: [Temporary exhibit of old franconian clocks 1998] [illustrated mimeographed catalog, print run 100 cc, 68 unnumbered pages]
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL clock
Other Keywords: Franconia
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 20522 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, P. George, Kurt Herkner, Horst Landrock, Joachim Schardin, R. Schmid, Beatrice Techen, E. Weissflog
Title: Sonderband "Historische Uhren" - 3. Europaeischer Kongress fuer Chronometrie - CEC'90
SubTitle: Stuttgart 25.-27.10.1990
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 53
BHM No: 6059 - Hans Reichenberger[Editor], Peter Sutter, Herbert Cerutti, Bruno Lezzi, Supply, Hofman, Nicole Weber
Title: Sonderbeilage Uhren und Schmuck - Neue Zuercher Zeitung - Dienstag 21. Maerz 2000 - No.68
SubTitle: [Special 40 page, newspaper format color supplement to the leading Swiss daily newspaper on the newest products and trwends in the watch industry ]
Keywords: watch
BHM No: 17941 - G?nther Glaser, K. vonZeppelin, S. Benzler, F. Durr, J.R. Wonnay
Title: Sonderdrucke 1980 des Forschungsinstituts fur Uhren- und Feingeratetechnik Stuttgart
SubTitle: [A collection of technical papers by staff of the horological instute at Stuttgart Techn.Universisty 1980 ,which were not published in horol.journals
Keywords: advanced technical
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 79
BHM No: 13740 - Nadia Ehrlich[Online-Editor-of-Watchtime.net]
Title: Sondernewsletter: Sinn Spezialuhren Inbox Newsletter Watchtime.net 4:01 AM (10 hours ago) Sept-11-2021 - in GERMAN
SubTitle: Subject: Specialised Watched by SINN [Germany}
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Spezialuhren Sinn
Edition: 2021-Sept-09
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 24327 - Juta Mertz
Title: Sonenuhren - Groh-Karten-Bibliotek
SubTitle: [Sammlung von 18 Postkarten mit Sonnenuhrmotiven-Collection of 18 color postcards of sundials]
Other Keywords: sundials
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 20481 - Uwe H. Peter
Title: Soneraustellung - Wecker - Erfolgsmoelle der Schwarzwaelder Uhrenindustrie [August 2009]
SubTitle: Informationen zur DVD
Keywords: alarm clock
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15988 - Jonathan W. Franks
Title: Sonne einfangen [Die..] - [Catching the sun - an article on Heliostats]
SubTitle: Article in the 2014 yearbook of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Other Keywords: Heliostat Garnier
Parent Document ID: 19457 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2014, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Page or pages: 141-145
BHM No: 19481 - Evelyn Lehman, Peter Klempt
Title: Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Museum fur Astronomie- und Technikgeschichte mit Planetarium... fur Kinder und Schuler
SubTitle: [Sun, Moon and Stars at the Museum for the History of Astronomy and Technology,Kassel, a Student Workbook]
Keywords: juvenile clock timekeeping time
Other Keywords: Kassel workbook
Edition: 2003 2nd Edition
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 16892 - Heiner Sadler
Title: Sonne, Zeit und Ewigkeit - Alte Sonnenuhren
SubTitle: [Series:] Die bibliophilen TAschenbuecher No. 376
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 9738 - Siegfried Wetzel
Title: Sonnen Sektor, eine vielseitige Gartenplastik
Parent Document ID: 10123 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2006, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 45
Page or pages: 229
BHM No: 13516 - Helmut [Preface] Gr?tzsch
Title: Sonnen und Turmuhren
SubTitle: Reihe: Unsere sch?ne Heimat
Keywords: sundial
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3943 - einem Liebhaber der mathematischen Kuenste zusammen getragen] [Von
Title: Sonnen-Waend oder Kurtzer Untericht Allerhand Sonnen Uhren zu reissen Mauern / Dillen und Metall
SubTitle: [Facsimile edition]
Keywords: facsimile how-to
Other Keywords: dialing
Edition: undated (late 1900's) fasimile edition
Page or pages: 67
BHM No: 11583 - Hugo Philipp
Title: Sonnenhoehen Altes wieder aktuell
Parent Document ID: 12482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 33
Edition: 33
Page or pages: 166
BHM No: 13232 - Matthias Fehner
Title: Sonnenrad und Sonnenkaiser - Eine kulturhistorische Ausstellung zum Thema Zeit in Kassel[Article in German on a temporary Exhibit at the Time Museum..
SubTitle: .. in :Neue Zurcher Zeitung of Wed.22.Dec1999 -Exhibit review in German of temp Exhib.at Kassel Timemuseum(Germany):The Sunwheel and the Sun Emperor]
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Kassel
Edition: 1999-12-22
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23701 - Franciscum Ritter
Title: Sonnenspiegels Anderer Theil. Das ist: Beschreibung wie man durch Hulff schoener Kupferstuck allerley Stunden sampt dem Auffgehenden und ...
SubTitle: Sonnenzeichen und Hoehe dessgleichen... [PDF electronic edition, scan of Dresden University Library copy]
Keywords: facsimile
Parent Document ID: 14913 - Parent Document Title: Sundial Documents from the DGC-Library [CD-ROM]
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 14917 - R.C. Ritter
Title: Sonnenspiegels Anderer Theil. Das ist: Beschreibung wie man durch Hulff schoener Kupferstuck allerley Stunden sampt dem Auffgehenden und ...
SubTitle: [Hardcopy printout of the PDF electronic edition BHM 14917]
Keywords: facsimile
Edition: 2010 facsimile
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 14929 - Heinrich Goehring
Title: Sonnenuhr [Die..] oder praktische Anleitung, die Zeit zu bestimmen,
SubTitle: Sonnenuhren verschiedener Art, darunter auch solche, die jede einzel Minute zeigen, zu construieren
Keywords: howto
Other Keywords: layout
Edition: 2000, facsimile edition
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 5208 - Edmund Buchner
Title: Sonnenuhr des Augustus [Die...]
SubTitle: Sonderband aus Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt (nac hdruck aus RM 1976 und 1980 und Nachtrag ueber die Augrabungen 1980/81
Keywords: monumental/big
Other Keywords: Augustus Rome Rom Roma
Edition: 1982, 1st edition
Page or pages: 122
BHM No: 9717 - Reinhold Lutsch
Title: Sonnenuhr mit Fernanzeige
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 205
BHM No: 13327 - Siegfried Wetzel
Title: Sonnenuhr und Mathematik
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 181
BHM No: 13322 - Siegfried Wetzel
Title: Sonnenuhr und Selbstorientierung
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 13323 - Yves Oppizzo
Title: Sonnenuhr [Die...] Verbindung von Mensch und Gestirnen - Drei exemplarische Beispiele auf Schloss Haigerloch
SubTitle: [The sundial connecting men and stars]
Other Keywords: Haigerloch
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 22867 - Hugo Philipp, Daniel Roth, Willy Bachmann
Title: Sonnenuhren - Deutschland und Schweiz
Keywords: directory Switzerland
Other Keywords: list
Edition: 1994, 1st edition
Page or pages: 750
BHM No: 1392 - Anina Rether
Title: Sonnenuhren - Die lautlose Zeitmessung
SubTitle: Coop Zeitung No.27, 30. Juni 2004
Edition: 2004-06-30
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 17706 - Werner Stephan
Title: Sonnenuhren - Ein Beitrag zur Konstruktion und Geschichte
SubTitle: Ausstellung in der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek Darmststatt im Schloss 1980
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 9792 - Hans Behrendt
Title: Sonnenuhren auf der Bundesgartenschau 1977
Parent Document ID: 2733 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 17
Edition: 17
Page or pages: 203
BHM No: 12761 - Heinz Sigmund
Title: Sonnenuhren auf der Mondoberflaeche (Nachtrag zum Thema)
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 121
BHM No: 13283 - Iwan Kahn
Title: Sonnenuhren aus Glas
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 201
BHM No: 13326 - Juergen Hamel
Title: Sonnenuhren des Museums fur Astronomie und Technikgeschichte Kassel [Die...] - [Sonderdruck aus Ars Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 10, Beitraege zur Asto
SubTitle: [The sundials at the Museum of Astronomy and the history of Technology, Kassel Germany]
Keywords: catalog antique
Other Keywords: sundials Kassel
Edition: 2000, sect.reprint of ISSN 1422-8521
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 16883 - Gisela Egen
Title: Sonnenuhren f?r Haus und Garten
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 9798 - Heinz Sigmund
Title: Sonnenuhren fuer die Mondoberflaeche
Parent Document ID: 1127 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 35
Edition: 35
Page or pages: 189
BHM No: 12978 - G. Auenbacher, B. Kleiner, G. Kosmala, R. Loesel, F. Ostermann
Title: Sonnenuhren Handbuch [Ausgabe 2006)] der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Chronometie
SubTitle: {Sundial Manual of the DGC]
Keywords: antique contemporary
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 22875 - Peter Mischur
Title: Sonnenuhren im Freistaat Th?ringen - Band 1: Kreise Gotha, Nordhausen, S?mmerda, Kyffh?userkreis, Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis
SubTitle: Lexikon der dekorativsten Sch?nwetter-Zeitanzeiger
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Th?ringen Thueringen Thuringen
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 9660 - Knut Deutschle
Title: Sonnenuhren im Pfaelzischen Turmuhrenmuseum
SubTitle: Von Zeiten und Uhren - Teil 2
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: museum catalog pfaelzisches turmuhrenmuseum
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 5777 - Martin Neumann
Title: Sonnenuhren im suedlichen Teil des Emslandes
Parent Document ID: 1756 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 13
Edition: 13
Page or pages: 95
BHM No: 12651 - Martin Neumann
Title: Sonnenuhren in alten Gebaeuden in Braunschweig [2.Auflage Mai 1991]
SubTitle: [Sundials on old buildings in Braunschweig]
Keywords: directory
Edition: 1991 May
Page or pages: 51
BHM No: 22866 - Wolfgang Zaeck
Title: Sonnenuhren in der Eifel -Typologie und raumzeitliche Differenzierung [Bound b&w photocopy of the 1987 original]
SubTitle: [Sundials in the 'Eifel' Region of Germany]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Eifel
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 203
BHM No: 22868 - Knut Deutschle
Title: Sonnenuhren in der Pfalz
Keywords: Regional
Other Keywords: Pfalz
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 6806 - G. Dusil, M.Hoelzel[Photography], D. Richter[Photography]
Title: Sonnenuhren in Sachsen - Verzeichniss - Text - Sinnsprueche
SubTitle: [Sundials in Saxonia - Locations - Texts - Mottos]
Keywords: directory D-Glash?tte-Saxonia
Other Keywords: Saxonia
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 20566 - Willy Bachmann
Title: Sonnenuhren in Skandinavien
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 142
BHM No: 13002 - Heinz Schilt
Title: Sonnenuhren in Vingelz
Parent Document ID: 1134 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 28
Edition: 28
Page or pages: 185
BHM No: 13088 - Daniel Roth
Title: Sonnenuhren mit italienischer Zeit im Tessin
Parent Document ID: 12482 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 33
Edition: 33
Page or pages: 182
BHM No: 13235 - Heinz Sigmund
Title: Sonnenuhren mit Selbsteinstellung
Parent Document ID: 10122 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2002, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 41
Page or pages: 225
BHM No: 13415 - Siegfried Wetzel
Title: Sonnenuhren mit zusaetzlicher Weltkarte
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 189
BHM No: 13292 - Gundolf Haslinde
Title: Sonnenuhren Tagung in der Schweiz
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 177
BHM No: 12731 - Gerhard G. Wagner
Title: Sonnenuhren und wissenschaftliche Instrumente im Mainfraenkischen Museum W?rzburg
SubTitle: Band 9 der Kataloge des Mainfraenkischen Museums in W?rzburg
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Wurzburg Wuerzburg
Edition: 1997, 1st edition
Page or pages: 280
BHM No: 3026 - Harald Hindrichs
Title: Sonnenuhren und Zeitabfrage: Sylter Sonnenuhr; Die Handsonnenuhr; Die Sonnenuhr von Fonelas; Die Sandale
Parent Document ID: 1139 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 23
Edition: 23
Page or pages: 145
BHM No: 12921 - Arnold Zenkert
Title: Sonnenuhren zum Selberbauen
Keywords: how-to juvenile
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 502 - Lothar M. Loske
Title: Sonnenuhren [Die..]
SubTitle: Reihe "Verstaendliche Wissenschaft"
Keywords: basic
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 9588 - Alexander Orlopp
Title: Sonnenuhrenberechnung durch Koordinaten Transformation
Parent Document ID: 886 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 37
Edition: 37
Page or pages: 146
BHM No: 13287 - Pater Ansgar Rabenalt
Title: Sonnenuhrensammlung [Die?] der Sternwarte Kremsm?nster
SubTitle: Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Kremsm?nster Nr. 33
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Kermsmuenster
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 3445 - Edgar, Schuhmacher
Title: Sonnenuhrzeiger auf Eternitplatten
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 158
BHM No: 12724 - Francois-Paul Journe, Jean-Claude Sabrier, Vincent Daveau
Title: Sonnerie Souveraine - Grand Sonnerie - F.P. Journe Inventit et Fecit [English Language Edition]
SubTitle: [A detailed technical, historical and image documentation o the ultimate grand sonnerie wristwatch]
Keywords: complication(s) musical mechanical highgrade CH-Geneva watch contemporary movement
Other Keywords: suveraine
Edition: 2016, First edition
Page or pages: 90
BHM No: 21384 - Francois-Paul Journe
Title: Sonnerie Souveraine [The...] - Grand-Strike Clockwatch and Minute Repeater
SubTitle: [an article in the Spring 2007 issue of VOX magazine by Antiquorum]
Keywords: CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Journe
Parent Document ID: 10800 - Parent Document Title: VOX - The Antiquorum Magazine - 2007 Spring
Page or pages: 128-131
BHM No: 10806 - E[mile]. James
Title: Sonneries de Montres, Pendules et Horloges - Pratique et Theorie
SubTitle: [Series: ] Bibliotheque Horlogere
Keywords: textbook striketrain advanced technical
Other Keywords: striking chimining
Edition: 1927 -2nd edition revised and augmented
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11546 - Nomos
Title: Sonntags uhren: Neue Wunderwerke aus Glashutte - Sunday best watches New works of wonder from Glashutte
SubTitle: [Gold casd watches by Nomos - A 2013 catalog]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Nomos
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 19373 - ?,
Title: Sonntags-Zeitung: Uhren -EXTRA 25.April 1999
Other Keywords: Basel Switzerland Sonntags Zeitung
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 5984 - Nomos
Title: Sonntagsuhren: Neue Wunderwerke aus Glashuette - NOMOS
SubTitle: Sunday best watches : New Works of Wonder from Glashuette - NOMOS
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: NOMOS
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 18673 - Soren Andersen
Title: Soren Andersen - DK-4863 Virket - Clockmaking-Conservation-Recontruction-Replicas [6p fanfold flyer ca. 2000]
SubTitle: Roemer / Turret Planetarium Reconstructions (of the original at at Rosenborg Castle DK)
Keywords: clock
BHM No: 22434 - Soren Andersen
Title: Soren Andersen [Denmark] - [Reproduction] Royal Planetary Machines
SubTitle: The Planetarium - The Eclsarium [Color handbill, ca 1994]
Keywords: complication(s) clock
Edition: 1994 ca.
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 17279 - Alan Yuhas, Daniel Victor[ContibutingReporter]
Title: Sorry About Your Sleep
SubTitle: [Webofprint of an article about renewed initiatives to abolish Daylight Saving Time in the NY Times' ,1 illustratiom of a towerclock beeing set back]
Other Keywords: Daylight saving Time
Edition: 2021-March 13
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24019 - Alan Yuhas, Danial Victor(Contributing-Reporter&Photographer)
Title: Sorry About Your Sleep - [An illustrated, (1 color image, of a towerclock beeing reset) in the March 13 2021 issue of the New York Times]
Other Keywords: Daylight Savein Time
Edition: 2021-March-13
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24020 - ?,
Title: Sorry I'm too late. Te laat...sorry. Trop tard, je m'excuse. Zu Spat, Entschuldigung.
SubTitle: [A clock themed 'belated' greeting card]
Edition: 2003 ca.
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 12364 - Sothebey Parke Bernet
Title: Sothebey Park Bernet for fine Enamal Watches - [A 1980 color advertisment from Asia Art Magazine, featuring 7 enamaled gold watches]
SubTitle: [Bovet Fleurier lady no. 971 / Jaquez Droz, London center sec./ 3x Bovet Fleurie 1840 / Bovet 1850 / J. Roche, Geneve 1840
Keywords: watch
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21909 - Sotheby's Belgravia UK |
Title: Sotheby's Belgravia
SubTitle: English Furniture, Works of Art, Clocks and Watches, Wednesday, 23rd July, 1980
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 24846
Title: Sound and Light: Oscillations Everywhere
Parent Document ID: 5560 - Parent Document Title: Galileo's Pendulum
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
Page or pages: 98 - 122
BHM No: 7662- Henning Schmidgen
Title: Sound, Writing and the Speed of Thought - Physiological Time experiments in Utrecht 1860-1870
Keywords: measuring time
Parent Document ID: 5858 - Parent Document Title: Experimental Arcades: The Materiality of Time Relations in Life Sciences, Art and Technology (1830-1930)
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
BHM No: 7732 - Michael Payne
Title: Sounds Ticking (query)
Parent Document ID: 7209 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 4
Edition: 1995-1
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 9081 - Randall Peters
Title: Soup-Can Pendulum
Keywords: physics pendulum theory
Other Keywords: sdc sensor
Parent Document ID: 7417 - Parent Document Title: Pendulum [The...]
Page or pages: 77 - 89
BHM No: 7589 - Randall Peters
Title: Soup-can Pendulum
Keywords: physics pendulum theory
Other Keywords: sdc sensor
Parent Document ID: 7417 - Parent Document Title: Pendulum [The...]
Page or pages: 77 - 88
BHM No: 7591 - AWI,
Title: Sources - American Watchmakers Institut - Supplement Issue 1979
SubTitle: including Material Cost Study Committee Repoprts 1976-77 and 1978 [attached]
Keywords: directory parts-list
Other Keywords: suppliers
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 10678 - Guildhall Library
Title: Sources for clock and watchmakers at Guildhall Library [London]
SubTitle: [A weboffprint produced as a Research Aide for Horological Libraries]
Keywords: reference UK-London
Other Keywords: Guildhall Clockmakers Company AHS
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 9614 - MIH-Musee-Internationale-d'Horlogerie(LaChaux-de-Fonds-Switzerland)
Title: Souscription de la montre MIH Gaia [2019-2020]
SubTitle: [10 panel cardboard fanfold brochure offering a limited series edition of a wristwatch model designed as a 'fundrising project for MIH]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2019-2020
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 23326 - Ernest L. Loga
Title: South Bend and Studebaker Watches - Another Studebaker Family Legacy
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Studebaker South Bend
Edition: 2012, 1st edition
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 19162 - Bend, South
Title: South Bend Lathe Booklets - Eight Complet "How to" Booklets from the 1930s
SubTitle: Grind Valves - True Brake Drums - Make Bushings - Finish Pistons- Test and True Diferentials - Grind
Keywords: how to
Other Keywords: South Bend lathe
Edition: 2000?, facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 4621 - Ralph Pokluda
Title: Southern Clockmaking
Keywords: REGIONAL clock
Other Keywords: Soth
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 15158 - NAWCC Symposium Committee, Judy Drauker{EventChair]
Title: Southern Horology - 19th Annual Seminar - Ocrober 29-31 1998 - Fort Magruder Inn, Williamsburg VA [Advertising Flyer]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22508 - Southern Watch & Clock Supplies
Title: Southern News - Southern Watch & Clock Supplies Limited, Orpington Kent
SubTitle: Issues dated December 1967, Januar 1968, June 1969
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: Southern
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 11322 - Museum of Clocks and Watches Watches, Southwest
Title: Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: 2008 Charter Member Certificate for Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Lockhard Texas
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 13684 - S.E. Lowe[Editor]
Title: Southwestern Watchmaker and Jeweler, covering Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Mississippi
SubTitle: Official Regional Publication of Louisiana Retail Jewlers & Horologists, Oklahoma Horological Association. Texas Jewelers & Watchmakers Associations
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: southwest Texas
Edition: 1960s
BHM No: 16340 - Keystone Watch Case Company
Title: Souvenir - World's Columbian Exposition Chicago, 1983 [Facsimile edition, 1977, Midwest Regional]
SubTitle: Compliments of Keystone Watch Case Company, Philadelphia Pa.
Keywords: facsimile watch case
Other Keywords: Keystone
Edition: 1977 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 16008 - Society of New York, Horologocal
Title: Souvenir Journal - 1930-1938 The Horological Society of New York
SubTitle: Hotel McAlpin, Feb.12, 1938
Other Keywords: HSNY
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 5310 - National Watch and Clock Museum
Title: Souvenir TIME Card - I had a great time at the National Watch and Clock Museum
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: time recorder NWCM timecard
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 14138
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