Titles with words containing : Page 5
Number of documents found: 1000
- Turmuhrenmuseum Neulussheim
Title: *PC* Turnuhrenmuseum Neulussheim - Sammlung Norbert Schaefer - St. Leonerstrasse 8 - [BROWN POSTCARD]
SubTitle: Picture postcard showing four towerclocks from the museum
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Neulussheim
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0847
BHM No: 19504 - unknown
Title: *PC* uebeck St.Marien Kirche, Astronomische Uhr [Postcard]
SubTitle: [Luebeck, St.Marys Church, Astronomical Clock]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Luebeck St.Marien
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0287
BHM No: 16969 - Abraham SanctaClara
Title: *PC* Uhren-Narr, Kupferstich Wien und Nuernberg 1709
SubTitle: Spottblatt auf das Uhrensammeln - Centifolium Stultorum oder Hundert ausbuendige Narrwn
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Uhrennarr Narr
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0508
BHM No: 17918 - unknown
Title: *PC* Uhrenfabrik v. Gebr. Junghans, Schramberg
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard ca. 1920] No. 15
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Junghans
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0027
BHM No: 14034 - unknown
Title: *PC* Uhrenfabriken Gebruder Junghans AG, Hauptwerk Schramberg, Grosste Uhrenfabrik des Kontinents. ....
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard] ... gegrundet 1861 - 5000 Beschaftigte, Tagesproduktion uber 20'000 Uhren aller Art [undated, possibly 1920s]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Junghans Schramberg
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0039
BHM No: 14046 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - Museums Cafe [ 1 ]
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0505
BHM No: 17915 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - Museums Cafe [ 2 ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0506
BHM No: 17916 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - Museums Cafe [ 3 ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0507
BHM No: 17917 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Diverse Salonuhren, Deutschland & Frankreich, 19.Jahrhundert ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0503
BHM No: 17913 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Diverse Salonuhren, Deutschland & Frankreich, 19.Jahrhundert ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0504
BHM No: 17914 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Kloseruhr, Eisen, Gewichtsantrieb, Gotik ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: gothic Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0501
BHM No: 17911 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Lackschilduhr Tuerke, 19.Jahrhundert ]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund Lackschilduhr
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0498
BHM No: 17908 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Taschenuhr Grand Complication {Schweiz} spaetes 19.Jahrhundert ]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0500
BHM No: 17910 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Tischuhr, 19.Jahrhundert ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0497
BHM No: 17907 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Turmuhrenkabinett ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0499
BHM No: 17909 - Uhrenmuseum-Bad-Grund
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Grund (Hartz) - [ Zwei Lackschilduhren, 19.Jahrhundert]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bad Grund Lackschilduhr
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0502
BHM No: 17912 - Uhrenmuseum BadIburg
Title: *PC* Uhrenmuseum Bad Iburg, D-4505 Iburg am Teutoburger Wald - Krapohl Karte )73
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Bad Iburg
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0101
BHM No: 15541 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger
Title: *PC* Uhrensamlung Kellenberger im Gewerbemuseum Winterthur: Die Zeit und ihre Schlussel - Taschenuhrenschlussel, 18. Jahrhundert, ...
SubTitle: ... mit Motiv der Fabel 'Fuchs und Rabe' von LaFontaine, Lange 5 cm
Keywords: specific watch
Other Keywords: key
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0077
BHM No: 15518 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Berner Holzraederuuhr mit Stundenschlag - Bezeichnet ".. gemacht zu Gartegg 1776" (bei Langnau ...
SubTitle: ...im Emmental) Hoehe 34 cm [Wooden geared clock from the Emmental region of Switzerland]
Keywords: specific clock wood-geared pendulum
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0759
BHM No: 18978 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Andreas Liechti, Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Eiserne spaetgotische Hausuhr mit Stundenschlag und Mondphasen, Erhard Liechti 1587, Hoehe 44 cm
SubTitle: [Iron geared, late gothic, Swiss, striking, moonphase, chamber clock, dated 1587 by Erhard Liechti ,Winterthur, hight 44 cm]
Keywords: specific clock iron-geared
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0756
BHM No: 18975 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Eiserne spaetgotische Hausuhr mit Viertel- und Stundenschlag, Wecker und Mondphasen, Andreas Liechti,1612
SubTitle: Hoehe 47 cm -[Iron geared,late gothic chamber clock striking hours and quarters,alarm and moonphase by Andreas Liechti (Switzerland), 1612, 47cm high]
Keywords: alarm specific clock iron-geared
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0755
BHM No: 18974 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Koellinger[clockmaker], Niklaus Lanz[clockmaker], Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Kleine Tuermchenuhr, Renaissance, Gehaeuse Messing vergoldet und reich graviert. Sgn: MK ...
SubTitle: ... (Michael Koellinger). Eisenwerk, Federzug, urspruenglich Radunruhe, heute Pendel- und Studenschlagwerk. Sign: NL (Niklaus Lants) Innsbruck 1547
Keywords: specific clock iron-geared
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0757
BHM No: 18976 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Emailuhr "Kueche" mit Automat
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Genf um 1820 - Sign. S.Gounouillhou - Inv. 2166
Keywords: highgrade specific watch
Other Keywords: USK Schwank
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0590
BHM No: 18759 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Emailuhr "Theater" mit Automat und Musikwerk
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Genf um 1805 - - Inv. 2174
Keywords: complication(s) watch
Other Keywords: USK Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0593
BHM No: 18762 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper], William Ilbery
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Emailuhr fur China
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - London, um 1800 - Sign. Illbery London 7115 - Inv. 2152
Keywords: highgrade specific UK-London watch antique
Other Keywords: Ilbery Chinamarket
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0595
BHM No: 18764 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper], Hy Capt
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Emailuhr mit Automat, Musikwerk und Repetition
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Genf um 1820 - Sign. Hy Capt a Geneve - Inv. 2176
Keywords: musical highgrade specific watch
Other Keywords: USK Capt
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0591
BHM No: 18760 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Savonette mit Drei-Brucken-Toubillon
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - La Chaux-de-Fonds und Genf, um 1880 - Inv. 2215
Keywords: complication(s) specific CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: Tourbillon
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0597
BHM No: 18765 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Gold-Savonette mit ewigem Kalender und Minutenrepetition
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Sclagerkmechanismus ueber dem Werk (selten) - Genf um 1880 - Inv. 2202
Keywords: complication(s) specific watch
Other Keywords: repeater Minutenrepetition
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0597
BHM No: 18766 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper], Patek Philippe
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Golduhr mit ewigem Kalender, Minutenrepetition, Ratrappant-Chronograph
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Genf um 1841 - Sign. Patek Phuilippe & Co.e - Inv. 2200
Keywords: complication(s) highgrade specific watch
Other Keywords: Patek USK Minute repeater
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0598
BHM No: 18767 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Kalendarische Tuerkische Halsuhr
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Verm. Augsburg, 1650 - Inv. 2016
Keywords: complication(s) specific watch
Other Keywords: turkey turkish Augsburg
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0594
BHM No: 18763 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Michael Lio[Photograper]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Taschenuhrsammlung Oskar Schwank - Revolutions-Taschenuhr
SubTitle: (Detailansicht) - Frankreich um 1793/1795 - Inv. 2078
Keywords: specific watch
Other Keywords: revolutionary decimal USK
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0592
BHM No: 18761 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Peter Braun[Editor], Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur -Renaissance Spiegeluhr, Silber und Bronze vergoldet [ Monstranzuhr ]. Reiche kaledarische und astronom. ..
SubTitle: ... Indikationen. Hergestelltvon Paulus Braun, Augsburg um 1600, Hoehe 65 cm.
Keywords: astronomical highgrade specific D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0758
BHM No: 18977 - uhrenstub'
Title: *PC* Uhrenstub Antike Uhren/Alte Technik/Junge Kunst - Sindelfingen
SubTitle: [An advertising postcard]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0263
BHM No: 16944 - Friedrich Schmollgruber
Title: *PC* Uhrnachermeister Friedrich Schmollgruber, Wien und Styr Ateyr - Austria - Auto-Mechanisch
SubTitle: [Werbepostkarte 2003]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0995
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21801 - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praz - UPM (Czeck Republic)
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - Finger Ring watch, Germany, early 17th cemtury
SubTitle: Prague (Czeck Republic)
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Ringwatch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0983
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21786 - UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze, UPM[Photography], Patek Philippe(Watchmakers), naga[Printer]
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - Men's Pocket Watch Patek Philippe et Cie.Geneva, c 1930, Platinum
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: platinum
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0988
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21794 - UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze, UPM[Photography], Etienne Hubert[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - [Enameled pocket watch] Etienne Hubert, Rouen, France, 17th century
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: enamled
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0987
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21793 - UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze, UPM[Photography], Silwester Kotrbelez[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - [Mantel Clock by ] Silvester Kortrbeltz, Bohemia, Havlickuv Brod, circa 1830
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bohemia Czeckoslovakia
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC986
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21792 - UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze, UPM[Photography]
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - [Renaissance Automaton, moore with ball clock] Thomas Friedl, Augsburg early 17 century
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0985
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21788 - UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze, UPM[Photography]
Title: *PC* UPM - Umeleckorumyslove Muzeum v Praze - [Silver Box Clock] France ca. 1780
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0984
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21787 - British-Horological-Institute, JDS-Photography,
Title: *PC* Upton Hall - Newark Notts. - The Home of the British Horological Institute
SubTitle: [View of the Building, garden side]
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC*#1100
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 22774 - Walter Willi[Photography]
Title: *PC* Urmacherdrehstuhl ca. 1780, Sammlung Hertig
SubTitle: Stiftung Museum fur Uhren und mechanische Musikinstrumente, 3653 Oberhofen
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: MUMM lathe
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0144
BHM No: 15945 - Minimodels, Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Title: *PC* Uurwerken Museum Zaanse Schans - Zaandam
SubTitle: Minimodels No.2023 Kaart 1(v3) [2 Postcards]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: MNU
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0589
BHM No: 18485 - A. Craldi[Photography)
Title: *PC* Venezia - Torre del'oOrologio - 12 - Vera Fotogrfia - Riproduzione Interdetta
SubTitle: [historic view ca. 1920s?
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Venice Venezia
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0683
BHM No: 18893 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum
Title: *PC* Verschiedene Damen Taschenuhren - Um 1900
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U120
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0491
BHM No: 17822 - Sally Hash
Title: *PC* Vertical Sundial by Sally Hash at West Dean College (940x1310 mm) Chichester
SubTitle: [a greeting card]
Other Keywords: West Dean
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0105
BHM No: 15545 - Jan Parik[Photographer], Kafka&Prague2003[Publisher], CaspariCentrum[Printer]
Title: *PC* Vez sovovyych Milnu [Praha] Owl Mills Tower - Praha
SubTitle: Exhibition Kafka&Prague2003 -
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Praha
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0981
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21784 - National-Maritime-Museum-London[Photography]
Title: *PC* View from the Thames: The Old Royal Naval College and Queens House, Greenwich
Keywords: UK-Liverpool
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC#1071*
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22745 - National Maritime Museum
Title: *PC* View of Greenwich Park and beyon. [From] Royal Greewich Observatory
SubTitle: [Barcode] 5054187 040375
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: Greenwich
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0131
BHM No: 15696 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* villa "bryn bella', geneve vers 1840, musee de l'horlogerie depuis 1972
SubTitle: [Postcard of the building]
Keywords: CH-Geneva
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0552
BHM No: 18321 - Hilton International
Title: *PC* Vista [Hotel] Washington DC, Guest rooms overook a spacious courtyard... View of the lower court, gilt clock, ...
SubTitle: [Unused, undated (1990s?) color postcard featuring featuring the large 4 sided streetclock in the lobby]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0173
BHM No: 16149 - Vlastivedne Muzeum V Olomouci, Vladimir Obr[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Vlastivedne Muzeum V Olomouci -
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0991
BHM No: 21797 - Walter Willi[Photography]
Title: *PC* Vogeldose, ca. 1885?Siegel mit Musikwek, Sammlung Matter
SubTitle: Stiftung Museum fur Uhren und mechanische Musikinstrumente, 3653 Oberhofen
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: MUMM
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0141
BHM No: 15942 - fur Musikautomaten Seewen[Switzerland], Museum
Title: *PC* Vogelkaefig von Jaquez-Droz, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Hoehe 20 cm, Ende des 18.Jahrh. -
SubTitle: Musikautomatenmuseum Seewen SO (Switzerland0
Other Keywords: Seewen
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0433
BHM No: 17668 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Bontemps
Title: *PC* Vogelkaefig [mit mechanischer Musik] , Bontemps, Paris um 1850
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U115
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0485
BHM No: 17816 - unknown
Title: *PC* Vogtsbauernhof bei Gutach (Bad. Schwarzwald)
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard] undated, sepia photograph
Keywords: D-Black-Forest
Other Keywords: Gutach
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0043
BHM No: 14049 - Ph. Laplace[Photographer], ASP Edition
Title: *PC* Vue aerienne d'Abbadia
SubTitle: Chateau Abbadia Observatoire, Henday, Cote Basque
Other Keywords: Abbadia Abbadie decimal time
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0519
BHM No: 18274 - Getty Museum, Antoine Foullet[casemaker], Jean-Antoine Lepine
Title: *PC* Wall Clock on Bracket [Lepine/Foullet] (Getty Museum)
SubTitle: French (Paris) ca. 1764, [ Inv.No.] 75.DB.7 [Getty Postcard:] C-405
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Other Keywords: Getty
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0215
BHM No: 16453 - Getty Museum, Andre-Charles Boulle[casemaker]
Title: *PC* Wall Clock [Boulle] (Getty Museum)
SubTitle: French (Paris) ca. 1744-53, [ Inv.No.] 73.DB.78 [Getty Postcard:] C-403
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Getty
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0212
BHM No: 16450 - Getty Museum, Jean-Jaques Fieffe(clockmaker), Juste-Aurele Meissonnier[casemaker]
Title: *PC* Wall Clock [Fieffe/Meissonier] (Getty Museum)
SubTitle: French (Paris) ca. 1735-40, [ Inv.No.] 72.DB.89 [Getty Postcard:] C-402
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Getty
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0213
BHM No: 16451 - Getty Museum, Charles Voisin[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Wall Clock [Voisin] (Getty Museum)
SubTitle: French (Paris and Chantilly) ca. 1740, [ Inv.No.] 81.DB.81 [Getty Postcard:] C-191
Keywords: F-Paris clock
Other Keywords: Getty
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0216
BHM No: 16454 - Walace Collection, Charles Cesent[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Wallace Collection - London / Filing Cabinet and clock [serre-papiers avec sa pendule) French c.1740-5, Charles Cressent (1685-1768)
SubTitle: Detail of Filing Cabinet
Keywords: UK-London clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0716
BHM No: 18926 - Collection[London], Wallace, Jean-Baptiste Lepaute[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Wallace Collection, London - Mantel Clock (pendule de cheminee) French 1781 (F269) - Designed by Francois-Joseph Belanger 1744-1818
SubTitle: Clock movement by Jean-Baptiste Lepaute 1727-1801
Keywords: UK-London clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0718
BHM No: 18928 - Collection[London], Wallace, Francois Vigier[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Wallace Collection, London - Musical Clock (pendule a musique) French c. 1762 - (F97) Design attributed to J.C. Duplessis c. 1695-1774
SubTitle: Clock movement by Francois Vigier (1708-1784
Keywords: musical specific UK-London clock
Other Keywords: Wallace Vigier
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0717
BHM No: 18927 - Walace Collection, Andre-Charles Boule[Casemaker), Jacques Augustin Thuret(Clockmaker)
Title: *PC* Wallace Collection, London - Pedestal Clock (pendule et sa gaine) - French c.1712-1720 - Andre-Charles Boule 1642-1732 (case)
SubTitle: Clock movement by Jacques Augustin Thuret, horloger du roi 1694
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Thuret Boulle
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0689
BHM No: 18899 - Walace Collection, Germain Dubois[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Wallace Collection, London - Sevres Column Clock French 1786 Germain Dubois, soft-paste porcelain and guilt bronze - Height 35.7 cm,
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: porcelain
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0690
BHM No: 18900 - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Clock Company, Ansonia
Title: *PC* Was Pessimisten kommen sehn, ... sehen Optimisten gehn- Holiday card 2916 of Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
SubTitle: 'What the "Peep O'Day' Alarm Clock did! [by Ansonia ca, 1890]
Keywords: alarm clock
Other Keywords: DUM Ansonia
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#0921
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 20873 - Patek Philippe Museum, PatekPhilippe&Cie.[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* Watch said to have belonged to the QUEEN VICTORIA - Patek, Philippe & Co., Geneva - Open faced keyless winding patented invention pendent watch..
SubTitle: ... with its matching brooche - 1815 - PPM Inv. No. P-24
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Queen Victoria
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0967
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21768 - National Watch and Clock Museum, Robert Dietrich Gruen
Title: *PC* Watch&Clock Museum of the NAWCC - Gruen Pocket Watches, Part of a 71 piece collection Donated by Robert Dietrich Gruen
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Gruen
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0709
BHM No: 18919 - National Watch and Clock Museum, Ferdinand Berthoud[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Watch&Clock Museum of the NAWCC - Mantle Clock, ca. 1860, signed F. Berthoud, Paris France, Glass Marble Gilt, Enamal, Bromze, Brass
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0708
BHM No: 18918 - unknown
Title: *PC* Wells Cathedral, Somerset: The clock (late 14th century), L'Horloge 9fin to 14e siecle), Die Uhr (Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts)
SubTitle: PSM/81967
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Wells
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0122
BHM No: 15681 - unknown
Title: *PC* Wells Cathedral, Somerset: The clock (outside)
SubTitle: Som. 2067
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Wells
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0120
BHM No: 15678 - Wuertenbergisches Landesmuseum
Title: *PC* Weltmaschine von Philip Matthaeus Hahn, Georg David und Georg Hahn, Kronwestheim/Ludwigsburg 1770-1790
SubTitle: [Postcard] Rekonstruktion im Wuerttenbergischen Landesmuseum (Besitz des Germanischen Nationalmuseums)
Other Keywords: Hahn
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0099
BHM No: 12007 - unknown
Title: *PC* Wereldrekord zandloper - World record sandglass - Record modial en sablier
SubTitle: Horlogerie museum Lange Shipstraat B 2800 Mechelen Belgium Tel. (32) 15 211 894
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: sanddial
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0084
BHM No: 15525 - West Dean College, Mathew Reed
Title: *PC* West Dean College - Conservation and Restauration of Clocks - [The escapement]
SubTitle: Traditional Bench Craft - Theory - History - Professional Practice - Treatment of historic objects - Clock making
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: West Dean
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC9585
BHM No: 18479 - West Dean College, Mathew Reed
Title: *PC* West Dean College - Conservation and Restauration of Clocks - [The Painted dial]
SubTitle: Traditional Bench Craft - Theory - History - Professional Practice - Treatment of historic objects - Clock making
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0586
BHM No: 18480 - West Dean College, Mathew Reed
Title: *PC* West Dean College - Conservation and Restauration of Clocks - [The silvered dial]
SubTitle: Traditional Bench Craft - Theory - History - Professional Practice - Treatment of historic objects - Clock making
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: West Dean Collage
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0587
BHM No: 18481 - Prescot Museum, John Wyke, Thomas Green
Title: *PC* Wheel Cutting Engine, by John Wyle and Thomas Green, Liverpool, c.1770, Prescot Museum
SubTitle: [Postcard]
Keywords: gearing tools machinery
Other Keywords: wheel cutting
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 11812 - Willard House and Clock Museum, Aaron Willard[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - Aaron Williard (1757-1844) made this 30-hour in Roxbury MA ca, 1790.
SubTitle: TYhe mnahogany case measures only 17 inches high and features an engraved brass dial, miniature brass finials and a hand stenciled fruit basket.
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0582
BHM No: 18441 - Willard House and Clock Museum, Benjamin WIllard[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - Benjamin Willard (1743-1803) constructed the clock shop in 1766 next to the family home.
SubTitle: His younger brothers Simon, Ephrahim and Aaron apprenticed in this shop.
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Willard Grafton workshop
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0704
BHM No: 18914 - Willard House and Clock Museum
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - Constructed in 1718 ... is the birthplace and workshop of 8th century clockmakers...
SubTitle: ...Benjamin, Simon, Ephrahim and Aaron Willard. Opened as a museum in 1981
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Willard
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0580
BHM No: 18439 - Willard House and Clock Museum, Simon Willard[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - Simon Willard (1753-1848) patented his improved timepiece {Banjo Clock] in 1802.
SubTitle: The movement for the eight-day, weight driven timepiece is brass.
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0581
BHM No: 18440 - Willard House and Clock Museum
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - The Keeping Room,{Kitchen} Bithplace of Benjamin, Simon, Ephraim and Aaron Willard [clockmakers]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0584
BHM No: 18443 - Willard House and Clock Museum
Title: *PC* Willard House and Clock Museum, Grafton Mass. - The Parlor, furnished with several Willard Clocks
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0583
BHM No: 18442 - Winterthur-Museum StaffPhotografer
Title: *PC* Winterthur's Montemorenci bStair Hall. Architectuaql features are from a 1822 plantation home in North Carolina
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#
BHM No: 20844 - Rober Lautman[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Winterthur's Museum from the Azelea Woods
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Page or pages: PC#
BHM No: 20842 - Winterthur-Museum StaffPhotografer
Title: *PC* Winterthur's Museums Port Royal Parlor, furnished in the Chipendale Style with architectual details from Port Royal, a 1762 house near Philadel.
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#
BHM No: 20843 - GmbH & Co KG, Schoening
Title: *PC* Wuerzburg um 1835 - Deutsche Staedte und Landschaften
SubTitle: [ Mainfraenkisches Museum ] [Wuerz 654]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Wuerzburg Mainfraenkisches
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0617
BHM No: 18787 - Mark of Time
Title: *PC* www.markoftime.com - Antique clocks on the Internet [Advertising postcard
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0654
BHM No: 18828 - xemex
Title: *PC* XEMEX - Offroad - ref no 501 - www.xemex.ch - The timemachine
Other Keywords: xemex
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1002
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21808 - xemex, Kuelling[Designer]
Title: *PC* XEMEX - Offroad - ref no 501 - www.xemex.ch - The timemachine352
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1003
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21809 - York Minster
Title: *PC* York Minster - The Astronomical Clock, dedicated 1955 [XPSYMS2] [As dying and behold we live]
Keywords: astronomy clock
Other Keywords: York Minster
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0989
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21795 - Jarod Publishing Norwich UK
Title: *PC* York Minster - Western Crypt, the tomb of St. William of York [XPSYMS19]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: York Minster
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1006
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21826 - Jim Kenshaw[Photographer]
Title: *PC* York Minster: South Transept - Roof Bosses (New interpretations from the renovation after the fire of 1984)
SubTitle: Publisher: The Dean and Chapter of York Minster (UK)
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1007
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21827 - Coast Jewelery, East
Title: *PC* You're invited - East CoastJewelery - Ulysee Nardin [Postcard 2004 January invitation to auction, Deerfield Beach Florid]
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0651
BHM No: 18825 - Minimodels, Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Title: *PC* Zaanse Klock ca. 1700 Cornelis v.Rosen - Col;l: Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
SubTitle: No.2117 1 Kaart BBK - Minimodels
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: MNU
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0588
BHM No: 18484 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Johann Rettich
Title: *PC* Zappler - Johann Rettich, Wien um 1830
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U117
Keywords: miniature/small clock
Other Keywords: Zappler
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0479
BHM No: 17808 - Frater David a San Cajetano, David Ruetschmann
Title: *PC* Zifferblatt der Bodenstanduhr von Frater David a San Cajetano, Wien 1769
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard No.]U 19
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Cajetano Ruetschmann
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0074
BHM No: 15515 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Frater David a San Cajetano
Title: *PC* Zifferblatt der Bodenstanduhr von Frater David a San Cajetano, Wien 1869
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U19
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0466
BHM No: 17795 - Museum Wuerzburg, Mainfraenkisches
Title: *PC* Zifferblatt der sogenannten Gutweinuhr - Raum Wuerzburg, im 1755-1765
SubTitle: Mainfraenkisches Museum [Dial of the Gutwein Clock, ca. 1755-1765, from Wuerzburg area]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Wuerzburg Wurzburg
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0618
BHM No: 18788 - fur Musikautomaten Seewen[Switzerland], Museum
Title: *PC* Zuberschrank/Buffet magique, Hersteller Vichy, Frankreich, 1880 - Sammlund Dr.hc.H. Weiss-Stauffaucher
SubTitle: [Magic kichen closet] Museum fuer Musikautomaten Seewen SO{[Switzerland]
Other Keywords: Seewen
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0444
BHM No: 17679 - Wien, Uhrenmuseum, Isaac Roberts
Title: *PC* Zwiebeluhr [Ognion] - Isaac Roberts, London um 1770
SubTitle: Uhrenmuseum Wien 1, Schulhof 2 - [Postcard Nr.] U124
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0490
BHM No: 17821 - National Watch Company, Elgin
Title: *PC* [ Baby Image and Pocket Watch Elgin Advertising Postcard 1897, Facsimile]
SubTitle: Copyrighted [18]'97 by Elgin Nat. Watch Co.
Keywords: facsimile watch
Other Keywords: Elgin
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0151
BHM No: 16048 - NAWCC,, & Co., Tiffany
Title: *PC* [ Tiffany Globe clock, sterling Silver, 1893 for Columbian Exposition, now at National Watch and Clock Museum]
SubTitle: [2012 holiday card of NAWCC staff]
Keywords: luxury specific clock
Other Keywords: Tiffany Globe
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0448
BHM No: 17701 - Willhelm Diebner
Title: *PC* [ Uhrmacher Woche an Clemens Riefler ]
SubTitle: [Historic Postcard 1940]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Diebner Riefler
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0029
BHM No: 14036 - Unknown-NoneGiven,
Title: *PC* [ Unidentified German Towerclock]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0616
BHM No: 18786 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - Aliermont tall case clock image]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0313
BHM No: 17530 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - Vous avex pointe le
SubTitle: [work punch time recorder]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0310
BHM No: 17527 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - [Dial image, black]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0314
BHM No: 17531 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - [Mickey Mouse]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Mickey Mouse
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0312
BHM No: 17529 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - [Movement image, lime]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0315
BHM No: 17532 - d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont, Musee
Title: *PC* [Bookmark] Musee d'Horlogerie Saint-Nicholas d'Aliermont - [Movement image]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0311
BHM No: 17528 - unknown
Title: *PC* [Cox Chariot Clock at Metropolitan Museum, a loose postcard sixed photograph]
Keywords: luxury clock
Other Keywords: Cox
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0104
BHM No: 15544 - Cyrille Boulay, du Desastre, Editions
Title: *PC* [Novelty postcard [round)] Jaques Boulay: Reveil RN 010
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0828
BHM No: 19071 - EditionsGolongGmbH[Publisher],
Title: *PC* [Novelty postcard [round] Gala Pocket watch] EG17
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0829
BHM No: 19072 - Ueli Bula[Photographer]
Title: *PC* [Postcard, untitled, nr.675, unusual tower clock dial in southern Switzerland showing a unusual form of italian hour]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: italian hours
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0246
BHM No: 16775 - unknown
Title: *PC* [Rouen: Le Gros Horloge - Pen and ink illustration]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Rouen
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0344
BHM No: 17572 - Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - 1943 Hamilton arine Chronometer Assembly record
SubTitle: [One of a seriesof 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Rating Card Marine Chronometer
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22166 - Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Colgate Clock,the largest clock in the World
SubTitle: [One of a seriesof 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Colgate Clock
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22159 - Kate vanRiper[SeriesEditor]
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Colgate Clock,the largest clock in the World
SubTitle: [One of a series of 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection
Keywords: monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: monumental Colgate
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1016
BHM No: 22191 - Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Hamilton - 950B movement assemly [image of blueprint]
SubTitle: [One of a seriesof 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hamilton 950B blueprint
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22163 - Kate vanRiper[SeriesEditor], Watch Company, Hamilton
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Hamilton - 950B movement assemly [image of blueprint]
SubTitle: [One of a seriesof 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: 950B Hamilton
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1017
BHM No: 22192 - Kate vanRiper, John W.Wagit[ProducerdTheWatchpaper]
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Watch Paperfrom John Waggitt of York, England ca.1850
SubTitle: [One of a series of 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC image collection
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: watchpaper
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22160 - Kate vanRiper[SeriesEditor], John W.Wagit[ProducerdTheWatchpaper]
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] - Watch Paperfrom John Waggitt of York, England ca.1850
SubTitle: [One of a series of 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC image collection]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: WATCH PAPER
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC1015
BHM No: 22190 - Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] ] - June 1945 AWVS Workers hand out Westclock alarm clocks to the first 100 buying war bond
SubTitle: [One of a series of 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC image collection
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22161 - Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC* [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016] ] - Star Watch Case Companyfactory workers ca. 1950
SubTitle: [One of a seriesof 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection ]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: case manufacturing
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22162 - Gould- Silver en Klokkenmuseum, Nederlands, en Geesink[Photography], DeBoer
Title: *PC* [Telechron Alarm] - Collectie Stichting Nederlands Gould-, Zilver- en Klokkenmuseum
Keywords: alarm clock
Other Keywords: Schoonhoven
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0358
BHM No: 17590 - unknown
Title: *PC* [untitled, Phaha Orloj, an artistic photograph/card, b&w]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big clock
Other Keywords: Praha
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0103
BHM No: 15543 - Skinner
Title: *PC*#-1'158 - Clocks, Watches & Scientific Instriuents at auction
SubTitle: Jonathan Downing - Tel. 508-970 3131- Skinner Inc. , Marlborough MA , USA (An advertsing postcard 2017)
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 1 advert postcard
BHM No: 23113 - Dompfarei St.Gallen
Title: *PC*#1152 - Erd- und Himmelsglobus um 1570 - Replik im Baroksaal der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen - [Postcard No.99]
SubTitle: [A postcard]
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Replica St.Gallen
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: [Postcard No.99 Verlag am Klosterhof]
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23029 - Verlag-am-Klosterhof
Title: *PC*#1152 Baroksaal der Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen
SubTitle: [Postcard no.11]
Keywords: antique
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#1153
Page or pages: 1, Postcard Nr. 11
BHM No: 23030 - Verlag-am-Klosterhof
Title: *PC*#1154 - Spaetbarokes Prunkportal am Eingang der Stiftsbibliohek - [Postcard No.83 Verlag am Klosterhof]
SubTitle: PC#1154
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: Postcard Nr. 83 ofVerlag zum Klosterhof
Page or pages: 1,
BHM No: 23031 - Geochrone-Enterprises Inc-Redwood-City-CA-USA
Title: *PC*#1162-Presenting GEOCHRON... the world's first global Time indicator - Art Piece Conversation Piece - Time Piece
SubTitle: [An advertising Postcard - mailed Nov 19 1999 to FMM - www.geochronusa.com -
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Geochron global
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23657 - Fair, Basel, Maurice Babey[Photography], Niklaus d'Annone[clockmaker]
Title: *PC*- Historisches Museum Basel - Astronomische Tischuhr von Niklaus s'Annone, Basel um 1680
SubTitle: [exhibted 'Haus zum Kirschgarten', Elisabethenstrasse 27, Basel, with figure of Atlas carrying te world]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC#1045*
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22675 - Historisches Museum Basel, Charles Bobinet[WatchmakerInGeneva]
Title: *PC*- Historisches Museum Basel - Haus zum Kirschgarten - Damenuhr in Goldemail - ca.1675 in Genf [blau]
SubTitle: Blue ladies pocket watch ca. 1675 made in Geneva (Switzerland) by Charles Bobinet
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Kirschgarten Bobinet
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Page or pages: *PC*#1049
BHM No: 22680 - Historisches-Museum-Basel, Gregoir Garont[Watchkmaker], Historisches-Museum-Basel[Photography]
Title: *PC*- Historisches Museum Basel - Haus zum Kirschgarten - Goldemail-Taschenuhr - Bunte Blumen auf Weissem Grund -
SubTitle: ca. 1640 - made in Paris, France by
Keywords: F-Paris watch
Other Keywords: Kirschgarten
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: *PC*1048
BHM No: 22679 - Deckert Antique Clock Factory, Kate vanRiper
Title: *PC*- Star Watch Case Company factory workers ca. 1950 - [Series:Discover hidden Gems in our Archives! [2016]
SubTitle: [One of a series of 2018 postcards reproduced by the NAWCC Archives, to advertise the gems of the NAWCC mage collection ] Author: Kate vanRiper
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
BHM No: 22188 - Bonhams-London
Title: *PC*-Bonhams-Clock Auction London -1999-Nov-03 - Anouncement-Postcard: Knibb ca 1680 Grand Sonnerie Striking
Other Keywords: Knibb
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: Nov 3 London auction 1999
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23658 - Herve Lewandrowski
Title: *PC*Frieze from Roman Sacrophagus Representing Puti with Sundial, Marble, H: 34cm, W 23cm, ca. 140-160 CE
SubTitle: Dept. des Antiquites, Musee du Louvre, Paris France MA1341, Postcard from the Exhibit: Time and Cosmos, New York University, Inst.for the Study of the
Keywords: F-Paris
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#
Page or pages: PC#
BHM No: 20832 - Johannes Laurentius[Photographer]
Title: *PC*Gem Engraved with Cricket playing an Aulos, and sundial on a pillar (Carnelian) H: 1.54 cm,
SubTitle: Antikensammlung, Staatliches Musseum zu Berlin Gernaby, [Inv: FG 6525
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#
BHM No: 20834 - Hans-Heinrich Schmid, Uhrenindustriemuseum, Lebendiges
Title: *PC*Hans-Heinrich Schmid LEXIKON der Deutschen Uhrenindustrie 1850-1980 [Werbepostkarte]
SubTitle: [Werbepostkarte] Lebendiges Uhrenindustriemuseum [Schwenningen, 2005]
Keywords: clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0646
BHM No: 18820 - National-Maritime-Museum-London[Photography], John Harrison[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC*Harrisons first marine chronometer 'H1' - Experimental marine timekeeper made by John Harrison betwen 1730-1735, 1st step toward solving the
SubTitle: ... Longitude problem
Keywords: highgrade popular specific UK-London clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Page or pages: *PC*#1059
BHM No: 22733 - Nomos, Peter Braun[Editor]
Title: *PC*NOMOS - Overtime for good watches: The lights are still on in the former trains tation, the headquarters of NOMOS Glashuette
SubTitle: [2014 Postcard]
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Nomos Factory
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0840
BHM No: 19496 - Guido Petruccioli[Photographer]
Title: *PC*Roman Calendar Inscription (Menelogim Rusticum Colotianum) with [dates of] Zodiac, Festivals and Agricultural a
SubTitle: Postcard from the Exhibit: Time and Cosmos, New York, Inst.for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU - Palantine, Rome 1st cent CE
Keywords: astronomy
Other Keywords: ISAW
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20830 - Th. Zuehmer[Photographer]
Title: *PC*Roman Mosaic Depicting Anaximander with Sundial - [Foubd at:] Johannisstrasse Trier [Germany] Early 3rd Cent CE
SubTitle: 209 cm H x 188 cm W - Postcard from the Exhibit: Time and Cosmos, New York University, Inst.for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Trier
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20831 - Getty Museum
Title: *PC*Statuette of Nemesis with Portrait resembling Emperess Faustina I, Dolomitic Marble, H 46cm, $ 20 cm, D 12cm,
SubTitle: Postcard from the Exhibit: Time and Cosmos, New York University, Inst.for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
Keywords: astronomy
Other Keywords: Getty
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Page or pages: PC#
BHM No: 20833 - Winterthur-Museum StaffPhotografer
Title: *PC*Winterthur [Museum] - Baltimore Dining Room [with George Washington Mantle Clock] Mantle by Welford ca. 1813
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: George Washington
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#
BHM No: 20841 - d'Ansembourg, Musee, Hubert Sarton
Title: *PM* Aigilles ornant des horloges d'Hubert Sarton - Musee dAnsembourg a Liege
SubTitle: [Hands from clocks by Hubert Sarton] [
Keywords: clock dial/hands
Other Keywords: Sarton Liege Belgium Ansembourg
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0372
BHM No: 17605 - Centre d'information de la Montre Francaise
Title: *Timbre poste* Republique Francaise, 0.50 F Postes - Centenaire Ecole Horlogerie Besancon 1862-1962
SubTitle: [Commemorative postage stamp issued 1962 by France to cenebrate the centenary of the founding of the Besancon horological school]
Other Keywords: postage stamp Besancon 1962
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 11323 - Elizabeth Goudge
Title: /
Other Keywords: novel
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 383
BHM No: 419 - swatch
Title: 007 Villain Collection by Swatch
SubTitle: [catalog WS1208JBLEAF]
Keywords: catalog popular watch
Other Keywords: swatch james bond 007
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 12477 - Uhrmacher-Landesinnungsverband Niedersachsen
Title: 1. Verbandstag des Uhrmacher-Landesinningsverbandes Niedersachsen am 4. Marz 1951 in Hannover - Beethovensaal (Stadthalle)
SubTitle: [1st Conference of the Association of the Horological Guilds of the Lnad Niedersachsen [Germany] in Hannover March 4, 1951]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Innung Guild Hannover Niersachsen
Edition: 1951-03-04
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 15800 - FotoprintVerlagW.Grienger[Publisher]
Title: 1. Weltgroesstes Holzraederwerk mit Kuckuckruf - Besitzer Joseph Dold, Schonach Schwarzwald [Postcard] [1993, Ed. of 100]
SubTitle: [ 1st Worlds' largest wooden movement with coo-coo - Owner Joseph Dold, Schonach, Black Forest ]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Kucjkuck
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No.9
BHM No: 21531 - FotoprintVerlagW.Grienger[Publisher]
Title: 1. Weltgroesstes Holzraederwerk mit Kuckuckruf - Besitzer Joseph Dold, Schonach Schwarzwald [Postcard] [1993, Ed. of 100]
SubTitle: [ 1st Worlds' largest wooden movement with coo-coo - Owner Joseph Dold, Schonach, Black Forest ]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Kuckuck
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No.9
BHM No: 21532 - Schoening-Verlag[Publisher]
Title: 1. Weltgroesstes Holzraederwerk mit Kuckuckruf - Ranknuehle bei St.MAergen[Postcard] [1993, Ed. of 100]
Keywords: monumental/big D-Black-Forest clock
Parent Document ID: 21524 - Parent Document Title: Collected Ephemera from 4 days of touring horological sites in the Black Forest Region in 2002 [includes picture postcards] (with Chronometrophilia)
Edition: No.9
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21535 - Annemarie Walz
Title: 10 Jahre Uhrenindustriemuseum Vilingen-Schweningen
SubTitle: Menschen die es moeglich machten
Keywords: biography
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 108
BHM No: 6807 - Peggy Rathmann
Title: 10 minutes till Bedtime
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 2001,ist Bard Book edition
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 15385 - Vicroria Gomelsky
Title: 10 Watches That Changed What's on Your Wrist - We asked experts which timepieces have shaped modern design - Here are their Choices
SubTitle: [An article in the New York Times 2019-1026 edition] [Weboffprint]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2019-10-26
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23302 - David Greene, Danny Hillis
Title: 10'000 Year Clock Challanges Aproach to Time
SubTitle: [Transcript of radio Interview with Danny Hillis on the Clock of the Long Now broadcast on NPR on 31 Dec 2013]
Keywords: clock time
Other Keywords: long now
Edition: 2013-12-31
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 19469 - Ulysse Nardin
Title: 100 ans au service de l'Heure - Uysse NArdin, Le Locle - 1846-1946
Keywords: CH-LeLocle watch
Other Keywords: Ulysse Nardin centenary 1946
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13971 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: 100 Horological Bookreviews [CD-ROM with mas word files]
SubTitle: 1996 - May 2010
Keywords: bibliography clock watch
Edition: 2010
BHM No: 14923 - Michael Bodmann
Title: 100 Jahre mechanische Wecker von 1870 bis 1970 - Bilddokumentation der Privatsammlung Michael Bodenman
SubTitle: 100 Years of mechanical alarm clocks from 1870 to 1970 - Illustrated documentation of the private collection of Michael Bodman
Keywords: alarm " gravity wave detector
Other Keywords: Bodman
Edition: 2015 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 162
BHM No: 20338 - Thomas Muff, Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG
Title: 100 Jahre Muff AG - 01.09.2018 - 19 Tours sheduled ober the day, each visting 13 different departments, plus bell casting ceremony at 15h00
Parent Document ID: 22212 - Parent Document Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22213 - Friedrich Assmus
Title: 100 Jahre Staatliche Uhrmacherschule Furtwangen - 1850-1950
SubTitle: Festschrift zum 100 jahrigen Bestehen der Staatlichen Uhrmacherschule Ingenieurschule fur Feinwerktechnik Furtwangen badischer Schwarzwald
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch
Other Keywords: Furtwangen
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 15789 - Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG, Thomas Muff
Title: 100 Jahrew Muff - FESTPROGRAMM und Preisliste
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Muff
Parent Document ID: 22212 - Parent Document Title: Muff Kirchturmtechnik AG - Am Klangweg 2, Triengen - Dokumentation folder, with capabilities fact sheets on occasion of Centennial Party = 1 Sept 2028
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22215 - Frederic Ramade
Title: 100 legend?re Uhren
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 2000 ?
Page or pages: 143
BHM No: 2160 - Greg R. Frauenhoff
Title: 100 plus Years of Railraod Watches and Railroad Watch Standards in North America
Other Keywords: railroad standards
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 5749 - Watch Company, Waltham
Title: 100 Shares - Waltham Watch Company [4 Original cancelled Stock Certificates numbered NY 5865, B 3029, B3930, B3037]
SubTitle: [1955 stock certificate originals, accompanied by a transfer slip stamped ofthe Wallstreet Firm Bache & C0.. April 23,1947]
Other Keywords: stock share certificate Waltham
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 12053 - Thomas Schraven
Title: 100 Years of Paul Schroeder of Stuttgart 1902-2002
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. 70 - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock
Other Keywords: Schroder Schroeder
Edition: 2003 - Paper No. 70
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 12408 - Hans Staeger
Title: 100 Years of Precision Timekeepers from John Arnold to Arnold & Fordsham 1763-1862
SubTitle: 100 Jahre Praezisionspendeluhren von John Arnold bis Arnold & Fordsham
Keywords: oeuvre biography brand
Other Keywords: John Arnold Dent Fordsham chronometer precision
Edition: 1997, 1st limited 1000copies,
Page or pages: 890
BHM No: 18 - Dean Judy
Title: 100 years of Vintage Watches
SubTitle: A Collectors Identification & Price Guide
Keywords: basic
Other Keywords: Price
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 4633 - Wempe,
Title: 100 Years Wempe Chronometerwerke - 25 Years Wempe New York
SubTitle: 2005 Anniversary Watch Collection
Keywords: Catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: Wempe Lange Audemars Panerai IWC Jaeger-LeCoultre Chopard Glashutte Vacheron Longines Breitling Nomos
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 7420 - L. Anthony
Title: 100+ No BS Watch Tips - For Watch Enthusissts and Salespeople
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 265
BHM No: 21932 - W. Strohmeier
Title: 100. Geburtstag von Ernst Zinner
Parent Document ID: 1757 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26
Edition: 26
Page or pages: 193
BHM No: 13037 - Fritz Hauser
Title: 1001 orologi da polsa dal 1925 a oggi
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 2007. 1st edition
Page or pages: 304
BHM No: 11464 - Martin Haeussermann[Editor], Ambrosio Berrasain Villanueva[Translator]
Title: 1001 relojes de pulsera - desede 1925 hasta la actualidad
SubTitle: [1001 wirstwatches - from 1925 to the present, Spanish language edition]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 296
BHM No: 17253 - international de Chronometrie, Congres
Title: 10th International Congress of Chronometrie, Geneva 1979 - Proceedings Vol.1
Other Keywords: proceedings Geneva SSC
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 148
BHM No: 1894 - international de Chronometrie, Congres
Title: 10th International Congress of Chronometrie, Geneva 1979 - Proceedings Vol.2
Other Keywords: proceeding SSC CIC Geneva congress
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 364
BHM No: 1895 - international de Chronometrie, Congres
Title: 10th International Congress of Chronometrie, Geneva 1979 - Proceedings Vol.3
Other Keywords: CIC congress Geneva SSC
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 506
BHM No: 1896 - Michel Viredaz
Title: 11 octobre 2003: 2e journee de Conference a Berne
Other Keywords: chronometrophilia symposium
Parent Document ID: 5888 - Parent Document Title: chronometrophilia - No. 56 - Ete/Sommer 2004
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 10
Page or pages: 125-126
BHM No: 7767 - Forum Citoyen du haut
Title: 11e Rencontres de decembre - Invitation: "L'UNESCO.. et apres?" Samedi 5 decembre 2009, Le Locle
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 14972 - Henry B. Fried, Douglas Caulkins, Julian Gibbard, E.J[ohn]. Tyler, Donald Hoke, R. Crom,Theodore, Adolphe Chapiro, Chris H. Bailey, Michael C. Harrold
Title: 11th Annual NAWCC Seminar - Houston, Texas - October 25, 26, 27, 1990
Other Keywords: NAWCC SEMINAR Houston 1990
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 11072 - Charles Pudom
Title: 12,000 Hours of Experience Demonstrating the Watch-Master on 12 Pages
SubTitle: [ includes three test strips ]
Keywords: watch adjusting testing practical
Other Keywords: Watchmaster
Edition: 1944
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 19993 - Franz Turler
Title: 12. Messe nach der Messe - Uhren und Juwelen - Personliche Einladung [2008]
SubTitle: Turler Uhreen und Schmuck
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 12006 - Claude-Alain Kunzi, Jessica Gygax[Translator]
Title: 120 years DOXA 1889-2009
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne CH-LeLocle watch
Other Keywords: DOXA
Edition: 2009, 1st edition
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 14493 - Bernhard Huber(Featured-Speaker), Kurt Strehlow(President-Munich-Chapter-of-the-DGC)
Title: 124. Muenchner-DGC-Regionalkreistreffen am Sonntag 21.Maers 2021 [Zoom meeting due to Covid-Pandemic]
SubTitle: Dr. Berhard Huber, the Librarian of the DGC will present: Siegmund Riefler und seine Praezisionspendeluhren [Powerpoint in German]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Muenchen Munich Regional 2021
Edition: 2021-May-16
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24117 - Audemars Piguet
Title: 125 ans d'audace - # 2
SubTitle: Audemars Piguet
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Audemar Piguet
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 2008 - Lucien Trueb, an C. Capelli
Title: 125 ans de chronometrage Longines - L'equite dans la mesure du temps - l'elegance dans le sport
SubTitle: [125 years of Longines timekeeping - Fairness in measuring time - Elegance in sports {A history of the longine brand]
Keywords: chronograph CH/F-Jura watch
Other Keywords: Sports timekeeping
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 132
BHM No: 22021 - Franklin Day[Compiler]
Title: 125 Horological articles [on CD Rom] Compiled by Franklyl Day [and sold through ebay online] Undateed , bought 2019
Edition: 2019
BHM No: 22694 - Anonymous,
Title: 125 Jahr Feier des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums in Muenchen 1980
Parent Document ID: 1210 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 18
Edition: 18
Page or pages: 135
BHM No: 12784 - Turler, Franz Turler
Title: 125 Jahre - Turler
Other Keywords: Turler
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 11910 - Junghans,
Title: 125 Jahre Zeit-Geschichte
SubTitle: [125 years of chronographic history - 125 annes d'histoire contemporaire - 125 anos de historia
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Junghans
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 6773 - James Thurber, Marc (Illustrator) Simon
Title: 13 Clocks
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: fairy tale
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 430 - Kieninger,
Title: 14 Tag-Halbstunden Schlagwerk "P3" - 13cm Pendellange
SubTitle: Jos. Kieninger K.-G. Aldingen [Blueprint and partslist]
Keywords: clock movement
Other Keywords: Kieninger P13
Edition: 1980s? undated
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 12271 - Patek Philippe Museum, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: 15 Picture Postcards available at the Patek Philippe Museum Geneva in April 2016
SubTitle: A Study and Research Aide (with captions)
Keywords: catalog reference CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2017-04
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 21776 - Junghans,
Title: 150 - 1861*2011 - Junghans
SubTitle: [Watch catalog 2011, celebrating 1560 years of Junghans, includes suggested retail prices in Euro]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest watch
Other Keywords: Schramberg Junghans
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 15775 - Kerstin Simon
Title: 150 Augenblicke aus 150 Jahren Junghans
SubTitle: Junghans Germany since 1861
Keywords: historic clock watch
Other Keywords: Junghans
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 15779 - Robert-Gerwig-Schule
Title: 150 Jahre Uhrmacherausbildung an Deutschlands aeltester Traditionsschule - Robert-Gerwig-Schule - Furtwangen
SubTitle: [6 p. fanfold student reruitment flyer ca. 2000]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch
Other Keywords: Furtwangen
Edition: 2000 ca.
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 21092 - Max Huber
Title: 150 Jahre - Andreas Huber - Jubilaeumsedition 1856-2006
SubTitle: Vorm. K.B.Hofliferant, Muenchen, Gegruendet 1856
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Huber Munich Muenchen
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 10475 - J?rgen Abeler
Title: 150 Jahre Fraenken Abeler - Tradition und Fortschritt
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Abeler Wuppertal
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1762 - Kurt Herkner
Title: 150 Jahre Glashuetter Uhren 1845 bis 1995
Parent Document ID: 1129 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 34
Edition: 34
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 13246 - Elmer G. Crum, William F. Keller
Title: 150 Years of Electrical Horology
SubTitle: With References to the Exhibit at the 1992 NAWCC National Convention Chicago IL July 1-4
Keywords: catalog electrical
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 101
BHM No: 81 - Elmer G. Crum, William F. Keller
Title: 150 Years of Electrical Horology [Commemorative Hardcover edition]
SubTitle: 1992 NAWCC Chicago National Convention Exhibit
Keywords: catalog electrical electromechanical electronic
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1992-special edition
Page or pages: 101
BHM No: 11421 - Dieter Riefler
Title: 155 Jahre Clemens Rieffler - Die faszinierende Geschichte der Firma Clemens Riefler - Fabrik mathematischer Instrumente von 1841 bis 1996
SubTitle: [2017 reprint of limited private publication of ca 2010, for participants at the Juergen Ermert Precision Clock Conference]
Keywords: physics clock
Other Keywords: Riefler
Edition: 2017 reprint of ca.2010
Page or pages: 51
BHM No: 21357 - Sevim Tekeli
Title: 16'Inci Yuzyilda Osmanlilarda Saat ve Takiyuddin'in "Mekanik Saat Konstruksuyonuna Dair en Parlak Yildizlar" Adli Eseri
SubTitle: The Clock in Ottoman Empire in 16th Century And Taqi al Dins "The Brightest Stars For The Construction of the Mechanical Clocks"
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Turkey Ottoman 16th century Taqi al Din
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 339
BHM No: 11933 - Chris H. Bailey
Title: 160 Years of Seth Thomas Clocks
SubTitle: in "The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, Vol.38,# 3, July 1973
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 1628 - John Hubby
Title: 160 Years of Torsion Clock Manufacturing
SubTitle: [Video VCR Format 82 Minutes]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: torsion 400 day anniversary clock
Edition: 2001
BHM No: 14410 - Edgar, Schuhmacher
Title: 1617 16. August
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 12722 - Isaac Thuret
Title: 1670 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Thuret
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 12-14
BHM No: 7704 - Pierre Lemaire
Title: 1685 Boule Ivory columns religieuse
Keywords: Boulle
Parent Document ID: 6253 - Parent Document Title: [S-2004-10-12-NYC] Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 68
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 8597 - Patrick Texier
Title: 17 Cadrans Solaires ? d?couper ? plier
Keywords: how-to
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 5105 - Artcurial
Title: 170 ans de Jaegre-LeCoultre
SubTitle: Anniversary Auction by ARTCURIAL, Paris , jeudi 11 decembre 2003
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Jaegre-Lecoultre
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 116
BHM No: 9759 - Christopher Pinchback
Title: 1715 Astronomical and organ Longcase
Parent Document ID: 6253 - Parent Document Title: [S-2004-10-12-NYC] Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 69
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 8598 - Jacobus vandeCloese
Title: 1756 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Cloese
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
Page or pages: 12-17
BHM No: 7705 - Hamilton E. Pease
Title: 1764 -1964
SubTitle: [offprint from NAWCC Bulletin, October 1964, Vol XI, No.6]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Mudge Sam Mitchel
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 4511 - James Tregent
Title: 1775 ebonized mahagonny tabel clock
Parent Document ID: 6253 - Parent Document Title: [S-2004-10-12-NYC] Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 67
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 8596 - Willem Snellen
Title: 1780 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Snellen
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 3
Page or pages: 18-19
BHM No: 7706 - Giovanni Paltrinieri
Title: 1796 a Bologna: dall'Ora Italiana all'Ora Francese
SubTitle: [Offprint of an Article in Strenna Storica Bolognese - Anno LII - 2002 ]
Keywords: timekeeping
Other Keywords: Bologna Italian hours French hous
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 14328 - ?,
Title: 1796, The Great Story of the Music Box
Edition: 1996
BHM No: 1037 - Longines,
Title: 180 - Les Collections Longines - Longines 1832-2012
SubTitle: [English language, softcover , 172 page brandline catalog in color, dated 08.2012]
Keywords: CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Longines
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 172
BHM No: 18528 - Herman Friedrich Knebel
Title: 1816 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Knebel
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 4
Page or pages: 20-22
BHM No: 7707 - Herman Friedrich Knebel
Title: 1816 seconds beater at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave seconds beater
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 5
Page or pages: 20-22
BHM No: 7708 - & Fraunhofer, Utzschneider
Title: 1838 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Utzschneider
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 6
Page or pages: 23-24
BHM No: 7709 - Alexander Kaiser
Title: 1845 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Kaiser
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
Page or pages: 25-26
BHM No: 7710 - Fr. List[Editot], Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Translator]
Title: 1845 Threat of Connecticut to the Black Forest Clock Industry
SubTitle: Translation of a German article published in 1845 in Zollvereinsblatt No. 44, 3. Jahrgang, 4 Nov.1845
Keywords: D-Black-Forest US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: price and productivity competition
Edition: 2012-10
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 17395 - sr, Andreas Hohwu
Title: 1861 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Hohwu
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 8
BHM No: 7711 - Uhrenwerke Ruhla, VEB
Title: 1862 - 1987 / 125 Jahre Uhrenwerke Ruhla / 35 Jahre Volkseigener Betrieb
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Ruhla
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 18627 - Reuge
Title: 1865 - Reuge - The Art of Mechanical Music [Catalogue and Tu nesheet 2007, in JAPANESE]
Keywords: catalog CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Reuge
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 94
BHM No: 13619 - Theodor Knoblich
Title: 1866 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Knoblich
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 9
BHM No: 7712 - National Watch Company, Elgin
Title: 1871 The National Elgin Watch Company Illustrated Almanac
SubTitle: 1977 Facsimile edition by Bernard J. Edwards
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Elgin 1871
Edition: 1977 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 11146 - jr., Andreas Hohwu
Title: 1897 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Hohwu
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 10
BHM No: 7713 - Ludwig Strasser
Title: 1899 clock at Leiden Observatory now in collection of Boerhave Museum
Keywords: astronomical precision specific clock
Other Keywords: Observatory Leiden Museum Boerhaave Strasser Rohde
Parent Document ID: 5782 - Parent Document Title: Time-keepers [The..] of Leiden Observatory
BHM No: 7714 - N.J. Moyers
Title: 18th Century Grand Orrery
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: orrery Unwin
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 196 - Audry Humbert
Title: 18th century marking a new era in watchmaking [The...]
SubTitle: Watchonista 2017 https://www.watchonista.com/articles/history/18th-century-marking-new-era-watchmaking
Keywords: F-Paris watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 21841 - Claude Nicolier, Robert Zubin
Title: 18th uropean Mars Convention - Musee International d'Horlogerie - CH 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds - EMC 18 - Robots and Mars under the look of Time
SubTitle: 23 presentations by Specialist on the Planet, Time, the Voyage, Man on Mars
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds
Other Keywords: Mars
Parent Document ID: 22299 - Parent Document Title: Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie - (October 2018 mailing of misc.ephemera) - a la femtoseconde pres! - Cir-Conferance MIH 2028 -The Britsish Connect/
Edition: d
BHM No: 22303
Title: 190
BHM No: 6285- Gilbert,
Title: 1901/02 Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co.
SubTitle: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia
Keywords: catalog facsimile
Other Keywords: Gilbert
Edition: 1973 facsimile reprint
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 2734 - Clock and Silverware Co., St.Louis
Title: 1904 Twelfth Annual Catalog - St.Louis Clock and Silverware Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: St.Louis
Edition: 1962 facsimile
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 6286 - Laurent Tissot
Title: 1917 et l'ivresse des pendules
SubTitle: [ The drunkenness of the [ { neuchatel } pendules clocks ] [The balance of clocks vs. watches in the Neuchatel horological industry]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p. 33 - p.45
BHM No: 21423 - Gruen,, Mike Barnett[Editor]
Title: 1927 Gruen Stock Record Book [The...]
SubTitle: [A 2015 facsimile edition of a published master list of all currently {1927} avaiable models of Gruen pocket and wrist watches]
Keywords: catalog watch
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 20328 - G. Albert Berner
Title: 1935 Agenda de Poche pour l' Horlogerie et la petite Mechanique , XXXIIme annee
Keywords: yearbook calender
Other Keywords: almanac
Edition: 1935
Page or pages: 210
BHM No: 2717 - Publicite Horlogere Geneve
Title: 1939 Guide des acheteurs our l'horlogerie et dees branches annexs - Buying guide for the waychmaking and allied trades
SubTitle: Einkaufsfuehrer der Uhrenindustrie und verwandten Zweigen[Pocket guide 16x9 cm - [Trilingual FRENCH-GERMAN-ENGLISH] [Directory]
Keywords: directory
Other Keywords: suppliers directory
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 820
BHM No: 21497 - Ingraham,
Title: 1940 Factory Footage - E. Ingraham Company, Bristol CT.
Other Keywords: Ingraham factory
Edition: 2003
BHM No: 6262 - G. Albert Berner
Title: 1947 Agenda de Poche pour l' Horlogerie et la petite Mechanique , XLIIIme annee
Keywords: yearbook calendar
Other Keywords: almanac
Edition: 1947
Page or pages: 210
BHM No: 3430 - Kate vanRiper
Title: 1965 Hamilton Watch Company Avertisement [Postcard produced 2019 by the NAWCC Library]
SubTitle: [Hamilton's great American Classic Watches are made in America to delight eyes like yours]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Hamilton
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: 2 p.
BHM No: 23458 - S. LaRose
Title: 1965 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 112
Keywords: catalog parts tools
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 147
BHM No: 1107 - Edel Katzt
Title: 1966-67 Catalog - Edel Katz, Wholesale Jewelers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 13222
Keywords: catalog parts
Edition: 1966
BHM No: 10693 - S. LaRose
Title: 1970 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 121
Keywords: catalog parts tools
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1970
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1108 - S. LaRose
Title: 1971 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 123
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 242
BHM No: 7056 - S. LaRose
Title: 1973 Keep Book - Clock Movements and Supplies
SubTitle: Catalog No. 126 S. LaRose
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 242
BHM No: 6611 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche
Title: 1974 Internationaler Congress fuer Chronometrie - Stuttgart
SubTitle: Hauptprogramm - Programme generale - General Program / 16. Bis 19. September 1974
Other Keywords: Congress Chronometrie Stuttgart
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 4547 - S. LaRose
Title: 1974 Special Holiday Catalog - S.LaRose
SubTitle: Catalog No. 132
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1974-No.132
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 10695 - S. LaRose
Title: 1974-1975 Annual "Keystone" Catalog - S. LaRose Inc.
SubTitle: Catalog No. 131 - Jewelery, Watches, Clocks, Lighters, Radios, SIlver Halloware, Gift Boxes, Watch Attachments, Tools & Supplies
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1974-No.131
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 10694 - S. LaRose
Title: 1975 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 133.
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1975, no.133
Page or pages: 276
BHM No: 11245 - S. LaRose
Title: 1976 Bench Book - Tools Supplies Equipment
SubTitle: Catalog No. 138 S. LARose
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 306
BHM No: 6610 - NAWCC,
Title: 1976-1978 Triennial Roster - National Asociation of Watch ald Clock Collectors
SubTitle: June 1978 - Supplement No.2
Keywords: directory
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 11301 - S. LaRose
Title: 1977 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 142 - Clock Movements and Supplies
Keywords: parts tool movement
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 306
BHM No: 4640 - S. LaRose
Title: 1977-1978 "Keystone" Catalog - convienent mail-order shopping for Watchmakers and Jewelers
SubTitle: Catalog No. 143 S. LaRose Inc.
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: LaRose keystone
Edition: 1977- No.143
Page or pages: 102
BHM No: 10699 - Bill Schroeder
Title: 1977-1978 ANTIQUE WATCHES with current values
Edition: 1976
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3342 - Bill Schroeder
Title: 1978-1979 ANTIQUE WATCHES with current values
Keywords: valuating
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3352 - S. LaRose
Title: 1979 Christmas
SubTitle: Catalog No. 153 - convienent mail order shopping for Clockmaker, Watchmaker & Jeweler
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: La Rose
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 148
BHM No: 6523 - S. LaRose
Title: 1980 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 156 - Clock Movements and Supplies
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 306
BHM No: 6443 - Roy Ehrhardt
Title: 1980 Price Indicator
SubTitle: American Pocket Watch
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 2624 - S. LaRose
Title: 1982 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 173 - Clock Movements and Supplies
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: La Rose
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 306
BHM No: 6522 - S. LaRose
Title: 1983? catalog -LOOK WHAT'S HERE Specials Closeouts S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 177
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 6604 - Bulova,
Title: 1984 Caravelle by Bulova [fanfold flyer]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Caravelle1984
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 17886 - S. LaRose
Title: 1984 gigantic inventory reduction sale catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 182
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 6606 - S. LaRose, Margo Anne King
Title: 1984 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 183 - Clock Movements and Supplies
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 322
BHM No: 6444 - Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, National
Title: 1984 National Convention - Indianapolis Indiana
SubTitle: sponsored by Indiana Chapter 18 and Michiana Chapter 26
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: national Indianapolis NAWCC
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 6919 - S. LaRose
Title: 1985 catalog Bursting with Bargains - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 188
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 6599 - Bulova,
Title: 1986 Bulova Watches
SubTitle: Bulova Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow [USA color brandline catalog 1986]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Bulova
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 17882 - Bulova,
Title: 1986 Caravelle Watches
SubTitle: [includes loose price list dated January 1986, blue paper, and index of model numbers on p.28]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Bulova Caravelle
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 17893 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986 catalog Precision Tool Catalog - 50th Anniversary - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 191
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: jewelery tools LaRose
Edition: 1986, No. 191
Page or pages: 360
BHM No: 16270 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986 Keep Book - Clock Movemens and Supplies
SubTitle: Catalog No. 192 - We are celebrating our 50th anniversary
Keywords: catalog clock movement parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 336
BHM No: 5619 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986 Keep Book - Fiftieth Anniversary
SubTitle: Catalog No. 192 - Clock Movements and Supplies
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 336
BHM No: 6521 - NAWCC-Chapter28-LakeErie
Title: 1986 NAWCC Cleveland National Convention Exhibit
SubTitle: featuring Viena Regulators and Black Forest Clocks
Other Keywords: NAWCC Cleveland
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 57 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986 pre-inventory sale catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 194
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaROse
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6605 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986 Precision Tool Catalog
SubTitle: Catalog No. 191 - 50th Anniversary
Keywords: tools machinery lathe
Other Keywords: LaRose Vigor
Edition: 1986-No.191
Page or pages: 360
BHM No: 10690 - NAWCC-Chapter65-SierraNevada
Title: 1986 Siera Nevada Western Regional Meeting of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
SubTitle: Host: Sierra Nevada Chapter 65
Keywords: exhibition
Other Keywords: programm
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 5302 - S. LaRose
Title: 1986? catalog celebrating 50 years of value and service - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No.?
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 6602 - S. LaRose
Title: 1987 catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 198
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 6601 - S. LaRose
Title: 1987 catalog - Time is on your side - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 196
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1987?
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6600 - S. LaRose
Title: 1987 annual catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 199 -
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 3323 - S. LaRose
Title: 1988 annual catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 204
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 3322 - S. LaRose
Title: 1988? spring catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. 201
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 6603 - Arlington,
Title: 1989 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes and related subjects. SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book arlington
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3509 - S. LaRose
Title: 1989 annual catalog
SubTitle: Catalog No. 210 - S. LaRose - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists
Keywords: tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1989-No.210
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 10691 - S. LaRose
Title: 1989 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 207 - 53 Years of Service
Keywords: catalog part
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 320
BHM No: 1820 - S. LaRose
Title: 1989 [SPRING CATALOG?] Prices that are Sure to be Hit
SubTitle: Catalog No. 206
Keywords: movement tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 9550 - Arlington Book Company, Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1990 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes and related subjects.
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 19561 - Gunther Steinert[Photography]
Title: 1990 rund um die Schwarzwalder Uhr.... erdgas [A bi-monthly picture calendar with black forest clocks]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 15837 - British Horological Institute, NAWCC,
Title: 1990's Membership Cards NAWCC and BHI
SubTitle: (Horological Ephemera)
Other Keywords: BHI, NAWCC
Edition: 1991- 1994
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 18261 - Arlington,
Title: 1991 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes and related subjects.
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book Arlington
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3290 - S. LaRose
Title: 1991 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 218
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 320
BHM No: 7081 - S. LaRose
Title: 1992 Annual Catalog
SubTitle: Catalog No. 226
Keywords: catalog movement parts
Other Keywords: Larose
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 8926 - Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen], Deutsches
Title: 1992 Kalender - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: DUM Furtwangen Calender 1992
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 15842 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1992 Price update to Welch Clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: price Welch
Edition: 1992
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 438 - Arlington,
Title: 1993 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes and related subjects.
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Arlington book
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3510 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1993 Price update to Calendar Clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: calendar clock priceguide
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 175 - S. LaRose
Title: 1993-94 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 229
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1964
Page or pages: 320
BHM No: 7057 - S. LaRose
Title: 1994 (or 1988) annual pre-inventory catalog - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog No. ??
Keywords: parts tools
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 4205 - Arlington,
Title: 1994 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes
SubTitle: and related subjects
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: Arlington booklist
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 10104 - Uhrenmuseum[Furtwangen], Deutsches
Title: 1994 Kalender - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: DUm Furtwangen Calender 1994
Edition: 1994
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 15841 - S.LaRose Inc - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists
Title: 1995 KEEP BOOK - Catalog 240 - S.LaRose, Inc - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists
SubTitle: A comprehensive and up-to date coverage of clock replacment movements and motors,...Tools, and Watch Material [1995 Ed]
Edition: 1995-96
Page or pages: 314
BHM No: 22608 - S.LaRose, Inc.
Title: 1995 Annual Holiday Catalog - S.LaRose, Inc. - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists - Catalog No. 243
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 22611 - Arlington,
Title: 1995 book on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book Arlington
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3272 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1995 Price udate to Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas priceguide
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 179 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1995 Price update to American Clocks Volume 1
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 181 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1995 price update to French Clocks and Bronzes, imported by F. Kroeber Clock Company 1887 and 1888
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 1815 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1995 Price update to Longcase Clocks and Standing Regulators, Part I Machine made clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 174 - S.LaRose Inc - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists
Title: 1996 Annual Holiday Catalog - S.LaRose, Inc. - Worldwide Distributors to Horologists - Catalog No. 248
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 106
BHM No: 22612 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1996 Price update to American Clocks Volume 2
SubTitle: With a special section on Self Winding Clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide selfwinding
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 173 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1996 Price update to Waterbury Clocks
SubTitle: History Identificatio and Price Gide
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Waterbury price
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 436 - S. LaRose
Title: 1997 Annual Holiday Catalog
SubTitle: Catalog No. 253
Keywords: parts tool movement
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 4739 - Arlington,
Title: 1997 books on Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes and related subjects.
SubTitle: In stock for immediate delivery - also serving your buying and selling needs through advertising - Arlington Book Company
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: book Arlington
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 3295 - Ward Francillon
Title: 1997 NAWCC Symposium - Bristol CT, List of Preregistrants
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock watch
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22487 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1997 Price Update New Haven Clocks & Watches
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: New Haven priceguide
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 185 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1997 Price update to Gustav Becker Clocks
SubTitle: A Guide to Identification and Prices
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: price Becker
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 440 - Kurt Mueller-Weber[Photography]
Title: 1997 [Calendar] Museum fur mechanische Musikinstrumente [MUMM Oberhofen, a wall calendar]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: MUMM calendar
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 16142 - S. LaRose
Title: 1997-98 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 251
Keywords: part equipment catalog
Other Keywords: LARose
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 2191 - Trantiques Book Company
Title: 1998 Books on: Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, Tools, Music Boxes, Chronometers, Barometers etc...
SubTitle: Also Serving your Buying and Selling Needs Through Advertising - Trantiques Book. Co. - We're here to serve you
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: booklist Trantiques
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 14617 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 1998 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 1998 and 1997
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 23358 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1998 Price update to Ansonia Clocks and Watches
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Ansonia priceguide
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 183 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 1998 Price update to Ingraham Clocks and Watcjes
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Ingraham priceguide
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 177 - NAWCC,, Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout
Title: 1999 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: NAWCC Financials
BHM No: 6352 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 1999 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 1999 and 1998
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Anual-Financiqal-Report
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 23359 - WCR,
Title: 1999 Planing Calendar
Keywords: calendar
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 3926 - H.G. Harris
Title: 19th Century American Clocks
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 902 - Joel Warren
Title: 19th Century Clock Case Wood Carving
SubTitle: [Video on DVD, 48 minutes]
Keywords: clock case
Other Keywords: wood carving
Edition: 2008
BHM No: 14425 - TAG-Heuer, Porsche, Watch USA Inc. Rolex
Title: 2 Color Horological Advertisements, one full page, one double page spread [as published in the NYTimes 'Culture&STYLE' Magazine'
SubTitle: April 18 2021 Edition - Double page sprded for 'Rolez Oyster Perpetual, and full page ad for 'Tag Heuer' & Porsche
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Rolex Tag-Heuer Porsche
Edition: 2021-April 18
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24142 - Siegfried Wetzel
Title: 2 Ebenen Sonnenuhr
Parent Document ID: 1208 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2000, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 39
Page or pages: 237
BHM No: 13359 - Karl Kochmann
Title: 2 page Letter from Karl Kochmann, Concord CA, the author of BHM # 373: Clock & Watch Trademark index, to...
SubTitle: ...Fortunat Mueller-Maerki (then Library Commitee Chai of NAWCC) sending holyday meeeting and mentioning NAWCC matters
Edition: 1979-December
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24075 - Juergen Ermert
Title: 2 zum Jahresende 2021 .... [Meilleur Voex - Buone Feste]
SubTitle: A horological Christmass letter 2021
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Christmass letter Ermert 2021
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24477 - Author given, No
Title: 20 Best Small Towns ro visit 2014 - [from} Smithsonian Magazine - April 2014 - #13; Columbia PA
SubTitle: [offprint of an illustrated article, recomends National Watch and Clock Museum]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Columbia NAWCC
Edition: 2014-April
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 18946 - Martin Tscabold[President]
Title: 20 Jahre MUMM - Annual Membership Mailing - Mitgliederversammlung 2016 (9.April), Anlaesse 201, Vereinsreise nach Basel 95.Nov.)
SubTitle: plus Anniversary flyer
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: MUMM Oberhofen
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 20449 - P. George
Title: 20. Janduhrahrestag der franzoesischen Quartzarmb
Other Keywords: wristwatch quartz france
Parent Document ID: 6059 - Parent Document Title: Sonderband "Historische Uhren" - 3. Europaeischer Kongress fuer Chronometrie - CEC'90
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 38
Page or pages: 11-16
BHM No: 7827 - Tierry Stern
Title: 20/20: Patek Philippe 5370-011 Split Seconds Chronograph / P.P. 5303-001 Minute Repeater Tourbillion / P.P. 5270J-001 Chrograph Perpetual Calendar |
SubTitle: [Onllne Press Release 2020-Dec-15 to Patek Watch owners - Weboffprint]
Keywords: luxury precision CH-Geneva antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe Geneva
Edition: 2020-December
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 23891 - unknown
Title: 200 Jahre Pforzheimer Schmuck- und Uhrenindustrie
SubTitle: Schmuck und Uhren aus Pforzheimer Museumsbesitz
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Pforzheim
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 11630 - Peter Kurz
Title: 200 Jahre Schwenninger Uhren 1765-1965
SubTitle: 4. Band der Schriftenreihe der grossen Kreissstadt Schwenningen am Nekar
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Schwenningen
Edition: 1965
Page or pages: 334
BHM No: 2836 - A. Meurs
Title: 200 Years of Dutch Domestic Antique Clocks
SubTitle: [Video VCR Format 30 Minutes]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Netherlands Dutch
Edition: 2000
BHM No: 14409 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2000 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 2000 and 1999
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 23360 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2000 Price Up Date to American Clocks Volume 1
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 11295 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2000 Price Up Date to American Clocks Volume 2
Keywords: clock antique
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 11296 - S. LaRose
Title: 2000 Spring Digest [catalog] - S.LaRose, Inc
SubTitle: Catalog # 266
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2006
BHM No: 18839 - Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout, NAWCC,
Title: 2001 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: nawcc financial
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 6328 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2001 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 2001 and 2002
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 23361 - S. LaRose
Title: 2001? Dive into Savings
SubTitle: Catalog No. 285
Keywords: part
Other Keywords: LARose
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 3382 - NAWCC,
Title: 2002 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended march 31,
SubTitle: Consolidated Financial Statement
Other Keywords: financial NAWCC
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 3701 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2002 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 2002 and 2001,
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 23362 - S. LaRose
Title: 2002 Holiday Annual
SubTitle: Catalog No. 287
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 3707 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2002 Price Up Date to American Clocks Volume 3
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: priceguide
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 3084 - Tran Duy Ly, Chris H. Bailey, Thomas J. Spittler
Title: 2002 Price Update Sessions Clocks
Keywords: valuating
Other Keywords: Sessions priceguide
Edition: 2001, 1st edition
Page or pages: 520
BHM No: 1572 - S. LaRose
Title: 2002-2004 Keep Book
SubTitle: Catalog No. 283 - In rememberence of 9/11/01
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 296
BHM No: 6584 - Howard Miller
Title: 2002-2004 Wall Mantel, and Tabeltop Clock Catalog - Howard Miller
SubTitle: The world's leading Clock Company
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 10696 - NAWCC,, Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout
Title: 2003 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: NAWCC Financials
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 4641 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2003 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 1999 and 1998
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Repor
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Anual-Financiqal-Report
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 23363 - Gordon S. Converse
Title: 2003-2004 Calendar of Antique Clocks
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Converse calander
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 6357 - S. LaRose
Title: 2003? Independence Day Sale
SubTitle: Catalog No. 292
Keywords: parts tool movement
Other Keywords: LaRose
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 4392 - Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout, NAWCC,
Title: 2004 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: financial statement NAWCC
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 5764 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2004 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 1999 and 1998
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Anual-Financial-Report
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 23364 - S. LaRose
Title: 2004 Holiday Annual - S.LaRose Inc.
SubTitle: Catalog No. 303 - Come see our new showroom
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Other Keywords: mailorder lArOSE
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 98
BHM No: 6579 - Mid-Winter Regional 2004, NAWCC
Title: 2004 Mid-Winter Regional Auction - [2004 Florida Regional NAWCC] - Auction
SubTitle: [Description of 90 lots, with prices realized]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Florida Regional
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 18848 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2004 Price Guide to Seth Thomas Clocks & Movements
SubTitle: Third Edition Volume 1
Other Keywords: Seth Thomas
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 5565 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2004 Price Up Date to Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements -Third Edition Volume 1
Keywords: clock antique
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 11297 - S. LaRose
Title: 2004 Watch Material Catalog
SubTitle: Catalog No. 299
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6927 - Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout, NAWCC,
Title: 2005 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Afiliate-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: NAWCC financial report
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 6907 - S. LaRose
Title: 2005 Summer Flyer - S.LaRose Inc.
SubTitle: Catalog 306 - At home in the Carolinas
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6947 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: 2006 AHS USA Section Horological Study Tour of France [Printout of Powerpoint Presentation]
Keywords: F-Comtoise F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: AHS Studytour
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 18256 - Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout, NAWCC,
Title: 2006 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report of NAWCC and Afiliate-Years ended march 31,
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 10056 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2006 Price Update to French Clocks and Bronzes Cuckoos & Vienna Regulators
SubTitle: [grey, saddlestapled]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 21630 - Tran Duy Ly
Title: 2006 Price Update to Kroeber Clocks - American & Imported
Other Keywords: Kroeber
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 9547 - Michael C. Harrold, Clint B. Geller, Kenneth DeLucca, III, George L. Collord, Craig Risch, Larry Buchan, Thomas McIntyre, Kent Singer
Title: 2006 Ward Francillon Time Symposium American Watchmaking II: Crowm Plaza City Center Hotel, Cleveland Ohio - Oct 26-28 2006 - Programm Booklet6
SubTitle: An Economic Look at the Amer. Watch Industry/American System of Manufacturers/The Human FActors in the American System/Technological Factors/Design/..
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Symposium
Edition: 2006-10-26
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 21520 - Eberle & Groff LLP, Trout
Title: 2007 Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31,
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Other Keywords: NAWCC 2007
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 11077 - Borel, Jules
Title: 2007 Watch Movemens Catalog
SubTitle: Jules Borel & Co. [Catalog M7-$4,00]
Keywords: catalog movement parts
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11005 - Daniel M. Weiss
Title: 2008 Calendar - Timepieces from the Membership of the NAtional Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
SubTitle: from the Mind of Man ... Our Guardians of Time
Keywords: yearbook
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 12003 - NAWCC,, Trout Eberle & Groff LLP
Title: 2008 Financial Statements with Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31, 2008 and 2007
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Other Keywords: NAWCC accounting financiaql staement balance sheet
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 12159 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki, Dean Armentrout, Bob Holmstrom[Photography]
Title: 2008 Horological Study Tour of Switzerland (April 14 to April 27)
SubTitle: Antiquarian Horological Society - USA Section
Keywords: CH/F-Jura CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region F-Comtoise clock watch
Other Keywords: museums collections
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 12373 - Meritt's,
Title: 2008-2009 Catalog of Clock and Watch Repair Supplies, Books, & Tools
SubTitle: Meritt's - Serving the trade for 70 yeras 1938-2008, Douglassville PA
Keywords: catalog tools lathe
Other Keywords: Meritt supplies
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 257
BHM No: 11739 - NAWCC,, Trout Eberle & Groff LLP
Title: 2009 Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of NAWCC -Years ended march 31
SubTitle: includes Independent Autitors Report
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC financials accounting balance sheet income statement
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 14136 - Gary Girdvainis[Editor]
Title: 2009 Leading Watch Retailers [North America]
SubTitle: [A directory published by iW - International Watch]
Keywords: directory highgrade watch
Other Keywords: retail store
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 258
BHM No: 14106 - MIH,
Title: 2009 Prix Gaia - Press Release: Robert Greubel/Stephen Forsey & Beat Haldimann
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: Prix Gaia Haldimann Greubel Forsey MIH
Edition: 2009-9
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14433 - Once upon a time
Title: 2009 [calender]
SubTitle: Once upon a time [one sheet wall calendar with image of Stauntans Byans Dept Store with clocktowe)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: calendar Stauntan
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 12428 - Reinhold Haefner
Title: 200Jahre Sternwarte in Bogenhausen
SubTitle: (Limited edition with some material support of the observatory)
Keywords: astronomy
Other Keywords: Bogenhausen
Edition: 2015 ca.
Page or pages: 510
BHM No: 21982 - Diane Klingemier
Title: 2010 Calendar - Hands of Time - The Folk Art of Wooden Works Clocks from Hartford, Ohio [Hart & Truesdale Clock Company]
Keywords: REGIONAL clock dial/hands
Other Keywords: Ohio Hart & Truesdale Hartford
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 14349 - NAWCC,, Buehler Falk and Company, Ross
Title: 2010 Financial Statements of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2010
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC financial
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 17036 - NAWCC,, Ross Buehler Falk and Company
Title: 2010 Financial Statements of NAWCC and Subsidiary-Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2010
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Financial Stements NAWCC
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 15138 - Misc., NAWCC,
Title: 2010 New Members Welcome Package NAWCC
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: new member NAWCC
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 15144 - MIH,
Title: 2010 Prix Gaia - Press Release: Jaques Mueller/Elmar Mock (swatch) & Jean-Claude Biver (Blancpin)
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: Swatch blancpin Gaia
Edition: 2010-09-01
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 15223 - Judy Draucker, NAWCC,
Title: 2010 Ward Francillon Time Symposium - On Conservation, Restoration and Repair - October 28-30, 2010 Williamsburg, VA
SubTitle: [Schedule, Speakers biographies, Abstracts]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Symposium
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 15326 - Martin Ridout, James Nye
Title: 2010/2011 Review - Chairman's Report / Secretary's Report / Treasurere's Report
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. x-2011-x - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Edition: 2011-11, No, 82
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 16326 - AWCI
Title: 2011 Board of Directors Election Voting Procedures [and candidate biographies]
SubTitle: American Watch and Clockmakers Institute - AWCI
Other Keywords: AWCI
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 15952 - Daniel M. Weiss
Title: 2011 Calendar featuring Timepieces from the AWCC Membership [A Desktop appointment calendar]
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 15744 - Daniel M. Weiss
Title: 2011 Calendar featuring Timepieces from the NAWCC Membership
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 15148 - NAWCC-Chapter92-SouthwesternOntario[Canada]
Title: 2011 National Convention Auction - NAWCC Chapter 92
SubTitle: Lotlist (103 Lots) [With results pencilled in]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2011-06-09
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 16064 - NAWCC,
Title: 2011 National Convention NAWCC [A collection of ephemera, handouts, programm etc] Kansas City
SubTitle: [in large melinex envelope]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Kansas City National Convention 2011
Edition: 2011-06
BHM No: 16033 - Patti More, NAWCC,
Title: 2011 Ward Francillon Time Symposium - Ohio Horology - October 220-23 2011 Cincinatti
SubTitle: [Schedule, Speakers bios, abstracts]
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch
Other Keywords: Ohio
Edition: 2011,
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 16314 - James Nye, Martin Ridout
Title: 2011/2012 Review - Chairman's Report / Secretary's Report / Treasurere's Report
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. x-2012-x - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Keywords: electrical electromechanical electronic UK-London clock
Other Keywords: EHS AHS
Edition: 2012-11-04
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 17483 - American Watch and Clock Museum
Title: 2012 Annual Report - The American Clock and Watch Museum
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: AWCM Bristol
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 18252 - Diane Klingemier
Title: 2012 Calendar - Hands of Time - The Folk Art of Wooden Works Clocks from Trumbull County, Ohio
Keywords: REGIONAL clock
Other Keywords: Ohio Trumbull
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 15998 - CAMP
Title: 2012 German Catalog of CHAMP - An Importer/Wholesaler of unbranded, cheap Quartz Movement Novelty Clocks
SubTitle: [Printout of unsolicted submission by e-mail spam November 2011]
Keywords: novelty popular clock
Edition: 2011-11
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 16353 - Joann DelGreco[Photography], Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Editor]
Title: 2012 Italy Trip - NAWCC Chapter 159 British Horology
SubTitle: [A Photoessay]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Italy Milano Firenze Venezia
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 18148 - Tourneau,
Title: 2013 - Tourneau - Time is ticking... - Which Watch makes the Perfect gift? - #Tourneauknows
SubTitle: [ Source Code # Last minute ]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 18532 - Daniel M. Weiss
Title: 2013 Calendar - American Pocket Watches from the NAWCC Museum Timepiece Collection
Keywords: watch antique
Other Keywords: NAWCC Museum
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 17689 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: 2013 DGC California Horological Study Tour - FMM Photos - Disk 1
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 18508 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: 2013 DGC California Horological Study Tour - FMM Photos - Disk 2
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 18509 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: 2013 DGC California Horological Study Tour - FMM Photos - Disk 3
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 18510 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: 2013 DGC California Horological Study Tour - FMM Photos - Disk 4
Keywords: REGIONAL clock
Other Keywords: California
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 18511 - Thomas Muff[Photographer]
Title: 2013 Documentation - Towerclocks of Belgium - Mechelen, Lier, Damme, Brugge
SubTitle: [Several hundred images on CD ROM]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Mechelen, Lrier, Damme, Brugge,
Edition: 2013-04
BHM No: 18123 - Henry Cason, Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Photography]
Title: 2013 Horological Studytour of France of USA Section Offprint as published in the september issue of Antiquarian Horology
SubTitle: [includes 15 images] Saddlestapled
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AHS travelogue
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 18172 - Karl Zech[Photographer]
Title: 2013-11: DGC Study Tour Photos: Southern California by Karl Zech
SubTitle: [CD-ROM Edition}
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: DGC California
Edition: 2023-11
BHM No: 18533 - Martin Ridout, James Nye, Charles Ormond
Title: 2013/2014 Review - Chairman's Report / Secretary's Report / Treasurere's Report
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. x-2014-x - Antiquarian Horological Society - Electrical Horology Group
Other Keywords: AHS EHG
Edition: 2013/2014
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 19459 - G.T. Gilles
Title: 2014 Events & Courses - British Horological Institute
SubTitle: [a ca 60x40cm onsided postercalendar of BHI events in 2014]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: BHI
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 18542 - Convention Committee, NAWCC
Title: 2014 National Convention - NAWCC - Milwaukee - June 17 to 21, 2014 - Convention Program [Booklet and related ephemera]
SubTitle: [includes: Pocket Schedule - Notepad - Downtown Milwaukee Horology walking tour (list and map) - Invitation 2014 Donor Reception- Door Prize Ticket ]
Other Keywords: NAWCC 2014 Convention Milawaukee
Edition: 2014-06
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 19223 - Martin Ridaou, James Nye, Charles Ormond
Title: 2014/2015 Review - Electrical Horology Group
SubTitle: [A special intrest chapter of the Antiquarian Horological Society ]
Keywords: electrical electromechanical electronic clock
Other Keywords: EHG AHS
Edition: 2014/2015
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20237 - Russel Oechsle[Chair], Philip E. Morris[ExhibitCoordinator]
Title: 2015 Eastern States Regional [Syracuse] - The 46th Annual [Program Flyer, fanfold]
SubTitle: Our outstanding special exhibit: American wooden movement tall clocks 1712-1835
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Syracuse
Edition: 2015-08-14
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20049 - Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Title: 2015 Temporary Exhibit at Zaandam (NL) ClockMuseom on Time Sytems - Das Zeitnetzwerk Eine Ausstellung ?ber elektrische Zeitmessung in den Niederlande
SubTitle: May 1 to Nov 1 -- Een tentoonstelling over de elektrische tijdmeting in Nederland, van 1 mei tot 1 november 2015 - Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Zaandam
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 19744 - Martin Ridout, James Nye, Charles Ormond
Title: 2015/2016 Review - Chairman's Report / Secretary's Report / Treasurere's Report - Electrical Horology Group
SubTitle: EHG Paper No. x-2014-x - Antiquarian Horological Society -
Keywords: electrical electromechanical clock watch
Other Keywords: EHG AHS
Edition: 2015/2016
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20729 - Patek Philippe, Michel Schnegg[Design], Fabien Cruchon[Photographer]
Title: 2016 Collection Patek Philippe / Grand Complications / Complications / Calatrava / Gondolo / Golden Ellipse /
SubTitle: Nautilus / Aquanaut / Twenty_4 / Movements / Captions / Index [Catalog 2016/80'240/P1408E]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 21594 - AWCI
Title: 2018 Moon Phase Calendar - AWCI
SubTitle: [Poster size]
Other Keywords: Moonphase
Edition: 2028
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22568 - NAWCC, Marion Krajewski(ConvCoChair), Lu Sadowski(Conv.CoChair)
Title: 2018 NAWCC Convention Shedule York PA [2 sided Cheat Sheet] Diamond Jubilee Convention
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: 2018 convention schedule
Parent Document ID: 22154 - Parent Document Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
BHM No: 22167 - Miscalaneous
Title: 2018 Renaming of the NAWCC Library - Guest Book & Tributes
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2018
BHM No: 22806 - AWCI American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute
Title: 2019 Moon Phase Calendar Poster - AWCI
Other Keywords: Moonphase
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22569 - NAWCC-National-Convention-Committee, Lou&Steve Sadowsky[Co-Chairs], Marion Krajewsky[Co-Chair]
Title: 2019 National Convention, Springfield, Mass. NAWCC - June 27-30 [36 page programm booklet,saddlrstapled]
SubTitle: Eastern States Exposition Center
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Springfield
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 2019
BHM No: 23115 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 2019 National Convewntion Springfield MAss, [A commemorativelevel and measuringtape with convention logo]
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23121 - NAWCC-National-Association-of-Watch-and-Clock-Collectors, NAWCC-National-Convention-Committee
Title: 2019 NAWCC Regisration Packet (in Envvelope) for National Convention in Springfield MA
SubTitle: a. Personalized Envelope, b Convention sheduele, c.Welcome Letter, d Flyer Membership Special Amer.Cloc&Watch Museum, e Ad flyer West Dean College,
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Convention Springfield
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 23112 - British Sundial Society
Title: 2019 Solar Declination of Time at 12:00 GMT Tables of the British Sundial Society
Edition: 2018 for 2019
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22609 - Tom Wilcox, George Goolsbey, Mary-Jane Dapkus
Title: 2019 Syracuse Regional NAWCC: Masonic Horology Exhibit [etc.]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Masonic
Edition: 2019-08
BHM No: 23159 - The Swatch Group Ltd, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)
Title: 2020 Annual Report of the Swatch Group
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Swatch Group
Edition: 2020, releasd March 2021
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 24025 - AW!-American-Watchmakers-Clockmakers-Institute
Title: 2020 Moon Phase Calendar Poster - AWCI
SubTitle: [Oversized poster findicating the mppn phase for every day of the year 2020]
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23352 - Bob Frishman
Title: 2020 NAWCC-Symposium-NYC FIRST DRAFT of website [as of 2021-Oct-25]: HOROLOGY'S Great Collectors
SubTitle: New York City - Sponsor National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors -
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: SYMPOSIUM 2022
Edition: 2021-Oct-25
BHM No: 24393 - Jim Price[Chairman-of-the-Board-NAWCC], Constant-Contact[A-hired-email-blast-service-for-NAWCC]
Title: 2021 Annual NAWCC Appeal | (an email blast dated Friday-Dec-17-2021 to all NAWCC members)
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: NAWC 2021 Fundraising
Edition: 2021-Dec-17-Friday
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24466 - Jim Price[Chairman-of-the-Board-NAWCC], Keith Lehman{ProjectMgr}, Constant-Contact[A-hired-email-blast-service-for-NAWCC]
Title: 2021 Annual Appeal | NAWCC | a 2 page, holyday-season Fundraising e-mail blast to all NAWCC-Members [re Wihship ledger&account-book)
SubTitle: includes request to specifically donate funds to produce a facsimile edition of the David Winship (1789-1864 Account book)
Keywords: REGIONAL clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Diary 1789-1864
Edition: 2021-Fri.Dec 17
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24467 - Bob Frishman
Title: 2022 Time Symposium | NAWCC: Registration Deadline: October 12- Details and Registration at www.greathorology.com
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Symposium NYC 2022
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24962 - Mark V. Stein
Title: 20th Century modern clocks - Desk Shelf and Decorative
SubTitle: Over 1600 pictures covering 2500 modern American clocks, ca 1925-1965, with brand reference, buying.
Keywords: collecting
Other Keywords: modern
Edition: 2002, 1st edition
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 1285 - Derek Roberts
Title: 20th Century [The...] - Introduction
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: highgrade precision oeuvre clock pendulum
Other Keywords: 20thcentury
Parent Document ID: 5567 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - France, Germany, America, and Recent Developments
Edition: 13a
Page or pages: 245-246
BHM No: 10344 - NAWCC,
Title: 225 Years Timepieces - A Lancaster County Legacy
SubTitle: Catalogue of First Annual Exhibit, 1979, NAWCC Museum Columbia PA
Keywords: exhibition Catalog regional
Other Keywords: Lancaster Pennsylvania NWCM NAWCC
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 1622 - TW-orWT[ArtistsInitials]
Title: 23 Minutes LATE - "Which is Your way?"
SubTitle: [A reproduction of a presumably mid 20th century painting showing 2 laborers climning over a factory wall because they are showing up at 8:23 am]
Keywords: clock
Edition: unknown undated-guess 1950s
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 20805 - Familie-Hubert Wursthorn
Title: 23. Eisenbacher Antik Uhrenboerse - 18. + 19.April 2020 - Fr.17.April 2h-17h00 Haendlereinlass - Die schoenste Uhrenboerse im Schwarzwald
SubTitle: [A small 2 sided flyer, distributed at the 2019 event]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2019
BHM No: 22952 - Journee-Internationale-de-Marketing-Horloger
Title: 24eme Journee Internationale de Marketing Horloger - [This year ZOOM-only Event - due to Covid-19-Pandemic] - Thursday Feb 18 2021-1h15pm to 6h 15pm
SubTitle: [Weboffprint of the registration solicitation website]
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2021-Feb-18
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 23976 - American-Clock&Watch-Museum, Patty Philipon[Director] Kim Cicarello[Co-Chai], Debbiew Quilty[Co-Chair]
Title: 24th Annual Wine Women & Watches - [A fundraising Benefit Event] Thursday September 17 2020 at the Museum
SubTitle: [Event invitation card with programm]
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock watch
Other Keywords: Bristol
Edition: 2020-08
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23635 - Miscalleaneous,
Title: 25 ans d'art acoustique
SubTitle: Musee des automates a musique de Seewen SO - Journal d'anniversaire
Other Keywords: Seewen
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 6381 - Jahresuhrenfabrik GmbH
Title: 25 Jahre Schatz - A 2019 Facsimile reprint by NAWCC 40 Day Chapter
SubTitle: produced in Dezember 2019 and released to chapter Members Feb.2020
Keywords: type D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Torsion Penduum
Edition: 2019 but released Feb 2020
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 23505 - Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon
Title: 250 Jahre - 1728-1978 Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon, Museum f?r .... - Salon Blick ins Museum -
SubTitle: Heft 20/21 1978 - Mitteilungen aus den staatlich wissenschaftlichen Museen Dresden
Other Keywords: Dresden Zwinger Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 9797 - Pierre Steinmann
Title: 250e Anniversaire de Pierre Jaquet-Droz - Programme Officiel des Fetes, Ceremonies et Expositions
SubTitle: La Chaux-de-Fonds Le Locle du 12 Juin au 10 Octobre 1971
Keywords: catalog museum oeuvre
Other Keywords: Jaquet-Droz
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5575 - Musee-Internationale-d'Horogerier-LaChaux-de-Fonds[CH]
Title: 25e PRIX Gaia - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie - MIH - 19.Sept.2019 Invitation
SubTitle: Laureates: Susanne Rohr[Artisanat/Creation] / Laurant Tissot{Histoire/Recheche / Karl-Friedrich Scheufele[Esprit-d'Entreprise]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: MIH Gaia
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23240 - Audemars Piguet
Title: 25th Anniversary of the Royal Oak - Audemars Piguet
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Royal Oak
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 15411 - Willy (Photographer) Aplanalp, E.I. Amrein, H BieriThomson, Juerg Burlet, A Franzen, F Graf, E Hebeisen, S Hediger, S.Huber, C Keller
Title: 26 Dinge[26 objects][originating from the 26 cantons of Switzerland]- publication on occasion of the inaugeration of new museum wing 1-August-2016
SubTitle: also published in ENG/ISBN-978-3-85881-780-8/FRE/978-3-85881-781-5/ITA/978-3-85881-782-2
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Edition: 2016-AUG-01
Page or pages: 112
BHM No: 24754 - John Schwarzer
Title: 26 Wochen Grundlehre fuer Uhrmacher - Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Uhrmacherkunst - 2. Auflage {Loseblatt Publikation}
SubTitle: [Twentysix weeks Basic Training for Watch and Clockmakers - 37 Loosleaf worksheets, published 1950, in paper folder]
Keywords: basic practical
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 20496 - MIH-Musee-Internationale-d'Horlogerie(LaChaux-de-Fonds-Switzerland), Preziuso[Prizewinner] Antonine, Savoie[PrizeWinner] Denis, Frei[PrizeWinner] Martin, Snijeders[Laureate] Zoe
Title: 26e Remise du Prixx Gaia - Jeudy 17 Septembre 2020: Antonine Preziuso[Artisanat], Denis Savoie[Histoire Recheche]. Felix Baumgartner & ...
SubTitle: ... Martin Frei[Esprit d'entreprise] - [Invitation Card to the Gala] - Horizon GAIA - Bourse encouragement/Laureat - Sponsor:watchonista
Other Keywords: Prix Gaia
Edition: 2020 17 Sept
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23752 - NAWCC,, 143-MilitaryHorology NAWCC-Chapter
Title: 27th Annual NAWCC Convention
SubTitle: June 1971, Buffalo NY
Other Keywords: national convention program
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 6936 - NAWCC-Chapter13-WesternNewYork
Title: 27th Annual NAWCC Convention, June 1971, Buffalo NY - Chapter 13, Western New York
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Convention 1971 Buffalo
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 14377 - Benard, delFossier
Title: 28 French Horological Egravings by " Benard direxit." - 1783 [? penciled unsubstantiated date]
SubTitle: [Originals, plus second copies of plates 19 and 20 bound into paper wraped volume]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1783 (reportedly, unsubstantiated)
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 18099 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Title: 280 FOR THE 75TH! ----- NAWCC=BiggestHoroloMembershipOrg+WorldsOnlyProfessionallyStaffedPublicHoroloLibrary+BroadestHoroMuseumInWesternHemisphere....
SubTitle: Submission of a solicited 280 character statements about the NAWCC on occasion of its 75th anniversary in 2017
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2018-04
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22051 - NAWCC-Chapter41-MagnoliaChapter[Missisippi]
Title: 28th Annual NAWCC Convention - June 8, 9, 10, 1972 - Jackson, Missisippi
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC Convention Missisippi 1972
Edition: 1972
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14372 - Miscalleaneous,
Title: 2e Jounee du patrimonie horloger - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Le Locle - Samedi 8 Novembre 2008
SubTitle: 2. Denkmaltag de Uhrenindustrie [2nd day of horological heritage][Programm, Press Release in GER and FRE]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 12393 - James Ferguson, Abraham Rees
Title: 3 plates from "Astronomy Explained" and 3 plates from "Clocks. Watches, And Chronometers"
SubTitle: CD-ROM scans from the NAWCC library copy
Other Keywords: cd-rom
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 11396 - Fritz Staudacher
Title: 3. Internationales Jost Buergi Sypposium [Voranzeige/Flugblatt Jan 2019] Von Buergis Uhren zur Femtosekunde
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Buergi
Edition: 2019 Jan
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22661 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: 30 - 1976-2006: Nautilus, The Legend Lyves on
SubTitle: [Patek Philippe]
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva
Other Keywords: Nautilus Patek
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 10423 - Philippe SA, Patek
Title: 30 - 1976-2006: Nautilus, The Legend Lyves on[Deutsche Ausgabe]
SubTitle: [Patek Philippe]
Keywords: catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: Nautilus Patek
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 10616 - Longines,
Title: 30 Millionth Longines Watch - Limited Edition 990 Pieces
Other Keywords: Longines
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 5868 - Longines,
Title: 30 Millonth Longines Watch - Exhibition at the Longines Museum
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Longine
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 5961
Title: 30 years of horological timepieces
Other Keywords: Antiquorum
Parent Document ID: 5901 - Parent Document Title: Antiquorum Anniversary Issue of "SWISS STYLE" The Swiss Magazine for Leaders, Vol.11 No.2, 2004
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 8
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 7783- John A. Robey, John A.Robey
Title: 30-hour iron wall clock dated 1748 - Picrture Gallery - In AH [AHS, London (UK), June 213 issue, 7 p., 12 color illustrations
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2023 June
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23196 - Hans Mackenstein[Camcorder]
Title: 30.Jan. 2007 - Einladung zur 80. Geburtstagsfeier von Herrn Karl Gebhardt, Uhrmacher, Nuernberg
SubTitle: a 75 minute DVD
Keywords: biography watch
Other Keywords: Gebhard
Edition: 2007
BHM No: 16721 - Scherer, Ursula Bischof
Title: 300 Jahre Berner Uhrnacherkunst - Zur Geschichte der Uhrmacher im Kanton Bern [Anlaesslich der Ausstellung im Museum fuer Uhren und Mechanische ...
SubTitle: ... Musik MUMM in Oberhofen am Thunersee [2014]} - [ 300 Years of Bernese Clockmaking [a 2014 illustrated catalog of a temporary exhibit) ]
Keywords: catalog historic REGIONAL clock
Other Keywords: Bern Bernese
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 19171 - Helmut Kahlert
Title: 300 Jahre Schwarzwaelder Uhren Industrie
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: BlackForest
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 268
BHM No: 1103 - Helmut Kahlert
Title: 300 Jahre Schwarzwaelder Uhren Industrie [2. , vollstaendig ueberarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2007]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Black Forest Schwarzwald
Edition: 2007, 2nd complete reworked and updated
Page or pages: 214
BHM No: 16900 - Horological Society, Northern Section Antiquarian
Title: 300 Years of fine English Clock & Watchmaking
SubTitle: Prescot Museum 1986
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: AHS Prescot Museum
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 704 - Kevin and Carol Chellar
Title: 300 Years of Irish Timekeeing
SubTitle: Presented by Timepiece Antique Clocks, Dublin
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Ireland Dublin
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 15921 - unknown
Title: 3000 Jahre Uhrengeshichte - Das Museum der Zeitmessung Beyer in Zurich
SubTitle: Sonderdruck aus WELTKUNST, 54. Jahrgang, Nummer 7, Munchen 1.April 1984
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Beyer Zurich Weltkunst
Edition: 1984-no.7
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 13608 - Rene Mettler
Title: 3200 Fachkraefte gesucht [Thuner Tagblatt, 2012-08-??]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2012-08
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17553 - NAWCC-Chapter15-Sothwestern, Earl Cureton[ConventionChairman]
Title: 34th NAWCC National Convention - June 7-11, 1978 -Nowwhere else but San Antonio Texas
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet] Dedicated to E. Eugene Partain & Henry Clay
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: San Antonio NAWCC
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20255 - NAWCC-Chapter15-Sothwestern, Earl Cureton[ConventionChairman]
Title: 34th NAWCC National Convention - June 7-11, 1978 -Nowwhere else but San Antonio Texas
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet] Dedicated to E. Eugene Partain & Henry Clay
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: San Antonio NAWCC
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20256 - NAWCC-Chapter15-Sothwestern, Earl Cureton[ConventionChairman]
Title: 34th NAWCC National Convention - June 7-11, 1978 -Nowwhere else but San Antonio Texas
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet] Dedicated to E. Eugene Partain & Henry Clay
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: San Antonio NAWCC
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20257 - NAWCC-Chapter15-Sothwestern, Earl Cureton[ConventionChairman]
Title: 34th NAWCC National Convention - June 7-11, 1978 -Nowwhere else but San Antonio Texas
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet] Dedicated to E. Eugene Partain & Henry Clay
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: San Antonio NAWCC
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 20258 - de Fabricants, Grossistes &, Association
Title: 3eme Congres International - London 20/22 May 1930
SubTitle: Association de Fabricants, Grossistes & Detaillants de Bijouterie, Orfeverie & Argenterie
Page or pages: 59
BHM No: 5574 - Ned Bigelow
Title: 4 Bar Linkage: computer analysis
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-1
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 9007 - Chalotte vanGaver, Anthony Turner[HorologicalExpert]
Title: 40 Ans de mecanismes du Temps - Chayette-Cheval/Charlotte-van-Gaver {2021-March}
SubTitle: [The richly illustrated history of one of France's pre-eminent horological auction houses]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Chayette
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 24043 - G. Weihpratizky[Editor]
Title: 40 Jahre Ingenieure aus Furtwangen 1947-1987 Eine Dokumentation
Other Keywords: Furtwangen school
Edition: 1987, 3000 copies, 1st edition
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 6707 - Schramberg , Stadtmusem
Title: 40 Jahre Stadtmuseum Schrammberg (21.-28. Oktober 2019) - PRORAMM DER FESTWOCHE - [a 2 sided publicity flyer]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Schramberg
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23224 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: 40 Witnesses - Time Sweet Time - 40 Ans - 40 Temoins {40 years - 40 Witnesses] ["Catalog of the 40 pieces exhibited at the exhibit celebrating 40 y
SubTitle: ,,, to commemorate 40 years in the current building] Musee International d' Horlogerie - La Chaux-de-Fonds
Keywords: catalog CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: MIH LaChaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 2014
BHM No: 19417 - Hubert Noirjean, Jean-Michel Piguet, Olivier Laesser
Title: 40+ ans d'histoire des amis MIH | No.3, avril 20-22 |
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: AmisMIH Newsletter La-Chaux-de-Fonds Museum
Edition: No.3-avril-2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24678 - Hubert Noirjoin, Jean-Michel Piguet, Olivier Laesser
Title: 40+1 ! | 41 ans d'histoire des amis MIH | No.2 septembre+1 2021
SubTitle: [Supplemental newsletter of the amisMIH [La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock
Other Keywords: MIH La-Chaux-de-Fond
Edition: 2021-Sept
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24429 - Hubert Noirjoin, Jean-Michel Piguet, Olivier Laesser
Title: 40+1 ! | 41 ans d'histoire des amis MIH | No.2 septembre+1 2021
SubTitle: [Supplemental newsletter of the amisMIH [La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock contemporary
Other Keywords: MIH La-Chaux-de-Fond
Edition: 2021 Sept
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24430 - Amis.MIH@MIH@ne.ch
Title: 40+;41 ans | "40+1" | [A mass mailing dated august-1-1 2021
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: AmisMIH
Edition: 2021-Sept-06
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24318 - Schlenker&Posner-Uhrenfabrik(Schwenningen-Deutschland)
Title: 400 Tag Uhren -SEPO - 400 Day Clocks
SubTitle: [published as a supplement to the Torsion Times Chapter newsletter]
Keywords: striketrain
Other Keywords: SEPO
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 22953 - Helena Lutteman, Dag Widman
Title: 400 ur 400 ar - fickur och nagra andra ur huvudsakligen fran Nationalmusei samlingar
SubTitle: [Exhibit catalog no. 351 {1971}, Nationalmusei, Stokholm, Sweden]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Stokholm
Edition: 1971, 1st edition
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 11990 - Horolovar,
Title: 400-Day Clock Spare Parts & Repair Aids
SubTitle: Cataogue & Wholesale Price List No. 1500
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: Horolovar
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 1216 - Horolovar,
Title: 400-Day Clock Spare Parts & Repair Aids
SubTitle: Cataogue & Wholesale Price List No. 800
Keywords: part catalog
Other Keywords: Horolovar torsion 400day
Edition: 1979
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 3696 - Seiko,
Title: 4006A (Seiko Bellmatic) & 6106A (Seiko Five Deluxe)
SubTitle: [Service Bulletins]
Keywords: service
Other Keywords: Seiko
Edition: 1960s
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 4195 - NAWCC,
Title: 40th National Convention, 40th Anniversary - Philadelphia June 29 - July 3, 1983
Other Keywords: NAWCC programm National
Edition: 1983
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 1499 - Musee-Internationale-d'Horlogerie, chronometrophilia
Title: 42. Schweizer Uhrenboerse - So 4.Nov 2018 - MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds in Verbindung mit Chronometrophilia - Ankauf Verkaif - Tausch
SubTitle: 42e bourse d"horlogerie - di 4 nov 2028 - MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds - En associaion avev Chronometrophilia - Achat-Vente-Echange
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: mart
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 22302 - NAWCC,
Title: 43rd Annual NAWCC National Convention - February 10-14 1988, Orlando Florida
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet and Schedule]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: NAWCC National Orlando 1988
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 15621 - Misc.
Title: 46 Horological e-publications (from the public domain)
SubTitle: On CD-ROM - pdf files
Keywords: anthology facsimile clock watch
Edition: 2011
BHM No: 16100 - Musee International d'horlogerie
Title: 46e bourse suisse d'horlogerie
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds contemporary
BHM No: 24845 - Journee du patrimone Horloger
Title: 4e Journee du patrimone Horloger - La Chaux-de-Fonds/Le Locle - Samedi 6 Novembre 2010
SubTitle: Flyer - Communique de Presse
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle watch
Edition: 2010 4th edition
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 15246 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: 5 Business cards associated with the 2019 Nuernberg Symposium NAWCC/DGC [Ephemera]
SubTitle: [Thomas Eser, Tobias Juettner, Klaus Herzig]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock watch
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23199 - Peter Maria J. Verhoeven
Title: 5-Circul Uhr [Die..] signiert G.F.Hahn a Echterdingen
SubTitle: Entstehungs und Instandstellungsgeschichte
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds " watch technical
Other Keywords: Hahn
BHM No: 18609 - Centre Electrique Horloger(CEH), Maria Alexandra Paun, Hugo Wyss, Eric Vititoz, Mario ElKhoury, Rene LeCoultre, Jean-Nathanael Karakash
Title: 50 ans de la montre a quarz -- IEEE Switzerland - CEH - Centre Electrique Horloger - Neuchatel [Invitation] - 16h00 - 22 fevrier 2018
SubTitle: [50 Years of Quartz Watches - Innauguration of the IEEE Memorial Plaque - at the CEH ]
Keywords: electronic watch
Other Keywords: IEEE CEH
Edition: 2018-02-22
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21922 - Johannes Graf, Andreas Bauch, Hans Hetzel, Dirk Piester, Klaus Katzman
Title: 50 Jahre Zeitaussendung mit DCF77 - Sonderdruck aus 119. Jahrgang, Heft 3, September 2009: PTB Mitteilungen (Amts und Mitteilungsblatt der Physikal..)
SubTitle: [50 years of broadcasting Time Signals on DCF77 - Offprint from Vol119, issue 3, Sep.2009, of "News from the Federa Institute for Physics and Technl
Keywords: precision time
Other Keywords: PTB DCF77 radiotime
Edition: 2009, Vol.119. Issue 3
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 15492 - Patek Philippe
Title: 500 ans d'histoire de la montre - 500 years of watchmaking history - PATEK PHILIPPE MUSEUM
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek Philippe museum
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 15471 - Patek Philippe
Title: 500 ans d'histoire de la montre - 500 years of watchmaking history - PATEK PHILIPPE MUSEUM [02/2013 Edition]
SubTitle: [Fanfold Museum Flyer]
Keywords: CH-Geneva clock watch
Edition: 2013 Edition
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 19723 - Monika Meyer-Hassfutter, Werner Meyer-Larsen
Title: 500 Jahre Navigation - 15. is 19. Jahrhundert
SubTitle: [500 years of Navigation - 15t to 19th century - In German]
Keywords: astronomy
Edition: 2005 - 1st edition
Page or pages: 253
BHM No: 20153 - M[ich].J. Dareau, S.R. [Photographer] Lowman
Title: 500 years of scottish clockmaking - an exhibition of 100 clocks
SubTitle: organised by the antiquarian horological society scottish section - May 1997, Callendar House Fallk
Keywords: catalog regional
Other Keywords: Scotland scottish
Edition: 1997
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 3524 - Michel Viredaz[Editor-Emeritus-of-the Swiss scholarly magazine 'chtonometophilia'], Jean-Michel Piguet[President-Chronometrophilia]
Title: 5000 ans de miettes d'histoiire de la mesur du Temps - 5000 Jahre Geschtchts-Brosamen der Zeitmessuug
SubTitle: [The 45th Aniversary publication of 'Chronometrophilia' [the Swiss society of horological enthusiasts's the scholarly periodical ] - Hardcover
Keywords: CH/F-Jura CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: chronometrophilia
Edition: Winter 2020
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 24042 - J?rgen Abeler
Title: 5000 Jahre Zeitmessung - Dargestellt im Wuppertaler Uhrenmuseum an der Privatsammlung der Fam.Abeler
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Abeler Wuppertal
Edition: 1968,1st edition
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 940 - J?rgen Abeler
Title: 5000 Jahre Zeitmessung - Dargestellt im Wuppertaler Uhrenmuseum an der Privatsammlung der Fam.Abeler
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Abeler Wuppertal
Edition: 1978, 2nd enlarged edition
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 941 - J?rgen Abeler
Title: 5000 Jahre Zeitmessung - Eine Austellung der Dresdner Bank ?ber die Geschichte der Uhr - von der Sonnenuhr zur Atomuhr
SubTitle: Sammlung: J.Abeler, Wuppertal-1
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Abeler Dresdner
Edition: undated, ca. 1970
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 9785 - NAWCC-Chapter124-LoneStar[Dallas-FrothWorth]
Title: 50th Anniversary 1942-1993 NAWCC National Convention
SubTitle: June 30th-July 4th, 1993 Dallas Texas
Other Keywords: NAWCC 124 National Dallas
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 5748 - NAWCC-Chapter07-ColumbiaPa-EarlStricklerMemorial
Title: 50th Anniversary of NAWCC Headquarters Chapter 7
Keywords: Regional
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 6920 - NAWCC,
Title: 58th NAWCC National Convention - Charlotte NC - July 2-6, 2003
SubTitle: [Program]
Other Keywords: NAWCC National
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 4642 - SocieteSuisseDeChronometrie,
Title: 59th Congress, October 1985, Interlaken _ Proceedings
Other Keywords: SSC Interlaken proceedings
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 186
BHM No: 1884 - NAWCC,
Title: 59th NAWCC National Convention, Oklahoma City
SubTitle: June 30-July4 2004, Host: Chapter 74, Sooner Time Collectors
Other Keywords: programm NAWCC National
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 5761 - www.urbanismhorloger.ch,
Title: 5e Journee du patrimoine Horloger - 5. Denkmaltag der Uhrenindustrie [5th Day of horological patrimony]
SubTitle: La Chaux-de-Fonds - Le Locle - Samedi 10 novembre 2012 / Samstag 10. November 2012 [Programm booklet]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle watch
Edition: 2012-11-10
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 17543 - ?,
Title: 5th Congres International de Chronometrie
BHM No: 6112 - Melvern Barker
Title: 6 o'clock rooster
Keywords: juvenile
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 1432 - Paul Hopkins
Title: 60 HZ Power System as a Time Reference
Parent Document ID: 7210 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1996, Vol. 5
Edition: 1996-3
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 9139 - Svend Carstensen, Urmager og Optiker Centralforening, Dansk
Title: 60 Sekunder - 60 Minutter - 60 Aar
SubTitle: Jubilaeumsnummer Dansk Umager Tidende
Other Keywords: Anniversary Denmark Danmark
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 4953 - Markus Marti
Title: 600 Jahre Zytglogge Bern - Eine kleine Chronik der Zeitmessung
SubTitle: [600 years of Zytglogge Bern, i.e. historic town clock tower]
Keywords: specific astronomical
Other Keywords: Zytglogge Bern Switzerland
Edition: 2005, fist edition
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 7132 - NAWCC-Chapter-60-FloridaGoldcoast
Title: 60th National Convention [ 2005] of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [NAWCC]
SubTitle: Fort Lauderdale FL June 10-11, 2005 - [Programm Booklet, Schedule of Events, Content of Registration Packet ]
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 11318 - No-stated-author
Title: 625 Jahre Astronomische Uhr St.Nikolai zu Strahlsund - 'Himmelskunde und Welybild im Mittelalter' - Symposium 6.&7.Dez.2019
SubTitle: [A 4 panel fanfold flyer annoncing a 2019 Symposium examining the Astronomical Clock of Strahlsund, with ca.7 scholarly lectures]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Strahlsund
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 23250 - NAWCC-Chapter42-TennesseeValley
Title: 62nd National Convention [ 2007 ] of the Natinal Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [NAWCC]
SubTitle: Chatanooga, TN June 2-9, 2007 - [Programm Booklet, Schedule of Events, Content of Registration Packet (Advertising)]
Other Keywords: NAWCC Convention Chattanooga 2007
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 11087 - NAWCC-Chapter42-TennesseeValley
Title: 62nd National Convention [ 2007 ] of the Natinal Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [NAWCC]
SubTitle: Chatanooga, TN June 2-9, 2007 - [Programm Booklet, Schedule of Events, Content of Registration Packet (Advertising)]
Other Keywords: NAWCC Convention Chattanooga 2007
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 11088 - NAWCC,
Title: 63rd National Convention - The National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. - Hosted by Ozark Chapter 57, Springfield MO
SubTitle: [Programm Booklet, Schedule Card, City Map, Registration Badge]
Other Keywords: National Convention NAWCC Springfield
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 12062 - NAWCC,
Title: 64th NAWCC National Convention, Grand Rapids Michigan, June 10-13, 2009
SubTitle: [A folder with: Programm booklet & Schedule,accompanied by newspaper clippings, various handouts]
Other Keywords: National Grand Rapids 2009
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 14177 - NAWCC,
Title: 67th Annual Convention NAWCC - Passadena CA - June 13-16th 2012
SubTitle: Programm Booklet and Event Schedule
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2012-06-13
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 17143 - AFAHA,
Title: 6eme Bourse Horlogee - le 28 et 29 mars 2009 - F41500 MER, Halle aux Grains
SubTitle: [Poster and invitation letter for the 6th anual Horological Mart of AFAHA in MER (France)]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: mart
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 12402 - international de Chronometrie, Congres
Title: 6th International Congress of Chronometrie, Munich 1959 - Proceedings Vol.1
Other Keywords: CIC congress proceedings DGC Munich
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 610
BHM No: 1897 - international de Chronometrie, Congres
Title: 6th International Congress of Chronometrie, Munich 1959 - Proceedings Vol.2
Other Keywords: CIC congress proceedings Munich DGC
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 610
BHM No: 1898 - Jochen Zucker
Title: 7 'Black Forest Clocks' for sale - April 2017 - Massmailing from Jochen Zucker
SubTitle: illustrated offer
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock wood-geared
BHM No: 22050 - Daryl Schnipper(Chair-International-Watch-Division-Sothebey's)
Title: 7 Tips Every Watch Collectors Needs to know | A email blast by the Global Watch Department of Sothebey's | 2021-Dec-20
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: Auction Sohebey's Watches
Edition: 2021-DEC-20
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 24471 - Andre Meroz, Lucien Meroz, Fernand Perret[Photography]
Title: 70 ans ... Meroz pieres
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: Meroz stones jewelsrubies
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 13906 - Volker Vyscocil
Title: 700 Jahre danach ? oder vom langen Weg bis hin zur neusten freien Hemmung fuer Pendeluhren - der Haldimann H..
SubTitle: .. der Haldimann Hemmung [in chronometrophilia bulletin, Sommer 2005]
Keywords: precision escapement pendulum
Other Keywords: Haldimann free escapement
Edition: 2005
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 7048 - Sue Gary
Title: 700 YEARS of German Horology - A Personal Tour
SubTitle: [An illustrated travelogue of te Black Forest & Bavaria on occasion of the 2019 NAWCC&DGC joint Symposium in Nuernberg]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Travelogue Germany Black Forest Symposium
Parent Document ID: 23428 - Parent Document Title: Ventura & Santa Barbara County - Chrono Times - Newsletter of NAWCC Chapter 190 - Issue January 2020
Edition: in Jan 2020 issue
Page or pages: p.6-12
BHM No: 23429 - Longines,
Title: 75e Anniversaire des Longines 1867-1942 Saint-Imier le 25 et 26 septembre 1942
SubTitle: R?citde la f?te et textes des discours prononc?s pendent la manifestation officielle, illustr?s des
Other Keywords: Longines anniversary
Edition: 1946
Page or pages: 115
BHM No: 5076 - Horlogere, Suisse
Title: 75me Anniversaire de la Chambre Suisse de l'Horlogerie, 1876-1951
SubTitle: Edition Speciale de "La Suisse Horlogere" No. 26, du 28 Juin 1951
Other Keywords: Chambre Suisse CSH
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 2704 - NAWCC - National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors [USA]
Title: 75th Anniversary All-Day Gala Event - A Daylong Party in Celebration of our diamond Jubilee - Thursday July 19 2018
SubTitle: [Webofrrint of the event website]
Other Keywords: NAWCC
Edition: 2019-07-19
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 23509 - Claude Pascal
Title: 8 day architectural style Hague clock ca. 1665
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 13
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 8658 - Katsuhiro Sasaki, Fortunat Mueller-Maerki(Publisher), Bob Holmstrom(Compiler)
Title: 8 Hard to find articles on the History of Japanese Clockmaking
SubTitle: Documentation on Rare or Historic Documents for Horolgical Research Libraries Compiled 2017 as a Research Aid by Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Research aide Japan
Edition: 2017
BHM No: 21507 - Joseph Norris
Title: 8-day architectual tabel clock ca. 1677
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: countwheel
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 32
Page or pages: 92
BHM No: 8682 - Claude Pascal
Title: 8-day hour striking Hague Clock, ca. 1662
Keywords: specific
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 12
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 8650 - Ashareus Fromanteel
Title: 8-day lunar calendar Hague clock ca 1681
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: calendar moondial
Parent Document ID: 6236 - Parent Document Title: Huygens' Legacy - The Golden Age of the Pendulum clock
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 34
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 8684 - Marina Guebeli(Organizer), Dr.phil.Urs Leu(Zentralbibliothek-Zuerich), Jost Buergi Foundation-Lichtenstein(Organizer)
Title: 8. Vortrag - Online Reihe: Faszinierende Macher*innen ihrer Zeit | Invitation (by-email-blast, dated January-03-3am | for the online lecture:
SubTitle: Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) - Universalgelehrter und Naturforsher der Renaissance [Scholar & Scietist of the Renaissance]
Edition: 2022
BHM No: 24541 - Stephen D. Engle
Title: 8th Wonder or Engle Clock [Facsimile of historic advertising card]
SubTitle: Scientifically Marvelous - Artistically Beautiful
Keywords: monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Engle NWCM
Edition: 1990s undated facsimile
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 14216 - Heinrich Lunardi
Title: 900 Jahre N?rnberg - 600 Jahre Nuernberger Uhren
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Nuernberg
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 212
BHM No: 505 - Society of New York, Horologocal
Title: 96th Anniversary Banquet- 1930-1938 The Horological Society of New York
SubTitle: International Restaurant, Feb.18, 1962
Other Keywords: HSSY
Edition: 1962
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 5311 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche
Title: 9th International Congress of Chronometrie CIC 1974 - Stuttgart Proceeding Congressband Teil II
Other Keywords: Stuttgart proceedings
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 1874 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche
Title: 9th International Congress of Chronometrie CIC 1974 - Stuttgart Proceeding Congressband - Teil I
Other Keywords: proceedings Stuttgart
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 1000
BHM No: 1873 - Ebel,
Title: : Ebel - The Architects of Time - [includes] Price list [11.05.2007 in Euros for France]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: Ebel
BHM No: 18694 - Casey Jones[Editor]
Title: : Patek Philippe [The Magazine; ENGLISH Edition] Volume 03 [2010-201?]
SubTitle: [FMM has No. 1--//]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: Patek
Edition: 2010,Vol3, Englisch edition
BHM No: 19943 - Medard Meier[Editor]
Title: : WATCH International - 2012-No.4 Nov [ENG]
SubTitle: The Watch Magazine by IWC Schafhausen [English Lang. Edition]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: IWC
Edition: 2012-no.4
Page or pages: 74
BHM No: 17617
Title: ?
BHM No: 6194- Pierre Boucheron
Title: ??
Other Keywords: Q frequency
Parent Document ID: 3420 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1990-1992] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1991 mar
Page or pages: 312-315
BHM No: 8124 - W. Schneider, H. Thomas
Title: ?? Oscillators
Other Keywords: oscillators magnetic tuning fork
Parent Document ID: 6174 - Parent Document Title: Metallurigical Transactions A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1979 10A apr
Page or pages: 433 - 438
BHM No: 8226 - August Meitzen
Title: ?ber die Uhren-Industrie des Schwarzwalds
Keywords: regional Blackforest Schwarzwald
Other Keywords: accounting profitability wages costs custom duties
Edition: Ca. 2000 photocopy of ca 1850 publicatio
Page or pages: 77
BHM No: 7174 - Sammlungen Wien, Kunsthistorische
Title: ?bersicht der Kunsthistorischen Samlungen - Wien 1925
Keywords: catalog historic
Other Keywords: Austria Wien Burgi Buergi
Edition: 1925
Page or pages: 331
BHM No: 4290 - Cliffard Cunningham, Guenther Oestmann, Jennifer Zahrt[Editor/Project-Management-Special-Issue], Nicholas Campion[Editor]
Title: ?Classical Deities in Astronomy: The Employment of Verse to Commemorate the Discovery of the Planets Uranus, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta?, ....
SubTitle: ... a Special Issue of '"Culture and Cosmos", Volume 17 - Number 1 - Spring/Summer 2013
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Astrology
Edition: 2014-Vol.17-No.1-Spring Sum 2013
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 23945 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: ?Die ?Planetenuhr? und ?Bergkristalluhr?: Zwei Hauptwerke Jost B?rgis im Kunsthistorischen Museum zu Wien?,
SubTitle: .... in: DICK, Wolfgang R. and J?rgen HAMEL (editor) -in Beitr?ge zur Astronomiegeschichte, 14 (= Acta Historica Astronomiae, 66), Leipzig 2019, 37?58
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bergktitalluhr Planetenlaufuhr
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 23442 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: ?Displaying Astrological Knowledge through Tabulation: Some Notes Pertaining to Particular Arrangements on Instruments?
SubTitle: [https://brill.com/view/title/36320 - in 2018, DUNN, Richard, Silke ACKERMANN and Giorgio STRANO (eds.),Heaven and Earth United: Instruments in Ast..]
Edition: 2018
BHM No: 23698 - Guenther Oestmann, Caspar II Buschmann[Clockmaker]
Title: ?Eine unbekannte Uhr mit Kreuzschlaghemmung von Caspar II Buschmann?, in: Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Chronometrie: Jahresschrift, 60, 2021, 258?267
SubTitle: in: Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Chronometrie: Jahresschrift, 60, 2021, page 258-p.267 | 21 pages | Crossbeat escapment
Keywords: escapement clock
Other Keywords: Crossbeat Escapement Buergi
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 24496 - Guenther Oestmann
Title: ?Galilei ? doch kein K?nstler? Zur Faelschung des ?Sidereus Nuncius? [The discovery of an alleged hand copy ...]
SubTitle: [... of Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius" in 2005 was not only celebrated as a sensation, but also formed the starting point of an extensive study of....]
Keywords: astronomy
Other Keywords: SidereusNuncius
Edition: 2014 nr.36 5-6
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 23578 - P. Harvey
Title: A Problem of Astronomical Proportion
Other Keywords: astronomical gearing
Page or pages: 263 - 269
BHM No: 15283 - www.sweetpac.de
Title: A "Collection" of three different Papernapkins with 'Kuckuck Clock' themes
SubTitle: (All bought at the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen Giftstore in January 2017)
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Napkin
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 21079 - Haym Kruglak
Title: A 25 CM continuously operating Foucault Pendulum
Other Keywords: foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6195 - Parent Document Title: Physics Education
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1984 19
Page or pages: 294 - 296
BHM No: 8579 - KIaus Ehrmann
Title: A 3D optical profilometer using a compact disc reading head
Other Keywords: sensor CD player displacement
Parent Document ID: 6171 - Parent Document Title: Measurement Science & Technology
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1998 9
Page or pages: 1259 - 1265
BHM No: 8218 - Shawn Carlson
Title: A automated precision magnetometer
Other Keywords: magnetometer magnetic field
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000 mar
Page or pages: 94 - 95
BHM No: 8418 - C.O. Bartrum
Title: A barometric Compensator for Clock Pendulums
Other Keywords: pendulum barometric compensation bob shape
Parent Document ID: 6163 - Parent Document Title: Journal of the British Astronomical Association
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1934 44 m6
Page or pages: 233 - 238
BHM No: 8186 - C.O. Bartrum
Title: A Barometric compensator for Clock Pendulums
Other Keywords: barometric compensation
Parent Document ID: 6163 - Parent Document Title: Journal of the British Astronomical Association
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1934 44 apr
Page or pages: 233-238
BHM No: 8188 - Hans Sachs, Jost Ammann, Mueller-Maerki[BibliographicNote] Fortunat
Title: A Bibliographic Note on: Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Staende auff Erden .. a booklet (Frankfurt 1568) describing all professions, 1 per p.
SubTitle: ... including a clockmaker, Each page contains a woodcut and verse describing the profession, FIRST PUBLISHED PRINTED IMAGE OF A CLOCKMAKER
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: clockmaker
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 19068 - Philip Woodward
Title: A Bimetallic Compensator
Other Keywords: thermal compensation bimetallic
Parent Document ID: 3421 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1988-1990] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1990 oct
Page or pages: 131 - 133
BHM No: 8109 - Chad Orzel
Title: A Brief History of Timekeeping
SubTitle: The Science of Marking Time, from Stonehedge to Atomic Clocks
Keywords: historic contemporary
Other Keywords: history of time
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 324
BHM No: 24594 - Charles K. Aked
Title: A case of gravity
Other Keywords: Kater compound pendulum
Parent Document ID: 2772 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1978-1980] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1978 oct
Page or pages: 52-55
BHM No: 8125 - Judy Drauker[signed by]
Title: A Christmass Card with a Santaclaus and clock image [stock # FX2124008 , received by FMM from Judy Drauker [former Chairwomen of NAWCC Board 2019]]
SubTitle: [Printed in China - Image Arts Greeting Cards, Hmk Lic.]
Keywords: clock
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23917 - Adrien Jaquerod
Title: A chronometer fitted with a fused quartz balance spring
Other Keywords: quartz balance
Parent Document ID: 5278 - Parent Document Title: Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie, (1949)
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 50's?
Page or pages: 267 - 269
BHM No: 8191 - P. LeCorbeiller
Title: A classical experiment illustrating the notion of "jerk"
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: jerk
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1945 vol 13 June
Page or pages: 156 - 158
BHM No: 14240
Title: A clock more accurate than the earth
Parent Document ID: 5326 - Parent Document Title: Greenwich Time and the Longitude
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
Page or pages: 173-192
BHM No: 7620- C.O. Bartrum
Title: A clock of precision
Parent Document ID: 6203 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Physical Society London
Page or pages: 120-149
BHM No: 8342 - Rita Reif
Title: A Clock that's Joy no Watch - [A short article in the NYTimes on a NYC 1950/1970s Clockrepairer/Clockdealer] -3 b/w illustrations]
SubTitle: a bilined article in the Nov 4 1968 issue of the New York Times
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Mr.Barny
Edition: 1968-Nov.4
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23992 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Assembler], Fortunat Mueller-Maerki, Deusche-Gesellschaft-fuer-Chronometrie
Title: A Collction of Ephemera relating to the 2019 Symposium: Time Made in Germany - A joint event of the DGC & NAWCC
SubTitle: [Planing documents / Meeting minutes / Draft shedules / Speakers lists / etc] [A grev Docment Box]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg D-Black-Forest D-Glash?tte-Saxonia clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 204-2019
Page or pages: sev.hundred
BHM No: 23508 - Fortunat Mueller-Maerki[Compiler]
Title: A Collection of Ephemera related to the 2018 75th Anniversary Convention of the NAWCC held at Columbia & York PA July 19-22, 2018
SubTitle: [Handouts, Flyers, Images, etc,]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Convention Diamond Jubilee 75th NAWCC
Edition: 2018
BHM No: 22154 - W[illiam] H. Samelius
Title: A collection of Model Escapements
Keywords: escapement model
Parent Document ID: 5304 - Parent Document Title: Hobbies - The Magazine for Collectors -- January 1938
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1938-01
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 7610 - A. D. Stewart
Title: A comparison of early marine timekeepers from Harrison to Earnshaw
SubTitle: [Antiquarian Horology vol. 38 (March 2017), 90-100] Weboffprint
Keywords: cert.chronometer UK-London clock antique
Other Keywords: London
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 23434 - A. D. Stewart
Title: A comparison of early marine timekeepers from Harrison to Earnshaw.
SubTitle: [An article in the March 2017 issue of Antiquarian Horology - pp.90-100, 45 footnotes,6 figures(charts,no images)]
Other Keywords: Marine Chronometer
Edition: 2017 March
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 23436 - H. Hauptfleisch
Title: A computer controlled pendulum with position readout
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: vol 78 June
Page or pages: 555 - 561
BHM No: 15213 - N.F. Moody
Title: A Congreve Clock with Quartz Accuracy
Other Keywords: congreve rolling ball quartz accuracy
Parent Document ID: 3419 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1992-1994] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1994 jun
Page or pages: 416-417
BHM No: 8103 - George Graham, Bradley
Title: A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in a clock's motions caused by heat by heat cold on pendul
Other Keywords: pendulum temperature errors Graham Mercury
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 34 vol 7 abstracts
Page or pages: 129-132
BHM No: 8304 - George Graham
Title: A Contrivance to avoid the Irregularities in a clocks motion, occasioned by the action of Heat and Cold upon the rod of a Pendulumeat and Cold
SubTitle: [summary of a presentation to the Royal Society London, published 1753 , describing experiments in the 1720s, p 40-44]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 22699 - Parent Document Title: Horology, Clocks & Watches [A 2019 CD-ROM with a compilation of 93 historic horological documents in Chrome HTML format]
Page or pages: 40-44
BHM No: 22703 - American-Watch-and-Clockmakers-Institute
Title: A convolut of American Watch and Clockmakers Institute Ephemera ca.1998-2000 relating to the membership of Fortunat Mueller Maerki
SubTitle: consisting of self adhesive Window decal, member certificated 19998, 1999, 2000, and 'Life-Member'9issued 2001
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AWCI
Edition: 1998-2001
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 22670 - Ken Friedenthal
Title: A Correction and an Apology
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-3
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 9418 - Auguste Lucien Verite[clockmaker], Annonymous, P. Bandibas -Gouday, Rene Baillaud
Title: A custom made artisanal book on the Besancon Cathedral Astronomical Clock. Containg: 1. A monochrome postcard (dated WAR 1945),2 The 1860 edition of
SubTitle: ...edition of: Notice Descriptive de L'Horloge...,3.The Astronomical Clock od Besan?on, First American Edition,WAR 1945,4.Horloge Astrode Ed.UNITAM
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific astronomy clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Parent Document ID: 20173 - Parent Document Title: Horloge Astronomique de Besancon [L'...] - par A.-L. Verite - An amalgam of various historic documents | 1. 1945,English lang.postcard,
BHM No: 20174 - L F C Zonetti
Title: A demonstration of dry and viscous damping of an oscillating pendulum
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: damping
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics
Edition: 1999 vol 20 p 85
Page or pages: 85 - 88
BHM No: 14261 - John Harrison
Title: A description concerning such mechanism as will afford a nice, or true measureation of time; together with some account of the longitude by the moon
SubTitle: as also an account of the discovery of the scale of musick by John Harrison inventer of the time-keeper for the longitude at sea
Other Keywords: harrison manuscript
BHM No: 10969 - R.L.J. Ellery
Title: A description of a new pendulum apparatus with half-seconds pendulums
Keywords: gravity measurement
BHM No: 11405 - A.J. Putman
Title: A detailed analysis of the optical beam deflection technique for use in atomic force microscopy
Other Keywords: optical sensor atomic forc microsocopy
Parent Document ID: 6161 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Applied Physics
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1992 72 jul
Page or pages: 6 - 12
BHM No: 8172 - William Linnard
Title: A dial described in 1473 [apparently the oldest known printed description of a clock dial - Mantua, Italy]
SubTitle: [In Antiquarian Horology - Antiquarian Horolodical Society, London UK, Volume 37, Dec 2016, p.530--535 [5 illustrations, 9 Footnotes]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2016, Vol.37, NO.4
Page or pages: 6 pages
BHM No: 23202 - William J. Nobel
Title: A Direct Treatment of the Foucault Pendulum
Keywords: theory pendulum
Other Keywords: foucault
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1952 20
Page or pages: 334 - 336
BHM No: 8571 - M. Stephens
Title: A double pendulum vibration isolation system for a laser interferometric gravitational wave antenna
Other Keywords: vibration isolation gravity wave shadow sensor
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 1991 62 apr
Page or pages: 924 - 932
BHM No: 8388 - Ned Bigelow
Title: A Dual Pendulum Chronical
Other Keywords: dual pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7452 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
Edition: 2005-2
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 9442 - Ned Bigelow
Title: A Dual Pendulum Sequel
Other Keywords: dual pendulum double
Parent Document ID: 7452 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
Edition: 2005-5
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 9462 - Douglas Bateman
Title: A Electronically Maintained Precision pendulum Clock
Parent Document ID: 2777 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1971-1973] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1972 115 jan
Page or pages: 9-13
BHM No: 8080 - Antonio Lenner
Title: A Flemish Pupil for Janello? Jan Valin Horologist of Charles V
SubTitle: [an essay in: Janello Torriani, Catalog of the 2016/2017 exhibit at the museo del Violino in Cremona]
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 21323 - Marisa Addomine
Title: A Florentine clock from 1546, showing hours, minutes and seconds-An illustrated scholarly articlle in the Sept 2020 issue of 'Antiquarian Horology'
SubTitle: [Volume 41, No.3 - pp 396-399 - 3 color illustrations - 7 footnotes] Record includes full biography of the author]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Florence Firenze
Edition: 2020-Sept
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23703 - ERASMUSHAUS DER BUECHER AG - Basel (Switzerland)
Title: A formally published RARE BOOK LIST XI Vol.11 - [Issue: ca. 2021, but not formally dated] - (A rare-book dealer)
SubTitle: 59 lots (includes numerous multi-Vol.publications) - most lots illustrated in color
Keywords: CH/F-Jura antique
Other Keywords: Rare book seller Basel
Edition: 2021-ca.
Page or pages: 77
BHM No: 24790 - Will. C. Baker
Title: A Foucault Pendulum with maintained amplitude and the measurement of its apparent rotation
Keywords: theory measuring pendulum
Other Keywords: foucault parametric drive
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 1932 3 8 aug
Page or pages: 444 - 450
BHM No: 8560
Title: A free pendulum clock with liquid escapement
Other Keywords: free pendulum water escapement
Parent Document ID: 6220 - Parent Document Title: Timecraft
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1985 apr
Page or pages: 1-6
BHM No: 8464- A.K. Atwood
Title: A free quartz pendulum electostatically driven and photoelectrically controlled
Other Keywords: quartz free pendulum vacuum electrostatic drive
Parent Document ID: 6219 - Parent Document Title: Thesis
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1932
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 8459 - Joshua P Schwarz
Title: A Free-Fall Determination of the Newtonian Constant of Gravity
Other Keywords: G free fall gravitaional attactraction
Parent Document ID: 6209 - Parent Document Title: Science
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1998 282
Page or pages: 2230-2234
BHM No: 8399 - Shawn Carlson
Title: A furnace in a Thermos
Other Keywords: furnace thermos temperature measurement
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000 apr
Page or pages: 110 -
BHM No: 8416 - C.V. Boys
Title: A fused quartz pendulum rod for clocks
Parent Document ID: 6162 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Scientific Instruments, London
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1926 3 feb
Page or pages: 143-150
BHM No: 8185 - Philip Woodward
Title: A Gearless Mechanical Clock, part 1,2,
Other Keywords: gear less clock escapement
Parent Document ID: 3420 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1990-1992] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1991 nov
Page or pages: 156 - 158, 201 - 203
BHM No: 8066 - Johnathan Betts(Project-Initiator &former-head-of-Greenwich-Royal Observatory, Anthony Turner (fulltime Project Coordinator on behave of the AHS), James Nye (Project initiator & 'spiritus rector' of the publication
Title: A General History of Horology -
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 776
BHM No: 24996 - Anthony Turner(Editor), James Nye(Advisory-Editor), Jonathan Betts(Advisory-Editor), J. V. Hughes
Title: A GENERAL HISTORY OF HOROLOGY | Supported by Sotheby's |
Other Keywords: Ale-incompassing-publication - Numerous authors
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 756
BHM No: 25001 - Walter R. Debler
Title: A guage to measure tiny changes in gas pressure
Other Keywords: sensor gas pressure
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
Page or pages: 110 - 112
BHM No: 8410 - Denis Radage
Title: A History of English Watch and Clockmaking (Part 1 Clocks,Part 2 Watches & Partr 3 Chronometers)
SubTitle: (On of 5 Lecture presentatios at the NAWCC National Convention 2005, Ft.Lauderdale FL. USA)
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: UK
Parent Document ID: 7052 - Parent Document Title: History of Clocks and Watches around the World
Edition: 23p.,4tabls,47illustr.
BHM No: 23515 - Philip Rasch
Title: A History of Clocks of Central Europe
SubTitle: (On of 5 Lecture presentatios at the NAWCC National Convention 2005, Ft.Lauderdale FL. USA)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Europe
Parent Document ID: 7052 - Parent Document Title: History of Clocks and Watches around the World
Edition: 1st of 5 Lectures
Page or pages: 36pg69 ill,31footnot
BHM No: 23513 - Anonymous,
Title: A Huge Electrically Driven Clock - A timepiece that served as a dining table
Other Keywords: tower clock electric Liverpool
Parent Document ID: 6210 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1911 jan 7
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 8409 - Susanne Fowler
Title: A Jewelry Hub Hopes for Gentrification Won't Overwhelm History | In Birmingham, England, artisans worry that luxury apartments and trendy cafes may..
SubTitle: ..push them out of an area where jewelers may push them out...where they were since the 18th century | An illustrated article in the NYT - Aug-25-2021
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Birmingham UK
Edition: 2021-08-25
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 24301 - Pierre Cote, Paul-Emile Levesque
Title: A l'heure de la Suisse
SubTitle: La Presse, Montreal, 24 Janvier 2004: Vacances/Voyages
Keywords: Jura Regional
Other Keywords: tourism travel
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 5997 - Aline Burki, Leana Ebel
Title: A l'heure des petites mains... - L'embauche d'ouvrieres italiennes: Enjeux d'une politique d'employsexuee dans l'horlogerie [Suisse] 1946-1962
SubTitle: [At a time of little hands ... - Hiring Italian female factory worker : Challenges of a policy of sex specific employment in watchmaking 1946-1962]
Keywords: CH/F-Jura watch
Other Keywords: emplyment
Edition: 2008 1st edition
Page or pages: 262
BHM No: 20139 - Musee-Internationale-d'Horlogerie
Title: a la femtoseconde pres! - 0,000000000000001s - Musee Internationale d'Hprlogerie - Nouvelle espace d;exposition permanente
SubTitle: [a six panel fan-fold flyer]
Keywords: highgrade CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock
Other Keywords: femtosecond
Parent Document ID: 22299 - Parent Document Title: Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie - (October 2018 mailing of misc.ephemera) - a la femtoseconde pres! - Cir-Conferance MIH 2028 -The Britsish Connect/
Edition: a
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 22300 - Charles Thomann, Regis Huguenin-Demitran
Title: a la femtoseconde pres! - Inauguration - misee international d'horlogerie [La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland]
SubTitle: Invitation - 7 juin 2018-18h - Nouvelle espace d'exposition dedie a l extreme precicion de la mesure du temps par les horloges atomique
Edition: 2018-07-07
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 22118 - Arthur H. Compton
Title: A laboratory method of demonstrating the Earth's rotation
Other Keywords: foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6209 - Parent Document Title: Science
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1913 37 5 may
Page or pages: 803 - 806
BHM No: 8586 - Marisa Addomine, G.Figiolini, E.Penestri, Italian Turrent Clock Registry
Title: A Landmark in the History of Non-Circular Gears Design:The Mechanical Masterpiece Masterpiece of Dondi's Astrarium
SubTitle: [Preprint edition}
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Asrarium Dondi
Edition: 2018-01-11
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 23661 - David W. Dunlap
Title: A Landmark Tower Clock Will Stay, but Its Ticktock Could Be Silenced
SubTitle: An Article reprinted from the New York Times of Nov 12, 2014 (with color illustrations)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: 346 Broadway New York
Edition: 2014-11-12
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 19458 - A.Lange&Soehne,
Title: A Lange & Sohne - Videos and Animations
SubTitle: [Six short Videos, 2 to 5 minutes each, ca. 2006]
Keywords: mechanical highgrade watch movement
Other Keywords: Lange Glashuette
Edition: 2006? ca.
BHM No: 12032 - John A. Robey
Title: A large European Iron Chamber Clock - [An article in the March 2012 issue of Antiquarian Horology (AHS, London UK, 12 pages, 14 illustrations)]
SubTitle: [Provenance Leo Metzenberg Collection, Chicago, IL, USA]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2012-03,
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 23195 - James Short, James Short
Title: A letter concerning the inventor of the pendulum to prevent irregularities of motion due to temperat
Other Keywords: pendulum temperature control history of invention
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1751 XLVII
Page or pages: 283-287
BHM No: 8303 - Kate Dwyer
Title: A Library the Internet Can' Get Enough OF | as published online January 15 2022
SubTitle: [ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/15/style/library-twtter-richard-macksey.html?smid=em-share ]
Other Keywords: Messy Library Image
Edition: 2022-01-15
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24539 - Alan W. Heldman
Title: A Light Weight Aerodynamic Pendulum Rod
Other Keywords: pendulum rod
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-5
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 9437 - Southwick and Hardcastle[Printers], Charles F. Hummel
Title: A list of prices [for services] , as agreed on by the watch and clockmakers, in the city of New-York [1806]
SubTitle: {Horological Reaearch Study Aide to material at University of Wisconsin} contains facsimile of text
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1806
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 20028 - John Winterflood, David Blair
Title: A long-period conical pendulum for vibration isolation
Other Keywords: gravitional waves vibration isolation conical pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6196 - Parent Document Title: Physics Letters A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 222 10 oct 28
Page or pages: 141-147
BHM No: 8318 - [Editor], Susan Rubin
Title: A Look at Members Favorite Timepieces - Celebrating Irving Cooperman's Memory
SubTitle: New York Chapter 2 - NAWCC - September 1978
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Coopermann NAWCC Chapter2
Edition: 1978,
BHM No: 1049 - Peter Hastings
Title: A Look at the Grasshopper Escapement
Other Keywords: Harrison Grasshopper escapement
Parent Document ID: 3419 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1992-1994] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1993 aug
Page or pages: 48 - 53
BHM No: 8055 - W. Imhaeuser, Kazuaki Kuroda
Title: A low-frequency vibration isolation table using multiple crossed-wire suspensions
Other Keywords: x pendulum vibration isolation
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 1996 67 11 nov
Page or pages: 3994-3999
BHM No: 8372 - Matt Hranek, Stephen Louis[Photography]
Title: A MAN AND HIS WATCH - Iconic Watches & Stories from the men who wore them
Keywords: clock watch contemporary
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 216
BHM No: 24825 - Andrew King
Title: A Manuscript of John Harrison Circa 1740
Other Keywords: Harrison
Parent Document ID: 2774 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1975-1977] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1976 aug
Page or pages: 4 - 7
BHM No: 8077 - Paul Aron, Jason Cope(Photography), Thomas Tompion[Clockmaker]
Title: A Master's Timepiece - This tall case clock once belonged to the king after whom Williamsburg was named | Tallcase Clock by Thomas Tompion
SubTitle: A scholarly article on a land based precision [Non-Marine-Chronometer] Precision Clock by Thomas Thompion in the Williamsburg Museum Collection
Keywords: luxury precision clock antique
Other Keywords: Colonial Williamsburg
Edition: 2021-Summer issue
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 24426 - Sothebey's-London-UK
Title: A Masterpiece Fit for a King: George III's Breguet Pocketwatch
SubTitle: [Webofprint auction announcement - June 18 2020
Keywords: watch antique
Other Keywords: Breguet George III
Edition: 2020-06-18
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 23586 - W.J. Holland
Title: A measured Life: Captain Henry Kater, 1777-1835
Other Keywords: Kater Biography references
Parent Document ID: 6177 - Parent Document Title: Metrology Society of Austrailia
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1997 nov
Page or pages: 341 - 44
BHM No: 8232 - Kazuaki Kuroda
Title: A measurement of the frequency dependence of the spring constant
Other Keywords: spring torsion pendulum balance tungsten spring constant frequency
Parent Document ID: 6196 - Parent Document Title: Physics Letters A
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1998 244 jul 13
Page or pages: 4-8
BHM No: 8322 - A. de Marchi
Title: A Measurement of the Period Stability of a Free Pendulum in Vacuum
Other Keywords: vacuum fibre pendulum stability sphere Q split sensor
Parent Document ID: 6147 - Parent Document Title: IEEE Frequency Control Symposium
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996
Page or pages: 665-673
BHM No: 8161 - Eric Watson
Title: A mechanical free-pendulum clock
Other Keywords: free pendulum mechanical
Parent Document ID: 3418 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1995-1996] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1995 oct
Page or pages: 339-341 + missing pa
BHM No: 8138 - B. Danese
Title: A medieval clock made out of simple materials
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: model measurement
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics
Edition: 2008 vol 29 jul
Page or pages: 799 - 814
BHM No: 14242 - Peter R. Saulson
Title: A method for measuring the dependence of internal friction on strain
Other Keywords: suspension spring Q internal friction
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: 1994 65 jun
Page or pages: 2102 - 2106
BHM No: 8364
Title: A method to follow the variations of amplitude of a beam (balance wheel) of a clock
SubTitle: A method to follow the variations of amplitude of a beam (balance wheel) of a clock
BHM No: 7918- John Robey
Title: A Miniature Italian Lantern Clock - An article, 5p, 12 image .('Picture Gallery') published in the December 2014 issue of Antiquarian Horology.
SubTitle: (single sheet brass dial, countwheel for double striking 1-6, alarm, 6 weights, verge escapement]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Italy
Edition: 2014-12
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23166 - T.A. Reynhardt
Title: A modified Foucault pendulum for a corridor exhibit
Other Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1986 54 8 aug
Page or pages: 759 - 761
BHM No: 7864 - unknown
Title: A monochrome postcard (dated WAR 1945) with a reproduction of an engraving of the clock, with a short discripive caption in English
SubTitle: (as the frontis of the book)
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Besancon Verite
Parent Document ID: 20174 - Parent Document Title: A custom made artisanal book on the Besancon Cathedral Astronomical Clock. Containg: 1. A monochrome postcard (dated WAR 1945),2 The 1860 edition of
BHM No: 20175 - Marisa Addomine
Title: A monumental longcase clock by Domenico De Vita, Naples, dated 1891
SubTitle: An article in the the March 2020 issue of Antiquarian Horology , p.89-94,11 color illustrations, 1 footnote]
Keywords: monumental/big clock antique
Other Keywords: Naples Napoli DeVita
Edition: 2020 March
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23522 - A. H. Cook
Title: A new Absolute Determination of the Acceleration due to Gravity at the National Physical Laboratory, England
Keywords: gravity measurement
Other Keywords: falling ball gravimeter
Parent Document ID: 6191 - Parent Document Title: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
Edition: 1967 vol 261 pages 211 - 252
Page or pages: 211 - 252
BHM No: 10229 - J.J. Hall
Title: A new arrangement for zinc and steel compensation pendulums
Other Keywords: pendulum temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 1416 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1901-1903] - The Special Organ of the British Horological Institute
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1906 nov
Page or pages: 37-42
BHM No: 8140 - Keneth Chang, Scott A.Didmas[Subject-of article], Thomas Udem[Subject-of-article], J.Wheeler[Photograher]
Title: A New Atomic Clock May Push Precision to the Next Level [An illustrated article in the NY Times Tuesday July 31 2001]
SubTitle: Tick-tock: an atom of mercury absorbs ultraviolet light
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: atomic-clock
Edition: 2001-July-31
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23731 - H. Otto
Title: A New High-Precision Clock Embodying Schuler's Free Pendulum
Other Keywords: Schuler clock
Parent Document ID: 1084 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1937?????] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1935 78 jun
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 8085 - Philip Woodward
Title: A new look at escapement theory
Other Keywords: escapement theory
Parent Document ID: 3421 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1988-1990] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1989 apr may jun
Page or pages: 9-11, 25-27, 12-13
BHM No: 8067 - James Ferguson
Title: A New Method of constructing Sundials for any Latitude, without the Assistance of Dialing Scales or Logarithmic Calcultions
SubTitle: [Excerpts of the minutes of the Royal Society London, read July 2 1767
Keywords: UK-London
Parent Document ID: 22699 - Parent Document Title: Horology, Clocks & Watches [A 2019 CD-ROM with a compilation of 93 historic horological documents in Chrome HTML format]
Page or pages: p 389/393,
BHM No: 22702 - Klaus Weltner
Title: A new model of the Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1979 vol 47 no 4 Apr
Page or pages: 365 - 366
BHM No: 14239 - Susanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-of-Worldtempus.com]
Title: A New Take on the "D" Word [Divorce] | Am Editorial in WolrdTempus Newsletter of 2022-Feb-16 | 3 pages | Valantines Day
SubTitle: The 'Divorce Watch'
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Divocre-Watch
Edition: 2022-Feb-16
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24614 - G.A. Tomilinson
Title: A New Type of Free-Pendulum Clock
Other Keywords: sensor
Parent Document ID: 6202 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Physical Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1933 45
Page or pages: 41-49
BHM No: 8340 - Antiquorum-Aucioneers-Hong-Kong
Title: A New World Record Set by Antiquorum in Hong Kong - April 25 2021 - Lot 127: Patek Philippe/Perpet.Cal./Platinum-Factory-single sealed
SubTitle: Illustrated Press-Release, 7 ff the top 10 Lots were Patek
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Antiqorum record price auction Hong-Kong
BHM No: 24102 - Colin Moynihan, Jeeah Moon-PhotographerForTheNYTimes]
Title: A New York Clock That Told Time Now Tells the Time Remaining
SubTitle: [A color illustrated article-4 images, printed Sept 21,2020-Section 3 p3 - Weboffprint]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Metronome climate countdown clock
Edition: 2020 Sept 21
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 23746
Title: A new zero-stiffness magnetic bearing for vibration isolation
Other Keywords: vibration isolation zero stiffness magnetic magnet
Parent Document ID: 6117 - Parent Document Title: American Society for Precision Engineering
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1997 16
Page or pages: 503 - 506
BHM No: 7887- Desmond N. Penny
Title: A nonuniform circular-motion experiment
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000 38 11 nov
Page or pages: 16 - 19
BHM No: 8535 - Robert Chaney
Title: A Note from the Director [of the Willardhouse Museum] - [concerning the status of the Museum during the Cocid Pandenic 2020
SubTitle: [Dated June 26 2020 - includes the 2020 Fundraising appeal]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Willard House
Edition: 2020-06-26
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23575 - Robert J. Whitaker
Title: A note on the Blackburn pendulum
Other Keywords: non linear blackburn
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1991 59 4 apr
Page or pages: 330 - 333
BHM No: 8527 - Musee-de-la-Montre[Villers-le-Lac-F], Musee-Internationale-d'Horogerier-LaChaux-de-Fonds[CH], Musee-d'Horlogerie-du-Loclle[CH]
Title: A pas contes, le Samedi 31 auoy 2019 - A la decouverte de PORENTRUY [Invitation to the excursion organized jointly by the 3 horological Museums of ...
SubTitle: ...Villers-le-Lac[F] - MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds[CH] and Musee d'Horogerie du Locle[CH]-Includes sign up sheet
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2019-08
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23124 - Randall Peters
Title: A pendulum with adjustable trends in the period
Keywords: pendulum isochronism
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1989 57 6 jun
Page or pages: 535 - 539
BHM No: 8526 - Moritz Grossmann
Title: A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the Detached Lever Escapement for Watches and Timepieces [Special Book Supplement Issue April 1884]
SubTitle: 110 p text, plus some advertisements - Scan of library of Congress copy of the leatherbound luxury edition [English lang.translation of the essay]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1884 luxury edition
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 22719 - Rob Cross, Scott Taylor, Deb Zehner
Title: A Practical Plan - Collaboration without Burnout
SubTitle: [An article in the Winter 2018 issue of 'On-Point' Selected Articles from the Harvard Business Review]
Other Keywords: Time Management
Parent Document ID: 22582 - Parent Document Title: Where to Start - Make Time for the Work that Matters
Edition: Winter 2018
Page or pages: p.36-41
BHM No: 22584 - Larry Rosen, Alexandra Samuels
Title: A Practical Plan - Conquering Digital Distraction
SubTitle: [An articlale in the Winter 2018 issue of 'On-Point' Selected Articles from the Harvard Business Review]
Other Keywords: Time Management
Parent Document ID: 22581 - Parent Document Title: How to make Time when there is No Time [Reprints of various recent articles on Time Management]
Edition: Winter 2018
Page or pages: p.30-35
BHM No: 22583 - Francesca Gino
Title: A Practical Plan - Reclaim Your Commute
SubTitle: [An articlale in the Winter 2018 issue of 'On-Point' Selected Articles from the Harvard Business Review]
Other Keywords: Time Management
Parent Document ID: 22582 - Parent Document Title: Where to Start - Make Time for the Work that Matters
Edition: Winter 2018
Page or pages: p.42-47
BHM No: 22585
Title: A prime meridian 1790-1884
Keywords: navigation
Parent Document ID: 5326 - Parent Document Title: Greenwich Time and the Longitude
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 5
Page or pages: 116-151
BHM No: 7618
Title: A propos du pois du pendule
Keywords: practical pendulum performance
Other Keywords: weight
Parent Document ID: 6030 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin Mensuel de l'Almanach des Horlogers-Bijoutier, No. 199 - 1902 Septembre
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1
Page or pages: 1-2
BHM No: 7814- A. de Marchi
Title: A proposal for G Measurement with a Freely Swinging Pendulum
Other Keywords: G measurement using glass sphere on quartz fibres
Parent Document ID: 6138 - Parent Document Title: CPEM
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 8037 - Robert H.A. Miles
Title: A Query on the Shortt Free Pendulum
Other Keywords: Shortt
Parent Document ID: 7452 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2005, Vol. 14
Edition: 2005-4
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 9453 - David & Noel Evans
Title: A remarkable clock by John Ellicott
Other Keywords: Ellicott temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 2307 - Parent Document Title: Antiquarian Horology [Vol.08, 1972-1974] and proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1973 sep
Page or pages: 402 - 405
BHM No: 7956 - Willoughby M. Cady
Title: A remarkable Isochronous Pendulum
Keywords: circular-error
Other Keywords: isochronous
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1942 vol 10
Page or pages: 114 - 116
BHM No: 14238 - Dave Cooper
Title: A Renaissance Table Clock - Ca. 1640s - with a ca. 1680s modification - signed 'Peter Hornlin' [possibly a intentional misspelling of 'Peter Henlein'
SubTitle: [A e-mail from a UK Clockrestorer to FMM soliciting advice on a Renaissance Table clock, including 6 images(copyright of Dave Cooper, London)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Henlein?
Edition: 2021-March
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24003 - Alan Emmerson
Title: A reply to les Pook s boat rocking
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-4
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 9424 - Chris P. Duif
Title: A review of conventional explanations of anomalous observations during solar eclipses
Other Keywords: Foucault pendulum Allais
Parent Document ID: 6231 - Parent Document Title: arXiv - online documents repository at Cornell University
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: gr-qc/0408023
Page or pages: 1 - 11
BHM No: 8573 - Guy D. Aydlett
Title: A review of George Graham's classic escapement or dead beat by design
Other Keywords: dead beat escapement
Parent Document ID: 6185 - Parent Document Title: NAWCC Supplements and chapter special reports
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1973 summer
Page or pages: 1 - 52
BHM No: 8278 - Helrich Carl
Title: A rolling pendulum bob: Conservation of energy and partitioning of kinetic energy
Keywords: physics
Other Keywords: roll track
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1979 vol 47 no 4 Apr
Page or pages: 367 - 368
BHM No: 14235 - Hodinkee
Title: A Royal Return: King Seiko Arrives In the Hodinkee Shop - [2 Versions: An April 16 2021 5 p.-e-mail blast- vs. Hodinkee Homepage webofftrint...
SubTitle: ....on the same day of 11 pages]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: King Seiko
Edition: 2021-April-04
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 24076 - Various
Title: A Sampling of 22 diffferent Chapter News Letters of the NAWCC in the era frrom 2007-2016
SubTitle: [Including capters 1,, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 24, 25, 50, 53, 57, 69, 111, 124, 134, 136,141, 142 182
Other Keywords: Chapters
Edition: 2007-2016
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 22903 - John A. Robey
Title: A Scottish clock dial for determining Easter - An Article in in 'Antiquarian Horology' [AHS London] Vol.35, June 2014, p.827-833
SubTitle: [6 illustrations, 9 footnotes]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Scotland
Edition: 2014 Vol 35 No 2 p.827-833
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23189 - John A. Robey
Title: A Scottish Clock for determining Easter - An Article in AH [AHS London, UK]-Volume 35, no.2, June 2014 -p.827-833
SubTitle: [Six illustrations - 9 footnotes]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Scottland Easter
Edition: 2014-Vol.35 June
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 23200 - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie & NAWCC
Title: A set of Conference Badges (2) for the Symposium 'time made in Germany - 700 years of German horology - Nuernberg 2019"
SubTitle: [issued to Fortunat & Ruth Mueller-Maerki, September 2019]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock watch
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23251 - Haym Kruglak
Title: A short Foucault pendulum for a hallway exhibit
Other Keywords: Foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1978 46 4 apr
Page or pages: 438 - 440
BHM No: 8581 - Byron E. Leonard
Title: A short Foucault pendulum for corridor Display
Other Keywords: foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1981 9 sep
Page or pages: 421 - 423
BHM No: 8582 - Arnauld Tellier[Project-Manager]
Title: A Short History of Patek Phiippe's Chainmakers - ... and also including significant exerpts of the Antiquorum auction [A-HK-2021-April-25 ]
SubTitle: [featuring Patek-Lots 33, Lot 38, Lot 117,Lot 130- Patek Grand Complication Ref.5207{5p.}Estimate 1.100, 000 US$],Lot 128,Lot 129,Lot 285,Lot 286
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Patek Royal Provenance
Edition: 2021-March
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 24078
Title: A short history of temperature compensation
Parent Document ID: 5561 - Parent Document Title: Accurate clock Pendulums
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2
BHM No: 7665- Simon James Martin
Title: A simple experimental demonstration of chaos in a driven spherical pendulum
Other Keywords: pendulum spherical driven chaos
Parent Document ID: 6195 - Parent Document Title: Physics Education
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2001
Page or pages: 108 - 114
BHM No: 8314 - Richard B Kidd
Title: A simple formula for the large-angle pendulum period
Other Keywords: pendulum theory experiment
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2002 40 feb
Page or pages: 81 - 83
BHM No: 8449 - Armando Cimino, L. Bolton
Title: A simple optical transducer for the measurement of small vibration amplitudes
Other Keywords: sensor displacement vibration shadow optical
Parent Document ID: 6160 - Parent Document Title: Journal of Physics E - Scintific Instruments
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1985 18
Page or pages: 947 - 8
BHM No: 8182 - Vadas Gintautas, Alfred Hubler
Title: A Simple,Low-cost, Data Logging Pendulum Built from a Computer Mouse
Keywords: sensors
BHM No: 15053 - George Daniels, Eddie Cassidy[Design], Jonathan Betts[Consultant]
Title: A Story of Time -[ A series of six postage stamps issued by the 'Isle of Man" in 2000-Jan 24 showing 6 different escapements]
SubTitle: 22p Harrison - 26p Daniels - 20p Harrison - 24p Mudge - 38p Arnold - 44p Earnshaw
Keywords: escapement clock watch
Other Keywords: Postage stamp
Edition: 2000-01-24
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 18945 - Susanne Wong[Editor-in-Chief-of-Worldtempus.com]
Title: A Story Worth Repeating - Last week Last week, we spoke about the most common complication seen in a feminine timepiece...now we turn to the most exal
BHM No: 24030 - Philip Woodward
Title: A study of the spiral hairspring
Other Keywords: spiral hairspring theory
Parent Document ID: 3418 - Parent Document Title: Horological Journal [1995-1996] - The official Organ of the British Horological Institute,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1995/96 aug/jan
Page or pages: 1 - 56
BHM No: 8078 - Walter P. White
Title: A Superior Electric Pendulum
SubTitle: and some pendulum equations
Other Keywords: froment favrager
Parent Document ID: 6164 - Parent Document Title: Journal of the Optical Society of America
Edition: June
Page or pages: 767-782
BHM No: 18387 - Scott McClatchey
Title: A sustained demonstration Foucault Pendulum
Other Keywords: foucalult pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1981
Page or pages: 134
BHM No: 8580 - A.W. Crook
Title: A tale of a clock - online at stacks.iop.org/EJP/22/549
Other Keywords: pendulum model rocking case Thursday coupling
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics
Edition: 2001 vol 22
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2001 22
Page or pages: 549-560
BHM No: 8046 - J.B. Almeida
Title: A theory of mass and gravity in 4-dimensional optics
Other Keywords: Foucault pendulum Allais
Parent Document ID: 6231 - Parent Document Title: arXiv - online documents repository at Cornell University
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: physics/0109027
Page or pages: 1 - 14
BHM No: 8572 - Lars Boehmer, Jered Rubin, Batista Severgnini
Title: A Time to Print, a Time to Reform - [2019-March-Edition - Department of Economics - Copenhagen Business School]
SubTitle: The public mechanical Clock & the movable type Printing Press were of the most important complexd technnology of the middle ages
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Reformation - mechanical clock - printing press - Technology - human capital - Calvinism - Lutherism - instrumental Veriables
Edition: 2019-March
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 24269 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: A travers les Collections d'Horlogerie
SubTitle: Gents et Choses
Keywords: collecting collection
Edition: 1917, 1st, Limited
Page or pages: 275
BHM No: 10 - Negretti & Zambra (Metrological Instrumentmakers to the Queen, National Maritime Museums Greenwich
Title: A Treatsie on meterological Instruments | Exlpanetory of their scientific princples, method of construction, and practical utility
SubTitle: Facsimile reprint
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Weather instruments
Edition: Reprint 1995
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 24835 - F. M. S. Lima, Maurin Guebeli(The municipal administrator of town of Lichtenseig SG)
Title: A trigonometric approximation for the tension in the string of a simple pendulum accurate for all amplitudes
Keywords: physics
Parent Document ID: 6140 - Parent Document Title: European Journal of Physics
Edition: vol 30
Page or pages: 95 - 102
BHM No: 14511 - M. Henon
Title: A two-dimensioal mapping with a strange attractor
Other Keywords: chaos data analysis
Parent Document ID: 6137 - Parent Document Title: Communications in Mathematical Physics
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1976 50
Page or pages: 69 - 77
BHM No: 8033 - M. J. Barker
Title: A two-dimensional capacitive position transducer with rotation output
Parent Document ID: 6208 - Parent Document Title: Review of Scientific Instruments
Edition: August
Page or pages: 3238 - 3240
BHM No: 15276
Title: A Universal Sundial
Other Keywords: sundials
Parent Document ID: 6127 - Parent Document Title: Astronomical Society of South Africa
BHM No: 7987- Bob Holmstr?m
Title: A useful online resource for sundial creation
Other Keywords: sundial
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-5
Page or pages: 18
BHM No: 9436 - L. M. Leeds
Title: A venerable clock is made highly accurate by equipping it with quartz-crystal works
Other Keywords: synchronization quartz crystal
Parent Document ID: 6211 - Parent Document Title: Scientific American - Amateur Scientist
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: ??
Page or pages: 192 - 198
BHM No: 8413 - Richard B. Minnix
Title: A very short portable Foucault pendulum
Other Keywords: foucault pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6218 - Parent Document Title: Physics Teacher [The]
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1983 10 oct
Page or pages: 477 -479
BHM No: 8584 - Melanie Thomas
Title: A vos marques, pret... - La Chronometrie et le sport -Exposition Saint-Nicolas d'Aliermont, 1er juin au 5 octobre 2008
SubTitle: [Ready, set, go - timekeeping and sports - Exhiibit at the horological museum in Saint Nicholas d'Aliermont (France) 1 June-5 October 2008]]
Keywords: chronograph watch
Other Keywords: sports
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 13940 - Jaquet-Droz
Title: a voyage in time - Jaquet-Droz, Maitre Horloger
SubTitle: [Brand line catalog undated (1997)]
Keywords: catalog musical watch
Other Keywords: Jaquet-Droz
Edition: 1997 undated
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 12447 - D.Masis[Author&Collector], R.Chadwick[Introduction&Mayority-ofText], Clarisa Bruce[Photograpy], Duma-Media-Ldt[Design]
Title: A Voyage Through Time - The Masis Collection of Horological Masterpieces
Keywords: watch antique
Other Keywords: Collection Masis
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 417
BHM No: 24023 - Joseph Knibb
Title: A Walnut Marquetry Longcase clock
Parent Document ID: 7067 - Parent Document Title: [S-1969-07-29-Lon] Important Scientific Instruments and Watches and Clocks,
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 142
Page or pages: 45
BHM No: 8853 - Jim Dwyer, Tom Carol(Intervieee)
Title: A Watch Shop Offers a Look back in Time [Downlod by FMM from the NYTimes web archive in 2020]
SubTitle: [A short feature article on the watch repair shop that had operated on the lower level of Grand Central Terminal from the 1930s to 2009]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Grand Central New York
Edition: 2009 February 24
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23706 - Lindsay Talbot
Title: A Watch that's Shape-Shifted Its Way Across a Century - First of his Kind / Last of his Kind / Cartier Paralellogran Watch 1937
SubTitle: An illustrated article in the NYTimes Style Magazine | Feb 19 2021 | p.135[
Keywords: watch
Edition: Feb 19 2021 Style Magazine
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23994 - Lindsay Talbot
Title: A Watch that's Shape-Shifted Its Way Across a Century - First of his Kind / Last of his Kind / Cartier Paralellogran Watch 1937
SubTitle: An illustrated article in the NYTimes Style Magazine | Feb 19 2021 | p.135[
Keywords: watch
Edition: Feb 19 2021 NY-Times Style Magazine
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23995
Title: A watchfull look at Fashion / Ahead of their time
Other Keywords: fashion style
Parent Document ID: 5901 - Parent Document Title: Antiquorum Anniversary Issue of "SWISS STYLE" The Swiss Magazine for Leaders, Vol.11 No.2, 2004
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 7
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 7782- Hodinkee-Shop[online-at: shopnews@hodinke.com
Title: A Watchmaking First: The Swatch 1983 'Bio Reloaded' Collection
SubTitle: [E-mail advertising, through the 'Hodinkee (online) Shop' ] dated 2020-Oct-10
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: SWATCH Hodinkee
Edition: 2020-Oct-10
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 23777 - Marisa Abdomine
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: clepsydra
Edition: 2020 ca.
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24137 - A.F. Burstall
Title: A working model of the mechanical escapement in Su Sung's astronomical clock tower
Other Keywords: escapement water clock Su Sung
Parent Document ID: 6181 - Parent Document Title: Nature
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1963 199 sep 28
Page or pages: 1242 - 1244
BHM No: 8243 - Paul Melchger
Title: A. L. Breguet und seine Steinzylinder
Parent Document ID: 1351 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 01-10
Edition: 9
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 12578 - Reinhard Meis
Title: A. Lange & Soehne
SubTitle: The Watchmakers of Dresden
Other Keywords: Lange Glashuette
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 383
BHM No: 6696 - Helmuth Crott, Alfred Grimminger
Title: A. Lange & Soehne - Glashuetter Uhren
Keywords: catalog oeuvre
Other Keywords: Lange Glashutte Glashuette
Edition: 1st edition 1990s?
Page or pages: 143
BHM No: 5774 - Henning Muetzlitz, Elizabeth Doerr[Translator]
Title: A. Lange & Soehne Highlights
Edition: 201`3
BHM No: 20792 - Henning Muetzlitz, Elizabeth Doerr[Translator]
Title: A. Lange & Soehne Highlights
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Lange Glashuette Glashutte
Edition: 2013 First ENglish edition
Page or pages: 95
BHM No: 20793 - Lange & Sohne, A.
Title: A. Lange & Sohne Glashutte Deutsche Uhrenfabrikation A. Lange & Sohne - Jubilaums-Ausgabe - Ausgabe 1899 Preis-Verzeichniss [CD Rom Edition]
SubTitle: Goldene und silberne Ankeruhren
Keywords: catalog D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Lange
Edition: 2010 CD ROM scans
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 15179 - Lange & Sohne, A.
Title: A. Lange & Sohne Glashutte Deutsche Uhrenfabrikation A. Lange & Sohne - Jubilaums-Ausgabe - Ausgabe 1899 Preis-Verzeichniss [hardcopy of CD ]
Keywords: catalog D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Glashutte Glashuette
BHM No: 15204 - Henning Mutzlitz, Elizabeth Doerr[Translator]
Title: A. Lange & Sohne Highlights
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Lange
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 15174 - Kurt Herkner
Title: A. Lange Uhrenfabrik, Wuerm bei Pforzheim
Parent Document ID: 10122 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2002, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 41
Page or pages: 123
BHM No: 13401 - A.Lange&Soehne,
Title: A. Lange und Soehne - Glash?tte bei Dresden
SubTitle: [Facsimile reprint of the 1932 brand sales brochure, incl. pricelist]
Keywords: catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: Lange Glashuette Glashutte
Edition: Unknown facsimile date
Page or pages: 33
BHM No: 7191 - Quill and Pad[Website]
Title: A. Lange und Soehne Celebrates Ferdinand Adolph Lange's 200th with 200 Platinum 1815s
SubTitle: [An online article in English on the Quil & Pad luxury goods internet site )
Keywords: specific D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 20011 - A. Lange und Soehne
Title: A. Lange und Soehne Deutsche Uhrenfabrikation - Glashuette: Festschrift Jubilaeumsjahr 1895
SubTitle: [Auszug aus Ermert [] - Praezisionspendeluhren (2004)
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2015 facsimile of 1895
Page or pages: 49
BHM No: 19931 - Reinhard Meis, Downing[Translator] Allan
Title: A. Lange und Soehne, The Watchmakers from Dresden
SubTitle: [Volume 2 of] A. Lange & Soehne - Great Timepieces from Saxony, [Set of2 in slipcase]
Keywords: highgrade D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Lange Glashutte Glashutte ALS DUF
Edition: 2011, 2nd expanded edition
Page or pages: 446
BHM No: 17057 - Gabriel Tortella, Gisbert L. Brunner
Title: A. Lange und Sohne, Glashutte i.Sa.
SubTitle: Special issue of Tribune des Arts - Summer 2010 (Supplement to Tribune de Geneve)
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia watch
Other Keywords: Lange
Edition: 2010 Summer
Page or pages: 76
BHM No: 15172 - Langen,
Title: A. Langen & S?hne - Neuheiten 2003
Keywords: brand catalog
Other Keywords: Lange
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 4735 - A.Schnellhase
Title: A. S'CHELLHASE - Swiss Musical Boxes AND NOVELTY CLOCKS - 35 Avenue A, New York - Facsimile Reprint Editiion by Arlington Book Company
Other Keywords: Facsimile reprint of Mech Music Cztalogs
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 24831 - Ebauches SA
Title: A. Schild SA (Grenchen) - Caliber 1382, 1395, 1396, 1402 - 11 1/2''' - 26mm - Lever movement, self winding, sweep second, with power indicator/ day..
SubTitle: part 08 of " Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers", March 1953
Keywords: watch technical practical how-to
Parent Document ID: 10761 - Parent Document Title: Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18249 - Ebauches SA
Title: A. Schild SA (Grenchen) - Caliber 1475 - 11 1/2''' - 25.6 mm - ALERTIC Lever movement, sweep second, with alarm device and two barrels
SubTitle: part 13 of " Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers", September 1955
Keywords: watch technical practical how-to
Parent Document ID: 10761 - Parent Document Title: Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18250 - Ebauches SA
Title: A. Schild SA Grenchen - Caliber 1361 11 1/2''' - 26 mm - Lever movement, self winding, with sweep second
SubTitle: part 4 of " Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers", March 1953 ISSUE
Keywords: watch technical practical how-to
Parent Document ID: 10761 - Parent Document Title: Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers
Edition: 4
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18246 - SA, Ebauches
Title: A. Schild SA, Grenchen - [Calibres 11 1/2 1902 - 11 1/2 1862 - 11 1/2 1882 - 25,60 ]
SubTitle: part 19 of " Technical and Practical Communication for the Guidance of Watch Repairers", December 1966
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: ebauches
Edition: 1966
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 14190 - Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Title: A.-L, Breguet - L'orologeria alla conquista del mondo - Italiano - Landesmusem Zuerich
SubTitle: [Translation of Exhibit labels and Citations of the Breguet oeuvre retrospective exhibit 2011 at the Landesmuseum in Zuerich]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 16572 - Thomas Engel
Title: A.-L. Breguet
SubTitle: Watchmaker to Kings, Thoughts on Time
Keywords: biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1993
Page or pages: 219
BHM No: 324 - Alfred Chapuis, C[laude] Breguet
Title: A.-L. Brequet pendant la Revolution
SubTitle: a Paris, en Angleterre et en Suisse
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1953, 1st edition
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 1425 - Antiquarian-Horological-Society
Title: A.H.S. Publications [Recto] / Reprint from Antiquarian Horology [&} Order Form [Verso] [Ephemera]
SubTitle: [as found in FMMs copy of BHM 2'310]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1978
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23138 - Horological Society, Antiquarian
Title: A.H.S.Publications - [Flyer:Recto: 7books ,on Verso 'Reprints from Antiquarian Horology',
SubTitle: [.... a list of currently (ca.1975/76) avilable article offprints] [as originally found within BHM FMM's copy of BHM 2'308]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1975/77
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23135 - Paul Marmottan
Title: A.L. Breguet - His Genius - His Fame - His Work / son genie - sa legende - son oeuvre [Bilingual, paperback]
SubTitle: avec la reedition de l'ouvrage "Abraham-Louis Breguet" par Paul Mamottan
Other Keywords: Breguet patent
Edition: 2000? undated
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 6798 - C[laude] Breguet, W.A.H. Brown[Translator]
Title: A.L. Breguet, Horloger
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1961
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 2339 - Frederick Shelley
Title: Aaron Dodd Crane
SubTitle: An American Original
Other Keywords: Torsion pendulum
Parent Document ID: 6185 - Parent Document Title: NAWCC Supplements and chapter special reports
Edition: Summer
Page or pages: 1 - 120
BHM No: 17753 - Phillip Priestley
Title: Aaron Lufkin Dennison
SubTitle: An Industrial Pioneer and his Legacy
Keywords: biography watch
Other Keywords: Dennison
Edition: 2010, 1st edition
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 14769 - Mary-Jane Dapkus(Lectorer)
Title: Aaron Willard, Jr. and the Ship Capitan's Wife | Third Wednesday Webinar of NAWCC Chapter 8 - Feb 16 2022
SubTitle: Lecture Notice e-blast-REMINDER
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Dapkus Seacaptain' wife
Edition: 2022-Feb.16
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24659 - Christie's,
Title: Abbot Guggenheim Collection [The...] [C-2015-01-27-NYC] - A New York Kunstkammer
SubTitle: Auction Tuesday 27 January 2015 - Christie's New York
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 2015-01-27
BHM No: 19602 - Henry G. Abbott
Title: Abbot's American Watchmaker - an encyclopedia for the horologist, goldsmith and silversmith
SubTitle: [2011 facsimile reedition of the 1894 book: The American Watchmaker and Jeweler
Keywords: facsimile encyclopedia clock watch practical
Edition: 211 facsimile of 1894
Page or pages: 365
BHM No: 17017 - Henry Ginell
Title: Abbot's New American Stem Winder
SubTitle: for sale by Henry Ginnel, 31 Maiden Lane NY
Other Keywords: Abbott Ginnel
Edition: undated 1880s?
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 7256 - Christie's,
Title: Abbot-Guggenheim Collection: A New York Kunstkammer - Rockefeller Center, January 27, 2015 [Chritie's - A Flyer]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Guggenheim
Edition: 2016-02
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 19612 - Bulova,
Title: ABC Catalog of Interchangable Parts [The...] - Build your total watch Business on Bulova ABC - Accutron Bulova Caravelle
SubTitle: Interchanable Parts Catalog [1963]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Bulova ABC Accutron Caravelle
Edition: 1963
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 17857 - Marcell Bourdais, G. Grall
Title: ABC de l'aprenti horloger
SubTitle: Guide Pratique conduisant l'apprenti par la main depuis son entr?e en apprentisage jusqu'a sa sorti
Keywords: textbook
Other Keywords: apprentice
Edition: 1938, 6th edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 2714 - Anton Gruber, Georg Muench, Karl Strock
Title: ABC des Uhrmachers [Das...] - Ein Lexikon zum taeglichen Gebrauch in Laden und Werkstatt fur jeden Uhrmacher [Facsimile reprint 2015]
SubTitle: ... und fur alle, die in der Uhrenbranche tatig sind [Facsimile Reprint of 1955 edition, Ulm by NUZ - Original Edition is BHM 03871]
Keywords: reference facsimile clock watch
Edition: 2015 facsimile of 1955 original
Page or pages: 260
BHM No: 19906 - Anton Gruber, Georg Muench, Karl Strock
Title: ABC des Uhrmachers [Das?]
SubTitle: Ein Lexikon zum t?glichen Gebrauch in Laden und Werkstatt f?r jeden Uhrmacher und f?r alle die in ..
Other Keywords: encyclopedia
Edition: 1955
Page or pages: 264
BHM No: 3871 - H. W. vanderWyck
Title: ABC van de Zonnewijzer [Het?]
SubTitle: Algemene Beginselen en Constructies
Keywords: basic practical how-to
Other Keywords: make sundial
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 6808 - J?rgen Abeler
Title: Abeler Trends und Tradition - Journal 2001
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Abeler
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 1849 - Moritz Grossmann
Title: Abhandlung ?ber die Konstruktion einer einfachen, aber mechanisch vollkommenen Uhr [Preis-Schrift]
SubTitle: nebst einer Abhandlung ?ber das Reguliren der Uhren f?r den b?rgerlichen Gebrauch mit Tabellen
Keywords: historic
Edition: 1880, 1st edition
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 4498 - ?,
Title: Abhandlungen der Akademie zu Berlin fuer 1826
BHM No: 6165 - www.conservation-us.org
Title: About Conservation
SubTitle: [Weboffprint from www.conservation-us.org - Handout at Moston Gayles AHS Lecture speech at 2018 NAWCC Symposium in Dearborn}
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 22257 - Noel Macbeth
Title: About Pendulums and things we thereby detect
SubTitle: Pendulum Play.. A scientific Pasttime Needing No Knowledge of Science ... written for Boys, Girls and People of All Ages
Keywords: pendulum how-to
Other Keywords: supernatural paraphysics
Edition: 1943
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 11934 - Gerneral Society of Mechanics and Tradesman of the City of New York
Title: About the Gerneral Society of Mechanics and Tradesman of the City of New York - Founded 1785 |A 2021 flyer describing the Society and its mission
Other Keywords: New York
Edition: 2021
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24360 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: About the Horolovar Flying Pendulum Clock - The craziest clock in the world - With Instructions
SubTitle: [Instruction maual, miniture sizw]
Keywords: clock
Edition: unknown, none stated, 1970s?
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 21625 - Charles [O.] Terwilliger
Title: About the Horolovar Flying Pendulum Clock - or how to live with Ignatz ? "The Craziest Clock in the World" - with instructions
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Ignatz
Edition: 1970s? undated
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 17473 - F.M. Fedchenko
Title: About the Isochronous Oscillation of a Pendulum
Other Keywords: Fedchenko
Parent Document ID: 6170 - Parent Document Title: Measurement of Time - Moscow
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1958
BHM No: 8211 - Paper, Champion
Title: about TIME
SubTitle: [a book about time, doubeling as a catalog of printing papers]
Keywords: history timekeeping
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1580 - Prakash Dwivedi
Title: About Time - A first look at the nature of time By Prakash Dwivedi
SubTitle: [presumably an exhaustive, richly illustrated undated academic paper, as posted and downloaded from academia.edu]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2019?
Page or pages: 177
BHM No: 23301 - Bruce Koscielniak
Title: About Time - A first look at Time and Clocks
Keywords: juvenile timekeeping time
Edition: 2004, 1st edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 12237 - David Rooney
Title: About Time - A History of Civilisation in Twelve Clocks - Prepublisching Notice Juily 2021
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2021-Juli-01
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24197 - David Rooney
Title: About Time - A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2021-1st Edition
Page or pages: 271
BHM No: 24408 - Ivar Hauge Line
Title: About Time - Celebrating Mens Watches
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2015 1st edition
Page or pages: 2015
BHM No: 21576 - Paul Davies
Title: About Time - Einstein's Unfinished Revolution
Keywords: time
Other Keywords: spance and time astrophysics
Edition: 1996
Page or pages: 316
BHM No: 14580 - Gary Girdvainis[Editor]
Title: About Time - Function and Fashion for the Wrist [Issue # 06 - April 2014]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014 - Issue 05
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 19151 - Gary Girdvainis[Editor]
Title: About Time - Function and Fashion for the Wrist [Issue # 07 - Sept/Oct 2014]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 19510 - Technische Bundesanstalt, Physikalisch
Title: About Time - PTB
SubTitle: [A 14 page fanfold english language flyer and handouts distributed by PTB 2013 to the visiting public explaining the public time service of PTB]
Keywords: precision
Other Keywords: PTB Braunschweig
Edition: 2013-07
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 19048 - Sir David Salomons, Jean-Claude Sabrier
Title: Abraham Louis Breguet (1747-1823) - To carry a fine Breguet watch is to feel that you have the brains of a genius in your pocket
SubTitle: [Offprint of an article, quoting Sir David Salomons, Undated Reprint by 'Montres Breguet' for distrubition in their Stores ]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 2018 reprint
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 22031 - Emmanuel Breguet, Nicole Minder, Rodophe dePieri, Marc Bascou, Christine Keller, Beatrice Coullare
Title: Abraham Louis Breguet - Die Uhrmacherkunst erobert die Welt
SubTitle: [Katalog der Ausstellung 2011/2012:] Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zuerich - Musee Nationale Suisse Chateau de Pragnins
Keywords: catalog oeuvre clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet Musee Suisse Pragnins Landesmuseum retrospective
Edition: 2011, 1st modified Swiss edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 16585 - Emmanuel Breguet, Nicole Minder, Rodophe dePieri, Marc Bascou, Christine Keller, Beatrice Coullare
Title: Abraham-Louis Breget - L'horlogerie a la conquete du monde
SubTitle: [Calatlogue de l'exposition 2011/2012:] Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zuerich - Musee Nationale Suisse Chateau de Pragnins
Keywords: catalog oeuvre clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet SLM Breget Pragnin
Edition: 2011, ist French lang, Swiss edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 16586 - Derek Roberts, Abraham Louis Breguet
Title: Abraham-Louis Breguet
SubTitle: [A chapter from the Derek Roberts Trilogy on Precision Pendulum Clocks]
Keywords: highgrade precision oeuvre clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Abraham-Louis Breguet
Parent Document ID: 5567 - Parent Document Title: Precision Pendulum Clocks - France, Germany, America, and Recent Developments
Edition: 05
Page or pages: 55-66
BHM No: 10333 - Emmanuel Breguet, Pierre Buser, Estelle Fallet, Anthony G. Randall
Title: Abraham-Louis Breguet 1734-1823 - L'art de mesurer le temps
SubTitle: 1997 exhibit at Musee International d'horlogerie La Chaux-de-Fonds
Keywords: catalog exhibition oeuvre
Other Keywords: Breguet MIH La Chaux-de-Fond
Edition: 1997, 1st edition
Page or pages: 56
BHM No: 1245 - Curt Dietzschold
Title: Abriss der Getriebelehre mit besonderer Anwendung auf die Uhrmacherei und Feinmechanik. Mit zahlreichen Abblildungen, Facsimiles und Portraits
SubTitle: Bearbeitet fuer Uhrmacher, Feinmechaniker, Ingenieure, Techniker und alle Freunde der Uhrmacherei
Keywords: textbook gearing
Other Keywords: engineering transmission science bearings pivots and bushes springs
Edition: 1905, 1st edition
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 9714 - Curt Dietzschold
Title: Abriss der Getriebelehre mit besonderer Anwendung auf die Uhrmacherei und Feinwerktechnik, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Facsimiles und Portraets
SubTitle: Bearbeitet fue Uhrmacher, Feinmechaniker, Ingenieure Techniker und allen Freunden der Uhrmacherei [2013 Facsimile of 1905 original edition]
Keywords: gearing clock watch advanced technical
Edition: 2012 facsimile edition of 1905 original
Page or pages: 224
BHM No: 17992 - Uhrenmuseum-Winterthur[Switzerland]
Title: Absage Uhrenstamm vom 27.May 2021 [due to covid-pandemic] - Uhrenmuseum Winterthur [Switzerland]
SubTitle: [Membership newsletter canceling various events due to the covid pandemic]
Keywords: clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2021-April-28
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24123 - Georg Schindler
Title: Abschied von einer lieb gewordenen Redaktion
Parent Document ID: 1758 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 21
Edition: 21
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 12852 - Absolut-Vodka
Title: ABSOLUT GENEVA [A B&W copy of the Full page Color ad that ran ca. 1999-2001, showing an ultracomplicated watch movement featuring a 'ABSOLUT...]
SubTitle: [...gold closeup of a 'gold colored Vodka bottle shaped bridge. as partof the watch movementmovement]
Keywords: CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: ABSOLUT GENEVA
Edition: ca.1999-2001
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23720 - Joachim Hopfler
Title: Absolute Bestimmung der Schwere mit Reversionspendeln in Potsdam - 1898-1904 und 1968-1969
SubTitle: [Determining the absolute strength of the force of gravity in Potsdam 1898-1904 qnd 1968-1969]
Keywords: mechanical gravity measurement pendulum
Other Keywords: gravity
Parent Document ID: 17408 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2012, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie SubTitle:
Edition: 2012, Vol. 51
Page or pages: 101 - 114
BHM No: 17416 - unknown
Title: Absolute Gravity Measurements
Other Keywords: gravity measurements error sources
Page or pages: 110 - 119
BHM No: 8485 - Charles E. Mendenhall
Title: Absolute value of the acceleration of gravity determined by the ring-pendulum method
Other Keywords: g measurement ring pendulum knife edges
Parent Document ID: 6173 - Parent Document Title: Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1905
Page or pages: 1 - 26
BHM No: 8225 - Edward J. Dent, Bill Johnson[Editor]
Title: Abstract from two lectures on the Construction and Management of Chronometers, Watches and Clocks, delivered before the members of the United ...
SubTitle: ,,, States Institution May 1841 [Facsilile reissue, as Supplement (undated) of the San Fernando Valley Regulator], NAWCC Ch.75
Keywords: facsimile
Edition: 1970s? undated facsimile
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 11086 - Miscalleaneous,
Title: Abstract of Papers given at the Antikythera Conference, Athens 2006
SubTitle: [A weboffprint from www.antikythera-mechanism.gr]
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Antikithera Mechanism astrononomical calculator greece conference
Edition: 2006
Page or pages: 17
BHM No: 10626 - New Haven Clock Company
Title: Abstract of the Official Minute Book of the New Heaven Clock Company from 1853 to 1905
SubTitle: [Manuscript transcript, original minute book is at American Clock Museum in Bristol, Pagination as in original]
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: New Havan
Edition: 1905
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 14668 - Harald Hindrichs
Title: Abweichungen praehistorischer Steinsetzungen
Parent Document ID: 1757 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 26
Edition: 26
Page or pages: 161
BHM No: 13032 - Claude C. Albritton
Title: Abyss of Time [The..] - Chaging Conceptions of the Earth's Antiquity after the 16th Century
SubTitle: Unraveling the Mystery of the earths age
Other Keywords: geological time
Edition: 1986
Page or pages: 251
BHM No: 6688 - E. Otto Fromberg
Title: Abziehen [Das?], Ausputzen, Reguliren oder Stellen der Taschenuhren nach den Anweisungen ?
SubTitle: ?ausgezeichneter franz?sischer K?nstler, eine F. und L. Berthoud, Couet, Gaudron und Anderer
Keywords: historic adjusting
Edition: 1850
Page or pages: 66
BHM No: 4366 - AHCI,
Title: Academie Horlogere Createurs Independants
SubTitle: Vizenzaoro1
Keywords: catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: unique Vizenca
Edition: 1990s?
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 1674 - AHCI,, MIH Musee International d'Horlogerie
Title: Academie Horlogere des Createurs Independent- Artisans du Temps - 6.6.-27.9.2015 mih.ch
SubTitle: [Flyer for the 30th anniversary exhibit of AHCI - The global trade group of artisanal watch and clockmakers]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: AHCI
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 20203 - Terry Downs & Company, Fred RingerJr[Transcriber]
Title: Account Books of Terry, Downs & Company, Bristol CT - Volume #1, 1851 to 1856
SubTitle: Filmed by the American Clock and Watch Museum, April 20, 1977 - Transcribed by Fred Ringer, completed July 19, 2007
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Terry
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 18516 - Terry Downs & Company, Fred RingerJr[Transcriber]
Title: Account Books of Terry, Downs & Company, Bristol CT - Volume #2, 1851 to 1858
SubTitle: Filmed by the American Clock and Watch Museum, April 20, 1977 - Transcribed by Fred Ringer, completed July 14, 2007
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: account ledgers
Edition: 1858
Page or pages: 604
BHM No: 18517 - Balfour Stewart, Benjamin Loewy
Title: Account of Experiments made at Kew Observatory for determiningthe true Vacuum- and Temperature Corrections to Pendulum Observations
SubTitle: [Weboffprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Vol.17, 1869, p.488-500]
Keywords: barom.compensation temp-compensation pendulum
Other Keywords: vacuum Kew
Edition: 2006 weboffprint
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 10511 - John Sweetman Eiffe
Title: Account of Improvements in Chronometers, made by Mr. John Sweetman Eiffe: for which a reward was gr..
SubTitle: wth an appendix containing Mr. Robert Molyneux's specification of a patent for improvements in Chro
Keywords: historic
Other Keywords: Molyneux Eiffe
Edition: 1977, Reprint of 1842 adminrality edition
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 782 - George Biddell Airy
Title: Account of Pendulum Experiments undertaken in the Harton Colliery, for the purpose of determining the Mean Density of the Earth, ...
SubTitle: ... including a Supplement, beeing an account of Experiments undertaken to determine the correction for the Temperature of the Pendulum [Weboffprint]
Keywords: facsimile gravity measurement pendulum practical
Other Keywords: Harton
Edition: 2005 Weboffprint
Page or pages: 67
BHM No: 10428 - Nevil Maskelyne
Title: account of the going of Mr. John Harrison's watch, at the Royal Observatory, from May 6th, 1766, to March 4th, 1767. Together with the original ...[An
SubTitle: ... Observations and Calculations of the same. ... Published by the Commisioners of Longitude [2011 Facsimile, print on demand edition]
Keywords: facsimile clock
Other Keywords: longitude
Edition: 2011 Facsimile print on demand edition
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 16043 - David Rittenhouse, William Smith
Title: Account of the Orrery [from Pensylavania Gazette March 28, 1771, uigned, probably by William Smith]
SubTitle: [refers to the 1767 Rittenhouse orrery, now known as the Princeton Rittenhouse orrery]
Parent Document ID: 10775 - Parent Document Title: Rittenhouse Orrery , Princeton's Eighteenth-Century Planetarium - A commentary on the exhibition held at the Princeton Library
BHM No: 10778 - John Harrison
Title: account of the proceedings, in order to the discovery of the longitude: in a letter to the Right Honourable ******, ...[An...]Member of Parliament.
SubTitle: [Print on Demand Facsimile edition 2011 of the British Library Copy]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: longitude
Edition: 2011 Facsimile print on demand edition
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 16040 - Bennet Branson
Title: Accounts of Bennet Bronson [Clockmaker], Waterbury, Connecticut, ca. 1814-1831
SubTitle: [photocopy of cursive transcript of a "ledger book", as well as a typescript version, Transcribers unidentified]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: business records accounts Bennet Branson
Edition: ca 1814 to 1831,
BHM No: 14560 - W.W. Eichelberger
Title: Accuracy of Astronomical Clocks
Other Keywords: accuracy precision clocks
Parent Document ID: 6181 - Parent Document Title: Nature
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1907 75 no 1945 feb 7
Page or pages: 353
BHM No: 8244 - Douglas Bateman
Title: Accuracy of pendulums and many factors that influence it
Parent Document ID: 2658 - Parent Document Title: Bulletin of the NAWCC, 1994, No. 288-293, Vol. XXXVI
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1994 jun
Page or pages: 300 - 312
BHM No: 8255 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Accurate clock Pendulums
Keywords: precision pendulum temperaure compensation spring suspension materials
Edition: 1st
Page or pages: 263
BHM No: 5561 - Bob Holmstr?m
Title: Accurate Clock Pendulums - book review
Other Keywords: pendulum
Parent Document ID: 7217 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2004, Vol. 13
Edition: 2004-3
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 9420 - C.L. Goodrich, Frank A. Stanley
Title: Accurate Tool Work
Keywords: tool facsimile
Edition: 1988 reprint of 1908 original
Page or pages: 218
BHM No: 2946 - Bill McCuddy, David Graven, Scott Alexander
Title: ACCUTREON | IT IS NOT A TIMEPIICE IT IS A CONVERSATION PIECE | Join the conversation about American culture
SubTitle: THE ACCUTRON SHOW | Podcast hosted by Bill McCuddy, David Graven, Scott Alexander and featuring a special guest .
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Accutron Hamilton NY-TIMES advertisement
Edition: 2022-Sunday-September-04-2022
Page or pages: 117
BHM No: 24914 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron - Servive Manual - Series 218 - [1966 edition ]
Keywords: watch technical practical
Other Keywords: Accutron Bulova
Edition: 1966
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 19992 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Bulova Caravelle - Case Parts Catalog
SubTitle: Ready Reference Guide for Identification of Case Parts
Keywords: case part catalog
Other Keywords: Accutron Bulova Caravelle
Edition: 1974
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 2025 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Bulova Caravelle - Interchangable Parts Catalog
Keywords: catalog parts
Other Keywords: Bulova
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 4223 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Series 214 Series Service Manual
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 14610 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Series 214 Series Service Manual
Other Keywords: Bulova Accutron sewrvice manual
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 29 disc 2
BHM No: 11789 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Series 218 Series Service Manual
Other Keywords: Bulova Accutron sewrvice manual
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 30, disc 2
BHM No: 11790 - Bulova,
Title: Accutron Series 218 Series Service Manual
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 30
BHM No: 14611 - Accutron.com&its-USA-Advertising-Agencies
SubTitle: A b&w ad in the Sunday New York Time of September 11 2022 , page 3 bottom left corner17x9 cm | Join a conversation about Amercana culture
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Join the Conversation of Americana Culture,a podcast
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24968 - Accutron-USA (and its US-based advertising agencies)
Title: ACCUTRON | IT IS NOT A TIMEPICE - IT IS A CONSERVATION PIECE | Join the conversation about Americana culture
SubTitle: THE ACCUTRON SHOW | Podcast hosted by Bill McCuddy, David Graven, Scott Alexander and featuring a special guest .
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: ACCUTON
Edition: Sunday, March 05 - 2023
Page or pages: 1
Title: ACCUTRON | TIME JUST CHANGED. AGAIN. -- The world's first electrostatic watch. | 18 K gold | 60 pieces | Limited Edition
Keywords: watch contemporary analog
Other Keywords: ACCUTRON
Edition: NY-Times
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24499 - Michelle Schwarzenbach, Kurt Reichenbach[Photographer], Markus Marti[Interviewee]
Title: Ach, du liebe Zeit - Haben Sie einen Moment - Dann lesen Sie die Geschichte von MARKUS MARTI, der seit 40 Jahren das Uhrwek des Zytgloggenturms...
SubTitle: in Bern rictet. Er giebt uns die Zeit,ueber unser getaktetes Leben nachzudenken, und einen Moment innezuhalten.[Ein Artikel in der SI
Other Keywords: Zytglogge Bern
Edition: 2018 Dezember
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 22627 - U. Dubois-Sandoz
Title: Achevage de la Boite de Montre
SubTitle: [Serie:] Manuel de l' Horloger Practicien, publie par le Journal suisse d'horlogerie
Keywords: case how-to
Other Keywords: casing
Edition: 1901
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 11941 - George Feinstein
Title: AChF-3 Isochronous Suspension
Other Keywords: Fedchenko isochronous spring
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1997-3
Page or pages: 13-24
BHM No: 8154 - J.L. Sellink, A.E. Abbink, R.E. Wiggers
Title: Achterhoekse Klokken en Uurwerkmakers
SubTitle: Eenmalige heruitgave ter gelegenheid van de teentoonstelling Wijzers uit het Oosten, Museum van het Nederlands Uurwerk, Dec 2006 - Januari 2007
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Easteren netherlands
Edition: 2006, 1st edition
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 11705 - Lucien F. Trueb
Title: achtfache Weg zur Quarzarmbanduhr [Der...]
SubTitle: A paper presented at the Symosium: Die Quarzrevolution, 75 JAhre Quarzuhr in Deutschland - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen 20./21.August 2007
Parent Document ID: 12164 - Parent Document Title: Quarzrevolution [Die...] - 75 Jahre Quarzuhr in Deutschland -Vortrage anlasslich der Tagung im Deutsche7n Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen am 20. & 21. Aug.200
Edition: 12
Page or pages: 138-147
BHM No: 12182 - Ch[arles]-Ed[ouard] Guillaume
Title: aciers au nickel et leurs applications a l'horlogerie [Les...]
Keywords: facsimile hairspring
Other Keywords: elinvar invar pendulum
Edition: 2002 xerographic reprint
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 2321 - Andrew Ingraham, Jaques Houser[Transcriber], William Ultsch[Transcriber]
Title: Acount Book of Andrew Ingraham [1987 Transcription]
SubTitle: [ 1836-1854, Bristol CT ]
Keywords: US-Connecticut clock
Other Keywords: Andrew Ingraham accountbook account book ledger
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 81
BHM No: 14562 - Bruce Denardo
Title: Acoustic radiometer [An]
Other Keywords: radiometer
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: vol 72 June
Page or pages: 843 - 845
BHM No: 15319 - Robert Draucker
Title: ACR Lantern Pinion Wire Shear
SubTitle: [Manual for a specialised Watch repairers tool]
Keywords: clock tools
Other Keywords: Lanternpinion
Edition: 1980s undated
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 15999 - Act of Parlament[UK-1797]
Title: Act of Parliament-Anno Regni Georgi III...tricesimo septime....London -[1797]: An Act of granting to his Majesty certain Duties on Ckocks and Watches
SubTitle: [13p. - 33x30cm] - Every clkock is subject to a duty o 5 shillings, gold watch 10 shillings, silver wtch 2 s&6p. / A draft is also in the WCC Library]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Other Keywords: Act of Parliament
Edition: 1797
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 22546 - ?,
Title: Acta Metallurgica
BHM No: 6113 - Jaques Bauer[PresidentDuCommittee]
Title: ACTES - Journee d'Etude - 17/09/2014 - Les vecteurs de l'innovation horlogere: materiaux - conception - calculs
SubTitle: [Text of the 10 papers presented]
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 20474 - Societe Jurassien d'Emulation
Title: Actes 1977 - Societe Jurassienne d'emulation
SubTitle: [Yearbook1977, Jura Historic Heritage Society]
Keywords: anthology yearbook CH/F-Jura watch
Edition: 1977
Page or pages: 327
BHM No: 16533 - SocieteSuisseDeChronometrie,, G. Tiercy
Title: Actes du Congres International de Chronometrie - Geneve - 26.-29. aout 1949
Other Keywords: SSC Congres
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 197
BHM No: 7111 - unknown
Title: Actiengesellschaft fur Uhrenfabrication Lenzkirch Baden - Wecker, Tisch und Dtanduhren 1895-1905
SubTitle: [An annonymous reprint of (an amalgam of?) Lenzkrich catalouges]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Lenzkirch
Edition: 2010?, facsimile, not dated
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 15704 - unknown
Title: Actiengesellschaft fur Uhrenfabrikation Lenzkirch Baden - Wanduhren und Regulatoren 1895-1905
SubTitle: [An annonymous reprint of (an amalgam of?) Lenzkrich catalouges]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Lenzkirrch
Edition: 2010? facsimile, undated
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 15703 - Jan Holterman
Title: Active damping within an advanced microlithography system using piezoelectric Smart Discs
Page or pages: 15 - 34
BHM No: 15282 - Norihiku Takahashi
Title: Active heterodyne interferometirc displacement measurement using optical feedback effects of laser d
Other Keywords: sensor laser diode
Parent Document ID: 6186 - Parent Document Title: Optical Engineering
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1996 35 mar
Page or pages: 802 - 807
BHM No: 8282
Title: Activity reports of FK Elektrische Uhren as postede at Uhrenhanse
Parent Document ID: 6267 - Parent Document Title: Dokumente - Arbeitskreis Elektrische Uhren der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 05
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 8635- ACUTRON-and-its-US-Advertising-agencies|B&W7x9.5cm Advertisement in the NY-Times|Sunday, 11Sept.2022
Title: ACUTRON - it is not a time-piece, it is a conversation piece | Join the conversation about the American Culture | A b&w Ad 17x11 cm
SubTitle: THE ACCUTRON SHOW | Podcast by Bill McCuddy, David Graver, Scot Aldexander and featuringa special Guest.|
Other Keywords: Black and white small ad in the NYT of Sept.11 2022 page 4, 17x9cm | lower right corner
Edition: 11Sept.2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24989 - Hamiton-Division-of-Bulova-Watch-Company
Title: ACUTRON | Time just changed again | A B&W small advertisment in the Sunday NYTimes Sept.12 2021
SubTitle: The Worlds first electrosatic watch | HAMILTON ACCUTRON since 1912 |
Other Keywords: Hamilton Accutron
Edition: 2021 Sept 12
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24337 - John Robey
Title: Adam, the Devil and the Supernatural: An unusual English lantern clock revisited
SubTitle: [An article in 'Antiquarian Horolog'y, Volume 38, No. 4 (December 2017), pp. 533?544
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: AHS
Edition: 2017-December
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 21595 - Adams Brown
Title: Adams Brown Company, Inc. - Horological Literature - 1998 Catalog No.122
Keywords: catalog watch antique
Edition: Undate ca 1998?
Page or pages: 38
BHM No: 22471 - Alexander V. Roup, Dennis Bernstein
Title: Adaptive Stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with nonparametric uncertainty
Other Keywords: nonlinear systems
Parent Document ID: 6150 - Parent Document Title: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2001 46 1 nov
Page or pages: 1821 - 1825
BHM No: 8164 - Barry vanLieshout, Keith Piogott
Title: Addenda to the 'Lisbon' Night Clock - A horological research note
SubTitle: [in the collection of the Casa -Museu-Meidiores e Almeida, Lisboa]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 13
BHM No: 23122 - James Mackenzie Bloxam, George Biddell Airy
Title: Addition to a Paper "On the Mathematical Theory and Practical Defects of Clock Escapements, "
Other Keywords: Bloxam escapement airy
Parent Document ID: 15248 - Parent Document Title: Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society
Page or pages: 265 - 270
BHM No: 15250 - Sotheby's New York Watch Department
Title: ADDITIONAL UN-publicised Background information on many LOTS OF Sothebey's NYC Wristwatch sales Dec 2021 2021
SubTitle: [Never fotmally published aides for Sothebey's -- Staff use only]
Keywords: catalog watch
Other Keywords: NYC
Edition: 2021-Dec
BHM No: 24448 - Ned Bigelow
Title: Adjusting a Dual Pendulum Clock
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-3
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 9338 - Anonymous,
Title: Adjustments to Position
Keywords: repair adjust
Other Keywords: positions
Edition: Fifth edition, 1910
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 7224 - Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann
Title: Adler Musik Werke - 1900 - General Vertrieb durch die Firma Jul.Heinr. Zimmermann, Leibzig
SubTitle: [Facsimile edition of a 1900 catalog for music boxes
Keywords: musical
Edition: 1976? undated
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 16700 - Dieter Landrock
Title: Adolf Lange baute Taschenuhren mit Stiftankerhemmung
Parent Document ID: 1209 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 16
Edition: 16
Page or pages: 78
BHM No: 12711 - Urs Roth[GuestCurator], Kultuhistorisches-Museum-Grenchen[Exhibit Venue]
Title: Adolf Michel (1865-1928) -Uhrenfabrikant in Grenchen - Sein Leben, Seine Fabrik - Gastaustellung von Urenkel Urs Roth - 21.Feb-14.Apr 2019
SubTitle: [Flyer for a temporary exhibit 2019 on the history of the Adolf Michel Watch factory in Grenchen Switzerland]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Michel
Edition: 2019 21.Feb-14.Apr.2019
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 22622 - Horst Hassler
Title: Adolph Scheibe und Udo Adelsberger. Physiker und Uhrenbauer in Deutschland
SubTitle: A paper presented at the Symosium: Die Quarzrevolution, 75 JAhre Quarzuhr in Deutschland - Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen 20./21.August 2007
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Scheibe Adelsberger
Parent Document ID: 12164 - Parent Document Title: Quarzrevolution [Die...] - 75 Jahre Quarzuhr in Deutschland -Vortrage anlasslich der Tagung im Deutsche7n Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen am 20. & 21. Aug.200
Edition: 2
Page or pages: 24-39
BHM No: 12172 - Adolphe Chapiro, & Cheval , Chayette
Title: Adolphe Chapiro Collection
SubTitle: [as sold at auction poshumously 21 Dec 2012]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Chapiro
Edition: 2012-12-21
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 18061 - Mika Burgat-dit-Grellet, Jean-Paul Schaer
Title: Adolphe Hirsch (1830-1901) - Directeur de l'Observatoire de Neuchatel de 1858-1901
SubTitle: [Offprint from Bulletin SNSN 124: p.23-39, 2001]
Keywords: biography CH-Neuch?tel-Region
Edition: 2001
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 15822 - Willhelm Weisske
Title: Adressbuch f?r die deutsche Uhren- und Mech. Musikwerke-Industrie [1904]
SubTitle: CD-ROM Edition f?r wissenschaftliche Zwecke
Keywords: directory reference
Other Keywords: addresses mechanical music manufacturers trademarks wholesalers exporters
Edition: 2005 CD Edition
Page or pages: 458
BHM No: 7596 - Paul Duennhaupt
Title: Adressbuch fuer die deutsche Uhren-Industrie mit Einschluss verwandter Zweige und Hilfsgeschaefte. [1907]
SubTitle: [Offprint of the CD rom edition]
Keywords: directory reference
Other Keywords: addressbook germany
Edition: 2007 facsimile
Page or pages: 407
BHM No: 11049 - Paul Duennhaupt
Title: Adressbuch fuer die deutsche Uhren-Industrie [CD ROM facsimile Edition of DGC] mit Einschluss vervandter Zweige und Hilfsgeschaefte.
SubTitle: 1907 Unter Mitwirkung ... des Deutschen Uhrmacherbundes, des Zentralverbands der Deutschen Uhrmacher, und der Deutsche Uhrmacher Vereinigung
Keywords: directory
Edition: 2007 facsimile CD
Page or pages: 516
BHM No: 10794 - Dieter Landrock
Title: Adrianus Breit, 1653 1712, Rathausuhrmacher in Zittau
Parent Document ID: 617 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 1999, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 38
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 13305 - Dennis Kay
Title: Advanced Clock Service - dialrepair.com - Denis Kaye, Cary NC - Porcelain Dial Repair - Platform Escapement Repair -Atmos Specialist
SubTitle: [6 page fanfold avertising flyer, late 1990s, undated]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: late 1990s
Page or pages: 6
Title: Advanced Craftsmanship ELEVATED DESIGM | Eco-Drive | Purpusfull Power | PROMASTER |BLUE ANGELS SKYHAWK |
Keywords: watch contemporary
Other Keywords: Citizenwatch.com
Edition: 2022
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 24966 - Douglas T. Hamilton, Franklin D. Jones
Title: Advanced Grinding Practice
SubTitle: Machinery's Mechanical Library, Volume IV
Keywords: handbook historic
Other Keywords: grinding
Edition: 1915, 1st edition
Page or pages: 344
BHM No: 637 - John A. Nelson
Title: Advanced Scroll Saw Clocks - Meashured Drawings for Five Antique Examples
SubTitle: Five Complete Patterns Inside
Keywords: how-to case
Other Keywords: wood
Edition: 1998,1st Edition
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 4014 - H.G. Harris
Title: Advanced Watch and Clock Repair
Keywords: textbook advanced
Edition: 1978, 3rd printing
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 1081 - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie
Title: Adventure of the Quartz Watch [The...] - A Temorary Exhibit at MIH - Musee Internationale d'Horlogerie, La Chaux-de-Fonds
SubTitle: Translation of all text panels of the exhibit from the original French ino English and German language handouts for foreign language visitors
Keywords: electronic watch
Other Keywords: quartz
Edition: 2002-06
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 17459 - Jerry Malz
Title: Adventures in Creating the Best Advertising Clock Collection - and the selling it
SubTitle: [A CD of the powerpoint presentation by Jerry Malz, on occasion of the 2019 Eastern Regional in Syracuse NY NAWCC]]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: collecting advertising-clocks
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23312 - Talbot Baines Reed
Title: Adventures of a Three Guinea Watch [The...]
SubTitle: An e-book as part of CD ROM containing public domain publications
Parent Document ID: 14581 - Parent Document Title: Artifical Clockmaker, Plates on Horology from Rees' Encyclopedia and many more Horological Digital Books
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 14609 - Talbot Baines Reed
Title: Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch [The...]
Parent Document ID: 11760 - Parent Document Title: Horological e-books
Edition: file 28, disc 2
BHM No: 11788 - Talbot Baines Reed
Title: Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch [The...]
Keywords: juvenile watch
Edition: 1915 undated
Page or pages: 340
BHM No: 11950 - Michael Bruner
Title: Advertising Clocks - America's Timeless Heritage
SubTitle: With Price Guide
Other Keywords: advertising
Edition: 1995
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 3265 - AEG-AllgemeineElektrizitaetsGesellschaft
Title: AEG - Elektrische Uhren
SubTitle: [Katalog und Preisliste, warscheinlich 1929]
Keywords: catalog electrical electromechanical
Other Keywords: AEG
Edition: 1929? probably
Page or pages: 100
BHM No: 10019 - Nationalmuseum, Germanisches
Title: Aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt [Die...] - Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - Germanisches Nationalmuseum - Bitte Vormerken - 4.12.2014-12.4.2015
SubTitle: [Pre-exhibit advertising flyer for 2014/2015 special exhibit focussing on oldest known watch 'Nuernberg egg' by Peter Henlein]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein Nuernberg
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 18743 - Thomas Eser[Curator], Stephanie Armer
Title: aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - Erlaeuterungen zu den Ausstellungsstuecken - 4.12.2014-12.4.2015
SubTitle: The Oldest Pocket Watch in the World? The Henlein Dispute - Comments on the Exhibits
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock
Other Keywords: Henlein first watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 19639 - Thomas Eser[Curator]
Title: aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - Germanisches National Museum [Faltprospekt der Austellung]
SubTitle: [Flyer (in German) advertising the exhibit and relatred events - Folded 16 panel sheet]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein first watch
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 19640 - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Title: aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - [Austaellungsposter]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19656 - Thomas Esser[Curator], Stepnanie Armer[Catalog Editor], Roland Schewe[Exhibit Conservator]
Title: aelteste Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - [Series:] Kulturgeschichtliche Spaziergaenge im Germanischen Nationalmuseum]
SubTitle: [Austellungsfuehrer und Katalog] [The worlds oldest portable watch? The Henlein Watch Controversey]
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg watch
Other Keywords: Henlein first watch
Edition: 2014
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 19638 - Peter Fassbender
Title: aelteste, intakte Schlaguhr in Katzenbach/Pfalz
Parent Document ID: 9774 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2004, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 43
Page or pages: 167
BHM No: 13466 - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Title: Aeltete Taschenuhr der Welt? [Die...] - Der Henlein Uhrenstreit - Germanisches Nationalmuseum [Poster60x80 cm]
SubTitle: Austellung vom4.Dezember 2014 - 12.April 2015
Keywords: D-Augsburg/N?rnberg clock
Other Keywords: henlein Germanisches Nationalmuseum GNM
Edition: 2014-12
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19725 - Johann Wenzel
Title: Aequationsuhren
Parent Document ID: 10122 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2002, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 41
Page or pages: 81
BHM No: 13397 - Johann Wenzel
Title: Aequationsuhren
Parent Document ID: 4698 - Parent Document Title: Jahresschrift 2003, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie
Edition: 42
Page or pages: 27
BHM No: 13421
Title: Aerodynamic drag crisis and its possible effect on the flight of baseballs
Other Keywords: low speed aerodynamics baseball drag
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1984 52 4 apr
Page or pages: 325 - 334
BHM No: 7869- ?,
Title: Aeronautical Quarterly
BHM No: 6114 - AFAHA,
Title: AFAHA - Mailing Janvier 2014 - Voyage a Lyon, Cluses et Geneve Oct 2014, Bourse de Mer 2014
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2014-01
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 18598 - AFAHA,, Jean-Loup Caron
Title: AFAHA - Membership Letter 2016-02-08 - Bourse de Besencon 3-4 Avril 2027 - Voyage @ Rouen et Normendie 11-14 Oct 2017
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2017-02-08
Page or pages: 7
BHM No: 21021 - AFAHA,
Title: AFAHA - Programme Voyage a Vienne du 9 au 14 Octobre 2011
SubTitle: [Programm of horological excursion of Afaha to Vienna in October 2011]
Other Keywords: Vienna Wien AFAHA
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 15532 - AFAHA,, Jean-Loup Caron
Title: AFAHA- Rencontres Horlogeres previes en 2015 - Voyage a Paris 9-12 Octobre 2015 Appell de Cotisation
SubTitle: [Membership Mailing AFAHA January 2015]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: AFAHA
Edition: 2015-01
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 19606 - P. [Illustrator] Blommers
Title: Afbeelding van het uitwendig aanzien van het Rijks Planetarium te Franeker
Keywords: astronomical monumental specific dial / hands
Other Keywords: Eisinga Planetarium
Edition: 2000? Facsimile edition
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 6990 - Jonathan Betts
Title: Affair of the Queens Watch [The...]
SubTitle: [Appendix 5 to Rupert T.Goulds Biography]
Other Keywords: Gould Heinrich Otto Mudge Queen Charlotte
Parent Document ID: 10399 - Parent Document Title: Time restored
Edition: X-A5
Page or pages: 430-441
BHM No: 10456 - Jean Divo
Title: affaire LIP et les catholiques de Franche-Comte [L'...] - Besancon 17 avril 1973 - 29 janvier 1974
SubTitle: Collection archives livantes
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Lip Besancon
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 199
BHM No: 14761 - Leslie L. Harner
Title: After 100 years, the uses for invar continue to multiply
Other Keywords: invar
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 2000
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 8498 - Julie Ann Grimm
Title: After Repairs, 1880s Spitz Clock will tick again on the Plaza
SubTitle: [A front page Article in the Wednesday Sept 1 Edotion of Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper]
Keywords: specific clock
Other Keywords: Santa Fe Chester Johnson
Edition: 2010-09-01
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 15251 - Tool & Supply Co, AG
Title: AG Tool & Supply Co. - book 2
Keywords: catalog tools parts
Edition: undated ca 1990
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 6558 - Bruno Blonde, Gerit Verhoven
Title: Against the Clock: Time Awareness in early modern Antwerp, 1585-1789 - [An article in continuity and Change]
SubTitle: Vol. 28, Issue 02, August 2013 p.213-244] Download: http:jounals.cambridge.org/abstract_S026841601300026x -
Other Keywords: Time awareness Belgium Antwerp
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 21939 - none-given
Title: Age d'or de l'horlogerie Liegeoise - Liege remet les pendules a l'heure - Musee d'Ansembourg, Liege Luik Luettich
SubTitle: Exhibition 14 Nov 2002 - 20 Mai 2004 [Quatrilkingual Fanfold Flyer ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Liege
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 17484 - Andre Thiry, Ann Chevalier
Title: Age d'or de l'horlogerie Liegoise [L'?]
SubTitle: Liege remet les pendules a l'heure
Keywords: museum catalog Regional
Other Keywords: Liege Sarton de Befve
Edition: 1st edition 2003
Page or pages: 136
BHM No: 5707 - Jaqueline duPasquier, Fabienne-Xaviere Sturm, Pierette Jean-Richard, Bodo Hofstetter, Danielle Buyssence
Title: age d'or du petit portrait [L'...]
SubTitle: Cet ouvrage a ete edite a l'ocasion de l'exposition presentee a Geneve au Musee d'Horlogerie du 28 septembre au 15 decembre 1995
Keywords: catalog CH-Geneva watch case
Other Keywords: miniture painting enamal email
Edition: 1995, 1st edition
Page or pages: 351
BHM No: 12469 - Richard Wistar Davis
Title: Age of old watches shown by their construction [The...] - Read to the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, January 8, 1903
SubTitle: [loose Tearout sheets from "Proceedings of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia for the years 1902-1903, includes coversheet]
Other Keywords: dateing
Edition: 1903
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 14077 - Wim vanKlaveren[Editor]
Title: Agenda 2011 - Antique Horology and Barometers
SubTitle: The Horological Foundation
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: calendar
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 191
BHM No: 15791 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1933 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - XXXme annee 1933
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1933
Page or pages: 264
BHM No: 14477 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1937 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - XXXIVme annee 1937
Edition: 1937
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 14478 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1938 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - XXXVme annee 1938
Other Keywords: agenda
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 236
BHM No: 14479 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1939 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - XXXVIme annee 1939
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1939
Page or pages: 230
BHM No: 14480 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1949 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 45me annee 1949
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1949
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 14481 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1950 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 46me annee 1950
Edition: 1950
Page or pages: 156
BHM No: 14482 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1951 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 47me annee 1951
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 188
BHM No: 14483 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1952 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 48me annee 1952
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1952
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14484 - G. Albert Berner
Title: Agenda Horloger 1953 - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 49me annee 1953
Edition: 1953, 49th edition
Page or pages: 184
BHM No: 14485 - G. Albert Berner, Max Bossart
Title: Agenda Horloger 1954 Schweizerischer Uhrmacher Kalender - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 50me annee 1954
Edition: 1954, 50th edition
Page or pages: 208
BHM No: 14486 - G.A. Berner[Editor]
Title: Agenda horloger 1955 - Schweierischer Uhrmacherkalender
SubTitle: Cinquante-et-unieme annee
Edition: 1955, 51st edition
Page or pages: 225
BHM No: 18676 - G. Albert Berner, Max Bossart
Title: Agenda Horloger 1955 Schweizerischer Uhrmacher Kalender - Agenda de poche pour l'horlogerie et la petite mechanique - 50me annee 1954
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Agenda
Edition: 1955, 51st edition
Page or pages: 220
BHM No: 14487 - Watch Company, Hamilton
Title: Ages of Time, [The?]
Keywords: history timekeeping
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 703 - Clockmaker,
Title: Agreevaunces of the Clockmakers Citizens and Inhabitans of London [1622] {The...}
SubTitle: [Manuscript; the first record of any united action by the London Clockmakers, 16 petitioners, said to be all those who were householders in London]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 1622
BHM No: 21815 - TheClockmakerCitizensOf London
Title: Agreevaunces of the Clockmakers Citizens and Inhabitantes in London [1652] [A manuscript at the 'Record Officeas per Baillie']
SubTitle: [This beeing the first record mof any united action of the London Clockmakers. A petition with 16 signers, said to be all of them [probably wrong]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: Petition
Edition: 1622 unpublished
BHM No: 20755 - AHCI,
Title: AHCI - Depuis 1985 - Academie Horlogere des Createurs Independent - 30 years - 1885-2015
SubTitle: [Illustrated Directory, trilingual EN, GER, FRE, on occasion of the 30th anniversary exhibit at the Musee Internationale d'Hrlogerie in La Chaux-de-F.
Keywords: highgrade specific CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds clock watch
Other Keywords: AHCI
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 20136 - AHCI,
Title: AHCI 2015 Exhibiting Members - MIH Visitors Sheet with 22 artists biographies [Laminated original] Andersen, Calabrese, Wibmer, Gerber, van der Klaau
SubTitle: Nienaber, Preziuso, Baumgartner, Halter, Jutzi, Strehler, Haldimann, Prescher, Pita, Voutilainen, Eleta, Becsei, Chaikin, Jenni, Ma, Claret, Greubel
Keywords: biography
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 20071 - Benjamin Teissiere, Piere-Alexandre Aeschlimann
Title: AHCI and Baselworld 2016 - Perceptions and Results
SubTitle: AHCI et Bale 2016 - Perceptions et resultats
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: AHCI
Edition: 2016-04
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 20423 - ETA,
Title: Ahead of Time
SubTitle: ETA SA Fabrique d'Ebauches
Keywords: movement parts
Other Keywords: ETA ebauches
Edition: 1989
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 7564 - Stefan Muser
Title: Ahrens Collection [The...] - 400 years f epoch making horology
SubTitle: [Catalog of single consignor, 734 lot auction held 24 November 2007]
Keywords: escapement watch antique
Other Keywords: Ahrends
Edition: 2007-11-24
Page or pages: 400
BHM No: 19350 - Roscam Abbing, Hans vandenEnde
Title: AHS - Dutch Section - Uitnoding [2004]
SubTitle: [Invitation letter to a series of events otganized in the fall of 2004 vy the Dutch section of the Antiquarian Horological Society}
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19081 - Leslie Paton
Title: AHS - Fedchenko Installation Lecture
SubTitle: 14 September 1994
Other Keywords: Fedchenko greenwich
Parent Document ID: 18572 - Parent Document Title:
BHM No: 18573 - Helen Chapman(AHS-Secretary), Mike Bundock
Title: AHS - Lecture 13 January 2022 | Registration Open | (E-Mail blast dated Wed.Jan.05-2022-3p.)
SubTitle: BRITISH CLOCK TOWERS as Monuments of Memorisation | Live: Thursday, 13 January 2022 6h15 pm UK Time |
Keywords: UK-London clock antique
Other Keywords: Towerclocks
Edition: 2022-Jan-13
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24532 - Antiquarian Horological Society
Title: AHS - London Lecture Series 2012
SubTitle: [Program and schedule for the monthly horological lectures in Lonmdon of AHS held at the Royal Astronomical society]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 16505 - Horological Society, Antiquarian
Title: AHS - Notice is herby given that the SIXTY FITH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of theAntiquitarian Horological Society ...
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: AHS
Edition: 2019-May 18
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 22830 - Henry Casson
Title: AHS American Section 2011 Study Tour: London and Surroundings
SubTitle: Trip report, typescript, plus listing of suggested illustrations, for report in the AH Journal]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 2011-10
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 16316 - Johannes Graf, Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen
Title: AHS London Lecture - 16 September 2021 - Johannes Graf (Deutsches Uhrenmuseu Furtwangen)
SubTitle: The Pneumatic Clocks of Carl Albert Meyerhofer
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: pneumatic clocks Cal Albert Mayerhofer
Edition: 2021-Sept-16
BHM No: 24352 - AHS-London(UK)
Title: AHS London Lecture 15 Sept 2022 - email blast Tue, Sept 6 2022 at 6:18 AM | James Nye talk on 15 Sept 2022 |
SubTitle: e-mail-blast announcing fourth 2022 lecture: 'Johnathan Paine, inventor of the illuminating dials'
Keywords: UK-London clock antique
Other Keywords: illuminated dials UK Lecture
Edition: 5 Sept-2022
BHM No: 24994 - Rita Shenton
Title: AHS the first fifty years
Keywords: CollAssociation SciAssociation
Parent Document ID: 5271 - Parent Document Title: Proceedings of the Fitieth Anniversary Convention - Antiquarian Hrological Society
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 9
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 7604 - Fortunat F. Mueller-Maerki
Title: AHS USA Section Study Tour of Germany 2014 - Power Point Presentation
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia clock watch
Other Keywords: AHS
Edition: 2015
Page or pages: 131
BHM No: 19949 - No-Stated-author-or-publisher-but-presumably-the-brainchild-of James-Nye
Title: AHS | Stories of Time | The AHS electronic Newsletter |
SubTitle: A New Publication (Inaugural Issue) - Frequency-so-far-unknown
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique contemporary
Other Keywords: United Kingdom First Issue New publication Newsletter
Edition: Presumably-No.1
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 25035 - James Nye, Norman Heckenberg, Tony Roberts
Title: AHS-Electrical Horology Chap.(UK): 1.Weblink to Zoom Presentation Nov 2014 re.Synchronome Docs at the IET Library London/2.Making the Ferries run/..
SubTitle: ..Summary of Heckenberg paper:Making the Ferries Run on Time[A research project @ Mus of Arts&Applied Sience in Sydney/etc
Keywords: UK-London
Other Keywords: Australia - Sydney - Proud, IET Library London
Edition: 2020-11
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 23866 - Marisa Addomine
Title: Ai confini con la magia nella Roma Barocca: gli orologi di padre Athanasius Kircher
SubTitle: An article in 'La Vocce di HORA, Issue no.25 - December 2008
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2008-12, issue25
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 21949 - Antonio Paolucci, Giovanni Morello
Title: Ai crinali della storia Padre Matteo Ricci fra Roma e Pechino [Exhibi catalog Vatican Museum and Biography on occasion of its quatrocentennial]
SubTitle: [The story of Father Matteo Ricci [SJ, born 1552-1610] between Rome and Beijing] [Richi was also a clockmaker] Oct 2009-Jan 2010
Keywords: temp-compensation clock
Other Keywords: China Bejing Jesuit Mission Ricci
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 19833 - Benjamin H. Lipton
Title: Aim for a Job in Watchmaking
SubTitle: Aim High Vocational Series
Keywords: juvenile textbook
Other Keywords: vocational career choice
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 126
BHM No: 190 - Helmuth Crott
Title: Air bearing support for a pendulum
Other Keywords: air bearing
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1968 vol 36 May
Page or pages: 459 - 460
BHM No: 14236
Title: Air Suspension Gyroscope
Other Keywords: air bearing gyroscope sphere
Parent Document ID: 6116 - Parent Document Title: American Journal of Physics
Edition: 1960 28
Page or pages: 150 - 155
BHM No: 7872- George Feinstein
Title: Airy s Escapement
Parent Document ID: 7207 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 1993, Vol. 2
Edition: 1993-5
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 9043 - Albert Guembel
Title: Aktenstuecke zur Geschichte der mittelfraenkischen Uhrmacherkunst
SubTitle: [CD Rom edition der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer CHronometrie]
Keywords: historic REGIONAL
Other Keywords: guild Nuernberg Franken
Edition: 2008 CD ROM edition
Page or pages: 55
BHM No: 11619 - Albert Guembel
Title: Aktenstuecke zur Geschichte der mittelfraenkischen Uhrmacherkunst
SubTitle: [2008 Facsimile Edition der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie-a webdownload from DGC, Wepoffprint & bound by FMM]
Keywords: facsimile D-Augsburg/N?rnberg
Other Keywords: Franconia Franken Mittelfranken documents
Edition: 2008 Facsimile edition of 1928
Page or pages: 53
BHM No: 11711 - Aktiengesellschaft fuer Uhrenfabrikation [ Lenzkirch ], Bernhard Huber[EditorOfFacsimileEdition]
Title: Aktiengesellschaft fuer Uhrenfabrikation [ Lenzkirch ] [ 1889 Katalog ]
SubTitle: [includes: Preis-Courant der Actien-Gesellschaft fur Urenfabrikation in Lenzkirch (Baden) dated 13. Maerz 1889 ]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Lenzkirch
Edition: 2016 facsimile of 1889 original
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 21104 - Hans Behrendt
Title: Aktion Sonnenuhren (Aufruf)
Parent Document ID: 1611 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 11
Edition: 11
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 12619 - Ihno Flessner
Title: Aktiv waehrend der Pandemie in Hamburg [An article in German about the precison Pendulum Clock Broeckng 864
SubTitle: as published in DGC Mitteilungen Summer 2021 - 4 pages in German - 6 color illustrations
Keywords: mechanical precision specific " " clock antique pendulum theory
Edition: 2021-Summer issue
Page or pages: 5
BHM No: 24186 - Bodo Morawe
Title: Aktiver Streik in Frankreich oder Klassenkapf bei LIP
SubTitle: [Description of the violent strike and factory takeover at LIPin Besancon France in 1973, which marked the end of the Fremnch watch making industry]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: strike LIP Besancon 1973 labor union unrest
Edition: 1974, first edition
Page or pages: 166
BHM No: 13901 - Richard Muhe
Title: Aktivitaeten aus dem Deutschen Uhrenmuseum
Parent Document ID: 1126 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 36
Edition: 36
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 13015 - Philippe, Alain
Title: Alain Philippe - Swiss Watches
Keywords: catalog luxury
Edition: 2004
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 6423 - Alan Furman
Title: Alan Furman & Co - Since 1985 - Elegant Discounters
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Fuhrman
Edition: 1990s? undated
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 11136 - Leonard Beitl
Title: Alarm am Arm - Der mechanische Armbandwecker von A - Z
SubTitle: Grosses Armbandweckerverzeichniss von Mechanischen Armbanduhren
Keywords: alarm watch
Edition: 2009, 1st edition
Page or pages: 676
BHM No: 14742 - Michael Philip Horlbeck, Arne [Rhotographer] Psille
Title: Alarm Wristwatch [The...]
SubTitle: The History of an Undervalued Feature [tanslation of: Der Armbandwecker, 2001, BHM No. 2461]
Keywords: alarm
Edition: 2007-1st english edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 11547 - Converse Auctions[USA]
Title: ALARMING CLOCKS + MORE from MULTI-ESTATE Sale | Inbox Converse Auctions <info@converseauctions.com> Time is Ticking'
SubTitle: Multi Estate Sale This Friday (e-mail-blast Wed-June 1, 2020) - The Alarming History of Alarm Clocks | a 12p.e--mail-blast
Keywords: clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Converse
Edition: 2022-06-01
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 24732 - Roland Anliker, Brigitte Walser
Title: Albtraum fur Morgenmuffel - Wecker Austellung in Konolfingen - Berner Zeitung, Diesnstag 3. Sept 2002, Seote 29
SubTitle: [A nightmare for late risers - An exhibit of alarm clocks in Konolfingen, Switzerland} [Roland Anliker collection]
Keywords: alarm clock
Other Keywords: Alarm Konolfingen Anliker
Edition: 2002-09-02
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 17452 - E S
Title: Album d'Horlogeie et Bronzes - Album K - Marque de farique: ES
SubTitle: Maison Fondee en 1863 - Pendules, reveils, horloges, tableaux, regulateurs, double-face, porte-reveils, bronzes, garniture, groupes, statuettes
Keywords: catalog clock
Edition: 1900? undated
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 14995 - E. Develle
Title: Album d'Horlogerie Besoise - Contenant 18 planches de montres, petites horloges, pendules, etc. du XVIe et du XVIIe siecle
SubTitle: [Album of Horology of Blois (France) 18 plates]
Keywords: F-Blois watch
Other Keywords: Blois
Edition: 1913
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 20159 - Henri Bousset
Title: Album d'Horlogerie No. 50 - Henri Bouset, a Morbier (Jura),
SubTitle: Outils et Fournitures d'Horlogerie - Fabrique d'Horlogerie
Keywords: catalog popular
Other Keywords: Bousset Morbier
Edition: ca. 1900?
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 6783 - Alexander Bain, W.D. Hackmann
Title: Alexander Bain's Short History of the Electric Clock
Keywords: history electrical facsimile
Edition: 1973 facsimile
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 5351 - Alexander Raymond Jones
Title: Alexander Raymond Jones - Bibliography of books and articles he authored - Expert on Timekeeping in Antiquity - 2016 Edition
Keywords: bibliography
Other Keywords: Alexander Jones
Edition: 2016
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 20750 - Alfex,
Title: Alfex Switzerland
SubTitle: [Pricelist 2003]
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Alfex
Edition: 2003
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 1720 - Nicola Serverino
Title: Alfred Gatty: The Book of Sundials | A detailed 'Bookreview/Summary (in ITALAIN) | May 2008 | 8 pages
Other Keywords: Alfrred Getty
Edition: 2008-Mach
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24623 - Reinhard Reichel, Ulrike Kranz
Title: Alfred Helwig 1886-1974
SubTitle: Edition Pioniere - Deutsches Uhrenmusem Glashuette
Keywords: D-Glash?tte-Saxonia
Other Keywords: Glashuette
Edition: 2011 1stedition
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 18621 - Georg Schindler
Title: Alfred Helwig, der Nestor der deutschen Uhrmacherkunst
Parent Document ID: 1136 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Band 25
Edition: 25
Page or pages: 29
BHM No: 12947 - Robert Arthur
Title: Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Screaming Clock
Edition: 1968
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 9853 - Alfred Leiter, Petra Berginot
Title: Alfred Leiter, Uhrmachermeister fuer mechanische Uhren - Astronomische Uhr mit Glockenspiel umnd Automat - Replik 1542 Nuernberg Tischuhr
SubTitle: [capabilities brochure of artisinal clockmaker in Germany, ca. 2000]
Keywords: clock
Edition: 2000 ca. undated
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 20671
Title: Algorithm for fast digital analysis of interference fringes
Other Keywords: period analysis computer method
Parent Document ID: 6125 - Parent Document Title: Applied Optics
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1980 19 8 apr 15
Page or pages: 1223 - 1225
BHM No: 7985- Waterbury,
Title: Ali-Baba and the forty Thieves
SubTitle: The Open Sesame to Punctuality and Prosperity:The Waterbury Trio
Keywords: catalog Connecticut watch
Other Keywords: Waterbury
Edition: 2005 facsimile download of a ca. 1920s? Edition
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 7451 - Alice Morse Earle
Title: Alice Morse Earle - On Sundials
SubTitle: [A Mini CD ROM containing pdf-files of] Chapter 17 of "Old Time Gardens(1901)" and "Sun-Dials & Roses of Yesteryear(1902)"
Keywords: historic facsimile
Edition: 2005-CD Rom edition
Page or pages: 502
BHM No: 8977 - Lena Towsley
Title: All around the Clock
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: tell time
Edition: 1934
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 15588 - George Daniels
Title: All in Good Time
SubTitle: Reflections of a Watchmaker
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Daniels
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 159
BHM No: 377 - George Daniels
Title: All in Good Time
SubTitle: Revised Edition (2006)
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: George Daniels
Edition: 2006, 2nd revised edition
Page or pages: 225
BHM No: 10587 - Harry Behn
Title: All Kinds of Time
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: poetry
Edition: 1950, 1st edition
BHM No: 355 - Kilburg Geochron Corporation
Title: All of these Items are the Property of the worlds's most prestigious Museums. [Product Documentation GEOCHROM]
SubTitle: [Set of product information dated 1998]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Geochron
Edition: 1998
Page or pages: 20
BHM No: 16327 - Michael Payne
Title: All Pneumatic Clock? - Rock the boat
Parent Document ID: 7214 - Parent Document Title: Horological Science Newsletter, 2001, Vol. 10
Edition: 2001-5
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 9354 - ?,
Title: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physics
BHM No: 6115 - T. VanFlandern
Title: Allais gravity and pendulum effects during solar eclipses explained
Other Keywords: foucault
Parent Document ID: 6192 - Parent Document Title: Physical Review
Edition: vol 67
Page or pages: 6 pages
BHM No: 9639 - Robert J. Matthys
Title: Allan Variance and the RMS Time Error
Parent Document ID: 4902 - Parent Document Title: Clocks - Volume 24 - 2001
Edition: 1997-5
Page or pages: 19
BHM No: 9193 - Heleen vanderWeel
Title: alle klokken luiden - Over carillions en klokkenspelen
SubTitle: [All bells are ringing - on carillions and glockenspiels]
Other Keywords: carillion glockenspiel bells
Edition: 1979
BHM No: 5232 - Gillian Adler
Title: ALLE THYNG HATH TYME | Time and Medival Life |
SubTitle: A schoarly book by Mario Arnaldi; published in GNOMONICA ITALIANA, the italian Sundial Society |
Keywords: contemporary
Other Keywords: TIME, NOT Timekeeping
Edition: 2023
Page or pages: 247
BHM No: 25042 - Annetje Timp, Annelied Mock, Tom [Photography] Haartsen, Hans Jr. vandenEnde[Photography]
Title: Alle Tijd Voor Klokken - Klokken uit particuliere versamelingen - 19 juni - 26 september 2010 - Nederlands Goud-,Zilver- en Klokkenmuseum, Schoonhoven
SubTitle: [Time for clocks- Clocks from private collections, 19 June-26 September 2010, Dutch Gold-, Silver and Clockmuseum, Schoonhoven]
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Schoonhoven
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 84
BHM No: 15488 - Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Deutsche, Gerhard Zweckbronner, Klaus Schlaefer
Title: Alle Zeit der Welt - Von Uhren und anderen Zeitzugen
SubTitle: Katalog zur Austellung des Landesmuseums f?r Technik und Arbeit 2002/2003
Keywords: catalog exhibition
Other Keywords: Mannheim DGC
Edition: 2002, 1st edition
Page or pages: 296
BHM No: 4088 - Allegro
Title: Allegro Hall effect sensors
Other Keywords: hall effect sensors
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1999
BHM No: 8507 - Robert Berthoud
Title: Allemagne - Triple repetoire des No. de Brevets - Horlogerie et Brancges annexes 1877 ? 1952
SubTitle: [Chapter from "Triple repetoire des No. de Brevets "]
Keywords: reference patent
Edition: 1952?
Page or pages: 69
BHM No: 4317 - Edgar, Schuhmacher
Title: Allerhand aequatoriales. Oh, diese Namen!
Parent Document ID: 485 - Parent Document Title: Schriften des Historisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fachkreises "Freunde alter Uhren" Heft 20
Edition: 20
Page or pages: 213
BHM No: 12842 - Ullrich Wimmer
Title: Alles andere als ... Alltag
SubTitle: Die heitere Welt der mechanischen Musik
Keywords: barell organ
Other Keywords: Drehorgel
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 131
BHM No: 10915 - Urs Karpf
Title: Alles hat seine Stunde
SubTitle: Roman
Other Keywords: novel
Edition: 1995, 3rd edition
Page or pages: 768
BHM No: 2829 - Museum Schwerin, Staatliches, Kornelia vonBerswordt-Wallrabe
Title: Alles tickt
SubTitle: Die Uhrensamlung des Staatlicehen Museums Schwerin, Bestandeskatalog
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Schwerin
Edition: 2000
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 1094 - Antje Marhe Fisher, Kornelia vonBerswordt-Wallrabe
Title: Alles tickt -Die Uhrensammlung des Staatlichen Museums Schwerin
SubTitle: Bestandeskatalog
Keywords: catalog directory
Other Keywords: Schwerin Mechlenlurg
Edition: 2000, 1st edition
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 2412 - Reinhold [Editor] Ludwig
Title: Alles ueber Audemars Piguet
SubTitle: hronos Special Audemars Piguet
Keywords: catalog highgrade luxury
Other Keywords: Audemars Piguet
Edition: 2000?
Page or pages: 130
BHM No: 5900
Title: Allgemeine Einleitung in die Uhrmacherkunst
Parent Document ID: 6715 - Parent Document Title: Uhrmacher[Der.]oder Lehrbegrif der Uhrmacherkunst V.1&2, aus den besten englischen, franzoesischen und anderen
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1.1
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 8751- Heine Xaver
Title: Allgemeine Grunds?tze ueber die Uhrmacherei
SubTitle: oder Handbuch fuer die Schwarzwaelder - Uhrenmacher und Uhrenhaendler
Keywords: regional Blackforest
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald economics costs
Edition: 1st edition, 1849
Page or pages: 126
BHM No: 7175 - Heine Xaver, Bernhard Huber[Editor]
Title: Allgemeine Grunds?tze ueber die Uhrmacherei oder Handbuch fuer die Schwarzwaelder - Uhrenmacher und Uhrenhaendler
SubTitle: [Facsimile reprint 2012 of a 1849 black forest textbook on basic clockmaking:" General Principles of Clockmaking"]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock watch technical practical
Edition: 2012 facsimile of the 1845 first edition
Page or pages: 129
BHM No: 17990 - Heine Xaver
Title: Allgemeine Grundsaetze der Uhrmacherei oder Handbuch fuer die Schwarzwaelder-Uhrenmacher und Uhrenhaendler
SubTitle: [CD-Rom Edition DGC]
Keywords: D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Schwarzwald
Edition: 2017 facsimile CDRom ed of 1849 text
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 20590 - W.A. MeierVerlag[Publisher]
Title: Allgemeines Adressbuch fur die Bijouteriebranche sowie die Uhrenindustrie und deren Hilfsgeschafte 1889 [CD-ROM edition]
SubTitle: [1889 Adress Book for the German Watch & Clock Industry]
Keywords: directory reference clock watch
Edition: 2010 CD ROM edition
Page or pages: 328
BHM No: 14765 - Adolf Meier{Editor]
Title: Allgemeines Adressbuch fur die Bijouteriebranche sowie die Uhrenindustrie und deren Hilfsgeschafte 1889 [Hardcopy facsimile edition]
SubTitle: [1889 Adress Book for the German Watch & Clock Industry]
Keywords: reference clock watch
Edition: 2011 facsimile of 1889 edition
Page or pages: 264
BHM No: 16231 - Journal der Uhrmacherkunst, Allgemeines, Emil [Editor] Schneider
Title: Allgemeines Journal der Uhrmacherkunst - 03. Jahrgang - 1878
SubTitle: Reprint Edition
Keywords: facsimile technical repair
Other Keywords: comercial
Edition: 1981, reprint edition
Page or pages: 426
BHM No: 1879 - Ferdinand [Editor] Rosenkranz
Title: Allgemeines Journal der Uhrmacherkunst - 19. Jahrgang - 1894 / 20. Jahrganng No. 1 - 14
SubTitle: Organ des Centralverbandes der Deutschen Uhrmacher
Other Keywords: AJU
Edition: 1894
BHM No: 6644 - Verband der Deutschen Uhrmacher, Central, Ferdinand [Editor] Rosenkranz
Title: Allgemeines Journal der Uhrmacherkunst, 01. Jahrgang, 1876 [CD Edition]
SubTitle: Organ des Centralverbandes der Deutschen Uhrmacher
Other Keywords: Allgemeines Journal der Uhrmacherkunst
Edition: 2005 aufgrund des Originals im GNM
BHM No: 9526
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